Hand to Hand - An Adamant Addon (2024)

Hand to Hand - An Adamant Addon

Hand to Hand is an addon for Adamant - A Perk Overhaul that merges Lockpicking and Pickpocketing into a single skill and adds a new perk tree for Hand to Hand combat. It also makes some adjustments to Adamant’s Light and Heavy Armor trees to support these changes. Merging Lockpicking and Pickpocketing into a single tree improves thief gameplay by reducing the number of non-combat skills that players need to invest in. It also creates space to add a new, fully integrated perk tree for Hand to Hand. This allows for full support for unarmed combat as a legitimate and competitive gameplay style, while also untethering unarmed from either light or heavy armor.

Hand to Hand also takes advance of its robust suite of requirements to add some improvements to its dependent mod,Adamant - A Perk Overhaul. Those improvements are listed below.


Hand to Hand requires Address Library for SKSE Pluginsto be installed.Hand to Hand is compatible with both pre-AE (1.5.97) and post-AE (1.6+) versions of Skyrim. The same DLL works for both versions.

Hand to Hand also requires the following mods:SPID,KID, andScrambled Bugs. These three mods are powerful tools that allow gameplay authors to go beyond the bounds of what is possible by default in the Creation Kit, and they are all compatible withboth pre-AE (1.5.97) and post-AE (1.6+) versions of Skyrim.

Unarmed Weapon Speed Scalingis also a "soft" requirement for this mod. Without this mod, the perk Momentum will not apply to unarmed power attacks. Thanks tokman313for the mod.


Security is the art of opening locks and picking pockets. Those who are skilled in Security can find hidden treasures, disarm an unaware target, and silently poison their foes.



Collector (10/50): You are 25/50% better at lockpicking and pickpocketing.

Golden Touch (20): You find more gold when opening chests and picking pockets.

Deep Pockets (40/70): Your Carry Weight is increased by 50/100.
Poisoner (30/60): Poisons you place in enemy pockets deal 50/100% extra damage.

Sleight of Hand (30/70): You are 50% more likely/ twice as likely to succeed at pickpocketing while undetected.
Misdirection (80): Your maximum chance to succeed at pickpocketing is increased to 100%.
Perfect Touch (100): You can pickpocket equipped weapons, armor, and jewelry.

Locksmith (40): Your lockpicks start closer to the opening position.
Dungeon Delver (60): You find more rare loot in dungeons.
Treasure Hunter (90): You have a chance to find valuable treasure in any chest.


  • Golden Touch, Dungeon Delver, and Treasure Hunter focus on increasing loot drops over granting potency bonuses to lockpicking.
  • Misdirection increases the Pickpocket cap from 90% to 100%, but does not otherwise affect your chances for success.
  • For best results, combine Golden Touch with a mod that allows NPCs to reset their inventory.
  • You can reverse pickpocket poisons into enemy inventories without investing a perk point.
  • Lockpicking difficulty has been increased, and extra scaling has been added to the Security skill to compensate for it.
  • Security uses the Vanilla Pickpocket AV. Use the Pickpocket AV to refer to Security in console commands, patches, and uncapper presets.

Hand to Hand

Hand to Hand is the art of fighting with fist and claw. Those who are skilled in Hand to Hand can face armed opponents without a weapon.



Pugilist (10/50): You deal 25/50% extra damage with unarmed strikes.

Light Feet (20/70): You move 10/20% faster while unarmed.
Heavy Blows (40/90): Your unarmed strikes deal Stamina damage/ extra Stamina damage, and prevent enemies from regenerating Stamina for 10 seconds.

Brawler’s Stance (30/60): Your unarmed power attacks deal 25/50% extra damage.

Brace (70): You take 25% less damage while unarmed.

Overwhelm (40): Your unarmed power attacks deal 50% extra damage against targets that are power attacking, drawing a bow, or casting a spell.
Finisher (80): Your unarmed power attacks deal 50% extra damage against targets that fall below half Health.

Momentum (40/70): Unarmed attacks are 20/40% faster.
Knockout (100): Your unarmed power attacks have a chance to knock an enemy down when they fall below half Health.


  • Unarmed attacks are very quick, but they have relatively short reach.
  • Unarmed power attacks can deliver three hits in rapid succession and are guaranteed to stagger enemies.
  • Light Feet and Brace compensate for the lack of blocking by giving unarmed characters mobility and damage mitigation.
  • Unarmed combat requires two free hands. (This is an engine level requirement, but the perks are balanced around it.)
  • Hand to Hand uses the Vanilla Lockpicking AV. Use the Lockpicking AV to refer to Hand to Hand in console commands, patches, and uncapper presets.


Hand to Hand makes the following changes to Adamant's Alteration tree.

  • Mage Robes, Mage Armor, Meditation, and Magicka Well now work whenever the player is not equipped with a light or a heavy armor chest piece. These perks ignore helmets, gauntlets, and boots.
  • Stability now reduces incoming Magicka and Stamina damage while you are under the effects of an armor spell. This perk works on incoming Frost and Shock spells.
  • A new perk, Spell Strike, grants elemental damage to your unarmed attacks whenever you have one of Mysticism's "shell" or "shield" spells equipped. The type of damage dealt is determined by the spell.


Hand to Hand makes the following changes to Adamant's Block tree.

  • The second rank of Deadly Bash has been removed.
  • 100% Skill scaling for bash damage has been introduced, to replace the second rank of Deadly Bash.
  • Disorienting Bash has been removed (I always hated this perk).
  • A new perk, Blocking Expertise, reduces the Stamina cost of Blocking by 50%.
  • A new perk, Bashing Expertise, reduces the Stamina cost of Bashing by 50%.

Heavy Armor

Hand to Hand makes the following changes to Adamant's Heavy Armor tree.

  • All unarmed perks have been removed from Heavy Armor.
  • Perfect Fit has been removed.
  • A second rank of Juggernaut has been added to replace Perfect Fit.
  • The progression of the tree has been adjusted to account for this change.
  • The skill scaling of Heavy Armor has been increased from 40% to 50% to account for the change from a multiplicative armor buff (Perfect Fit) to an additive one (Juggernaut).
  • All perks that require the player to wear Heavy Armor now only care whether the player is wearing a Heavy Armor chest piece.These perks ignore helmets, gauntlets, and boots.
  • Defender now affects Heavy shields.

Light Armor

Hand to Hand makes the following changes to Adamant's Light Armor tree.

  • Adrenaline now reduces the Stamina cost of sprinting in addition to increasing Movement Speed while sprinting.
  • Custom Fit has been removed.
  • A second rank of Specialist has been added to replace Custom Fit.
  • The progression of the tree has been adjusted to account for this change.
  • The skill scaling of Light Armor has been increased from 40% to 50% to account for the change from a multiplicative armor buff (Custom Fit) to an additive one (Specialist).
  • All perks that require the player to wear Light Armor now only care whether the player is wearing a Light Armor chest piece. These perks ignore helmets, gauntlets, and boots.
  • Scout now affects Light Armor shields.

Hand to Hand - Trainers and Skill Books Addon

Hand to Hand also makes several changes to trainers and skill books.Because these changes necessitate a USSEP requirement, and because they require me to alter NPC records, I have decided to make these changes in the “Trainers and Skill Books” optional file. This means that users can decide whether they’d rather go through the trouble of patching their load orders for this file, or whether they would rather deal with a few small inconsistencies instead.

Hand to Hand makes the following changes to trainers:

  • Vex is no longer a trainer.
  • The training dialogue for Silda and Vipir now references Security instead of Pickpocket.
  • Ma'jhad is now an Expert Hand to Hand trainer.
  • Chief Mauhulakh is now a Master Hand to Hand trainer.
  • Minor edits to the outfits and equipment of Ma'jhad and Chief Mauhulakh.

Hand to Hand also makes several edits to skill books. Since every skill has exactly five skill books, I have chosen not to make all Lockpicking skill books into Security skill books. The following books are Security skill books:Advances in Lockpicking; Proper Lock Design; Surfeit of Thieves; Guide to Better Thieving; and Thief. The following books wereskill books in the Vanilla game, but are no longer skill books:The Locked Room; The Wolf Queen, v1;Aevar Stone-Singer; Beggar; and Purloined Shadows. The following books are now Hand to Hand skill books:The Wolf Queen, v2; Immortal Blood;The Prayers of Baranat; Master Zoaraym’s Tale; andWay of the Exposed Palm. Immortal Blood and The Wolf Queen, v2 are both Vanilla books that were Hand to Hand skill books in Oblivion.The Prayers of Baranat, Master Zoaraym’s Tale, andWay of the Exposed Palmwere skill books in either Morrowind and Oblivion and were added by Hand to Hand. A patch for Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library has been provided.

Hand to Hand - Locksmith Addon

This addon makes it so that taking the Locksmith perk also causes you to "remember" your position after breaking a lockpick. This is one of the only possible bonuses to the player's lockpicking ability that is "worth" a perk point. The Hand to Hand - Locksmith Addon requiresRemember Lockpick AnglebyUmgak. Allow my .ini file to overwrite the one from the mod itself.


Q. Why is this mod separate from Adamant? Why is this not an “official” Adamant update?

A. Since this mod requires SKSE and comes with its own DLL, I decided it would be best to keep it separate from Adamant for the time being. This allows me to avoid adding an SKSE dependency to a mod two years after release. It also allows me to support Xbox users with as little headache as possible. In the (far distant) future, if I ever created a Simonrim AIO, I would include this mod. I consider it an “official” part of Simonrim and recommend that everyone who likes Adamant downloads it.

Q. Why does this mod have its own mod page? Shouldn’t it be an Adamant Addon like Plus Ten Smithing?

A. I felt that this mod represented a substantial amount of work and deserved its own mod page, especially since a lot of that work was done by Colin and Jelidity (it also makes it easy to share DP from this project directly, rather than splitting off an arbitrary % of Adamant’s DP for them).

Q. Why doesn’t this mod use Custom Skills Framework?

One of my major goals for this project is total, seamless integration with the Vanilla game. Using Custom Skills Framework would not help me reach this goal, because the perk tree would not be integrated with the rest of the Vanilla perks. In addition, merging Lockpicking and Pickpocketing into one Security tree is just as important to me as adding the new Hand to Hand tree.I have considered using Custom Skills Framework for other projects, where it makes sense for the skill trees to be separated from your normal suite of perks (similar to how the Vanilla game handles Werewolf and Vampire Lord).

Q: Why is this tree called Security? Shouldn’t it be called [insert suggestion here]?

Security is the name that Morrowind and Oblivion use for the Lockpicking skill. Whenever I can, I defer to TES tradition. Also, your suggestion sucks.


While the changes that this mod makes are somewhat aggressive, every effort has been made to ensure compatibility. All bonuses to lockpicking and pickpocketing should still function as expected. The major compatibility is with UI Overhauls, which may replace some of the files this mod needs.

One change we needed to make may cause a very small number of users a problem. We needed to change the word “Lockpicking” to the word “Security” in the Lockpicking UI. We had several options, but we decided the option that made the most sense to the most players was to make use of the English translation file. If this causes you to experience an incompatibility, feel free to reach out. We may be able to help you by sharing an optional approach (such as a .swf edit).

If you'd like to use assets from this mod to make an addon for another perk overhaul besides Adamant, please feel free. You can find everything you need for the art files in the download of this mod, and you can find the source for Colin's DLL here.

The Simonrim Team

Simon Magus (Nexus /Patreon)
DeltaRider(Nexus /Patreon)
Oreo (Nexus /Patreon)
Colinswrath (Nexus /Patreon)

The Simonrim Suite
Aetherius - A Race OverhaulMundus - A Standing Stone Overhaul
Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul
Adamant - A Perk OverhaulHand to Hand - An Adamant AddonBlade and Blunt - A Combat OverhaulArena - An Encounter Zone Overhaul
Scion - A Vampire OverhaulManbeast - A Werewolf OverhaulStormcrown - A Shout OverhaulPilgrim - A Religion OverhaulThaumaturgy - An Enchanting OverhaulArtificer - An Artifact Overhaul
Sorcerer - A Staff and Scroll OverhaulApothecary - An Alchemy OverhaulGourmet - A Cooking Overhaul
Journeyman - A Fast Travel OverhaulCandlehearth - An Inn OverhaulStarfrost - A Survival Overhaul

Jelidity's Other Mods

CoMAP - Common Marker Extension Project
Functional Fearsome FistsAmber RefossilisedStalhrim Refrozen

Hand to Hand - An Adamant Addon (2024)


Is there a hand to hand skill in Skyrim? ›

It's a real shame Skyrim doesn't feature a hand-to-hand skill tree, but you can still find joy in punching your way through the bandits and monsters of Tamriel's frozen north if you're willing to jump through a few hoops.

Can you do an unarmed build in Skyrim? ›

Best Skills and Armor for the Unarmed Build in Skyrim

To maximize its effectiveness, level up the heavy armor skill and invest some points in all the perks out there. The most important perk in this tree is Steel Fists, which adds the armor rating of the gauntlets to the damage in unarmed combat.

Who created the Khajiit? ›

She was given permission to take one of Nirni's children, and reshape them to her own liking, so long as she made them the fastest, cleverest, and most beautiful of all creatures. Azurah chose a group of forest dwellers among Nirni's children, and from them, she formed the Khajiit.

Does unarmed count as two handed Skyrim? ›

Most of what I've read on this board confirmed that, in spite of pre-release information, the two handed skill tree does not affect unarmed attacks.

Can Skyrim be played in handheld mode? ›

While it works well across all of the Switch's modes, it's in handheld mode that Skyrim really shines. It's not hard to figure out why; playing Skyrim on a handheld console makes what could be a very well-worn gaming experience feel fresh and new again.

Is Two Handed good in Skyrim? ›

Both hands are reserved for an offensive weapon, giving improved damage over weapon and shield builds; however, not as high as dual wielding against single foes as with the Sweep perk, two-handed weapons may deal more area damage.

How do you increase Hand-to-Hand in Skyrim? ›

The best way to use hand to hand is to wear heavy armor and get the Fists of Steel perk, which will make you do more damage depending on your heavy armor rating. Also, get an enchantment that boosts your hand to hand damage, and you'll be knocking things out in one hit.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.