finders keepers - Chapter 1 - euphoribun, ggukkientete - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Chapter Text

Taehyung knows he's not supposed to stray too far from home, but he can't help that he's curious sometimes. The woods seem like they're calling out to him, begging him to come out and play.

And who is Taehyung to defy what the woods want?

(Though, in hindsight, Taehyung thinks maybe the woods weren't calling out to him, but to someone else entirely.)

Taehyung is plucking flower petals, flying from one flower to the next and humming happily. Glitter drops from his fluttering wings, looking even more beautiful in the light of the full moon overhead. He loves full moons the most -- it always feels like the woods come alive during them.

With a stack of flower petals in his arms almost too tall to carry, Taehyung starts to fly back toward home, ready to show off his bounty, when he's slammed into by a force much larger and faster than anything Taehyung has ever felt. It knocks the air right out of him, causes his flower petals to drop to the ground, his fingers gripping tightly onto fur as he yelps and kicks, tangling his limbs and wings even more.

Jungkook barely feels the thing tangled up in his fur, and if he does, he quickly forgets it in favor of raising his head and howling at the moon. The rest of his pack howls with him, running along his side as they tear through the forest to the call of the full moon.

Panting heavily, tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth and wagging in the wind, Jungkook feels his heart race with excitement as he answers the call with howls and barks. His feet hit the ground hard, tearing up the dirt and grass underneath him, and the wind in his fur makes him shudder.

There's nothing more incredible than a full moon.

Eventually, the night has to end, and when it does, they circle back to where they started. One by one, they transform back, collapsing naked on the forest floor as the sun begins to rise. Jungkook doesn't even notice when something slides off his back into the hood of his jacket, even as he slips it over his head while laughing at Hoseok, who can't quite remember how to wear pants.

They part ways, and Jungkook jumps on his skateboard so he can get back to his apartment and take the longest nap in the world. (At least, until his shift at work starts.)

Taehyung is disoriented and dizzy, has no idea what is going on. By the time he’s laying on top of the werewolf’s head, covered by a hood, he grips his hair tight to keep himself from falling off.

He watches in awe as they come up to a city -- tall buildings and lots of light.

Taehyung has never left his glen before, definitely never left the forest before.

He thinks he would enjoy this more if he weren’t so dizzy from the running and flipping he’s had to endure over the last hour or so.

Jungkook's exhausted by the time he finally pulls up on his apartment building. Kicking his skateboard into his hand, he takes the elevator up and practically punches through the door with how fast he inputs his keycode. Closing the door behind him, he kicks off his shoes, sets his skateboard against the wall, and tosses his backpack onto the tiny thing he's apparently supposed to call a "couch."

As much as he misses running with his pack under the light of the full moon, there's something nice about coming home afterward with the scent of the forest on his skin and exhaustion deep in his bones. It feels good.

Tugging his hoodie off, he drops it onto his bed before he tugs off the rest of his clothes. Just as he's about to walk into the bathroom to turn on his shower, he notices a lump under his hoodie that definitely shouldn't be there.

Sniffing the air, he notices a new scent in his apartment. A squirrel, maybe? It wouldn't be the first time an animal's hitched a ride on him. But when he lifts his hoodie and finds a tiny person with wings, he practically jumps back.

"Holy sh*t--"

Taehyung stumbles, dizzy, once the hoodie is lifted. The whole being thrown around thing is not fun! He collapses back onto his butt and looks up at the werewolf that brought him here.

For a few moments there are two of him.

But they settle into one.

Oooh. A very cute one!

“That’s what I should be saying,” Taehyung says, blinking a few times as he manages to stand up again. His wings flick some pent up fairy dust off. “What a ride!”

Jungkook's eyes widen as he crouches down next to the bed, peering curiously at the little winged person standing there, talking, covering his bed in sparkles.

Is that... a fairy?

Fairies are real?

Maybe he shouldn't be that surprised considering he's a werewolf, but he thought they were the only ones...

"Where'd you come from?" he blurts out, reaching up to poke the fairy's little tummy.

Taehyung giggles, ticklish, as his hands come up to cover his tummy. He looks at the werewolf a little more closely, coming up toward his face to get a better look.

He’s pretty.

And naked.

Taehyung likes it here already!

“Well, you plowed into me and I got stuck in your fur,” he explains, pouting. “And then I fell into your clothes and now, here I am! Where is here?”

Jungkook can't help but giggle too. This little fairy is so cute, and as Jungkook leans in to sniff him curiously, his breath rustling the little flower petals on his outfit, he notices how pretty he is too.

Would it be weird if he sniffed him again? Yes?

"Here is my home in Seoul," he says, leaning back so he can tilt his head curiously, much like a confused puppy would. "I'm Jungkook. What's your name?"

Taehyung laughs again when Jungkook sniffs at him, his breath tickling him, too. He moves closer, watching as Jungkook tilts his head with puppy eyes and Taehyung thinks that he's going to keep him.

Yes, this is his werewolf now.

"Jungkookie," Taehyung tries out before breaking out into a grin. "I like it! It's very cute. I'm Taehyung!"

Jungkook's ears turn pink when Taehyung calls him Jungkookie, his smile widening and his heart fluttering. Cute.

So cute.

"It's nice to meet you, Taehyungie," he says, his blush deepening and his smile softening as he holds his finger out for Taehyung to shake. "Do you need me to get you home?"

Hm… Taehyung probably should go home. His family will worry and wonder where he is. But at the same time, the curiosity inside him is going wild. There's so much to look at! To ask about and see and maybe lick and taste.

Also… his Jungkookie…

"I want to stay with you!" Taehyung tells him, leaping up to hover, his wings flapping to keep him up. "You're my werewolf now. I can't just abandon you!"

Jungkook flushes even more, his eyes widening impossibly large. "Your werewolf?" he squeaks, looking up at Taehyung. Did this small fairy just... claim him? Is that a normal thing for fairies to do?

He might just be in over his head now.

This is what he gets for barreling through the forest without looking where he's going. He's eaten so many bugs that way. And now he's been claimed by a fairy.

Taehyung is the one tilting his head now, confused. "Of course!" he says before slowly returning to his feet, his wings stopping as he pouts. "Unless… you're already someone else's werewolf…"

Taehyung hopes not. He doesn't like to share.

Besides, finders keepers!

Jungkook's pretty sure his entire face is beet red by now as he gapes at Taehyung openly. "Um, no, I'm no one else's werewolf," he says, resting his chin on the edge of his bed so he can watch Taehyung curiously. "Does that make you my fairy?"

Taehyung scowls a little, crossing his arms over his chest and stomping a foot down on the mattress. It just makes him bounce a little, but he thinks he definitely looks mad doing it, even if he does lose his balance a little.

"What?" he asks, offended. "You can't just claim a fae! I belong to no one!"

What a silly wolf, Taehyung thinks. Well, no matter. He's his wolf now, so Taehyung will tell him all that he needs to know about fae.

Jungkook laughs, tilting his head playfully. So cute, even when he's mad. "Well then I belong to no one too," he says, reaching up to gently poke Taehyung's tummy again. "I don't want to belong to someone unless they belong to me too, so."

Taehyung frowns. He didn't think of that…

"But!" he whines, pouting as he looks up at Jungkook. "But finders keepers… I found you first so you're mine!"

Oh no, Taehyung's even cuter when he pouts. It's almost enough to make Jungkook roll over -- literally and figuratively -- but he has to be strong and put his foot down.

"Technically, I found myself first when I looked in the mirror this morning," he says with a small shrug and a teasing smile. "Sorry, this wolf's only up for a mutual claiming."

Taehyung huffs, blowing his blonde hair up and out of his face as he levels Jungkook with a look. He's his wolf, so what is he supposed to do here? He can't very well just go around with Jungkook when he isn't his wolf.

He found him, so he's his!

"Fine," Taehyung says with a pout. "I'll be your fairy. So you're my wolf."

Jungkook giggles, crossing his arms on his bed as he watches Taehyung fondly. He might be a little too attached to this cute little fairy who hitched a ride on his fur. "Okay, deal," he says, his grin widening until his nose scrunches. "Now, I'm gonna take a shower and get some sleep. I had a long night..."

Standing up, he stretches and then flushes once he finally remembers he's naked. Scurrying into the bathroom, he turns on the water so he can finally wash the dirt and twigs from his skin and hair.

Taehyung giggles, watching Jungkook’s bare butt run out of the room to take a shower. Which… what is a shower?

Taehyung is far too curious for his own good.

Wings fluttering, he flies off the bed and follows after where Jungkook went, noticing a door left slightly ajar. He goes inside, flying through steam until he reaches a curtain of sorts, pushing it aside to find Jungkook under a stream of water with studs in his hair.

“Oh! This is what a shower is!” he shouts, as if this is some big eureka moment. “Ohhh, this seems so nice! I’ve never had a shower before!”

Jungkook practically jumps out of his skin when he suddenly finds Taehyung in the shower with him. "Holy sh*t," he breathes, his cheeks and ears burning bright red as he dunks his head under the showerhead to wash the shampoo from his hair.

He can't exactly be mad at Taehyung though. It doesn't seem like he understands human boundaries very well...

(Suddenly being owned by a fairy seems a little exhausting.)

"Yeah, we use showers to get clean. Though we're not supposed to watch other people when we're bathing..."

Taehyung comes closer and lands on Jungkook’s shoulder that isn’t directly under the stream of water. Sticking his hand out curiously, he giggles when the water lands in his palm. “Really?” he asks, looking at Jungkook. “All fae bathe together usually. Is that why your ears got red?”

Taehyung certainly doesn’t mind nudity, he’s quite used to it. And Jungkook has a very nice body, he should definitely not be shy about it.

Jungkook can't help but laugh, watching Taehyung play with the water. Sighing, he reaches for the conditioner before combing through his hair. Might as well finish bathing, if his fairy has no intention of leaving.

"Maybe," he says, his ears burning even redder. "My pack back home bathes together after the full moon, but there aren't as many places to do that here, so..."

Taehyung pouts. That feels kind of sad, for some reason. He carefully walks along Jungkook’s slippery shoulder to be closer to his face, giving his neck a little hug.

“Maybe next time you go, you can use the stream!” he offers, sniffing at Jungkook’s hair. “You smell pretty! What is this stuff?”

He takes some from Jungkook’s hair to slide into his own curiously.

Jungkook combs his fingers through his hair, massaging the conditioner into the strands. "It's conditioner," he says, looking over at Taehyung and watching him play with his hair.

So cute.

"It helps make your hair really soft and healthy."

Reaching over, he grabs some soap and starts lathering it all over his body too.

Taehyung does what Jungkook did, leaning back to wash the conditioner from his hair. But the water is too strong and he ends up falling from Jungkook’s shoulder, his wings struggling to get him out of the stream of water.

Coughing up water, Taehyung lands back on Jungkook’s shoulder, soaked.

Pushing his hair back from his face, he glares at the water.

“I don’t think I like showers,” he grumbles, wings flicking excess water off.

Jungkook laughs, turning his shoulder away from the water so Taehyung doesn't fall again. "You're just too small for this shower. Or it's too big for you," he says, reaching over to grab the cap off one of his bottles. Filling it with water, he holds it over Taehyung's head and slowly pours it over his head, careful not to get his face.


The fairy pushes his hair back, shaking the water from it. “Much better,” he says happily, sitting down on Jungkook’s shoulder.

Jungkook grins as he sets the cap down and finishes washing the soap and conditioner from his body. Finally, he turns off the water and grabs his towel so he can start drying his hair and body.

"I dunno about you, but I need a nap," he says, hanging his towel up before sliding a pair of sweatpants on. "Feel free to explore while I'm out."

Taehyung's eyes light up in excitement at the prospect of napping together. And cuddling. Also of exploring.

There's too much excitement happening in his tiny body, his wings fluttering and carrying him in the air after Jungkook. Maybe he'll explore first, then nap after…

"Okay! Enjoy your nap!" Taehyung tells him before he zooms off to look around the rest of the apartment.

Jungkook laughs, glancing at Taehyung before flopping down on the bed. Burrowing underneath the covers, he inhales the scent on his pillow as his eyes drift closed. It feels so good to be laying down, even though he has to be up in a few hours to get ready for work.

"Don't break anything," he mumbles as he yawns, his eyes fluttering closed.

And then he's out like a light.


Taehyung is so curious! Everything in Jungkook's apartment looks new and exciting. He climbs his bookshelf, looking at the titles of books and movies and albums, wondering what they're like. He also comes across a plant that looks like it's dying.

So he fixes that with a bit of magic and love, a little kiss to the fresh and now green leaf, and he's off again.

In the kitchen, he finds lots of interesting things! He also accidentally knocks over some sort of jar, which pours white crystals all over the counter. Curiously, he picks one up and eats it, his entire face twisting up at the salty taste. He kicks the jar and then flies away, needing something to get rid of the awful taste in his mouth.

And that's when he spots some fruit in a bowl.

Taehyung loves fruit, but it's so hard to come by unless it grows in the forest. He's had a banana only once, when his uncle journeyed to the human world and came back with spoils. And he recognizes it now, tugging it out of the bowl and taking a big bite.

He flies around with the banana, having his fill, eating it until it's gone. He saves plants as he goes, making them return to their healthy, green state; making the flowers bloom.

And when he gets bored by himself, Taehyung flies to Jungkook's room and lands on the pillow next to his face. He gently touches over a little scar on his cheek before pressing a little kiss to it, and then he climbs up into his hair, burying himself in it and pulling some strands over to use as a blanket of sorts.

And he decides to take a little nap, too.


When Jungkook's alarm wakes him up, his eyes flutter open. Stretching his legs and yawning, he rolls over and blinks groggily as he looks around his apartment. When he feels something move in his hair, he reaches up and remembers the tiny fairy who'd adopted him only hours earlier.

His apartment looks pretty much the same, save for salt spilled on his counter and a discarded banana peel with bite marks in it. Though, when he looks closer, he notices all his plants have come back from states of half-dead.


Getting up off the bed, he slips his sweats off and paws through his closet, looking for something comfortable to wear for work. He hums as he looks, eventually slipping on a pair of boxer briefs and tight jeans.

Taehyung rolls over in Jungkook's hair, sighing as he curls up more, pulling his hair over him again. Even as Jungkook starts to get up and dressed, Taehyung just buries himself in his hair more, still sleepy from all his exploring.

"Where're you going?" he asks in a mumble, lifting his head briefly when Jungkook is in front of a mirror.

Jungkook glances at Taehyung in the mirror, giggling as he sees him tangled up in his hair. Ugh, so cute. "I'm headed to work," he says, tugging a shirt on over his head, careful not to disturb Taehyung. "I, uh, deliver food to people. I guess."

Taehyung blinks sleepily, eyebrows furrowing. "You can do that?" he asks, intrigued. "In the forest, we have to find our own food… Humans are so advanced."

Flopping himself over to lay on his belly, he closes his eyes again.

"Can I come with you to work?" Taehyung asks, nose nuzzling against Jungkook's head. He smells so nice -- Taehyung really likes his conditioner. "I wanna see what food delivery is like!"

"Yeah, of course," he replies with a bright smile. If he had a tail, it would be wagging. Usually he just listens to music at work, but it might be kind of fun to have someone there to talk to. Or listen to music with.

Do fairies like human music? Has Taehyung even heard human music?

Searching around his closet, he pulls a flannel on over his t-shirt and then pats the front pocket. "You can sit in here so you don't blow away."

Taehyung leaps up from his hair, his wings gently carrying him down to the pocket of the flannel shirt. He burrows into it, sniffing the fabric and crawling around again until his head pokes up at the top.

Jungkook smells nice, and the shirt is very soft.

It makes Taehyung want to stay in it forever.

"How long do you usually work for?" Taehyung asks curiously as his fingers hold onto the pocket, turning to look up at him. From this angle, he can see up Jungkook's nose, which makes him giggle. "Oh! You have the dot!"

"The dot?" Jungkook asks, looking down at Taehyung with wide eyes. When it finally hits him, he laughs. "Oh, my mole? Do you have one too?"

Bending down to tie his shoes, he grabs his backpack and tosses it over his shoulder before grabbing his skateboard and heading out.

Taehyung smiles, staring up at the dot under his bottom lip. He thinks they're cute, but especially cute on Jungkook.

"I have lots of dots!" Taehyung tells him proudly, watching as Jungkook heads out of the apartment. It's cold outside, so he burrows a little bit inside of Jungkook's pocket. "I'll show you them later."

Peeking just his head and eyes above the pocket to look out, Taehyung watches in fascination as Jungkook sets his rolly board thingy on the ground and gets on it, kicking off, making them go fast. He cheers at the speed, excited, but jumps when he sees large moving things going quickly on the streets.

The human world is fascinating, but also a little terrifying when he's this size.

"What are those big scary fast things?" Taehyung asks, pointing at the busy road where cars are flying by. "Do they eat people?"

Jungkook laughs as he swerves through the crowded streets. People are probably going to think he's talking to himself, but whatever. "Those are cars. They don't eat people," he says with a grin. "They're for traveling around quickly. Like this skateboard, but faster. And safer."

Taehyung still isn't sure. It looks like people inside have been eaten and are trapped.

While Jungkook skates toward his work, Taehyung closes his eyes and enjoys the nice breeze. Every once in a while, he gets too cold and has to burrow in Jungkook's pocket, tugging the top closed until he warms up enough to poke his head out again.

He thinks it's really fun, even if the city is kind of scary. He can't wait to tell his family all about the human world! They'll be so shocked about showers…

When Jungkook gets to work -- which isn't that far away -- he kicks up his skateboard into his hand. "Okay, stay hidden for a little bit," he tells Taehyung before opening the door and entering.

"Hey boss," he greets, waving to the manager. She smiles and places a delivery container of pizzas on the counter.

"First order of the day," she says with a wink.

Jungkook grins and takes the boxes. "I'm on it."

As soon as he leaves, he kicks off on his skateboard again.

Taehyung pokes his head out again when Jungkook starts skateboarding, sniffing the air. It smells so yummy… Taehyung's mouth is watering. Human food sounds amazing.

"What's that?" he asks, sniffing again before looking up at Jungkook. "It smells so yummy! I've never smelled food like this before…"

Taehyung's stomach grumbles. Clearly, just eating the banana earlier was not enough for him. Not when food smells this delicious. He smacks his lips, rubbing his tummy as he stares at the box Jungkook is carrying on its way to be delivered.

Jungkook's stomach rumbles too as he remembers he forgot to eat anything before work. Oops. He might have to grab some street food in between deliveries. Glancing down at Taehyung, he smiles and kicks off the ground.

"It's pizza! It's like, bread and sauce and cheese and vegetables and stuff," he says, his mouth watering at the thought. "I'll get one after my shift if you wanna try it."

Taehyung nods his head vigorously, excited at the idea of this pizza. It sounds delicious. Taehyung loves delicious food.

"I want to try it!" he says excitedly, lifting out of his pocket a little more to sniff the air. "It smells so good… How do you not get hungry when you deliver all this yummy food? I want to eat it right now."

Taehyung would make a horrible delivery food person, he thinks. He would just eat their food and give them an empty box… Finders keepers…

Jungkook laughs, unable to keep the smile off his face at Taehyung's excitement. Taehyung reminds him a lot of a werepup. So excited about everything.

So cute.

"I'm starving," he groans as he comes to a stop in front of the delivery address. "Let's get a snack after this."

Jungkook hums as he tucks his skateboard under his arm and enters the apartment building, traveling up to the designated apartment. After knocking and dropping his pizza off, he stretches and heads back down.

It's not the most glamorous job, but at least he gets to ride his skateboard and pay his rent.

Taehyung is fascinated.

Everything Jungkook does seems new and exciting and amazing. He watches him with childlike wonder, asking him questions about lots of things. He especially likes cats when they come across one, though he feels really upset when it runs away from them.

When they come across a food stand, Taehyung sniffs at the air again.

"Mmm, this smells good, too," he says, lips smacking as his mouth waters. "I want…"

Jungkook stops in front of the stand and smiles down at Taehyung. "Let's share one," he says, before pulling out his wallet and ordering an egg bread from the stall. Taking the bread gingerly between his hands, he skates off to the side so he can take a bite before handing a little piece to Taehyung to start.

One with lots of yolk and bread in it.

Taehyung happily chews the food, humming as he closes his eyes. He's never had food like this before… He didn't even know food like this existed. As he sits in Jungkook's pocket, greedily taking every little bit that he breaks off for him and licking his fingers after, Taehyung finds himself thinking about how great it is that he got slammed into by Jungkook.

He's so happy.

"This is so yummy, Jungkookie!" he tells him, grabbing for another piece when Jungkook breaks it off. "I could eat this every single day forever and never be sad! It's sooo much better than berries from the forest!"

Jungkook giggles watching Taehyung eat the bread. Sure, he likes egg bread enough, but watching Taehyung enjoy it so much somehow makes it even more delicious. "It's really good, huh?" he says, taking another human-sized bite before breaking off more for Taehyung.

(And maybe he's giving all of his favorite parts to Taehyung so he can have the most delicious bites.)

"I'll make sure you get to try lots of human foods while you're here."

Taehyung's cheeks bulge, smiling up at Jungkook, happy with that. He wants to try all of the human food. He hopes to try pizza next, though…

Once they finish the snack, Taehyung happily curls up in Jungkook's pocket again, his tummy full and warm. He pokes his head out now and again, asks about a few things, but he mostly enjoys curling up and burying his nose in the fabric.

Even if human food smells yummy, Taehyung thinks that Jungkook smells the best. It's comforting, and his pocket is so warm.

So it's not really his fault that he falls asleep on the job to the lull of the skateboard, tucked safely in Jungkook's pocket.

Work is a little less exciting after Taehyung falls asleep, but it does go a little bit faster. Skating around the city, Jungkook delivers the last of the pizzas until his shift ends. Before clocking out, he orders a pizza for him and Taehyung, with all his favorite toppings (since he isn't sure what Taehyung's tastes are yet).

It doesn't take much longer for him to get home, and when he does, he's beat. He has class tomorrow and still hasn't caught up on sleep from the full moon. Kicking off his shoes, he sets his skateboard and backpack down before placing the pizza box on his little table.

He smiles as he opens his pocket to see Taehyung still curled up. "Hey, I got pizza," he whispers, nudging Taehyung gently.

Taehyung grumbles, his arms wrapping around Jungkook's finger that keeps nudging him. Why do werewolves seem to not enjoy full amounts of sleep?

Eyes opening reluctantly, he looks up at him and then sniffs. The mouth watering, delicious scent is back -- but stronger now. Climbing up from his pocket, Taehyung shakes his wings awake before flying out and landing on the table next to the box, sniffing at it.

"Pizza!" he cheers, trying to figure out how to open it, walking around the entire box before plopping down and looking up at Jungkook expectantly. "I am so excited to try it! It smells even better than the other ones."

Jungkook laughs as he grabs some napkins and sets them down on the table. Plopping down in front of it, he opens the box and hums appreciatively when the smell of fresh pizza fills the apartment.

So hungry...

"Be careful, it's hot," he says, breaking off a little piece and blowing on it for Taehyung.

Taehyung makes grabby hands for it, eager to try this delicious smelling food.

And once he pops it into his mouth, his wings flutter wildly, lifting him into the air as hovers closer to the pizza. He wants more, even if his mouth is full. It's that good!

"I've never tasted something soooo yummy in my life!" Taehyung tells him, landing on Jungkook's arm, holding his hands out for another piece. "I love pizza! Why don't the fae have pizza? I think everyone should have access to pizza."

Taehyung can't believe he's lived his entire fae life without eating pizza.

How can he ever return home, where there is no pizza?

He can't go back to living so ignorantly.

Jungkook laughs so happily over how much Taehyung loves pizza. He enjoys it too, but he's gotten a little sick of how often he eats it due to his employee discount. But watching Taehyung enjoy it makes his heart feel so full.

He's so cute.

Breaking off another pizza for Taehyung, Jungkook hands it before taking a massive bite out of the slice himself. "It's probably hard to make pizza in the woods," he says in between bites. "Do fae have beer?"

Taehyung climbs back up Jungkook's arm to rest on his forearm, leaning back where his elbow bends so he's in the crook of it. Yeah… This is the life, he thinks.

"No, what's beer? Is it yummy like pizza? I want to try it!"

Taehyung thinks his new favorite thing is human food. They live so lavishly, Taehyung feels like he's royalty eating food like this.

Jungkook scoots his chair so he can lean into the fridge and grab a can of beer. Sounds like the perfect way to relax after a long day to him, but can fae handle alcohol? Probably not.

Well, Taehyung can have a really, really tiny sip.

"It's not exactly like pizza," he says, popping the can and handing Taehyung another piece of pizza. "It's alcoholic. Do fae drink alcohol, is that a thing?"

Taehyung thinks Jungkook is speaking a different language. "What's alcohol?" he asks, tilting his head to the side, confused. "Is it yummy?"

If it's yummy, Taehyung doesn't really care what it is.

When the weird alcohol thing is opened, Taehyung sniffs at it and looks at Jungkook with an eyebrow raised.

"This is yummy?" he asks, dubious. "It smells… not."

"Well, it's kind of... not that yummy, but it also makes you feel really bubbly? And then it gets yummier," Jungkook says, taking a sip of his beer. After setting the can down, he grabs an empty water bottle still sitting on the table (he really needs to clean) and then fills the little plastic lid with beer before handing it to Taehyung.

"Don't drink too much or you might get sick."

Taehyung doesn't get sick, but he doesn't want to brag so he lifts the lid and takes a big gulp of this alcohol Jungkook is talking about. The taste -- eugh! He makes a face, nose scrunching, mouth twisting as he sets the lid back down and swallows very reluctantly.

"Oh, this is awful," Taehyung whines, sticking his tongue out to try and clean it off. "And I don't feel bubbly at all! Twigs taste better than this!"

He watches in absolute horror as Jungkook brings the can to his lips and takes a large gulp of it. How on earth can he drink something like this?

But he did say it gets yummier over time…

Taehyung stares at the lid and picks it up, determined to enjoy it the same way that Jungkook seems to be, and drinks the rest of it.

As Jungkook watches Taehyung chug the tiny sip of beer he gave him, he thinks that maybe this was a bad idea. And maybe he might have a tipsy or even drunk fae on his hands.


Maybe more pizza will help? Or will that just make him throw up?

Clearly, Jungkook shouldn't be allowed to keep pets. He's about to get his fairy drunk and all his plants keep dying.

"Here, eat between sips," he says, grabbing a slice of pizza for himself before breaking off a piece for Taehyung.

Taehyung does as he's told, munching on the pizza happily. He could eat this forever, too. Maybe not the beer, though, Taehyung isn't really a fan. But maybe he does feel a little bit bubbly? He's not sure yet.

"What happens when you feel bubbly?" Taehyung asks as he picks up the lid to ask for more beer. "Do you float away? But I already have wings, Jungkookie. I don't need bubbly gross drink to float."

Jungkook laughs, poking Taehyung's tummy fondly. "You don't actually float. You just get kinda happy and giggly, I guess," he says, taking another sip of beer before grabbing another slice of pizza. "It's like... a happy kind of bubbly. Like, when you get so giddy over something?"

Taehyung giggles, hands covering his tummy as he watches Jungkook. He's so cute, with his big pretty eyes and his dots on his face and his big nose and his super warm pocket to sleep in. Taehyung glances at the pocket, thinking about climbing back in for a little longer…

Shaking his head a little, he picks up the lid to drink more of the beer, making a face as he drinks it. He's starting to think Jungkook lied to him about it getting better over time.

It's still just as gross as the first sip.

"But I'm happy all the time," Taehyung tells him as he shakes his wings out to fly up. He comes up to sit on top of Jungkook's beer can. "Hey Jungkookie, you're really cute. I'm glad you're mine."

Jungkook practically chokes on his own spit at Taehyung's compliment, his heart fluttering and his eyes going wide. His ears burn as he reaches up to cover them, lips turning up in a shy smile. No one's ever called him cute before.

Or, well, no one outside of his pack.

"You're really cute too, Taehyungie," he says, gently touching the top of Taehyung's head with the tip of his finger. "And I'm also glad you're mine."

He shouldn't be this attached to someone after less than a day, but Taehyung's just so endearing...

Taehyung lifts his hands up to hold Jungkook's finger so he can nuzzle his cheek against it. He feels warm and happy now, like he just wants to take a nice nap and cuddle. Letting out a happy sigh, he hugs Jungkook's finger a little tighter.

"Wait," he says, eyes snapping open to look at Jungkook. "Do you like cuddling?"

If Jungkook doesn't like cuddling, this could be a real problem...

Jungkook flushes a deeper shade of pink as he rubs Taehyung's cheeks gently with his fingertip. Taehyung's so tiny and cute... He still can't believe there's a whole forest full of cute fairies and he never knew about it.

"Yeah, I like cuddling," he says, thinking back to his pack back home and how they would all curl up together. So warm and cozy. His new pack does that too. It's probably a werewolf thing. "I guess most werewolves do..."

Smiling down at Taehyung, he props his chin up in the palm of his hand. "Do fae like to cuddle?"

Taehyung is so relieved, squeezing Jungkook's finger and hugging it tighter. He can't wait to get lots and lots of cuddles… And when Jungkook is a wolf again, Taehyung can't wait to sleep in his fur.

"I love cuddling!" Taehyung tells him enthusiastically, giggling at his own loud voice. "Fae sleep in cuddle piles! I always get to be in the middle because I'm the baby."

Slowly letting go of Jungkook's finger, Taehyung tries to use his wings to fly closer, wanting to get into his pocket again, but his balance is a little off. Maybe this is the bubbly feeling? Either way, he ends up falling into Jungkook's lap instead of his pocket, his landing less than graceful.

"Oof," he says, landing on his butt.

Jungkook giggles, watching Taehyung fondly. Reaching down onto his lap, he offers Taehyung his finger to help him up. Maybe he shouldn't have given him the beer after all...

"How old are you anyway?" Jungkook asks, tilting his head to the side curiously. "If you don't mind my asking."

He doesn't want to be rude. But he hopes Taehyung isn't a literal baby that he accidentally brought home...

“I’m twenty four,” Taehyung answers, swaying a little and clutching onto Jungkook’s finger for balance. “How old are you?”

Taehyung smiles up at him, nose scrunching. Jungkook is so cute, so polite and sweet and yummy--

Wait no.

That’s the pizza. The pizza is yummy.

Maybe Jungkook is also yummy?

Taehyung bites his finger.

Jungkook barks out a laugh when Taehyung bites him, more so out of shock than anything else. Luckily Taehyung's too small to do any damage. Also, it helps that he's, you know, a werewolf.

"I'm twenty-two," he says, watching Taehyung fondly. (While silently thanking the universe that Taehyung is older than him and not a baby.) "How do I taste? Like pizza?"

Taehyung pulls away, licking his lips as he thinks for a moment.

"Mm, you taste better than pizza," he finally decides as he hugs his finger, nuzzling his face against it again. "You taste like Jungkookie. And pizza."

Taehyung knows that doesn't make sense but his head feels extra foggy and strange for some reason. He sighs against Jungkook's finger, eyes closing. He feels so warm all over, but especially in his belly. Must be the pizza…

Taehyung's practically falling asleep standing in Jungkook's lap, hugging his finger, when he suddenly hiccups. The kind that sort of hurts and makes your whole body jolt a little.

And that's how he ends up sitting on Jungkook's lap in his human size, his face flushed from the alcohol, everything feeling a bit like a hazy dream.

Jungkook's still giggling over how cute Taehyung is -- and how he apparently tastes like "Jungkookie and pizza" -- when he suddenly finds himself with a lap full of giant Taehyung.

Eyes widening impossibly large, his heart slams up into his throat as his arms instinctively wrap around Taehyung's waist to keep him from falling.

And oh.

Taehyung's gorgeous. Like, could probably be a super model or an idol gorgeous, with his pretty hair and big eyes and nice lips, and wow...


"You're big," Jungkook squeaks out, his cheeks a deep red.

Taehyung hiccups again, blinking as he stares at Jungkook. The feeling of Jungkook’s arms around his waist to keep him from falling over is nice and warm, and Taehyung finds himself leaning into Jungkook.

His arms come up to wrap around Jungkook’s neck.

“Uh huh,” Taehyung replies with a giggle at Jungkook’s shocked expression. “I can be Jungkookie sized or fae sized!”

Jungkook's pretty sure his entire face is bright, candied apple red by now, his eyes as wide as full moons. Opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water, he glances down at Taehyung and finally notices that he's definitely naked.

He has a really gorgeous, naked fairy on his lap.

A really gorgeous, kind of drunk, naked fairy on his lap.

Well, sh*t.

"You're really pretty," he squeaks out again, his hold on Taehyung's waist tightening a little bit. Wow, apparently he's lost all sense of cohesion when it comes to big Taehyung. But he has a little mole on the tip of his nose and it's cute.

Taehyung giggles, leaning forward to bury his face in Jungkook's neck, his cheeks flushing. Hugging around his neck a little tighter, Taehyung smiles, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of Jungkook's neck.

"You're pretty," he counters, words muffled against Jungkook's skin. "Really pretty. My pretty werewolf."

Curling up a little on Jungkook's lap, Taehyung gets comfy, has no plans on moving anytime soon. But he does find himself pouting, shivering a little.

"Jungkookie, it's cold," he mumbles, fingers dipping under the neckline of Jungkook's shirt to feel warm skin.

Jungkook thinks his heart might explode at any minute. In fact, it may be beating faster than it does when he's chasing after his pack on a full moon. Sliding his arms from around Taehyung's waist, he pulls his flannel shirt off and wraps it around Taehyung's shoulders instead before holding him closer.

All while trying not to shiver because Taehyung keeps playing with his hair and touching his skin.

(He's definitely going to hell.)

"Better?" he asks, running his hand up and down Taehyung's back. "Do you want me to carry you to the bed?"

Taehyung sighs happily at the warmth of Jungkook's shirt draped around him. Tugging it closer, he sniffs at the fabric and smiles. Jungkook smells nice, very homey and warm. Very comforting.

"Can we cuddle?" he asks, lifting his head a little to look at him with hopeful eyes. "I think beer doesn't make me bubbly, but sleepy. And it's yucky."

He makes a face before burying his face back into Jungkook's neck. "Just wanna cuddle… and eat more pizza…"

Jungkook giggles, his cheeks still burning as he watches Taehyung, trying not to look down at the lap full of naked fae he currently has. Yep, definitely not looking.

Instead, he rubs Taehyung's back gently. "Yeah, we can cuddle and eat pizza," he says, reaching over to grab another slice so he can take a bite before offering it to Taehyung.

Taehyung opens his mouth and takes a giant bite, eating half the slice easily in one chomp. He hums happily as he chews, resting his head back on Jungkook’s shoulder.

He could get used to this…

“I’m so glad you accidentally ran into me and took me to the city,” Taehyung tells him, finger reaching up to gently poke the dot under his bottom lip. “This is the best day ever.”

Jungkook's smile softens as he holds Taehyung gently in his lap. He's trying to be mindful of how drunk Taehyung is -- from so little beer too, he's not even kind of buzzed -- but it's hard not to be endeared by how sweet and cute he is.

"I'm glad too," he says quietly, giggling as Taehyung pokes at his mole.

Truthfully, Jungkook's been pretty lonely since he moved into the city. Growing up in Busan with his whole pack was warm and cozy. And while he has his pack here, it isn't the same, even if he loves him too. Living on his own, going to classes, unable to make friends because of what he is...

It's been kind of nice having someone else in his apartment.

"You can stay as long as you like."

Taehyung pulls back to look at him and smiles, reaching up to squish his cheeks. “I wanna stay forever,” he tells him with wide eyes. “Besides, you’re my werewolf. I won’t abandon you.”

Turning away to eye the pizza box again, he grabs a slice of his own, taking a big bite while his wings flutter happily.

“Pizza and Jungkookie are my favorite things,” Taehyung says. “Beer is my least favorite thing, but because my Jungkookie likes it, I’ll pretend to like it, too. Sometimes.”

Jungkook laughs harder, his hands sliding down to Taehyung's hips. "You don't have to pretend to like it just because I do," he teases, leaning back so he can watch Taehyung eat. "We can find you something that you like drinking. Maybe something sweeter."

Reaching up, he gently pokes the mole on the tip of Taehyung's nose before curiosity gets the better of him and he leans in to sniff Taehyung's neck. His nose has been twitching ever since Taehyung got big, his instincts begging him to smell and scent. "Mm, you smell even better when you're Jungkookie-sized..."

Taehyung giggles, head tilting slightly so Jungkook can smell him better. Feeling his nose and breath against his skin makes a shiver run up his spine and Jungkook’s hands on his hips feel warm against his bare skin.

“I do?” he asks curiously, lifting the sleeve of the flannel to sniff it. “I just smell like you.”

Ohh, Taehyung wonders if he would like the shower at this size better. Maybe he could use more of that conditioner that smells so good...

A shiver rips up Jungkook's spine at the thought of Taehyung smelling like him, something primal stirring deep within him. He's never scented anyone before, but he wants to scent Taehyung.

"Mm, yeah, I can smell me too," he hums, sliding his hands up Taehyung's back. "But your scent is much stronger. You smell like honey..."

Taehyung shifts closer on his lap, back pressing back slightly into Jungkook’s hands. He loves skinship, but this kind of skinship feels extra nice. And very warm.

Leaning in to sniff at Jungkook’s neck curiously, he closes his eyes and breathes in deeply.

“You smell like maple,” he tells him, sniffing again before pulling back. “It’s really nice. Comforting. My glen lived in a maple tree when I was little.”

Jungkook sighs quietly, his fingertips dancing up Taehyung's sides before settling on his hips again, squeezing them gently. Taehyung's so soft and warm, Jungkook could sit like this forever.

"That sounds nice," he hums, his smile soft as he holds Taehyung closer. "Maple trees are really pretty, especially in the fall. I bet your home was beautiful..."

Taehyung’s fingers dip below the top of Jungkook’s shirt again, cold fingertips pressing against his warm skin.

“It was really pretty, especially in the fall,” he tells him as he remembers the days in their old home. It was a beautiful tree. “I would use the big maple leaves as a blanket when it got cold.”

Taehyung hugs Jungkook’s neck again, pressing his face into his skin. Jungkook is so warm, Taehyung wants to sit in his arms cuddled up like this forever.

"Sounds beautiful," Jungkook sighs, another shiver running up his spine as he feels Taehyung's face in his neck. His head spins and he squeezes Taehyung closer, thumbs gently massaging into Taehyung's hips.

“What’s your home like? Have you always lived in the city?”

"I moved here a couple years ago," Jungkook explains. "But I grew up in Busan. It's right on the sea. I had a pretty small family, but my pack was huge." He misses it.

Taehyung hums, trying to imagine living by the sea. He’s never even seen it. But his uncle told tales of his travels, told about the water that he couldn’t see the end of.

“I’ve never seen the sea,” he says with a little pout. “Can you take me someday?”

Nuzzling his nose against Jungkook’s neck, Taehyung smiles as he imagines a little Jungkook running around. He was probably very cute and hyper as a pup.

Jungkook can't help but shudder, his cheeks burning as he buries his nose in Taehyung's hair to hide his face. "Yeah, I'll take you someday," he says quietly, his smile soft. "It's really beautiful. I think you'll love it."

And then he can introduce Taehyung to his entire pack as his fairy...

Just thinking about it makes his heart flutter.

"Can I see your glen someday too?"

Taehyung hugs Jungkook tighter when he feels him burying his face in his hair. Almost like it’s a competition of who can hold who tighter.

(Taehyung is winning, for sure.)

“Of course! I want you to meet my whole family,” Taehyung tells him happily. “You can’t see our home necessarily because you’re too big in both of your forms. But I’ll take you to meet everyone!”

He thinks that his family will love Jungkook, will all think he is very pretty.

Jungkook giggles before burying his nose in Taehyung's neck, breathing in his scent. Taehyung smells so good; so warm and comforting. He likes it.

He thinks maybe Jungkookie-sized Taehyung is his favorite.

"I'll look forward to it," he mumbles, his eyes fluttering closed. "Do you... wanna move to the bed?"

Taehyung nods, his arms tightening around him again. He doesn’t want to let go, not when Jungkook is so warm and comfortable to hold onto.

“Yeah,” he agrees quietly, “‘m sleepy.”

His tummy is so full and warm and happy, and he’s cuddling with Jungkook. Taehyung thinks this is as good as life can get.

Normally Jungkook would clean up the leftover pizza and the beer can before washing his face and crawling into bed. But Taehyung is so sleepy and comfortable.

So he wraps his arms around Taehyung tighter and stands up, carrying him across the room instead. Setting him down on the bed, Jungkook tugs off his shirt and kicks off his pants before crawling into bed too.

"I like big Taehyungie," he says quietly as he settles in next to Taehyung, draping an arm over his waist and trying not to think about how naked he is.

Taehyung sighs sleepily as he curls up a little, his arms wrapping around Jungkook and hugging him tightly. The feeling of warm, bare skin against his hand has him snuggling closer, until his face is buried between the pillow and Jungkook’s neck.

“Mm, I like warm Jungkookie,” he replies, pressing his cod toes against Jungkook’s. “So warm…”

Taehyung yawns quietly, his wings giving one last little flicker before folding in against his back.

Jungkook giggles, his heart fluttering wildly as he curls up against Taehyung's side. Jolting at the feeling of cold toes against him, he shifts closer to Taehyung as he squirms a little bit.

"Just wait until I'm in my wolf form," he whispers, sliding his hand up Taehyung's side. "I'm even warmer and softer..."

He takes exceptionally good care of his coat, of course.

Taehyung giggles quietly. “I can’t wait to cuddle with your wolf,” he says, lips moving against Jungkook’s skin. “But I like cuddling with Jungkookie form the most, I think.”

As he shuffles around a little more to get comfy, he finally settles with a happy sigh.

“Today feels like a dream,” he says as he starts drifting off to sleep. “Please don’t be a dream that I wake up from, okay?”

Jungkook hums, his eyelids fluttering closed with a heavy sigh as he relaxes on the bed. It's been a long time since he's fallen asleep with someone else, but he's never fallen asleep next to someone who wasn't in his pack.

It's nice.

"I promise I'm not a dream," he whispers, tilting his head to nuzzle his nose against Taehyung's.

Taehyung smiles, his eyes still closed, and nuzzles his nose back against Jungkook’s. He’s so warm and full and happy right now.

And he feels so safe.

“Okay,” he whispers. “Night Jungkookie.”

As Taehyung drifts to sleep, he dreams of Jungkook and pizza and a whole world that is still waiting for Taehyung to discover.


jimin: movie night tonight, don't forget!!!!!!

hobi: lmfao it's at our apartment chim

yoongi: i'll bring snacks.

Jungkook sighs as he leans back on his couch, staring at the group chat with the other members of his "pack." There's only four of them, but it's kind of hard to make anything official or sizable when you're all transplants living in a new city.

Not that Jungkook's complaining. He likes the closeness they all share.

Still, he doesn't want to abandon Taehyung to go watch movies with his packmates.

kook: is it cool if i bring someone??

yoongi: no.

jimin: lmao!!!

jimin: i mean it's kind of a pack thing........

jimin: and, like, what if we start a howl or smth :(

hobi: wait

hobi: kook has someone????

hobi: forget howling, this is a momentous occasion!!!

Jungkook swallows a laugh as his heart softens in his chest.

kook: P: P:

kook: he's kind of like us, except not

kook: so you can howl all you want

yoongi: fine.

jimin: ok bring him then!!!

jimin: does he like romcoms??

kook: i guess we'll find out!

Slipping his phone into his pocket, he looks over at Taehyung. "So, do you wanna meet my pack tonight? We're watching movies together."

Taehyung is in the middle of eating cereal when Jungkook asks, a bit of milk dripping down his chin. He furrows his eyebrows as he chews and swallows.

“What’s a movie?” he asks curiously.

There are so many things he still doesn’t know…

“I wanna go no matter what movies are! I want to meet your pack…"

Jungkook can't help but giggle as he watches milk drip down Taehyung's chin. Cute.

Taehyung reminds him so much of a werepup. Except an adult. And somehow cuter. And prettier...

"It's like, um, a moving story that you can watch. You'll see, it's fun," he says, getting up so he can move to the table and sit down. "My pack's gonna like you, I know it."

Taehyung beams at that, finishing the last of his cereal and then the milk after with a happy sigh once he’s finished. Human food is delicious.

“I hope so!” he says, wings fluttering behind him. “I want them to like me because I’m your fae…”

What if they don’t though? Would Jungkook not want to keep him around anymore?

Frowning at just the mere thought of that, he looks up at Jungkook. “If they don’t like me, would you not wanna be my werewolf anymore?”

Jungkook blinks at Taehyung, tilting his head as his lips form a little pout. Why would Taehyung think that? "Of course I'd still wanna be your werewolf," he says, reaching up to brush Taehyung's hair behind his ear with a small smile. "Besides, my pack's definitely going to love you. I bet they're gonna wanna steal you away from me before the night's over."

He can almost picture Jimin trying to adopt Taehyung... Or Hoseok. Maybe even Yoongi.

Taehyung leans into the touch, his lips quirking back up into a smile. “Well I won’t let them steal me away,” he tells him firmly. “I’m your fae only.”

He plays with Jungkook while he has his breakfast. Plays with his hair, with the ring he’s wearing, his earrings… curious to touch everything on Jungkook’s body.

“Should I be normal sized or Jungkookie sized when we go?” he asks, eyes focused on the ring he’s twirling around Jungkook’s finger. It’s shiny and pretty.

Jungkook smiles at Taehyung fondly, enjoying the way Taehyung plays with every little thing he's wearing. It's cute.

Taehyung's cute.

And maybe he likes Taehyung a little bit more than he should...

"Jungkookie-sized," he says, propping his chin up in the palm of his hand. "But once you're introduced, you can be whatever size you want."

Taehyung smiles, sliding the ring off of Jungkook’s finger to look at it more closely. It’s just a simple silver band, but it’s so pretty. Taehyung has only had rings made from vines and plants.

“Oh! I should make an outfit for tonight,” he says as he slides Jungkook’s ring back onto his finger for him.

Standing up he flies over to the plants in Jungkook’s apartment, looking over them before picking one, growing their leaves out until he can take away as much as he needs. He settles down on the floor and begins braiding the vine and leaves together, adding a pop of color by turning them fall colors.

He wants to impress Jungkook’s pack, so he really wants to look like a good fae.

Jungkook gets up and flops onto his bed, watching Taehyung stitch together an outfit. "Are you gonna wear that when you're Jungkookie-sized too?" he asks, watching with focused attention. He wonders if Taehyung could make human clothes too. Maybe he'd enjoy that.

Jungkook likes his flower-inspired outfits though.

Taehyung glances up at him and smiles. “No, just for normal sized me,” he explains, working hard to braid and weave it together. “I don’t have enough plants to make one for Jungkookie sized me. But I could if I did!”

Once his dress is finished -- and very pretty, if he does say so himself (he does) -- Taehyung jumps up and shrinks to his normal size, turning into a little lump in the clothes he had been wearing.

And when he emerges with his new dress, he flies straight to Jungkook.

“What do you think?” he asks excitedly.

Jungkook grins, holding out his hand for Taehyung to land on. As Taehyung twirls around, the skirt of the dress swings and it makes Jungkook's smile widen.

"It's beautiful," he says, reaching out to playfully poke Taehyung's tummy. "You look gorgeous. My pack's gonna love it."

Taehyung beams at the compliments, hugging Jungkook’s thumb appreciatively. He’s so excited to meet them! And see these movie things with Jungkook.

He hopes they can cuddle!

Taehyung sits down in the palm of Jungkook’s hand. “Will you be in your Jungkookie form or your wolf form?” he asks curiously, wondering what the pack is like.

Do they howl? Do they want to get pizza?

So many questions, so little time.

Jungkook hums, leaning back and watching Taehyung curiously. He's so pretty in his fae form. So tiny and beautiful...

"Jungkookie form. Though sometimes we all fall asleep in wolf form and curl up together," he says, smiling at the memory. As much as he loves being in his wolf form -- especially since it's such a rare occasion -- it's easier to eat snacks when he has thumbs.

Taehyung smiles at the image, drawing little patterns on Jungkook’s palm. His skin is so soft… Taehyung could easily fall asleep here, too.

“That sounds really cute,” he replies. “I’m so excited! What should I wear in my Jungkookie form? Do you have flower dresses?”

"No flower dresses," Jungkook says with a small smile, though he makes a mental note to buy Taehyung all the flowers he wants to make all the Jungkookie sized dresses he can. (As if he has the money for that. Maybe they could visit a garden or something...)

"I just have regular shirts and pants. Maybe we can go shopping sometime for things you like to wear."

The thought of dressing Taehyung up maybe makes him happier than it should...

Taehyung doesn’t really mind what he wears, but the idea of wearing Jungkook’s clothes that smell like him makes him happy.

“Okay! Or we can pick some flowers and I can grow them…” Taehyung muses, more so to himself. “Will you pick me something to wear then? Something you think the pack will like… and that you like…”

He twiddles his thumbs together shyly as he says the last part, eyes slowly moving up to peek at Jungkook.

Taehyung just wants to be pretty for Jungkook. And also smell like him. And cuddle him forever.

"Yeah, I can do that," Jungkook says, getting up and heading to his closet, Taehyung still cradled in his hand. Rifling through his clothes, he eventually settles on a pair of tight jeans and a worn white shirt with an oversized soft, black hoodie. And maybe it was the outfit he was planning on wearing out -- it is his favorite -- but maybe he wants to see Taehyung in it instead.

"How's this?" he asks, laying it out on the bed for Taehyung to admire.

Taehyung hops down from Jungkook’s hand and touches over the fabric gently before grinning up at him.

“It’s perfect!” he says, slipping out of his homemade dress and growing back into his bigger size. “Soft.”

He pulls the clothes on happily, tucking his dress into the pocket of the hoodie.

“Okay, I’m ready! When do we leave?” Taehyung asks as he zips the hoodie up.

Taehyung looks so cute in his clothes, it's almost enough to make him forget how good Taehyung looks without them too.

Ears burning, Jungkook turns to slip his own jacket on before grabbing his backpack.

"We can leave now. We gotta pick up snacks and drinks on the way," he says, holding out his hand for Taehyung to take so he can lead him outside. "We'll find something delicious for you to try."

Taehyung slides his fingers into the empty spaces between Jungkook’s, lacing them together as he grins. As they leave together, Taehyung talks about human food and how much he already wants pizza again.

Along the way, Taehyung picks some flowers and makes them bloom, even though it’s autumn and they’re dying or already dead. He holds them close as Jungkook leads him to a convenience store.

“Do you think they’ll like the flowers?” Taehyung asks as he trails after Jungkook through the aisles. He grabs random snacks that look yummy. “Oh this has fruit on the package! I love fruit! Jungkookie please can we get this?”

It's hard to say no to Taehyung, even when Jungkook doesn't exactly have a lot of pocket change. He's just so excited and cute and maybe Jungkook wants to feed him all the snacks in the world.

Grabbing all of Taehyung's picks, Jungkook stuffs them into his basket before they finally make it up to the register to pay. It takes both sets of hands to carry all the snacks to Jimin and Hoseok's apartment. Which is probably a sign that they have too many snacks, but whatever. Jungkook will just take the rest home and feed them to Taehyung.

They chat the entire walk there, though it's mostly Taehyung commenting on everything around him, which Jungkook finds more than endearing. By the time they make it to the apartment, Jungkook's both excited and nervous for his pack to meet Taehyung.

"Ready?" he asks, looking over at Taehyung with a small smile. Reaching up, he knocks at the door and Hoseok immediately yanks the door open with a wide smile.

"Kook!" he says happily, before he looks over at Taehyung curiously, his nostrils flaring at he sniffs the air. "And you must be Kook's friend!"

"Hobi, this is Taehyung," Jungkook says, smiling widely.

Taehyung immediately shoves the flowers into Hoseok’s hands with a bright smile. “Hello! I’m Taehyung, Jungkook’s fae!” he greets excitedly, bouncing on his feet a little.

At the sound of talking coming from the door, Jimin and Yoongi curiously creep over, sniffing at the air, trying to get a read on the situation.

As they step inside and remove their shoes, Taehyung sees the other two and immediately strides over to give them each flowers, too.

“Hi!” he greets with a big, boxy grin.

“Hi!” Jimin greets just as enthusiastically. “I’m Jimin! And this is Yoongi.”

Yoongi takes the flowers, blinking down at them before offering Taehyung a smile. "It's nice to meet you, Taehyung," he says, sniffing the flower curiously.

Jungkook can't keep the grin off his face as he takes the snacks into the kitchen so he can put the drinks in the fridge.

"So, you said you're Kook's... fae?" Hoseok asks, tilting his head curiously. "Fae are real?"

Taehyung smiles. “Of course!” he tells them, hand the fruity snacks that he kept to himself over to Hoseok. “Here, watch!”

And suddenly, he disappears, the clothes falling to the floor in a small pile. Jimin gasps in shock, eyes going wide.

“Oh my god,” he says, pointing to the small lump moving around under the clothes. “Oh my god!”

Once he’s dressed in his pretty autumn leaves dress, Taehyung flies out from the clothes in his fae size. “See?” he says, showing off his wings as they flutter quickly, holding him up at their eye level.

When he spots his fruity snacks again, he grabs for them, but they weigh him down too much, sending him and the box to the floor.

“Oof,” Taehyung says as he lands on his butt. “Heavy in this form.”

Jungkook pokes his head out of the kitchen, seeing tiny Taehyung in his pretty autumn dress. Smiling, he crouches down next to Taehyung so he can help with the heavy box of snacks. So cute.

"Well, didn't expect to see that," Yoongi muses as Hoseok gapes at Taehyung, his eyes wide and his jaw slack. "How'd you find a fae, Kook?"

Jungkook looks up and smiles sheepishly. "Apparently I barreled into him on the full moon."

“I got stuck in his fur,” Taehyung adds, smiling at Jungkook when he takes the snacks for him. “I’ve never left the enchanted forest until now!”

“Wow,” Jimin says, eyes turning to look at Jungkook as he sniffs at the air. “Well, any friend of Kook’s is a friend of ours!”

Taehyung grins flying around to explore the new environment. The plants in this apartment are taken care of much better than Jungkook’s, but Taehyung still gives them a little extra love.

And Jimin turns to look at Jungkook. “And he certainly smells like you.”

Jungkook flushes, hugging Taehyung's box of snacks close to his chest. "Well, I mean, he's wearing my clothes," he argues, his ears burning bright red.

Yoongi sniffs the air before looking over at Jungkook, eyebrows raised. "Sure, sounds likely," he says, quirking an eyebrow as Jungkook's blush deepens.

“You’ve only known him for a few days and already scenting him,” Jimin teases with a devilish grin. “He’s cute, though. I can’t blame you.”

They all turn to look at Taehyung flying around looking at everything curiously. He seems intrigued by everything -- but he really likes the candle that’s lit.

“How long is he staying with you?” Jimin asks quietly.

Taehyung is cute, not that he's going to admit that to his packmates. He might like Taehyung a little bit more than he should... Though he's positive they can smell that on him. Stupid werewolf noses.

"I dunno. A while, I think," Jungkook says with a shrug. "He said he wants to explore the city."

"And it sounds like he's claimed you. Or you've claimed him?" Hoseok says, eying Jungkook teasingly.

"Er, both?" Jungkook says, his grin sheepish.

“We spend one week apart and suddenly you’ve practically got a mate,” Jimin says with a little huff, shaking his head. “Next thing you know, you’ll be courting him.”

“What’s courting?” Taehyung asks curiously as he flies over.

Dropping to the ground, he removes his dress and shifts back into his Jungkookie size, naked. Handing the dress to Jungkook to hold, he starts to pull Jungkook’s clothes back on.

“Oh my god,” Jimin says, pointing to Taehyung’s wings. “Even cuter in this size!”

Taehyung beams, looking over his shoulder at his wings before pulling the shirt on over them.

“So what’s courting?” Taehyung asks again.

Jungkook's really blushing now, his entire face stained pink as he grips Taehyung's snack box tight in his hands. "Uh, well, it's kind of like--"

"It's when you try to woo someone into being your mate," Hoseok says, grinning cheekily at Jungkook, who practically chokes on his own spit.

Taehyung coos, opening his mouth to say something before looking at Jungkook and gasping. “Jungkookie!” he cries, grabbing for his fruity snacks. “You’re crushing my snacks!”

Once he safely has the box in his hands again, gently petting over the box of precious human foods, he looks back up to see all the werewolves staring at him.

“They’re precious snacks that Jungkookie bought for me…” he says with a pout.

Jimin coos, unable to help himself from reaching forward to squish the fae’s cheeks. “You’re adorable,” he says and Taehyung beams from between his hands. “Jungkook, bring Taehyung with you every time you come over from now on.”

Yoongi and Hoseok nod in agreement.

Though Jungkook does feel bad for crushing Taehyung's snacks -- despite the fact that it was only the box that got damaged -- he's grateful that they're off the topic of courting. Laughing sheepishly, Jungkook grins at his packmates. "Of course," he says before looking over at Taehyung, who looks so cute being doted on by Jimin.

"All right, you guys wanna watch some movies?" Yoongi asks, stretching as he heads over to the couch.

"Yeah. Tae's never seen a movie before," Jungkook says, taking Taehyung's hand and leading him over to the couch.

They all gasp again and Taehyung giggles.

As they settle in to watch movies, Taehyung plops himself right on Jungkook’s lap, easily curling into his chest and pressing his face into his neck.

The others all raise an eyebrow.

Clearly, they’ve done this before.

It’s Jimin’s turn to pick a movie, so he puts on some cute romcom since he’s sure Taehyung will enjoy it. Plus, maybe the falling in love and kissing scenes will embarrass Jungkook. A win-win, if you ask him.

As Yoongi grumbles about Jimin's choice in movies -- and how they should clearly be having a horror movie marathon because Halloween is approaching -- Jungkook wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist and pulls him closer.

He feels his ears burn from the attention of his packmates, but it's hard to be too embarrassed when Taehyung's so warm and comfortable.

As the movie starts up, his hand plays with one of the tears in Taehyung's jeans (a habit from when he wears them). "There's no one living in the TV," he teases quietly. "We make movies by recording moments with cameras, which can play them back."

Taehyung is amazed. His lips are parted, watching the movie with wide eyes, like he can’t believe what he’s seeing. People just living in the box! Showing them their lives!

Even if Jungkook doesn’t think so, Taehyung is pretty sure that they are living in there.

Taehyung forgets about his snacks, he’s too excited and entranced by the movie.

Jimin cuddles closer to Yoongi and Hoseok, smiling in the warmth of being pressed together. They all snuggle a lot during movie nights, usually because Jimin initiates it.

Jungkook ends up paying more attention to Taehyung than the movie, entranced and amused by his surprise and delight. Taehyung's so cute, Jungkook can't help but be endeared by him.

Something his packmates have obviously picked up on.

Cuddling up together, Jungkook leans against Yoongi while holding Taehyung close to him.

Taehyung curls into Jungkook more, eyes glued to the screen as they all start to cuddle together. He feels warm, his fingers brushing at Jungkook’s bare skin just under his shirt. And when the kiss scene comes up, Taehyung gasps, his eyes a little teary from the emotional scene, staring at the TV while clutching his fruit snacks with one hand to his chest.

“I love when they just grab them and kiss them,” Jimin sighs, watching the romantic scene unfold on the TV. “Isn’t it so cute, Taehyung?”

Taehyung sniffles a little and nods. “That’s the best,” he replies. “I love movies! Can we watch more?”

"Of course we can," Jungkook hums, his hand gently touching Taehyung's back, holding him close.

"Can we watch a horror movie now?" Yoongi asks, reaching for the remote, which Hoseok promptly smacks out of his hand.

"No. Only happy movies," he says with a shiver.

Jimin laughs, wrapping his arms around a pouty Yoongi. “I think a horror movie would scare Taehyung too much,” he adds.

Taehyung pouts. “I don’t get scared easily,” he defends himself. “I once battled a burr bush to save my brother!”

The wolves all seem to exchange a look.

Taehyung huffs and wraps both of his arms around Jungkook, cuddling closer. “I’m not scared of anything!” he adds defiantly. “Besides, Jungkookie would protect me.”

Jungkook giggles, sliding his hand up the back of Taehyung's shirt to touch his skin. "That's right, I would," he says happily, his chest swelling with pride. "But I don't think I can fight the TV."

"Besides, I think it's Hobi we need to be worried about," Yoongi laughs, nudging a rapidly paling Hoseok in the side.

Taehyung smiles, relaxing back against Jungkook again now that he’s definitely well protected and made it very clear that he is brave.

“How about something funny?” Jimin suggests as they look through netflix.

Taehyung finally remembers his fruit snacks, opening the box to try them. Popping one into his mouth he chews thoughtfully for a few moments and then beams.

“Jungkookie, these are so yummy!” he says, grabbing some more to feed to him immediately. “Try it!”

Jimin watches them with a raised eyebrow and a knowing smile, but he doesn’t say anything when Jungkook and him catch each other’s eyes.

Hoseok, on the other hand, isn't as subtle. "Can't believe Kook has someone. I feel so single," he says, flopping against Yoongi as they start the next movie.

Taehyung tilts his head as he looks at the three of them. “You don’t have mates?” he asks with a frown, hugging Jungkook a little tighter.

Jimin laughs and shakes his head. “No, it’s not exactly easy to date,” he answers. “I don’t know any other wolves in the city besides these knuckleheads.”

Taehyung hugs Jungkook even tighter. “Well you can’t date Jungkookie,” he tells them. “He’s my werewolf. You can’t even call finders keepers on him.”

Jimin snorts, “Trust me, none of us want to date your Jungkookie.”

Jungkook's pretty sure his cheeks are permanently stained red. From the teasing and from Taehyung claiming him so openly in front of his friends (which also makes his stomach flip).

"Hey, I'm a catch," he teases, pouting at Jimin, which only makes Hoseok laugh hard.

"He's all yours, Taehyung. Treat him well," Yoongi says with a smirk, kicking Jungkook's leg playfully.

Taehyung makes a happy noise from the back of his throat as he cuddles into Jungkook, pressing his face into his neck again. “I will,” he tells them, sincerely. He’ll treat his wolf really well, and make sure he’s taken care of.

Jimin smiles adoringly at Taehyung, winking at Jungkook as if to say we have a lot to discuss later, you brat.

Jungkook's torn between screaming and crying, and since either option would get him teased mercilessly by his packmates, he settles on burying his nose in Taehyung's hair, quietly breathing in his scent.

Which is going to get him teased just as much, if the laughter from his friends is anything to go by.

Giving Jimin a look, he kicks Hoseok and Yoongi before turning his attention back toward the movie. His hand slides up Taehyung's shirt, nails gently scratching up and down his back.

Taehyung relaxes into Jungkook's touch, shivering slightly at the feeling of his nails scratching over his skin. Even as the movie plays on, and it's super interesting, Taehyung finds himself unable to focus on it. Instead, he's far more focused on Jungkook's hands on his skin, on his nose in his hair.

Turning slightly so that he can wrap his arms around him lower, Taehyung copies his movement. Hands sliding up the back of Jungkook's shirt, he relishes in the warmth of his bare skin against his hands before slowly running his nails up and down as much as he can reach.

Pressing his face into Jungkook's neck, Taehyung closes his eyes for a moment, enjoying the warm tender moment, his nose dragging against Jungkook's skin as he breathes in his warm, woodsy scent. Maple, like his childhood home.

Jungkook shivers too, a quiet sigh lodging itself in his throat as he runs his hand further up Taehyung's shirt, fingers dancing along his skin. He wants to touch more, especially as his mind begins to fog over feeling Taehyung breathing in his scent; feeling Taehyung's nose against his neck.


Suddenly he wishes his packmates weren't here. That he and Taehyung were back home, alone.

Maybe it's for the best...

Burying his nose in Taehyung's neck, Jungkook sighs quietly, his eyelids fluttering closed as he massages Taehyung's back, teasing his skin with his nails.

Taehyung makes a quiet humming sound when he feels Jungkook's nose against his neck. For some reason, this all feels intimate, even if they're just cuddling. It makes his tummy flip, makes him hold onto Jungkook a little bit tighter.

Especially when Jungkook's fingers are so close to his wings...

Tilting his head a bit to give Jungkook more room, Taehyung lets his nails slowly rake down Jungkook's back. Not enough to hurt, but enough to leave little marks for a few seconds after.

Taehyung wonders what it would be like to leave marks on Jungkook, though.

Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi are all trying to focus on the movie and not on their packmate scenting the fae on his lap. Jimin wrinkles his nose at the obvious intimate moment happening on the other side of the couch, looking at the others.

"Do you think they forgot we're here?" he asks in a hushed whisper.

"Oh yeah, absolutely," Yoongi whispers, glancing over at Jungkook and Taehyung and wrinkling his nose. Hoseok shudders, leaning into Yoongi and trying to get away from the stench of Jungkook's obvious arousal.

Jungkook doesn't even notice the whispers of his packmates next to him. Even with heightened hearing, he can't focus on anything other than Taehyung. Especially when he feels Taehyung's nails along his skin, making him shiver and sigh. Feels good, he thinks his fingers massaging near the base of Taehyung's wings, his touch so gentle, exploring.

Taehyung's eyes flutter shut at the feeling of Jungkook's fingers near the base of his wings. Oh, that feels so nice… He hasn't had a wing massage in weeks -- probably not since his brother, Seokjin, gave him one after he injured his wing during a storm.

But Jungkook's hands feel different. A little more calloused, a little more gentle.

Taehyung wouldn't mind feeling those hands all over his body…

Jungkook sighs against Taehyung's neck, his fingers moving until they're right up against Taehyung's wings. Massaging at the base with one hand, he slides the other one around until it's teasing Taehyung's side.

This is dangerous. Especially as his mind clouds over with desire, all sense of the rest of the world around them gone. All he can focus on is Taehyung. How pretty Taehyung is, how good Taehyung smells, how much he wants.

Taehyung giggles suddenly, pulling away to laugh and wriggle on Jungkook’s lap. His fingers teasing his side tickle, and even if the moment was so intimate and good, Taehyung can’t help that he’s extremely ticklish.

He doesn’t notice the way the other three packmates seem to sigh in relief at the intimate moment ending.

“Tickles,” Taehyung says, bringing his own hands down to tickle at Jungkook’s side in revenge.

Jungkook giggles too, squirming underneath Taehyung as he tickles back in retaliation. When he accidentally kicks Yoongi from squirming too much, Yoongi sighs and tugs Jungkook out from underneath Taehyung with ease.

"All right, break it up," he grumbles, nudging Jungkook toward the other end of the couch.

Jungkook flushes, pouting a bit as he looks over at Taehyung, which only earns him a smack in the arm from Hoseok.

Taehyung pouts, too, clearly not pleased with Yoongi taking Jungkook away. He snatched up some more snacks to eat them, making sure to grab the exact one that Yoongi just started reaching for.

“Hmph,” Taehyung says as he opens the snack and shoves it into his mouth.

It’s not even that yummy.

“I think Yoongi made an enemy,” Jimin laughs as he grabs his own snack and a drink.

Yoongi scoffs, grabbing another snack and gobbling it up before Taehyung can take it from him. "Yeah, well, I'm not the one who was practically dry-humping in the middle of the movie," he grumbles.

Jungkook -- mid laugh -- immediately starts choking, his face flushing deep red. "What--"

Yoongi silences Jungkook with a sharp stare and a knowing smirk. "Save it. I can smell it on you."

Taehyung purses his lips, glaring at Yoongi. He sniffs the air, but he has no idea what Yoongi is talking about. Must be a werewolf thing.

Taehyung shifts into his fae form and tugs on his dress, flying over to Jungkook and settling himself right back into Jungkook’s lap, crossing his arms over his chest.

Jimin laughs, shaking his head. “Determined,” he says. “Think you’re fighting a losing battle over there, Yoongi.”

Yoongi groans, flopping back against the couch. "Whatever. I give up," he mumbles, stuffing more snacks into his mouth.

Hoseok laughs, settling back against the couch so he can finish the movie. Now that there isn't the overwhelming scent of desire in the air, he can finally relax.

Jungkook, however, is immediately preoccupied with Taehyung again. Gently petting the top of Taehyung's head, he smiles as he teases the little leaves of his dress, careful not to tear it.

Taehyung preens, leaning back into Jungkook’s finger. He feels so happy, being the center of Jungkook’s attention, and also having totally won the battle for Jungkook against Yoongi.

Flying up so that he lands on Jungkook’s chest, he sighs and makes himself comfortable, sitting down and tugging part of Jungkook’s hoodie over to use as a blanket. He has no idea what this movie is about, but he finds that he doesn’t much care. He would rather pay attention to Jungkook, anyway.

They spend the rest of the movie like that, much to everyone else's relief, though Jungkook's unable to pay much attention to the movie. All of his focus is on Taehyung, his mind still a mess of the intimate moment they shared earlier.

When the movie eventually ends and Hoseok gets up and starts to clean trash off the coffee table, Jungkook shifts a bit on the couch.

"You ready to go?" he asks Taehyung quietly, though he's a little nervous about what might happen when there's no one there to separate them.

Taehyung nods, leaping up from Jungkook to fly back to the clothes. He takes off the dress, shifts back into Jungkookie size, and then gets dressed again.

All this clothes business is really getting to be annoying. Why can’t humans just enjoy nudity?

Helping Hoseok with the last of the trash, Taehyung smiles at him and thanks the others for letting him come to movie night.

“I really liked the love one,” Taehyung says as he hugs Jungkook, feeling shy just remembering the cute kiss scene. “I wanna watch more like that!”

Jimin ruffles Taehyung’s hair playfully. “Jungkook has lots of movies, I’m sure you two can watch some yourself.”

Jungkook laughs, shyly wrapping his arms around Taehyung. "Yeah, we can watch more at home," he says, his cheeks burning as his friends watch him with equally teasing looks on their faces.

"You're always welcome back! We have movie nights all the time," Hoseok says with a wide grin.

Taehyung beams at them. “Okay! Thank you,” he says happily. “I’ll come back again!”

As they finally set out, Taehyung waves at them before wrapping his arms around Jungkook as they walk, even if it’s a little awkward.

“That was soooo fun!” he says enthusiastically. “Are there lots of movies about love? It was really cute and interesting to see how humans fall in love.”

It's hard to walk with Taehyung's arms around him, but Jungkook can't bring himself to care. Not when Taehyung is so cute. Not when he likes him so much.

Wrapping his arms around Taehyung too, Jungkook laughs as the brisk night air hits his face and makes him shiver. "There are tons of movies about love. We can watch them, if you want," he says, glancing over at Taehyung, his smile softening. "How do fae fall in love?"

Taehyung looks at him and smiles, thinking about how in love his parents are. He always wanted a love like theirs… but now…

Now maybe he wants something different.

“Well, I suppose it’s similar if you like them,” he says slowly. “Usually fae bring gifts! Flowers and shiny things. And if the fae accepts the gifts, then they’re together. But it can be tricky because technically we do mate for life…”

Taehyung pulls back to use his hands while he talks, illustrating a huge tree. “We have a big tree in the center of the forest. And fae that want to mate for life go there, but only if the forest deems you truly in love can you actually mate. Isn't that romantic?”

Jungkook sighs too, smiling as he thinks about how beautiful that must be. Fae life sounds so idyllic.

"Yeah, super romantic," he answers, taking Taehyung's hand and lacing their fingers together.

As they walk through the city streets, Jungkook can't help but wonder if Taehyung has someone back home that he wants to court and bring to the mating tree. His heart squeezes at the thought.

So he asks.

"Is there a fae back home that you want to bring there someday?" He squeezes Taehyung's hand gently and, selfishly, he hopes there isn't.

Taehyung looks at him, his expression softening as he slowly moves his gaze down to their intertwined fingers. He squeezes Jungkook's hand back.

"Nope," he answers easily. "I've really only spent time with a few fae romantically, but it was never serious. Not even enough to bring up the mating tree."

But while he doesn't exactly think he can bring Jungkook to the mating tree with him, Taehyung certainly wouldn't mind little gifts from Jungkook. Or kissing him. Or cuddling with him and touching him and--

"How do werewolves mate?" he asks to stop his train of thoughts. "Courting, like your pack mentioned earlier. But what's it like? Do werewolves mate for life, too?"

Jungkook's heart soars and flutters in his chest, his smile widening into a grin as he swings their hand gently. "Werewolves mate for life, yeah," he says, though werewolf divorces are becoming more common nowadays. "When there's someone we're interested in, we kinda court them. With gifts and food, typically, to show that we're big, tough wolves who can take care of them. But once the attraction is mutual, it's a lot like human romance. Dating, kissing, sex..."

His cheeks flush at the thought.

"We don't have a tree or anything, but when we want to mate, we run together under the full moon."

And then literally mate under the full moon, not that Jungkook thinks he can tell Taehyung that.

Taehyung smiles, squeezing Jungkook's hand again. "That sounds so nice!" he says with a happy little sigh. "Romance is so fun, don't you think, Jungkookie?"

He turns so he's walking backwards, so he can face Jungkook, trusting him to lead him so he doesn't run into anyone or anything.

"Have you ever found someone you wanted to mate with?" Taehyung asks, chewing his bottom lip nervously, watching him. Hoping, selfishly, that Jungkook has never wanted anyone romantically ever.

Jungkook holds Taehyung's hands tight between his, his heart fluttering even more as he thinks about mating with someone. It's always been a dream of his, of course -- to find someone worth mating with -- but, so far, most of his romantic pursuits have been complete flops. (Not that there were many. Dating is hard when you're a werewolf...)

But, maybe...

"There was one that I thought about," he says quietly, watching Taehyung as he walks them forward and holds his hand tight. "But it didn't work out. It's for the best, though."

"Well, you'll find your mate, Jungkookie," Taehyung tells him as he tugs him closer. Chewing on his lip nervously, he slides his free hand up Jungkook's arm. "Maybe… maybe they're even closer than you think."

His eyes shift from his hand on Jungkook's arm to look at him.

The air between them feels charged again, like it did on the couch earlier. Taehyung can feel his cheeks turning pink, nervous as he fidgets a little bit on his feet, unable to keep still.

Jungkook's smile widens as he watches Taehyung, his heart racing in his chest. Gripping Taehyung a little bit tighter, he steps closer until there isn't much space left between them. And when their eyes connect, Jungkook swears the breath leaves his lungs.

Taehyung's so beautiful, especially under the light of the waning moon.

And the implication behind Taehyung's words is making Jungkook's head spin.

"I think they might be," he whispers, his hand sliding up Taehyung's arm until his fingers brush along his cheek. f*ck, he wants to kiss Taehyung so bad. He's wanted to kiss him since the first time they ate pizza together, when Taehyung was sitting in his lap naked and drunk. "Don't you?"

Taehyung leans into his touch, his smile soft and expression warm as he looks back at Jungkook. His heart is fluttering, his wings trying to underneath all the clothes. He's never felt quite like this before -- nervous, yes. But this?

This feels like an adventure is about to begin.

"I think they are," Taehyung whispers, his eyes dropping to shamelessly look at Jungkook's lips before slowly moving back up to meet his gaze again. "Maybe even… standing in front of you."

Shifting closer until their noses are brushing together, Taehyung's eyes flutter shut as he tilts his head and slowly presses his lips against Jungkook's.

And the moment their lips touch, the flowers and trees in the little park they're walking through all come to life in full bloom suddenly, despite the fact that it's mid October.

Jungkook gasps the moment their lips touch, and his heart is beating so fast he doesn't even notice the flowers blooming around them. But how can he, when his lips are against Taehyung's? When all he can think about is the taste of honey sweet on his lips.

Reaching up to cup Taehyung's other cheek, Jungkook tilts his head as he kisses Taehyung back. Slowly, he deepens the kiss as his lips part, gently sucking on Taehyung's lower lip as a quiet sigh works its way up his throat.

This feels so perfect. So warm.

Taehyung manages to take another small step forward, pressing himself into Jungkook, tongue slipping between his lips to tease him. His fingers grip at Jungkook's hoodie, fists clenching around it to keep him there, to keep him close.

It's the most perfect first kiss that Taehyung's ever had.

It's warm and Jungkook tastes like those fruity treats from earlier. His hands are warm against Taehyung's chilled cheeks. It's perfect, everything is perfect.

Taehyung's heart, much like the flowers around them, seems to be in full bloom, too.

Jungkook moans quietly into the kiss as their tongues slide together, light and teasing. Sliding his fingers through Taehyung's hair, he tugs lightly on the stands as he kisses Taehyung deeper, needier.

His heart is racing in his chest and it feels like he's running under the light of the full moon. So beautiful; so liberating.

So perfect.

He thinks he wants to kiss Taehyung like this forever.

“Jungkookie,” Taehyung moans softly against his lips, fingers curling tighter around his hoodie.

"Taehyungie," Jungkook whispers back, his heart fluttering again. It does that a lot around Taehyung, like it's nothing more than a leaf in the wind. (Not that he's complaining.) Tugging gently at Taehyung's hair, Jungkook smiles against his lips as he sighs happily. "Wanna get out of here?"

Taehyung shivers slightly, hands finally releasing Jungkook's hoodie to reach for his, lacing their fingers together. "Yeah," he whispers, eyes slowly opening to look at him. "Let's go home. Wanna cuddle… and kiss more…"

Cheeks flushing, Taehyung bites his bottom lip as he smiles, pulling on Jungkook's hands to get him to start walking again.

And the entire walk back, even if they're both shyly quiet, every time Taehyung glances over at Jungkook and gets caught, he giggles and feels his face flush a little bit more. Jungkook giggles too, his heart buoyant in his chest as he grips Taehyung's hand tight. It's hard to believe this isn't a dream, because it feels too good to be real. But the way his entire body buzzles with excitement feels too real.

When they get back to his apartment, Jungkook immediately kicks off his shoes and nudges Taehyung against the door. But he doesn't immediately kiss him, instead nuzzling his nose into Taehyung's neck and breathing in deep, the taste of honey on his tongue.

"Been wanting to kiss you for a while," he whispers, nuzzling his nose into Taehyung's cheek.

Taehyung exposes his neck for him immediately, his eyes fluttering shut as his arms wrap around his shoulders. He shivers slightly, leaning into the touch of Jungkook's nose against his cheek.

"Then kiss me," he whispers, eyes slowly opening to look at him. "Just -- just grab me and kiss me. Like those humans in the movie."

Arms tightening around Jungkook, Taehyung smiles as he pulls him closer, his eyes fluttering shut again as he tilts his head so that their lips are practically touching.

Jungkook shudders as he presses closer to Taehyung, his head swimming as his gut kicks. "f*ck," he whispers, words lost to him as he slides his hands down to grip Taehyung's hips underneath his shirt.

Leaning in, Jungkook captures Taehyung's lips in a searing kiss. He moans as he nips at Taehyung's lower lip, sucking it between his own, making Taehyung hum happily.

Taehyung's hands seek out the warmth of bare skin, one sliding under the top of Jungkook's to press against his upper back, tilting his head so their noses don't bump as he reconnects their lips in a slow, heated kiss, deepening it straight away.

He feels warm all over, his excitement pressing him forward until it's Jungkook's back against the wall, Taehyung tripping over the shoes in the doorway before pressing back against him immediately, kissing him again.

Jungkook gasps and moans, his hands sliding up Taehyung's back as he kisses him harder, deeper. Another shudder rips up his spine as he arches off the wall so that they're pressed close together.

Massaging his fingers into the base of Taehyung's wings, Jungkook feels a growl rise in his throat. He just wants so badly, more than he's ever wanted anyone ever before. Swallowing the growl, he replaces it with a moan instead as his fingers wander along Taehyung's skin and their tongues slide together.

Taehyung swallows Jungkook's moans eagerly, a gasp working its way out of his own lips when Jungkook massages between his wings so perfectly. His own hands travel down to the zipper of the hoodie he's wearing, unzipping it to let the material fall at his feet.

"Want it off," Taehyung whines as he breaks the kiss to tug at Jungkook's shirt, wanting to feel his bare skin against his fingers and lips and tongue. He reaches for his own shirt, pulling it up and over his head, dropping it with the hoodie.

With his wings free, they flutter softly behind him.

Jungkook flushes, leaning back against the wall as he admires Taehyung openly. Sliding his hands down Taehyung's sides, he wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist and pulls him closer.

"You're beautiful," he whispers, head dipping to mouth at Taehyung's neck. "So gorgeous...." Nipping gently at Taehyung's skin, he trails kisses up to Taehyung's ear.

Taehyung gasps, his eyes slipping shut as he tilts his head, giving Jungkook more access to his neck. His hands slide up to thread his fingers through Jungkook's hair, keeping him close to his skin, a shiver running down his spine.

"Mm, so are you," Taehyung whispers back, chest pressing up against Jungkook's as the lightest touches to his bare skin have his stomach flipping and flopping. "Pretty. Sexy. Adorable."

Jungkook is so cute, so perfect. Taehyung thinks that there isn't anyone else out there half as good.

Jungkook moans as he presses kiss after kiss along Taehyung's neck, his teeth scraping along his skin. Sliding his hands up Taehyung's back, he teases the base of his wings again, nipping gently at Taehyung's neck.

"You smell so good," he whispers, burying his nose in Taehyung's neck so he can breathe him in. "Taste so sweet..."

Cheeks flushed, Jungkook wraps his lips around a patch of Taehyung's skin and sucks gently.

Taehyung gasps, arms moving up to keep Jungkook’s head there, silently asking for more. His hips press against Jungkook’s, eyes shut as he moans softly at the feeling of being marked.

Oh. He thinks he likes this a little more than he should.

Taehyung wants Jungkook’s mouth all over his body.

“Feels good,” he moans, pressing his neck closer to Jungkook, sensitive.

Jungkook's gut kicks at that, his hand sliding back down to grip Taehyung's hips and pull him even closer. Feeling Taehyung pressed up against him is making his head spin, especially as his senses become overloaded with the smell and taste of honey.

And so he sucks harder until he leaves a mark on Taehyung's neck.


"f*ck," Jungkook whispers, kissing the mark before starting to leave another one.

Taehyung whimpers, biting his bottom lip as he tries to get Jungkook closer to his neck. It feels so good, and he just wants more of this feeling that's building in the pit of his stomach now. His wings flutter, trying to push him forward, closer into Jungkook, but their bodies are flush together.

"Jungkookie," he moans, hips grinding against Jungkook's slowly. "More…"

For being so adamant about not belonging to anyone (as most fae are), Taehyung sure enjoys knowing that Jungkook is leaving his mark on his skin. His gut kicks, thinking about how everyone will know that he belongs to someone -- to Jungkook.

Taehyung brings his hands up the back of Jungkook's shirt, pulling it up as he does. Letting his nails rake up his back, wanting to leave marks of his own, too.

Jungkook shudders, pulling back from Taehyung's neck so he can tear his shirt off. He wants to feel Taehyung's hands on his skin because, f*ck, it feels good and he wants more.

Wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist again, Jungkook pulls him in close so he can suck another mark into his neck. As heat pools in his gut, he rocks his hips against Taehyung's, a whimper leaving his throat.

Taehyung’s hands are all over Jungkook once his shirt is off. He runs his hands down his chest slowly, fingers brushing over his nipples, squeezing at his pecs before sliding down his toned stomach.

“Oh my god,” he breathes as his eyes flutter shut again, hips rocking against Jungkook’s. “Feels so good--"

His own lips find their way to Jungkook’s neck, pressing soft kisses there before copying Jungkook’s motions and gently sucking at the skin there. He lets his teeth graze over the skin softly, sucking a little harder as he presses himself against Jungkook, hands sliding around to hold his hips.

Jungkook moans, his head dropping back to give Taehyung more access to his neck. "f*ck, Tae," he whispers, biting at his lower lip. Squeezing Taehyung closer, his hands slide down, fingers grazing over his ass before gripping onto his thighs. And, in one swift motion, he lifts Taehyung up off the ground.

Carrying Taehyung over to the bed, he falls back onto it, pulling Taehyung on top of him. He can't help but laugh as he runs his hands up and down Taehyung's thighs.

"Gorgeous," he whispers, arching his back off the bed to grind up against Taehyung's hips.

Taehyung's giggles die off from his lips as they turn to a soft moan at the feeling of Jungkook's hardon and his grinding together through their pants. His fingers grip at Jungkook's chest, grinding down against him a little harder, his legs spreading a little wider.

"Oh, it feels so, ah, good," he moans as his fingers slide down to brush over Jungkook's nipples slowly.

As his fingers gently tug at Jungkook's hardening nipples and he grinds down against him, Taehyung leans forward to kiss him again, heated right from the start. Tongues sliding together as Taehyung presses closer, wanting to be as close as he can to Jungkook; wanting to feel his warm skin against his own.

Taehyung forgot how good skinship like this feels, but he's sure that he's never felt quite this desperate to be close to someone before.

Jungkook moans into the kiss, his hands sliding down to grab Taehyung's ass. His head spins as he rocks his hips up against Taehyung even harder, gut kicking every time he feels Taehyung's hardening co*ck through the layers of clothes between them.

"f*ck," he whispers against Taehyung's lips. "You're so hot--"

Flushing, he arches his back off the bed until they're pressed together, no space between them.

Taehyung's panting, already feeling so wrecked and they're still half clothed. His arms wrap around Jungkook's neck, pressing himself down against him and rolling his hips. The friction from his jeans and from Jungkook's co*ck has him whining, wanting more.

"You're the hot one," he whines, pulling back just enough to wave his hand around his entire body. "Have you seen yourself, Jungkookie?"

Taehyung thinks Jungkook has the nicest body. It's so warm and pretty and his skin is so soft.

So he can't help it that he leans down to lick from Jungkook's collarbone to his neck, finding a new spot to suck a little mark into, his fingers sliding down to hover at the waistband of Jungkook's pants.

Jungkook's head drops back onto the bed, his hips rocking up against Taehyung's even harder. "Oh, Taehyungie," he moans, tilting his head to the side and biting on his lower lip. Sliding his hands up and down Taehyung's sides, he eventually settles them on Taehyung's hips, his fingers dipping underneath the waistband.

They're wearing too many layers and he wants them all off.

Tugging at Taehyung's pants, he growls as his frustration over their clothing mounts. "Off," he whispers, his desperation growing.

Taehyung can't help but giggle at Jungkook's growling as he tugs at his pants. He unbuttons them and gets up to try and yank them off, sighing in relief when his co*ck springs free from the boxers and tight jeans Jungkook gave to him earlier.

"You too," he says, tugging at Jungkook's pants so hard that he falls over onto his butt on the floor, Jungkook's jeans stuck on his thighs. "Oof."

He gets up, rubbing his ass, and grabs for the pants again, using his wings to help yank them off of Jungkook's body, since he's too busy laughing to help, apparently.

Jungkook's cheeks hurt from how much he's smiling. And he can't stop laughing either as he kicks his pants and boxer briefs off the rest of the way before tugging Taehyung back on top of him. He doesn't immediately go back to kissing though, instead running his hands up and down Taehyung's naked thighs as he admires how beautiful and perfect he is.

"You're really beautiful, Taehyungie," he whispers, the tip of his finger teasing the underside of Taehyung's co*ck. "f*ck, I want you so bad..."

Taehyung's hips jolt forward at the teasing touches to his co*ck, sucking in a sharp breath. His own fingers are exploring Jungkook's body, pressing into his skin, his waist, and down his sides. Jungkook's words seem to burn right through him, making him moan as he grinds his ass down against Jungkook's co*ck.

"I want you, too," he whispers, eyes hooded as he looks down at him, grinding against him slowly. "Want you so bad, Jungkookie."

He arches his back as he rotates his hips in small, slow circles, pressing down against Jungkook's co*ck. It feels so good already, the slide already a little wet from his precum. And when his co*ck slides between his cheeks, Taehyung moans, head falling back, hands sliding back to support himself on Jungkook's thighs.

"Holy sh*t your thighs," he whispers, squeezing them gently. "Were you made from marble? What is this? How can you be so hot?"

Jungkook flushes as he rocks his hips up to grind his co*ck against Taehyung's ass. Even slowly like this feels so good and when he feels the tip catch on Taehyung's rim, he almost comes right there (which is kind of embarrassing).

Giggling at Taehyung's words, his flush deepens as his hands move up to Taehyung's ass, squeezing it tight. "I could say the same for you," he whispers before reaching around to slowly stroke Taehyung's co*ck. "You're so hot, Taehyungie... Really wanna f*ck you."

Taehyung whines at his words, his co*ck twitching in Jungkook's hold as his hips following the movement of his hand slowly stroking his co*ck. Between the hand around him and the co*ck sandwiched between his asscheeks, Taehyung already feels like he's about to come.

"I want that," he says quickly, squeezing Jungkook's thighs again. "I want you. Please f*ck me."

He doesn't care if he's shameless. He wants Jungkook so bad, his co*ck drools precum just thinking about his co*ck f*cking into him. His wings rapidly fluttering, fanning at them in excitement as he moans, rocking against Jungkook's co*ck and into his fist.

Jungkook moans, his hips jerking up at Taehyung's begging. "f*ck, so hot," he mumbles, pumping Taehyung's co*ck just a little bit faster. His other hand immediately moves to the bedside table, where he starts rummaging around for a bottle of lube. But right as his fingers wrap around it, he remembers that he should probably explain a few things to Taehyung...

"Um, you haven't been with another werewolf before, have you?" he asks, his hips stilling and his cheeks flushing. "Sex for us is, um, a little different?"

Taehyung whines when Jungkook stops, leaning forward and resting his hands against his stomach now. God, all he wants is Jungkook's co*ck buried deep inside him. His mind is so hazy with want and desire that he has to think about what Jungkook is saying.

"I've never had sex with another being that isn't a fae," he answers, fingers circling around one of Jungkook's nipples. "How is it different? Do you… turn into a wolf or something?"

Jungkook giggles, arching up into Taehyung's touch. "I mean, I could, if you wanted me to," he whispers, his heart racing at the thought. But his stomach twists as he thinks of how to explain knotting to Taehyung. He's never been with a non-werewolf before. What if Taehyung is turned off by it? What if he's too big and Taehyung can't handle it?

What if Taehyung doesn't want to be with him because of it?

"Um, well, our dicks are kind of, um, knotted?" His hands move up and down Taehyung's thighs soothingly as he watches Taehyung nervously. "There's, like, this bulb at the base of my co*ck and, if I come inside you, it, uh, enlarges and locks us together for a while."

Oh god, that sounds so weird, doesn't it. "But I don't have to, you know, come inside you or anything, I could, you know, pull out--"

Taehyung cuts off his nervously ramblings with a soft kiss to his lips, humming as he sucks his bottom lip between his teeth gently, pulling away before he releases it.

"I'm into that," he tells him, rocking back down against Jungkook. "I like being full, so… You can come inside."

His cheeks flush a little at his wording, biting his bottom lip as his fingers gently pinch at his other nipple. How is he supposed to tell Jungkook when it's their first time having sex that he wants to be full and then co*ckwarm him all night?

Just the idea of a knot connecting them together for a while sounds like the stuff Taehyung's wet dreams are made of.

Especially if it's Jungkook's knotted co*ck locking them together.

Jungkook shudders underneath Taehyung, his mind practically whiting out at Taehyung's words. "God, you're perfect," he whispers, griping Taehyung's hips tight and rocking up against him. "Gonna fill you up, f*ck you so full..."

Flushing at his own words, Jungkook grabs the lube and coats his fingers before sliding them back to tease at Taehyung's entrance. Circling it slowly, he pushes the first finger in as he watches Taehyung's expression.

Taehyung moans, falling forward to Jungkook's chest so he can press himself back against his finger better. The mix of the words leaving Jungkook's mouth and the finger pressing into him has his thighs spreading, his co*ck rubbing against Jungkook's.

"Oh f*ck," he whispers, rocking his hips back onto his finger. "Another."

Dropping his head to rest his forehead against Jungkook's chest, he can't help but gently bite his chest, sucking the skin there to leave another mark as he f*cks himself back against Jungkook's fingers impatiently, co*ck slick with precum as it slides against Jungkook's.

Jungkook groans, pressing his chest up into Taehyung's mouth as he rocks their co*cks together. f*ck, Taehyung feels so good, so incredible. He can't wait to f*ck him hard and fast; hear those pretty moans and see his wings flutter and his body writhe.

Sliding a second finger inside Taehyung, he f*cks them into him, scissoring him open before pressing in deep and teasing at his prostate. And it isn't long until he adds a third, stretching Taehyung open.

Taehyung is panting against Jungkook's chest by the time he's three fingers deep, his co*ck hard and heavy and slick with precum from getting his prostate teased. He clenches around his fingers, whining when Jungkook pulls them out.

"Jungkookie," he moans, clenching around nothing now. "Feel empty. Wanna be full, please--"

He presses his hands to Jungkook's waist to sit up slightly, reaching one back to wrap around Jungkook's co*ck. f*ck, he can feel how thick the base is, and just knowing that it'll get bigger and lock them together has Taehyung drooling.

"So big," he whispers, giving Jungkook's co*ck a few strokes to lube him up before he lines the head of it to his entrance. "Oh, f*ck, oh--"

Jungkook shudders as he slowly thrusts up into Taehyung. And f*ck, Taehyung's so warm, so tight, so perfect. Begging for his co*ck, moaning so pretty. "Oh, Tae," he moans, his hands sliding up to grip Taehyung's hips, guiding him down until he's fully seated.

He's panting as if he'd just run a mile, his heart pounding against his chest. He just can't believe he's inside Taehyung -- perfect, wonderful, Taehyung. And it feels so f*cking good...

Taehyung is panting, too, his toes curling tight as he gets used to the stretch. It feels so good, so full, god. He moans, shifting a little, making Jungkook's co*ck nudge up a little farther.

"Oh god," he whimpers, biting his bottom lip as he slowly starts to circle his hips. "Oh, feels so good, Kookie."

His eyes slip shut as he lifts himself up a bit before dropping back down, moaning loudly at the feeling of Jungkook's co*ck hitting his prostate. Taehyung's wings flutter behind him, helping him to start slowly riding Jungkook, clenching tight around him every time he slams back down.

Jungkook moans as he digs his heels into the bed so he can meet each of Taehyung's thrusts, pushing himself up even harder, even deeper. "f*ck, you're so tight," he groans, biting down on his lower lip as he watches Taehyung's wings flutter and his face contort in pleasure. "Feel so good around my co*ck--"

Arching his back off the bed, Jungkook pounds into Taehyung harder, the grip on his hips tightening. Each thrust pulls a moan from his lips, making his gut tighten and his toes curl.

Taehyung is just as loud, moaning unabashedly as every slam of Jungkook's co*ck into him has his head spinning, his wings fluttering, his toes curling. It feels so good, so good that his head falls back and his mouth parts as he just takes it.

Clenching tight around Jungkook's co*ck at a hard, deep thrust into him, Taehyung whines as he lets one hand travel down his own chest to reach his co*ck, wrapping his fingers around it.

"Feels so good," he moans, stroking his co*ck in time with Jungkook's thrusts up into him. "So full, god, yes -- right there--"

Holy sh*t, Jungkook's mind is practically reeling as he f*cks up into Taehyung, gripping his hips hard enough to bruise. It's so hot seeing Taehyung come undone on top of him; so good knowing he's the one doing it. He would spend all night taking Taehyung apart just to hear him moan like this over and over again.

Maybe one day he can.

For now, he focuses on making Taehyung feel good, f*cking up into him hard, angling each of his thrusts to hit his prostate dead on. "You're so hot, Tae. Love how good you look," he whispers, slapping Taehyung's ass playfully in time with a hard thrust up.

Taehyung lets out a louder cry at the slap to his ass with the thrust in. His co*ck twitches in his hold, the feeling building in his stomach. He's so close already, he can feel his org*sm just on the edge, getting closer and closer.

He moans, letting go of his co*ck to hold onto Jungkook and bounce on him, meeting each of his powerful thrusts. He can feel tears prickling in his eyes, his co*ck so heavy and red, leaking precum as it slides against Jungkook's stomach.

"I'm so close," Taehyung says, panting as his wings take over helping him lift and drop on Jungkook's co*ck, his legs shaking too much to help. "I'm close, I'm gonna -- Jungkookie can I? Can I come?"

Jungkook slaps Taehyung's ass again as he pounds into his prostate. f*ck, Taehyung's so hot, so gorgeous bouncing on his co*ck, begging to come. And how can Jungkook say no?

"Come for me, Taehyungie," he whispers, biting down on his lip as he f*cks up into Taehyung, his toes curling with every thrust. f*ck, he's getting close too; he can feel it building in the pit of his stomach. It's only a matter of time until he knots inside of Taehyung. And he already knows it's gonna be incredible.

Taehyung gasps loudly at another thrust in, slamming into his prostate, and comes as his vision goes white for a few seconds. His wings still, his body clenching around Jungkook as his cum spurts out across Jungkook's stomach and chest.

And when he comes down from that high, Jungkook still pounding into him, he falls forward to his chest, moaning with every thrust inside.

"S-so good," he moans, eyes closed as tears build from the pain pleasure of overstimulation that has him clenching tight with every single thrust in. "Fill me up, Jungkookie. Want it, want it so bad. Knot me and fill me up--"

Jungkook wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist, holding him closer as he f*cks into him hard and fast. Taehyung's words make him whine and moan as his pace turns almost desperate.

"f*ck, Taehyung," he whimpers, his stomach coiling tighter and tighter with every thrust. The tightness around his co*ck is almost too much, and soon he feels the base of his co*ck begin to swell, catching on Taehyung's rim and stretching him even wider.

Taehyung whines, his breath catching in his throat at the feeling of Jungkook's co*ck growing inside of him. Holy sh*t--

Wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck and burying his face against his skin, he tries to will himself to relax, even as Jungkook's co*ck nudges against his prostate with every thrust in. It feels so good -- too good, painfully good -- and it's so overwhelming.

A few tears fall from his eyes onto Jungkook's skin as he lets out another moan, his body shaking with oversensitivity.

"S-so full," Taehyung whimpers, toes curling.

Jungkook holds Taehyung tighter, hands sliding down to grip his ass and f*ck up into him hard. "So tight, feel so good, Taehyungie," he whimpers, biting down hard on his lower lip, mind half-delirious from pleasure.

He wants to hold out even longer -- make Taehyung come again just from being f*cked full -- but it just feels too good. Taehyung tight around him, whimpering and moaning against his skin, the scent of honey thick in the air.

And so, with a couple more hard thrusts into Taehyung, Jungkook comes with a low, growling moan. As he rides out his org*sm, he keeps f*cking up into Taehyung, even as his knot swells to the point where he can't fully pull out. It isn't until he's completely empty that he collapses onto the bed, his chest heaving as he pants, hands sliding up Taehyung's back.

Taehyung whines when Jungkook shifts, his co*ck pressing against his abused prostate. He sighs softly, eyes shut, and his arms around Jungkook’s neck.

“I feel so full,” he says quietly, content, as he presses his wet face into Jungkook’s neck. “Feels good.”

It’s hard not to think about how full he feels, bloated with cum and a knotted co*ck holding them together. Wiping at his tears, he slowly lifts his head to look at him, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to his lips.

Taehyung giggles quietly at how wrecked Jungkook looks. And maybe his chest swells with pride, too.

Jungkook grins up at Taehyung loopily, his hands running up and down his back as his smile widens and his heart flutters. "You're perfect," he whispers, pulling Taehyung down for another kiss, this one slow and soft.

When they part, he nuzzles his nose against Taehyung's. "You know, I've never knotted someone before." He's always pulled out. It's too intimate an act to do with someone he isn't serious about. But Taehyung...

Jungkook likes him a lot.

"Feels good with you..."

Taehyung’s heart swells at Jungkook’s words, a big, boxy grin finding its way onto his lips. His wings give a small flutter, much like his heart is doing in his chest.

“Feels good with you, too,” he whispers back as he presses another soft kiss to his lips. “Wanna stay like this forever…”

His fingers slide down to draw random patterns on Jungkook’s chest, smiling to himself as he thinks about how nice this is. How he could do this every day.

“I’m glad you accidentally kidnapped me,” Taehyung murmurs softly. “Best thing that ever happened to me.”

Jungkook giggles, his heart fluttering in his chest as he runs his hands up and down Taehyung's back. Shivering gently, he wets his lips as he slowly relaxes underneath Taehyung. It's so hot being locked together with Taehyung like this. Jungkook kind of wants to stay like this forever too.

"Best thing that ever happened to me too," he hums, pulling Taehyung in for another soft, gentle kiss. "I'm glad you're here with me..."

Taehyung smiles as he gets comfy on top of him, moaning quietly when he shifts and feels Jungkook’s co*ck against his prostate. f*ck.

Pressing a soft kiss against the hickey on Jungkook’s neck, Taehyung smiles and nuzzles his nose against it. “I’m so glad you’re my werewolf.”

Jungkook's smile softens, his heart racing happily in his chest as he wraps his arms around Taehyung and holds him close. He can't remember sex ever being this warm and comfortable. Just a rush of pleasure followed by a rush to leave.

But, with Taehyung, it feels so good. So wonderful and perfect.

"I'm glad you're my fae too," he whispers, running his hands up and down Taehyung's back. Turning his head to the side, he buries his nose in Taehyung's hair and sighs happily, his eyes drifting closed.

Taehyung hugs Jungkook tightly, nose buried in his neck as his eyes also slip closed. He feels so safe and warm, so content to be cuddling with Jungkook and locked together like this.

And as he slowly drifts off to sleep, he thinks he’s never felt quite this happy before.

finders keepers - Chapter 1 - euphoribun, ggukkientete - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 6694

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.