Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)

Market Higher In Late Trade NEW YORK The stock market moved slightly to the jKip'side late this afternoon in fairly active trading. Volume for the day was estimated at 3,300,000 shares compared with 3,140,000 Friday. and losses of key stocks went mostly from fractions to about a point. A few leading stocks were up two or three points or more. The market was mixed at the opening, worked higher in some brisk trading then settled into an irregular state until late afternoon.

Then the balance shifted to the upside although a peppering of losses remained. Zenith resumed a sensational rise, adding about 13 points. American Motors jumped about three and Goodyear more than Hubbard Fitch Stricken While Driving Auto Hubbard Fitch, North Fourteenth 63, of 613 street, was two. International Telephone was ahead more than two points. Pfizer was a two-point casualty and Merck dropped more than a point.

Gains of a point or better were made by Raytheon, Union Carbide, Westinghouse Electric, General Electric and Warner- mbert. DuPont was off about two, Eastman Kodak about one. S. government bonds declined fractionally. Livestock Poultry Markets AUSTIN.

Dec. Poultrj East Texas 3 1-2-3 1-4 pounds 15-16. South Texas 16. Fort Worth Livestock FORT WORTH, Dec. (IP) 70(1: steaedy: choice 18.75-10.00.

Cattle 2,300: calves 700; steady good to choice steers 25.00-27.50: commoner 18.00-25.00: fat cows 18.60 20.00; good and choice calves 26.00 30.00: lower grades in.00-25.00; steer calves 23.00-33.00: heifer calves 30.00 down: feeder yearlings 28.00 down. 1.200; weak: good to choice lambs 17.00-18.00; stock ewes 14.00 17.50. of Corsicana; a brother, G. C. 'itch, Winkler; six sisters, Mrs.

Sallie Walton, Mrs. Hazel Browning, both of Troup; Mrs latherine White, Jacksonville; Mrs. Jimmy Reed, Lubbock; Mrs. Margaret Tolliver, West Texas, and Mrs. Ruth McKinion, California, and other relatives.

Funeral services will be held from the Midway Baptia: church with burial in the Mld- cemetery, but arrangements were incomplete Monday afternoon pending advices from relatives. Corley will direct. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Dec. 16 (UPI) (USDA) Livestock: Hogs: 10.000; butchers strong to mostly 25 higher.

Several hundrec No. 1-2. 180-220 pounds 10.00-10.25 several lots No. 1, 100-215 pound 10.50. 37 head lot No.

1. 10.75. Cattle: 25.000: calves 100: slaugh tor steers steady to 25 lower; roo and below grades 50 lower in spots Several loads prime 1.125-1.325 poun led steers 28.75 and 20.00; doze: loads prime steers up to 1,350 pound 28.50, bulk choice and prime down 26.75-28.26. eck -Sharp: trade moderately ttye: steady on all classes; six shorn lambs unsold: good and cholc H6-108 pound 20.00. wooled lambs 18.25 Cotton New Tork Futures Lower NEW YORK, Doc.

lower today, paced by liqnldatio; and hedg-ins in current crop months Selling was attributed partly to quio conditions in spot cotton and the cotto tcxtitlo market. Only scale down trad buying was in evidence. Late afternoon prices were unohans ed to $1.20 a bale lower. March 34.28 May 34.23, July 33.28. Grain Fort Worth Grains FORT WOKTH, Dec.

1 hard 2.27 1-4-30 1-4: cqrn 3 whit 1.48^58: oats 2'white .84 1-2 yellow mllo 2.21-26. dead on arrival at the Navarro Clinic Saturday at 6 p. m. following a heart attack suffered while driving his car on U. 287 southeast of Corsicana.

An employe of the Corsicana Poultry and Egg Company, i Pitch and his wife were en oute home from visiting rela- ives southeast of Corsicana vhen stricken. The car left the avement, went into a shallow ditch and stopped near a fence, was reported. His wife sum- noned aid and an ambulance vas dispatched bring him to hospital. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ola Pitch, Corsicana; four ons, Archie Fitch, Houston; Freddie Fitch, New Mexico; Gordon Fitch, Beaumont, and Billie Fitch, U.

S. Armed Gei-many; three daughters, Mrs. Katie Turner, Fort Worth; Wanda and Berta Fitch, both DeMftle Pace Makes Younger Workers Wilt By BOB THOMAS NEW ORLEANS (IB A living legend at 77, Cecil B. DeMille can still set a pace that makes younger men tire. I watched him at close range In New Orleans, where he is helping to exploit "The Buccaneer," a movie he supervised but did not direct.

His day included radio interviews before breakfast, a luncheon speech, a parade, premiere and reception afterward. He goes on to for more of the same, thin a strenuous week in New York. Mind Is Sharp With it all, his min'd remained razor-sharp, as I found out while riding with him through crowds to the theater. "Keep ihose wonderful pictures coming," shouted an admirer, and DeMille beamed. Between these exchanges, he talked of his plans for th future.

No. 1 project is "On My Honor," the story of Lord Baden- CLASSIFIED Announcements Lodpe Calls Corslcnna Chapter No 1 "8, Orclw of Eastern Slar, will have Stnlpcl mretiliR Tuemluy evening, Dercmher l(i, 1058, at 7:30 o'i'lock. Mrs. Dorothy Tnllos, W. M.

Miss Anna Bcllo Cavendcr, Secy. Corsicana Lodge No. 174, A. F. It A.

will mev't In Stated Com- nnlfatlon tonight, starting at 7:30 clock. Lost or Strayed ring. Gold hand. Square amethyst set. Valued as keepsake.

Dial TR4-317R. Reward. CLASSIFIED Announcements Lost or Strayed LOST--Black patent leather purse lost m-nr htcrh school. Reward. Dial TR 4-5230, Sin S.

St. Found WOMEN SEW easy ready-cut wrap-around aprons hom*o. Earn 520.16 dozm. Ppnro time. Write Accurate Krceport, Now York.

keys and bottle opener StJitu National Bank. Loser call at Sun office and pay for nd. Wanted lone barrel rllle. 202 N. 15th St.

horsns beloneinp to McKlnney and McKinney Ranch. II found please call Ranch or Residence ol either W. E. McKinney or Jack P. McKinney.

brown male Enpltsh Sheppard vicinity Elm Flat. Name "Ted 1 on collar. Contact or Dial C. H. McLln.

TR-1-8078. 2616 W. 2nd Ave. Reward. WANTED TO to 1 barrel producing oil well with 7-8 working Interest.

Write S. L. M. Box 623, Corsicnnn. Texas.

CLASSIFIED Employment Female Help Wanted 16 NEED extra Income now? AVON, world's largest cosmetic company, has immediate openings for c-nerpeilo ladies, 30 to 55, (o earn excellent i'ltly income. Pleasant work. No periciii'p nccrssnr.v. Dial XR4-8flnG. Tractor Orlv er for central farm work Burko Bros.

Dtnl TR Help Wanted 17 MAN WANTED for 1500 family Raw- loiirh JlnsiiiPrtsi in Navarro County IVnnaiu-nt if you are a hustler. Seo A. S. Jamison, SC7 S. Ifith Co'-- or write Rawlciph's, Dept.i Memphis, Tenn.

CLASSIFIED Merchandise Radio and Musical 34 GIFTS OF RECORDS We've got the whole world of music right hero for your gifting captured on discs of nil speeds. Choose their favorites from our complete selections of pop melodies, show tunes and classics. THE RECORD SHOP Next Door to A 8 Pharmacy Seed, Feed Implements 35 PRAIRIE HAY, SOo Dor bale. See Homer Cntos, 2 miles South of Drcs- Icn. Sun Want Ads Bring Results Your Want Ads to TR4-4764.

Haggar Group Sees Christinas Pageant Monday A part of the Barry-Emhous Christmas pageant, which 1 staged annually, was presents JpUonday mornin'g for the em of The Corsicana Com pany (Haggar slacks factory during its opening of week de votional period. The Rev. Carl Taylor, Jr pastor of the Barry Methodis church, brought a devotiona built around the five points the Star in' the East which le the Wise Men to the mange in Bethlehem where the Chris child was born. Appearing wit the Rev. Mr.

Taylor were tw of the characters of the Christ mas pageant in colorful cos tumes James Watson as a shepherd and Henry Ray Nicholson as one of the wise men. Mrs. Jane Booher, plant manager, said the company and employes were deeply grateful for the presentation for the weekly devotional. The Christmas pageant, in which all residents of the two communities participate one way or another, will begin its annual run during the holiday season Saturday, Dec. 20, at 1 p.m.

on the Barry Methodist church lawn. It will continue Jiightly through Christmas eve, 24. The pageant is free to the wiblic and has drawn large crowds of visitors from several states in the past two years. Performances will begin every SO minutes after the opening at 7 p.m. with the last performance of the evening beginning tft 9 p.m.

Parking facilities are available for a large number of cars alnd men of the communities are on duty as attendants to Rark cars in such a way as to give elderly people and young- 4-H And FFA Receive Lambs For Exposition Eight Navarro county 4-H and FFA youngsters have received lambs which will be shown at the annual Youth Exposition next March. Assfstant County Agent Chili Smith and O. Beeman, adult leader of the Corbet 4-H club, made the purchase last Saturday. Linda Beeman, Becky Roman, Rob Dunn, Danny Rich, John Roman, Sharon Beeman and Billy Murphy, 4-H members, received lambs, along with Bobby Graves, an FFA member. The Youth Exposition replaces the Navarro county fair and will be held in Corsicana.

Little Child Burned Monday Marlin Wooten, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Fred Wooten, Route 4, Corai cana, received second and'third degree burns on the back, right arm and hand about noon Monday when her clothing became ignited from burning trash. The child was admitted to Memorial Hospital and is in serious condition. The mother suffered slight burns on the left hand in extinguishing the flames.

Mrs. Wooten said she had been burning trash and returned to the house to see about a baby, and the accident occurred during the time she (the mother) was absent. How the little girl got so close to the fire was unknown. A Corley ambulance brought the child and mother to the hospital at 1:10 p.m. SICK AND CONVALESCENT Memorial Hospital There were 93 patients Monday morning.

Admitted: Marvin Spear, Frost; A. T. Smith, T. B. Mattingly, Kerens; Joel David Watson, Mertens; L.

A. Douglas, Mrs. Mamie Wiggins, Howard French, Mrs. Lurine Blakeney, Mrs. B.

L. Way, Frost; Clark Fulfer, Mrs. Joyce Townley. Mrs. Frances Gappleberg, Mrs.

Ezlee Williams, Frost; Mrs. Ida Belle Danford, Hubbard; Jack Kirkland, Kerens; Mrs. Tony De- Georgio, R. T. Salter, Mrs.

Clevie Rogers, Alton Wilkerson, Mrs. Eva Garvin. Dismissed: Howard French, Mrs. Norma Thomason and infant daughter; Mrs. Carolyn Neal and infant daughter, Mrs.

Carol Ann Burden and infant son, Ennis; Mrs. Lela Omberg, Mrs. Clydie Richardson, Sandra Kay Williams, Mrs. Pete Szen- asy, Mrs. Stella Murray, Purdon; Robert Whitfield, Mrs.

Ruby Harris, Jack Burns, Mrs. Rosie Prince, Sue Watson, Mrs. Ccr.i Lee Hatley, John Dean Cozad, Leslie Gallagher, Mrs. Ressie Ainsworth, Johnny Mosely, H. B.

Hale. Powell and the Boy Scouts. This seemed to some an unlikely for DeMille whose name connotes the spec tacular epic. "But it isn't just a story of 50,000 boys tying knots or rub bing sticks together to create fire," he said. "This is a story of tremendous scope.

I will film it all over the world." He expects to film the pic ture in 1960. Then he plans to spend four years in' preparing what he calls Project X. He resisted any hints that it would be another Biblical can hint all you want but nobody will ever guess; it's that much different from anything I've done." These plans could take him to the age of 85, "and then they'll have to come and wheel me away." He shows no signs of flagging yet. He still approaches film making and film burning enthusiasm. Therein lies a good chunk of his success.

DeMille films seldom draw the plaudits of the highbrow critics, but they are researched and filmed with tender care. And they are sold with relentless drive. "There are three parts to the picture business production, distribution and exhibition," he reasoned, "and all are of equal importance." OLIVER and MASSEY- FERGUSON TRACTORS J. A. PENNEY Son Implement Co.

Oliver and Ferguson Dealer Highway Tex. and car corn Will buy at your barn or delivered Dial TR 2-1051. Business Service ri'prrscntutivo for sk-ana and vi'-inily by Family Tjife Insurance Co. if Texas. Liberal drawmc aoct.

and commission for rlpht pnr- nn. Add. Box U'J. Hillshoro, Texas, ir phone JU Hillsboro, statins where and when you niny bo con- acted. Jno.

T. Harvey, rept. FOR baled oat hay with somo vetch. Dial TH 4-5220 Miscellaneous Service 11 MONEY LOANED on of value DXCLE SAM'S PAWN SHOP Cor. 6th Ave.

Commerce. TR 3-17(11 SEWING MACHINES repair, pans service All makes Reasonable L. Hark FREETV Ulbd chcclt. Gtiorantcort tube's available. Sylvnnin picture Slate's TV Service.

B21 Oth St Jukebox Robbed A jukebox, robbery investigated Moriday at the East Side Washateria on East Thirteenth avenue across from the East Side Apartments, negro housing- project, by Officer Bates. The management reported the jukebox was smashed open between and 9:30 p.m. Sunday and undetermined amount of mon'ey taken from the coin box. FREE PASSES! Derrell Adams 1100 W. 14th Ave.

L. R. 2100 W. 12th Ave. Virgil Tidwell 1116 S.

18th St. H. M. Parrish 2015 Enfield Drive If your name appears UDOVP TB 4-8141 before tonight and you will be mailed 2 Free Passes to REX HARRISON KAY KENDALL a Want Ad and Convert it into Cash Dial TR4-4764. 'JOHN SAXON-SANDRA DEE In ind METROCOLOR AN AVON PRODUCTION.

L-. i At the Palace Theatre. Watc.i tomorrow's Dally Sun for more Free Ticket 'Winners! JUST New patterns of Linoleum in beautiful colors and designs. Suitable for any room and in widths up to I 2 feet and any length needed. T.

J. Walton Furniture Co. 204 SOUTH BEATON STREET The Weather North Central Texas: Clear to partly cloudy this afternoon and tonight, not so cold Tuesday. Lowest in 20s tonight. West Texas: Generally fair through Tuesday with slowly temperatures.

Lowes 29 to 32 tonight. East Texas: Partly cloudy, cold this afternoon and tonight, not quite so cold Tuesday. Lowest 18 to 28 interior and 28 to 36 near coast tonight. South Central Texas: Consid- erabl ecloudiness, cold this aft- 'ernoon and tonight, not quite so 1 Tuesday. Lowest 20 to 32 in north tonight.

High and low readings on the government thermometer for the 24-hour period ending Monday at 1 a. m. were 39 and 18. The high and low the previous period were 29 and 18. GOOD USED CARS 1957 98 Olds Fordor.

Power and air. 1957 Super 88 Olds Fordor. Power and air 1954 Olds 88 Holiday Coupe. Air conditioned. Low mileage 1955 Chevrolet 210 Tudor Station Wagon.

1955 Super 88 Olds Fordor Hardtop 1953 Super 88 Olds Fordor. Two to choose from. Two 1951 Olds 88 Fordors. Cheap. Many other nice cars lo choose from.

F. C. STEWART MOTOR CO. Corner of Beaton St. and 2nd Ave.

Phone TR4-3701 sters a view while staying In the warmth of their cars. Ten characters make up the Nativity scene pageant, 8 men and two and the Angel, but the community's entire citizenship rotates behind the scenes work as dressers of the costumed performers, servers, spotlight, and parking attendants. a Want Ad and Convert it into Cash Dial TR4-4764. SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING Notice in hereby griven that the annual meeting ol the shareholder uf tho Firrt National Bank of Coralcana. Texas, will be held at the oftlce til Raid bank on tht- second Tuesday In January.

January 13, 1060 at 2 o'clock P. for the purpose of elect- in? a board of directors lor the en- suincr year and to transact any other business that may come the meeting. H. MOOBE, Cashier. YOU CAN ENJOY THE MATCHLESS BEAUTY OF WOOD PANELING AT VERY LOW COST! THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR LUXURIOUS CHARM OF BEAUTIFULLY GRAINED NATURAL WOOD PANELING! Choose from Such Favorites OAK, BIRCH, ORIENTAL ASH, PHILIPPINE MAHOGANY AND OTHERS.

Now available in big 4-ft. wide panels- Some scored for plank effect. Easy to apply. Cost is lower than ever, too! HARRIS LUMBER COMPANY 212 East 7th Avenue RADIATORS HEROD'S Radiator Electric W. 3rd Financial FOR RENT Four rooms and bnlh ipstntrs furnished apartment.

Private entrance and bnth. $50.00 a month. Dills paid. Dial TR 3-1528 alter Personal Loans 23 p. m.

Auto Loans Be a cash buyer and save. Establish credit locally. Insure with agent of your choice. Bank rates. FOR rooms downstairs fnrn- shed apartment.

Private entrance. IMS month. Bills paid. Dial TR 2-1628 after 5 p. m.

FOR unfurnished Ka- raite apartment. Washer conncolions. heaters, drapes, and water bill paid. Dial TB4-B8H4. Rentals Apartments 40 CLASSIFIED Real Estate City Property 49 QUALITY lOMB UNDER CONSTRUCTION Brick 3 bedroom home, 1 1-9 tilo bnths, paneled kitchen room.

Double Formica, washing mitchlno nectioiifl, to wall ecu trill heat. Financing: Conventional or FHA. 1810 ly Drive. JACK SISCO Innurdnee Real Estate MnrtgaKt Loiins 117 4th Ave. Dial Til 2-1221 Corsicana.

Dally Sun Corsicana, Texas Monday, Dec. 15, 1958 CLASSIFIED Real Estate City Property 49 FOR room fra- ruga nnnrtment. 027 West Collln. Dial FOR 3 room upstairs apartment with private bath nnd earare. Bills paid.

1418 W. 8th Avo. FOE furnished apart, niont. Private hath. Convenient 10 town.

Dial TR 4-5714. FOB SALE Thrpo bedroom cottnice, corner lot. bedroom cottage, Collln 2 bedroom cottngc, Went 3ml Avenue. For and unfurnished apartments, and ft- rQfro apartments. A.

PUOn Dial TR 4-R181 1701 Mnplewood FOR room furnished apartment. Close In. Bills paid. No objection to children. Dial TB 4-3810.

SAVE US Asphalt Paving and Concrete Work TOM MURPHEY MTJRFHEY BROS. Office I'hone TR 2-1091 house, apartments. For bath house, TR 4-5125. FOR frarapre apartment. Near TR 4-044-1.

unfurnishud town. Di-il FOR SALE 3 pood farms. 2 on pavement with food Improvements 1 on dirt road fair improvements. Nice 8 room and bath hom*o with 4 lots Has fine water woll West tOtn Ave Work shop witb llvlnir quar ters att.iohcd IflOl West 10th BEN H. ELLIOTT son S.

17 Vj. St. Dial TR 4-8107 FOR durtlcnc. 11 rooms and hath. Dial TB4-B836.

1508 W. Park AVP. FOR room furnished apa-l- ment with bath and gurase. Dial TR4-4MH3. FOR couple.

Furnished ga- rwn apartment. 717 W. 7th Ave. HOUSE MOVING LEVELING TERMITING Concrete Blocks for A. A.

DANIEL Day Phones TR 2-1781. Nlghti Tit l-MHi OFF On All Turku Conts And Cur Coats. ARMY STORE N. St. PHONE TR TV Radio AND ANTENNA SERVICE BUD'S TV BUD BOBDEN PHONE TR 4-6411 T.V.

RADIO REPAIRS JOHN BEWLEV'S RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE TR2-2196. 811 N. 24th St. Next to Joe's Dairy Way LOANS $10 $300.00 Fast, Easy Confidential PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Of Corsicumi, Inc.

101 B. llcnton St. Dial TK 4-0102 Long Term Farm and Ranch Land Bank 20 to Uft VearB. To roflnnncp your riohtft To reflniinefl land loom equipment New buildings or National Farm Loan As'n. S10 nth Avo.

i. R. Hart. Sco, A Trcu. Livestock FOR nicely furnished garage apartment.

One unfurnished 4-room downstairs apartment. All bills paid. Reasonable rate. Dial TH FOR loothalde duplex. 418 N.

St. Dial TR 4-8816. NKWSOM APARTMENTS A BOOMS 40R West 7th Ave. Parking Entrance 304 B. 13th Bt FOR bedroom apartment Paved street.

Parking space tor trallar truck and car. $26.00 month hours Dial TR 4-8291. FOR room furnished apartment. 844 South 16th Street. FOR room Mid furnished apartments.

Dial TB Houses for Rent 41 FOR room house close to downtown, 12-1 W. 2nd Ave. nous'' open for Inspectiln. Apply Norrls Hamilton Motors. CLENDENIN Realty Co.

115 WEST COLL1N FOR home on North St. at i Barealn Dal TR 4-71 SB alter INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Clark E. Butler 310 N. Main TR4-31B1 FOR SALE! New bedroom krlck. 1 baths Kitchen-family room combination, rear round air eendltlonlni, built in electric 2221 W.

IK Dial TR 4-8324 fat appointment Insurance Center "WE INSURE ANYTHING" Majors McLauchlin Farm Property FOR acrei of pasture land, fi miles northeast of'Kercni. tanks. See Byron Scarbrough or J. L. Tram- mcll.

FOR farm located on pavement at Montfort, Texas. Charles Dobba. 1403 North Commerce. $5(10 DOWN Brick, new, 2 baths. Central hent.

$14,500. KOOM TO BENT 3 bedrooms. Good location, separate new house In back. $14,500. NEED INCOME? 8 apartments.

Good condition, brings In $210 per month. $500 down will buy. WITH OB WITHOUT Furniture. 8 bedrooms, close In, on W. 9th.

$7,250. Already financed. FOR and Dial TH 4-0711. 8 room hom*o. FOR five room country home.

8 railed south on Highway 7s top of Elm Hill, white house, while picket fnru-e around yard, cistern wji- tcT. butane RUB. $25 month. J. W.

Ellens. Livestock for Sale 27 FOR calves. 0. Patterson. Dial TR 4-8117.

Merchandise Articles for Sale 30 FOR Dini TII -i-nnno. Duroc HOUSE LEVELING HOUSE MOVING HYDRAULIC JACK Repair, Parts and Service, G. H. Sutherlin 1101 N. lieuton.

Uliil TR 4-G47II RADIATORS ALL MAKES MODELS Clcnnctl, Rpimlrod Knrorpfl DONOHO'S Radiator Service 312 S. Main St. Dial IVo don't Claim to Soil the Cheapest Meat in We Do Claim to Sell the Best Meat IN At a Price You Can Afford to Pay. A Trial will Convince Vou. City Meirkt Whocsale and Retail DIAL TR4-5531 RADIO--TV SERVICE BILL McPHAILL 1565 West 4th Avenue DIAL TR4-7709 GULFTANE Major Company Brand Name Butane Propane Farm A Commrrclfil llellr.

cry. Tractor Truck Conversions. Call Gulf Oil tVariv liounni Contlcnnu TR 4-4871 Gulf Oil Warrhmme Kerens fi-3227 Craig Lowe Liquid Gas Company TV Service Co. 300 N. Main Dial TK We Service Radios, Amplifiers Anil Stcrloiilionlo Conversion Fred Bradford, Owner FOB Motm- tftin ccdnr posts.

All fciznfl. Ynrrl lo- catrcl 1-4 inilo cast nr Auction barn East Hlnhwur 31. Dial TB 2-1781 or TB 4-7(101. SALE Hotpoinl push button cloclrlc llHo Walnut dining ronm suHe, medium size; chairs and ouu arm chair and butlei: rmi! good condition. Call nt 2702 linil Avcnuo.

70 0 1M ion pickup. Pour forward (roars. Good rubber, KOod paint, nnd motor Kood, Soo at Lester Atkinft Texaco Service Station. Collin and 12th Streets. FOR RENT 2 bedroom house, nil modern conveniences.

Very clean, jo icl location. N. HlBhwny 76. T. II.

Hoslo Binl TU-t-liaa4 or TR4-DOM. house with Res. TR4-8862 PHONES: Office TR4-5583 Horace Clendenin FOR acre Stock Farm. 209 acres In cultivation. 4 year old red colonial brick.

0,000 square tcet living area, double parade, 2 tllo baths, central heat, 2 wood burning; landscaped yard, tenant house. 23 miles from Waco. 6 tnllja west of Hubbard. Anderson A. Johnson, Route 1, Hubbard.

Suburban Property 51 FOB Owner: Nice 3 bedroom hom*o on 7 acres of land All convenences. 1 1-2 miler from city imits on West Klffhway 22. Immcdl ate possession. Sea B. O.

Jones. Automobiles for Sale 57 FOR Chevrolet V-8 Stay Waron, ftlr conditioned, automatic transmission, no trade, $1,350. Harris Cabnet Shop, 110 E. Otli Are. FOR Two story two hatln.

(II Beaton. Apnly Loul Drnff. phone Apply Rooms Without Board 44 5 Real Estate Business Opportunities 48 OWNER wishes to retire, terms can Cabinet Shop. be arranged. Harris 110 E.

Oth Avenue. FOB Used Electric Rctrlccrators S2B.OO nnd up Burli'r. Ill) Beaton St. LOOK' You can now buy all of your Chrislmns needs from tho Price Mercantile Co. on their now lay-away plan.

D.ills and (run sets for the children Blankols and throw rues nn special Wo have daveno and rhair spreads, drapes and cm-tarns Electric appliances, irons, toasters, mixers eloctrlo skillets, perculators. li- noleums, troninc boards, dishes. silverware, and wattirlccs coolttnp MM- Wo have dress materials now BlbU's. King Version nnd many more Ihinss for the home Our representative for Corsicnnn Is A. Koine 2.

Corsicana. Texas uml Til 4.3o(l4. Write or call him (or vour ncnds. rilllLlKIIKRS PRICES On all nmsrazitio subscriptions Take advantage of our convenient mibserip- tlon renewal services offered bv Uie COST OFFICE NEWS STAND, FOR SALE- TWO GOOD Repossessed. Pick Up Payments.

MITCHAM APPLIANCK CO. 105 N. llcnton St. Dial TB2-IH71 Building Materials 32 Repairing UOOF Work, built up roofs. llepali work.

Dial TB 4-7554. Employment Male Help Wanted 17 3 Christian men now employed to work part time, from 0 to 8 p. m. Earn a minimum nf per month. If interested write Chrislian Men, Box 35, Tyler, Tex We Offer Complete HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE New Furnish Labor and Material or Material Only! Quick Easy ADD-A-R001 Home Improvements Whatever You Need.

Call TR4-3728 FAST ESTIMATES- QUALITY WORK. Qiray tgrrti M. 315 EAST 7TH AVENUE City Property 49 TODAY'S BEST BUYS The Tech largo house and lots facing 4th Ave. 8 bedroom house. Lots of closets.

New and rcnl nice In Exnll Heights addition. FOR bedroom house, one duplex apartment, one garage apartment. LAURA LIVELY Dial TR 4-8850 or TB 4-6875 FOR New three bedroom, complete tile baths, den, 1600 square feet, double garage and utility room, 110 foot lot. St. Auguslnc fenced yard, year- round air conditioning.

$19,800 Call TR4-8505 F. H. Wariield 205 JESTER BLDG. Seven room cottage. Double garage Beautiful location.

W. 4th Ave. Easy terms. $8,600. New S-bedroom brick, 2 baths, wall oven, all tlie things expected In a fine home, beautiful large corner lot with trees, choice location.

Low down payment. Bowio School District. $14,500. Several confidential listings of fine homes, priced to $45,000. One year old 9 bedroo.T and den, spacious and attractive.

Extra large lot. North part of town $9,750 Almost new 3 bedroom, 1 baths, large rooms. Bowlr School District $11,000 145 acre farm. Improvements. A good one.

$155 per acre. miles out. Sco me for details. CHOICE LOTS F. H.

Warfield TELEPHONE 4-0704 Res. TR 4-6865 WILLIS SPECIAL $200 Down No Good five room hoime. GOOD location. West 13th Ave. LEE SCHOOL $9,500.

$700 down. Will O. I. bedroom, den. Well located.

JUNIOR COLLEGE 3 bedroom, tilo bath, largo lot. $10,000. Will G. I. 3 BEDROOM Corner lot.

$9,450. Will G. I. BOWIE 2 bedroom, built In oven and range. $8,500.

Good location. Well financed. FAIRFAX AVE. New brick. Living room, 2 bedrooms, lovely kitchen, built In oven and range, sep- arata dim with ash paneling.

Year round alr-conditlonlng. $18,000. JESTER $10,800 lovely 2 bedrooms, living room-dining room com hinatlon, fireplace, floor fur- nacoH, tile bath, double rage. 2 BEDROOM Living and dining room. Floor uirnoccH.

Wonderful lo cation. Woll financed, $10,600 MRS. E. W. WILLIS TR 4-0771 or TR 4-6444 504 State Natl.

Bk. Bldg MRS. JACK THOMPSON TR 4-4B8S WILLIS Used Cars FOR Ford Customllna V-8 Tudor. Clean. Lane haalcr.

White tires. Bariraln. 51385.00. Dial TR 4-B727. FOR SALB OR passen- Rcr car, 1848 Chevrolet Panel truck.

Glenn. 30D Northwest ApurtmenU. FOR 3-4 ton pickup. Four forward Kearl. Oood rubber, (food paint, and motor Rood, $280.00.

See at Lester Atkins Texaco Station, Collln and 18th Streets. 1 PURIFOY Fine older hom*o, excellent neighborhood, 81st ft. fltmnc- od, buy equity, 8 bedrooms, separate living, dining, breakfast rooms and kitchen, big rooms, 1 Mi baths, nice yard, with big trees $8,250 NAVARRO AUTO CO. Hlikwtr 18 B. sth Christmas USED CAR SPECIALS 1057 Chevrolet, 6 cylinder 14- ton, long-wheel base pickup beautiful blue with Ivory top 18,000 actual miles, heater, deluxe oab, chrome grill, good side tire mount, oil filter, hitch, tins 5 new 650x18, 6-ply tlren, as near new you will ever find, priced to soli.

1955 Chevrolet Bel Air V-S door Sedan, beautiful blue with white top, powerglide radio, heater and white tires, as nice as many '58 models. 1956 Ford V-8, Fnlrlane Town Sedan 4 door, beautiful blue and white, Fordomatlc, radio, heater, white, tires, very low mileage, real, real nice 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe 2 dooi Sedan, radio, heater, new Inside and out, original throughout, like new, priced to sell. NORRIS- HAMILTON MOTORS WEST THIRD AVE Prince Motor Co. 304 E. 7th Ave.

Phone TB 4-3871 LOOK! LOOK! 11955 Chevrolet Fordor Bel All iTutone, white tires, factory lair, power brakes and power (steering. $1195. OLLIE PRINCE Res. Phono TR 4-7134 G. K.

MAVFIELD Res. Phone TR 4-3143 Only One Left! New 1958 CHEVROLET BEL AIR FORDOR SEDAN Heater, Powerglide, V-8 At Big Discount. With Service Policy. Now 2 large bedrooms, huge I family and living room tractive kitchen, good loco- tlon, $500 down $8,600 New 3 bedroom brick on College Circle, 2 tilo baths with tahloH, lovable kltch. tTry a Want AdTrTcT Convert Johnny Sirman Auto Co.

110 7th AveoM DIAL TR4-S646 Sun Want Ads Bring Results Your Want Ads to TR4-4764. en with everything built in I lt mto Casn Dla TR4-4184. I including Inrge G. K. refrig- erator, year-round air condl- i' I tlonlng, It Is complete, fenced, I clothes line, oven to the mall box, you should seo It, Its I beautiful $18,500 I I I Ueautlful "old" brick new 3 bedrooms, 2 tile baths with dressing table, air conditioning optional, extra large love- I ly lot with trees, Bowie School Dist $14,500 Very unique and attractive I I new 3 bedroom brick, air con- 1 dltioncd, Bowie Drive $15,500 I R.

A. PURIFOY I a Want Ad and Convert 1 it Into Cash Dial TR4-4764. I State National Bank Bide 'P Office TB 2-1261 Res. TB4-S4M I a Want Ac! nnd Convert I it into Cash Dial TB4-4784, Classified AdvortUlnf Bate Corsicana Daily Sun Semi Weekly Light CORSICANA TEXAS Per Word Minimum Charge ll-OC The publUhtrt reserve the right reject adTertlsInf cop; and will be responsible (or nnlj one Incorrect Insertion with no refund If advertlslns cancelled alter Urst Insertion No position Drill be told ind tdrertlslnr copy will take the regular run of olaHilied col- All ctMnlfled idrertlslnc le cart tn advance and copy must be in the otlice bj 11 o'clock a. 10 secure Insertion by same day Classification Card! ol Thanki Resolutions and Momorfam copy will be charged tor at followlni prteei: Throe a word for 6 point ilacli (ace type..

Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.