Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (1)

CONTINUATION ClRepo!ting~cy Repo!ting Offi•• e.., Roport""

SuPPLEMENT -e Jeso PETERSON 9')-7625·lJUUUUCODMICtmlJ Vast~ No. v_ NameOrillinal~ Dal._~

- 08-24-99--Cia "'", First Degree Murder O~~()ptdl. x E.l~rCktted 0 R~mmcmd Caoe: A.eview 0

""'-... fl """"" by ...... 0 U~f~ 0 C!o>ure o

[~ IQlllUllity ~ 8nmdNllnH~ 1-- I""" .... g~: ~ ~~ I ~,,~



4103 WestEldoradc Place

Denver, Colorado80236

(303) 934-1731

Student: ColumbineHigh School


Same as above




On August24, 1999, at approximately 1600hours, I responded to 4103 WestEldoradoPlaceto contactand interview witness

PatrickSean Kelly, who is a student at Columbine HighSchool. This interview was in reference to the shootingOIl 4-20-99

at Columbine High School.JC..()01· 005001

Patrick Kelly said on 4-20-99, at approximately 0645 hours to 0650 hours, be arrived at Columbine High School for his

scheduledclasses.Patrick saidbe drovehisredChevrolet MonteCarloto school, and parkedit in ClementPark. Patricksaid

he enteredColumbine HighSchoolthroughthemaindoorslocatedon theeast sideof the schoolbythe administrative offices.

Patricksaidwhenbe enteredthe schoolon4-20-99, bedidnotobserve anything unusualor outoftileordinary. HesaidheWent

to his "men's comedy group"at about 0650hours0114-20-99, and priorto his scheduledfirst hour class, which he said he is

a techlabassistant. Patricksaidhenextwentto his secondhourworldhistoryclass,then wentto his thirdhourcalculousclass.

After calculous, Patricksaid he went to his fourthhour German class,To get to his Germanclass,Patrick saidhe had to go

down the stairwayfromthe upper levelofColumbine HighSchooland down to the lowerlevel.This stairwayat the bottom

eads into the cafeteria/commons area of Columbine HighSchool. I showedPatrickthephotographs ofthe dufflebagandthe

Officer Signattu'!l Unit NlIlllber SuperviSM rnitiaJs and. Date .4..ulgned To Page 1

AP.~. "01T1 h-~.\ of ~

I ':»..:...;..e, c, _~ [ :>''''ESTIc..,rOll \lC':1M SU\o1C!.S 1= I ASAfH'!llI JCSl>i16-4

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (2)

JC-001. 005002

CONTINUATION I:Jllepomllg AYJ!f«JY RoponiogOfficer CaseRcpmtNo

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99·7625.tnU1JlnUCOllMCtin.g Case Report No, Victim NlU'M'DrtginalReport Date This Rcpo<t

- 08·24·99Ck ;". X Fin! Degree Munier Ot&1J,se SUtllS: Open: x .Exu::nionaJj" CJ.woed 0 Recommend Case: Review a~fi>l4tol\ ':l Clqted by A:Tm 0 Unfuunded 0 Closll1'e a

~ IQuantity ~ BrandNiIi/1)t' I""'_. IsawNtl.v.~ I VallHl I Valllt:s~ R~trtd Dmag!d

propane tankthat were later recoveredin the Columbine High Schoolcafeteria. Patrick told me he did not see eitherof these

itemsor any similar itemson 4·20-99. I also askedPatrickif he saw anyof the trenchcoat mafia studentsor associates in the

cafeteria/commons area of the schoolwhilehe wasgoingto, or leaving his lowerlevelGerman classOn 4-20-99. Patricksaid

he did not rememberseeingany of the trench coatmafiastudents or their associates on that date. Patricksaid he usually sees

the trenchcoat mafia studentsand/or their associates banging aroundthe areaat the bottom of this stairway, but said he did

not remember seeingthemthere on4-20-99. Patricksaidafterhis fourth hourclass,he nextwentto his fifthhourconcert choir

classwith the teacherof this classbeingMr. Andres. Patricksaidhearrivedatthis classat approximately 1112 hourson4-20­

99and said everything seemed to be normal. Patricksaid the classwastalkingabouta performance theyweregoingto do at

Normandy Elementary School laterthet day. Patricksaidas the class wasgetting ready for this performance. a student by the

nameof BrandoaReisbecksuddenlyran intothe choirclassroom andwasshaken up. Patricksaid that Brandon Reisbeck told

Mr. Andresandthe studentsthattherewassomebody in thedownstairs portionof ColumbineHigh Schoolwitha gun. Patrick

said Mr. Andres told Brandon Reisbeckand the students in the class to calm down. Patrick said the doors fromthe interior

of the classroom thai lead into the hallwaywas open. and he said he then heard an "explosion" that he said was eitheran

explosivedevicethat bad detonatedor a shotgunthathad been discharged. Patricksaidthis explosion soundedto him likeit

came fromthe downstairs area of Columbine HighSchool. Patricksaidat thistimethe studentsfromthe choirclassroom got

up and begun running. He said approximately halfof the classranonedirection and hid in an office locatednext to the choir

room. Hesaid the otherhalfofthe class, includinghimself, ran from the interiorofthe classroom. out the east doors.andinto

the hallway, and towardsthe auditorium. Patricksaid he ran intothe auditorium, and saidas he ran alongthe backpartof the

auditorium he heard between7 and 9 shotsthethe described asbeinglessintensethan the explosion he heardearlier. Patrick

saidtheseshots werefired veryrapidlyand said he first believedtheywere shotbyan automatic weapon. Patricksaidhethen

ran out of the auditoriumand into the hallwayby the gym. Hesaid he then begun runningtowardthe east side main doors of

the school.and said as he was approaching thisexn point. a window waseithershotout, or fell out of the frame as it shattered

in frontof him. Patrick said when this occurredhedid not hear a gunshot that may have shatteredthis window He said at

about this sametime the fife alarmwent off insideof Columbine HighSchool. and said he ran out of the school through the

maindoorsand into the facultyparkinglot.northand east of the school. Patricksaid he then keptrunning into Clement Park.

and at about 1200 hourshe called Iris grandparents on Iris cellulartelephone.

OfficerSignature Unl~ Num'" SupCf\'iwr lnilialaaru1 Oate As$ignedTc Page l.1\ f). +".._. 'V.::r." f>-." "'- of l.

JRiG~ c. 1 ;:-,.,£~':"1e- -,7011:. V1C":'1MSi::~\tcr.s I 0""" I ,S'f3 ';98 KSD In

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (3)


C6NTINUATION 0RopottinaAp'Cl' !Uponina Offi.... CaseReport No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-762S·U1JUU1JC~P1 Cue Report No Viotim NameOriginal RepM DateThis Repon.


e' ,.. x Fint Degr.. Murder O~S~Ol*' x E~YCllan:d 0 !\i;Conunend Cas-¢ Review oi«\¢l&$.$~h 0 C_ by ""'" 0 c_ O Closure 0

I~ 1Quantlry I Brad Name j "-""00 ISeri&lNo ¥~ I~~~ l o~~

I askedPatrickwhat information he could provideto me about the-trench coat mafia, the trenchcoat mafia students. and in

parncularwhatinformation hecouldprovideaboutDylan KleboldandEricHarris. PatricksaidDylanKleboldandEricHarris

bada first hourvideoproductions classa1 the sametimetha1 be hadhis techlab assistantclasshour.duringthefirst andsecond

school semester. Patricksaid DylanKlebold workedthesoundfor the schooltalentshowwhilePatrickworkedthe lights for

this talentshow. Patricksaid he talked to DylanKlebold, butdid not recallDylanKleboldtalkingaboutanything outof the

ordinary. He said he was not sure ifDylanKlebold and EricHarriswere trenchCOal mafia students or not. He toldmethat

DylanKleboldandEricHarrismadea videothatwasviolent innatureduringthevideoproductions class. Patricksaidhealso

hadan accelerated chemistryclassduringhis sophom*ore yearthatDylanKleboldwasalso in. PatricksaidDylanKlebold wore

a blacktrenchcoat that he describedas notbeinga true trenchcoat,but rathersaid it was a "duster," possiblybeingmade out

cfleather, however, he wasnot sure. Hesaidthistrenchcoathungdown toappmximately calvelength. PatricksaidthatDylan

Klebold would hang around with Eric Harris and Nate Dykeman, and said he had seen Dylan Klebold in the hallways of

C::olumbine High Schoolwith RobynAnderson.

Patrick Kelly said be knew Eric Harris because they had a Getman class together during his sophom*ore year in the first

semesterof his junior year. Patrick said Eric Harris was "quiet and moody" and said he sat at the back of the classroom.

Patricksaidhe hadseenEric Harris wearing a trenchcoal. Healsosaidthat EricHarrishad a backpack and on this backpack

EricHarris had a "marksmaasliip medal"that may have been a United StatesMarineCorpshooting medal. Patricksaid this

medalwasthe type thatwould be pinnedonto something, suchas a uniform. He saidthis medalmayhavebeen goldin color

at one time, however, he said he believedEric Harrismayhavepainted it black.

PatrickKelly said he, and saidhe had heardthat~as "mentallyunstable." Patrick

said in thepas!he had talked to_inthecafeteriawhenPatrickdidn't have anybody else to talk to. He saidthese

conversations werelast year. Patricksaid seemed okay"and said he did not recallwhat theyhad talkedabout.

but saidhe didnot recalltheir conversation beingaboutanything unusual or OUt of the ordinary. Patricksaidthat_

wore a trenchcoat all the time and said he also wore green military fatigue type of clothing.

"atrick Kellysaidhe knewwho~, but said that~duated fromColumbine HighSchool in 1998. Patrick

Officer SignatUl't' Unit N_ Supervisor lnitial.s and Dale Assigned To P>ge !

.A..D~ "'--= 1.......,,1 ...,....... of 2:mJcr-;,>,L • I C'<-·lS:1-CATOR V1C'1'>i sea-tees I0"'" I ';"SAf3 4"8 JCSD !6-~ ~

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (4)

CONTINUATION 0Reporting Ap,<:y Reporting Officer CaseR.eportNo

SUPPLEMENT ~ JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-UUUUUConneetiniCaseR~ No, VtQQfI\ NameQrigillaJ Rcpon DmeThis "'PO"

- 08-24-99Ch lion x FIr.t Degree Murder o_s_, 0".. x Exeeptiol:saUyC~ 0 RecDtflJtl.etld. Cese: Review 0

~i&dtm fJ Clemd DyAm!:sI o Uat'olmdod o Closure Cl

iW: IQ\Wl'lity IBrmdName l_~ 1_,,,,, ~.= IR~I~~

sai~ore a trench coat and said when he was a sophom*ore he remembered that"came to school with his face

painted with black and white face make-up. Patrick said he considered~o be "gothic." HeSai_dnotget

along with other people and "had run-ins with people:' He described_as being "antisocial:' He also said"

associated with

Patrick Kellysaid_did not wear a trench coat as fat as he could remember, but said that-.rwore green

military fatiguetype ofclothing. Patricksaid~ quiet, and said he did not talk to

Patrick Kelly said assisted Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris in their video productions class. He said"

~orea trench coat most of the time,

Patrick Kelly said he knew who_was, burbelieve~ped out ofColumbine High School. Hesai~

~was in his debate class in the fall semester of 1999and spring of 1999.

Patrick Kelly said on 4-20-99, he believed he saw_and possibly saw Dylan Klebold in the first hour class,

however, said he did not see Eric Hams in the class on that date, Patrick said heremembered this because he thought at the

time it seemed Outof the ordinary for Eric Harris not to be with Dylan Klebold in this first hour class.

Patrick Kelly said thinking backto 4-20-99, hebelieved he rememberedhis choir teacher, Mr. Andres, possibly yelledat Brooks

Brown in the Choirclass for talkingto Charlie Sim:lnons while Mr. Andres was trying to talkto the class, Patrick said on 4-21­

99, the day after the shooting at Columbine High School, he saw Brooks Brown in Clement Park, He said while talking to

Brooks Brown, it appeared that Brooks Brown was upset about the shooting, and said that Brooks Brown said somereing to

the effect of, "I can't believe they are gone," referring to Rachel Scott and Dan Mauser, two victims of the shooting. Patrick

Kelly said Brooks Brown considered himself'to be a "masterphilosopher" and said Brooks Brown "tended to lie a lot."~

Patrick said he had no evidence to indicate this beliefofhis as

',eing true,

Unit Number SlJ?eMSOt lnitial.$and Date


Page !

of ~

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (5)

CONTINUATION c R.port!ngA_y R.port!ngOllleef c... RepottNQ

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99·7625·UUUUUConnecting Cue Re;Mlrt No, VictimName Original bpQn 0... ThI. Report

08-24-99- Flnt Dearee M....der offeucStllt1l5:~ 0Ch ;,,, x x EJ;cepctanally C1I:an:d Recommend Case: !«view 0

RlldaWficatiOll c CII:!ared by A.trest 0 u_ 0 Closure 0

t~ 1QuamitY IBtItld tiarnl! I 06wip~n IScriaJNo-, ~\': I~~ I nim~¥'i

PatrickKellysaidhedidnot knowIsaiahShoels, butbad seenIsaiah-5hoels inthe hallwaysof'Columbine HighSchool. Patrick

saidhe neversaw anybodyraciallyharass or raciallyintimidate IsaiahShoels. He said that fromhis perspective, it appeared

that IsaiahShoels waswell likedbyotherstudents at Columbine HighSchool. Patricksaidhe also neversawanyof the trench

coatmafia studentsbeingdirectly harassedby anybody. Hesaidhedid notsee thetrenchcoatmafiastudent, or their associates

harass otherpeople either.

PatrickKelly said he does not know of anybody, nor has he heardrumorsofanybodywho may be manufacturing explosive

devicesand/orbuying, selling, or possessing firearms.

PatrickKellysaidon 4.20-99, whenhe ran out of Columbine HighSchool, he lefthis backpack (describedas a blueCypress

backpack) and its contents in the choir classroom. Patrick said he has since picked up these items from Columbine High



Patrick Kelly told me on 4·20-99, he did not see any ofthe suspects, nor did he see anybodywith firearms and/or explosive

devicesat any time.

Patrick Kelly said that during the 1998/l999 school year at Columbine High Scheel, Brooks Brown was engaged to an

Arapahoe HighSchoolstudentbythenameofSabrina(unlmown lastname). Hesaidit ishisunderstanding thatBrooks Brown

and Sabrinahave since broken up their engagement

IaskedPatrickKelly howheandhis family havebeendoingsincetheshooting on 4-20-99at ColumbineHigh School. Patrick

advisedmethathe had some roughtimesandsaidthatonethe victims by the nameof DanMauserwas hisbest friend andsaid

that he believesthe reason he had trouble wasdue to thisfriendship. Hesaid he is doing fmcnow and said he wouldcontact

me in the future ifhe or anyone in his family wanted to speak with a JCse Victim Advocate. I told him 1would make the

necessaryarrangements for them at that time.

"lISPOSITIQN: Case is open, pendingfurther investigation. JC-001. 005005

Officer S:gnatune Unit Number Supervisor inItials and. Date Assigned To rage !

I ~r r'J t;-; "... \£."2..... ~~" - -, of 1:>R.lG[>.lAL 1 ~'\tsTlCArOll: VlC11M SEJtV1CES I"""" I ASAFl4i98 JCSlln074

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (6)

CONTINUATION o ReponiDgAgency Reporting Officer CaseReport No ISUPPLEMENT X JCSO LUCIANO 99-7625!CQ~~ngDlt Rcpol1. No Victim Name OrigtnalReport Dine Th.l$ Ret!on

04-04-00C],aniIicaucn X HOMICIDE OOf!.l:lM' ~us: Optf! 0 ~tpti\m;l.IlYC~ 0 lleeom;mtmd c~: R'J''Ilt'' =

Rrolauilh::ation 0 Cltartd by !\nUl 0 Unf(lur.ded C Closur~ 0

1 1~o~ \ QI>a(\titl! ~ Brnnd NJUrC I "''''''''"' 1Strial Ntl , Vlll\at I Value: I vree 'Swln ltec(I'Iere(i D,,:;w.;:.ect '




4103 West Eldorado Place

Denver, Colorado 80236

(303) 934-1731

Student Columbine High School


4103 West Eldorado Place

Denver, Colorado &0236

(303) 934-1731

Grandfather of Patrick Sean Kelly



On 03-28-00 Investigator Kate Batten asked me to re-interview Columbine High School student Patrick Sean Kelly. This

office had received information that on 04-20·99, witness Kelly spoke to a news reporter and ldentified_as a

shooter at Columbine High School, along with Eric Harris and Dylan K1ebold. The purpose of the re-interview is to

clarify Kelly's information and observations on 04-20-99.

Page 1of::

'. lCiL\l SER\ ICES :;;;X\. fS1'lG'" TOR ccmcr-.«.

On 04-03-00 at about 1525 hours, I met with witness Kelly and his grandfather, witness Lynn, at their residence. As

documented in Investigator Peterson', report, Kelly was in the choir room when the shooting started. Witness Kelly

subsequently ran out of the school through the east doors and then to Clement Park. Witness Kelly told me that he was at

Clement Park when he spoke to a reporter. At that time, the reporter esked Kelly "Who could possibly be involved?"

Kelly recalled naming _along with Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris as possibly being involved becau-e of

Moms' association with the Trenchcoat Mafia. Kelly told me that he didn't then, and doesn't now, have any first hand

knowledge that_was in fact involved. Kelly also told me that he now doesn't believe that anyone other than

Eric H " and Dian Klebold were involved in the shootincs at Col III Hi h School Additionall Kelly told me

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (7)

I 5erilllNo

Cese Report No

99-7625Dm This- Report

04-04-000 RecomnwKI Case: ReviewE;cceptiOfl,;J.J1;y C~llfl:!d




i Olfell$l! Slatus: Open 0

C~JJby~~t C



j ~~! Qwntity I Brurtd Name


I Cl'IJlntCWlg Cut: Report No

ChusiiicatiQll X HOMICIDE~lil51il1eatilJn o

that the Sundayedition of the Denver Post (approximately two weeks ago) answered many of the questions that hestill

had concerning this case,

This interview wasconcluded withKellyhaving no concerns in reference to a third gunman,


JC-001- 005007


Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (8)


JC-001· 005008

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (9)

CONTINUATION a Ropcning- R.eporting Offif;er CawRcpon No

• JCSOSUPPLEMENT y MOORE,C. 99-7625-PPPPConnecting Case Report No, VU:tim-.Origjoalll.o!>oo

__ Repon

- COLUMBINE 06-29-99CI&U~ X FIRSTDEGREEMURDER """"s""" _ X -,"""'" CJ R,eo::omm.end Case- Rev~ o~on CJ Clewd by Amft CJ u......... CJ Closure CJ

l~ J Quantity IBrand Name 1-- ISCiItlNn ¥.,'\'i: J Rt¥:~ I ~~ADDmQNAL WITNESS:


7311 SouthWebster

Littleton, CO 80!28

(303) 971-0406


On 06·21·99, I was assigned teed #3904, to interview Aagela King. A Tami Biehl reported thaIKing had been shot at by a

suspect wearing a mask, whilein theauditorium of Columbine High School on 04-20·99. This leadwasoriginally assigned to

nry Etten on 06·15·99.

On 06.28.99, at about1542hours,I received a phone call from a female identifying herselfat Angela King. Thiswassubsequent

to myhavingattempted to contacther and leaving messages at the listedhomephone numberof (303)971-0406. I told King

that I wascalling referencethe Columbine High Schoolincident on 04·20-99. I toldKing that I had received information that

shehad been shot at and had actually seenthe gunmen in the auditorium on 04-20-99. King statedthat shehad been through

theauditorium, but hOO not been shot at and hadnot seena gunman.

JC..()01- 005009

King statedthat her fourthbour class wasGerman whica was on the lowerlevelof Columbine High School. She stared that

following that class she wentup the stairs, goingpast me cafeteria areaanddirectly into the choirroom. King thenstatedthat

she may havegone to her friend's locker whichis directly acrossfromthe choirroom. She Slated thatwas typical for her, but

shedoesnot remember if she did thaton 04-20-99. I asked King ifshesawanything unusual in the cafeteria JlJJd sbe Slated she

did not rasked her if she sawanything unusual in the wayofbagsor backpacks andshestated she did not. I told King thatmy

understanding was thatfifth period class started at 1115. I asked herwhathappenedat thattime. Shestatedthat the choirclass

warmedup anda boynamedBrandon Reisbeck wentto the hall10 geta drinkof water. She statedthat Reisbeck carnebackin

ASAF3 "";'8JCSD_'16"'"t

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (10)

JC-001- 005010

CONTINUATION n _.- _.Offie" Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO MooRE,C. 99.7625-PPPPCoontctingCue: R01)Crt No Vie\im Name 0rigUlalR<pon Oate Thi$R.e;xin

COLUMBINE 06-29-9!1-Clpsttteaxlqn. X FIRST DEGREE MVRDER ~StatlQ:. Op(n X ~mmaUyCared C Re<:ommttmi Cue: Review 0

Rtclu#Jt'i¢I,ti.¢tl c ClClftllli by J\rft$1 C u........ o Ck>sure o

I lfiw. IQuamity IBrmdNmle I ""'""""" , Serill1 'N(I, ~I:; \ R~=m I ~1t'd

saying. "Mr. Andres, there's a guy downstairswith a gun:' Kingexplainedthat Mr. Andtes was the choir teacher. She SUlted

thatno OIIe inthe class believed Reisbeek,as he is the type thetwould tend to playa joke like that, She stated that a girl came

in right behindhim, sayingthat it was true andtelling them to get out !lOW, King stated that she left the choir room mrning left

and going directly into the auditorium. She stated she went across the top of theauditoriumand into the main hall,whereshe

turned right and went out through the front entrance/main officedoors. She stated theglass bad already been shot out at that

point. She statedtherewere otherkids goingthe samedirection shedid. I asked her ifshe heard Or saw anything, She said that

when she was in the auditorium she thought she did hear gunshots, which sounded as if they were coming from the lower

commonsarea. I asked her if she saw or beard anything when shewas in the main hall. She stated that she might have heard

one or twogunshots at that point, however. she did not know for sure. She stated that once she gut into the main hall. she saw

one of her mend's younger sisters, Becea Goodwin, She Slated thatGoodwinwas crying and scaredand that she grabbedher

and took her out of the school. King stated that she and Goodwinwent outthe main entrance.across the teacher's parkinglot

Jd into Clement Park. SheSlated initiallythey were in theparking lot where the kids park, but the teacherscontinued to push

them further and further hack until they were eventually in the public library. I asked King if she bad either heard or seen

anythingoutside and she stated she had not.

I asked King if she had been in the cafeteriaat any point earlier thatday, She stated that she had gone down to Germanclass,

thus passingthe cafeteria, and had also possiblybeen there during firstor second period I asked her if she noticedanything

unusual in the cafeteria at any of those times and she stated shedid not.

I asked King if sheknew eitherEric Harris or DylanKleboid, She statedshebed Harris in German class fur the first three and

a half years. I asked her if she had seen himon 04-20-99.and she slatedshe had not. I asked if she had any classes with him

duringthe last semesterand she statedshe did not think she had. I askedheragain about Klebold, She stated she knew who he

was, butdid not know him. I asked her if she had seen him on 04-20-99, and she said that she didn't remember seeing him. I

askedKingif therewas anything she had either heard or seen, eitherprior to or since the incident, which she thought mightbe

of assistance to us. She stated there was not.

1~'~NlUnit Nwnber SupervisorInitials and Otto AssignedTo ?:>ge •

~ I:..~\ D\~ of ~

J ::»JC::"""" \ I ~\U7';G~7'Ol! VIc;'1M SEJl;V1CES IOi'HD l'\SAF3 4198 JCSDfl6'f"

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (11)

CONTINUATION 0!Illpcrtiq Ap=y ~om(1er Case Repon No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO MooRE,C. 99.7625-PPPPCOOlleoIiag c...lloport No. V..... N.... O<;gioollloport Date ThisRepon

JCOLUMBINE 06-2l}-99- X FIRSTDEGBEE MURDER 0fteDIa SlllUl: Opca X Cl Recom.mmd Case:Clao__c_

Rev~ cRco::lwUkmo... Cl ~byAm:tct 0 Vof_ c CIo.... I;)

'II': !_ 1.....,._ l~ !"""No. ¥= I~~~~~

I checked theRapidStartsystl!lll and discovered!be foUowing leadshad already existed reference BrandonReisbeck: 2618,


DlSPOsmON: Open,pending furtherinvestigation.

JC-ll01· 005011

~~lJ'nil Numbct Supervisor initialsand Dale- AssignedTQ .... 1

iK:':$t c'il;(: of J

":>R10t'o'A,t ~ t ~~",1¢R Vl"C'TIM S!RVfCfS I OTlW< I ASAF3.o1t'98 JCSDiI6i-1

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (12)


JC-001- 005012

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (13)

CaseNumber99-7625Supplement Report

Reporting Agency: Jefferson County Sheriff's OfficeReporting officer: S.K. Wygant 1001

. Date of this Report: 081199Offense Status: Open

WITNESS: Control # 4481

Jason, KirkDOB: 123081 _Address: 6277 W. Elmhurst Dr. Littleton CO. 80128Phone: 303 972 0657Student: Columbine High School


I telephonically interviewed the above listed witness on 081199. Kirkreportedthat he has not been interviewed by police regarding the ColumbineHigh School shooting prior to this date.

Kirkwas at school on 042099 and in Mr. AndresChoirclass. A student,Brandon Reisbeck ran into the choir room and told Mr. Andres thatsomebody was shooting in the school. Kirklookedout in the halls and heardwhathe thought was shooting and saw students running crazily in the halls.After he heard the shots, he ran out of the auditorium and ran out of theschool near to where the post graduate area is. Kirk ran to Clement Park.He remembers running out of the schoolbetween 1115 and 1120hours. Hereported hearing the fire alarm going off as he left the school.Prior to exiting the school he recalled looking out into the hall from theauditorium and seeing a student with a gun. He said the person with the gunwas at the top of the stairs hear the SE hall. He sawa flash from what hethought was a shotgun. He told me he could not identify the person with thegun. He said that he was running away and did not have a good line of sightat the suspected shooter.Kirk reported to having no prior knowledge of the shooting incident. He hadseen guys in trench coats on campus before throughout the school year andknew that there were tensions between the jocks and theTCM.

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JC-001- 005013

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (14)

One JUly 4, 1998 Kirk had a run in with who he thought, was Harris. Harriswas waiving a shotgun at him because he threw a donut at Harris ashe drovebyhim in a car. This occurred at a 7-11 store located at Platte Canyon andCoal Mine. Kirk told me that this incident was reported to the police. Hefurther alleged that he only thought it was Harris because he was a memberof theTCM.


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Jc-001- 005014

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JC-001- 005015

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (16)


~l:Olt!li.< _ .... _k~/{ f4«-t f::eltl~ ~ I~~f'f

~~~I ,?, <i.~. ~~

Excaplionally Clnrfld 0 Recommend Case: AwieWOn~dtd (J

JC.001· 005016

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JC.o01· 005017

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~UPPlEMENT .>COlm~lnoCua ReportNo

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KWERNELAKD, L_•....-'.. --'


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Page-L of 2 Pages

SummllfY of Statement:

Denver Police DeparlmentSTATEMENT

Case No. _

o _n_Y' _ .. y,_,J Seri4INo.


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JC.()01· 005021

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~I.'! p N 5 c,<-<rJS

I have Feadthe fOFegoklg sUttement lind the f_ conUtkled therein life we to the best ofmy knowledge INld belief. Ido not lJ14inrain thet it contllins all of the facts 01' details of the incident, but only those fllcts llbout which I !lIJve beenfl$ked.

JJ!1... I ~0 I.::!L0.... ClIAM

:::::-==:=;0== 0 PMTIlTlll SWomont COiiiili4ilid

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (22)

Page -.2... of 2... Pages c_ , _

Summary of StlIt8ment leom.l -..;

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:t7"" f& I!c.R 3"Tr, S (x...T".

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JC.o01. 005022

I have reJJd the foregoing lltatemant and fhe f1JCts contained therem are true til the best ofmy luwwiedge and belief. Ido not meimain that it conteins aNof the facts or dfffai/$ of the incident, but only th()$e facts about which I have beenBilked.

o"{ I 30 I '('I- D.- -DAM

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JC-001· 005023

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190799-7625174A-DN-5741999·136204/29/99Jon WatsonJeff Kreutzer


SUBJECT: Kevin Robert LARSONDOB: 07/311817991 S. Lamar SI.Littleton, CO 80128(303) 9794790

ContactedLARSON, who was interviewed in the presenceof his mother, Valerie LARSON attheir residence. He is a senior at Columbine High School.

LARSONwas acquainted with HARRIS. He had previouslyhad a Philosophyclass, and threeyears of German classes with HARRIS. He did not particularlycare for HARRIS, whom hedescribed as sitting in the back of the class and not participating much. However,LARSON saidthat he was sometimes randomly paired with HARRIS in the German class, and they had noproblem working together.

LARSON is not an athlete, althoughhe reports that in his sophom*ore year he did go out for crosscountrytrack.

LARSON recalledthat occasionally, in his freshman year, he used to eat luncwith KLEBOLD.

LARSON was a singer in a band which Brooks BROWN also was a member of. The band fellapart in about January 1999,because none of the membershad time to practice. LARSONrecalled that in addition to BROWN, the band also includedAaron BROWN, Brooks' brother,and at various times one of about 4 guitarists, including Doug PRADER,Carl IVES,and Joel(LNU). Joel was described as being 22 yearsold, and working at "Wells Backstage".

LARSONrecalled that about a year ago, he was stayingover night at BROWN's residence, andsomeone drove by and shot paintballs through a garagewindow. Aaron BROWN.Brooks'

JC-001· 005024

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190799-7625I74A-DN-5741 999-136204129/99Jon WatsonJeff Kreutzer

brother, got outside in timeto see the car and said it was HARRIS. This is not confirmed, and itis not knownthat there is any specificsignificance to this incident.

with LaurenTOWNSENDe believes she was a victim due to

LARSON did not see any of the shooters. He said he did see studentspanicking up the stairs.He said he heard shots, but no yelling. He did hear explosions, but at the time he thought theywere shots.

At the time of the shooting,LARSON was in the Choir class. This is the same class whichBROWN was supposed to be in. LARSON does not recall seeingBROWN,and does not knowif he was in class or not. Larsonsaid some of the students went into the Choir office, where hewent, and others left the class room anotherway. LARSON left a shirt, a brownhoodedsweatshirtwith "lndependent" written on the front, and his school notes in the Choir room. Healso left his trumpet in his band locker.


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1. LONG, KRISTEN, W/F, 008: 04-26-81

6617 West Arbor Drive, Littleton, CO 80123,303-730-8362


On 04-30·99 at 0900 hours I spoke with Kristen Long on the phone. She stated she walked to school the

morning of 04-20·99 and arrived at approximately 0735 hours. Kristen stated she knew DYLAN KLEBOLD and

ERIC HARRIS. She stated she was good friends with them in the 10th grade (She is now a senior) She slated

she got to know them because she was a good friend of Zak Heckler, who was good friends with Chris Morris, who

in tum is a good friend of KLEBOLD and HARRIS, She stated she became a pretty good friend of Chris MOrriS.

She stated that recently she had become more of an acquaintance to them. She stated she would sit and eat

breakfast With the group a lot but stop doing this in December of 1998 since she wanted to spend more time With

her boyfriend instead.

Kristen stated that they didn't hesitate to talk freely with her around She stated they talked a lot about

guns and bombs and killing people, She stated they weren't specific about what their targets would be, but that

they were, "obsessed" with it. She stated that they would talk about, "hunting each other" and about 'plaYing the

game", Kristen didn't know for sure but she thought'this could be possibly a computer game

Kristen stated that~as also obsessed with guns and death She stated she wouldn't be

surprisec if he was involved in the shooting at the school, According toKnsten,"'used to be the leader

of the group before ERIC HARRIS joined, She stated ERIC HARRIS took over the leadership and DYLAN

KLEBOLD was more of a follower along with~ She added that she didn't think~ad the

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" ~...rrRo L. #- 8'=31} ( -K. Lo>.J o,

guts to go crazywith a gun and killpeople. SheStated shehad losttouch with wing her junior year.

Kristen stated she usually saw KLEBOLO and HARRIS in the Commons (cafeteria) but she did not see

them there the moming of 04-20-99. She added she did not seethem at all that day in between her classes.

Kristenstatedthereweredefinitesigns that something could happen. Shedescribedthe groupas,·staring

youdown if they passedyou In the hall_ if you weren'ttheir friend', Shealsostatedevenshe wouldnot believe

them ifthey toldher ofthis plan becauseit sounded so unbelievable. Shestaled the group really tried to alienate

themselves from others.

Kristin also added that she worked at the Cooper 7 Theaterwhich is next door to the Black Jack Pizza

place where Moms, KLEBOLD and HARRISworked.

Kristin stated that when she ran out the front doorwhenthe shooting was going on, a bullet traveied past

her head and broke the glass in the door in front of her,

Detectille's signature/number/date Sergeant's signature/number/date

Page 2 of 2 JC.o01· 005028

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CONTINUATION 1:1Reporting Agency Reporting Officer Case Report No


Connecting:Case ~rt No vlcum NameOriginal Report DateThis Report

COLUMBINE 05-25-99,..X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X 0,!.TOJtIl;m OOtJUt StIlW; Opm u~l't Cltar'Od. ReGommend Case: Review 0

R«lwiflCatXm a CI~byArrm 01»_

0 CJlnUW 0

'IOZ' I"""',i., I"""" Nom< t ~ptiQn I Seri~"" ¥:\~ I ~iuc I Vlli\lll~:1: Damipti



6617W, Arbor Drive

Littleton, CO 80123



On05-25-99,at about J330 hours, 1interviewed Kristen Long at herresidence. Longisa seniorat theColumbine HighSchool.

I asked her to describe to me the events which occurred on 04-20-99.

Longstatedthat she walked toschool,arriving atabout0730 forher first periodclass. First periodis Government Economics

with Miss Karamigios, Second period is a free period for Long, She stated that she did not make any observations of

announcements since she is free that period. She walkedhome, got hercar, then wentto the Conocostationon SOUlh Pierce

SI. and West CanyonAvenue10 visither boyfriend, Shereturned 10 schoolfor thirdperiod.arrivingat about0930 hours. She

stated she wasslightly late for that third period class. Thirdperiod is MusicTheory with Mr. Andres. Sr. Fourth periodis

Psychology with Mr. Johnson. Fifth period is Choirwith Mr. Andres, Sr.

I asked Long about any prior contact she bad with the suspects or the TrenchCoal Mafia, She Slated she had been friends

during her sophom*ore year with members of the TrenchCoat Mafia, Shestaled she did not socialize with Ihemoutsideof

school. Thisyear during the first semester, she andTaddBowles would gel together during first periodand havebreakfast.

Sometimes HarrisandKleboldwouldjoin theminthe cafeteria. Shestaledthat Harris wouldopenlytalk aboutdeath,butnever

specifiedany particulartarget for death. Longworks at the Cooper 7 theaters and often had somethingto eat at Black Jack

Pizzawhere Harris and Kleboldboth worked.JC..o01- 005029

.n»: IIpY AAUnit Number Supet"\'i$or lnilials and Date Assisned To Pa.. !

~ /.wV~-v v , of ~

;'m~ ~ IIN\ESTIC.\;iOR \K';lM5U\i\f:S IOlHf\ I ASAFJ 41'S JCSDilb14

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (30)

CONTINUATION 0Reponing Asen<:'Y Reporting Off'teef Case- ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO OBBEMA 99-7625-VCotmectingCase Report NQ VictimNameOnginal Report DateThisReport

COLUMBINE 05-25-99- X I'1RST DEGREE MURDER X n, eatbn Offfllg S,1a1US: ()pen Ex«:pul'»UlllyCl~ Recommend Case: Review n

IIl:cclusit'it02tiGrl lJ CI~ by Arm;r o Unfounded n Closure o

l~ IQuliruity I Bral'ld NaM ll:)c,(;ripticn I srnlli No ~:\: I Value I Value ~/(eco"lrl't'Q Dall'l&ge;j

During fifth period. Long was in the choir room when two students she identified as Brandon Reisbeck and Beth Bradshaw

came into the room saying, "Somebody is shooting in the Commons." It was about two minutes before Long heard same

shooting. She stated it was morethan on. gunshot and it appearedto be gettingcloser. Mr.Andres, Sr., then said fer everyone

to get into theauditoriumand to geton the floor. Long ranout ef'the eastdoor of the choir room. then turned north. She stated

that hallway was verycrowded with people trying to get into the auditorium. The auditorium door is the firstdoor on the left.

as you go north in the hallway.

Long stated that she was one of the last students to enter into the auditoriumfrom the small hallway outside the choir roam.

She stated while she was waiting to get into the auditorium. she looked to her left and saw a really tall male wearing a black

trenchcoat, jogging east throughthe south main hallway. The individual jogged past the hall that Long was in. Long believed

that the male was white, because she believes she saw part of his arm. She stated the suspect was dressed in all black and

'XIssibly was wearingblack gloves. She sawa gunontheright sideofthe suspect. She statedshe did not believe it wasa sawed

off shotgun. She stated it was long and swinging by the suspect's right leg.

The suspectwasnot shooting when hejogged past the hallthat Longwas in. Longstated she could still hear shotscomingfrom

the west when she saw this suspect. Long stated the suspect she saw running past the hall looked as though he was wearing

pantyhoseor some kindof nettingover hIS face. She statedshe couldtell that he hada large nosebecausehis nosewas sticking

OUI from ius face. She stated that his hair was maned downand she was certain that his hair color was dark and definitelynot

blond, His hairwas an unknownlength.Longstated shedidnot know if'anyoneelse saw the suspectrunningpast the hallwhile

they were waiting to get into the auditorium. 1asked for the nameof the studentswho were aroundher at the time. She stated

she could not recall.

JC-001· 005030

When Long entered the auditorium. she stated she was standingby the sound booth which is near the top of the auditorium.

She statedshe could hear three to four gunshots very clearly. She then hearda male voice yelling. She could not distinguish

the words. Long thought that the male voice was coming from the stairwell, which leads from the Commons into the

auditorium. She also thought the person who was yelling in the stairwell was shooting.

or :!

Page IAssignOOlo


NUmlrer Sl.lpetvisor Inniajs and. DateUnit

ASAFJ 4/98 JCSDiI6':4:..-.. --'- .J.-- --L --'

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (31)

Jc-001- 005031

CONTINUATION CI~ingAgency Reporting OfficC'r Case: RepQrt No

SuPPLEMENT X JCSO OBBEMA 99-762S-VCUfU'lectlng CaseReport No Victim Name Original: Report Date This Report

COLUMBINE 05-25-99-X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X 0l ,:;:IIlon Offimsc: Status.; Opem ~lfPfiooa~lyC1arcd RlllCommmd CDc: Review 0

Rec:1Ulifil,:;'ltit.W'l 0 (;lwwbyAl'l'tlt 0 Un_ O CI05ute 0

l~ IQuamlt), i Sl'lmd Name- 100Jiitticn ISeriat No l= I~~~I ~d

Long stated tbat when she heard the three or four shots, they were very close and seemed to be corning from inside the

auditorium. Sheandseveralother studentsran out the north eastdoorsof the auditorium. These doors led into the north main

hallway. WhenLongentered the northmain hallway, she looked to her leftandsawthat the fire doors, whichwereonly a few

feet away from her, were shut. Long stated the fire alarmwas going and she ran east toward the main exit.

There are double glass doors at the main entranceof the school. As Longwas runningtoward the interiorset ofglassdoors,

she was aware that both sides of the door were intact. She decidedto take the glassdoor on the left side. As she beganto go

throughthatdoorway,the glassshattered. Shecontinuedtoproceedeastand exitedthesecondset of glassdoors. Onceoutside

the school. she ran along S. PierceSt., towardsClement Park. Thereshe founda cell phoneand called her mother. I asked

Long if she sustained any injury from the shattering glass door. She said "no".

.eng then told me that just before exitingthe firstset of glassesdoors at the main exit, she turnedand lookedback westward,

Shestated she brieflysaw a personora shadow ofa person against the westdoor whichis in thedoorwayleadingfromtheTech

center hall into the north main hallway. She thought the person was tall with long legs. She thoughtperhaps she was seeing

lussilhouette. Shedid not see any weapons. Shebelievedit to be thesamepersonshe badseenjogging past the hallwaygoing

east in the south mainhallway.

Long stated that some of the students who had come out of the auditorium into the north main hallway went back to the

auditoriumbecause shots were being fired. I asked Long if anyonecameto mind when she saw the individualwith the gun

runningeast in the south main hallway. Shestaledthe person thatcameto mindw~She didnot clearly seethat

individual's faceand could not positively identify the person as

Longstatedthat numerousstudents from Columbineended up beingon the front yard of her houseafter vacatingthe school.

Longlives in the subdivision just eastofColumbineHighSchool, LongSlated sheremembers lack Heckler's girlfriend,whose

firstname is Devon, saying she bad heardthe TrenchCoat Mafiasaying they weregoing to get even with the school, Devon

did not say who specifically made that comment.

UnK Nl,lmlxr SuperviSQr lnitials and Date


Assigned To

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (32)

CONTlNUATlON t:lRC\)Ofting Agency ReponingOtrJe« Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO OBBEMA 99·1625·YConnecting Cue ReportNo VictimNamcOriginal Report 0.te This Repon

COLUMBlNE 05·25-99, lClkllQll X FIRSTDEGREE M1JRDER Offmsc StwI: Optm X E'.tceptiol'lllly C!wcd o RecommendC~ Re"Jiew Q

Reclusl1bl:ioli C Ooarod b)' A,traI I;J u._ 0 CIQSure 0

l~ IQuaruity I 8mnd Name I ~rtpri01l 1Serial No ¥= IaJa~ I tJ;:;c

Long told me that she remembers more details about the shooting' as time goes on. She stated that she has bad dreams which

have helped her remember tblngs more clearly.

DlsPOSmON: Open.

JC-001- 005032



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Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (34)

JC-001· 005034

CONTINUATION c R<pott\Ilg AII'ft<Y Itopoftiog0Illc0t Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO PETERSON 99-7625·IIITIC01meetiDg Cue (Wport No. VtetimName Orlainai Rq)ort DateThis Repon


t "'ti<m x FiNt Degree Murd... Otlimso Status::" Open x e-.....,,""""'" 0 Recommend Case: R.eview 0

Ro;l:usifielll:iol:l c "'-"'by .... 0 u,_ c Closure 0

J~ IQunlitY I&md NI:m¢ 1_.... I SerialNo, :r.= 1~1~:Cd



6342 SouthNewlandCourt

Littleton, Colorado80123

(03) 797-&755

Wat; a student at ColumbineHigh Schooland graduated in 1999


Sameas above


Sameas above

Work: (303) 334-1602


OnAugust23, 1999, at approximately 0830hours, I responded to6342SouthNewlandCourtto contactand interview witness

Sara JeanMartin. This interviewwas in reference to the shooting thatoccurredat Columbine HighSchoolon ~20-99. Sara's

mother, ToriMartin, was present during this interview.

SaraMartin said on April 20, 1999,at approximately 0725 hours, shearrivedat Columbine HighSchool in her beigeToyota

Corolla, for her scheduledclasses. Sarasaid she parkedher vehicleill the seniorparkinglot ill parkingspace #203. Sarasaid

shedid not see anythingoutofthe ordinaryorunusual outsideof Columbine HighSchoolat; sheparkedhervehicleandwalked

towards the school.Shealso said that she did not seeanybody or anythingunusualafter she enteredColumbine High School,

Sara said she entered on 4-20-99throughthe doorthat is locatedon thewest side ofthe cafeteria/commons area, and is near

the faculty lounge. Sara said she then proceeded to walkalong the west side of the cafeteria, along the windows, and then

OfficerSign~ Unit Number S\Jp~i!ot fnitials and Ditte Assigned To P:lj> 1

AV. \-. "'"'2.-' ..., .. , .....- of ~

, -::lIUCl:"Al. ! ,:'>--'",£:lGA-:"OR \j~j Sr.It';ICSS I""'" I ASAf3 ~/9"8 JCSD'!6"'4

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (35)

CONTINUATION 0R<pol1ing Apcy ll<porong Officer CaseReport No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-7625--TTTTTC~c...~No Victtm NameOrijJiftal RCJ'Ort Da~ ThisReport


Flrst Deg.... Murde., - x otreux S"lINs: Open X_0.-1

0 Recot'nrt\lmd Case: Review c

~iB..:uion D Oeued hyAtt'I!$t 0 u_ 0 c.,,"'" 0

1m' IQ-" 1.......- 1-"" ISerialNova.\Ue I Vahl.e --r VlllueS""" Rcoovcred Dam;lgW

eastboundin the cafeteria towards the commons area. Sara 'aid she walked in this direction because she was going to her

Frenchclass thatwas locatedon the lowerlevelof Columbine HighSchool I showedSarathe photographs of the dufflebag

andthe propanetank that were later recovered in the Columbine High Schoolcafeteria/commons area. Sarasaid shedid not

seeeitherofthese items,or anyotheritemsof a similardescription. Sarasaid afterherfirst hourclassshewent tothefollowing

classes: Secondhour APEnglish, thirdhour Music Theory, andfourth hourPhilosophyclass. Sarasaid afterher fourthhour

Philosophyclass. she went to her fifth hourChoirclass.Sarasaid shearrivedat her Choirclassat approximately 111 J hours

on 4·20-99. Sarasaid she talkedto someof her friends for a fewminutes in the classroom, andthen the teacher. Mr. Andres,

told the studentsto sit down. Sara saidapproximately five minutes into this class, she heardwhat she believedto be people

laugaing in the downstairs part of the school. Sara said a studentby the name of Brandon Reisbeck and another student.

unknown name, suddenlycame running into the Choir classroom and told the teacher,Mr.Andres there were people in the

downstairs of ColumbineHighSchoolwith guns. Sarasaidabout this same timeshe heardpeopleoutsideof herclassroom in

the hallwaysrunning, and said shealsoheardapproximately threegunshots that soundedliketo herwerecomingfromthearea

of the top of the stairway. I asked Sara if she ever shot a firearm, or if she had ever been present when a firearm was

discharged. and she said no. Sarasaid,however, thetshebelievedthe three shots heardwere from a shotgunbeingdischarged.

Shesaidshe believed it is becauseshe laterheardshotsthetwerenot as loud as the first three heard. Sarasaid shegot down

on the floor for a short time and then got up to run out of the classroom with the other students who had beginrunning. She

said some of those students ran into an office area that is next to theChoir room, and said the other students in the class ran

out of the classroomand into the hallways. Sara said while running out of the Choir roomand into the hallway, she heard

severalvsmaller shots." She said she heardaboutfourof theseshotsandsaidtheysounded like to her they werecomingfrom

the top of the interior stairwaythat leads fromthe cafeteria/commons area on the lower levelof Columbine HighSchool, to

the upper level. Sara said she ran into the auditorium where there were severalother students. She said she heard what she

believedwere two bombs being detonated, possibly in a hanway. She said she ran across the auditorium and into the gym

hallway, where she said she turned to her right. Sara said she was runningtowards a back door of the band room on the

northwest sideof ColumbineHighSchoolto exit theschool. Sarasaidasshe gotapproximately 15feet fromthedoor,the glass

window in the door shattered. Sarasaid that although she did not hear a shotat that time,she believedthe window was shot

out. Sarasaidwhen this occurredshebelievedtherewas a shooteroutsideof Columbine High Schooland the door, shooting

towardsthe interiorofthe school,Sara saidshestoppedto lookaround to see if she couldsee somebody witha gun,however.

OfficerSigh~ Unit Number S:l.lpervisor Initiali and DateJC-001· 005035 ""g< •APt-:- -c ....... T"I.. ,

e_ ~_ I of ~

: J~O!\''J. I ""-"$.$"1":<;",-:'01\ V1C":'t'rlSEIW1CU I ,1'1<t, I ASAF3" '98 JCSD 16-..

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (36)

JC.o01· 005036

CONTINUATION CIl\<po<Ma Aa<=! R_gOffi= CaKl\~No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-1625-TTTTTCotmeCtlng CaseReportNo, Victim Name Oripal RtIport o.t¢This R¢pOrt

08-23-99!- First D"ll.... Murder O~Sraru~ x ~tioatUyCl!atN 0 Recommend C3S¢: Review 0, ,.,.. x

""'- 0 Cleved by Am:s1 0 Un10undcd D Closure D1

~ ~ Qutnlity IBmmi Neme i ~r1ptiOR ISeriat rooValu, I Vatut I ValUe IStoleft ~'l:l'ed Damaged: I

shedidnotsee anyone, Sarasaidshe thenexitedColumbine HighSchoolbyrunningoutof the back door on thenorthwest side

ofthe schoolnearthe band room. Shesaid sheran awayfromthe schoolaudto the "smokers pit," and then ran into Clement

Park. Sara said she got in a ear with a friend of hersby the nameof KevinKoegnigan (303·978-7254), as did other students

Shesaidtheythendrovetodropoffthese students attheir residences andtheythenwentto Kevin's housein Governor'sRanch

where she calledher mother,Teri Martin,at approximately 1150 hourson 4-20-99,

I asked SaraMartinwhat she knew aboutthe TrenchCoat Mafia., theTrenchCoatMafia students, and in particularwhatshe

knew about Dylan KIeOOld and Eric Harris. Sara said she had Eric Hams in a class ofhers during her sophom*oreyear at

Columbine HighSchool. ShedescribedEricHarris' styleofdressduringthattimeas"preppy"andsaidhedid notwearatrench

coat duringthat time frame. Sarasaid the firsttime she remembered seeingEricHarrisweara trenchcoat was approximately

one to rwo weeksprior to the shooting on 4-20·99, She saidEricHarrisdid not talkmuch and described him as being"quiet.

closed up, and bitter." Sarasaid she did not see aayoae harassor pick onEric Harris, nor did she see Eric Harris pick00 or

harass anyoneelse, Sara said she had DylanKleboldin her French class duringher junior year at ColumbineHighSchool.

She saidDylan wouldget veryangry in class with the teacher(KathyLutz)and the other students. and would start throwing

things around, Sarasaid sue got frustrated by these distracting actions of DylanKlebold, and his inability to get along with

others.Shesaid anotherstudentby the nameofZach Hecklerwas in this classandcausedsimilarproblemsas DylanKlebold.

Shesaid DylanKIebold and Zach Hecklerweresuspended, and sincebeingsuspended from the class, Zach Hecklerchanged

the way he acted accordingto Sara.She describedZach as being"very nice"and said she did not seehim weara trenchcoat.

Sara Martinsaid she attended the 1999Columbine High Schoolprom,and said she saw Dylan Klebold and his date, Robyn

Anderson, at the promtogether.Shesaidshedidnotsee EricHarris, however, attheprom,Sarasaidshe did 001 seeEricHams

or DylanKleboldat the after prom partyheld at Columbine HighSchool,

Sara Martin said she bas not heard aboutany peoplewho mayhavebeen involved in the shootingat ColumbineHighSchool

on 4-20.99,withDylanKleboldand EricHams. Shesaidshedoesnotknowof anybody, norbasshe beardrumorsofanybody

woo maybe manufacturing explosive devicesand/orpossessing, selling, or buyingfirearms.

Offt<:er Signature Unit Numw $upetVl$Q; Initials and Dale Assigned to Pal!" "A-P~_-r "L,"" T"'_, \ "'-"" of !-')R.lGl'..:AL I ~-, 'ES~Ci..,roR vicma SEJl..\1C'fS 1011!ER I AS".F3 4/98 JCSD·1674

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (37)


RAopoltini ....... ~iOlllcer Cue Report No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99·7625·)'( 11 rC_ae-Iboport No. Victim NUl< Origillallboport 0... This Iboport

08-23·99- .... Fint Degree Murder 0-. s""", 0... f, I lieully Cleared 0 _e- Review IJC x X

Ro::iaWfication 0 Cksred by Am:sr: 1:1 """"'.... 0 CIos= 1:1

lJl:l' 1Q_lY 1.....,,- I ""';riP'" I""""" ~,: I~~~ I o:m~Sara Martin said at no time did she see anybodywith a firearm or explosive device Oil 4-20-99. She also said she did not

remember seeingany of the Trench Coat Mafiaor theirassociates on that date.

I asked Sara Martinand her mother,Ten Martin, howthey andthe restof their familyhave been doing since the shootingat

Col1l.l1iliine HighSchoolon 4-20-99. They saidtheteveryone isdoingwelland saidthatiftheyneed to talkwithanybody they

havesomebody within their familythat they talkwith aboutthissituation. I did givethemone ofmy businesscards andasked

them to contactme in the future ifany of them would!ike to speak with a JCSOVictimAdvocate. I toldthem I would make

the necessaryarrangements for them at that time.

DiSPOSITION; Open,pending lUrther investigation.


OfficerSignat'l.lre Unit Number . Supervisor Imlials and Date AssignedTo Pal!" :!LlD

•• h,"," "-= ""'_ b \ llen.'l"'.l of !cmGt"u I n."VESTlr,; ...r01l; VlC'T'l'M SERVl~ I"""" i ASAfl4l\l8 JCS1>1674

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JC·001· 005038

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r '


JC-001- 005039

.... -:-'---1I of (

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JC.001· 005040

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Offen.. Statu..: Open A:JjCleat9d by Armsl CJ

e:1~Plj~1y Cleared: 0 Reoommentl Case: R.vll:lW' 0Unfovndetl 0 CJ

~1""""'~#11~~ I 'JQh~~ DoE

. 4.'tzz. ~ r<!>Et,


Officer SignaHJl1ll


,ot f

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (42)

JC-001. 005042

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c*ntINUATION o !\~irts Agency RepQrting Offil;er Case RepM No

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO OBDEMA 99-7625-JConnemngCase Report No Vkbm Neme OriGln~ DateThis R-epan

04-28-99litalUm x ...... Degree Murder OfTlmllC 51i1111S: Open x Ex;eptioMlly Oeared 0 R~mmendCase: Review 0

R«:;!u~t1(,'jlJi(lfl a Clct~ by Ar.'Ml 0 Ullklul\ded 0 Closure 0

!~:r r ~mil> 1Brand Name IDe;o;;,;ptioll , SerialNo. Va~~ I Vallie I Y,arul!sro", Rl!'CQ¥,:n!id DalTl1l!lM



4161 South Vrain Street

Denver, Colorado 80236

Student; Columbine HighSchool


On04-28-99. a~ about0945 hours, j metwith Salli Melfi at ]C50 forthepurpose of an interview Melfi statedthat on 4·20·99.

at about0830hours.shewas in her homeroom class. which is the second hour. She Slated that daily, between 0825 and 0830

hours, scbool announcements are made over the public address system. Announcements are made on the T.V in each

classroom via graphics. The T.V. does notshow a individual speaking intothe camera. Each day the RNN,which stands for

"Rebel News Network". the official station of Columbine High School, displaysa phraseof the day. On 4·20·99 the phrase

of the day started with."Todayis Hiller's birthday." Melfi thoughr thetoilowing graphic stated something aboutmatdaygoing

to be a badday or about the studentsnot wantingto be in school that day. She couldn't remember the specific phrasing.

I asked Melfi if she knewwho the announcer was over the public address system that morning. She stated she did nor recall.

she thinks it may-have been a female. She mentioned four students who she knows work with Teacher Mr. Tolacco. who

teaches video productions. The nameof the students who assist himin announcements are: AmberBurgess, Alise Williamson.

Chris Beets, and Andrew Anderson. Malfi statedshe also knew thatsuspects EricHams and Dylan Klebold, along wah their

mend. Nathan Dykeman. worked in thetech lab thissemester. Melfi stated thatthe phrase of the daydoes not normally include

featuring famous person's birthdays. She only remembers Martin Luther King's birthday being highlighted. Student's

birthdaysarenat displayedon the television graphic,butare usually announced over the public address system.

[ asked Melfi if she knew the namesof the srudents who had been in the library. She statedshe knew that Seth Houy, Sarah

~l1 1

JC-001· 005043


I N1/

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (44)

CONTINUATION 0Re;xn1ing Agen,.:y RtlpGninl:: Officer Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO OBBEMA 99-7625·JConnecting: CaseReport No Victim NUll! Original Repon Oltl: This Report

04-28-99.ik31ioo ,x First Degree Murder Otl'c1ut: St:mlll: ()peR X ~.:t1ptiOl'llilly Cleared 0 Reccramend Case. Revi~' 0

RecJ;l-'i."il«;41iOI1 o C1ured by Al'TeN. 0 Ul'ilCiJrlrifld 0 Closure 0

l~ ~ QuAntil;; I !mad N1Ull~ I ~tlptioo I S<!:tiaj1'q, ~;~~~ I VJlllJe I \t31ucRe\:o",o::l'OO Dam;lige<.l

Houy, andCrystal Woodman had been in the library. SamGranillo had been downstairs in the cafeteria. She knew of injured

studentsnamed DanSteepleton, Makai Hall. and Jennifer Doyle.

Melfistatedthat On theday of the shooting she was On the choirroom. It wasabout 1125 hours or shortlybefore. Shestated

thechoir room is soundproofand that they did nothearmuch untl1 a student named Brandon Reisback came running into rhe

choirroomsaying."There's a shooting downstairs in thecafeteria." Melfi statedshe then heard a loud "pop, pop. bang"and

saw kids running down the hallway screaming. She saw a teacher named Mr. Andres yell to the students to go into the

auditorium, Someof the students began to exit tilewestdoorof the choir room. which leadsto a hallway on the south Thrs

hallway is nearthe stairs which leaddown to thecafeteria, They weremetby a teacher named Mrs, Miller, whotoldthe students

they could notgo iliatway but to go out the opposite door. Melli said thestudents, including herself, exited theeast door of

tilechoir room and went north downa hallway whichleads to theauditorium,

Melfi went Into the auditorium and walkedalong a set of seats, then exited the far doors which led to the main hallway, The

firealarm was now ringing. The firedoors in the main hallway. which areJust to the left of the doors she exiledfrom. were

shut. She turned to her rightand began running east downthe hallway which goes into the uppercommons area nearthe from

entrance of the school, Melfi did stated that therewasapproximately 60students thatwentfrom thechoirroom into an adjacent

officeand did not leave the same way she did, She believes the office belongs to Mr. Andres,

WhenMelfi was in the uppercommons area, she headed towards tl1e interior double glassdoors which lead OUI of the school

She heard a shot and saw the doubleglassdoorson the leftshatter. Shestated she thoughtthat the trophy case to her left was

alsohIt Melfi hid behind a columnwhich is in the centerof theupper commons lobby, Acounselornamed Mr. Butts told her

to go down the hallway near the counseling office. The students who were with her were fellow choir members. Matt

Carmichael. John Kohn. and Shawn Kelly. Alex Goldberg wasalso with them, He had come from the lowercommons area.

Melfi stated it is unknown if any of those individuals saw the shooter,JC-001· 005044

Melfi stated that the shots were comingfrom behind herwhenshewasgoingtowardsthe glass doors, She statedshe did not

~tk .~;t- Unh Number Supervisor lnllials arm Dale As~gncd 'To Page,•ltd; r ,~- I/l/V ~;:: ,,' 1

! l11X:::",\~ f.--" ! \' ~'~1~ ·-':iR ' ,('7:.... ;fh;t :.0 i (\'fH~lt I ~~~F: 4;9~ J(SD 16- 4I '_., l..,

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (45)

CONTINUATION 0R.eporting Agency Reponina: Officer C..uc ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO OBBEMA 99-762S..JClJonecling Cue ReportNo V\ctim NameOriginal Report Dere ThisReport

114-28-99lcatl{l!l X Finl Dqree MUrdor ~T~"¢ $l;&Wjl; Open X E:\~IIl!y CkDmi o R~mmenrl~ Rl;'4iew c

Ra:lwiikllu",n 0 C1etmd by "ITI'M c UnJOitncitd C1 Closure o

l~T!J1l4111ilY TBrandName T~ripl:iorl I Serial No ~\l1, -I R Valliki I DV"ll.Iliieccve ;mailed

see who was shooting. She also did not see anyone shot. I asked her if she was aware of any bible study going on in the

upstairs library duringthis time. Shestated shewas not Melfi stated that weshouldcontact DeanMrs. Mikesell because she

believesMikesell saw the shooter.

Melfi andher fellow studentsrannorthdownthe hallway thatpasses the counseling offices. They then founda way to exitthe

school. Once they were out of the school they ran towards the Clement Park parking lot along PierceStreet, where several

Columbine Students park their vehicles.

Melfi stated that sheknows thegirlfriend of Nathan Dykeman, whose name isChristy Epling. Epling toldMelfithat Dykeman

had moved to Florida to live with his dad on 4-26-99or 4-27-99. I asked her aboutChristy's reaction to the news that her

boyfriend hadlett thestale. Melfi stated that Epling wassurprised because it hadhappened so suddenly. Eplingtold Melfi that

Dykeman had not saidanything to heraboutany plans to attack theschool. Melfi stated that her friend, Scott Rathbun. (303)

-l72-4867, also talked to Epling regarding Dykeman.

Melli drew on a school map that I provided her the escaperoute she tookwhenshe found out about the shooting. A copyof

thatmap is attached to this report.


JC-001· 005045


Unit Number SUpnvlSor Initi<d5 and Dall!: Assign¢dToP~~e <

l/NV .!£b.; col l

"'I<ICI ....... " ! .\\!y'iC1TOIl \ l~I:'1 'itll.\ irES -T Q'l'Hj;R I .o\$A F'3 ,,*'98 JC$l),'16":'4

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (46)



=1. =

II JC-001·005046>---1 ...,....---"U__--""'.>---'­

1-1' ~

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m199-7625174A-DN·5741999-136206115/99Jon Watson

BackjUound:Stephanie BRESEE hada conversation at theColumbine Library withSallyMELFI. MELFItoldherthata friend of a friend had saidthe incident was being planned fur a year,

l&!lQ:interview MELFI to determine the source of the information.


SUBJECT: SalliA. MELFIDOB: 09/14/824161 S. Vrain S1.Denver,CO 80236

MELFI was interviewed on June 15, 1999 by telephone from her residence, with the permissionof her mother, Karen MELFI.

MELFI acknowledged thatshehas already beeninterviewed, but I explained that I needed to getsome additional Information in regard to herconversation with Stephanie BRESSE at theColumbine Library on Apri120, 1999 following the shootings.

MELFI remembered theconversation, and I asked her about hercomment that someone sheknew hadsaid the incident hadbeen planned fora year. She said theperson who told her thatwas Alex MARSH.

According to MELFI, MARSH was in the same world literature classas MELFI during the firstsemester of the 1998 -1999 school year. In thatclass, MARSH wasthe "boisterous" person inthe class. MELFI remembers thatMARSH was made fun of a lot, because she would stand up inclass and speakher mind abouttopics thatwerebeingdiscussed, but that her statements wouldevolve into"nonsense".

On theparticular daythatMELFI was referring to, which she recalled was during the lastpart ofNovember or the first part of December, thepeople whowere teasing or making fun ofMARSHwere jocks butMELFI said they weren't the onlyones who made fun of MARSH.

MELFI described MARSH as being "pretty tough", andthought MARSH didn't have manyfriends, because shewould seeMARSH alone in thehalls between classes. However, MELFIsaid thepeople with whom MARSH didassociate were members of the Trench CoatMafia. Iasked who those people were, and she gavemethe names ofCbri~stenTIiIEBAUtt, John SAVAGEand Pauline COLBY. I asked if__••as partof that

1JC-001· 005047

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group, andshesaidclass"students,askedi

t, Shedescribed MARSH as associating more withthe"actingas associated more with the"forensics" or "debate" students. I

was partof MARSH's group, and MELFi said hewas.

MELFI told methat shespoke toMARSH, andtoldherthatsheadmired her forbeing willing 10

standupand speak OUI. MELFi recalls thatMARSH toldher, "don't worry, they'regoingtopay". MARSH went on, "I have a couple friends thatareplanning something". MARSH did nottell MELFI who the friends were, or what was being planned. except that MARSH made acomment to her that whatever it was had been planned fora year.

MELFi didn't say anything to anyone at the time because shedidn't takeMARSH seriously, butwhen theshootings happened, MELFI remembered MARSH's statements. MELFI said therewasno oneelsepresentwhen herconversation with MARSH OCCIlI:Ted.

JC-001- 005048


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. JC..oo1- 005049

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JC-001· 005050

CONTINUATION o ~g"- IIopolling 00;"" C_~rtNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-762S-JJJJJConnttting Case I\q;ol'tNo Victim Nam&OtlginaiR~ Date This Report

COLUMBINE 07·28-99- FIRST DEGREE-MURDER 0ffimIc Sla'm; Ope X " t«corntnend Case· I'''''' x ~Ck::ared


RuJM$ifitl{itm " < Ckmd I'll' A1l'lKl " u......... c Closute 0 Il~ IQutlltity 1Brand NEe I~", ISeNiNo. ~.= I a~Jed I D~~d



5403 S< Holland St.

Littleton. CO80123

(303) 979-5492

Graduated Student-Columbine HighSchool-I999



Work: (303) 972-2155


Same as above.

Work: (303) 932-3757


On 07-28-99 at approximately 1300 hours, I responded to 5403 S, HollandStreetto contactand interview MeganMorrison,

whowas. student at Columbine HighSchooland bas sincegraduated in 1999. Thisinterview was inreference to theshooting

thatoccurred at Columbine HighSchool on 04-20-99,

Upon arrival at 5403 S. HollandStreet.I contactedwitness Megan Morrison andher mother, JanetMorrison, whowaspresent

duringthe interview. Megan advisedme that on 04-20-99, shearrived at Columbine HighSchool for her scheduled classes

at approximately 0710 hours. Megan saidshesat in the foyerareajust insideof themain doors/administrative offices, while

she talkedto her friends prior to ber first hourclass, Megan bad.told methat she parkedhervehicle (a red Ford F-150 pickup

'ruck) in the Clement Parkparkinglot andthenwalkedintoColumbine HighSchool through the east side maindoors of the

OfficerSignatureUnit I~mw SIoJ~ror Initialsand Date AssignedTo P,.. 1

A.D.+-...~ >l't.... __ d .".. of ~

! juc"' ..... I ::>-."'> t$":1Ci4.701l: VlcrtM S'Ett.Y1CES I ""'" I -\.SJ."F3 ,v9SJCSO 16"..\

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (51)

CONTINUATION o R~iflS; Agency Reporting Officer Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99·762S-JJJJJ~tfugcase bport No Victim Name Original Rqrort Date This Report

COLUMBINE 07·28-99- FIRST DEGREE Ml;RDER Of'fmlle 5t1il.lU$; Op.m X E~rwIyClwed 0 Recommend Case;c ""'. X Review 0

R«lwIifle.atl'cn 0 Clearedby Annt 0 U"'_ 0 CJ,twlJrt' 0

l~~ IQ"""" I.....""'" IO~;lli(j1l. !ScialN<> l= I V!dtte I vueerw:OVtl'Cd Dlltl'laged

school. Megan advisedme that for her firsthourclass. she is a student assistantin the administrative officesof Columbine

HighSchool, Shesaid duringthis first hourclasshour,shewalkedfrom the upperlevelof Columbine HighSchool, down the

stairway to the lowerlevelthat leadsintothe cafeteria/commons areaof Columbine HighSchool, Meganadvisedmethatshe

went to the vending machines that arelocatedat the"RehelCorner" to get something out of the machines. I showed Megan

the photographs of the duffle bag and the propane tank that were later recovered in the Columbine High School cafeteria.

Megan advised that shedid not rememberseeingeitheroneoftheseitems on04-2Q·99 in thecafeteria/commons areaor atany

other locationat the school. Megansaid thather first hourstudent assistant's classwas overwithat 0820 hours, andshesaid

shethenwenttoher secondhourHumanities class,whichis alsoon theupperlevel ofColumbine HighSchool, and lasted from

approximately 0820 to 0915 hours. Megan said she thenwent to her thirdhour Physics class on the upper level of the high

scbocl,andsaid thisclass is from approximateiy0920 hoursto lOIShours. Megan advised methat shethenwenttoher fourth

hourGovernment Economics classon the upperlevelof the highschool. Ir lasted fromapproximately r020 to 1115 hours.

Megansaidfor fifth hour, she wentto Choirclass,alsoOn theupperlevelof the highschoolthatbegan at approximately 1110

or 1130 hours. Megan advisedthat at the beginning of her Choirclass she was insideof the classroom at a desk, whentwo

studentsby the nameof Katy Rutledge andBranden Reisback exitedtheclassroom intothe hallwaysforan unknown reason.

Megan saidthat aminuteor twolater,Rutledge andReisback camerunning backintotheChoirroomandadvised theirteacher.

Mr. Andres, that there was someone in the cafeteriaof Columbine HighSchool with guns. Megan said she did not know if

Reisback or Rutledge went to the cafeteria andactually sawthe gunmen or if someone in the hallwayhad informed them that

therewerepeople in the cafeteriawith guns. Megan saidthatwhenthe student told Mr. Andresabout the peoplewithguns.

Mr. Andreswent out into the hallway fromthe classroom to try and determine whatwas takingplace. Meganadvised that

while Mr. Andreswas gone, she heardan unknown number of gunshots that werecomingfrom an unknown location inside

of Columbine High School. Megansaidthat the gunshots ceasedfora few minutes and then she heardfurthergunshots that

sounded to her as those as they werecorning from the area of the cafeteria/commons area whichwas locateddirectly below

theChoir roomthat she was in. Megan advised thatMr..Andres had thestudents go intoan officelocatedinsideof the Choir

room whereshe hid with approximately 60 otherpeople from thisclassroom. Megan said that while in this classroom. they

barricaded thedoor that enterstheofficefrom theclassroom, byputting desks upagainstthisdoor. Meganadvised thatduring

this time. she heard additional gunshots that sounded liketheywerecoming from close by. Megan said that whilein hiding

" this office,therewasa telephone insideandthestudents insidestayed in ccntactwithJ.C.S.O. dispatchers sothat theycould

OffiC¢f Signature Unit NUmber Supervisor Initials and Date , JC·001· 005051 'g. !AD -'-

"'''~ ..... 1 """""... I of ~

;:>R.KI';'''-l I "'·.EStJC~-:'::}I; ,ICTIM 5fJ1:\ ices I,,.,,,, I -\SAfJ .,in JCSD- 16':4

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (52)

CONTINUATION 0R"l""tingAgmcy Reporting Offit:er Cue Repon No

STJ!>PLEMENT V JCSO PETERSON 9'}-762S..JJJJJConnettingCase Rc:pG1t No Viail\i NameOriaina! Report Dett This RqlOO

COLUMBINE 07-28-99-FIRST DEGREE MURDER Xc .... x Off'erl.$o S1IClS:~ ElI~C~ 0 ReccmmeM Case: Review Cl

llecla$lificauOl!. 0 Clearedby I\nflt 0 Ullf~ lJ Closure o

~ IOwmtitY T Bmd Name I Descripfitm "l~ Sm3.1Nc. ~= I ~u;e I Va]1JC~ D~d

be informed of whatwastakingplace. Megansaid that alsoduringthis timeshe heardone bomb that wasdetonated thatalso

sounded to her like it had exploded in the cafeteria/commons areadirectlyunder the office they were hiding in. Megan said

that whilehiding in this office, everybody tried to bequiet so thatnoneof the suspects would be able to hear themandknow

what their locationwas. Shesaid afterapproximately threeanda halfto four hoursofhiding in this office.the 60 or SOpeople

in the roomwererescuedby a SWATteam. Megansaidaftertheywerechecked for any possible weaponsor involvement in

theshooting, thentheywereescortedoutof the schoolandintoClementParkwhere theywere questionedby lawenforcement

officers. Megansaidafter beingquestioned, she then went to the publiclibrary locatedon WestBowles andLongDrive and

eventuallywent to LeawoodElementary whereshe metup withher mother. JanetMorrison.

I askedMeganMorrisonwhatsheknew abouttheTrenchCoatMafia, the TrenchCoatMafia studentsand in particular. Dylan

KleboldandEricHarris. Megansaid that the TrenchCoatMafiastudents are"just different" according to the otherstudents

at Columbine HighScbool. Megansaid that shehas known DylanKleboldsince the 8" grade when theyattendedKenCaryl

,wddle School together. Megansaidthat at that time.Dylanwas"preppieand a jock." Megansaidthat's whyshehasa hard

timebelieving that he wascapableof committing the shootings at Columbine HighSchool. Megansaid that she didnot know

who*ricHarriswas priorto the shooting on 04·20·99. I askedher if she knewanyof the TrenchCoat Mafiastudents or their

associates. and Megan said that she knew Chris Morris fromthe school and said that Chris Morris had always scaredher.

Megan said that Chris Morris was known to pick On otherpeople. and therefore she said everyoneelse also pickedon Chris

Morris. Shesaid thatChris Morriswore a trenchCOal. combat boots, and sunglasses all of the time. Megan saidthatshedid

not have any conversations with ChrisMoms other than on one occasion approximately two years ago when sheaskedhim

whyhe dressedin thefashionthat hedressed. Megansaidthat hetoldherthat"MaybeI'm normaland everybody else isnot."

Megan saidshe had not had any furtherconversations withhim. Megansaid that sheknew who BrooksBrownwas andthat

he seemednice to her. Megan said that Brooks Brownbegan wearing a trench coat she believed during his junior year at

Columbine High School. Megansaid that she knewTad Boleswhoshebelievedwas a TrenchCoat Mafia student, andsaid

hehad droppedoutof the Columbine High Schoolapproximately Marchof 1999. Shesaid that he Was friendswith theother

TrenchCoat Mafia students,and saidhe alwayswore his trenchcoat. Megan said that at times Tad Boles had a badattitude

towardother peopleand life in general. Megansaid that sheknew whoRobertPerry was fromColumbineHigh School, aod

Ire said that hewasalwaysridiculedbyother students dueto the fact thathehadno friends, painted his fingernails black, said

OfTIt:er Signature Unit Number SU:pcrvisOT Initialsand Oztc:JC-001· 005052 -,ge l.

A.D. +-•.•. _ .,........ I _ •• I ......., I of ~

. ;)lI.lGr"~ 1 ~'\ ESTIGA1'OJl: \ lC1M S!1t\ lC£5 lONER I .\.S.xf3 4'98 JCSDd6~4-

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (53)

COl'lTINUATION 0Repor!illll Apncy .R.cpomna: Officer Case 1\q:Mm No

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO PETERSON 99-162S·JJJJJC~in&CaseReport No. Victim NameOriginal tlepon Oa<o This flepon

COLUMBINE 01·28-99- FIRST DEGlU:E MUlUlER Xt; ..." X ~SIl~Opm

_C'_IJ Recomrne:nd Cue: Re'vje-N "

lUiI:.ltuilicaticD a CI..... by ""'" a t111~ a Clos>te D

l~ IQwuuity I Braad Namo 1_", ISoriaIN¢. ¥~I::\ I~~~t4 I VallieDmliPd

he never showered, and said he wasteased due to his stye of dress, Megansaid that RobertPerry Was friends with Dylan

Klebold and EricHarris.

MeganMorrison said that during the fall of 1998 while shewas employed at Miller Stockman at the Southwest Plaza. Tad

Bolescameinto the storea lot and alsosaid that shehad seen Brooks Brown in there. Megansaid that several of theTrench

Coat Mafiastudents bought their trenchcoats in this Miller Stockman storeat the SouthwestPlata. Megan said that these

trench coats wereusuallymade withan oiled type of materialto makethem waterrepellent, and saidthat they wereheavy to

wear. Megansaid that thesetrench coatswould cost approximately $100andif theywere linedwould COst morethanS200

She did saythat MillerStockman carried leathertrenchcoatsor dusters, however, they were veryexpensive to buy.

As previously staled, MeganMorrison advisedthat she did notknow Eric Harrisprior to the shootingon 04-20-99. Megan

didsayhowever that shebadseen EricHarrisinthe hallways of Columbine High School, Shesaid hewouldwearblackjeans,

and a white T-shirt. She said that at times Eric wouldwearhis trenchcoat, however, this was not all the time. Megan said

whenshesawEric Harris in the hallways, he "alwayslookedin a herryandangry."

I askedMegan if she knew who Isaiah Shoels was, and she saidyes,she knew whohe was, however. she did not know him

well. I askedMegan if she had ever witnessed any type of racialharassment or racial intimidation by anyonetoward Isaiah

Shoels. Megansaidthat shehad neverseen hirn racially harassed or intimidated and said that he was a verynice person and

everybody likedhim. Meganalso said that she had neverseenanyof theotherminority studentsat Columbine High School

racially harassedor pickedon.


MeganMorrison advised me that on 04-20-99 she did not at any timesee any of the gunmen/shooters or any suspects with

firearms and/oran explosive device, Megan said in fact that on04-20-99, she didnot see anyonewho shewould consider to

be a TrenchCoat Mafia studentor associatein the cafeteria or anyotherlocation at Columbine High School.

Io~:~~pr= Unit Number Sup::rvisor initials and Date Assign& To Page !

.....-:to> .....1 ~, of ~

!~;::,rs:'"J.. I ,;.' E.STfC"tcP\ ..1C":"tMUA\IC.tS I <min I -\S....H 4,'98 Jest}, l6'~4,

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (54)

':::ONTINUATION 0R<portJna A_ _.Officer CaseReport No

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-JJJJJCOMOCting CaMR.epon No, VlCtUn Name OriSiMJ b:pon o...Thls~

COLUMBINE 07-28-99,.....x FmST DEGREE MURDItR 0fI'tMes~ ()pm X n _..mc_C - _c_

RlMow Q

...- c Clelftd. by Amct 0 U........ 0 Cl""", n

I~ IQuantity IBrandNeme: I""""""" I$WINo. = I~~~ I D~~

I askedMeganMorrisonandhermotherJanetMorrishowtheyand the restoflheir family havebeendoingsincethe incident

on 04-20-99. Meganadvised me thai she has been doingfairlywell since the incident,however, her motherJanel said that

shehadtakenthe incidentvery bardandin facthas notbeenable10retum to wadesince the shooting. I askedthemif theyhave

had anycounseling or therapyandJanetMorrisadvised methatshehas seena therapist. I advisedJanetandMeganMorrison

that shouldanyoneone in their family wantto speakwlth a J.c.s.a. VictimAdvocatein the future, to contactmeandI would

make the necessary arrangements for them at that time. Megan Morrisonsaid thai she would contactme in the futureif she

thoughtofany other informationthat she feltmayhe pertinent to this investigation.

DISPosmON: Case is open, pendingfurtherinvestigation.

JC-001- 005054

OfficerSignature Unjr Nwnl>er Superviser Initial$ and Date Anigncd To P"" ~

AP. h-. ""'"' ....A.l QI-\' of ~

ojlj(;l!<'\l. l n-.":ESTIGATOR \1C1"f\.! S£A\-iC'ES I onea I AS.o\.fl 4198 JCSO'16'4

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (55)


JC-001· 005055

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (56)

CONTINUATION ClRl:portina "","cy IloportingOfficer C_ltcp<mNo

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-ZZZZZConnectinllc...ltcp<m No V_N....Oripwltcp<m 0...n.;, ltcp<m

COLUMBINE 09·15-99- x liMURDER X a""'""""'" om.. SIUU: 0,. ~yC'-"d R.o::om.mcl'Id Case: Review cRo:laiitieation a CIc:w'cd by M'eI( a u._ 0 Cl"""", o

I\f,' I0-"" I-..N_ I~lion Is.NIN. l= 1~1~~ci



10270 WestAlamo Place

Littleton, CO 80127

(303) 971.()471

Student-Columbine High School


Same as above.

Work: (303)935-3544


Sameas above.

Work: (303)904-2321


SinceI receivedJnformation Control Number4495 to follow upon, I haveattempted tocontact witnessCraigPatrickNason

onseveraloccasions. On 07-30-99, I calledandhismother JuanitaNason wassupposed tocall meback,however, asof09-13 •

99, she has not contactedme. Between07-30-99 and 09-13-99, I madeother attempts to contact witness CraigNasonby

phone,andon 09-13-99, I attemptedto contact CraigNasonat his residence, at 10270 WestAlamoPlace. however, no one

answered the door. I left a business card onthe door. As of 09-15-99, CraigNasonhas not contactedme norbas any other

of'his family members contactedme. Dueto the fact that I havebeenunableto contact and interview CraigNason, I havebeen

unableto interview him in reference to the Columbine HighSchool shooting on 04-20-99. ShouldI get in contact withCraig

Nason, or he contactsme in the future, I will interview him at that time.

DISPOSITION: Case is open, pending further investigation.

JC.(){J1· 005056

OfficerSignatU~ Unit Numbet Supemsor initials and Date t\$signed To Pal!' 11') D4-

>oI-:t-, ......... \ "" .~~ of 1, OR.lGIK.-.J. ~ l''''E.$:lGATOk V1C't"lM S9-'-1C:::s 1m I ASAFJ..;198 JCSIH474

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (57)


JC-001· 005057

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CONTINUATION CJ~Apni:y ~Offi,,, CaKReport NQ


Conneehl'li Cue RqxJrt No. Victim. 0rig1.nal RtpOtt DoleThis Rcport

- COLUMBINE 07-29-99, ~... X FIRST DEGREE MURDER "-_,0".. X .......,OIllyC_ 0 a-dc..., Review 0

1l.eelassiflClUion 0 Cleo"" by...... 0 u._ 0 Cl.o..ure (J

I~ I Quantity I 8m'1d Name 1_... IStria! No §'.= I V..... I V.~,~l.Wero:d DaJriascd



7779 W. Caley Dr.

Littleton, CO 80123

(303) 978-0%2

Student-Columbine High School-Graduated 1999


Sameas above.

Work: Jeppesen

5SInverness Drive East

Littleton. CO 80121

(303) 784-45 JJ


Same as above.

Work; Wayne's Electric

Brighton. CO

(303) 659-7481


On07-29-99 at approximately 1500 hours, I contacted witness LayneNewtonby telephone,who is a graduated student of

Columbine HighScbool. Laynegraduatedin 1999. The reason I contacted her was in referenceto the shootingat Columbine

High School on 04-20·99.JC.o01· 005058

Officer Signa~ Unit N\lffibcr S"""",,,,, Initial< ond Dole .-\ssig!ted To Page !1. f'l •IT"t' r • 'Ol"h I.....,A· I of ,1

I DIUOr:.. ....... r~,", £$7:;;;" 70R VlcrtM5U\1C!S - I""""__ l _~Af3 ';J98 JCSD16~4. _. -- -

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (59)


CONTINUATION 0Reportins Apncy ReponingOfficOt ICase: Report No I


Co,."""", c... Repon No. Victim NameOri$inal Rej)Ort Datil:This Report

COLUMBINE 07-29-99- X FIR.ST DEGREE MURDER X c, ""''l OfiinI.A SIalIR: OpeD &eq:ltiol::Wly ClanId ReccmmeedCue: Revtew 0

RllClwlfu:atlon o C1ear«IlIy Armt o Unfound~ c Closure G

~ IQuutity IBrllndNtme I""""""", IS$"ial Nc ~: I Va!u# I ValueRCCO\!<lrtd DAnJll/ltli

LayneNewtontoldmeon04-20-99 she arrivedat ColumbineHighSchoolatapproximately0729hours,whichwasjust intime

to get to her firsthour class that began at 0730. Layne said whenshe arrivedat the school, she walked from the parking lot

areaofthe schoolandthen walked up the outsidestairway on the west sideof the schoolandentered the doorway at thetop

of these stairs. She said she then went to her first hourPhysicsclass on the upper level of the school. Laynesaid after her

Physics class, she wentto the following classeswhichare all located on the upper level of Columbine High School, second

hour,Math, third hour,English, fourth hour. Government Economics and then to her fifth hour Choirclass. Layne said the

Choir classbegins at 1115 hours, andsaid on04-20-99 she got to thisclassa coupleofminutes earlyand satdown at herdesk

in the classroom. Layne said her teacherby the nameof Mr. Andres was in theclass talking whenshe arrivedandsat down

Layne said duringthe first few minutes of this Choirclass, the students are allowed to go to the restroom or get a drink. etc

while the teacher is taking roll call. Laynesaid a student by the nameof Branden Reisback went out of the Choirclassroom

duringthis time On 04-20-99, andLaynesaid hecamerunning back into the classroom and told everybody in this classroom

to "Get out of here. Someone's sheeting downstairs." Layne said about this same time period, two students (names are

unknown hut Laynesaid she believes theywere freshman students) ran into thisChoirclassroom and werehysterical. Layne

said she and other Chair students ran out ofthe Choir room intoa hallway, then ran into the auditorium at Columbine High

School. Laynesaid when she got into the auditorium she tried to bide behindsomechairs. Laynesaid she was behindthe

chairsforapproximately thirtyseconds andsaidshethensawwhatshebelieved wassmoke comingunderneath theauditorium

door fromthearea of the cafeteria. She said thecafeteriawas locatedon the opposite of this door than the side that she was

on, Laynesaid shetherefore got upandexitedtheauditorium through anotherdoor,andsaid sheheardwhatshebelieved were

three to four gunshots in the area of the hallway. Layne said she was running with a friend of hers by the nameof Charlie

Simmons. She saidCharlieSimmons told her later that whilehe wasrunningwithher, oneof the gunmen'sbullets shattered

a window next to him. Laynesaidshe didnot personally see thisoccurbut saidshe did hearthe shots. Layne saidat no time

on04-20-99 did sheseethe gunmen and/or: suspects withfirearms orexplosive devices. Laynesaid afterhearingthe gunshots

she then exitedColumbine HighSchool by running outof the doors located by theteachers' parking lot and said shethen ran

northbound intoClementParkwhereCoach PeterHorvatch toldher to keep running awayfrom the areaof the school. Layne

saidshe rantoa friend ofhersby the nameof EricaJennings' bouse, whichbacksupto SouthPierceStreet in theareaof West

Fair Drive.

OfficerSignature Unit Number Supervisor lnltia!s and Dare Assigned To Page 1

of ~

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (60)

CONTINUATION 0R<:poTti.'3 AtI=>.y Rcponin80~ CaseReportNo

SUPPLEMENT J( JCSO PETERSON 99·76Z5·LLLLLConnecting CaseReport No VictimNamt:: Original Report DateThisReport

COLUMBINE 07·29·99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X 0 Reoomm¢rld Case;Cl """ 0_"""', 0,., EMCUDallyCleared. Review 0

!!;C\;lusiiiCJ,ticn c ~byA.m$t c Ulllll\lftded 0 Closure o

tm' IQwmrity I Snmd N:tme I Dd<;~Ucn IS«tal No- ~~ I Value I V..meRecovered Damag~

Layne Newton told me on 04·20-99 she did not go into the cafeteria at Columbine High School at any time.

I asked Layne Newton what informationshe could provide to me in reference to the Trench Coat Mafia. the Trench Coat Mafia

students, and specifically what she could tell me about Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. Layne said she went to Ken Caryl

Middle School with Dylan Klebold. She said she did not remember anything unusual about Dylan Klebold during this time.

Laynesaidtwo to three weeks prior to the shooting at ColumbineHigh School on 04-20.99. she had Dylan Klebold in a History

class ofhers. She said for a project in this History class, the students were told to pick a partner to work with on this project.

Layne said she noticed that Dylan Klebold didnot havea partner,so she asked him ifhe wanted to be her partner. Layne said

Dylan Klebold got upset and turned her offer down, refusing to be her partner. Layne said prior to the shooting on 04-20-99,

she knew who Eric Harris was. but did not know anything about him, Layne said she knows who Robert Perry is and said he

was in an Advanced English class with her daring the first semester of 1999. She said she remembered Robert Perry gave the

teacher in this class trouble. She said Robert Perry would not talk to anybody in the class. Layne said she believed Robert

erry dropped out ofColumbine High School daring the Spring of 1999. Layne said she had Tad Boles in her Concert Choir

class daring the Fan of 1998, and said she did not know if Boles was a Trench Coat Mafia student or a Trench Coat Mafia

associate, bur said he did wear a trench coat. Layne said she knows who Brooks Brown is, and said she "would not trust him

at all." Layne also described Brooks Brown as being"a goodtalker." Layne said that since the shooting she has beard rumors

that was involved with Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris and was going to help them during the shooting at

ColumbineHigh School on 04-20-99, however....'chickened out" She said it isunknown where this information

came from. Layne said a friend of hers by the name of Erica JellJlings told her that she saw Brooks Brown walking on South

Pierce Street just prior to the shooting on 04·20·99.

DISPOSITIQN: Open, pending further investigation.

JC.Q01· 005060

1 0m,,,, Siil"n Unit Number Scperviscr Initia!$ andDate M!>igned T6 Page ~

A • "'1, f"\•• 1 of ~.AA

:'~"::;I',"'" I :"-, ;::':IG·.~~K ;'~S£?:;'IC£S I .,,,,,, I .t.S.\f) 4'9't JCSD t6-".- .

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (61)


JC-001· 005061

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (62)

Summary of StatlIment:

Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

Case No. _

Date of BIrth! 8rial No,

o HoUts

'56''''''If. AU5 &4&6- kn 2'.?t'4 64Pd1- A....a$V>,n 5/PMA. <;" !:'f U4u r#",,7'X.v(.:;'. 7#iik 5dd tr.

I9E: 7'!wC ALtha L..- dvr 12,.,.. :z;...L k,....,. A.;.cd• •z;wvv •N,qr 2::z=crY ~ 0 #~r Lng A- £nd4 L

& ;ivA. kif"''' 5VA Mt:,?<I(f. Z - #A:A&:2..Juir UV..£

JC..()01· 005062

I have reed the foregoing .st8tIImfIM IIfId the fat:f$ contained therrm. an! _ to the be8t: DI my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that it contains all of the facts or details of the incident, but M/y these facts about which t neve beenuked.

DPO 36e. (Rev. V9S}

;x; >~~nt11I11111I11111~llIIllm 1111'0600'

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (63)



JC.Q01· 005063

DlSfD Qf~-Urll! SUp$Moor IrJl1iaJs liInd Daleo Asllignl)Q To

. u7 ea--O'&'02-q q Pagll.-'-_-1

,'" I

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (64)



Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (65)

PIRNARR Arvada polics/Cour~ SystemArvada Police Department


Page 104/26/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

ORIG 04/22/1999 04/22/99/THOMPSON/LSG

On 04/20/99 1 ! was at Clement Park in response to the shootingat Columbine High School and was assigned to interview students atthe ~chool as they were brought to the command post staging area inthe perk .

I interviewed one student, Alicia M. Olejniczak, DOB: 02/14/61of 7769 w. Frost Drive in Littlecon, home phone 303-933-0376 or303-933-1060, whose parents are Dick and Jan Olejniczak.Olejniczak is a senior at Columbine High School. She said she wasin the concert choi~ room for a rehearsal at the beginning of 5thhour when the incident occurred; the concert choir room is abovethe commons area next to the staircase that connects the firs~

floor to the second floor, I failed to ask Olejniczak whether shewas escorted out of the school building by the SWAT team or whethershe left the building with some of the ocher students when shebecame awa~e of the dangeroug situation. She told me that as shewalked out of the building on the west side, she saw water alloverthe floor and shoes and back packs strewn all ove~ the area, insideand outside the school. Olejniczak saw twO bodies as she exitedthe school: one male lyinS on the sround with a wound to his sideand one body, unknown whether male or female, laying at the tap ofthe stairs. ~e~ther person was moving at the time and she was notable to identify them. Throughout the interview, Olejniczak wasvery ar~ious and distraught and told me that her sister SarahOlejniczak was also a student at columbine and had been in theschool building. Alicia did not know where Sarah was and asked meif I had heard. I took her to the school counselors who werestanding by to assist the students and they told me they would takecare o~ her. I did not retrieve any furthe= information fromA:icia during my ahort interview,

I conducted no further interv~ews at the site, This casereport is connected to Jefferson County Master Case Report #99­7625.

JC-001- 005065

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JC-001· 005066

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Control Number: 1935

On 05-07-99 at about 1000 hrs., this Investigator responded to 7769 W. Frost Dr. andconducted an interview with:

OLEJNICZAK. ALICIA MARIEDOB: 02·14-81(303) 933-0376

Also present for the interview were her parents, identified as:



Alicia related she has not been interviewed before except briefly the day of the incident.Alicia related she was in the choir room office. There were about 60 kids in there with noteachers. In the choir room, the teacher is Mr.Leland Andres Sr.

Initially the class was joking around and they started warming up to sing. It became quietin the room. Brandon Reisbekeck, ran in and said there were people shooting downstairs.They thought it was a senior prank. Then they heard some bombs.

Halfthe kids went out the doors, the other half stayed in the class. Alicia was later toldthat the half which left, went into the auditorium, As they were attempting to leave, agunman came. The group went downstairs, then went out through the commons doors.

Since the incident, about 120 students have gotten together and talked about it. Whenasked what happened inthe room without a teacher, Alicia stated that a kid took charge.She identified the person as:


Alicia said that Foss took control along with another kid identified as:


Both subjects are seniors, While in the choir room, they were at the door watching. Atone point, they saw the barrel of a gun come around a comer. Alicia said she saw thebarrel ofa gun. She does not remember what it looks like.

JC-001- 005067

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ControlNumber: 1935

Alicia relates she did not see the gunman. When this occurred, she was shoved into thechoir office. Alicia indicates they heard shots, bombs ami screaming. At one point, acustodian came inand told everyone to get down. Sheidentified the custodianas Jay.

Alicia related thet Foss pushed filing cabinets up against the door. There was a phone inthe office and someone had a cell phone with them. Kids in the 0 ffice called theirparentsand told them to can 911. The person with the cell phone was a senior, who wasidentified as:


This Investigator asked Alicia if she ever looked at a clock. She related there is not aclockin the office. During someof the cans to the parents, they were telling the studentsto turn off the lightsin the roomand to pushstuff in front of the door. So they used desksand filing cabinets.

While in the room Alicia said it became hot and she wanted to know about her sister.Alicia tried calling her parents. Foss tried to calm her down. At one point, Fossbackhanded Alicia because she was getting out ofcontrol. Alicia sat down and cried.

Finally the SWAT team came. The students openedthe door from the inside. They tookthe students out ten by ten. When she looked at the clock it was 1525 brs. Alicia'sparents said she is on the video of the students leaving the school. Alicia is wearing ayellow jacket. It took the SWAT teamabout 10 to 15minutes to get themall out.

When they left, they went downstairs to the cafeteria. They went in front of the kitchen,then out the side door. They went up the stairs, past the two guys that were dead. Theyendedup in a littlecornerat the north west part ofthe building.

This Investigator asked Alicia when they first knew something was wrong. She indicatedChoir class is Sib hour. The class starts at l l lS hrs, At about 1130 brs. is when theyknew something was wrong.

Alicia never saw either person involved inthe shooting. She only saw the gun barrel for afew seconds. Alicia also related she never heard any names being used or any otherstatements by the suspects.

This Investigator then interviewed Alicia's sister Sarah. After that interview wascompleted, this Investigator asked Alicia the following questions during a secondinterview. This interview wasconducted at about lOSS hrs.

JC-oOf - 005068

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Control Number: 1935

Alicia describedher back pack as Navy Blue,"Collection" Series. The back pack if Iilbricwith an emblem on the llap. The emblem is the letter "C". It is also not really a backpack, it isdescribedmore as a purse. It is locatedin thechemistryroom. Contained in thepurse isa five star day timer. There are also lots ofpapers which have her name on them.Her glasses are also inher purse.

In regardsto the shooters, Alicia related the following infurmation. She knew Eric Harris.She had a class with him, Creative Writing. The teacher was Ms. Kelly. She said Harriswas really intelligent and alwaysnice to her. Theyuseto make fun ofthe teacher.

Alicia talked about a incident that happened severalmontbsago, possiblyafter theirspringbreak, which was from 03-16- to 03-20. In Creative Writing, one of their papers, theywere to identiJY a character or object as a person.

In the paper written by Harris, his object was a bullet and his best friend was a shotgun.They got into their discussion groups and they were to pick the best one. Alicia believesthat Harris read his paper to the class. She believes that possibly the paper was turned in.These papers were written shortly after spring break. Alicia related everything Harriswrote was reallydark.

In regards to the school announcements for the day, Alicia relates her second period isEconomics. She does not listen to the announcements. He sister, Sarah, stated there isalways a quote of the day. She possibly remembers something in the quote as this mightbe a bad day.

Alicia asked this Investigatorabout Brooks Brown. She indicated she has known Brooksfor about two years. She indicated Brooks hung out with Dylan. Brooks did a lot ofplays and Dylan ran the sound board. Alicia related she hung out with Brooks last year allof the time.

Alicia indicated Brooks told her last year someone was threatening him. Brooks did nottell Alicia who it was. She said he was scared. Brooks did not know what he haddone tomake someone mad.

This Investigator asked AliciaifBrooks ever told her someone was setting off explosionsand she said no. Brooks brother Aaron told Alicia that Brooks knew somebody who wasmaking bombs. She does not remember the exact words. Brooks parents were concernedabout his safety. On the Monday befure the incident, Alicia and Sarah had lunch withBrooks.

JC-001- 005069

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (70)


ConttoIN~: 1935

Richard then asked this Investigator wba.t information had been obtained reference anyother participants. Richard stated that while be was at Lea Wood Elementary School,waiting for information about his two daughters. he talkedwith two girls who came fromthe school.

The girls said they had seen two guys in the cafeteria, wearing all black. There were alsotwo guyswho entered the main door from the parking lot. One was in black, the other inwhite. The girls said they allbad guns. The two girls\VCtC in a group ofsix to eight girls.Richard described the girls as one having short, darker hair. The other girl had mediumblond hair.

One of the Sheriff's Deputies spoke to the girlsat the door and sent them in to sign up.He described the deputyas beinga big guy.

Janice alsoadvised this Investigator she was told by a Isdya churchof the following, Thewoman is identified as Cindy. Cindy's son is:

SAMMAURO, MlHONY (TONY)(303) 972-92437264 W. Walker PI.

Tony was in the careteria. When the suspects first entered, he was ableto get our quickly.Since they live in back of the school, he ran through the field. Tony stated that twosuspects came in the front door and onecamein the sidedoor.

At the end of this interview, Sarah talked about two brothers that went to the school,identified as:


Steven indicated when the incident started he got in the elevator and went down. Ryanwas in the cafeteria. Ryan lookedat the soccer fields and saw two people shooting. Ryanalso related theytried to trap the peopleinthe cafeteria.

Richard indicated at around 1200hrs., he was near a State Police motorcycle which waslocated at the bottom of the hill, south of the schoolon Pierce. The officer was directingtraffic and had his police radio turned up. Richard heard over the radio someone sayingthere wasa shooter on the roof and they were throwing bombs. Finally a supervisor in awhitecar told the officerto turn downhis radio.

This Investigator did have Alicia complete a drawingof the school. Whereshe was at andherescape route.


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- - -: . -

JC-l101· 005071


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JC..o01· 005072

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Zip Code


Case No.-------

C State

Making Sunemflll"lt is:t:l Officar C Witness

semi No,

Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT



!4lln Olloy

Summary of Statement:

ButiM$S Street A reS$

Page__ 01 _

Concerning an inctdent occurring at:

OfficeI' Taxi ta~m



I have rearl the foregoing statement and the facts contained therein are true to the best of my Irnowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that it contains all of the facts Of details of the incident, but only those facts about which I have beanaslred.

JC..o01· 005073

Time Statement

__ 1__1_-Oat. ClAM

'1'1=:"""'=-=====":; 0 PM

uFO 366 {Rev. 2/951 IIII~IIIIII011 1m 1111• 0 600 •

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (74)



II...No. au

II •.... _._- - . •• . _. _. ..•.••._ •. _. ..

JC-001· 005074


: OfficefSigfl81Ufl!l

7?aLUI.WSupe!\l'iscr IMialS: iVU' Date

ctl- O'?OJ'q q

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (75)



Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (76)




WITNESS INFORMAnONCONTROL 4502Christopher JoshuaOrtwein DOB 0321817865 S. Vance Ct., Littleton, Colorado 80128Phone: 303 973 3363STUDENT: COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL


On 081699, I interviewed Janice Ortwein, the mother of student ChristopherJoshuaOrtwein. Christopher wasoutof town. Janice confirmed that herson was in schoolon April 20th

, 1999. She saidthatChristopherwas in Mr.Andres choirclass when the shooting incident began. She said Christopherhid in the choir officeroomwith 60 otherstudents until being rescued by aSWAT team.Janice said that her son did hear a lot of gun fire and knew somebody was inthe school shooting only because students in the choir room were in contactwith the police on cell phones.


JC.o01· 005076

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JC-ll01· 005077

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Control Number 1052

A.'vlANDA M. PETERSEN, Columbine High School student,Littleton, Colorado, (303) 972-1429.

Agent JERRY W MEANS, Colorado BureauofInvestigation, 690Kipling Street, Denver, Colorado, 80215, (303) 239-4211.

April20, 1999and August 11, 1999


The Reporting Agent conducted an initial interview on April 20,1999, with Amanda PETERSEN. A follow-up interview wasconducted withPETERSEN on August l l, !999 PETERSENstated shewas in the choir room when the incidentbegan ShestatedBrandonREISBECK carne into the choir roomfromthehallway and told everyone therewas someone shooting in thecommons area. Shestatedhe did not savwho it was. PETERSENSlated the students in the choirroombecameconfused andeverybody started to get downon the floor. She stated just afterREISBECK statedsomeone was shooting, she heard severalfirecracker typesounds coming fromthe commons areaPETERSEN Slated students in the choirroomdivided into twogroups She slated a lot of students wentfromthe choirroomtothe auditorium, and the groupshewas with went into a backofficearea. ShestatedMs MILLER. CHS teacher, came into the roomandtold all the students 10 he quiet. PETERSEN stated shecontinued to hear shooting, and could also hear students runningthroughthe hallsof the school. ShestatedMILLER left the room.

PETERSEN stated therewas a phone in the officeand several ofthe students shewas withcalled their parents ShestatedCHSstudent, Joshua ORTWINE called 911 fromthe phone and told thepolicewhat was goingon. PETERSEN Slated sheandthe otherstudents waited approximately 3 hours,andthen the SWAT teamcame in the roomand evacuated them to the park Shestated shenever sawany of the students witha gun, andsaw nothing unusualduring the school day beforethe incident began She statedheronlyknowledge of the KLEYBOLD andHARRIS was from her

JC-001- 005078

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (79)

creative writing class. Shestated shedid not associate withthemandnever heard them talk about anything destructive.

~;Ow Means

Colorado Bureau of Investigation

JC-001· 005079

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (80)

C<lNTINUATION (Ja.;.omngApcr ~Oflle" C.RepottNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-162S-RRRRRConnectingc... Report No. V"""" NameOriIiM/Iboport ll8le Thi.oReport


X 0..... E,~lly~ ~Cue: R.view 0

""- 0 ~"'Amol 0 v_ 0 Cle<"", 0

~ IQuantitY I Bf'lU1id N'rM I~ ISlltia.lNo.. = I ~a1ull I Value\letN Dam~



7324 SouthYukon Court

(303) 972-1429

Graduated studentof Columbine HighSchool/graduated 1999


Same as above.

Work: (303) 932-5344, pager. (303) 235-2350


same as above.

Work: (303) 761-9261


On August II, 1999, at approximately 1300 hours, I responded to 1324 SouthYukon Courtto contactandinterview witness

Amanda MariePeterson, who wasa graduated studentofColumbine HighSchool as of 1999. This interview wasin reference

to theshooting thatoccurredat Columbine HighSchool on04-20-99. Amanda's mother, Cynthia Peterson, waspresent during

the interview.JC-001· 005080

Amanda Peterson saidon April 20, 1999, shedroveher vehicle (a blueSubaru station wagon) to Columbine High School and

badher sister,ValeriePeterson, withher. Amanda saidshearrivedat thehighschool between 0715 hoursand0730 hours on

thatdate. Sheparkedher vehicle in the Columbine HighSchool seniors parking lot in parking space#27. Amandasaidafter

parkingher vehicle she entered Columbine HighSchool through the doors that are locatedacross fromthe "Rehel Corner."

This door leadsintothe cafeteria/commons areaof Columbine High School. Amandasaidher firsthourclass is Spanish and

'aid the classis on the lower levelof the highscbool, Shesaidwhensheentered the schooland walkedto this classroom she

Officer Signai'\.lte Unit Number ~ J:itiali and Date AssignedtoP'll" 1


"""'"' ~ ........ ......,.'" of ~

OfIJCNAL I ;\"\'!ST1GATOJ: V1C"11M SE1Wl0...s !0'T1iEJt I ,,5Af3 4198 JCSJ)'I.,.

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (81)

CONTINUATION 0Reponing Agency RqiQrtmgOfflcer CaseR.r:pon No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-762S-RRRRRConnQ¢ting C,* Rq:xm No Victim Name Oria!lUU Rtport DateThisRe'pOn

COLUMBINE 08-12-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Xleadon Otlinw StllIU; Open Ex~CIftnd 0 Recommend Case: Rcvu::w 0

Recllssi&:ation a CIcan:d by Arrest 0 u........ 0 C10'liUl'l:' 0

llSf f Qu.ulUty I Brand Namcc IDescription ISIJtW N:I) Vll~e , Value I Valuesw " Rc<;cvertd Dlmlie<l

does not remember seeing any of the Trench Coat Mafia students in the cafeteria/commons area. I showed Amanda the

photographs of thedufflebagandthe propanetankthat werelaterrecovered inthe ColumbineHighSchoolcafeteria. Shesaid

she did not see either item,however, she said she did not go intothe cafeteria. Shesaid when sheentered the schooldoorshe

turnedto her right, away from the cafeteria, to go to herclassroom. Amanda said herfirsthour class lastedfrom0730hours

to 0820 hours,and said she then went to her secondhourGovernment Economics class that was locatedon the upperlevel of

the school. Shesaid thisclass lastedform0825to 0920 hours. Amanda said $he then wentto her third hour Math classon the

upper levelofthe school and said this class lastedfrom0925 to lOIS hours. Amanda said next she went to her fourth hour

CreativeWritingclass, locatedon theupper levelof the school, andsaidthisclasslastedfrom 1020hoursto 1110hours. After

the CreativeWritingclass, Amandasaid she wentto her fifth hourChoirclass,which is also on the upper levelof Columbine

HighScheel,and said she arrived at the Choir roomat approximately 1115 hourson 04·20·99. Amandasaid theChoirclass

began singingand thenBrandon Reisbeckcarnerunninginto the choirclassroomfrom the hallwayand told the teacher. Mr

Andres,to stop becausesomebodyinside of Columbine HighSchoolwas shooting. Amanda said at this point, she heardan

unknown numberofwhat shebelievedwere gunshots. Amanda saidthe gunshots sounded10 her likethey were coming from

thedownstairs areaofColumbineHighSchool,butshesaidshecouldnotdetermine if thegunshotswerefrom Insideoroutside

of the school. Amanda said some of the gunshots sounded like fireworks goingoff and said others sounded louder. I asked

Amanda if she had ever shot a firearm or been presentwhena firearm wasshot She said when she was very youngshewas

present,possibly withher grandparents, whena firearm wasshot,however. didnot recallexactlyhow it sounded. Amanda said

after hearingthe shots, she heard the fire alarm gooff andthen heardpeople in the hallways outsideof the classroom running

and screaming. ShesaidMr. Andrestold everybody in herclassroom to getdownon the floor, so she didso. Amanda saidshe

was downon the floor for approximately one minuteand then anotherteacherby the name of Ms. Miller began waving the

studentsintoan officethat is locatednext to the Choirroom. Amanda saidthere were approximately 60 people in thisoffice

hiding. She said there was a telephonein the officethat theywerehiding inand said someonewason the phonewithJ.e S 0

duringthe timetheywerehiding. Amanda saidthe peoplehiding in thisofficebarricadedthedoor byputting filecabinets and

desksagainst the doorto try and keep any of the suspectsfromgaining entry intothis office. Amandasaid the people in this

office remainedIn there for approximately 3to 3 1, hoursuntil SWAT rescuedthem,and she said this was at approximately

1430hourson04·20·99. Amandasaid SWATtookthemoutthroughtheColumbine HighSchoolauditorium, downandacross

'he stage, then out of the school throughthe cafeteria/commons door located by the faculty loungeon the west jside of the

Officer Signature Urn, Number $upef'itSCT Initials al'l4 Date JC-001- 005081 Page !

AJJ, +, . ",::L'" -. .t ~, I of ~

OlUCNAt- r :;,.~, ES'l'lC..,TOft \JCT!M stR\!C£S IOTriER I "SAf3- 4198 JCSO·lb~"

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (82)

CONTINUATION CIReponing A..",y _.Offi= CaseRepen No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-1625-RRRRRCO(l;tleCtjug CaM: ltcpQrt No Vietim Name OnginalRepon _ This Repon

COLUMBINE 08-12-99r-

X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X( -. OtJeMe SWU: 0,- bcepl:ionally C laIm.i o ~:mmendC_: Review 0

Reclusi&::atWft 0 Clcmd b)' Anat 0 lJtlfuuadcd 0 Closure 0

I~ l Qu&ttl'ity IBrandName- 1""",- 1s......,,;. :{,"'. t RJ:~ I ~v~~,,""

cafeteria. Amanda said they then all ran up a hillwherepohee vehicles transportedthem to ClementPark.

I askedAmanda Petersonwhat she knowaboutthe TrenchCoatMafia. theTrench Coat Malia students,andparticularlywhat

she knew aboutDylan Klebold and Eric Hartis. Amanda said duringthe 1997/1998 school year at Columbine HighSchool,

sba believedthere weremanymore Trench Coat Mafiastudents than therewere during the 1998/l999 schoolyear. Shesaid

that althoughshe knewvery little about the TrenchCoatMafia andTrenchCoat Mafia students, sne couldremember seeing

studentswearingtrench coats more frequently during the 1997/1998 school year. Amanda said, however, that she did 1I0t

believethat theonlystudentswearingtrenchcoatswereTrenchCoatMafiastudentsorTrenchCoatMafia associates. Amanda

believedthat the onlystudentswearingtrenchcoatsweretrenchcoatmafia studentsorTrenchCoatMafiaassociates. Amanda

saidshe believedthat other studentsother than themworetrenchcoatsas well. Amandasaid that duringthe lim semester of

1999, she had a CreativeWritingclass at Columbine HighSchool andthe teacher was Mrs. Kelly. Amanda saidalso in this

class were Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris, and Brooks Brown. Theywere 1l0t in attelldance in this class OIl 04-20-99. Amanda

said she did not associate with any Trench Coat Mafia students or associates, nor did she pay much attention to them and

therefore couldnot providemuch information abouttaem. ShesaidthatshethoughtofDylanKlebold as "a kindoffunay guy"

and said he would "joke" with other people. She said both Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris would wear their trenchcoats.

however, she said they would not wear them all the time,especially if it was hot. Amandasaid Eric Harris seemedto her as

"a seriousperson" andsaidhe"was quietandwithdrawn." Amanda toldmethat BrooksBrownwas inthis classalso,andsaid

he mayhaveworna trenchcoat, however,she couldnot remember for sure. ShedescribedBrooksBrownas "really outgoing

and loud." She saidBrooksBrown was tall and skinny. Amanda saidNateDykeman "was goofy looking." Amanda saidshe

did notpay anyattention to them to knowifthey';'ereassociated withjust TrenchCoat Mafia studentsandassociates or if they

wouldassociatewithother people inthe class. She said thatshe did not remember observinganybodyharass tbe people that

shebelievedwereTrenchCOa! Mafia students.ncr didsherememberthe TrenchCoatMafiastudentsor associates harassother

people.JC.o01- 005082

Amanda Petersonsaid that she attended the 1999Columbine High SChool prom and also attended the after prom party at

Columbine HighSchool. Amanda said she remembered seeing DylanKleboldat the prom with Robyn Anderson as his date.

"he saidshedid not remember seeingEricHarrisat tbe prom. Amanda said shewasat the afterprom partyat Columbine High

Officer Signature Unit Number Svpervoor Initials andDate Assigned To Page l;

.4.D 1-: ,,_ Ii'>:'l. -r-,_,' "-,,, of !;

:lIUGiSAL I 1:>"\ uno" TOO victr.... SU\'IC!S I <ml1!< 1 ASAfHi98 JCSD'16"

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (83)

CONTINUATION nRepo<1ingA..."y Roportingom.... Case: ReportNo

SUPPLEME.'IT X JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-RRRRRConnectingCue Repon: No. V,ctimName OrigiDalll<porl Date ThisReport


Roeomme:nd Case;. Review 0

Ree~ o CIeam1 by Alres; e u..,....... o Closure 0

l~ r Qu;aaiity I Bmu!Name 1-"""", IS<:rialNc r~: f Vll~ t vueeRAcQVllm2 DEi8e-<!

Schoolduringmost of the time that it was takingplace,andsaidshe'not remember seeingDylanKleboldorEnc Harrispresent

at thisafterprom party.

AmandaPetersonsaid she did not know IsaiahShoels, however, she knewwbohe was, andhas seen Isaiah in the hallways of

Columbine High School. Amanda described IsaiahShoels as seeminglike a "pretty tough kid." Amanda said she did not

remember seeing anyoneracially harassor racially intimidate Isaiah Shoels,

Amanda Petersonsaid she does not knowofanybody, norhas shebeardrumors ofanybody, manufacturing explosive devices

and/orpossessing, buyingor selling firearms.

AmandaPetersonsaid during the second hour government Economics class, the Rebel NewsNetwork (R..'iN) is usuallyon.

however, she did not knowwhat the "Thoughtof the Day"wason Q4..ZQ..99.

Amanda Peterson told me when she left Columbine High Schoolon 04-20-99, she left her backpack, describedas a blue

Jansportwithcontents, in the Choirroomof Columbine HighSchool. Amanda saidshe has sincepickedup her backpack and

contentsfrom ColumbineHigh School.

[askedAmanda Petersonand hermother,CynthiaPeterson, howtheyhavebeendoingandhowthe restoftheir family hasbeen

doingsincetheincidenton04-20-99. Amanda saidthatshebasbeendoingwellandhermother alsosaid thatAmanda basbeen

doingwell. Cynthiaadvised that she has seena therapist onoccasionsincethe incidentand feels that she is doingfairly well

at the present. I gaveboth AmandaPetersonand Cynthia Peterson oneofmybusinesscardsand askedthem tocontactme in

thefutureshouldthemOr anyOne of their family members wanttospeakwithJ.C.S,O.Victimadvocate. I advisedthemI would

make the necessary arrangemeatsfor them at that time.

DlSPOSITIQN: Case is open, pending further investigation.JC-001- 005083

Officer Signature Unit N",""", Supervisor 1nitials ill'ld Date Assigned To Page ~

A...D ......._""'"" ......." ~'> of 1

;;lUG;::." ..... I ~r-, ;;S7fGAT<:;R '.1C7"C¥. SEf'\1eEs lar"", , A.5AFJ4!9$JCSD16~"

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (84)

JC-001· 005084

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On OSQ699, l!Jis Investigator contacteda subject idelll:ified as:

Rathbun, SeonOOB: 0816806417S. PierceCt.Littleton,ce. 80123Ph# 303·972-4867

Sean advisedthe following;

That Scott wentto school with Eric(I:lalris) and they playedon the same soccer team for the lastTwo to three years.

That Scott _ that I1e consideredErica goodfriendOIl the soccer team. although they did notSociali1.e witheach other outside of SOCCer otherthan sayiag Hi to each other in the halls atschool.

That Scottrememberedthat Eric wouldcuss in Gen:nan OIl the soccerfield and stated that Eric didhaveatemper but it was- DO worse than anyone else 00 theteam.

That SccrrdeactibedEric as a nice kid and statedthat be watchedEric's behavior starr to changeThe middleof his juoior year (1998).stating thatEric became i.olroverted and gal to the point thathe did nOI talk withpeople.

That Scottknew Dylan(Klebcld) for the past fouryearsand _ thaI he and Dylan used to SilTogetherat lunch,althoughdid 001 socializewltlleach ollleroutsideof scaool or since that time.

That Scott was aware tbat Eric and Dylanhad a web 'ice. whichhe visiteda couple of times aboutrwoyearsago, and describedit as "militatislic"stating that they postedthings like, "Vodka andRebegged a house luoigh('.

That Scan had heard rumor that Ericbed architectured a "doom levelof his neighborhoodandschool", hut stated that be never saw it,

That Scottdid ootbelieve thatEncwas real1y a member of theTCMand _mat Eric was enoutcast like the members of the rCM, so be bUllg out with them.

That Scott furtberadvised that Eric wasan outcast becausehe choseto be.

Thet the peoplethat used to cease Eric and Dylanwere Seniorsand graduated last year. so Scottdid not understand whyEric and Dylanwoukldo this to the kid's that bed never done anythingtothelll.

Thet on the day before the incident(041999) at about 1:25p.m., Scon saw Eric ""d Dylan leaningAgainst the wallby the gym(at CRS), and as Scon passedthem.he andEric said Hi to each other.

That Eric neversaid anythingto SCOlt that wouldindicate that be plannedto do this.

JC-001- 005085

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (86)

0ff1mge Stano$: Open 1!P EXQllPtiortaJIy C~lJared DCI"'1t(1 by Arrm 0 Un10Ufldad 0


__ .97Z(~7

3."J i:l.-'J

Serial No

Victim Name flgJnai l"t

Sam- ~i3. 1 1(, fo

'Bu.~ ~ .k~~; ~


l~i?o ~>flce' Su"natu((\

• 1\"("'·~JH, , ... v.

Unit ~~~ff\tle{, SUp(t"'~$OI fmllaJS and ::late

3z../ i~ ()~;r9?


Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (87)



Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (88)

- 1 -


Dale of transcription 6/9/99

Brandon Reisbeck, date of birth December 13, 1979, 6391West Brittany Place, Littleton, Colorado, was telephonicallyinterviewed. After being advised of the identity of theinterviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, Reisbeckfurnished the following information:

Reisbeck is a Senior at Columbine High School. Hisfirst period class and second period class are in the Aceclassroom. This is a joint class with Mr. Tucker and Miss Gomez.First period runs from 7:30 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. Second period rJnsfrom 8:25 a.m. to 9:20 a.m. Second period is an'additional fiveminutes to allow the schocl announcements tc be made. Theannouncements are made on the Rebel News Network which isbroadcast over televisions within the classrooms. On April 20,1999, Reisbeck did not watch the announcements. His third periodciass is gym with Coach Place and Coach Lowry. This class runsfrom 9:25 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. His fourth period class runs from10:20 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. and is economics with Miss Kay. Fifthperiod class runs from 11:15 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. This class ischoir and is held in the choir room with Mr. Andreas, Sr.

During fifth period on April 20, 1999, Reisbeck was inchcir and the choir had just begun warming up. Students areallowed to leave the choir rOom to get a drink of water at afountain located across the hall against a science room. Atapproximately 11:20 to 11:25 a.m., Reisbeck went to get a drinkof water. Another student from h~s class, Julie Cole, was alsogetting a drink of water from the fountain. Reisbeck, aftergetting a drink of water, heard two sounds he thought weregunshots. As he was walking back to the room students camerunning up the stairs from the cafeteria. The students werescreaming 'he has a gun." Reisbeck stepped into the choir roomand yelled to the class "they're shooting and they have a gun."Mr. Andreas told everyone to "sit down, sit down." Reisbeckthought Mr. ~~dreas wanted to figure out what was happeningbefore letting the students go. Reisbeck did not sit down butran out cf the classroom and headed into the auditorium.Numerous other kids from the choir room also ran into theauditorium.

JC-001- 005088

tnvutigation on

F~I 174A-DN-57419 and Jeffco #99-7625

by SA John M. Elvig/ms


D,.. dlCQll<4 -,6,",/,-,3e.L/~9:.9 _

Control Number ffDN2618

Th4 document contains neither recommendations norcon::hlSiom of meFBl it is the" property of theFBIand is loaned to youragency:ir iutd ICl Contents are :101 10 be diWltruted OUl$1{je. your ag:~ncy

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (89)

174A-DN-57419 and Jeffco 99-7625

arandon Reisbeck

Within the auditorium were students from the choirroom, cafeteria and a class that was being held on the auditoriumstage. After getting in the auditorium he heard an explosionthat sounded like it came from behind the stage and appeared tobe downstairs in the commons. He then heard several gunshotswhich sounded like they were also coming from behind the stage.He does not specifically remember how many gunshots he heard. Hethen ran to the north side of the auditorium exiting into themain hallway. He looked left, or west, down the hallway andcould see that the fire doors were closed. He turned right andwent down the hallway and was told by Mr. Ken Holden, aCounselor, to go down the hallway by the counselor's office. Heran down that hallway and exited out the doors located on theleft side of that hallway and on the north side of the gymnasium.He then ran to the 'smoker's pit' located near the tennis courts.He then started jumping fences until he ran into Clement Park.

Reisbeck only heard gunshots and explosions and neversaw any gunmen.

Reisbeck has a black Jansport backpack that he leftunder his seat in the choir room. The backpack contained booksand schoolwork. Also left under his seat was a North Carolinabaseball hat. Reisbeck does not have a locker and only uses hisbackpack.

Reisbeck saw in the media a picture of the TrenchcoatMafia which included Bryan Sargent. Sargent is in Reisbeck'sfirst and fourth period classes. Reisbeck does not recall himbeing in those classes on April 20, 1999. Brooks Brown is amember of the fifth period choir class. Reisbeck does notremember if Brown was in the choir class on APril 20, 1999.

JC-001· 005089

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (90)




• ~~ ~~ OtlB" U,pl ,4</ 'tH,'$7<1 S' J:~ ~~ .?,~ ik .,f'o/~~

JC-001· 005090

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (91)


JC-001· 005091

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (92)



Exceptton8Uy Cleaf«l 0Unfcundtd CJ

t.lD?:o I(;);?>., f'~ '!1~ z,'7 -:x::.C,,:r _~ 4 ibfU


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.bn~TI4A;:peJ ... ,.. .. ------ - _. ---- -- --- -- .. ---_ - A.. ~ 1~_;(;..:4.i.~_ ..~(~l~~t.\()~~_~~~ 1':J ~-e~~.~. t...l~ ,S:P...!.~~.(\'!!!a:'~Jl)""4>--_. __._._.J.b!.T!:I~ ~.~ ~~ 0 _ ..~ . ~_'!~bLkl?~ A- f;/J."Lt.. . .Mf#i:Il G'L~~!n"I~b~ ~tl 3'l:fer..~,~.....r~~~~~~13.~~~_~~ !~~ ~~ ~ ,;/re

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JC-001· 005092

P",. ,--_-<nt _ I

N"mo., SupelViSQ' l1"Iitfal$ and Dale

,::'4>7 45:- 072..1 qq

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (93)



Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (94)

CONTINUATION 0R~tting Agency ~ponlng Officer Case Reporti'J0

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO MOORE 99-7625-Kf"onrreCling Case R£port NQ_ victim Name Original Report Date This Report

04-28-99Cl~;fit;Ui"n X First Degree Murder otTf:n:w SuM: Open X EX'<il'lio!lilll~-CI~ D j Recommend Case; R::;\it'\\ ;;;

RecI31isif1canor\ Cl CfaJl!d by Atn'$( Cl Unfo\:l\G1!11 o Closure CJ

l~~ I QUlll'lti~ I Brand Namt I omri>nion I Serilil "10 ~~\~ I V,alue - I \~ll.l<!Rewverect D,tllt1.oi\1N


SWdentiColumbine Higb Scltool

6.l71lSoutb Zephyr Court

Littleton. Colorado 80123

(303) 979-5844


On abOUI 1505 hours. I contacted Sara Smaldone in the parking lot of Cement Park Smaldone stated that she "as

in the Choir room (Note: The Choir room is across the room from the science rooms) and someone came runnmg into the Choir

room stating, "'A kid's shooting." Smaldone said everyone decidedto go into the Choir room office and upon asking her ho"

many people went in there, she stated she believed there wasapproximately 60 kids in this office. Smaldone said the.' heard

shooting and she stated that she felt this was about 1145 hours. She said that they then barricadedthe door to the office and

someonecalled9-1-1 from the officephone. at whichtimethey toldthe operator00 theotherend ofthe linewhat 'vas goingon.

Smaldone said that they then heardyellinglateron. but she was unsure ifthis was the policeor thesuspects yelling. Smaldone

stated that she never did see the suspectsor any injured people.


JC-001. 005094

om,.~r Sig:nature U!1!t Number Supervisorlniltalsand Dale AS:iigMdTc Pcge 1

I,-,'7 /6< -- r: of 1

:--;"f\:;.'" \~ ./" I "\£S:,iC~;r,R ,:(7",v.ssav ICIS~ I OTHER 1 >\5.\n 4t98 JCSD 16;'4

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (95)


JC-001· 005095

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (96)


Denver PoU<:e DepartmentSTATEMENT



ClOffieer DWilness

~~ })te ~~~)5e~ ~:ft fr B~iJV~pL ~___ ._ _ __ Y\('?"" [>12.0<: H..4 rCf&'.<'~

J.{C! e,Ct:' c£ (b<:ill we$. TIJ!. s>w4i' T£.AM. f r-J£U[JL

$A=w "'- S{.\e)"l 'F1/c.(Q - ti t-L..c ... 'i::.~kr 0 r rk.$1.vJ: r;:.[CiI.... r.L.. ~""s -A-lt-k:ol (Dil~" !d£ArL

.-::r6t £' fIV\. l 11; !"'\ ,..)or ! f':l1 v.. !Z f P M AI\.

JC..oo1· 005096

i haveread I/Ie foregoing statement and the facts comained!herein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that It containsall Of4/!; facts or details of I/Ie incident, but only those facts about whieh f /lave been

Isked. L{ l?-o I vl ~Ollie DAM ("1

:;,:3.0 )&PM (",:)'1\.'"" , JJ,TimeStatement COlTOleled Signatureofeersen makingstatement

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (97)


SUPPI.EMeNTConnedlng: eaa.~ No.

c -. lO1\00.,.....",.,,,,. 0,..... 1No. 0vUl' • BI"lmd Nvn& , ion

oa- _ 0pen,40 ~allyc-.. a _men. Cua:¢laIAd by """'" u__ CJ o


,'" , .......__ u ~_._._ • •__ • •

_. . - ~ , ~ - _...-. - _. --_._~- "~_.~ - .- ... -_.-~~Ib. o.f~ _,._..'.,... __ .. ' ... __ .. _i

JC-001· 005097

~To! OffUr SlgnnnJrlJ" U<'llt Numtli'lt SUpet'Vl$O( lndiats llnet Oete

~~~--L_~'YZ<:>~1!..JQ::::...1TI..:3.l.ti.::u ---i-=-=:::::::::

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (98)

JC-001· 005098

Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (99)

Making Statement is:C Officer 0 witnua

,~age__ 01 _


Olfi"", TaklnQ _

Summery of Statement:

PagesDenver Police Department


Case No, _

I Hours

JC..o01· 005099

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Columbine Report Pgs 5001-5100 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.