Birmingham Daily Post from Birmingham, West Midlands, England (2024)

THE BIRMINGHAM DAILY POST, SATURDAY, DECEMBER: 10, 1887. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. appeared in the late edition only The following telegrams of the Posr new Spanish PARIS, December Ambassador, presented Leon his Castillo, credentials the to D. Carnot to-day, and expressed in the name of his Sovoreign tho most friendly sentiments "I towards thank the the French President: DI. Carnot replied has Queen been Regent good enough her to convey to mo.

I would request for good wishes, which your Excellency also your entertain Excellency to equally inform sincero her wishes for the, prosperity of Majesty that on my part, and for the accomplishment of the noble task In her reign, which pursues closer the ties which unite, our two the with so much success and wisdom. cudeavouring to draw will perform work which will ho countries, highly your appreciated hers, and in which may rest Excellency a nasured of tho assistance of the French President and Government." which wore believed to promise a good prospect of success, Goblet's efforts to form a Ministry, with a sudden and severe reverse, and at the have met it appears not impossible that President Carnot present will be hour compelled to ask M. Rouvier to again accept the P'romiership of a modified Cabinet. Tho circ*mstances led to this position of affairs are these M. Goblet which set have about the task of constructing his Ministry this morning, believing himself assured of the M.

co-operation Faye, and of on Ribot. of offored that gentleman to accept the office He the portfolio of Justice to the refusal he requested Siegfried to sound, the in his Left name, group M. in Ricard, the -President of the Union of Chamber, as to his willingness to join the be Cabinet. allotted As in regards accordanco with the conditions known to M. Ribot, and tho other portfolios they, were to M.

Sigismond Lacroix Public and M. Instruction and Publio Works Meuard Dorian had accepted of respectively. Accordingly at informed fivo him o'clock M. that Goblet he called had upon assigned M. two seats and in the Cabinet to the Radical Ribot party, who would be and M.

represented Menard in the Dorian of futuro the Extreme ment by M. Lacroix Loft. -M. Ribot expressed surprise at the announcement, and said that in his opinion too large a share in Ministers had been given to tho Radical party. Under these stances he could not consent to join the Cabinct.

How. at the request of M. Goblet, ho agreed to gO with him to the whera a conference took place, which was ever, President that two portfolios out of ten wore not too many to until eight o'clook. -M. Goblet submitted to the prolonged allot to the Radical party, and M.

Carnot joined M. Goblet in urging ME. Ribot to take office. The latter persisted, however, in his refusal to alter his determination, he but at length agreed to defer his final decision until had seen Siegfried. That gentleman called on M.

at ten o'clock. The visit led to' nothing, as mind M. Ribot Ribot, after some conversation, declared that his was bination formed up, by M. Goblet, At the same time, M. made and that ho would not join the comRicard sent word to D.

Goblet that ho also would not consent to be a member of Ministry composed in the manner proposed. M. Goblet regards these refusals, on the on part the of two of the prominent Union of men, the 08 Left, and it is believed that he denial of co-operation lay down the mission entrusted to him by Presipart will now dent Carnot. He has not yet, however, formed any preciso and he will confer to-morrow morning with the upon the situation. Ho goes to the nine resolution, o'clock.

after discussing matters with the President, M. Presidont Goblet If, should definitely refuse to take any further steps, it is probable that M. Carnot will turn to M. Rouvior, and ask him to return to office at the head of a modified Cabinet. MDT.

Ribot and Goblet apart from the subject of the Reports are in ciroulation that differences oxist between Radical share in the Cabinet, and that there is a division between them on various points, notably with regard to the question of the income tax and the budget of public worship. BERLIN, December Convention providing for the provisional prolongation of the existing Treaty of Commerco until June 30, 1888, was signed in Vienna to-day. It is stipulated that if notice to terminate the treaty is not given before February from 15 of next date. year it is to remain in force for another year that NEW YORK, December the notorious Anarchist, was sentenced to-day to one year's imprisonment. A stay of execution was however grapted, pending an appeal.

The Chicago Anarchists have abandoned their projected demonstration, the proceeds from which were intended to be devoted to the benefit of the families of those executed and imprisoned at Chicago last month. Disturbances were apprehended in a the event of the demonstration taking NEW YORK, December delegates of the Peace place, Association of Great Eritain will present their views upon international arbitration to the members of the Virginia House of Representatives in the hall of nomi- the Parliament House. The Republican Convention to nato the candidates of tho party for the offices of Presi. dent and Vice-president of tho Republic will meet at Chicago on June 19th next. Ontario, have abandoned the election suit against Sir TORONTO, December Liberals of Kingston, John Macdonald, the Premier, whose seat in the Dominion House of Commons for Kingston has now been confirmed.

The Judge, who heard the abortive action, stated that the facts proved the election to havo been an exceptionally pure one, At a public meeting at Ottawa, convened by the Irish National League, the Hon. John Costigan, Minister of Inland Revenue, made 'a speech urging the continuation of the present agitation until Ireland obtained justice. A subscription list was opened after the BERLIN, December Magdebery Zeitung this meeting. evening publishes intelligence from San Remo Prince stating have that the physicians in attendance upon the Crown during the last few days not only begun to entortain hopes of preserving the Prince's lifo, but also of his Imperial Highness's complete recovery. FOREIGN COMMERCIAL NEWS.

PARTy, December Bourse was firmer. Political bold. news from abroad induces operators for rise to act with more For monoy, the Three per Cent. Rentes remained unness. altered, but the Four-and-a-Half per Cents.

gained for the Italian account Rento rose 150., Improvement Credit Voncier 7f. Ottoman Bank the was 121. and 5c. respectively. Suez Canal Shares 16f.

Panama Rio Tinto 21f, and Egyptian Unified Stock 2f. Turkish Spanish Exterior per Russian Stock of 1877 par and Hungarian Gold Rente per cent. Cheques higher, at December Bourse to-day was rather firm, but there BERLIN, were not features of intotest to report. Business any generally was limited. Russian stocks of 1871 Exchango and 1873 steady, improved and per cent.

Roubles and St. Petersburg unaltered. Private discount, per cent. funds VIENNA, owing to December the more general favourable rumours respecting the recovery took place in home and alleged Credit Anstalt were both 1A. higher.

Exchange on London massing of Russian troops near the frontier. Lemberg was casier, at FRANKFORT, Decembor was a firmer feeling higher. prevalent on to-day's Bourse, and quotations were generally AMERICAN MARKETS. NEW YORK, December easy. Cotton dull.

PetroLard firm. Wheat opened weaker, but closed leum strong. Flour dull. Corn casier. Sugar quiet.

Coffee Arm. Iron stendy. firm. Stocks opened Arm after a partial reaction the market closed dull, but firm. Export clearances -Wheat, 400,000 bushels; Indian corn, 610,000 bushels.

NEW YORK PRICES. Call Money U.S. Gov, Bonds, ditto, Other Securities, Exchange Paris, on 5.25 Exchange on Berlin, 91 Four London, 4.81¼ Cable Transfers, 4.85; Exchange on per Cent. U.S. Funded Loan, SALES Doc.

9. Dec. 9. Dec. 8.

10,100 Western Union Telegraph 18 1,165 Missouri, Kanuas, Texas Shares $8,00) 5,300 Ditto, And Mortgage Bonds Erie Railroad Shares 29 Obio and Mississippi Ord. Shares 24 24 600 Wabash, St. Louis, Pacific F.Sh. 30 Wabash Railroad Com. Stock 16 20,900 Philadelphia Iteading 57 21,575 '333 Central Pacific Railroad 343 Union Pacidc Shares 1,907 New York Central Shares 114 100 Illinois Railroad Shares 23,020 Delaware and Lakawana Shares.

129 6,433 Lake Shore Railroad Shares 542 Pennsylvania She. (Philadelphia) 3,205 Chicago Ordinary Pref.Stk. 107 140 1065 920 Canada Southern Chicago and N. Western 9,454 Louis, and Nash. Ord.

Sh. 26,518 100 N. Ontario, and West. Ord. Sh.

Chicago, St. Paul.Sh. 445 Denver Shares (New Stock) 223 22 Northern Pacific Com. Stock 22 1,360 Northern Pacific Shares Preferred 543 1,675 300 Michigan Central Shares 8634 Canadian Pacitic 1,300 Central of New Jersey Shores Shrs. 300 (St.

Louis San Francisco, 1st Pf. 112 Norfolk and Western, Pref. 112 200 Ditto, Pref. Shares Ditto, Common Shares Com. 35 1,200 Oregon Traus-Cont.

Dec. 9, Dec. 8. Dec. 7.

Day's Rec. G. S. 42,000 10,000 39,000 23,000 15,000 31,000 Cotton, Cotton, Day 8 Ex. to Britain.

Cotton, Day's Expt. to d'l'ry Conti'nt 10.43 15,000 10.45 4,000 10.51 11,000 Cotton, Futures, March delivery 10.61 10.61 10.69 Cotton, Futures, Jan. Cotton, Futures, July April delivery. 10.60 10.88: 10.87 10.68 10.75 10.93 Cotton, Cotton, Mid. Futures, at New 934 Cotton, ditto, 63.

Petroleum, Petroleum, Unified P. L. Standard White. 71 Petroleum, Potroleum, ditto, 7.80 7.80 7.80 Lard, Fufurss, Jan. 7.90 7.90 7.90 Flour, Ex.

State Ship. Brands 3.30, 3.50| 3.30, 3.50 3.30, 3.50 Ditto, Fairbanks 7.85 7.80 7.85 Corn, Wheat, Red Winter, on New 63 63 Wheat, R. deliv. cur, month 91 Wheat, Wheat, It. delivery delivery Feb.

R. Jan. Spring Wheat, No. 2, ou 891 Red Winter, Coffee, Fair Rio 18 Jun. delivery (new 15.10 15.05 14.85 Coffue, Rio.

No. 7 low ordinary, Ditto, ditto, March 15.00 15.00 14.75 Coffee, Good Rio (new Sugar, Fair Refln. Prime City Tallow nominal Saltings nominal nominal Tin, 35.10 35.10 34.90 Freight for Groin, steam to L'pooll 3d. 3d. 3d.

Do. do. to London, per Freight for Cotton to Liverpool. 9.64 9-64 9.64 Iron. Coltness, No.

1 21.50 21.50 21.50 Spirits of Turpentine Wheat, May delivery at Chicago 8132 Corn, May delivery at Sales, Decembor 9. Wheat (futures), 4,416,000 bushels; wheat (spot), 86,000 bushels; corn (futures), corn (spot), 56,000 bushels; cotton, bales; coffee, 40.700 bags lard, 14,000 tierces petroleum, 1,040,000 barrels; runs, 40,000 barrels: shipments, 81,000 barrels. items represent the production of petroleum at the wells and the shipments from the oil regions. SINGULAR CHARGE OF MURDER. -An extraordinary trial for poisoning a woman was hoard yesterday at the Connaught Assizes at Sligo.

The accused were a man named Mi and his mother and sister, and they were charged with murdering the wife of the man by administoring arsenio to her in whisky. The evidence for the two women sought to get rid of the wife because she did piosecutor was of a remarkable nature, alleging that the not bring to her husband so large a fortune as was expected before tho marriage. Witnesses deposed that the male prisoner, on seeing He his went wife on lying his dead knees on and the kissed floor, the was much affected. and then warned his mother and sister to mind corpse, themselves. He added that what his mother had at been planning.a long them time that past they they bad had left his accomplished wife a last, warned as corpse that, of day, the so witnesses stated that at the wake the female he would leave them corpses on the morrow.

One prisoner carefully avoided after going burial. near The the body, medical which ovidence was that deceased, died from arsenical poisoning but exhumed three weeks evidence for the prosecution to prove the purchase of showed the arsenic female prisoners practically broke the The jury acquitted the prisoners. bert Two Warehouse, Shilling Tea 95, Sold Bull in Streot, England and is that Barrow's supplied Stores, Barrow's Ten Corporation Street, THE EUROPEAN SITUATION. VIENNA, December 9. -The semi-official Fremdenblatt, referring to-day military to conference information at the Hofburg, undor the the published concerning presidency of tho Emperor, observes that any further yesterday's particulara of its proceedings must necessarily be withheld.

There is no foundation for the statements which have again been put forward regarding the alleged diplomatic enquiries at St. Petersburg by the German end Austrian concerning the massing of troops. The Governments renewal of the rumours in question has arisen from exchange of views on the subject which has been to the proceeding botween Berlin and Vienna, and which up present has led only, to decisions of a negative character. Colonel Sujeff, Military at the Russian Embassy left to-day for St. Petersburg in, compliance with here, summons from his Government.

In German diplomatic ciroles a positive contradiction is given to the statements that the German Government bad recently published commeuded the adoption of military measures of. precaution by Austria it being at the samo time declared that the meeting of the Military Council was entirely due to resolve on the part of the Austrian spontancous authoritios. The Russian military movements, especially the pushing forward of troops by echelons towards the Austrian frontier, are regarded in Austrian military circles with somo anxicty. ST. PETERSBURG, December reference to reports published in the Austrian and Gorman newspapers regarding the movements of Russian troops, it is pointed out here that since the retarn of the Uzar from Copenhagen order whatever has been issued with referenco to no reinforcement of troops on the Galician frontier, and that recent movements of troops were carried on in accordance with instructions issued more than a year ago, which included the transfer of the Orenburg division of cavalry, recently effected.

ST. PETERSDURG, Decomber There is absolutely foundation for the statement published by some French papers that the Russian Ambassador nt Rome and the Italian Ambassador nt St. Petersburg were about to go leave for an indefinite period, in consequence of the relations between Russia and Italy having become strained. PESTI, December situation continues to be garded calmness, The extent of Russian armaments well known, as also the fact that great maritime preparations are also proceeding in that country, this being proved by the recent launch of a new gunboat at Seba3topol, while another will be ready next week. Besides these at Nicolaieff and Sebastopol, six other gunboats are course of construction, Colonel Vernander, of the general staff, the most efficient officer of the Russian Engineers, under whose supervision the most modern forts in Poland and South Russia wereconstruotod, has just been appointed by the Czar president of the nowly-constituted committee for the defence of tho empire, In spito of all this the Austro-Hungarian authoritics are careful avoid every action which might be regarded 28 provocation.

The Government maintain that the armaments hitherto effected by Russia require further measures on the part of Austria, and they have mado no demand, either directly or indirectly, Russia to countormand them. Any further armaments inarease of troops on the frontier would, however, necessitate Austria's making a corresponding increase, and carrying similar armaments, in which case the delegations would be summoned, and a communcation on the subject would be made to Parliament. No representations would, how. be addressed to the Russian Government on over, subjcot, The Vienna correspondent of the Times telegraphs that military conference was held at the Hofburg on Thursday Immedimorning. under the presidency of the Emperor.

ately before the conference Field Marshal Archduke Albert had a private audience of the Emperor. The conference was one of those exceptional gatherings which are summoned on occasions when the question of the necessity taking considered. great There measures were present Archduke Albert, Count of military precaution has to of the Staff, General Book; the Army Corps ComKalnoky, Count Bylandt, the War Minister; the Chief manders of Vienna, Prague, Buda-Pesth, and Brun, and several other general officers. The sitting lasted four hours, and it was eventually decided that no special military preparation should be made-first, because the armaments in Poland had begun before the late meeting between the Czar and the German Emperor, and therefore evidently had not been caused by any recent breach in understanding arrived at in Berlin; secondly, should because would be undesirable that Austria-Hungory seem quick to construe the concentration of troops into a provocation; and thirdly, because the diplomatic relations between Russia and Austria were perfectly normal, There will be no second sitting of the Conference, An impression remains, however, that danger of war can no longer be regarded as remote. The concentration of troops in Poland cannot be accounted for on any peaceful hypothesis.

The Russians state that the of Poland have not been placed on war footing, but have simply been brought up to their full effeotive. It is also argued that it was necessary put Poland in a proper state of defence, as in case of war Russian troops could not be mobilised so quiokly as is C2.90 in Germany and Austria. But great military preparations, however and whenover made, imply the fear attack, and it is regarded as ominous that the attention Austrin-Hungary should have been first directed to Russian armaments by the German semi-official press. letter from Poland to the Wiener Tagblatt says -that villages are crowded with soldiers, and that opidemics have broken out among them. The Vienna police have confiscated a great quantity of metal matchboxes, illustrated.

with caricatures of Russian generals. These boxes were. made in France. Their confiscation is a proof that Austrian Government seeks to avoid all chance of giving offence to Russia. The Berlin correspondent of the Times says the journals continue to discuss the relations of Russia and Austria the light of the military preparations which, it in atated, are now boing made by the former Power.

But all their disquisitions are as so much mere clay, without the indispensable straw that goes to the making of bricks. With solid facts of any kind the public is not favoured, but learn from a prime source that the situation, as described by military writers in the Cologne Gazette and other German organs is grossly distorted. In official Russian circles it is positively denied (and I have reason to beliove that the same assurances have been offered to the German Government) that anything like a massing of troops taken place towards the Austrian frontier. There lately, indeed, been a movement of change and exchange among the garrisons of Volhynia; but these obanges been ordered long before tho Imperial interview in Berlin, and were only delayed by local and administrative stacles. Apart from one cavalry division, it is denied that any reinforcements nave been sent in this direction.

The Paris correspondent of the same journal supplies following: -In reply to a telegram which I sent to one my friends to St. Petersburg, who is in a position to perfectly well informed on the subject referred to in enquiry, I have received what follows despatch and removal of the troops by the Kief Railway took placo before the Emporor left. Sinco his return there has been no movement. You may state, as a conclusive proof of pacific intentions, that five days ago the Russian Government refused an offer from A very powerful group Parisian financiers to guarantee the raising of a loon to it 250,000,000 roubles, The reply stated that at present such a proposal could not be accepted. The despatch containing this refusal was signed by the Dinistor of Finance, specially authorised to do so." Tho Berlin correspondent of the' Daily Telegraph reason to believe that it is not an attack on Austria that the Czar is contemplating.

Three weeks ago his Majesty gave his Royal word in Berlin to this effect but events might have occurred to force him to change his mind. seems more probable that Alexander who will discuss the Bulgarian question diplomatically, is meditating a coup at Sofia, and that the Muscovite troops being assembled to back it up. Tho correspondent for the Standard at Berlin says Itussia has given no explanation of her undoubted massing of troops, and so Austria will probably be compelled to strengthen her forces in Galicja, and, if this leads to result, will probably follow it up by Note. All shows that the danger of war'is not imminent, although the situation remains very grave, PROTECTION IN SPAIN. The Madrid correspondent of the Daily Chronicle sAys the ory for increased protection has been raised all over Spain with such violence that it may lead to the downfall of the Government if it refuses to yield to it, or nt all events to 'the elimination from the Ministry of Senor Moret, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who is the most pronounced free trader in the Cabinet.

Senor Canovas del Castillo and the whole of the Conservative party have placed themselves at the head of the protectionist movement. The proposition they have advanced in the Cortes will, if carried, have the effect of putting an end to the commercial trenties with England, France, and other countries, AS 800n as the terms of the treaties allow of it, and of materially inoreasing the duties on most foreign goods, especially cereals. Romero-Robleda, one of leaders of the new Reformist party, bas also publicly clared in favour of protection. So strong, indeed, is the current, that many deputics and senators who favour free trade have 'assured me that thoy dare not oppose the proteotionist campaign for fear of losing all influence in their distriots. The Government has not yet, however, made up its mind as to what course to pursue.

Probably it will in the end effect a compromise by agreeing to increase the import dutics on agricultural products. BILLIARDS. JOHN ROBERTS 1. J. NORTH FOR £1,000.

-Yesterday, at the Billiard Hall, Argyll Street, London, these famous professionals resumed play in the 12,000 up, apot-barred match, North receiving 4,500 start. Resuming, the respective scores were North 8,585, Roberts 7,957. In the afternoon the champion played in his best form, and passed his opponent at 8,873. The latter mado 3 poor show, especially during the afternoon, when he only scored 288. Later on he played much better.

The principal breaks made during the day were -Roberts 105, 67, 100, 169, 78, 227, 65, 151, 77, 190, and 66, 151, and 121. North: 50, 48, 40, 75, 40, 67, 73, 39, 142. Closing scores Roberts, 10,001 North, 9,524. A PETROLEUM SHIP ON -About noon yesterday the steamship Bakuin, of London, undergoing repairs in Mountstuart Dry Dock at Cardiff, caught fire in the forehold. A spark from the engine ignited some empty petroleumn casks, and for a time the fire raged furiously.

The town steam fire-engine was requisitioned, and, together with the hydrauts of the yard, subdued the flames. The steamer is one of a line of vessels fitted with tanks for the carriage of petroleum between the Black Sea ports and Hamburg. THE SCOTCH CROFTERS. -It is underatood in the North of Scotland that the detachment of marines on their way from Plymouth in the gunboat Seaborse will be employed shortly, along with the Royal Scots at present encamped at Stornoway, In endeavouring where to effect arresta in the west coasts of Sutherlandshire, one of the ringleaders is still hiding among the hills. The tenants on the estate of Mr.

Sutherland of Skibo have had a meeting, at which it was stated that the landlord, instead of accepting the reduced rent as. fixed by the Crofters Commissioners, intends only to credit these rents in their as to account of old rents, and that he would not give them a disoharge in full. The tenants have employed all agent in the matter, and he has been receiving the reduced rents. A sheriff-officer has been deforced in East Ross. The Royal Scots at Stornoway have had some quarrelling with some of the local members of the Royal Naval Reserve, and the police had to interfere.

The Crofters Coromissioners have issued 250 final orders for fair rents in applications from eleven Caithness estates, DISTRIOT NEWS. KIDDERMINSTER. BOROUGH BENCH. -At the Police Court, yesterdaybofore. the Mayor (Mr.

M. Tomkinson), and Mes9ra. Sretton, Boycott, and Coxon-Henry Penn, carpet a foreman manufac- in the employ of Messrs. Morton and Son, turers, was charged with stealing 9s, tho money of the his employers. Defendant, who WAS foreman over orcelers, put down upon the wages list one more name than the number really employed, and thus obtained Defendant the pleaded which guilty, he but applied Mr.

Dawes, who prosecuted, asked to his own use, that defendant might be leniently dealt with. Penn month, was fined £5., and in default was sent to prison for a 'At the same court, Gamston, a milkseller, was fined £3., and in default was sent to prison for a month, for refusing to allow the Borough Inspector to tako a been sample convicted for selling analysis. adulterated milk, and the Mayor of milk for Defendant bad proviously said that any other casos of a similar kind which might be brought before them would bo very severely dealt with.Thomas Brandford, a young man, was sent and to prison for for month, in default of paying of £2. costs, broken in a brutal assault upon an old man, whose arm was a souffle he had with defendant and other men. STRATFORD-ON-AVON.

HEAVY FINE FOR KILLING -At the County Court, yesterday, three brothers, named Henry, Frederick, and Albert Baker, painters, of this town; were charged with shooting pheasants at Alveston pastures. named on October 1. -Defendants were seen on the day shooting pheasants. They had gun license each, but not a certificate. -The Bench inflicted a game penalty in each case of £5.

and costa. A. PROMISING the same Court, Arthur R. Ellis (11) and Frederick Ellis (13) were charged on remand with breaking into a warehouse at Alverston trans- Mill, and stealing a pair of boots and other property. their It pired that the boys had absconded the from home at They tramped about country for some time; when they were caught, and sent to the Ayleshury.

Escaping from this institution, they were next heard of at Ohipping Campdon, having been arrested for theft, The Bonoh, pending enquiries concerning them, ordered the boys' removal to the Shipston-on-Stour Workhouse. They managed, however, to again escape, and coming on to Stratford were once more arrested for theft. There was another case of stealing a coat at Stratford, but that was not gone into. -The Bench sentenced the boys to fourteen days' hard labour, and at the expiration of that time to be detained in a reformatory until they attain the age of eixteen years. BROMSGROVE.

FUNERAL OF MR. THOMAS funeral of Mr. Thomas Scott took place yesterday afternoon, at the Cemetery, the service being read by the Rev. A. E.

Seymour, vicar, and the Rev. J. Hall. The chief mourners were Mr. Walter and Miss Edith Scott, the son and daughter of the deceased; Mr.

J. R. Horton, his partner and the Rev. J. K.

Wilson (Worcester). Superintendent Jeffrey and the police headed tho procession the from The and Cedars (the residence of deceased) to grave, amongst those who followed were tho Rey. C. A. Dickens R.

(Tardebigge), Rev. J. H. Bainbrigge (Tinatall); Mosers. Smallwood, W.

E. Everitt, and T. White (magistrates of the division); Messrs. R. H.

J. N. Creswell, Holt, 0. T. Boswell, F.

Holyoake, J. Gabb, Captain Oldham, Mr. G. W. Gibson, the the Burial jury and officers Mr.

of T. the A. Court Leet, members of Board, Smith (bailiff of the County Court), a number of tradesmen of the town, Respect for tho deceased was shown by the inhabitants generally by drawing their blinds and closing their shutters. COVENTRY. THE JUBILEE SURPLUS, -The net balance of the fund subscribed for the local celebration of the Queen's jubilee amounted to £176.

16s. 4d. Twenty per cent, of their subsoriptions has been returned to ten subscribers, in sums varying from £10, to absorbing has £31, 11s. To the Coventry and Warwiokshire Hospital been given £43., and a like sum to the District Nursing Association. Four philanthropic institutions have received £10.

15s. each; and the final balance, after payment of outstanding accounts, will be THE given to the Teohnical Institute. BANQUET TO complimentary banquet to the Mayor (Alderman A. S. Tomson) was given in St.

Mary's Hall, on Thursday night, in recognition of his services to the town in the capacity of Mayor, particularly during the jubilee year. Alderman Gulson and presided. Alderman Dalton occupied the, vice-chair, among 0 large Leamington. company -The present Chairman, in proposing the toast of wore the Mayors of Warwick and the evening, "The Health of Alderman Tomson, Mayor of Coventry for the fourth time," referred to the public spirit usefulness of the Mayor during his first term of office 1881-2, which he continued during efforts the to following an end year, to the Holy Trinity. Vicar Rate, which at that time particularly with his successful bring was a source of illwill and of ill-feeling in the town, fand to the movement which he bad inaugurated for the establishmont of technical education in the toast was drunk with great expressing his acknowledgments for the referred high municipal compliment that had and been said he thought they had very much to be thankful for in paid him, the Mayor to work, being the recipients of the colleative wisdom of over 500 years, lessons of antiquity, and he thought to this was due the was a very great deal to be learned from the There fact that they had been enabled to get through their work without those unscemly discussions and personalities which had disgraced some towns he had read of.

-Other toasts were drunk, and the proceedings closed with the Anthem. STOURBRIDGE. BOARD OF Pargeter presided at the weekly meeting of the Board yesterday. as -The number in of persons in the house was reported 490, sgainst 554 the corresponding week last year. Out relief, £118.

2s. against £110. 3s. 1d. last year.

-The report presented to the Sanitary Committee showed the death- rate for the last month was 27 per: 1,000 in Staffordshire, and 20 per 1,000 in Worcestershire. -A letter was read from the Sturbridge Commissioners stating they should -feel it their duty to make application to the Local Government Board to compel the abatement of the nuisance caused by the pollution of the Stour from the district under the Rural Sanitary Authority, unless immediate action was taken to prevent such pollution. The Authority did not consider any pollution arose in their district, and the matter was left in the honds of the clerk. CAUTION TO the Police Court, yester. day, summoned to show cause why a recognisance of £5.

Thomas Bache, lodging-house keeper, Stourbridge, wag he gave for the appearance of one William Toworid should not be estreated. -It appears that Toworid was a lodger at Bache's house at the time of the assault recognisance, Bache and the man having been arrested for an became bail for him. The lodger afterwards absconded, leaving, Bache liable £1. for the Bench ordered him to pay ASSAULT AT ORADLEY. -At the Police Court, yesterday, John Parsons was charged with assaulting complainant John Kirton, at Oradley.

Evidence was given that was knocked down and kioked by the defendant. The Bouch fined him £2. and costs, or a month in The two men were also barged with a breach of the peace. Parsons was ordered to pay costs, and against Kirton there was no conviction. LAMINGTON.

THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. -It is said to be in contemplation to supply the now electric light to the post office. Mr. Preece, the consulting engineer on the subject of eleatricity and electrical lighting to the Post the Office view authorities, has recently visited Leamington the with of satisfying himself as to the suitability of new light for postal purposes, and is said to have expressed himsolf as highly favourable to the project. LIBERAL MEETING.

-Mr. A. H. Brown, M.P, for the Lecture Room, on Thursday, on the Irish question. He Wellington Division, addressed a large audience at the was followod by Mr.

Tomlinson, of Ireland, who soverely criticised and condemned the action of the National League and the plan of campaign. After questions had been answered satisfactorily by Mr. Brown, a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to him. STOKE-ON-TRENT. DESERTION OF A the County Police Court, yesterday, William Davies, who lately occupied a farm at Gill Bank, Goldenhill, was charged by the Wolstanton and Burslem Guardians with having deserted his was given that some months ago Davies went away and left his wife, who was suffering from she consump- was cared for by relative, but on the 18th February last she tion, in a state of destitution, For some time went into the workhouse, where she had sinco remained, the cost of maintenance being £10.

10a, The accused was a few days ago arrested at St. Helens, -He was sent to prison for TWO months, with hard labour, WOLVERHAMPTON. A NEGLECTED -William Owen (9), sohoolboy, was yesterday charged, at the Polico Court, with attempting to steal money from a till in the shop of Mr. William Sherwood, stationer, Snow Hill. The prisoner was found on Thursday evening behind the counter.

He said that the another boy had sent him. The policeman who arrested prisoner, said he was under no parentul control. -He remanded to the union for a week, until arrangements for his transference to an industrial school conld be made. HOSPITAL meeting of the Hospital Sunday Alderman W. was Edwards in the chair.

-The committee for Committee held in the Town Hall, yesterday chairman. year The Revds. E. F. Wanstall, G.

Duckett, and next was elected, and Mr. Edwards was reappointed A. Berry were again chosen hon. secretaries, and Mr. Forsyth, of the Wolverhampton and Staffordshire between Bank, -The balance at the bank was divided the Hospital and Eye Infirmary-the first institution receiving £46, and the latter £6.

POOR-LAW GUARDIANS. -At the meeting of this Board, yesterday--Mfr. R. Edridge presiding--a depatation, consisting of the members of the Workhouse Accommodation Committee, was appointed to visit the Cottage the Homes at of Marston Green and King's Norton. -Upon question paupers possessing money, Mr.

C. H. Cousins said that he had been informed of the case of a pauper who occasionally left the house to see his solicitor and collect rents. The master promised to enquire into this S. Lowe notice of a motion in favour of the inclusion Ho of tho the -gave Seisdon Union in the Wolverhampton Union.

said Workhouse at Seisdon could be utilised for the education of Wolverhampton pauper children. DEATH FROM ALLEGED POLICE VIOLENCE IN LONDON. -The coroner for Westminster has issued bis warrant for the recovery of the body of Alfred Linnell, on whom an inquest was held last Monday as to the cause of death, the man having beon knocked down- near Trafalgar Square on Sunday, the 13th ult, The the remains were lying in St. Martin's removed mortuary, and were on produotion of the warrant therefrom, with the objeot, it is understood, nature of further medical deceased's enquiry being In made as to the exact of the injuries. addition to the compound fracture of one of the legs, it is stated there are also marks on the other limb.

Tho coroner's jury will not meet again till Monday next; therefore it is understood that the funeral procession to Bow Cemetery, which bad been tixed for Sunday next, will have to postponed. THE MORMON INVASION OF large number of Mormon converts left Merthyr Tydvil and the Rhondda Valley on Thursday for. Liverpool, and yesterday Lake they boarded an Atlantic steamer as emigrants to Salt City. Brother Brough, of Salt Lake City, who for some time had been conducting a mission of the Church of Jesus Ohrist of Latter Day Saints, together with several in various parts of the principality, states to correspondent that great number of converts and bave that been made during the last few monthe, within the last eight months no fewer than 1,300 new converts have sailed from Liverpool to Utah. He states also that the Church have obtained liberal concessions from the shipowners for a number of companies to go out to Salt Lake.

The Mormon missionaries propose to conduot missions in six Welsh counties throughout the coming winter. LONDON GAZETTE, -DECEMBER. 9. THE -BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1883, RECEIVING ORDERS. BENJAMIN STOCK, Clarendon Street, Bury, Lancashire, grocer and FRANCIS beerseller, JAMES Trans, Coventry Road, Aston, Birminghom, out of business, lately wholesale and retail jeweller.

JOHN DAVIES, Whitford Street, Brynfynnon Terraco, Holway, both Holywoll, flintsbire, wheelwright. JAMES FREDERIOK BOTHAMLEY, residing at Alexandra Street, late Market Place, Eastwood, Notts, draper and tailor. JOUN THOMPSON EVANS, Emporium, High Street, Rhyl, WILLIANI CROSIPTON, Commorcial Square, Hereford, iron. bookseller and stationer. monger, WILLIADI BULLOOK, JOHN HIDEL BULLOCK, WILLIAM HERDENT BULLOCK, and THOMAS-ALBERT BULLOOK, trading as William Bullock and Sons, Jordangate, Macclosficid, silk brokers.

WILLIAM PALMER, Thuxton and Garveston, Norfolk, farmer and dealer. WILLIAM Spalding, licensed victuallor, ALFRED LAYFIELD, Church Mill, Richmond, lately residing at Weatherly, Yorkshire, corn miller. JAMES SMITH SIXTON, Market Street, New Dalton, Yorkshire, EDWARD FOSTER HONEYMAN, lato Melton Street, Middles. innkeeper. bro', now Napier Street, Darlington, professor of music.

CHARLES HARRISON, Tankard Ion, Rufforth, Yorkshire, innkeeper and blacksmith. GEORGE COULTAS, Hessie Road, provision dealer. RICHARD BEOKWITIT, King Street, Huddersdeld, furnishing AARON GUTTENDURG, Cogan Street, Anlaby. Road, both Itonmonger and tin-plate worker. Hull, cabinot maker.

WILLIASE RUSSELL, of Witham, and Beaumont Street, Dry. pool, Bull, cabinet-maker and undertaker. schoolWILLIAM GEORGE SAUNDERS, Enford, Wiltshire, master. CHRISTOPHER COTCHING and WALTER WOODWARD, Middlesex, trading Fleet as Cotching and Wilson Street, Finsbury, Street, New Swindon, Wiltshire, furniture and general iner. chanti.

1 CHARLES JOHN DAWHON, Into Black Bull Street, Leeds, now Collingham, Yorkshire, late engineer, now com. mission agent. TERENCE O'NEILL, Tramway Street, Roundhay Tarlton Street, Road, Liver. lately Road, Leeds, formerly trading at pool, tailora' cutter, formerly tailor. SAMUEL WRIGHT JAMES WRIGAT, trading as S.

and J. Wright, Bridgewater Viaduct, Manchester, and Trafford Road, Salford, hay and straw dealer. BROWN, Smith Street, Warwick, grocer and vision dealer. ROBERT GEORGE JACKSON, trading at Market Streat, and residing at South Edward Street, Blackpool, tobacconist. WILLIAM HENRY HUGHES, the Cross, Worcester, Broad Street, Bromyard, Hereford, residing at Stevenson Terrace, Worcester, ironmonger.

EMArA MITCHELL, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, grocer and wine and spirit mercbant. ANNADELLA THATCHER, Nag's Head, Llanelly, innkeeper, widow. ANY EVANS, Wind Street, Neath, boot dealer. CORBETT HOLLAND CORBETT, Red Hill, Edgwaro, Middlesex, Admington Hall, Stratford-on-Avon, and Spring Street, Paddington, Middlesex, horse dealer. WALTER HENRY BACON, Bath Place, Kensington, and Norfolk Terrace, Bayswater, Middlesex, One art publisher.

FIRST MEETINGS AND DATES OF PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. War. H. HOOKER, Worcester and Bromyard, Ironmonger. Firat meeting, December 20, at 10.30 a.m., at the Guildhall, Worcester; public examination, December 20, at 11.30 a.m., at the Guildhall, Worcester, ANNIE MOREONOFT, Barton word, Staffordshire, dealer fancy goods.

First meeting, December 17, at noon, at the White Horse Hotel, Burton-on-Trent; public examination, January 25, at 2 p.m., at the Court House, Burton-on-Trent. EMANUEL MARSH, Walsall, grocer and baker. First meeting, December 19. at 11.15 at the Oflicial Receiver's, Walsall; public examination, December 19, at poon, at the Court House, Walsall. SAMUEL Bilston, grocer and beerhouse keeper, First mooting, December 17, at 11 a.m., at the Official Receiver's, St.

Peter's Close; public examination, December 19, at 2 p.m., at the Court House, Wolverhampton. GEORGE ORGAN, Cadoxton, Junton Barry, Glamorganshiro, builder. First meeting, December 30, at noon, at the Official Receiver's, Cardiff; public examination, December 16, at 10.30 a.m., at the Town Hall, Cardiff, URBANE I. RODERTS, Dowlais, confectioner, sugar, boller, and fancy goods dealer, First meeting, December 19, at noon, at the Official Receiver's, Merthyr: public examination, December 21, at 3 p.m., at the Court House, Merthyr. THOMAS NICHOLAS, Heolfach, Rhondda, boot and shoe manufacturer.

First meeting, December 19, at 3 p.m., at, the Official Receiver's, Merthyr; public examination, December 20, at 2 p.In.; st the Court House, Pontypridd. NOTICES OF DIVIDENDS, WILLIADE CLEWS, Hanley, earthenware manufacturer. First and final dividend 5s. in the pound, payable December 13, at the Official Receiver's, Newcastle- under Lyme. SAMUEL PLATT, Silverdale, Staffordshire, beerhouse keepor and miner.

First and final dividend, in the pound, pay. able December 13, at the Official Recolver's, Newcastle Lyme. FRANCIS TAYLOR, Stephenson Place, Birmingham, and resid. ing at Wellington Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, fruitorer, florist, and ten dealer. First a and Anal dividend, 23.

in the pound, payable December 12, at 25, Colmore Row, Birmingham, DAVID CLAIKE, Leicester Street and Well Street, Covontry, cab proprietor. First and Anal dividond, 2s, Ild. in the pound, payable December 16, at the Official Recelver's, Coventry. FREDERICK WARD, Cave Street, Portland Square, residing at City Road, Bristol, boot and shoe manufacturer. First and Anal dividend, 4s.

7d. in the pound, payable December 12, at Mr. Collin'a, 39, Broad Street, Bristol. JOHN REES and WILLIAM REES, trading as Rees Robert Street, Newport, Monmouth, and Maindee, near New. port, iron and brassfounders.

Supplemental dividend, December in the pound, and 1s, 103d. on new proofs; payable 16, at the Ollicial Receiver's, Monmouthshire. JOHN T. SPIERS, Newport, fish and fruit dealer. First and Anal dividend, 1s.

in the pound; payable December 16, at the Receiver's, Monmouthshire. HENRY WALTERS, Abortillery, elerk in holy orders. Sixth dividend, in the pound, payable December 16, at the Oficial Receiver's, Merthyr Tydul. DAVID ROBERTS, of Penlan, Festiniag, Merlonethshire, quarry labourer. First and final dividend, in the pound, payable December 14, at the Official Receiver's, Chester.

WILLIAME T. JONES, trading as W. T. Jones and now residing at Crwys Road, formerly trading Second at Broadway Roath and Castle Road, Cardiff, grocer. and final dividend; in the pound payable December 12, at Mr.

Collina, 39, Broad Street, Bristol. First and final dividend, in the pound; payable December STEPHEN CASHIMORE, West Bromwich, licensed victualler. 12, at 25, Colmore Row, Stoke-on-Trent, Birmingham. also Fradley Mills, near JAMES SMITH, Alrewas, Staffordsbire, as the Fradloy Mills Company, and at Snow Hill Gothic Arcade, Birmingham, estate agent, plaster miller, and boot and shoe manufacturer, First dividend, 29. 6d.

in the pound; payable December 14, at Mr. John Birks, Harts HIll, Stoke-on-Trent, EDWIN BUSWELL, Brecon, jeweller. First dividend. 3s. 6d.

in the pound, payable December 4, at the Official Receiver's, Merthyr Tydvil. THOMAS WILLIAMA, Brecon, coal merchant. Second and final dividend, in the pound and 2s. 8d. in the pound, payable December 14, at the Official Receiver's, Merthyr Tydvil.

TOME NISBEOR, Pontymister, Monmouth, innkeeper, late inn- keeper and mason. First and final dividend in the Monmouth- pound, payable December 16, at the Oficial Receiver's, shire. ADJUDICATIONS. CHOMPTON, Hereford, ironmonger. WALTER GREEN, trading Street, and residing New John Street West, Hockley, Birmingham, manufacturing BRADLEY, Vyse Street, Birmingham, and residing at jeweller.

SAMUEL Handeworth, jeweller and watch factor; also, trading as John Payne, RICHARD Blackpool, GIANT, jeweller, lately residing at Lawford Street, St. Phillips, now Abbotson Place, Stapleton and Road, Midland Bristol, Railway and trading at Lawford Street, Trinity iron Road, and metal merchant. Wharf Batch, St. Phillips, Bristol, EDWARD KING, Stapleton, Gloucestershire, carpenter. RICHARD JONES, Downton, Upton Magna, Salon, Farmer, and Evans Neath, boot dealer.

LEWIS DAVIES, Graig Row, Nantymoel, boot and shoe maker and dealer. EMMA MITCHELL, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, grocer and wine and spirit merchant. ANNABELLA THATCHER, Llanelly, innkeeper, PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. James and Chetwyn, at Sansome Street, Worcesler, boot and Mayglothling and Ephraim Chetwyn, trading as May. shoe manufacturers; E.

Chetwyn retires. -Alfred Lashmore and glothling Thomas Lashmoro, trading as A. and T. Lushmore, -William in Church Street, Oswestry, jewellers T. Lashmore retires.

Yates Cardall, Har. trading greaves, Hargreaves and nt the Tividalo Works, Charles William Cardall, and Alfred Tipton, Henry refiners, Plant and and John Davies, trading as Plant and melters of tallow, and soft-soap makers.Davies, at Packhorse Lane, Burslem, ale and porter bottlers; J. Davies retires. COMMERCIAL -Another conference 14th on commercial education will be held in London on the inst. Amongst those who have promised to attend 'are Viscount Cross and Mr.

Mundella, FIRE AT -A fire occurred carly yesterday morning at the large engineering aud agricultural implement works of Measrs, Hornsby, Grantham, The fitting and erecting shop was partially destroyed, but the damage is not heavy. FALL OF SNOW. -A telegram from Wick last HEAVY night reports a very boisterous day, with heavy night falls bad of snow and hail, The mail train going north last considerable difficulty in getting through the snowdrifts, which in some places are 8ft. and 10ft. deep.

MORLEY. -On enquiry at a late hour last DIR, JOHN evening it was stated that Mr. John Morley On is the still advice confined of to his room with a very severe cold. his medical attendant he has cancelled his engagement to attend a public meeting to CASUALTIES AT SRA. -The British ship Embloton, from San Francisco, which arrived at Queenstown yesterday, lost two of her crew during the voyage -one committing overboard, and the other falling into A third fell from aloft, and had a leg and arm suicido by jumping the sea, broken.

LOCAL -The London Gazette last night contained the following War Offico, December 9. Volunteer Rifles. 1st Volunteer Battalion the South Staffordehire Regiment Captain S. A. Howell the resigns Prince his of commission.

2nd Staffordshire) Volunteer Battalion Regiment: Captain and Wales (North Honorary Major J. A. Bindley to be rank major; of Major -lieutenant- J. A. Bindley is granted the honorary Bird to be captain.

2nd colonel; Lieutenant the E. A. Royal Warwickshire Regiment Volunteer Battalion Lieutenant W. H. Marriott resigns his commission.

AN IRISH LANDLORD IN THE BANKRUPTCY COURT. -The first meeting of T. E. Lambert, of Gloucester Crescent, Regent's Park, a retired the London captain in Court her Majesty's Bank38th Regiment, was held at of yesterday. The dobtor fall in assigns the as value the of chief the cause Irish ruptoy of his insolvency the great repudiation of a liability to pay him a rent charge of 'estate, Castle Lambert, and more immediately to the £1,000.

per annum arising out of such and estates. his affairs Captain will Lambert consented to an adjudication, accordingly be wound up in bankruptcy. THE TRAFALGAR SQUARE MEETINGS. -John for (30) WAS assaulting the police in the Strand, on the 13th indicted at the Middlesex Seasions, yesterday, on the occasion of a Trafalgar Square meeting, -According to the evidence of Police-constables Greenwood and Tait, the prisoner was amongst a mob, and was armed with and two sticks, one having nails in it. When He he defied the arrested police, there was of and missiles were thrown at the struck both tho constables.

was cry rescue, -Several witnesses for the defence denied that the prisoner had any weapon, and said that the police. police were the -A. verdict of guilty was returned, labour. and the prisoner was senfenced to twelve months' bard THE BREEDING OF HORSES, -The following gentlemen are gazetted methods of encouraging the breeding and members of the Royal Commission to enquire into the 'best of sound horses -The Duke of Portland, maintenance as of Master a race of the Horse; the Earl of Coventry, as Master of the Buckhounds; Baron Ribblesdale, Mr. Henry representing Obaplin, the Colonel Royal Agricultural Society Mr.

Bavenhill, Mr. Jacob Wilson, Society Gilmour, 08 Mr. John Bowen 'Jones, as representing the representing the Highland and Agricultural Central Chamber of Agriculture. believo The the breeding Commission of recites sound that horses there would is be reason better assured if the moneys heretofore. that given for Queen's bestowed plates at the race chief meetings agricultural were to shows ox- in be pended in prizes at Hartley's Marmalade, Jellies, 'and' Preserves mag be relied Great Britain.

upon for respostfully their fineuess solicited to test the excellence of these delicacies by and purity of quality. Heads of families are a trial. Bold by all Grocers. 60 giviug Tobacconists' Trade. -For advice.

to remuneratively them from apy amount, however Friedlander, 3, small, send Houndsditch, for London. Illustrated Established Catalogue, sixty (post free), Lesser Oldest; best. loud cheapest house in the world; 73 years, 'ALLEGED ATTEMPT TO BLOW UP A BRITISH FORT. Reuter's EARLY EDITION, Daily Post Office, 1.30 a.m. FOREIGN NEWS.

MINISTRY-MAKING IN FRANCE. Sunday or Monday. FRENCH CONVICTS IN THE PACIFIC. PARES, December Goblot went to the this morning, and informed the President that, in corsequence of tho refusal of several political personages to join him, he found it impossible to form a Cabinet on the basis of Republican concontration. Ho WAS therefore under the necessity of resigning the mission with which the President had entrusted him.

The Radical journals this morning strongly condemn the attitudo of the Opportunist party towards M. Goblot, and urge the latter to form 8 Cabinet without the help of tho Opportunists. The Republique Francaisc, the mouthpiece of the Opportunist party, rejects all idea of a compromise with Intransigeance and Anarchy." The Journal des Debats approves the disinclination of its frionds to work together with the Extreme Left. 12,30 p.m.-In consequence of M. Goblet's withdrawal, President Carnot has summoned M.

Fallieres, who has requested to be allowed until this evoning before finally replying to tho President's that he should undertake the formation of a new Cabinet. 2,12 p.m. -M. Fallieres has accepted the task of forming a Cabinet. It is thought that ho will retain most of the present Ministers, notably MM, Rouvier and Flourens and Genoral Ferron, offoring the portfolio of Justice to M.

2.30 p.m. -It is confirmed that M. Fallicres' Cabinet will include MM. Rouvier and Flourers and Genoral Ferron, but nothing is decided as to other portfolios. 9.15 p.m.

-D. proceeding with; his negotiations for the formation of a new Ministry, but it is axpocted that he will not have completed his task before MELDOURNE, December announcement that three hundred French conviots have embarked for New Caledonia is attracting considerable attention here, as it was hoped that when the Now Hebrides question was settled France would cease to send convicts to the Pacific. In yesterday's sitting of the Legislative Assembly, the Hon, Duncan Gillies, replying to a question drawing attention to the cablegram announcing the intelligence, stated that ho had requested the Governor to communicato with the Imperial Government, with a view of ascertaining if the information was really true, and, if so, to represent to the French Government the deep feeling provailing in the colony on tho subject. THE SPANISH EMBASSIES. MADRID, December to-day's sitting of the Congross, Senor Moret stated that negotiations were proceeding to raise Spanish Legations in London, Berlin, Vienna, and Romo, to the rank of Embassics.

GERMANY. BERLIN, Decomber 9. The Federal Council to-day approved the reports of the committees upon the bill for the modification of the existing law rolating military service, as well as upon the proposals of tho Prussian Government for continuing the operation of Socialist measures at Frankfort-on-the-Main. The committee to which the now Corn Duties Bill was referred by the Reichstag rejeoted to-day Dr. Hammacher's proposal for the abolition of certificatos of identity in the case of coreals stored for export.

Nino members voted in favour of the proposal, The Committee, however, accepted proposal of Dr. Windthorst, providing the increased duty should not tilt: Apply to cereals imported before the 31st of March, 1888, if evidence be adduced that the purobaso contracts for such imports were concluded previous to November 26, 1887, the necessary evidence being furnished by all admis- vible proof. RUSSIA AND GERMANY. ST. PETERSBURG, December being St.

George's Day, the Knights of tho Order were, according to custom, entertained at a banquet by the Czar, who proposed tho health of the oldest Chevalior of St. George, the Emperor William. While the toast was being drunk the band played the Prussian National Anthem. THE ALLEGED ORLEANIST FORGERIES. COLOGNE, December Cologne Gazette, in an article to-day reverting to the question of the alleged forged documents, hesitation shown by the Russian Government in consenting to their publication appears to justify the supposition that important personages were concerned in their transmission to the Czar, that publication of the documents is considered as more likely to lead to their identification, and thus compromise them.

Itis scarcely possible not to assume that the forgeries have been placed in the Czar's hands with the co operation of personages who were shelterod by their sex and position. The proper instruments for the purpose would be found in Fronoh ladies who have married into noble Russian families. It is known that besides these intermediaries Russian offoials and ex-diplomatists without consideration representing various political currents, as well as Jesuit and Polish elements, have been actively at work to produce a breach between Russia and Germany. ROME, December Chamber of Deputies has been engaged during the past two days in the disoussion of a bill for the reorganisation of the Ministerial departments. Clause 1 of the bill- -which declares that tho reorganisation in question belongs by right to the Exeoutive power, and provides for its introduction by a simple deorce signed by the King--was ultimately adopted by 238 votes against 22.

Signor Crispi delivered a brilliant speech in support tho principle enunciated in tue clause, BELGIUM. BRUSSELS, December 9. -The Chamber of Representatives to-day continued the debate on M. Neujean's interpellation regarding tho placing of orders forcannon for the Belgian army. M.

Beernaert, the Premier, resumed the disoussion, and confirmed the declaration of the a Minister of War on the 7th inst. He also complained of the oriticism on the subjeot mado in the press: The Houso ultimately voted an order of the day by 65 votes to 35, declaring the Chamber was satisfied with the explanation given by the Minister of War, and had confidence in tho solicitude of the Government for all national intorests. GREECE. ATHENS, Decembor to day's sitting the Chamber, M. Tricoupis, in his capacity as Minister of War, submitted the military os estimates for which amount to 16,938,500 draohmas, against for 1887, thus effecting a of over one million drachmas.

Tho strength of the army for the coming year is fixed at 26,340 men, SWITZERLAND. BERNE, Decomber, National Council ndopted Budget for 1888. estimated repeipts amount to 56,066,000 franos, and the expenditure to 56,866,000 francs. A MEXICAN LOAN. NEW YORK, December received here from Mexico state that a bill has been introduced in Congress to allow the Government to contract a loan for £10,000,000.

SHIPPING AND MAIL NEWS. December P. and 0, Ancona" arrived this BOMBAY, DARTMOUTH, December Castle Roslin Castle," with afternoon from Colombo. for Capo Colony and Natal, left here to-day noon. She will call at Madeira for mails, telegrams.

GRAYESEND, hero Decomber to-day. Anchor Nubia," from Cal. December Queensland from cutta, arrived Brisbana for London, passed here to-day; the B.I. Rewa," from LISION, Calcutta, for London, passed here Beaver to-day. "Lake Huron" sailed LIVERPOOL, to December Harrison Actor left with mails to.

day for Belize and Vera Cruz. for Now York The MADRAS, December B.I, India" left here yesterday for London. pool, MOVILLE, arrived here December at nine -The o'clock, and, having embarked mails, 9. Allan "Polynesia," from Liverproceeded for Portland and Halifax. Anchor 44 Alsatia" arrived at NEW YORE, December 9 p.m.

yesterday. The Beaver Lake Superior" arrived to-day, PLYMOUTH, December 9. -The B.I. Kaogra," from Bombay, arrived today. SINGAPORE, December Milburn "Tantallon," from Japan, arrived here this morning.

Neva" sailed hence at 5 p.m. to-day, with mails and £21,570. in specie and jewellery, SOUTHANITON, December R.M. for Brazil, SueZ, December Orient "Orizaba" arrived at 4.30 p.m. yesterday from London, and proceeded the at 8 2nd a.m.

inst. to-day The for Australia, with outward London mails of same company's Austral," from Australia, for London, arrived at 6.30. a.m. to-day. left SUEZ, here this morning with outward Indian mail for Aden and December P.

and O. Ballarat," from London, Bombay, THE PRINCE OF WALES AND THE PRIZEFIGHTER.Johu L. Sullivan boxed Ashton in London, yestorday, bofore the Prince of Wales and a select party. Jem skill. Smith and Alf Greenfield also gave an exhibition of their introduced to his Royal Highness, who exSullivan pressed himself much pleased with the porformance.

Centra THE CROWN PRINCE OF Nows says The Magdeburger Zeitung recently stated that the physicians of the Crown Princo of Germany had entirely changed their vows and disease from judgment which he concerning is suffer- the nature and character of the the best to announce, On ing. We are that in this a position statement is ontirely incorrect. AT OXFORD UNIVERSITY. -At authority, HOME RULE meeting, held at Oxford last LEAGUE a numerously-attended the motion of Professor Freeevening, G. Murray, of St.

John's, to form a it was on man, Home seconded League, by Mr. in order to provide a bond of cohesion Rule those members of the University who are opposed among the system of government in Ireland. to present THE IRISHI SECRETARY. -Mr. last Balfour, night, and, the as reotor Score- of Irish the tary, university, arrived at was St.

Andrews entertained at dinner by the principals evening he attended a United conand professors. students in the hall of the Later in the versazione of tho will be formally installed to the College. rectorship, To-day and will he afterwards doliver his inaugural address. CLERGYMAN. -The Bishop of CHARGE AGAINST A commission to enquire into the Carlisle has issued a conduct of the Rev.

Thomas Percival, rector of Great Strickland, near Penrith, who is charged with commission- negleoting his duty as clergyman of his parish. The which Arobdeacon Prescott presided -sat on Thursover day afternoon at Penrith, and nearly twenty witnesses were in attendance. The proccedings wore privato and prolonged. The commission will report to the Bishop. HALIFAX, December referenco to the report published in Now York to-day and telegraphed to London, of an attempt to blow up A fort here, tho following aro the facts 03 officially stated by the authorities eight o'clock last night three men were discovered on George's Island, in the vicinity of the gun-cotton tank.

A aergeant's daughter overheard one of them say to his companion "Don't leave me here; do your dirty work." She immediately gave the alarm, but the men escaped in a boat before the guard arrived. A. snowstorm was raging at tho time, under cover of which they were lost sight of. Steps were immediately taken to search tho rossels lying in the barbour for tho intruders, and other precautions were adopted. No cluo to the affair WA8 obtained.

There is no evidenco of any attempt to injure the tank, or to do other damage, but the cover of a new tank in course of construction WAS found to be open. The authorities are of opinion that the individuals observed were half-drunken sailors, who bad landed on George's Island in mistake for the mainland. Every precaution is however boing taken, and extra guards patrolled the island during the night. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. A of ONE prepaid, is mads for the above notices not exceeding twenty words, For additional lina (ten torrls) Sixpence extra, Postal notes authenticated must te remitted in pay: ment.

Announcements must be by the name and address of the sender. BIRTHS. BANNETT. -On the 8th Mrs. Barnett, of Saltloy College, of a fon.

the 6th at Antibes, Alpes Maritimes, the wife of N. F. Dracopoli, of a son. On the Sth at Road, the wife of Gustav Sp*rn, of a daughter. MARRIED.

BARNES-EDMOND3. -On the 3rd at Handsworth Old Ohurob (by the Rev. W. Randall, D.D.). George Henry, third sor.

of the Inte Mr. J. Barnes, of Eagbaston, to Rosa Adu, eldest daughter of Mr. J. Edmonds, of Handsworth.

SILVERS the Registrar's Office, Dudley, William Aston Silvers, of Dudley, to Amy Margaret Bragg, eldest daughter of John William Bragg, Lady wood, Birmingham. -On tho 9th at Carr'a Lane Chapel (by the Rev. E. W. Shuldors, B.A., nephew of the bridegroom), Joseph Stokes, of Soho Hill, Handsworth, to Mrs.

Maria Edmonds, also of Handsworth, and late of Redditch. DIED, -On tho 29th at Tours, aged 17 sears, Oswald, youngest son of R. 8. Bartlect, J.P., D.L., of Tho Shrubbery, Redditch. Friends will kindly uccopt this intimation, On the 29th at Soho Hill, aged 62 years, Mary, the beloved wife of Charles Bentham beloved and deoply lamented by her family and a large circle of frionds.

the 7th at Selly Oak, aged 75, years, Thomas Bradshaw. Friends please accept this (the only) intimation. the 7th at Norton, Stourbridge, Jane, wife of the Rev. William Cochrane, and daughter of the late Rev, Fletcher Blakely. the 6th at his residence, 37, George Road, after a long illness, aged 50 years, Frederick Johnson Fletchor, late vestry clerk of Edgbaston.

No cards. the 2nd at his residence, 29, Albert Road, Aston, in his 84th your, Samuel Griffiths deeply Inmented. GRIMLEY. On the 6th aged 19 yeare, William Henry, eldest son of the late George Grimley, Hall Works, Willenhull; deeply lamented. the 27th aged 69 years, John Groves, late of London and 1 on the 4th Botsy, wife of the above.

the 9th aged 1 year and 2 months. Charles Henry, son of Charles and Alico Huskisson, late of 233, Monument Road, Edgbaston. -On the 8th aftor long and sevore illness Thomus Edward Lockatone, of 461, Oldbury Road, Smethwick. the 3rd at London, of consumption, aged 39 yeara, Robert Merry, compositor, Inte of Victoria Road, Aston, the 8th aged 59 years, John Auster Ryder. SAMUEL.

-On the 7th at his residence, 25, Wakeheld Street, Rogent'a Square, London, Phineas, brother of P. L. Samuel, Wost Bromwich, -On the 9th after a long and painful illness, in the 70th year of her ago, Sarah, the beloved wite of Samuel Smith, 11, Arthur Street, Covertry Koad, and daughter of the late William Round, of Oldbury, TAYLOR. -On the 7th at 224, Bridgo Street West, aged 67 years, George Taylor; deeply regretted by all who knew him. BACH BARKER, THE BIRMINGHAM MOURNING AND FUNERAL WAREHOUSE, 42, NEW STREET.


No rensonable offer refused. Furniture, if desired, at valuation, Sold Cannon solely through death. -Frederio Goodere, Auctioneer, 35, Street, Birmingbam. c4333 NE SHOPFITTINGS. ROW Cost £100.

-Very for expensive immediate Bale DRAPER'S £20. will be taken, inventory apply, W. H. Smith, Anctioneer, 40, Cherry Street, Birmingham. -The SHOP is to be LET, at reduced £35.

per annum. c4336 MILLS, in be Sold, all those Extensivo FREEHOLD PREMISES, haying a Canul frontage of 80 yards, frontage to Princip Street of 80 yards, and containing in all 3,150 aquaro yards, repleto with excellent Buildinga and call Chimney Stack, easily convertiblo to any use where extensive promises are required. There are powerful Engines and Shafting upon tho premisce, which go with the for carda to view, to the Liquidators, Britannia Mills, Princip Stroet, Birmingham, 5C5 DER 0 Deed of Assignment. -Re GEORGE EDWARD DOUGHTY, of 111, Hockloy Hill; 117, Boho Road nod 105, Coleshill Street, Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, Baker and Confectioner. The Trustee Invites TENDERS for the BUSINESSES carried on by the above as HOCKLEY HILL -GOODWILL, FIXTURES, and POSSESBION.

-There are two Leases, The one in respect of the Shop, 111, Hockloy Hill, has about nine years unexpired, at an annual rental of the lease of the Stables in Heeton Street has two yeirs unexpired. Annual rental, £25. The Stock at valuation. The Sales average nearly £4,000, per annum. LoT 2 -105, COLESHILL STREET.

-GOODWILL, FIXTURES, and 8bop and Premises are hold on an annual tenancy. Rental, £35. Stock at valuation. Sales averago about £800. per annum.

SOHO HANDSWORTH. GOODWILL, ROAD, FIXTURES, and POSSESSION. The Shop and Premises are held on annual tenancy, Rental £20. Stock at valuation. Salve averago Tenders will be opened at the Trustee's about £800.

per annum, Office, 120, Colmore Row, Birmingham, on THURSDAY, the 15th Tondors for at 12.30 o'olock, and must be marked as follows 1, Hockley Shop" Lot 2, "Tenders for Coleshill Street Shop" Lot 3, Tenders for Soho Road Tho Trustee does not bind himself to accept tho highest or any Tender. For farther particulars, apply to Mr. 8. Gateley, Solicitor, 21, Bonnett's Hill or to Mr. L.

M. Sharp, the Trusteo, 120, Colmoro Row, both of Birmingham. 987. 110 be Sold by Private Treaty, THE RUABON SPELTER -The Works aro Freehold, containing about Acres, and enjoy most unusual advantages in regard to morkets and rates, being connected by a direct line of railway with the Great Western System, and the Shropahire Union Railway and Canal, situated in the best ore and coal exist producing district with in North Wales, Extremoly favourable rates in connection the supply of orca from the Shropshire and Flintshiro Mines, which produce the best and richest blendo for spelter-making in Great Britain. Foreign ores are also delivered from tho ports of Saltney, Birkenhead, and Liverpool, at very low rates, -Apply to 440 Evan Morris, Solicitor, Wrexham.

FOR BRICK. Sale, PIPE, by and Privato TILE Troaty, WORKS, Well fitted up arranged with powerful Engine, steam Galloway and hand Boiler, Presses, Brickmaking Drying Sheda, Muchinery, and all Pipe the most Machines, Modern Accessories for Brick, Pipe, and Tile Making; and seven acres of splendid Clay, rallway sidings to all parts of tho works; special railway rates, and the command, with of a railway good market, communica- and the any whole offering un unusually good opportunity of scarcoly competition, of long length a tion, well-established and lucrative Business at a moderato price.acquiring Apply to Messra. Griffith, Jones, and Solicitors, Aberyat- 1156 with. PREMISES TO LET. IN THE BUSINESS CENTRE OF OFFICES BIRMINGIIAM.

CORNER OF NEW STREET AND CANNON STREET, The unlet of Aitken Chambers comprisea two for Offices on Second a Floor, Also well-lighted Roof Room, suitable a stock room for Agent, -Apply to E. Rawlings, Tempio Street. 493 BE LET, AT EDG BASTON. A RESIDENCE in Clarendon Road Rent £80, £60. RESIDENCE Montage Road A RESIDENCE in Monument Road Rent £40, A BUSINESS PREMISES, 227, Broad Street Rent £90.

Apply, Samuel Ward, 222, Broad Street, Birmingham. 324 SALES BY AUCTION. DUTCH BULBS. OHARLES UNGER will Sell on WEDNESDAY NEXT. 2 o'clock prompt, in his now Premises, Jamaica Row, opposite Smithfield Market30 CASES BULBS, ABOUT 1,500 LOTS VARIOUSLY ASSORTED, There being no reserve whatever, and heing obliged to clear this Lot, the attention of buyers is specially invited to this Sale.

c1465 ilighly Important WINE and with SPIRIT POSSESSION. VAULTS, in the centre of Bilaton, THOMAS BARNETT is Halt instructed to Bilston, submit for. Sale by Auction, st tho Pipe Hotel, on MONDAY NEXT, Dec. at 7 o'clock SPIRIT prompt, VAULTS tho well-known known oldestablished Corner WINE tho and HOLE IN THE WALL," having 38 largo frontages to Church Street and Green Croft, in the centre of VAULTS' or Bilston, with extensive Stores and other Out-buildings, permission tho Yards, premises now ocoupied by Mr. 8.

A. Taylor, by whose may Immedinte Possession can be given to a Purchaser. be viewed. Tull particulars inay be had from Messrs. Hall, Bank Son, and Pratt, Solicitors, Bilston or from the Auctioneer, Buildings, 1148 Wolrerhampton.

The Yard, Gile's Hill, and No. 22, High Street, THOMAS HARFORD SON have been favoured with to Instructions Sell from the Auction, without representatives of the Mr. Henry and by FRIDAY NEXT, December resorvo, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, WORKING PLANT, STOCK- 14, 15, and 16 -tho whole of the Valuable and TRADE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Effects, consisting of wood and Erections, Circular Saw. Morticing-machine, Mortico, Rim and other Locks, Work Benches, Mahogany, Drain Pitch Pine, Red and White Carpenters' Pipes, Gulleys, Tiles, Slates, Blocks, eleven nonelled Doors, Ladders, Scaffold Planks, Scaffold Poles, Water Touks, Putlogs, heavy Cart, Tray, Trestles, and Gig lead Harness, Spouting, Pony ebect Lend, Solder, Chaff-machiue; Tools, iron. zine, Water Olosets, one ton of genuine White Lead, one ton of Paint (various).

Lead Piping. small Pumps, Force-pump, Burning off Lamp, and Boiled Terchene, Oil, Linseed Oil, by six the crates following of makers--Noble quantity and of Varnish supplied Hoare, Powers and O. Turner and and Mandera; Colours: Graining Tools, about 6,000 pieces of Paperhangings, 10owt. of Dry Paintings, Household Furnituro Kooms. consists of valuablo Oil and Appointments of Sale to commence each day at 10 o'clock.

The whole, together with Working Plant and Stock-in-Trade, is fully described in catalogues, to be had from James Clark, Castle SoliStreet, Dudicy, 22, High Strect, Sturbridge: or from the Auccitor, West Bromwich H. Mobberley. Accountant, tioneers, Junction Chambers, Carter'e Green, West Bromwich. 1146 COFFEE HOUSE, High Street, -To Refreshment-bouse Propriotors and Others. MR.

HOMER has received instructions to Sell by Auction, upon the Premises as above, SHOP on FITTINGS, TUESDAY NEXT. December 13-The whole of the FURNITURE, comprising 9ft. 1 doz. strong with Albert three Choirs; 1 oblong (tp match). five Benches, backs; pitchpino Tables, two Door, oblong with bronze frame Tables, wood with Partitions, marblo tops; capital six round ditto, glass Counter, with zinc top; range of Shelving, plate for glass and Mirror, coffee, 54in.

by four 39in. 3-gallon Milk Cana, several dozen Cupo, Saucers, and Plates, ditto, framed; two 13-gallon Urns tea Meat: and Vegetable Dishes, Glass Dishes and Stands, and 2 brass doz. Spoons. 2 doz, Knives and Forks, Strainers, Scales completo; Weights, Lavatory Clock, Washing Basin, Unita's patent w.o., with Cistern; Urinal, Pictures, Gasfittings, Cooking with piping and taps; 40-gallou Roller, Fenders, Dust-preventers, Blinds, Rollers, Sign Boards, Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. 1163 THE BROUGHTON COLLECTION OF FINE ART PROPERTY.

THE Second Portion of formed the Grand the late Collection James of Broughton, FINE ART by Professor of Music, will he removed for Sale 14, by 15, and Auction, our Rooms, 26, Pork. Row, Leeds, ou December 16, order of the Executors, and will consist of a further portion of the Collection of OLD CHINA. the rare Marqueterie, Chippendale, and Buhl FURNITURE: the Valuable MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, IVORIES; EMPIRE CLOCKS, PANOY CUTLERY, and 114 of the Valuable OIL PAINTINGS. Illustrated catalogues of this portion (2s. each) and plain.

cataloguca (6d. each) can be had on WEBB, application, Auctioneers, HOLLIS Leeds. SALES BY AUOTION, TESSRS. 8ALES BY DEBENHADI, AUCTION FOR YEAR LANDED ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban, BRIDGEWATER announce FARMER, Houses. Reversions, Business Stocks, Premisca, Shares, Building and other Rents, and Cousin at the Auction Mart, Tokenbouse Yard, near Properties will he in the Oity of London, aa Tuesday, Jan.

10 24 Tuesday, Tuesday, May May 8 1 Tuesday, July July: 24 Feb. Feb. 7. 21 Tuesday, May May 15 20 Tucadas, 7. Tuesday, Mar.

6 Tuesday, June 5 Auz. Tuesday, Mar. 13 Tuesday, June 12 Tuesday, Auz. 21 Mar. 20 Tuesday, June 19 Aug.

23 Tuesday, 27 Tuesday, June 25 Tuesday, April 10 Tuesday, July 3 Tuesday, Oct. Tuesday, 17 10 Nor. Nor.6 Tuesday, April 24 Tuesday, July 17 Tucaday, Dec. 20 Auctions can also ba held on other days. order 11 such proper notice publicity, and the due notice should nuction bo given, The upon the nature of the proposed property to be sold.

considerably between terms can to had at 80, London, E.C., or will scale warded. Telephono No, 1,503. te TIPTON, STAFFORDSHIRE. 1238 Valuable FREEHOLD FOUNDRY, PREMISES, LAND, situate RESIDENCES, in Dudley WORKMEN'S Castio DWELLINGS shuttingon the Birmingham Canal -'To be Sold by Auction. azd vol Mrs.

Messrs. Meller, JOSEPH the Wagon COOKSEY and Icraes SON, Inn, at the Tipton, on TUESDAY, the 20th day of Dudley Bart House in be the determined evening, ou either at together or in Sale- the undermentioued Lots, 14 Lor Commodious RESIDENCE. known Garden, HOUSE," and No. 38, Premises, Castle situate Street, with fronting Outbuildings, Street Yard, and Pleasure Rond, Hipkins. in the Tho parish House of contains Tipton, in six the Bed occupation two of Mr.

Entrance Hall, Dining Room, wing Bor Rooms, Daniel Store Cellars. Room, Ubiva Pantries, Kitchen, Scullery, Workebop, ted A DWELLING HOUSE and PREMISES, No. 37. with Outbuildings and Yard, occupied Mr. Johu Brookes.

Street, Out- A buildings nud HOUSE, Garden, No. in 7 the Court, No. occupation 2, Castle of Street, with Skidmore. Altzed A STABLE, with Harness room over, and a Coach occupied by William Round and Sons. houses, Also the OIL Store-rooms, and Stabling, GREASE WORKS.

Out-buildings, with and Office, Boiling Yard, in the occupation of Mesars. Joseph held Batson and Co. The whole of the above Premises are by Messes. Batson and as yearly tenants, at rents amounting to 634. pet abbum.

The 4,500 Property square has frontages of about 64 Area yards or thereabouts, Dudley Road and Castlo Street respectively, and there yards a 2'icet to yards and 57 road from Castle Street. part which passes over Lot 2, right a situate LoT in Court No. DWELLING 2, Castlo HOUSES, street, and with and 10, Yard, and 13, void. tive being Rent £31. occupied 43.

per by annum. William Sunith aud others, and oca being Area 6C2 squaro yards or thereabouts. N.B. -There is a right of admirably-situated road over FOUNDRY Property to (at, Lots 1 and 3. this LoT occupied), comprising Office lofty Casting House, with present untwo Cranes Core Horizontal Steam Cuvola Engine, two Melting Steam Furnaces, with Casting Stacks House.

and Boiler Crane; Beating and Stack; Shopping, with Room Engine Road, Smiths' and Shop, abutting and on commodious the Birmingham Yard, Bitunte fronting which to it Dudley 69 yards. Also, A DWELLING has a frontage of shout HOUSE, NO, Dudley Rond, with Out-buildings, occupied unother by Chilton, At No. rent 6 of Court, £9. 2a. No, per 2, Custla annum; Street, and at present unoccupied, DWELLING HOUSE, Aren of the whole, 4.327 equare yards from or Castle thereabouts.

N.B.-There is a right of road Street, part of which For further particulars and plans. apply to passes over Lot 2. West Bromwich: Edward Caddict, Solicitor, Now Street, Dudley; the Auctioneers, Warmington and Thompson, Solicitors, or West Bromwich. 644 Josoph Turner, Deceased. -London Bedstead Works, Aston Late, Birmingham.

-To bo Bold by Auction, on on the Premises MONDAY and TUESDAY, December 19 and 20, 1887, of above Works, BY Mr. Chancery J. Division SHEDDEN of the fligh (pursuant Court of to Justice) an order -The of Capital tho MACHINERY, IMPLEMENTS, and Castors, TOOLS, Stamped for Manutactariaz Bedsteads, Cabinet, and other Doucts, Fittings, consisting of 26 Various Bedstead Frames and Fittings. 2 Cupolas and Plugs. Drawing Bench, Cutting and Punching Machines, and Sard MIll.

Weighing Machines, Casting Tubs and Boxes, Horizontal Engine and Driving Lathes, Shafting. Drilling Machine, fourteen Tube Poliabing Machine. Large Stainp-raising Machine. 5 Stamping Pressea, and oll requisite Dies. Wrought-Iron Cistern, Benching, Painting Tables, Castinz Tubs, Counters, and Desks.

All the Working Tools, Patterns, and Dies, together with About two tons of Brags Castor Fittings and Bedstead Mocsis, Lot of Castor Bowls, iron Castor Fittings, Sundry Stores, Pig iron, Bar-iron, 150 Finished-iron and Composite Bedsteads. 100 Sets of iron Foot and Head Pillars and Frames, and numerocs other Effects, Catalogues may be had on application to Messra. Byland Martineau, and Cannon Street, Birmingham; Messrs. Watts and Jolson; Solicitors, Dudley; Mr. J.

Shedden, of Dudley (the appointed by tho Court); or on the Salo Premises Sale to commenco each morning at 11 punctually, 1216 In Liquidation Sheet Iron, Wire Rod, and Guide Iron Manufacturers. Sale of FREEHOLD IRONWORKS, Hollinswood, near Unkengates, Salop, R. J. SHEDDEN (of Dudley) has been instructed by tho Liquidator of the Eagle Ironworks (Hollinswood) Company, Limited, to Sell by Wrekin Public Auction, on THURSDAY, December 22; 1887. at the Hotel, Wellington, Salop, at 6 'o'clock iu the evening, subject to such conditions as may then be rend -all that Valuable FREEHOLD WORKS and Premises, knowu as "THE EAGLE IRON WonKs," situate at Hollinswood, as above, and for many years successfully carried on by the Eagle Ironworks (Hollinswood) Company, Limited.

THE WORKING PLANT consists of new 18in. Force Train, driven by Horizontal Engine, Puddling 28in. and cylinder; 80ewt, doubleaction Steam Hammer; eisteen two Ball Furnaces: Self-contained Steam Guillotino Shears; two capital 2lin. Sheet Mills, each driven by in separate Horizontal Engine, with 24in, 30d 2611. cylinders respectively; three Cropper and Cutting down Shears nnd Gear; four Heating und three Annealing Furnaces; superior 8in.

Wire Mill, drawn by Horizontal Engine, with cylinder 26in. diameter; ISteam Oon and Gear: Roll Lathe and Engino fire Charconl Fires, with Blowing Engine and Helve Forge for caine, driven by separato Engine: Puddled Iron Forgo Helve, driven by separate Engine; two Doukey Engines; fourteen Boilers, with all requisite Steam and Feed Pipes, Fittings, Floors and Races, covered with Iron Plates. The greater part of the Machinery is of recent construction, and is in thorough working order. 'The Buildings consist of Wood nnd Slate Roofs over the Forges And Mills, supported by Brick Walls and Iron Columns IroD, and Slate Roofs over the Puddling and other Furnaces Amith's Shop; Suite of Ofices, with Road Weighing Machine: Store Rooms, enclosed Pig-iron and Charcoal Yard, spacious Bat Bank, Gasworks, Fittings, and Pipes. The Site contains four and a half acres, or thercabouts, more or less affording ample room for spoil, and is bounded on the east by the Great Western Railway, aud on the west by the London and North- Western Railway, near to Oakengates Station, Both companies have sidings into the works, and there is also railway siding from the Lillesball's Company's and system, Steel giving Works, sad connection also with their Collicries, Blast Furnaces, additional access over sanse to Great Western and London 20G North- Western Railways, altogether affording 'unique facilities for tranait.

The Minerals are reserved, together with rights of working, but in the event of these being exercised compensation is payable for damago to the surface. The Liquidator will be willing to arrange with the purchaser for the sule to him of the Loose Plant. Further particulara may be obtained 011 application to Mesers, T. and A. Whitehouse, Solicitors, Wolverhampton; Messra, Evans, Holliday, and Godlee, Solicitors, Birmingham: Hollins.

or to the Liquidator, Mr. J. Summerhill, Eagle Ironworks, wood, near Wellington, Salop: or to the Auctioneer, Dudley. (817 MONDAY NEXT, DECEMBER 12, Sale of Most Eligible FREEHOLD RETAIL STOPS, BUSINESS PREMISES, and DWELLING HOUSES, Snow Hill, hampton. WALKER H.

G. LLOYD will Offer for MESSES. Auction, on MONDAY December at 12, 1 at o'clock the Swan and Peaco*ck Hotel, Snow. Hill, Wolverhampton, in all the those ovening. Two Valuable subject to FREEHOLD conditions RETAIL BUSINESS PREof eate to he then producedton.

MISES, with situate the and spacious being Nos. Front RETAIL SHOPS, convenient 9 and 10, Snow Hill. WolverhampDWELLING HOUSES, Stabling, Yard. and Appurtenances thoreto, Provision now Dealer in and the Tea occupation Merchant, nt the cross annual rental of of Mr. William Henry Mannox, 290.: the whole containing, with the site of the buildings, 214 square yards The rental of or this exceedingly low, and from its of Land thereabouts.

situation and business Property adaptability is it should let at a much higher rental. For further particulars, to A. J. O'Connor, Solicitor, 25, Bennett's HIll, Birmingham; or Messra. Walker Street, and H.

J. Lloyd, Auctioneers and Surveyore, 81, Darlingtou Wairer hampton. THURSDAY NEXT, DECEMBER 15. To Millers, Corn Merchanta, and Others. -Sale of Eligible STEAD FLOUR MILL, Wolverhampton.

WALKER H. LLOYD will Offer for MESSES, Auction, on THURSDAY NEXT, Dec. the erebit; the Star and Garter Hotel, Wolverhampton, at 7 o'clock in -all those (subject to conditions of sale to ho then produced) known the ALBION Substantially STEAM FLOUR FREEHOLD MILL," situate in Albion Street, Horsele7 PREMISES 33 Fields, Wolverhampton, on the near Birmingham stations Canal, of the a basin London fro.n add which runs under the dill, which is North- Weetern, the Great Western, and the Blidland Rails The Companies. a five-storey Brick Building, with Flour and Offal Warehouses; Garnera, Lifts, Engine House, covered Platform MILL comprises for loading: together with the Nearly-pow and Costly FIXED PLANT thereto, remodelled about four years ago upon tha combination system by Messra Mind and Lund, of Preston, comprising Five Pairs of FRENCH STONES, four one Pair of Carter's Grey Stones, Finishing Break Rolls, seven Dusting Centrifugals, Reel, Bran Machine, two G. T.

Smith's Rolls, Bran Rolls, Sets of (output Puriders, nine to ten Posser, sacks hour); New and Powerful STEAM Flour and first-class Wheat Cleaning Machinery ENGINE, by Mesers. per Stephenson, of Preston; Shafting, and Boilers. Also, Counting- house, Stabling for six horses, Lott, Store Rooms, Wagon Sbed, large Yard, be by Appurtenances. arrangoment. The Loose Plant, it and Early posacssion may bad required, can be taken at valuation.

and For Dent, further Solicitors; particulars or and of to view. Mesars. apply Walker Messrs. and H. J.

Lined, to Dent, Auctioneers and Surveyors, all of Darlington Street, Wolrerbampton. Bormouth, North Walee. Sale of be Desirable FREEHOLD DWELLING To Sold BY Barmouth, Messrs. on DEW THURSDAY SON, at NEXT, the the 15th Corsygedol December, Hotel, st 2 o'clock 1. p.m.

All precisely- that DWELLING HOUSE, called LoT Detached GALLTHYFRYD," with the Garden and Cottage thereto commandit; belonging fine situate and in the extenaive centre views of of the Cardigan town of Bay. Barmouth, This lot is very suitable and either for Lodging House or Private Residence. Jun modiste a possession will be those given. DWELLING forming a block el LOT Buildings called situate in HOUSES. tho town of Barmoutb aforesaid.

If these Houses be not disposed of in one lot, the determinal came will be offered for: Sale, iu two or more lots, as may be at the time of Sale. for farther partionlars; apply to the Auctioneers, Bangor: 673 Messrs. Jones and Jones, Solicitors, Portmadoc. PRELIMINARY ADVERTIsem*nT. 10 be Sold, next month, January, 1888 (if not whole pre: of that Valuabie viously disposed PROPERTY of by belonging private to Lorrimer, and having Tabberer, frontage Welford of about Place, 150 feet Leicester, each to containing Market 2.422 Street, Welford Yards, is Place, admirably and adapted Pocklington's for the Walk.

erection This of site. a large public building. be a from its central position, there Leicester- no A. Licensed Hotel. being already upon the much site, needed in dimculty in crecting 8 large Hotel--so there is now 30 with Shops and ground floor, for which oxcellept There is no opening other in sito this in rapidly this business increasing part town.

of Leicester so eligible named the site now offered. The entire block for the sold- purposes in lot, or than divided into two parts, and a large can be one remain for a fixed period, at 4 per tion of the purchase money can cent. per annum. Pool, Lorrimer, and For further particulars, apply to Messrs. Tabberer, Welford Place, Leiccster.

1073 December, 1887, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19. at the Star and Garter Hotel, Wolby verbampton, Auction, on the above date, at 6.30 o'clock p.m. -several Compton; Excellent FREEHOLD FREEHOLD BUILDING RESIDENCE, SITES. with good at accommodation, Tettenball Stabling, and desirable largo Central at PROPERTY, Penntields, off known the Dudley Road. YIELD a substantial of well lighted One-storey consisting SHOPPING, of crected or.

about ranges an of valuable suitable for almost any trade: Semi and detached Well-built RESI Land, and DENCES, at Compton and Whitmore Reans in other parts of FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, situated Wolverhumpton. particulars may be obtained of the Auctioneers, Messrs. Wolverhampton. 1178 Nock and Chase, Queen Street. NOR Sale by Publio Auction, in the Sale Room, 00 at King Brothers' Timber Yard, Canons' Marsh, Luncheon Bristol, 34 WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 14th day of December.

half-paat 12 o'clock. FOR ACCOUNT OF IMPORTERS, 8.000 Unassorted St. John SPRUCE DEALS 4,000. Archangel REDWOOD WHITE DEALS WOOD and DEALS, BOARDS BATTENS, and 5,300 Ljusne RED and BOARDS 3,500 Quebec RED PINE DEALS Quebec Bright SPRUCE 40 Lugs Quebec WANEY BOARD PINE 400 Logs Fresh PICTON BIRCH 23 Logs American WHITEWOUD 12 Logs American WAINSCOT OAK 13 Loge SATIN WALNUT 500 23. Logs American Stettin WHITEWOOD REDWOOD PLANKS 110 Fathoms St.

Petersburg LATHWOOD 10,400 Pugwash SPRUCE WHITE WOOD DEALS Prepared FLOORING BOARDS 18,000 RED WITHOUT and RESERVE, SAVE BY THE BBOKERS. 3,000 Archangel REDWOOD DEALS DEALS and BOARDS 18,000 700 Quebec Bright PINE DEALS and ENDS PITCH PINE REDWOOD DEALS, BATTENS and BOARDS 13,000 Ljusne 700 Christiania SPARS In 200 86 Logs. American Sawn WHITE OAK PLANKS PITCH PINE by 800 Onega REDWOOD DEALS. For 1147 catalogues, apply KING to BROTHERS, Brokers and Merchants FEENEY, all at communia their Printed ONlees, and No. 38, Published New by Street, JAFFRAY, Birmingham, where tions for the Editor and Publishers be addressed SATURDAY, December 10.

1837. ITALY..

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.