History and Comprehensive Description of Loudoun County, Virginia eBook (2024)

History and Comprehensive Description of Loudoun County, Virginia

The following sections of this BookRags Literature Study Guide is offprint from Gale's For Students Series:Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, PlotSummary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, MediaAdaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare & Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and Sources.

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The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: "Social Concerns","Thematic Overview", "Techniques", "Literary Precedents", "Key Questions", "Related Titles", "Adaptations","Related Web Sites". (c)1994-2005, by Walton Beacham.

The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults: "Aboutthe Author", "Overview", "Setting", "Literary Qualities", "Social Sensitivity", "Topics for Discussion", "Ideasfor Reports and Papers". (c)1994-2005, by Walton Beacham.

All other sections in this Literature Study Guide are owned and copyrighted by BookRags, Inc.

Table of Contents
Start of eBook1
WAR OF 1812.89




Loudoun Formation

Weverton Sandstone

Newark System

Newark Diabase

Catoctin Schist

Rocks of the Piedmont Plain

Lafayette Formation





Loudoun Sandy Loam
Penn Clay

Penn Stony Loam

Iredell Clay Loam

Penn Loam

Cecil Loam

Cecil Clay

Cecil Silt Loam

Cecil Mica Loam

De Kalb Stony Loam

Porters Clay








Round Hill







Smaller Towns

Statistical Department.







Animals Sold and Slaughtered

Neat cattle

Dairy Products


Horses, Mules, etc.

Sheep, Goats, and Swine

Domestic Wool

Poultry and Bees



Corn and Wheat

Oats, Rye, and Buckwheat

Hay and Forage Crops

Miscellaneous Crops, etc.

Orchard Fruits, etc.

Small Fruits, etc.

Flowers, Ornamental Plants, etc.







Historical Department.










Colonial Assemblies

State Conventions


Loudoun’s Loyalty

Resolutions of Loudoun County

Revolutionary Committees


Quaker Non-Participation

Loudoun’s Revolutionary Hero

Army Recommendations

Court Orders and Reimbursem*nts

Close of the Struggle

WAR OF 1812

The Compelling Cause

State Archives at Leesburg






Loudoun County in the Secession Movement

Loudoun’s Participation in the War

The Loudoun Rangers (Federal)

Mosby’s Command in its Relationshipto Loudoun County

Mosby at Hamilton (Poem)

Battle of Leesburg ("Ball’s Bluff”)

Munford’s Fight at Leesburg

Battle at Aldie

Duffie at Middleburg

The Sacking of Loudoun

Home Life During the War

Pierpont’s Pretentious Administration


Close of the War


After the Surrender

Conduct of the Freedmen



I know not when I first planned this work, so inextricablyis the idea interwoven with a fading recollectionof my earliest aims and ambitions. However, hadI not been resolutely determined to conclude it atany cost—­mental, physical, or pecuniary—­thedifficulties that I have experienced at every stagemight have led to its early abandonment.

The greatest difficulty lay in procuring materialwhich could not be supplied by individual researchand investigation. For this and other valid reasonsthat will follow it may safely be said that more thanone-half the contents of this volume are in the strictestsense original, the remarks and detail, for the mostpart, being the products of my own personal observationand reflection. Correspondence with individualsand the State and National authorities, though variedand extensive, elicited not a half dozen importantfacts. I would charge no one with discourtesyin this particular, and mention the circ*mstance onlybecause it will serve to emphasize what I shall presentlysay anent the scarcity of available material.

Likewise, a painstaking perusal of more than two hundredvolumes yielded only meagre results, and in most ofthese illusory references I found not a single factworth recording. This comparatively prodigiousnumber included gazeteers, encyclopedias, geographies,military histories, general histories, State and Nationalreports, journals of legislative proceedings, biographies,genealogies, reminiscences, travels, romances—­inshort, any and all books that I had thought calculatedto shed even the faintest glimmer of light on theCounty’s history, topographical features, etc.

But, contrary to my expectations, in many there appearedno manner of allusion to Loudoun County. By thisit will be seen that much time that might have beenmore advantageously employed was necessarily givento this form of fruitless research.

That works of history and geography can be preparedin no other way, no person at all acquainted withthe nature of such writings need be told. “Aswell might a traveler presume to claim the fee-simpleof all the country which he has surveyed, as a historianand geographer expect to preclude those who come afterhim from making a proper use of his labors. Ifthe former writers have seen accurately and relatedfaithfully, the latter ought to have the resemblanceof declaring the same facts, with that variety onlywhich nature has enstamped upon the distinct elaborationsof every individual mind.... As works of thissort become multiplied, voluminous, and detailed, itbecomes a duty to literature to abstract, abridge,and give, in synoptical views, the information thatis spread through numerous volumes.”

Touching the matter gleaned from other books, I claimthe sole merit of being a laborious and faithful compiler.In some instances, where the thoughts could not bebetter or more briefly expressed, the words of theoriginal authors may have been used.

Where this has been done I have, whenever possible,made, in my footnotes or text, frank and ample avowalof the sources from which I have obtained the particularinformation presented. This has not always beenpossible for the reason that I could not name, ifdisposed, all the sources from which I have soughtand obtained information. Many of the referencesthus secured have undergone a process of sifting and,if I may coin the couplet, confirmatory handling which,at the last, rendered some unrecognizable and theirorigin untraceable.

The only publication of a strictly local color unearthedduring my research was Taylor’s Memoir ofLoudoun, a small book, or more properly a pamphlet,of only 29 pages, dealing principally with the County’sgeology, geography, and climate. It was writtento accompany the map of Loudoun County, drawn by YardleyTaylor, surveyor; and was published by Thomas Reynolds,of Leesburg, in 1853.

I wish to refer specially to the grateful acknowledgmentthat is due Arthur Keith’s Geology of theCatoctin Belt and Carter’s and Lyman’sSoil Survey of the Leesburg Area, two Governmentpublications, published respectively by the UnitedStates Geological Survey and Department of Agriculture,and containing a fund of useful information relatingto the geology, soils, and geography of about two-thirdsof the area of Loudoun. Of course these workshave been the sources to which I have chiefly repairedfor information relating to the two first-named subjects.Without them the cost of this publication would havebeen considerably augmented. As it is I have beenspared the expense and labor that would have attendedan enforced personal investigation of the County’ssoils and geology.

And now a tardy and, perhaps, needless word or twoin revealment of the purpose of this volume.

To rescue a valuable miscellany of facts and occurrencesfrom an impending oblivion; to gather and fix certainephemeral incidents before they had passed out ofremembrance; to render some account of the County’svast resources and capabilities; to trace its geographyand analyze its soils and geology; to follow the tortuouswindings of its numerous streams; to chronicle themultitudinous deeds of sacrifice and daring performedby her citizens and soldiery—­such has beenthe purpose of this work, such its object and design.

But the idea as originally evolved contemplated onlya chronology of events from the establishment of theCounty to the present day. Not until the workwas well under way was the matter appearing under theseveral descriptive heads supplemented.

From start to finish this self-appointed task hasbeen prosecuted with conscientious zeal and persistencyof purpose, although with frequent interruptions,and more often than not amid circ*mstances least favorableto literary composition. At the same time my handshave been filled with laborious avocations of anotherkind.

What the philosopher Johnson said of his great Dictionaryand himself could as well be said of this humble volumeand its author:

“In this work, when it shall be found that muchis omitted, let it not be forgotten that much likewiseis performed; and though no book was ever spared outof tenderness to the author, and the world is littlesolicitous to know whence proceeded the faults of thatwhich it condemns; yet it may gratify curiosity toinform it, that the English Dictionary waswritten with little assistance of the learned, andwithout any patronage of the great; not in the softobscurities of retirement, or under the shelter ofacademick bowers, but amidst inconvenience and distraction,in sickness and in sorrow.”

If further digression be allowable I might say thatin the preparation of this work I have observed fewof the restrictive rules of literary sequence andhave not infrequently gone beyond the prescribed limitsof conventional diction. To these transgressionsI make willing confession. I have striven topresent these sketches in the most lucid and conciseform compatible with readableness; to compress thegreatest possible amount of useful information intothe smallest compass. Indeed, had I been competent,I doubt that I would have attempted a more elaboraterendition, or drawn more freely upon the languageand the coloring of poetry and the imagination.I have therefore to apprehend that the average readerwill find them too statistical and laconic, too muchabbreviated and void of detail.

However, a disinterested historian I have not been,and should such a charge be preferred I shall lookfor speedy exculpation from the discerning mass ofmy readers.

In this connection and before proceeding further Idesire to say that my right to prosecute this workcan not fairly be questioned; that a familiar treatmentof the subject I have regarded as my inalienable prerogative.I was born in Loudoun County, of parents who in turncould boast the same distinction, and, if not all,certainly the happiest days of my life were passedwithin those sacred precincts. I have viewedher housetops from every crowning eminence, her acresof unmatched grain, her Arcadian pastures and browsingherds, her sun-kissed hills and silvery, serpentinestreams. I have known the broad, ample playgroundsof her stately old Academy, and shared in the wholesome,health-giving sports their breadth permitted.I have known certain of her astute schoolmasters andfelt the full rigor of their discipline. Sterntutors they were, at times seemingly cruel, but whatretrospective mind will not now accord them unstintedpraise and gratitude? Something more than themere awakening and development of slumbering intellectswas their province: raw, untamed spirits weregiven into their hands for a brief spell—­briefwhen measured in after years—­and were thensent forth to combat Life’s problems with cleanhearts, healthy minds, robust bodies, and charactersthat might remain unsullied though beset with everyhellish device known to a sordid world. God blessthe dominies of our boyhood—­the veteranschoolmasters of old Loudoun!

But to return to my theme. I have a distinctforesight of the views which some will entertain andexpress in reference to this work, though my leastfears of criticism are from those whose experienceand ability best qualify them to judge.

However, to the end that criticism may be disarmedeven before pronouncement, the reader, before condemningany statements made in these sketches that do notagree with his preconceived opinions, is requestedto examine all the facts in connection therewith.In so doing it is thought he will find these statementscorrect in the main.

In such a variety of subjects there must of coursebe many omissions, but I shall be greatly disappointedif actual errors are discovered.

In substantiation of its accuracy and thoroughnessI need only say that the compilation of this workcost me three years of nocturnal application—­thethree most ambitious and disquieting years of theaverage life. During this period the entire bookhas been at least three times rewritten.

In the best form of which I am capable the fruitsof these protracted labors are now committed to thecandid and, it is hoped, kindly judgment of the peopleof Loudoun County.

James W. Head.
Barcroft, Va., Feb. 1, 1909.



Loudoun County lies at the northern extremity of “PiedmontVirginia,"[1] forming the apex of one of the most picturesquelydiversified regions on the American continent.Broad plains, numerous groups and ranges of hillsand forest-clad mountains, deep river gorges, andvalleys of practically every conceivable form are strewnto the point of prodigality over this vast undulatoryarea.

[Footnote 1: “Piedmont” means “footof the mountain.” “Piedmont Virginia,”with a length of 250 miles and an average width ofabout 25 miles, and varying in altitude from 300 to1,200 feet, lies just east of the Blue Ridge Mountains,and comprises the counties of Loudoun, Fauquier,Culpeper, Rappahannock, Madison, Greene, Orange, Albemarle,Nelson, Amherst, Bedford, Franklin, Henry, and Patrick.It is a portion of the belt that begins in New Englandand stretches thence southward to Georgia and Alabama.]

The particular geographic location of Loudoun hasbeen most accurately reckoned by Yardley Taylor, whoin 1853 made a governmental survey of the county.He placed it “between the latitudes of 38 deg.52-1/2” and 39 deg. 21” north latitude,making 28-1/2” of latitude, or 33 statute miles,and between 20” and 53-1/2” of longitudewest from Washington, being 33-1/2” of longitude,or very near 35 statute miles.”

Loudoun was originally a part of the six million acreswhich, in 1661, were granted by Charles II, King ofEngland, to Lord Hopton, Earl of St. Albans, LordCulpeper, Lord Berkeley, Sir William Morton, Sir DudleyWyatt, and Thomas Culpeper. All the territorylying between the Rappahannock and Potomac riversto their sources was included in this grant, afterwardsknown as the “Fairfax Patent,” and stilllater as the “Northern Neck of Virginia.”

“The only conditions attached to the conveyanceof this domain, the equivalent of a principality,were that one-fifth of all the gold and one-tenthof all the silver discovered within its limits shouldbe reserved for the royal use, and that a nominalrent of a few pounds sterling should be paid intothe treasury at Jamestown each year. In 1669the letters patent were surrendered by the existingholders and in their stead new ones were issued....The terms of these letters required that the wholearea included in this magnificent gift should be plantedand inhabited by the end of twenty-one years, but in1688 this provision was revoked by the King as imposingan impracticable condition."[2]

[Footnote 2: Bruce’s Economic Historyof Virginia.]

The patentees, some years afterward, sold the grantto the second Lord Culpeper, to whom it was confirmedby letters patent of King James II, in 1688.From Culpeper the rights and privileges conferred bythe original grant descended through his daughter,Catherine, to her son, Lord Thomas Fairfax, Baronof Cameron—­a princely heritage for a youngman of 20 years.


The original boundaries of Loudoun County were changedby the following act of the General Assembly, passedJanuary 3, 1798, and entitled “An Act for addingpart of the county of Loudoun to the county of Fairfax,and altering the place of holding courts in FairfaxCounty.”

1. Be it enacted by the GeneralAssembly, That all that part of the countyof Loudoun lying between the lower boundary thereof,and a line to be drawn from the mouth of SugarLand run, to Carter’s mill, on Bull run, shallbe, and is hereby added to and made part of thecounty of Fairfax: Provided always, Thatit shall be lawful for the sheriff of the saidcounty of Loudoun to collect and make distress forany public dues or officers fees, which shallremain unpaid by the inhabitants of that partof the said county hereby added to the countyof Fairfax, and shall be accountable for thesame in like manner as if this act had not been made.
2. And be it further enacted,That it shall be lawful for a majority of theacting justices of the peace for the said countyof Fairfax, together with the justices of the countyof Loudoun included within the part thus addedto the said county of Fairfax, and they are herebyrequired at a court to be held in the month ofApril or May next, to fix on a place for holdingcourts therein at or as near the center thereof(having regard to that part of the county of Loudounhereby added to the said county of Fairfax) asthe situation and convenience will admit of;and thenceforth proceed to erect the necessarypublic buildings at such place, and until suchbuildings be completed, to appoint any place for holdingcourts as they shall think proper.

3. This act shallcommence and be in force from and after
the passing thereof.

As at present bounded, the old channel at the mouthof Sugar Land run, at Lowe’s Island,[3] is “thecommencement of the line that separates Loudoun fromFairfax County and runs directly across the countryto a point on the Bull Run branch of Occoquan River,about three eighths of a mile above Sudley Springs,in Prince William County.” The Bull Runthen forms the boundary between Loudoun and PrinceWilliam to its highest spring head in the Bull Runmountain, just below the Cool Spring Gap. Theline then extends to the summit of the mountain, wherethe counties of Fauquier and Prince William corner.From the summit of this mountain, a direct line toa point[4] on the Blue Ridge, at Ashby’s Gap,marks the boundary between Loudoun and Fauquier counties.A devious line, which follows in part the crests ofthe Blue Ridge until reaching the Potomac below HarpersFerry, separates Loudoun from Clarke County, Virginia,and Jefferson County, West Virginia, on her westernborder. The Potomac then becomes the dividingline between Loudoun County, and Frederick and Montgomerycounties, Maryland; “and that State, claimingthe whole of the river, exercises jurisdiction overthe islands as well as the river.”

[Footnote 3: “What is called Lowe’sIsland, at the mouth of Sugarland Run, was formerlyan island, and made so by that run separating andpart of it passing into the river by the present channel,while a part of it entered the river by what is nowcalled the old channel. This old channel is nowpartially filled up, and only receives the watersof Sugarland Run in times of freshets. Occasionallywhen there is high water in the river the waters passup the present channel of the run to the old channel,and then follow that to the river again. Thisold channel enters the river immediately west of theprimordial range of rocks, that impinge so closelyupon the river from here to Georgetown, forming asthey do that series of falls known as Seneca Falls,the Great, and the Little Falls, making altogethera fall of 188 feet in less than 20 miles.”—­Memoirof Loudoun.]

[Footnote 4: Designated in an old record as a“double-bodied poplar tree standing in or nearthe middle of the thoroughfare of Ashby’s Gapon the top of the Blue Ridge.” It succumbedto the ravages of time and fire while this work wasin course of preparation.]

This completes an outline of 109 miles, viz:19 miles in company with Fairfax, 10 with Prince William,17 with Fauquier, 26 with Clarke and Jefferson, and37 miles along the Potomac.


Loudoun County is preeminently a diversified region;its surface bearing many marked peculiarities, manygrand distinctive features. The broken rangesof hills and mountains, abounding in Piedmont Virginia,here present themselves in softly rounded outline,gradually sinking down into the plains, giving greatdiversity and picturesqueness to the landscape.They are remarkable for their parallelism, regularity,rectilineal direction and evenness of outline, andconstitute what is by far the most conspicuous featurein the topography of Loudoun. Neither snow-cappednor barren, they are clothed with vegetation frombase to summit and afford fine range and pasturagefor sheep and cattle.

The main valleys are longitudinal and those runningtransversely few and comparatively unimportant.

The far-famed Loudoun valley, reposing peacefullybetween the Blue Ridge and Catoctin mountains, presentsall the many varied topographic aspects peculiar toa territory abounding in foothills.

The Blue Ridge, the southeasternmost range of theAlleghanies or Appalachian System presents here thatuniformity and general appearance which characterizesit throughout the State, having gaps or depressionsevery eight or ten miles, through which the publicroads pass. The most important of these are thePotomac Gap at 500 feet and Snickers and Ashby’sGap, both at 1,100 feet. The altitude of thisrange in Loudoun varies from 1,000 to 1,600 feet abovetide-water, and from 300 to 900 feet above the adjacentcountry. It falls from 1,100 to 1,000 feet in4 miles south of the river, and then, rising sharplyto 1,600 feet, continues at the higher series of elevations.The Blue Ridge borders the county on the west, itscourse being about south southwest, or nearly parallelwith the Atlantic Coast-line, and divides Loudounfrom Clarke County, Virginia, and Jefferson County,West Virginia, the line running along the summit.

Of nearly equal height and similar features are theShort Hills, another range commencing at the PotomacRiver about four miles below Harpers Ferry and extendingparallel to the Blue Ridge, at a distance of nearlyfour miles from summit to summit, for about twelvemiles into the County, where it is broken by a branchof Catoctin Creek. Beyond this stream it immediatelyrises again and extends about three miles further,at which point it abruptly terminates.

A third range, called “Catoctin Mountain,”has its inception in Pennsylvania, traverses Maryland,is interrupted by the Potomac, reappears in Virginiaat the river margin, opposite Point of Rocks, andextends through Loudoun County for a distance of twentyor more miles, when it is again interrupted.

Elevations on Catoctin Mountain progressively diminishsouthward from the Potomac River to Aldie, althoughthe rocks remain the same, and the Tertiary drainage,which might be supposed to determine their elevations,becomes less effective in that direction.

Probably this mountain does not exceed an averageof more than 300 feet above the surrounding country,though at some stages it may attain an altitude of700 feet. Rising near the Potomac into one ofits highest peaks, in the same range it becomes alternatelydepressed and elevated, until reaching the point ofits divergence in the neighborhood of Waterford.There it assumes the appearance of an elevated andhilly region, deeply indented by the myriad streamsthat rise in its bosom.

On reaching the Leesburg and Snicker’s Gap Turnpikeroad, a distance of twelve miles, it expands to threemiles in width and continues much the same until brokenby Goose Creek and its tributary, the North Fork,when it gradually loses itself in the hills of GooseCreek and Little River, before reaching the Ashby’sGap Turnpike.

The Catoctin range throughout Loudoun pursues a courseparallel to the Blue Ridge, the two forming an intermediatevalley or baselevel plain, ranging in width from 8to 12 miles, and in altitude from 350 to 730 feetabove sea level. Allusion to the physiographyof this valley—­so called only by reasonof its relation to the mountains on either side—­hasbeen made elsewhere in this department.

Immediately south of Aldie, on Little River, nearthe point of interruption of Catoctin Mountain, anotherrange commences and extends into Fauquier County.It is known as “Bull Run Mountain,” butmight rightly be considered an indirect continuationof the elevation of the Catoctin, its course and someof its features corresponding very nearly with thatmountain save only that it is higher than any of theranges of the latter, excepting the western.

East of the Catoctin the tumultuous continuity ofmountains subsides into gentle undulations, an almostunbroken succession of sloping elevations and depressionspresenting an as yet unimpaired variety and charmof landscape. However, on the extreme easternedge of this section, level stretches of considerableextent are a conspicuous feature of the topography.

Three or four detached hills, rising to an elevationof 150 or 200 feet above the adjacent country, arethe only ones of consequence met with in this section.


The hilly character of Loudoun is clearly shown bythe following exhibit of the elevation of points andplaces above tide-water. The variations of altitudenoted in this schedule are based upon conflictingestimates and distinct measurements made at two ormore points within a given circumference and slightlyremoved one from the other.

Feet.Sterling 415Ashburn 320Leesburg 321 to 337Clarke’s Gap 578 to 634Hamilton 454 to 521Purcellville 546 to 553Round Hill 558Bluemont 680 to 730Snicker’s Gap 1,085Neersville 626Hillsborough 550Waterford 360Mount Gilead 600Oatlands 270Little River, near Aldie 299Middleburg 480Potomac River, near Seneca Dam 188Potomac River, at Point of Rocks 200Potomac River, at Harper’s Ferry 246

The whole of the county east of the Catoctin Mountainvaries from 200 to 350 feet. The eastern baseof the Blue Ridge has an elevation of about 730 feet,and the highest peak of that range in Loudoun rises1,600 feet above tide-water.

The Short Hills have an approximate altitude of 1,000feet, while that of the Catoctin Mountain varies from300 to 700 feet. The valley between the BlueRidge and Catoctin Mountains varies from 350 to 730feet in elevation.

From many vantage points along the Blue Ridge maybe obtained magnificent views of both the Loudounand Shenandoah valleys. The eye travels entirelyacross the fertile expanse of the latter to where,in the far distance, the Alleghany and North Mountainsrear their wooded crests. A few of the summitsoffer even more extensive prospects. From somenearly all of Loudoun, with a considerable area ofFairfax and Fauquier, is in full view. Othermore distant areas within visionary range are portionsof Prince William, Rappahannock, and Culpeper counties,in Virginia, Frederick and Montgomery counties, inMaryland, and even some of Prince George County, eastof Washington City. Westward, the view embracesShenandoah, Frederick, Clarke and Warren counties,in Virginia, Berkeley and Jefferson counties, in WestVirginia, Washington County, in Maryland, and someof the mountain summits of Pennsylvania.


The drainage of Loudoun can be divided into two provinces.One is the Potomac province, which is drained by asystem of small tributaries of that stream. Itselevations are quite uniform and are referable tothat master stream, whose grade is largely determinedby its great basin beyond the “Catoctin belt.”The second province is the region drained by smallerstreams, chief of which is Goose Creek. In thisprovince the drainage lines head entirely within the“Catoctin belt,” and the elevations arevariable according to the constitution of the rocksin the belt itself.

The tributaries by which the drainage of the two provincesis effected are Catoctin Creek, North Fork CatoctinCreek, South Fork Catoctin Creek, Little River, NorthFork Goose Creek, Beaver-dam Creek, Piney Run, JeffriesBranch, Cromwells Run, Hungry Run, Bull Run, SycolineCreek, Tuscarora Creek, Horse Pen Run, Broad Run, SugarlandRun, Elk Lick, Limestone Branch, and as many lesserstreams.

The general slope of the county being to the northeast,the waters, for the most part, naturally follow thesame course, as may be readily perceived by referenceto maps of the section. The streams that risein the Blue Ridge mostly flow to the eastward untilthey approach the Catoctin Mountain, where they arethen deflected more toward either the north or southto pass that range by the Northwest Fork and GooseCreek, or by the Catoctin Creek which falls into thePotomac above Point of Rocks. East of CatoctinMountain the streams pursue a more or less directnorthern course.

Goose Creek, a right-hand branch of the Potomac River,is a considerable stream, pursuing a course of aboutfifty miles from its source in Fauquier County toits junction with the Potomac four miles northeastof Leesburg. It once bore the Indian name Gohongarestaw,meaning “River of Swans.” Flowingnortheastward across Loudoun, it receives many smallerstreams until passing the first range of CatoctinMountain, when it claims a larger tributary, the NorthFork. Goose Creek represents subsequent drainagedependent on the syncline of the Blue Ridge and datingback at least as far as Cretaceous time. Itslength in Loudoun is about thirty miles, and it hasa fall of one hundred feet in the last twenty-twomiles of its course. It drains nearly one-halfthe county and is about sixty yards wide at its mouth.

Catoctin Creek is very crooked; its basin does notexceed twelve miles as the crow flies, and includesthe whole width of the valley between the mountainsexcept a small portion in the northeastern angle ofthe County. Yet its entire course, measuringits meanders, would exceed thirty-five miles.It has a fall of one hundred and eighty feet in thelast eighteen miles of its course, and is about twentyyards wide near its mouth.

The Northwest Fork rises in the Blue Ridge and flowssoutheastward, mingling its waters with the BeaverDam, coming from the southwest, immediately aboveCatoctin Mountain, where their united waters passthrough a narrow valley to Goose Creek.

Little River, a small affluent of Goose Creek, risesin Fauquier County west of Bull Run mountain and entersLoudon a few miles southwestward of Aldie. Itpursues a northern and northeastern course until ithas passed that town, turning then more to the northwardand falling into Goose Creek. Before the CivilWar it was rendered navigable from its mouth to Aldieby means of dams.

Broad Run, the next stream of consequence east ofGoose Creek, rises in Prince William County and pursuesa northern course, with some meanderings through Loudoun.It flows into the Potomac about four miles below themouth of Goose Creek.

Sugarland Run, a still smaller stream, rises partlyin Loudoun, though its course is chiefly through FairfaxCounty, and empties into the Potomac at the northeasternangle of the County.

In its southeastern angle several streams rise andpursue a southern and southeastern course, and constitutesome of the upper branches of Occoquan River.

Perhaps no county in the State is better watered forall purposes, except manufacturing in times of drought.Many of the farms might be divided into fields often acres each and, in ordinary seasons, would havewater in each of them.

There are several mineral springs in the county ofthe class called chalybeate, some of which containvaluable medicinal properties, and other springs andwells that are affected with lime. Indeed, inalmost every part of the County, there is an exhaustlesssupply of the purest spring water. This is due,in great part, to the porosity of the soil which allowsthe water to pass freely into the earth, and the slatycharacter of the rocks which favors its descent intothe bowels of the hills, from whence it finds itsway to the surface, at their base, in numberless smallsprings. The purity of these waters is borrowedfrom the silicious quality of the soil.

The largest spring of any class in the county is BigSpring, a comparatively broad expanse of water ofunsurpassed quality, bordering the Leesburg and Pointof Rocks turnpike, about two miles north of Leesburg.

The springs, as has been stated, are generally smalland very numerous, and many of them are unfailing,though liable to be affected by drought. In suchcases, by absorption and evaporation, the small streamsare frequently exhausted before uniting and often renderthe larger ones too light for manufacturing purposes.Nevertheless, water power is abundant; the county’sdiversified elevation giving considerable fall toits water courses, and many sites are occupied.


Because responsible statistical data is usually accordedunqualified credence, it is without undue hesitationthat the following bit of astonishing information,gleaned from a reliable source, is here set down aspositive proof of the excellence of Loudoun’sclimate: “It (Leesburg) is located in asection the healthiest in the world, as proven bystatistics which place the death rate at 8-1/2 per1,000, the very lowest in the table of mortality gatheredfrom all parts of the habitable globe.”

The climate of Loudoun, like that of most other localities,is governed mainly by the direction of the prevailingwinds, and, to a limited extent, is influenced bythe county’s diversified physical features.

Though the rainfall is abundant, amounting annuallyto forty or fifty inches, ordinarily the air is dryand salubrious. This ample precipitation is usuallywell distributed throughout the growing season andis rarely insufficient or excessive. The summerrainfall comes largely in the form of local showers,scarcely ever attended by hail. Loudoun streamsfor the most part are pure and rapid, and there appearsto be no local cause to generate malaria.

In common with the rest of Virginia the climate ofLoudoun corresponds very nearly with that of Cashmereand the best parts of China. The mean annualtemperature is 50 deg. to 55 deg..

Loudoun winters are not of long duration and are seldommarked by protracted severity. Snow does notcover the ground for any considerable period and thenumber of bright sunny days during these seasons isunusually large. In their extremes of cold theyare less rigorous than the average winters of sectionsfarther north or even of western localities of thesame latitude. Consequently the growing seasonhere is much more extended than in either of thosesections. The prevailing winds in winter arefrom the north and west, and from these the mountainsafford partial protection.

The seasons are somewhat earlier even than in theShenandoah Valley, just over the western border ofLoudoun, and the farmers here plant and harvest theircrops from one week to ten days earlier than the farmersof that region.

Loudoun summers, as a rule, are long and agreeablycool, while occasional periods of extreme heat arenot more oppressive than in many portions of the North.The mountains of Loudoun have a delightful summerclimate coupled with inspiring scenery, and are wellknown as the resort of hundreds seeking rest, recreation,or the restoration of health. This region, owingto its low humidity, has little dew at night, andaccordingly has been found especially beneficial forconsumptives and those afflicted with pulmonary diseases.The genial southwest trade winds, blowing throughthe long parallel valleys, impart to them and theenclosing mountains moisture borne from the far awayGulf of Mexico.


The geology of more than half the area of LoudounCounty has received thorough and intelligent treatmentat the hands of Arthur Keith in his most excellentwork entitled “Geology of the Catoctin Belt,”authorized and published by the United States GeologicalSurvey.[5]

[Footnote 5: Credit for many important disclosuresand much of the detail appearing in this departmentis unreservedly accorded Mr. Keith and his assistants.]

Mr. Keith’s analysis covered the whole of BullRun Mountain, the Catoctin in its course through Virginiaand Maryland to its termination in southern Pennsylvania,the Blue Ridge and South Mountain for a correspondingdistance, all intermediate ridges and valleys andcontiguous territory lying outside this zone and parallelingthe two flanking ranges.[6]

[Footnote 6: The name “Catoctin Belt”is applied to this region because it is separatedby Catoctin Mountain from the Piedmont plain as ageographic unit more distinctly than in any other area,and because its geological unity is completed by Catoctinmore fully and compactly than elsewhere.]

In this important work the Catoctin Belt is shownto be an epitome of the leading events of geologichistory in the Appalachian region. It containsthe earliest formations whose original character canbe certified; it contains almost the latest knownformations; and the record is unusually full, withthe exception of the later Paleozoic rocks. Itsstructures embrace nearly every known type of deformation.It furnishes examples of every process of erosion,of topography derived from rocks of nearly every varietyof composition, and of topography derived from alltypes of structure except the flat plateau type.In the recurrence of its main geographic features frompre-Cambrian time till the present day it furnishesa remarkable and unique example of the permanenceof continental form.

With certain qualifications, a summary of the leadingevents that have left their impress on the regionis as follows:

1. Surface eruption of diabase.

2. Injection of granite.

3. Erosion.

4. Surface eruption of quartz-porphyry, rhyolite,and andesite.

5. Surface eruption of diabase.

6. Erosion.

7. Submergence, deposition of Cambrian formations;slight oscillations during their deposition; reductionof land to baselevel.

8. Eastward tilting and deposition of Martinsburgshale; oscillations during later Paleozoic time.

9. Uplift, post-Carboniferous deformation anderosion.

10. Depression and Newark deposition; diabaseintrusion.

11. Uplift, Newark deformation; and erosion toCatoctin baselevel.

12. Depression and deposition of Potomac, Magothy,and Severn.

13. Uplift southwestward and erosion to baselevel.

14. Uplift, warping and degradation to Tertiarybaselevel; deposition of Pamunkey and Chesapeake.

15. Depression and deposition of Lafayette.

16. Uplift and erosion to lower Tertiary baselevel.

17. Uplift, warping and erosion to Pleistocenebaselevel; deposition of high-level Columbia.

18. Uplift and erosion to lower Pleistocene baselevel;deposition of low-level Columbia.

19. Uplift and present erosion.

Along the Coastal plain reduction to baselevel wasfollowed by depression and deposition of Lafayettegravels; elevation followed and erosion of minor baselevels;second depression followed and deposition of Columbiagravels; again comes elevation and excavation of narrowvalleys; then depression and deposition of low-levelColumbia; last, elevation and channeling, which isproceeding at present. Along the Catoctin Beltdenudation to baselevel was followed by depressionand deposition of gravels; elevation followed anderosion of minor baselevels among the softer rocks;second depression followed, with possible gravel deposits;elevation came next with excavation of broad bottoms;last, elevation and channeling, at present in progress.

The general structure of the Catoctin Belt is anticlinal.On its core appear the oldest rocks; on its borders,those of medium age; and in adjacent provinces theyounger rocks. In the location of its system offaulting, also, it faithfully follows the Appalachianlaw that faults lie upon the steep side of anticlines.

After the initial location of the folds along theselines, compression and deformation continued.Yielding took place in the different rocks accordingto their constitution.

Into this system of folds the drainage lines carvedtheir way. On the anticlines were developed thechief streams, and the synclines were left till thelast. The initial tendency to synclinal ridgeswas obviated in places by the weakness of the rockssituated in the synclines, but even then the tendencyto retain elevation is apt to cause low ridges.The drainage of the belt as a whole is anticlinal toa marked degree, for the three main synclinal linesare lines of great elevation, and the anticlines areinvariably valleys.

In order of solubility the rocks of the Catoctin Belt,within the limits of Loudoun County, to which sectionall subsequent geologic data will be confined, standas follows:

1. Newark limestone conglomerate; calcareous.

2. Newark sandstone and shale; calcareous andfeldspathic.

3. Newark diabase; feldspathic.

4. Granite; feldspathic.

5. Loudoun formation; feldspathic.

6. Granite and schist; feldspathic.

7. Catoctin schist; epidotic and feldspathic.

8. Weverton sandstone; siliceous.

All of these formations are in places reduced to baselevel.The first three invariably are, unless protected bya harder rock; the next three usually are; the Catoctinschist only in small parts of its area; the Wevertononly along a small part of Catoctin Mountain.

The Catoctin Belt itself may be described as a broadarea of igneous rocks bordered by two lines of LowerCambrian sandstones and slates. Over the surfaceof the igneous rocks are scattered occasional outliersof the Lower Cambrian slate; but far the greater partof the surface of the belt is covered by the igneousrocks. The belt as a whole may be regarded asan anticline, the igneous rocks constituting the core,the Lower Cambrian the flanks, and the Silurian andNewark the adjoining zones. The outcrops of theLower Cambrian rocks are in synclines, as a rule,and are complicated by many faults. The igneousrocks have also been much folded and crumpled, buton account of their lack of distinctive beds the detailsof folds can not well be traced among them.

They are the oldest rocks in the Catoctin Belt andoccupy most of its area. They are also prominentfrom their unusual character and rarity.

An important class of rocks occurring in the CatoctinBelt is the sedimentary series. It is all includedin the Cambrian period and consists of limestone,shale, sandstone and conglomerate. The two borderzones of the Catoctin Belt, however, contain also rocksof the Silurian and Juratrias periods. In general,the sediments are sandy and calcareous in the Juratriasarea, and sandy in the Catoctin Belt. They havebeen the theme of considerable literature, owing totheir great extent and prominence in the topography.


The granite in the southern portion of the Countyis very important in point of extent, almost as muchso as the diabase in the same section.

The areas of granite are, as a rule, long narrow belts,and vary greatly in width.

The mineralogical composition of the granite is quiteconstant over large areas. Six varieties canbe distinguished, however, each with a considerableareal extent. The essential constituents are quartz,orthoclase and plagioclase, and by the addition tothese of biotite, garnet, epidote, blue quartz, andhornblende, five types are formed. All thesetypes are holocrystalline, and range in texture fromcoarse granite with augen an inch long down to a fineepidote granite with scarcely visible crystals.

Loudoun Formation.

Among the various Cambrian formations of the CatoctinBelt there are wide differences in uniformity andcomposition. In none is it more manifest thanin the first or Loudoun formation. This was theoreticallyto be expected, for first deposits upon a crystallinefoundation represent great changes and transition periodsof adjustment among new currents and sources of supply.The Loudoun formation, indeed, runs the whole gamutof sedimentary possibilities, and that within veryshort geographical limits. Five miles northwestof Aldie the Loudoun formation comprises limestone,slate, sandy slate, sandstone, and conglomerate withpebbles as large as hickory nuts. These amountin thickness to fully 800 feet, while less than threemiles to the east the entire formation is representedby eight or ten feet of black slate.

The name of the Loudoun formation is given on accountof the frequent occurrence of all its variations inLoudoun County. Throughout the entire extentof the Catoctin Belt, and especially through its centralportions, the Loudoun formation has frequent beds ofsandstone, conglomerate, and limestone. The limestonesoccur as lenses along two lines; one immediately westof Catoctin Mountain, the other three or four mileseast of the Blue Ridge. Along the western rangethe limestone lenses extend only to the Potomac.There they are shown on both sides of the river, andhave been worked in either place for agriculturallime. Only the refuse of the limestone now remains,but the outcrops have been extant until recent years.Along the eastern line the limestone lenses extendacross the Potomac and into Maryland for about onemile, and it is along this belt that they are the mostpersistent and valuable. As a rule they are alteredfrom limestone into marble, and at one point theyhave been worked for commercial purposes. Nearlyevery outcrop has been opened, however, for agriculturallime. Where Goose Creek crosses this belt a quarryhas been opened and good marble taken out, but wantof transportation facilities has prevented any considerabledevelopment. The relation between marble andschist is very perfectly shown at an old quarry westof Leesburg. The marble occupies two beds in schist,and between the two rocks there is gradation of composition.In none of the western belts are the calcareous bedsrecrystallized into marbles, but all retain theiroriginal character of blue and dove-colored limestone.None of them, however, is of great thickness and noneof great linear extent.

The Loudoun formation, of course, followed a periodof erosion of the Catoctin Belt, since it is the firstsubaqueous deposit. It is especially developedwith respect to thickness and coarseness to the westof Catoctin Mountain. Elsewhere the outcrops arealmost entirely black slate. This is true alongthe Blue Ridge, through almost its entire length,and also through the entire length of the CatoctinMountain. On the latter range it is doubtful ifthis formation exceeds 200 feet in thickness at anypoint. Along the Blue Ridge it may, and probablydoes, in places, reach 500 feet in thickness.

The distribution of the coarse varieties coincidesclosely with the areas of greatest thickness and alsowith the synclines in which no Weverton sandstoneappears. The conglomerates of the Loudoun formationare composed of epidotic schist, andesite, quartz,granite, epidote, and jasper pebbles embedded in amatrix of black slate and are very limited in extent.

Weverton Sandstone.

The formation next succeeding the Loudoun formationis the Weverton sandstone. It is so named onaccount of its prominent outcrops in South Mountain,near Weverton, Maryland, and consists entirely ofsiliceous fragments, mainly quartz and feldspar.Its texture varies from a very fine, pure sandstoneto a moderately coarse conglomerate, but, in general,it is a sandstone. As a whole, its color is whiteand varies but little; the coarse beds have a grayishcolor in most places. Frequent bands and streaksof bluish black and black are added to the white sandstones,especially along the southern portion of the BlueRidge. The appearance of the rock is not modifiedby the amount of feldspar which it contains.

From the distribution of these various fragments,inconspicuous as they are, considerable can be deducedin regard to the environment of the Weverton sandstone.

The submergence of the Catoctin Belt was practicallycomplete, because the Weverton sandstone nowhere touchesthe crystalline rocks. Perhaps it were betterstated that submergence was complete in the basinsin which Weverton sandstone now appears. Beyondthese basins, however, it is questionable if the submergencewas complete, because in the Weverton sandstone itselfare numerous fragments which could have been derivedonly from the granite masses. These fragmentsconsist of blue quartz, white quartz, and feldspar.The blue quartz fragments are confined almost exclusivelyto the outcrops of the Weverton sandstone in the BlueRidge south of the Potomac, and are rarely found onCatoctin.

The general grouping of the Loudoun formation intotwo classes of deposit (1), the fine slates associatedwith the Weverton sandstone, and (2), the course sandstonesoccurring in deep synclines with no Weverton, raisesthe question of the unity of that formation. Theevidence on this point is manifold and apparently conclusive.The general composition of the two is the same—­i.e., beds of feldspathic, siliceous material derivedfrom crystalline rocks. They are similarly metamorphosedin different localities. The upper parts of thethicker series are slates identical in appearance withthe slates under the Weverton, which presumably representthe upper Loudoun.

A marked change in the thickness of the Weverton sandstoneoccurs along Catoctin Mountain, the formation diminishingfrom 1,000 to 200 feet in a few miles. This plainlyindicates shore conditions, and the nature of theaccompanying change of constituent material locatesthe direction of the shore. This change is adecrease of the feldspar amounting to eliminationat the Potomac. As the feldspar, which is granularat the shore, is soon reduced to fine clay and washedaway, the direction of its disappearance is the directionof deep water. Thus the constitution and thicknessof the Weverton sandstone unite in showing the existenceof land not far northeast of Catoctin Mountain duringWeverton deposition.

Aside from this marked change in thickness, none ofunusual extent appears in the Weverton sandstone overthe remainder of the Catoctin Belt. While thisis partly due to lack of complete sections, yet suchas are complete show a substantial uniformity.The sections of the Blue Ridge outcrops range around500 feet, and those of the Catoctin line are in thevicinity of 300. This permanent difference inthickness along the two lines can be attributed toan eastward thinning of the formation, thus, however,implying a shore to the west of the Blue Ridge line.It can also be attributed to the existence of a barrierbetween the two, and this agrees with the deductionsfrom the constituent fragments.

Newark System.

An epoch of which a sedimentary record remains inthe region of the Catoctin Belt is one of submergenceand deposition, the Newark or Juratrias. Theformation, though developed in the Piedmont plain,bears upon the history of the Catoctin Belt by throwinglight on the periods of degradation, deposition, igneousinjection, and deformation that have involved themboth.

At the Potomac River it is about 4 miles in width,at the latitude of Leesburg about 10 miles in width,and thence it spreads towards the east until its maximumwidth is, perhaps, 15 miles. The area of theNewark formation is, of course, a feature of erosion,as far as its present form is concerned. In regardto its former extent little can be said, except whatcan be deduced from the materials of the formationitself. Three miles southeast of Aldie and theend of Bull Run Mountain a ridge of Newark sandstonerises to 500 feet. The same ridge at its northernend, near Goose Creek, attains 500 feet and carriesa gravel cap. One mile south of the Potomac Rivera granite ridge rises from the soluble Newark rocksto the same elevation.

As a whole the formation is a large body of red calcareousand argillaceous sandstone and shale. Into this,along the northern portion of the Catoctin Belt, areintercalated considerable wedges or lenses of limestoneconglomerate. At many places also gray feldspathicsandstones and basal conglomerates appear.

The limestone conglomerate is best developed fromthe Potomac to Leesburg, and from that region southwardrapidly diminishes until it is barely representedat the south end of Catoctin Mountain.

The conglomerate is made up of pebbles of limestoneof varying sizes, reaching in some cases a foot indiameter, but, as a rule, averaging about 2 or 3 inches.The pebbles are usually well rounded, but sometimesshow considerable angles. The pebbles of limestonerange in color from gray to blue and dark blue, andoccasionally pebbles of a fine white marble are seen;with rare exceptions also pebbles of Catoctin schistand quartz occur. They are embedded in a redcalcareous matrix, sometimes with a slight admixtureof sand. As a rule the entire mass is calcareous.

The conglomerate occurs, as has been said, in lensesor wedges in the sandstone ranging from 1 foot to500 feet in thickness, or possibly even greater.They disappear through complete replacement by sandstoneat the same horizon. The wedge may thin out toa feather edge or may be bodily replaced upon itsstrike by sandstone; one method is perhaps as commonas the other. The arrangement of the wedges isvery instructive indeed. The general strike ofthe Newark rocks is a little to the west of north,while the strike of the Catoctin Belt is a littleto the east of north. The two series, therefore,if extended, would cross each other at an angle of20 to 30 degrees. The conglomerate wedges arecollected along the west side of the Newark Belt andin contact usually with the Weverton sandstone.The thick ends of the wedges along the line of contactusually touch each other. Going south by eastthe proportion of the sandstone increases with rapidextermination of the conglomerate. The thin endsof the wedges, therefore, resemble a series of spinesprojecting outward from the Catoctin Belt.

The result of weathering upon the conglomerate isa very uneven and rugged series of outcrops projectingabove the rolling surface of the soil.

The ledges show little definite stratification andvery little dip. The topography of the conglomerateis inconspicuous and consists of a slightly rollingvalley without particular features. It approachesnearer to the level of the present drainage than anyother formation, and decay by solution has gone onto a very considerable extent. Where the drainingstreams have approached their baselevel, scarcely anoutcrop of conglomerate is seen. Where the areasof conglomerate lie near faster falling streams, theirregular masses of unweathered rocks appear.

When but slightly weathered the conglomerate formsan effective decorative stone and has been extensivelyused as a marble with the name “Potomac marble,”from the quarries on the Potomac east of Point ofRocks, Maryland. While it is in no sense a marble,yet the different reds and browns produced by unequalweathering of the limestone pebbles have a very beautifuleffect.

The thickness of the Newark formation is most uncertain.The rocks dip at a light angle to the west with hardlyan exception, and the sections all appear to be continuous.Even with liberal deductions for frequent faults,nothing less than 3,000 feet will account for theobserved areas and dips.

Newark Diabase.

Description of the lithified deposits would be farfrom complete without reference to the later diabasewhich is associated with the Newark rocks.

These diabases, as they will be called generically,are usually composed of plagioclase feldspar, anddiallage or augite; additional and rarer mineralsare quartz, olivine, hypersthene, magnetite, ilmenite,and hornblende. Their structure is ophitic inthe finer varieties, and to some extent in the coarserkinds as well. They are holocrystalline in formand true glassy bases are rare, rendering the termdiabase more appropriate than basalt.

There is greater variety in texture, from fine aphanitictraps up to coarse grained dolerites with feldsparsone-third of an inch long. The coarser varietiesare easily quarried and are often used for buildingstone under the name of granite.

These forms are retained to the present day with nomaterial change except that of immediate weathering,but to alterations of this kind they are an easy prey,and yield the most characteristic forms. Thenarrow dikes produce ridges between slight valleysof sandstone or shale, the wide bodies produce broadflat hills or uplands. The rock weathers intoa fine gray and brown clay with numerous bowlders ofunaltered rock of a marked concentric shape.

While the diabase dikes are most prominent in theNewark rocks, they are also found occasionally inthe other terraces. In the Catoctin Belt theyappear irregularly in the granite and schist.Rare cases also occur in the rocks of the Piedmontplain. The diabase of the Newark areas is almostexclusively confined to the red sandstone, and thedike at Leesburg cutting the limestone conglomerateis almost the only occurrence of that combination.

The diabase occurs only as an intrusive rock in thevicinity of the Catoctin Belt. Of this form ofoccurrence, however, there are two types, dikes andmassive sheets or masses. The dikes are parallelto the strike of the inclosing sandstone as a rule,and appear to have their courses controlled by iton account of their small bulk. The large massesbreak at random across the sandstone in the most eccentricfashion. No dislocation can be detected in thesandstones, either in strike or dip, yet of courseit must exist by at least the thickness of the intrusivemass. That this thickness is considerable isshown by the coarseness of the larger trap masses,which could occur only in bodies of considerable size,and also by the width of their outcrops in the westwarddipping sandstones. The chief mass in point ofsize is three miles wide. This mass fast decreasesin width as it goes north, without losing much ofits coarseness, and ends in Leesburg in a hooked curve.The outline of the diabase is suggestive of the flexedtrap sheets of more northern regions, but this appearanceis deceptive, since the diabase breaks directly acrossboth red sandstone and limestone conglomerate, whichhave a constant north and south strike. An easternbranch of this mass crosses the Potomac as a smalldike and passes north into Pennsylvania. The diabasedikes in the Catoctin Belt are always narrow, and,while many outcrops occur along a given line, it isprobable that they are not continuous.

At Leesburg the limestone conglomerate next the diabaseis indurated, its iron oxide is driven off, and thelimestone partly crystallized into marble.

Catoctin Schist.

The Catoctin schist is geographically the most importantof the volcanic rocks of Loudoun.

Throughout its entire area the schist is singularlyuniform in appearance, so that only two divisionscan be made with any certainty at all. Theseare dependent upon a secondary characteristic, viz,the presence of epidote in large or small quantities.The epidote occurs in the form of lenses arrangedparallel to the planes of schistosity, reaching ashigh as five feet in thickness and grading from thatdown to the size of minute grains. Accompanyingthis lenticular epidote is a large development ofquartz in lenses, which, however, do not attain quitesuch a size as those of epidote. Both the quartzand epidote are practically insoluble and lie scatteredover the surface in blocks of all sizes. In placesthey form an almost complete carpet and protect thesurface from removal. The resulting soil, wherenot too heavily encumbered with the epidote blocks,is rich and well adapted to farming, on account ofthe potash and calcium contained in the epidote andfeldspar.

Except along the narrow canyons in the Tertiary baselevelthe rock is rarely seen unless badly weathered.The light bluish green color of the fresh rock changeson exposure to a dull gray or yellow, and the massiveledges and slabs split up into thin schistose layers.It is quite compact in appearance, and as a rule veryfew macroscopic crystals can be seen in it.

A general separation can be made into an epidoticdivision characterized by an abundance of macroscopicepidote and a non-epidotic division with microscopicepidote. These divisions are accented by thegeneral finer texture of the epidotic schist.

The schists can be definitely called volcanic in manycases, from macroscopic characters, such as the componentminerals and basaltic arrangement. In most cases,the services of the microscope are necessary to determinetheir nature. Many varieties have lost all oftheir original character in the secondary schistosity.None the less, its origin as diabase can definitelybe asserted of the whole mass. In view of thefact, however, that most of the formation has a welldefined schistosity destroying its diabasic characters,and now is not a diabase but a schist, it seems advisableto speak of it as a schist.

Sections of the finer schist in polarized light showmany small areas of quartz and plagioclase and numerouscrystals of epidote, magnetite, and chlorite, thewhole having a marked parallel arrangement. Onlyin the coarser varieties is the real nature of therock apparent. In these the ophitic arrangementof the coarse feldspars is well defined, and in spiteof their subsequent alteration the fragments retainthe crystal outlines and polarize together. Additionalminerals found in the coarse schists are calcite,ilmenite, skeleton oblivine, biotite, and hematite.

Rocks of the Piedmont Plain.

The Piedmont plain, where it borders upon the CatoctinBelt, is composed in the main of the previously describedNewark strata, red sandstone, and limestone conglomerate.East of the Newark areas lies a broad belt of oldcrystalline rocks, whose relations to the CatoctinBelt are unknown.

The rocks, in a transverse line, beginning a littleto the east of Dranesville, in Fairfax County, andextending to the Catoctin Mountain, near Leesburg,occur in the following order, viz: Red sandstone,red shale, greenstone, trap, reddish slate, and conglomeratelimestone.

Heavy dykes of trap rock extend across the lower endof the County, from near the mouth of Goose Creekto the Prince William line. “These, beingintrusive rocks, have in some places displaced theshale and risen above it, while in other places athin coat of shale remains above the trappean matter,but much altered and changed in character."[7] A largemass of trap rock presents itself boldly above theshale at the eastern abutment of the Broad Run bridge,on the Leesburg and Alexandria turnpike. Notfar to the east the shale is changed to a black orblackish brown color, while at the foot of the nexthill still farther eastward the red shale appears unchanged.The summits of many of these dykes are “coveredwith a whitish or yellowish compact shale, highlyindurated and changed into a rock very difficult todecompose."[8]

[Footnote 7: Taylor’s Memoir.]

[Footnote 8: Ibid.]

Lafayette Formation.

A great class of variations due to rock characterare those of surface form. The rocks have beenexposed to the action of erosion during many epochs,and have yielded differently according to their natures.Different stages in the process of erosion can be distinguishedand to some extent correlated with the time scaleof the rocks in other regions. One such stageis particularly manifest in the Catoctin Belt andfurnishes the datum by which to place other stages.It is also best adapted for study, because it is connecteddirectly with the usual time scale by its associateddeposits. This stage is the Tertiary baselevel,and the deposit is the Lafayette formation, a depositof coarse gravel and sand lying horizontally upon theedges of the hard rocks. Over the Coastal plainand the eastern part of the Piedmont plain it is conspicuouslydeveloped, and composes a large proportion of theirsurfaces. As the formation is followed westwardit is more and more dissected by erosion and finallyremoved. Near the area of the Catoctin Belt itoccurs in several places, all of them being smallin area. One is three miles northeast of Aldie.Here, a Newark sandstone hill is capped with gravel.This gravel is much disturbed by recent erosion andconsists rather of scattered fragments than of a beddeddeposit.

The materials of the Lafayette gravel are chieflypebbles and grains of quartz, with a considerableadmixture of quartzite and sandstone. The largequartz pebbles were probably derived from the largelenses of quartz in the Catoctin schist, for no otherformation above water at the time contained quartzin large enough masses to furnish such pebbles.On the hypothesis that they were of local origin andmerely worked over during submergence, they mightbe connected with the quartz veins of the Piedmontplain. That theory, however, with difficultyaccounts for their well-rounded condition, which showseither beach action or long carriage. The quartzsand may well have been derived from the graniticquartzes, but that is an uncertain matter. Thesandstones and quartzites are usually massive and purewhite, of the variety found along Catoctin and BullRun mountains. Other varieties of sandstone—­theblue-banded type, for instance—­are derivedfrom the Weverton sandstone on the Blue Ridge.The white sandstone pebbles in the terraces alongBull Run Mountain can be traced from the ledges tothe deposits. In this region, therefore, an absoluteshore can be seen. In other areas along CatoctinMountain a shore can be inferred, because the mountainprojects above the baselevel plane and contains nogravel deposits. In fact, only a few points atthe stream gaps are cut down to the baselevel.


Dynamic metamorphism has produced great rearrangementof the minerals along the eastern side of the CatoctinBelt, and results at times in complete obliterationof the characters of the granite. The first stepin the change was the cracking of the quartz and feldsparcrystals and development of muscovite and chloritein the cracks. This was accompanied by a growthof muscovite and quartz in the unbroken feldspar.The aspect of the rock at this stage is that of a gneisswith rather indefinite banding. Further actionreduced the rock to a collection of angular and roundedfragments of granite, quartz, and feldspar in a matrixof quartz and mica, the mica lapping around the fragmentsand rudely parallel to their surfaces. The laststage was complete pulverization of the fragmentsand elongation into lenses, the feldspathic materialentirely recomposing into muscovite, chlorite, andquartz, and the whole mass receiving a strong schistosity,due to the arrangement of the mica plates parallelto the elongation. This final stage is macroscopicallynothing more than a siliceous slate or schist, andis barely distinguishable from the end products ofsimilar metamorphism in the more feldspathic schistsand the Loudoun sandy slates. The different stepscan readily be traced, however, both in the hand specimenand under the microscope.

The Weverton sandstone has suffered less from metamorphismthan any of the sediments. In the Blue Ridgeit has undergone no greater change than a slight elongationof its particles and development of a little mica.Along Catoctin Mountain, from the Potomac River south,however, increased alteration appears together withthe diminution in thickness. What little feldsparthere was is reduced to quartz and mica, and the quartzpebbles are drawn out into lenses. Depositionof secondary quartz becomes prominent, amounting inthe latitude of Goose Creek to almost entire recrystallizationof the mass. A marked schistosity accompaniesthis alteration, and most of the schistose planesare coated with silvery muscovite. Almost withoutexception these planes are parallel to the dip ofthe formation.

Metamorphism of the Loudoun formation is quite general.It commonly appears in the production of phyllitesfrom the argillaceous members of the formation, butall of the fragmental varieties show some elongationand production of secondary mica. The limestonebeds are often metamorphosed to marble, but only inthe eastern belt. The recrystallization is notvery extensive, and none of the marbles are coarsegrained.

The metamorphism of the igneous rocks is regionalin nature and has the same increase from west to eastas the sediments.

In the granite it consists of various stages of changein form, attended by some chemical rearrangement.The process consisted of progressive fracture andreduction of the crystals of quartz and feldspar,and was facilitated by the frequent cleavage cracksof the large feldspars. It produced effects varyingfrom granite with a rude gneissoid appearance, througha banded fine gneiss, into a fine quartz schist orslate. These slaty and gneissoid planes are seento be parallel to the direction and attitude of thesediments, wherever they are near enough for comparison.

Dynamic alteration of the Catoctin diabase is pronouncedand wide-spread. Macroscopically it is evidentin the strong schistosity, which is parallel to thestructural planes of the sediments when the two arein contact. In most areas this alteration is mainlychemical and has not affected the original proportionsof the rock to a marked extent. Its prevalenceis due to the unstable composition of the originalminerals of the rock, such as olivine, hypersthene,and pyroxene. Along Catoctin Mountain, however,both chemical and mechanical deformation have takenplace, so that the original rock structure is completelymerged into pronounced schistosity. This wasmaterially assisted by the weak lath shapes of thefeldspar and the mobility of the micas.

The average dip of the schistose planes is about 60deg.; from this they vary up to 90 deg. and down to20 deg.. In all cases they are closely parallelto the planes on which the sediments moved in adjustmentto folding, namely, the bedding planes. In regionswhere no sediments occur, the relation of the schistoseplanes to the folds can not be discovered.

Parallel with the micas that cause the schistosity,the growth of the quartz and epidote lenses took place.These, too, have been deformed by crushing and stretchingalong Bull Run Mountain and the south part of CatoctinMountain. From this fact, taken in connectionwith the folding of the schistose planes at Pointof Rocks, it would appear that the deformation wasnot a single continuous effort.

The ratios of schistose deformation in the igneousrocks are as follows: diabase, with unstablemineral composition and small mechanical strength,has yielded to an extreme degree; granite, with stablecomposition and moderate mechanical strength, has yieldedto the more pronounced compression.


In point of mineral wealth Loudoun ranks with theforemost counties of the State. Iron, copper,silver, soapstone, asbestos, hydraulic limestone,barytes, and marble are some of the deposits that havebeen developed and worked with a greater or lesserdegree of success.

A large bed of compact red oxide of iron lies at theeastern base of the Catoctin Mountain, on the marginof the Potomac River. Long before the Civil Wara furnace was erected here by Samuel Clapham, Sr.,for the reduction of this ore, and considerable quantitiesof it were formerly transported moderate distancesto supply other furnaces. The Clapham furnacecontinued in operation until all the fuel at hand wasconsumed and then went out of blast. Water powerwas supplied by the Catoctin Creek, which flows intothe river immediately above the mountain. Toobtain this a tunnel was cut through a spur of themountain projecting into a bend of the creek.This tunnel, about five hundred feet long and sixtyfeet beneath the summit of the hill, was cut throughalmost a solid wall of rock, and, at that day, wasconsidered a great work.

Magnetic iron ore has been found in certain places,and this or a similar substance has a disturbing effectupon the needle of the surveyor’s compass, renderingsurveying extremely difficult where great accuracyis required. In some instances the needle hasbeen drawn as much as seven degrees from its truecourse. This effect is more or less observablenearly throughout the Catoctin Mountain, and has beennoted elsewhere in the County.

Chromate of iron was long ago discovered along BroadRun, and, about the same time, a bed of micaceousiron ore on Goose Creek below the Leesburg turnpike.Copper ore is associated with the last-named mineral.

In 1860, the output of pig iron in Loudoun was 2,250tons, and its value $58,000. Rockbridge was theonly Virginia County to exceed these figures.

In several localities small angular lumps of a yellowishsubstance, supposed to contain sulphur, have beenfound, embedded in rocks. When subjected to anintense heat, it gives forth a pungent sulphurousodor.

Small quantities of silver ore are discovered fromtime to time; but the leads have never been extensivelyworked and many of the richest veins are still untouched.

Deposits of copper in the schists have long excitedinterest and led to mining operations. The amountof ore, however, appears not to have justified anyconsiderable work.

Near the base of the Catoctin Mountain, where it isfirst approached by Goose Creek, marble of an excellentquality is found but has been little worked.Among the varieties at the quarry are included purewhite, white and pink, blue and white, white and green,serpentinized and chloritic serpentinized marble.These marbles are of great beauty and susceptibleof a good polish. The calcareous bed here is aboutfifty feet thick and reaches southward for three mileswith increasing thickness. At its southern endit is not entirely metamorphosed into marble, butretains its original character of fine blue limestone.Northward along this range the thickness of the marbleconstantly diminishes and rarely exceeds ten feet.Sometimes there are two beds, sometimes only one.At Taylorstown, just south of the Potomac, the bedis about three feet thick; on the north side of thePotomac about four or five feet. Here, as elsewhere,the beds of marble are inclosed in a bluish greenmicaceous schist, which has been thoroughly transformedby mechanical pressure.

In the vicinity of Leesburg and north of that town,and between the Catoctin Mountain and the PotomacRiver, the conglomerate limestone or brecciated marbleis found in abundance, associated with red shale.It is a calcareous rock, apparently formed in partof pebbles cemented together and, when burned, producesan inferior lime. It is commonly known as Potomacmarble. Of this variegated marble were formedthe beautiful columns in the old Representatives’chamber of the Capitol at Washington. The soilin which this rock occurs is extremely productiveand valuable.

The exhibition at the World’s Fair, at New Orleans,of the following specimens of Loudoun minerals claimedmuch interest from visiting mineraloguists:

1. Specular Iron Ore, from near Leesburg, saidto be in quantity. From Professor Fontaine.

2. Chalcopyrite, from near Leesburg, said tobe a promising vein. From Professor Fontaine.

The following were contributed by the “EagleMining Company,” of Leesburg; F. A. Wise, generalmanager:

1. Carbonate of Copper, from vein 3’wide, developed to 25’ deep. Assays byOxford Copper Company of New York give 51 per centof copper and 27 ounces of silver per ton.

2. Sulphuret of Copper, from vein 10”wide, developed to 50’ deep. Assays byOxford Copper Company of New York give 12-1/2 per centof copper.

3. Iron Ore, from vein 4’ wide and 50’deep. Yields 55 per cent metallic iron by assayof W. P. Lawver, of U. S. Mint.

4. Sulphuret of Copper, from vein developed50’. Yields 11 per cent of copper and 1ounce of silver per ton by assay of W. P. Lawver, U.S. Mint.

5. Carbonate of Copper, red oxide and glance,from vein 3’ wide, developed to 25’ deep.Yields 50 per cent metallic copper and 27 ounces silverper ton by assays.

6. Iron Ore, from vein 2’ to 4’wide, developed 50’. Yield 55 per centmetallic iron.

7. Oxide of Copper, from Carbonate vein, developed60’ on 4’ wide vein; 25’ deep.

8. Sulphuret of Copper, from vein 8”to 15” wide, developed 50’.

9. Iron Ore.

10. Barytes, heavy spar, vein undeveloped.

11. Iron Ore, from 50’ level of EagleMining Company’s shaft.

12. Marble, from quarry of “VirginiaMarble Company,” three miles east from Middleburg.The deposit has been demonstrated to be of great extent;the marble has been pronounced of a very superior quality.Contributed by Major B. P. Noland.

13. Marble, from same as above.

14. " " " " "

* * * * *

17. Copper Ore, James Pinkham, from VirginiaDepartment of Agriculture.

In the “Handbook on the Minerals and MineralResources of Virginia” prepared by the VirginiaCommission to the St. Louis Exposition, Loudoun iscredited with the three comparatively rare mineralsgiven below. The two first-named occur nowhereelse in the State.

“ACTINQLITE: Calcium-magnesium-iron,Amphibole,

Ca (Mg Fe)_{3}(Si O{4}){3}.

Specific Gravity, 3-3.2. Hardness, 5-6.Streak, uncolored.... Fine radiated olive-greencrystals are found ... at Taylorstown....”

“TREMOLITE: A variety of Amphibole.Calcium.

Magnesium Amphibole. Ca Mg{2}(Si O{4}){3}.

Specific Gravity, 2.9-3.1. Hardness, 5.6.Long bladed crystals; also columnar and fibrous.Color, white and grayish. Sometimes nearly transparent.Found in the greenish talcose rocks at Taylorstown.”

Chromite, of which no occurrence of economicimportance has yet been discovered in the County orelsewhere in Virginia.

“[9]On the eastern flank of the Catoctin restsa thin belt of mica slate. This rock is composedof quartz and mica in varying proportions, and thisbelt, on reaching the Bull Run Mountain, there expandsitself, and forms the whole base of that mountain,and where the mica predominates, as it does there,it sometimes forms excellent flagging stones.”

[Footnote 9: Taylor’s Memoir.]

* * * * *

“Immediately at the western base of the CatoctinMountain, a range of magnesian or talcose slates occurtraversing its whole length.... In this rangea vein of magnesian limestone is met with, and is exposedin several places. It however is narrow, in someplaces only a few feet in thickness, and being difficultto obtain is not much sought after for burning.”

* * * * *

“Along the eastern side of the valley (Loudoun)gneiss is frequently met with on the surface, andwhere the larger streams have worn deep valleys, itis sometimes exposed in high and precipitous cliffs.This is more particularly the case along Goose Creekand Beaver Dam. Associated with it, however,is clay slate, not so much in rock as in soil, forit being more readily decomposed is seldom found onthe surface, except as soil. These two varietiesare often met with side by side in thin layers, andtheir combination at the surface forms a peculiarlyfavorable soil for agricultural purposes. Thegneiss from the quartz it contains makes a sandy soil,while the clay slate gives it tenacity. Thishappy combination is a prevailing feature of thisentire valley, and renders it one of the best farmingsections in Virginia.

“Another rock that is a valuable acquisitionis hornblende. This kind when first taken fromthe ground, is always covered as with a coat of rust.This is doubtless the fact, for the oxydasion of theiron it contains gives it that appearance, and colorsthe soil a reddish hue in its immediate vicinity.Wherever this rock abounds, the soil is durable andthe crops are usually heavy. It is sometimes metwith having a fine grain, and so very hard as to bealmost brittle, though generally very difficult tobreak, and when broken strongly resembling cast-iron,and will sometimes ring, on being struck, almost asclearly. It was used very much formerly for makingjournals to run mill-gudgeons upon. When foundon the surface, it is usually of a rounded form....”

However, much of the rock of the valley partakes ofthe nature of both hornblend and gneiss, and has beenaptly termed a “hornblend gneiss rock.”

Beds of magnesian or talcose slate, sometimes containingcrystals of sulphuret of iron, are frequently metwith in this section, and at the base of Black OakRidge, which is composed chiefly of chlorite slateand epidote, another bed of magnesian limestone isfound. Containing about 40 per cent of magnesia,it makes an excellent cement for walls, but is oflittle or no value as a fertilizer.


The soils of Loudoun vary greatly in both geologicalcharacter and productiveness, every variety from arich alluvial to an unproductive clay occurring withinher boundaries. In general the soils are deepand rich and profitably cultivated.

The heavy clay soils of Loudoun are recognized asbeing the strongest wheat and grass soils. Themore loamy soils are better for corn on account ofthe possibility of more thorough cultivation.However, the lands all have to be fertilized or limedto obtain the best results, and with this added expensethe profit in wheat growing is extremely uncertainon any but the clay soils. The loamy soils areespecially adapted to corn, stock raising, and dairying,

and they are largely used for these purposes.The mountain sandstone soils, which are rough andstony, are not adapted to any form of agriculture;but for some lines of horticulture—­as,for instance, the production of grapes, peaches, applesand chestnuts—­or forestry they seem to offerexcellent opportunities. The schist soil of themountains, although rough and stony, is productive,easily worked, and especially adapted to apples, peaches,and potatoes. The shale and mica soils, althoughthin and leachy, are especially adapted to grapes,vegetables, and berries, and other small fruits.These soils should be managed very carefully to obtainthe best results. They are easily worked and veryquickly respond to fertilization and thorough cultivation.It is very probable that market gardening and fruitraising on these types would prove profitable.It seems, however, that peach trees are short livedon these soils. The meadow lands are low and subjectto overflow, although otherwise well drained.They are best adapted to the production of corn, grass,and vegetables.

[Footnote 10: For the bulk of the informationappearing under this caption the author is indebtedto Carter’s and Lyman’s Soil Surveyof the Leesburg Area, published in 1904 by theUnited States Department of Agriculture.]

That part of the County lying east of a line drawnfrom the Potomac River near Leesburg, by Aldie tothe Fauquier line, is much more unproductive thanthe western portion, partly on account of an inferiorsoil, and partly in consequence of an exhausting systemof cultivation, once so common in eastern Virginia,i. e., cropping with corn and tobacco without attemptingto improve the quality of the soil. When impoverished,the lands were thrown out to the commons.

Large tracts that formerly produced from thirty toforty bushels of corn to the acre, still remain outof cultivation, though many of the present proprietorsare turning their attention to the improvement ofthese soils and are being richly rewarded.

In this section, particularly along Goose Creek, trap-rockoccurs, sometimes covering large surfaces, at othertimes partially covered with indurated shale, formedfrom the red shale of this region which has becomehardened by the heat of the intruding trap. Wherethis rock occurs covering large surfaces, nearly level,“the soil is a dark brown colored clay, veryretentive of moisture and better adapted to grassthan grain.... A deficiency of lime probably occurshere, and there may be some obnoxious ingredient present.Minute grains of iron sand are generally interspersedthrough this rock, and as it is not acted upon byatmospheric influences, its combination may containsome acid prejudicial to vegetation. Where thisrock is thrown into more irregular elevations, andis apparently more broken up, the soil is better."[11]

Near the Broad Run Bridge the soil is deplorably sterile.“In many places it is but a few inches in thickness,and the rock below, being compact, prevents the waterfrom penetrating much below the surface, thus causingan excess of water in rainy weather, and a scarcityof it in fair weather. The red shale does notappear to decompose readily, as it is found a shortdistance beneath the surface, and the strata dippingat a low angle, prevents the water from freely descendinginto this kind of soil."[12]

[Footnote 11: Taylor’s Memoir.]

[Footnote 12: Ibid.]

There is a huge belt of red land, known as “thered sandstone formation,” extending from thePotomac through a part of each of the counties ofLoudoun, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier,Culpeper, and Orange, which, with judicious cultivation,might be rendered liberally productive. ProfessorW. B. Rogers, in his report to the legislature ofVirginia, in 1840, described it under the head of the“secondary formation in the northern district.”“The general form of this area,” he wrote,“is that of a prolonged triangle, extending ina direction from SSW. to NNE., having its apex atthe southern extremity, and gradually expanding untilit reaches the Potomac. Measured at a point onthe Potomac between the mouths of Goose Creek andBroad Run, its length is about 80 miles. Its greatestbreadth, as measured near the Potomac, and parallelto the road leading from Leesburg to Dranesville,is about 15 miles. This, in round numbers, gives600 square miles for the area of this region.”

Bottom lands of inexhaustible fertility and rich uplandloams are commonly met with north and south of Leesburgfor a considerable distance on either side of theturnpike leading from Point of Rocks, Md., at oneextremity of the County to Middleburg at the other.

Limestone occurs in vast quantities throughout thiszone, and there are present all the propitious elementsthat will be enumerated in the treatment of the soilsof other areas.

The land here is in a high state of cultivation and,according to its peculiarly varying and unalterableadaptability, produces enormous crops of all the staplegrains of the County.

The soil in the vicinity of Oatlands, included inthis zone, is stiff and stony, except such as is adjacentto water courses, or the base of hills, where it isenriched by liberal supplies of decayed matter, whichrender it loamy and inexhaustible. In the main,it is of a generous quality, so pertinaciously retainingfertilizers as to withstand the washing of the heaviestrains. Still it is an anomaly that some of therichest areas in this region will not produce wheat;while, in the cultivation of rye, oats, and corn, satisfactoryresults are almost invariably obtained. Likewisethere are but a few parcels whereon white clover doesnot grow spontaneously and in the greatest abundance.Than these, better pasture lands are found nowhereeast of the Blue Ridge. Limestone occurs herein vast quantities.

In the Valley of Loudoun, between the Catoctin andBlue Ridge mountains, the soil is formed from gneiss,clay-slate, hornblend, greenstone, and quartz.The happy combination of these materials producesa most excellent and durable soil, containing, in fairproportions, alumina, silex, potash, lime, and otherfertilizing minerals. Certain fertilizers havebeen successfully employed in improving its naturalfertility, and when it is partially exhausted by excessivetillage, rest alone will restore it.

Loudoun Sandy Loam.

The Loudoun sandy loam consists of from 8 to 12 inchesof a heavy brown or gray sandy loam, underlain bya heavy yellow or red loam or clay loam. Oftenthe subsoil contains a considerable quantity of coarsesand, making the texture much the same as that of thesoil. The sand of the soil and subsoil is composedof very coarse rounded and subangular quartz particles.The surface material is not a light sandy loam, butis more like a loam containing considerable quantitiesof very coarse quartz fragments. It is generallyquite free from stones, but small areas are occasionallycovered with from 5 to 20 per cent of angular quartzfragments several inches in diameter.

The Loudoun sandy loam occurs in irregular areas ofconsiderable size in the intermediate valley betweenthe Blue Ridge, Short Hill, and Catoctin mountains.The largest area of the type is found in the vicinityof Round Hill.

The topography of this soil in the valley varies fromgently rolling to hilly, the slopes being long andgently undulating, while along the valley walls andin the uplands it is ridgy. Owing to the positionwhich this type occupies, surface drainage is good.The light texture of the soil admits of the easy percolationof water through it, and, except where the subsoilcontains considerable sand, the soil moisture is wellretained. In dry weather, if the ground is cultivated,a mulch is formed, which prevents the evaporationof the soil moisture and greatly assists the cropsto withstand drought.

Nearly the whole of this type is in cultivation.Where the forest still stands the growth consistschiefly of oak. The soil is easy to handle, andcan be worked without regard to moisture content.It is considered a good corn land, but is too light-texturedfor wheat, although a considerable acreage is devotedto this crop. Corn yields at the rate of 40 or50 bushels per acre, wheat from 12 to 15 bushels andoccasionally more, and grass and clover at the rateof 1 or 2 tons per acre. The productiveness ofthe soil depends greatly on the sand content of thesubsoil. If the quantity be large, the soil isporous and requires considerable rain to produce goodyields. If the clay content predominates, a moderateamount of rain suffices and good yields are obtained.Apples, pears, and small fruits do well on this soil.

Penn Clay.

The Penn clay consists of from 6 to 12 inches of ared or reddish-brown loam, resting upon a subsoilof heavy red clay. The soil and subsoil generallyhave the Indian-red color characteristic of the Triassicred sandstone from which the soil is in part derived.From 1 to 10 per cent of the soil mass is usuallymade up of small sandstone fragments, while throughoutthe greater part of the type numerous limestone conglomerateledges, interbedded with Triassic red sandstone, cometo the surface. In other areas of the type numerouslimestone conglomerate bowlders, often of great size,cover from 10 to 25 per cent of the surface.

This latter phase occurs in the vicinity of the PotomacRiver near Point of Rocks, Md., and near the Potomac,3 miles north of Leesburg, and in these places theheavier phase of the type occurs, the clay often beingvery near the surface. In other parts of the County,where the limestone conglomerate is not so preponderant,or where it lies deeper and is mostly unexposed, thesurface soil is deeper, often consisting of 18 inchesof loam. The land is locally termed “limestoneland.” Near Catoctin Mountain the rocksseem to have weathered to considerable depth, therebeing no exposures or outcrops. Here the soilhas been washed away from some of the more elevatedsmall areas, and the heavy red clay subsoil is exposed.

In a great many places along the base of the mountainthe formation of this type is somewhat complicatedby the wash from the mountain, which consists principallyof subangular quartz fragments, from 1 to 4 inchesin diameter. This rock sometimes forms as muchas 30 or 40 per cent of the soil mass. This phaseis called “gravelly land,” and is hardto cultivate on account of its heavy texture and stonycondition, although it is inherently productive.

This type occurs in one irregular-shaped area, about15 miles long, varying from less than 1 mile to 3or 4 miles in width, being cut by the Potomac Riverjust east of Point of Rocks, Md. It thus liesin the central part of the County, in the PiedmontPlateau, extending from immediately north of Leesburg,and skirting the eastern foot of Catoctin Mountain.

The general surface drainage is good, there beingmany small streams flowing through the type and emptyinginto the Potomac River. The stream beds are butlittle lower than the surface of the surrounding land,while the slopes are long and gentle. Excessiveerosion scarcely ever occurs. The heavier phaseof the type would undoubtedly be improved by tiledraining, as it is usually lower lying than the lighterphase. The heavier phase bakes and cracks in dryweather much the same as the heavy limestone soilsof the Shenandoah Valley, but with the lighter phases,where the soil covering is deeper, good tilth is easilymaintained throughout the growing season.

Corn, wheat, clover, and grass are the crops grown,of which the yields are as follows: Corn, from40 to 60 bushels per acre; wheat, from 15 to 25 bushelsper acre, and clover and grass, from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2tons of hay per acre.

The Penn clay is the most highly prized soil of thePiedmont region of Loudoun and brings the highestprices.

Penn Stony Loam.

The Penn stony loam consists of from 8 to 12 inchesof a red or grayish heavy loam, somewhat silty, underlainby a heavier red loam. From 10 to 60 per centof gray and brown fragments of Triassic sandstone,ranging from 1 to 6 inches in thickness, cover thesurface of the soil. The color is in generalthe dark Indian-red of the other soils derived fromTriassic sandstone, being particularly marked in thesubsoil.

This type occurs in the southeastern part of Loudoun,on the Piedmont Plateau. It occupies three smallareas whose total extent probably does not exceedtwo and one-half square miles. It is closelyassociated with the Penn loam and grades graduallyinto that type. The only great difference betweenthe two is the presence of sandstone fragments inthe Penn stony loam.

The topography varies from gently rolling to hillyand ridgy, with slopes that are sometimes rather steep.However, the surface is not so broken as to interferewith cultivation, and the slopes are usually gentle.

The type is well drained, the slopes allowing a rapidflow of water from the surface, while the soil waterpasses readily through the soil and subsoil.On the other hand, the texture is sufficiently heavyto prevent undue leaching and drought.

Little of the land is in cultivation, on account ofits stony character, which makes cultivation difficult.Where unimproved it is covered with a heavy growthof chestnut, oak, and pine. The land is locallycalled “chestnut land.” In a few smallareas the larger stones have been removed and theland is cultivated, corn and wheat being the principalcrops. The yield of corn ranges from 20 to 35bushels and of wheat from 8 to 15 bushels per acre.Apples and small fruits and vegetables do well.

Iredell Clay Loam.

The soil of the Iredell clay loam consists of from6 to 18 inches of light loam, usually brown or gray,although sometimes of a yellowish color, with an averagedepth of about twelve inches. The subsoil consistsof a heavy yellow to yellowish-brown waxy clay.This clay is cold and sour, almost impervious to moistureand air, and protects the underlying rock from decayto a great extent. Often the clay grades intothe rotten rock at from 24 to 36 inches. In thepoorly drained areas a few iron concretions occuron the surface. Numerous rounded diabase bowlders,varying in size from a few inches to several feet indiameter, are also scattered over the surface of thesoil. Occasional slopes of the type have hadthe soil covering entirely removed by erosion, andhere, where the clay appears on the surface, the soilis very poor. In other places, where the soilcovering is quite deep, as from 12 to 18 inches, thetype is fairly productive, and its productivenessis generally proportional to the depth of the soil.

The local name for the Iredell clay loam is “waxland,” from the waxy nature of the subsoil,or “black-oak land,” from the timber growth.A few small, isolated areas of this soil occur inthe intermediate valley of the Catoctin Belt, andhere the texture is much the same as that describedabove; but the soil usually consists of from 6 to 10inches of a drab or brown loam, underlain by a heavymottled yellow and drab silty clay. This phasehas few stones on the surface or in the soil.The local names for this phase are “cold, sourland” and “white clay.”

The greater part of the Iredell clay loam occurs inthe southern or southeastern corner of the Countyand occupies one large, irregular-shaped but generallyconnected area, extending from Leesburg, in a southeasterlyand southerly direction along Goose Creek to the southernboundary of the County, the most typical developmentof the soil being at Waxpool. The phase alreadydescribed occurs in small, disconnected areas, usuallyquite far apart, the general relative direction ofthese areas being northeast and southwest. Theyall lie in the intermediate valley of the CatoctinBelt, and are usually near the foot of the Blue Ridgeor Short Hills. The most typical developmentof this phase occurs just southeast of Bluemont.

Where rolling and sloping the surface drainage isgood, the water passing rapidly from the surface intothe numerous small streams flowing into Goose Creek,which is the main drainage way of this type.In the low, flat lands the water stands or flows veryslowly from the surface. Owing to the imperviousnature of the clay subsoil, underdrainage is veryslow, and the land is often cold and sour.

Corn, wheat, and grass are the principal crops grownon this soil type, the average yields per acre beingas follows: Corn, from 20 to 40 bushels; wheat,from 8 to 15 bushels; and grass, from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2tons. Apples do fairly well.

The greater part of the type is tilled, while theuncultivated areas are used for pasturage and woodlots, the forest growth being black oak. In dryseasons, where the soil covering is not deep, the landbakes and cracks, and in this condition it can notbe cultivated. In wet seasons the soil becomestoo wet and sticky to work.

Penn Loam.

The Penn loam consists of from 8 to 12 inches of adark, Indian-red loam, underlain by a heavier loamof the same color. This peculiar red color isdistinctive of the formation wherever found, and,consequently, the type is one easily recognized.The texture of the type is very uniform, with theexception of a few small areas where the subsoil isa clay loam. The soil is locally termed “red-rockland,” on account of the numerous small red sandstonefragments which occur in the soil and subsoil in quantitiesvarying from 5 to 20 per cent of the soil mass.The soil is free from large stones or other obstructionsto cultivation.

This type occurs in several large, irregular areason the Newark formation of the Piedmont Plateau inthe eastern part of the County. The areas havea general northeast and southwest trend. A fewsmall areas occur in close proximity to the largerones. One of the larger areas is situated justsouth of Leesburg, while another occurs east of Lucketts.

The topography consists of a gently rolling to nearlylevel plain, and there are no steep slopes or roughareas. Drainage in this type is excellent, theeasy slopes allowing a gradual flow of water from thesurface without undue erosion, except with very heavyrains on the steeper slopes. The loamy subsoilallows a ready but not too rapid percolation of surplussoil moisture, and never gets soggy or in a cold,sour condition. Numerous small streams extendthroughout the area of this type, allowing a rapidremoval of all surplus water into the Potomac River,the chief drainageway of the County. Along thesestreams, which in all cases have cut out beds some10 to 30 feet below the surrounding plain, the slopesare gradual.

The original growth on the Penn loam was a forestof oak, hickory, and walnut, but at the present timenearly all of the type is cleared and farmed.The soil is not naturally very productive, but is prizedon account of its great susceptibility to improvement,its quick responsiveness to fertilization, and itseasy cultivation and management. The surfaceis smooth and regular, and the absence of stones,together with the loamy texture of the soil, makesit easy to maintain good tilth. Any additionof fertilizers or lime is immediately effective, andby judicious management the type may be kept in ahigh state of productiveness. Many fine farmswith good buildings are to be seen on this type.The crops grown are corn, wheat, grass, clover, apples,and small fruits. Grazing, stock raising, anddairying are practiced to some extent. The landyields from 40 to 60 bushels of corn, from 10 to 15or more bushels of wheat, and from 1 to 2 tons ofhay per acre.

Cecil Loam.

The soil of the Cecil loam consists of from 8 to 12inches of a brown or yellow loam. The subsoilconsists of a heavy yellow or red loam, or occasionallyclay loam. The soil and subsoil are usually freefrom stones, but occasional areas have from 5 to 30per cent of angular quartz or schist fragments onthe surface. Often a mica-schist enters intothe composition of the subsoil, giving it a soft andgreasy feel.

The greater part of the intermediate valley or baselevelplain of the Catoctin Belt consists of the Cecil loam,and it occurs here as one large, connected area, insideof which are small areas of Cecil clay, Loudoun sandyloam, and Iredell clay loam. A considerable portionof the Catoctin Mountain also consists of the Cecilloam. In extent this is the most important soiltype in Loudoun, covering about 33 per cent of thetotal area.

The Cecil loam, owing to its rolling character, iswell drained throughout. Many small streams traverseit, affording ample outlets for surface water.The gently rolling areas are not generally subjectto excessive erosion, but the steeper slopes wash badly,deep gullies and ditches being formed on the hillsides.Especially subject to erosion are the areas in whichthe subsoil contains a relatively large proportionof mica fragments. The soil and subsoil, thoughquite loamy, retain enough moisture in seasons ofmoderate rainfall to supply all growing crops.

The Cecil loam is devoted entirely to general farming.The crops grown are corn, wheat, grass, clover, vegetables,apples, and pears. The agricultural interestsare further diversified by the practice of dairyingand stock raising. The land is one of the bestcorn soils of Loudoun, being loamy and easily cultivatedthroughout the growing season. The average yieldper acre ranges from 40 to 60 bushels. Wheatdoes very well, producing from 12 to 20 bushels peracre, and more in favorable seasons. Grass andclover yield at the rate of from 1 to 2 tons of hayper acre and form good grazing during a considerablepart of the year. Apples and pears are growneverywhere on the type, usually in small orchards,and good yields of these fruits are obtained.Oats were at one time grown, and can be produced atthe rate of from 35 to 50 bushels per acre, but thepresent acreage is small, the farmers claiming thatthis crop rapidly reduces the productiveness of thesoil.

Nearly all of the type is in cultivated crops or pasture.The original timber growth was oak, hickory, and walnut;but little of this stands now, except on occasionalwoodlots. The Cecil loam is a soil which withcareful treatment makes a fine farming land; but carelesslymanaged it very quickly deteriorates.

Cecil Clay.

The soil of the Cecil clay consists of a heavy loam,red or brown in color, and having an average depthof 8 inches. The subsoil generally consists ofa red clay, although it is sometimes a heavy clay loam.The surface is generally free from stones, though occasionalsmall areas have a few quartz and granite or schistfragments. In the Piedmont areas small roundeddiabase fragments occur on the surface. Occasionallyon steep slopes or high knobs the soil covering hasbeen washed away, leaving the heavy red clay exposedon the surface. These areas, however, are small.

The type occurs principally in the intermediate valleyof the Catoctin Belt, between the Blue Ridge and theCatoctin Mountain, and on the west slopes of the CatoctinMountain. In the valley it occupies several small,disconnected areas scattered throughout this region,while on the west slope of the mountain it is foundin one of two long, broad areas, extending in a northeastand southwest direction. Three small areas occurnear the southeastern corner of the County, and thetype is here closely related to the Iredell clay loam.

The most typical areas of this soil occur in the PiedmontPlateau and on the gentle slopes at the foot of theBlue Ridge in the vicinity of Bluemont.

This soil type has excellent surface drainage andis well watered and drained throughout by small streams.Few of the slopes are so steep as to wash badly.The heavy clay subsoil retains ample moisture for plantgrowth and the soil is rarely so wet as to necessitatetile draining, although this would undoubtedly bevery beneficial in the case of the heavier phases.

The whole of this soil is under cultivation and itis highly esteemed wherever found, being naturallya strong soil and susceptible of improvement.The original forest growth consisted of oak, hickory,and walnut. The land is easily improved, retentiveof moisture and manure, and with careful managementmakes an excellent soil for general farming.Owing to its tendency to bake, crops are liable tosuffer during drought.

The land produces wheat, corn, grass, clover, apples,and pears. It is a strong wheat soil, and yieldsfrom 15 to 25 bushels per acre and occasionally more.Grass and clover hay yield at the rate of 1-1/2 to2-1/2 tons per acre, while from 40 to 60 bushels ofcorn per acre are usually produced in good seasons.

All things considered, the Cecil clay is best adaptedto the production of wheat and grass. The moreloamy phases are adapted to corn, but the type asa whole is a much better wheat land than corn land.The soil is also well adapted to apples and pears.Bluegrass grows well and makes fine pasturage, andstock raising and dairy farming are other industriesto which the Cecil clay is well suited. Carehas to be used in the cultivation of this soil, forif worked when too wet it dries in large, hard clodsthat give trouble throughout the season and interferewith cultivation for a long time afterwards.

Cecil Silt Loam.

The surface soil of the Cecil silt loam consists of12 inches of a light gray or white silt loam.This material is underlain by a subsoil of yellowsilt loam slightly heavier than the soil. Thetype is locally termed “white land,” andis closely related to the Penn loam and the Iredellclay loam, these types surrounding and grading graduallyinto it. In some areas the soil is quite freefrom stones, while in others from 10 to 30 per centof the soil mass is composed of small rock fragments.

The type occupies several small areas in the Piedmontregion, in the southeastern part of the County.The largest of these areas lies about 2 miles eastof Leesburg, and a considerable part of the type isadjacent to the Potomac River. It occupies high,rolling, ridgy, or hilly lands, and has some rathersteep slopes, though in general the surface is onlygently sloping.

The drainage is good, but wherever the slopes aresteep erosion proceeds rapidly, making gullies andwashed-out places that hinder or entirely preventcultivation. The type is well watered by smallstreams which flow the year round.

Probably one-half of this type is cultivated.The remainder is covered with a growth of scrub oak,pine, and some cedar. The soil is thin and onlyfairly productive, and consequently is not greatlydesired for agriculture. It is very easy to work,but has to be cultivated carefully to avoid washing.The crops raised are corn, wheat, grass, and someapples. Corn yields from 25 to 35 bushels, wheatfrom 12 to 15 bushels, and clover and timothy hay from1 to 2 tons per acre. Small fruits and vegetablesdo well.

Although naturally a thin soil, the Cecil silt loamis fairly well adapted to the production of the cropsjust named. Of the small fruits, peaches, plums,and berries do best. On the whole the type isconsidered much better adapted to wheat than to corn.It is limed and fertilized to a considerable extent,and responds well to such applications.

Cecil Mica Loam.

The Cecil mica loam consists of 12 inches of a friable,micaceous yellow or yellowish red loam, underlainby a yellow or yellowish-red loam, whose mica contentincreases with the depth until at 24 to 30 inchesthe subsoil is little more than a mass of small micaflakes which gives it a loose texture. Occasionallythe subsoil is a clay loam for several inches beforegrading into the unweathered mica particles.

On the surface there is from 5 to 40 per cent of angularquartz fragments, ranging from 1 to 6 inches in diameter,some being much larger.

The Cecil mica loam occurs as one long, narrow strip,occupying the lower, gentle eastern slopes of theCatoctin Mountain. The southern end of the stripbegins a short distance north of Leesburg, and extendsin a northeasterly direction to the Potomac River,opposite Point of Rocks, Md.

The topographic features of the Cecil mica loam consistof gentle and occasionally steep rolling slopes.The surface is well drained and on the steeper slopesthe soil washes badly and deep gullies are formed.In a season of moderate rainfall the soil and subsoilretain considerable moisture, but in dry weather cropssuffer from drought.

No farms are found entirely on the Cecil mica loam,but those farms of the Piedmont, extending up themountain slopes, generally include some of this soil.Such areas are often farmed, but more generally usedas woodlots. Where cultivated the yields arescant, except where the soil is heavily fertilized.Corn yields from 10 to 30 bushels per acre and sometimesmore, and wheat from 6 to 12 bushels per acre.The type is best adapted to forestry, chestnut orcharding,and grape growing.

De Kalb Stony Loam.

The soil of the De Kalb stony loam consists of a yellowor gray sandy loam of coarse texture, having an averagedepth of 12 inches. The subsoil consists of aheavy yellow sandy loam to a depth of 24 inches ormore, where it rests upon a mass of sandstone fragments.These sandstone fragments and bowlders occur in varyingquantities throughout the soil and subsoil. Wherethe fewer stones are found the soil is not so sandy,but a light loam, yellow or brown in color, underlainby a deep yellow loam subsoil.

The De Kalb stony loam is a mountain soil, occurringin long, parallel bands of varying width, extendingin a general northeast and southwest direction, andmainly occupies the crests and slopes of the Blue Ridgeand Short Hill mountains. It also occurs in smallerareas on the crest and east slope of Catoctin Mountain.

On the Blue Ridge and Short Hills the De Kalb stonyloam covers the whole of the mountains, and here thephysiography consists of long, sharp, rock-crestedridges, with steep, rugged slopes and occasional cliffsand huge ledges. There are occasional bencheson the mountain sides, and here there is an accumulationof two or three inches of a black mold, resting onthe broken sandstone fragments, and covered with agrowth of locust, oak, and berry vines.

Owing to the steep and rugged surface of this soil,together with its stony character, superficial drainageis rapid and thorough, the water rushing in torrentsfrom the mountain slopes, while as a result of theloose texture and the large number of stone fragmentsin the soil the water passes rapidly through it, andthere is never an excess of moisture in the soil orsubsoil.

On account of the steep and stony nature of the DeKalb stony loam little of the type can possibly becultivated. The soil is naturally a very thinone, and is not capable of producing fair yields exceptin its less stony phases.

The principal growth on the type is chestnut, oak,and some pine. Probably 95 per cent of the typeis uncultivated, and is valuable only for the timbergrowth it supports. Where cultivated the averageyields per acre are as follows: Corn, from 10to 20 bushels; wheat, from 6 to 10 bushels. Applesand especially peaches do fairly well on the mountainphase where not too stony.

The greater part of the De Kalb stony loam is notadapted to agricultural purposes at all, and it isnot likely that the land will ever be valuable exceptfor forestry. It is locally termed “mountainland,” and is the poorest agricultural soil ofthe County.

Porters Clay.

The Porters clay consists of from 6 to 12 inches ofa brown or reddish-brown loam, underlain by a heavyred loam or clay loam. The type consists of fairlyrough mountain land, and is very stony, having from15 to 60 percent of small and large schist fragmentson the surface, some of which are several feet indiameter. The soil is light and easy to workwherever it is not so stony as to interfere with cultivation.

This soil is a strictly mountain type and not of greatextent. It follows the crest and part of theeast slope of the Blue Ridge Mountains for severalmiles, extending in a northeasterly direction andending at the areas of sandstone formation.

The type is well drained throughout, while the textureof the subsoil is sufficiently heavy to retain considerablemoisture through quite extended dry spells. Thesteeper slopes are uncultivated, and hence are notsubject to erosion.

A considerable proportion of this soil type is undercultivation, especially on the broad mountain top.Those areas not cultivated are covered with a heavygrowth of oak, hickory, locust, and walnut. Cornand wheat can be grown on the type with fair yields,but little of the latter is grown on account of thestony nature of the land. Corn yields from 20to 35 bushels, wheat from 8 to 15 bushels, and grassand clover from 1 to 2 tons per acre. Irish andsweet potatoes give good yields, and fine apples andpeaches are produced. Peaches are liable to winterkill,and the crop is uncertain for this reason. Thistype is peculiarly adapted to fruit growing, and especiallyto the production of apples.


The Meadow of Loudoun is usually a brown silty orsandy loam, with a depth of several feet. Thetype occurs in narrow bands along the larger streams,forming a bottom or low terrace a few feet above themean water level. The nature of the soil dependsgreatly on the surrounding soils, as it is formedfrom sediment of the wash from these types and partakesof their textural characteristics to some extent.

The type, while low and flat, is generally well enoughdrained for cultivation, although this is somewhathindered by overflows; consequently the land is chieflyused for grazing. The soil is alluvial in origin,being built up by successive overflows of the streams.Little of the type is forested. Where cultivatedit is generally used for corn, which yields from 50to 75 bushels an acre. Little wheat is grown,although the soil is capable of producing fair yieldsof this crop. It also produces from 2 to 3 tonsof hay per acre, and affords excellent pasturage.The crops are somewhat uncertain, however, on accountof overflows which sometimes occur after the plantingseason, though in the case of the River the dangerfrom flood is usually past before the time for cornplanting. Where the areas are in grass the floodsusually do little damage. Productiveness is ina great measure maintained by the addition of thesediments left by the overflow waters.


FLORA.—­Records of the days of early settlementpoint to a scarcity and an inferiority of large timberin Loudoun (then Prince William) and contiguous counties.The responsibility for this condition has been tracedto the hunters who frequented this region prior toits settlement and wantonly set fire to the forestsin order to destroy underbrush, the better to securetheir quarries. A comparatively dense and vigorousnew growth followed the discontinuance of this perniciouspractice.

At the present time, after the encroachment of fieldand pasture for nearly two centuries, a large portionof the county’s area is still under forest cover.The stand, in the main, is somewhat above averagesize and quality.

The total value of forest products cut or producedon farms in 1899 was $51,351. This includes onlythe wood, lumber, railroad ties, etc., whichthe farmers cut in connection with their ordinary farmingoperations. The reports of persons making lumberingor wood cutting their principal business are not included.

The trees common to Loudoun are four varieties ofthe white oak, i. e., common, swamp, box, and chestnut-leaved,the latter, however, appearing only along the marginof the Potomac River; black, Spanish, and red oak,chestnut oak, peach or willow oak, pin oak; and inthe eastern parts of the county, black jack, or barrenoak, and dwarf oak, hickory, black and white walnut,white and yellow poplar, chestnut, locust, ash, sycamore,wild cherry, red flowering maple, gum, sassafras,persimmon, dogwood, red and slippery elm, black andwhite mulberry, aspin (rare), beech, birch, linn,honey-locust, sugar maple, sugar nut, yellow and whitepine, hemlock, and red cedar.

Among the smaller trees and shrubs are the white thorn,maple-leaved or Virginia thorn (suitable for hedging),hawthorn, wild May cherry, or service berry, waterbeech, fringe tree, red bud, black alder, common alder,sumach, elder, laurel, witch-hazel, hazel-nut, papaw,chinkapin, burnish bush, nine bark, button-bush, honeysuckle,several varieties of the whortleberry or huckleberry,and wild gooseberry.

A few of the brambles met with are the greenbrier,high blackberry, dewberry, or low blackberry, andraspberry.

A list of the vines and creepers would comprise thefox grape, three varieties; pigeon, or raccoon grape,chicken grape, a wild bitter grape, sarsaparilla,yellow parilla, poison-vine, or poison-oak, clematis,trumpet-flower, and wild potato vine.

The medicinal herbs found in Loudoun are the rattlesnakeroot, Seneca snakeroot (also called Virginia snakeroot),many varieties of mint, liverwort, red-root, May apple,butterfly-weed, milk weed, thorough-stem, trumpet-weed,Indian-physic, lobelia inflata, and lobeliacardinalis, golden-rod, skunk-cabbage, frost-weed,hoar-hound, and catnip.

The injurious plants with which the careful farmermust contend are the wild garlic, tribby weed, dogfennel, two varieties of the common daisy, oxeye daisy,St. John’s wort, blue thistle, common thistle,pigeon-weed, burdock, broad and narrow-leaved dock,poke-weed, clot-bur, three-thorned bur, supposed tohave been introduced from Spain by the Merino sheep,Jamestown or “jimson” weed, sorrel, and,in favorable seasons, a heavy growth of lambs quarterand rag-weed.

Of introduced grasses, Loudoun has red clover, timothy,herd’s-grass, orchard-grass, and Lucerne towhich last little attention is now given. Nativegrasses are the white clover, spear grass, blue grass,fox-tail and crab grass, the two last-named being summeror annual grasses. Several varieties of swampor marsh grass flourish under certain conditions,but soon disappear with proper drainage and tillage.

Although some of the wild flowers of Loudoun meritthe attention of the florist, as a whole they haveno commercial value or significance and, for thisreason, an enumeration of the many varieties has notbeen thought expedient.

FAUNA.—­Wild ducks, geese, and turkeys,pheasants (English and Mongolian), partridges andwoodco*ck are among the game fowls of Loudoun, andeagles, crows, buzzards, owls, and hawks among thepredatory. The usual list of songbirds frequentthis region in great numbers and receive some protectionunder the stringent fish and game laws in force here.

Red and gray foxes, raccoons, opossums, woodchucks,squirrels, hares and smaller animals are quite general.

In pioneer days the county abounded in the largerspecies of game common to the forests of North America.Among these were the beaver and otter, buffalo, deer,wolf, wild-cat, panther, bear, fox, and elk or wapiti(Cervus canadensis), noble herds of which rangedthe mountain sides and valleys of this section.


Good roads, always of immeasurable importance to thefarmer, were early made necessary by the tremendouscrops of marketable products harvested from Loudounlands. Though this need, in time, became imperativethe roads were never hastily and imperfectly constructed;they were built with an eye single to permanence andwith due allowance for generations of unintermittentand augmentative traffic.

These roads yielded their promoters modest dividends,but with the completion in 1832 of the Chesapeakeand Ohio Canal, bordering the county just across thePotomac, transportation to and from Washington (Georgetown)and Alexandria was materially cheapened and the earningsof the turnpike companies suffered a correspondingdecrease, the income, in many cases, being barelysufficient to defray the expense of maintenance.Tolls are now collected at only two points, in theCounty.

[Footnote 13: No apology is offered for the omissionof vital statistics that might and would have beenincluded in this department had earnest appeals addressedto State officers and the State Corporation Commissionmet with more courteous and, I might add, dutifulconsideration. Not the least assistance was vouchsafedby any of them.—­THE AUTHOR.]

The turnpike craze spread to Loudoun not long afterthe War of Independence and culminated about fortyyears later. It wrought a revolution in publictravel, relatively nearly as great as that broughtabout by the railway craze in more recent years.The corporate names of some of the roads constructedthrough Loudoun before its subsidence were, the GooseCreek and Little River Turnpike, Loudoun and Berlin(now Brunswick, Md.) Turnpike, Ashby’s Gap Turnpike,Leesburg Turnpike, Leesburg and Snicker’s GapTurnpike, Little River Turnpike and Snicker’sGap Turnpike. Their combined authorized capitalstock was $637,325, of which amount more than two-thirdswas subscribed by individuals, the State assumingthe balance.

The system did not originate solely in a local wantor demand along the lines contemplated. Othercauses were also at the bottom of the movement.The settlement of the County was necessarily by progressivethough, at times, apparently simultaneous steps.First came the settlement and location of one or twotowns, and the opening of communication between them;then the advent of the trapper, hunter, and scoutinto the unsettled portion; then came the land grantsand the settlement in isolated localities; then theblazed trail to the parent towns and to the cabinof the pioneer or the outposts; then the drift-ways,cart-ways, and the local roads winding from cabin tocabin; then the town-ways and county roads, with hereand there the “provincial” highways.

Today, the public roads and turnpikes of Loudoun areunquestionably better than those of most countiesand, in obedience to a popular demand, are kept ina fair state of repair. One or two of the main-traveledthoroughfares would compare favorably with the bestrural roads in the country.

Long before the Civil War, Little River was renderednavigable from its mouth to Aldie by means of a lockand dam system, this and more far-reaching improvementshaving been undertaken by the “Goose Creek andLittle River Navigation Company” capitalizedat $100,000. The dams were destroyed by Federalinvaders and never reconstructed.

Loudoun is traversed by the Washington and Ohio Divisionof the Southern Railway, which penetrates the Countycentrally from east to west and furnishes an outletfor her immense shipments of cattle, grain and miscellaneousproducts. No less than twelve stopping pointsare recognized within her limits, at all but threeof which commodious stations have been erected.

The original purpose of the promoters was to extendthis road to the coal-fields of Hampshire County,West Virginia (then in Virginia). The name underwhich it was incorporated was the “Alexandria,Loudoun and Hampshire Railroad.” Duringthe Civil War its bridges and tracks were destroyedby order of General Lee and for some years afterwardLoudoun was without adequate railway communicationwith the outside world.

The cost of construction between Alexandria and Leesburg,the first division of the work, was $1,538,744.The line, many years afterward, was extended to RoundHill and still later to Bluemont, at present the Westernmostterminal. Stages, affording communication withWinchester and intermediate towns of the ShenandoahValley, are operated from this point and between Leesburgand Middleburg and Point of Rocks. Liveries areconducted in all the important towns.

The northern edge of the County is in easy communicationwith the main line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroadand the Chesapeake and Ohio canal just across thePotomac.

Large steel bridges, spanning the Potomac at HarpersFerry, Brunswick and Point of Rocks, afford convenientingress into West Virginia, Maryland and the not far-distantstate of Pennsylvania.

Further communication with the north is made possibleby a ferry (White’s) in constant operation betweenLoudoun and the Maryland shore.



Leesburg, a fine old town, the county-seat of Loudoun,lies at the eastern base of Catoctin Mountain, 2-1/2miles from the Potomac River at Balls Bluff, and 3-7/8miles west of Goose Creek. It is in the northernpart of the County, 40 miles northwest of Washington,153 miles in a like direction from Richmond, the Statecapital, within a few miles of the picturesque BlueRidge Mountains and the celebrated Valley of Virginia,12 miles from Point of Rocks, Md., and about 22 milesfrom historic Harpers Ferry, W. Va. It occupiesa high and healthy plain, the environs of which arewaving and well cultivated and delightfully variegatedby hill and dale.

The town derives its name from the Lees, who wereamong the early settlers of the County, and was establishedby act of the General Assembly, in September, 1758,in the thirty-second year of the reign of George II.Nicholas Minor, who owned sixty acres of land aboutthe court-house, had subdivided this tract and someof the lots had been built upon prior to the passageof the act. This instrument constituted “theHon. Philip Ludwell Lee, Esq., Thomas Mason, Esq.,Francis Lightfoot Lee (father of ‘Light HorseHarry’ of subsequent Revolutionary fame), JamesHamilton, Nicholas Minor, Josias Clapham, AEneas Campbell,John Hugh, Francis Hague, and William West, gentlemen,”trustees for the newly established town. Priorto its establishment it had borne the name Georgetown,bestowed in honor of the then reigning English monarch.

[14]"In its birth and infancy the town was destinedto win renown, for it was first founded as a fortor outpost of the then struggling colony of Virginia,as its narrow streets and close, little red brickhouses still testify, and for many years was the mostwesterly post of the colony. At one time theentire town was enclosed by stockades....”

“Following its establishment the little fortbecame the principal outfitting post for the Britishand colonial forces in the French and Indian war.Tradition still fondly points to the stone house, famousas the headquarters of General Braddock, who, it isclaimed, passed through the place on his last fatalmarch to the wilderness; but in the light of thoroughinvestigation this claim is found to be unsubstantiated.While a division of his army, under command of theeccentric old Sir Peter Halkett, did undoubtedly spendthe night at the plantation of Nicholas Minor, theprincipal founder of the town, General Braddock isfound to have gone in another direction.”

[Footnote 14: Mrs. A. H. Throckmorton in theRichmond Times.]

Leesburg is governed by a mayor and common counciland had at the time of the last government census(1900) a population of 1,513. An unusual percentageof its people are well educated, and all proverbiallyhospitable.

The houses, many of which are of brick and stone construction,are built in a compact and substantial manner.In the town and its environs are many of the mostpalatial residences to be seen in Virginia. Thereare several well-kept public roads leading from thetown to the surrounding country seats and stock farms,nearly all of which are modernized reminders of theold plantation days.

With an elevation less than most points in the County,Leesburg, nevertheless, shares with them the distinctionof being unsurpassed for healthfulness and picturesquenessof surroundings.

Crossing at right angles, its streets are regularand spacious and lighted by electricity. Manyof its dwellings and business houses are also equippedwith electric lighting facilities, power for whichis generated at a plant located near Belmont, on GooseCreek, and controlled by Leesburg capitalists.In almost every quarter of the town are brick andgranolithic sidewalks, fringed with the usual varietiesof shade trees.

Some of the municipal advantages not already enumeratedare a sewerage system, a fire department, a publiclibrary, police protection and a thoroughly modernsystem of water-works of a capacity sufficient tosupply the entire corporation with absolutely purewater from a noted spring issuing near the base ofCatoctin Mountain.

Some of the public buildings are a town hall, oneof the largest brick edifices in Northern Virginia;a comparatively new court-house and a clerk’soffice,[15] both venerable structures with imposingfacades lending them an exquisite air of Colonialism,the two liberally disposed over a fenced area withsloping lawns and umbrageous shade; a brick jail (County)containing eight steel cells, commodious residentialquarters for the jailer and his family and having,as an humanitarian feature, a sunny court with toweringwalls; a remodelled brick academy and a colored school,both comprising primary, intermediate, and high schooldivisions, and provided with ample educational facilitiesand extensive playgrounds.

[Footnote 15: Prior to 1873, the Leesburg Academy.]

The town has 7 churches representing all the leadingdenominations, a Young Men’s Christian Associationbranch, 5 fraternal orders and a weekly newspaper.Eight trains arrive at and depart from Leesburg daily.

Among the local enterprises are two handsome bankinghouses (the “Loudoun National Bank” and“Peoples National Bank"), 2 large hotels affordingaccommodations for 130 guests, several boarding houses,stores handling every class and grade of merchandise,an artificial ice plant with a daily capacity of 5tons, a large race course on the outskirts of thetown where are held annually a horse show, races andother like events, a confectionery and bakery, an icecream factory, a pop factory, two harness factories,a lumber and planing mill, 2 private schools, 3 cobblers’establishments, 2 livery stables, 3 blacksmith shops,2 furniture houses, 2 undertaking establishments, 2grain elevators, a lime quarry, 3 wheelwright shops,2 tinning establishments, a concrete constructionplant, monument works, wood and coal yard, StandardOil Company’s branch and packing house.

Leesburg probably has more than the usual number ofresident physicians, lawyers, and mechanics to befound in towns of a corresponding size.

Round Hill.

Round Hill, a thriving railway town in the westernpart of the County, lies 3 miles east of Bluemont,3 miles west of Purcellville, and 53 miles from thecity of Washington. It is the second largest townin Loudoun, has an elevation of about 600 feet abovemean tide and is in the midst of a rich farming regionabounding with streams of pure water from mountainwater-courses. The town’s name is derivedfrom a conical hill projecting from the base of theBlue Ridge Mountains, 2 miles away. It has apopulation of 450, 20 of which number are merchantsand mechanics, and a newly established bank.


Waterford, a thriving Quaker settlement, is situatedon Catoctin Creek in the northern part of the County,6 miles south of Taylorstown, 7 miles northwest ofLeesburg, 47 miles in a like direction from Washingtonand 159 miles north of Richmond. It was namedafter the town of Waterford, in Ireland, where someof its founders had formerly resided. The firsthouse within the town limits was built by one AsaMoore, and remains standing at the present day.In common with the other towns and villages of thefamous Loudoun Valley, Waterford is noted for itsnumerous and inexhaustible wells of the purest andbest water, bracing air and low mortality rate.It has 383 inhabitants, 14 of whom are merchants andmechanics.


Hamilton, one of the prettiest towns in the County,is spread over a considerable area and occupies oneof the highest points in the beautiful Loudoun Valley.It is about 46 miles by rail from Washington, 3 milesfrom Purcellville and only a few miles from both theCatoctin and Blue Ridge mountains, walling the valleyto the east and west, and is the center of a groupof seven towns and villages within a radius of 5 miles.It has 364 inhabitants, of which number 18 are merchantsand mechanics.


Purcellville, in the western part of the County withan approximate elevation of 500 feet, is about 50miles from Washington, 3 miles from both Round Hilland Hamilton, and 2-1/2 miles from Lincoln. Itis delightfully situated in the center of one of thefinest agricultural districts in the Loudoun Valleyand has a population of 300, 17 merchants and mechanicsand a national bank.


Middleburg, situated on Goose Creek in the southwesternpart of Loudoun, is 12 miles from the summit of theBlue Ridge at Ashby’s Gap, 5 miles west of Aldie,1/4 of a mile from the Fauquier line, and 16 milesby stage from Leesburg, the seat of government.It is a growing and prosperous community, elevatedand airy and overlooking a broad expanse of rich territory.Fourteen of its 296 inhabitants are merchants andmechanics.


Ashburn, a railway town in lower Loudoun, formerlyknown as Farmwell, is 34 miles from Washington,31 miles from Alexandria, 4 miles northwest of Sterling,and 6 miles from Leesburg. It is in the heartof one of the richest and most extensive dairying sectionsof the State, and has become somewhat famous as aresort for anglers, the bass fishing in Goose Creek,near by, being eminently satisfying and attractingmany devotees of the sport from Washington and othermore distant points.


Bluemont, formerly known as Snickersville,is an attractive village, snugly and advantageouslysituated at the southeastern base of the Blue RidgeMountains, about 3 miles from Round Hill, 54 milesby rail from Washington, and 165 miles from Richmond.It is on the western edge of the most densely populatedsection of Loudoun, and boasts modern hotels and boardinghouses, two liveries, a grain elevator, and many handsomedwellings. Two turnpikes, leading from Washingtonand Alexandria to Winchester, intersect at this point.Bluemont is a popular summer resort, and lies withina very short distance of both the “Bears’Den” and “Raven Rocks,” jutting pointson the western slope of the Blue Ridge, from whichmagnificent views may be had of the Shenandoah valleyand river and the Alleghany and North mountains.The town has a population of 200, 14 of which numberare merchants and mechanics.

Smaller Towns.

Other towns, post villages and settlements in theCounty are: Airmont, 2-1/2 miles fromBluemont, population 25; Aldie, on Little River,5 miles from both Middleburg and Oatlands and 12 milesfrom Leesburg, the County seat, population 155, 7 merchantsand mechanics; Arcola, 6 miles from Sterlingand 12 miles from Leesburg, population 100, 4 merchantsand mechanics; Belmont Park, a small railwaystation on the east bank of Goose Creek about 4 mileseast of Leesburg, formerly a picturesque resort andpopular excursion point managed by the old Richmondand Danville Railroad Company, attracting, duringthe few years of its operation, many thousands of visitors;Bloomfield, 7 miles from Round Hill, population50; Britain, 8 miles from Purcellville, population15; Clarkes Gap, one of the highest and healthiestpoints in the County and an important shipping point,draining a large extent of fertile country, 4 mileswest of Leesburg, population 25; Conklin, 10miles from Sterling, population 10; Daysville,2 miles from Sterling, population 20; Elvan,1 mile from Lovettsville, population 18; EvergreenMills, 7 miles from Leesburg, population 10; GeorgesMill, in the extreme northwestern part of theCounty; Hillsboro, 5 miles by stage from Purcellville,population 131, 9 merchants and mechanics; Hughesville,7 miles from Leesburg, population 12; Irene,on the Southern Railway one mile from Hamilton and

the railroad station for that town, population 20;Leithton, 8 miles from Purcellville and RoundHill, population 25; Lenah, 3 miles west ofArcola, population 25; Levy, on Bull Run, 3miles south of Aldie; Lincoln, 2-1/2 miles southeastof Purcellville, in the heart of the “QuakerSettlement,” population 200, 3 merchants andmechanics; Lovettsville, 2-1/2 or 3 miles southof Brunswick, Md., and 7 miles from both Waterfordand Harpers Ferry, W. Va., in an industrious and progressiveGerman neighborhood, population 97, 16 merchants andmechanics; Luckets, 5 miles from Point of Rocks,Maryland, and 7 miles from Leesburg, population 50,8 merchants and mechanics; Lunette, 4 milessouth of Arcola, population 10; Mahala, 2 milesfrom Ashburn, population 15; Mechanicsville;Mountain Gap, 4-1/2 miles by stage from Leesburg,population 25; Mount Gilead, a centrally andcharmingly situated village on Catoctin Mountain about8 miles respectively from the towns of Leesburg, Middleburgand Aldie, population 50; Mountville, a smallsettlement in a neighborhood abounding with best qualitylime and other minerals, 2-1/2 miles southeast ofPhilomont and about 1-1/2 miles from both the watersof Goose Creek and Beaver Dam, population 25; Morrisonville,6 miles by stage from Brunswick, Maryland, and 4 milesfrom Lovettsville, population 20; Neersville,5 miles by stage from Harpers Ferry, W. Va., population25; North Fork, 6 miles from Purcellville,population 26; Oatlands, bordering on CatoctinMountain 7 miles southwest of Leesburg and 5 milesnorth of Aldie, population 20; Paeonian Springs,1 mile northwest of Clarke’s Gap, population112, 6 merchants and mechanics; Paxson, an exceptionallyhealthy community 2 miles east of Bluemont, population15; Philomont, a Quaker settlement lying 3miles southeast of Silcott Springs in a fertile andwealthy wheat-growing neighborhood, population 161;Royville, 2 miles north of Arcola; Ryan,2 miles south of Ashburn, population 50; SilcottSprings, a one-time noted resort 3-1/2 miles southwestof Purcellville, population 25; Sycoline, between4 and 5 miles south of Leesburg; Stumptown,2 miles from Luckets, population 20; Taylorstown,3 miles southwest of Point of Rocks, Md., population50; Trapp, 5 miles from Bluemont, population36; Unison, 6 miles from Bluemont and 9 milesfrom Purcellville, population 100, 3 merchants andmechanics; Watson, 9 miles from Leesburg, population10; Waxpool, 2-1/2 miles north of Royville and8 miles from Leesburg, population 25; Welbourne,about 5 miles northeast of Upperville, in Fauquiercounty; Wheatland, 5 miles from both Hamiltonand Purcellville, population 25; Willard, 5miles southwest of Herndon, in Fairfax county, andWoodburn, 3 miles from Leesburg, population15. [Blank Page]



The area of Loudoun County is variously reckoned at460, 468, 495, 504, 510, 519, 520, and 525 squaremiles. The approximate accuracy of any singleestimate in this confused assortment can not easilybe determined, none, so far as is known, having beenofficially confirmed. Yardley Taylor, who, in1853, made a most careful survey of the County, fixedits area at 525 square miles. By far the mosttrustworthy authority in this and certain other connections,his findings have been adopted with little uncertaintyor hesitation.

Of this number, 207 square miles lie east of CatoctinMountain and are of the upper secondary formation,while the remaining 318 square miles to the westwardare of primitive formation.

The longest line across the County is 35 miles, andextends from the lower end of Lowe’s Islandat the old mouth of Sugarland Run, to the summit ofthe Blue Ridge at Ashby’s Gap; the second longest,34 miles, extends from the corner of Jefferson County,West Virginia, at the margin of the Potomac Riverbelow Harpers Ferry, to the corner of Fairfax Countyon Bull Run, within half a mile of Sudley Springs inPrince William County.

Within the limits of Loudoun are included 313,902[16]acres of the finest farm land to be found in any countyof the State. The farms number 1,948, the averagesize being 162 acres. They are smallest in thenorthwestern portion of the county and of moderatesize in the central portions, the largest occurringin the southern and eastern portions. In 1900,1,754, or 90 per cent, were operated by white farmers,and 194, or 10 per cent, operated by colored farmers.

[Footnote 16: It will be understood that thetotal land in farms by no means equals the total areaof the County.]

TABLE I.—­Summary by Decades of the Improvedand Unimproved Land in Farms, with per cent of Increaseand Decrease.

----------------------| Acres of Land in Farms. | Per cent of Increase.|---------+-----------+-------------+---------+----------+--
----------Census | | | | Total | Improved | UnimprovedYear. | Total. | Improved. | Unimproved. | Land. | Land. | Land.-------+---------+-----------+-------------+---------+------
----+------------1900 | 313,902 | 251,874 | 62,028 | 6.4 | 6.9 | 4.81890 | 294,896 | 235,703 | 59,193 | [*]1.3 | 1.4 | [*]11.1880 | 298,869 | 232,391 | 66,478 | 8.2 | 15.1 | [*]10.71870 | 276,291 | 201,888 | 74,403 | [*]6.7 | [*]8.3 | [*] 1.91860 | 296,142 | 220,266 | 75,876 | .5 | 5.7 | [*] 1.21850 | 294,675 | 208,454 | 86,221 | — | — | —-------+---------+-----------+-------------+---------+------

[* — Decrease.]

The most striking fact to be noted concerning thereported farm areas is the comparatively great decreasein the decade 1860 to 1870. This was, of course,one of the disastrous effects of the Civil War, fromwhich the South, in general, after more than forty-fiveyears, has not yet fully recovered, as is shown bythe fact that in some of the South Atlantic statesthe reported acreage of farm land in 1900 was lessthan it was in 1860.

A continuous increase is shown in the area of improvedfarm land except in the decade 1860-1870. Thedecrease in the amount under cultivation, reportedin the census of 1870, was due to conditions growingout of the change in the system of labor which preventeda complete rehabilitation of agricultural industry.

Only three other of the 100 Virginia counties reportedlarger improved areas in 1900, viz: Fauquier,291,734 acres; Pittsylvania, 280,456 and Augusta,276,459.

TABLE II.—­Number of Farms by Decades:Summary, 1850 to 1900.

1900 1,9481890 1,8181880 1,8411870 1,2381860 1,2071850 1,256

Comparison of the number of farms reported in 1850with the number at the last census shows an additionin fifty years of 692 farms.

The great increase between 1870 and 1880 is seen ata glance. During this period the large plantationswere steadily undergoing partition, in consequenceof the social and industrial changes in progress afterthe Civil War.

TABLE III.—­Farms Classified by Area—­1900.

Under 3 acres 223 and under 10 acres 15510 and under 20 acres 17120 and under 50 acres 24650 and under 100 acres 264100 and under 175 acres 396175 and under 260 acres 324260 and under 500 acres 274500 and under 1,000 acres 881,000 acres and over 8

TABLE IV.—­Number of Farms of SpecifiedTenures, June 1, 1900.

Owners 1,116
Part owners 173
Owners and tenants 18
Managers 48
Cash tenants 232
Share tenants 361
Total 1,948


The persistent high price of Loudoun lands has discouragedincrease of population by immigration. Indeed,in more than eighty-five years, except for the slightfluctuations of certain decades, there has been noincrease through any medium.

The last census (1900) fixed Loudoun’s populationat 21,948, of which number 16,079 were whites, 5,869negroes, and the remaining 101 foreign born.This aggregate is even less than that shown by thecensus of 1820, which gave the county a populationof 22,702, or 754 more than in 1900.

The succeeding schedules, giving complete statisticsof population for Loudoun County by the latest andhighest authority, were taken from United States Censusreports, collected in 1900 and published in 1902.

Population, Dwellings, and Families:

1900. Private Families.Population 21,948 Number 4,195Dwellings 4,157 Population 21,690Families 4,231 Average size 5.2

Private Families Occupying Owned and Hired andFree and Encumbered Homes, 1900.

Total private families 4,195

Farm Homes Owned. Other Homes Owned.
Free 959 Free 622
Encumbered 257 Encumbered 147
Unknown 120 Unknown 81
Hired 648 Hired 1,169
Unknown 7 Unknown 185
----- -----
Total 1,991 Total 2,204

Native and Foreign Born and White and Colored Population,Classified by Sex, 1900.

Native born. Native White—­Foreign Parents.Male 10,634 Male 114Female 11,213 Female 121
Foreign born. Foreign White.Male 59 Male 58Female 42 Female 42
Native White—­Native Parents. Total Colored.Male 7,583 Male 2,938Female 8,161 Female 2,931

In 1860, one year before the outbreak of the CivilWar, the County held within its boundaries 21,774souls: 15,021 white, 5,501 slave, and 1,252 freecolored. In number of slaves at this period Loudounranked thirty-sixth in the list of Virginia countieswhich then also included the counties now in WestVirginia. This number was distributed amongst670 slave-holders in the following proportions:

1 slave 1242 slaves 843 slaves 614 slaves 835 slaves 466 slaves 397 slaves 358 slaves 279 slaves 2210 and under 15 slaves 8015 and under 20 slaves 3620 and under 30 slaves 2330 and under 40 slaves 440 and under 50 slaves 450 and under 70 slaves 1100 and under 200 slaves 1

The following table gives the population of LoudounCounty decennially, from and including the first officialcensus of 1790:

1900 21,9481890 23,2741880 23,6341870 20,9291860 21,7741850 22,0791840 20,4311830 21,9391820 22,7021810 21,3381800 20,5231790 18,952

The reports of population by magisterial districtsgiven below, with a single exception, show an appreciabledecrease between the years 1890 and 1900:

----------------------+-------+-------| 1900. | 1890.----------------------+-------+-------Broad Run district | 3,309 | 3,463Jefferson district | 3,106 | 3,307Leesburg district | 4,299 | 4,246Lovettsville district | 3,104 | 3,210Mercer district | 4,010 | 4,570Mt. Gilead district | 4,120 | 4,478----------------------+-------+-------

The following incorporated towns for the same periodare charged with a corresponding decrease in the numberof their inhabitants:

-------------+-------+-------| 1900. | 1890.-------------+-------+-------Hamilton | 364 | 407Hillsboro | 131 | 156Leesburg | 1,513 | 1,650Lovettsville | 97 |Middleburg | 296 | 429Waterford | 383 | 385-------------+-------+-------

These circ*mstances of fluctuation and actual decreasemight appear singular if it could not be shown thatpractically the same conditions obtain elsewhere inthe State and Union, or wherever agriculture is thedominant industry. Especially is this true ofthe counties of Clarke, Fauquier, Prince William,and Fairfax, in Virginia, and Jefferson, in West Virginia.All these farming communities adjoin Loudoun and exhibitwhat might be called corresponding fluctuations ofpopulation between the above-named periods.

A decrease then in the population of any of thesedistricts is obviously due, in a large measure, tothe partial or total failure of the crops which causesthe migration of a portion of the population to largecities or other parts of the country. If the failureoccurs immediately preceding a census, the decreaseshown will, of course, be large.

As another contributing cause, it can be positivelystated that the disfavor in which agriculture is heldby the young men of Loudoun, who seek less arduousand more lucrative employment in the great cities ofthe East, is, in part, responsible, if not for thedepletion, certainly for the stagnation of the county’spopulation.

The white population of Loudoun County in 1880, 1890,and 1900 was as follows:

Census. Population.

1880 16,3911890 16,696—­305 increase.1900 16,079—­617 decrease.

The negro population of Loudoun County for the sameperiods was:

Census. Population.

1880 7,2431890 6,578—­665 decrease.1900 5,869—­709 decrease.

The figures show that the negro population has steadilydecreased, while the white population increased from1880 to 1890, and decreased from 1890 to 1900.The proportion of decrease for the negroes was muchgreater than for the whites. As the occupationsof the negroes are almost entirely farming and domesticservices, crop failures necessarily cause migrationto other localities, and as Washington and Baltimoreare not far distant and offer higher wages and sometimesmore attractive occupations, there can be no doubtthat the decrease is principally due to the migrationto those cities.


Agriculture, in many of its important branches, isby far Loudoun’s leading industry, and is beingannually benefited by the application of new methodsin cultivation and harvesting. The farmers arethrifty and happy and many of them prosperous.

During the Civil War agriculture received a seriousset-back, as the County was devastated by the contendingarmies, but by hard work and intelligent managementof the people the section has again been put upona prosperous footing.

The agricultural methods in use throughout the Countyare very uniform, notwithstanding the fact that thereare a comparatively large number of soil types inthe area.

A system of general farming, with few variations,is practiced, although some of the soils are muchbetter adapted to the purpose than are other soilsof the area. The system of rotation practicedconsists of drilling in wheat and timothy seed togetheron the corn stubble in the fall, and sowing cloverin the following spring. The wheat is harvestedin the early summer, leaving the timothy and clover,which, after obtaining a good growth, is grazed orcut the next year for hay. This land is thenplowed, and the following spring corn is planted, tobe followed by wheat again the next fall, thus completingthe rotation.

Loudoun’s gently sweeping hills and broad valleyssupport great herds of cattle and flocks of sheep,and yield immense crops of corn, wheat, oats, andother cereals. More corn is produced and probablymore live stock marketed by Loudoun than by any otherof the 100 counties of Virginia.

The wheat is either sold for shipment or ground intoflour by the many mills of the County, which mainlysupply the home demand. The surplus is shippedchiefly to Washington and Baltimore. The majorportion of the corn is used locally for feeding beefcattle, dairy stock, and work animals. Hay isshipped in large quantities and the rye, oats, andbuckwheat are mostly consumed at home. Considerablepork is fattened in the County and many hundred headof cattle are annually grazed to supply the Washingtonand Baltimore markets.

A Government statistician was responsible for thefollowing statement, based, no doubt, on the creditableshowing made by Loudoun in the census of 1880:“Taken as a whole, probably the best farmingin the State is now done in this (Loudoun) County.”Of Virginia counties, it stood, at that time, firstin the production of corn, butter, eggs, and wool,and in numbers of milch cows and sheep, and secondonly to Fauquier in the number of its stock cattle.

The breeding of superior stock and horses is an importantbranch of the County’s agricultural activities.A contributor to Country Life in America, inan article entitled “Country Life in LoudounCounty,” says of it: “And the raisingof animals is here not the fad of men of wealth whowould play at country life. It is a serious business,productive of actual profit and a deep-seated satisfactionas continuous and well grounded as I have ever seentaken by men in their vocation.”

The wealthier class of citizens of course specialize,each according to his personal choice. One, with1,500 acres, all told, does a large dairying businessand raises registered Dorset horn sheep, large whiteYorkshire swine, registered Guernsey cattle, and Percheronhorses. Another, with a like acreage, specializesin hackneys. A third, on his 300 or more acres,raises thoroughbreds and Irish hunters. A fourth,with 1,000 acres, fattens cattle for market and breedsPercheron horses, thoroughbreds, hackneys, and cattle.A fifth, owning several thousand acres, fattens cattlefor export. A half dozen others, on farms rangingfrom 200 to 1,000 acres, raise thoroughbreds or draftanimals. These are the specialties; on all thefarms mentioned the owners have their secondary interests.

Some of the farmers whose capital will not permitthe purchasing of high-priced breeding stock, havelong been engaged in the business of finishing cattlefor the market, animals being shipped from Tennessee,West Virginia, and elsewhere to be fattened on thewonderful grasses of Loudoun County. These steersare pastured from several months to two years, oraccording to their condition and the rapidity withwhich they fatten.

Sheep are to be found on most every large farm andare kept for both wool and mutton. Buyers visitthese farms early in the winter and contract to takethe lambs at a certain time in the spring, paying aprice based on their live weight. When far enoughadvanced they are collected and shipped to easternmarkets.

The rapid growth of near-by cities and the developmentof transportation facilities have exerted a greatinfluence in the progress of the dairy industry inLoudoun County, increasing the demand for dairy produce,making possible the delivery of such produce in saidcities at a profit to the farmer, and thereby inducingmany to adopt dairy farming as a specialty insteadof following it as incidental to general agriculture.

The dairy cows in Loudoun, June 1, 1900, numbered8,563, of which 7,882, or 92 per cent were on farms,and 681, or 8 per cent, were in barns and enclosureselsewhere.

If the number of dairy cows, June 1, 1900, be takenas a basis, the five most important Virginia countiesarranged in order of rank are as follows: Loudoun,8,563; Augusta, 7,898; Rockingham, 7,312; Bedford,6,951; and Washington, 6,792.

If prime consideration be given to the gallons ofmilk produced on farms only in 1899, the countiesrank in the following order: Loudoun,3,736,382; Fairfax, 3,310,990; Bedford, 3,244,800;Rockingham, 3,141,906; and Augusta, 2,993,928.

If greatest weight be given to the farm value of dairyproduce, the order is as follows: Fairfax, $301,007;Henrico, $247,428; Loudoun, $242,221; Pittsylvania,$200,174, and Bedford, $194,560.

From every point of view but the last, Loudoun rankedas the leading dairy county of Virginia. Therelative rank of other near competitors varied accordingto the basis of arrangement. The value of dairyproduce is materially influenced by nearness to marketsand also by the average production per farm, and thesefactors assisted in modifying the rank of Loudounwith reference to farm values of dairy produce.

The good prices obtained for apples during recentyears have led some to plant this fruit on a largerscale than heretofore, and the result is so far quitegratifying. Apples do well on most of the soilsof Loudoun. The best are sold to buyers who shipto large markets. The poorer qualities are keptfor home consumption, used for cider and fed to hogs.Pears are grown in small quantities throughout theCounty. Peaches do well on most of the soils,but yield irregularly on account of frosts. Allindigenous vegetables succeed well, but are mostlygrown for home consumption, market gardens being conspicuouslyscarce.

Hosts of summer boarders give to Loudoun a large transientpopulation requiring for its accommodation numeroushotels and countless boarding houses. This tradebrings considerable money into the County and is afactor in its prosperity not to be ignored.

Scattered over Loudoun may be found great numbersof small industries, many of them employing steam,water, or motor power. These comprise grist mills,grain elevators, quarries, canneries, packing houses,saw mills, an artificial ice plant, and miscellaneousenterprises. Though comparatively insignificanttaken singly, viewed collectively they show an aggregateof energy and thrift wholly commendable.

Several of Loudoun’s more important enterpriseswere launched subsequent to the last general censusand this circ*mstance renders its reports of manufactures,at no time complete or entirely reliable, of uncertainvalue as a symposium of the County’s manufacturinginterests at the present time. However, they arethe latest reports obtainable and constitute the onlyofficial statistical exhibit of this subordinate sourceof wealth. They afford at least a partial insightinto the present status of the manufacturing interestsof Loudoun and, to this end, are reprinted below:

Number of establishments 164
Number of proprietors and firm members 197

Capital: Expenses:
Land $25,957 Fueland rent of power
Buildings 79,350 andheat $8,811
Machinery, etc 104,402 Miscellaneous 12,935
Cash and sundries 141,548 Costof materials used 424,538
-------- --------
Total $351,257 Total $446,284

Value of products $638,136


The tables appearing under this and the two succeedingkindred headings were constructed from the latestgeneral census reports, and are a most complete andtrustworthy statistical exhibit of the agriculturalresources and products of Loudoun County. TABLEI.—­Value of all farm property, includingimplements and machinery and live stock, with increaseand decrease, and per cent of increase and decrease,by decades: Summary 1850 to 1900.

-+------------Census | Value of | Increase in | Per cent | Averageyear. | all farm | decade. | of | value per| property. | | increase. | farm.--------+----------------+-----------------+------------+---
---------1900 | $11,056,109 00 | $971,459 00 | 9.6 | $5,675 621890 | 10,084,650 00 | [#]729,731 00 | [#]6.7 | 5,547 111880 | 10,814,381 00 | [#]1,437,636 00 | [#]11.7 | 5,874 191870[##]| 12,252,017 00 | 323,187 00 | 2.7 | 9,896 621860 | 11,928,830 00 | 2,446,073 00 | 25.7 | 9,883 041850 | 9,482,757 00 | | | 7,549 97--------+----------------+-----------------+------------+------------

[##: Values in gold.]

[#: Decrease.]

An especially great increase in the total value offarm property will be noted in the decade from 1850to 1860. Then followed the Civil War with itsgreat destruction of farm property, and from this disasterthe County did not fully recover before 1890.

The average value per acre of all farm property inLoudoun increased from $32.18 in 1850 to $35.22 in1890.

TABLE II.—­Value of farms with improvements,including buildings, with increase and per cent ofincrease, by decades: Summary 1850 to 1900.

-+------------+---------Census | Value of | Increase in | Per cent | Average | Averageyear. | farms. | decade. | of | value per | value| | | increase. | farm. |per Acre.--------+----------------+-----------------+------------+---
---------+---------1900 | $9,138,560 00 | $518,830 00 | 6.0 | $4,691 25 | $29 111890 | 8,619,730 00 | [#]911,524 00 | [#]9.6 | 4,741 33 | 29 231880 | 9,531,254 00 | [#]1,345,752 00 | [#]12.4 | 5,177 22 | 31 891870[##]| 10,877,006 00 | 368,795 00 | 3.5 | 8,785 95 | 39 371860 | 10,508,211 00 | 2,158,840 00 | 25.9 | 8,706 06 | 35 481850 | 8,349,371 00 | | | 6,647 59 | 28 33--------+----------------+-----------------+------------+---

[##: Values in gold.]

[#: Decrease.]

In 1900 there were only two counties of Virginia withhigher farm values than Loudoun. They were Rockingham,with $11,984,440, and Augusta, with $11,464,120.

TABLE III.—­Value of land and buildings,with the per cent of the total represented by thevalue of buildings, June 1, 1900.

Land and improvements (except buildings) $6,649,69000
Buildings 2,488,87000

Total $9,138,560 00
Per cent in buildings 37.4

TABLE IV.—­Number of farms and numberand per cent of those with buildings, June 1, 1900,with average values of land and buildings.

Number of farms:
Total 1,948
With buildings 1,933
Per cent with buildings 99.2
Average value of—­
Land, per farm $3,414 00
Land, per acre 21 18
Buildings, per farm 1,278 00
Buildings, per farm with buildings 1,288 00

TABLE V.—­Total and average value perfarm of farm implements and machinery, with increaseand decrease and per cent of increase and decreasein the total value, by decades: Summary 1850 to1900.

----------| Value of farm | | || implements | Increase | Per cent | AverageCensus | and | by | of | value peryear. | machinery. | decade. | increase. | farm.--------+---------------+--------------+-------------+------
-----1900 | $295,910 00 | $103,000 00 | 53.4 | $151 901890 | 192,910 00 | 9,683 00 | 5.3 | 106 111880 | 183,227 00 | [#]23,473 00 | [#]11.4 | 99 531870[##]| 206,700 00 | [#]31,564 00 | [#]13.2 | 166 961860 | 238,264 00 | 42,470 00 | 21.7 | 197 401850 | 195,794 00 | | | 155 89--------+---------------+--------------+-------------+------

[##: Values in gold.]

[#: Decrease.]

The percentage of increase was least for the decade1880 to 1890. After 1870 the farmers did not,until 1900, report as large investments in machineryas they did prior to the war.

Only two other Virginia counties reported higher valuesof farming implements and machinery in 1900.They were Augusta, with $439,090, and Rockingham,with $436,340.



The total value of the live stock on farmsonly, June 1, 1900, was $1,621,639, or 14.7 per centof $11,056,109, the reported value of all farm property.Of the live stock value, domestic animals, worth $1,556,935,constituted 96 per cent; poultry, worth $58,276, 3.6per cent; and bees, worth $6,428, .4 per cent.

TABLE I.—­Reported value of live stockon farms with increase and decrease and per cent ofincrease and decrease, by decades, and average valuesper farm and acre.

-------+----------Census | Value. | Increase of | Per cent | Average | Averageyear. | | value. | of | value per | value| | | increase. | farm. | per Acre.--------+---------------+-------------+-----------+---------
--+----------1900 | $1,621,639 00 | $349,629 00 | 27.5 | $832 46 | $5 171890 | 1,272,010 00 | 172,110 00 | 15.6 | 699 68 | 4 311880 | 1,099,900 00 |[#]68,411 00 | [#] 5.9 | 597 45 | 3 681870[##]| 1,168,311 00 |[#]14,044 00 | [#] 1.2 | 943 71 | 4 231860 | 1,182,355 00 | 244,763 00 | 26.1 | 979 58 | 3 991850 | 937,592 00 | — | — | 746 49 | 3.18--------+---------------+-------------+-----------+---------
--+----------[##: Values in gold.]

[#: Decrease.]

Animals Sold and Slaughtered.

The census enumerators and special agents securedreports of the amounts received from the sale of liveanimals in 1899, and of the value of animals slaughteredon farms. With reference to reports of sales,they were instructed to deduct from the amount receivedfrom sales the amount paid for animals purchased.

TABLE II.—­Receipts from sales of liveanimals and value of animals slaughtered on farms,in 1899, with averages and number of farms reporting.

Farms reporting domestic animals 1,911Amount of sales $392,852 00Average amount of sales per farm 205 57Value of animals slaughtered 109,618 00Average value of animals slaughtered per farm 57 36

Neat Cattle.

The total number of neat cattle in Loudoun Countyreported June 1, 1900, was 30,277, of which 29,432or 97.2 per cent were on farms, and 845 or 2.8 percent in barns and inclosures elsewhere.

Fauquier, with 34,098, led all counties in the numberof neat cattle, Loudoun ranking second, with 30,277.In the number of dairy cows, Loudoun headed the listof Virginia counties with 8,563, or 665 more thanits nearest competitor, Augusta county.

Of calves, Augusta reported 5,476; Rockingham, 5,416;Washington, 4,177, and Loudoun, 4,090.

TABLE III.—­Number of Heifers and Cowson Farms, June 1, 1900, with Percentages.

Heifers 1 and under 2 years 1,917
Dairy cows 2 years and over 7,882
Other cows 2 years and over 588
Total 10,387
Per cent:
Heifers 18.5
Dairy cows 75.9
Other cows 5.6

Dairy Products.

TABLE IV.—­Gallons of milk produced onfarms in 1899, and gallons sold and estimated gallonsconsumed on the farm for specified purposes.

Produced 3,736,382
Sold 875,780
Utilized in the production of—­
Butter 2,198,542
Cream sold 181,566
Consumed on farms:
Total 2,380,108
Per farm reporting milk 1,321
Uses not reported 480,494

The reported quantity of butter produced on farmsin 1899 was 628,155 pounds, an average of 349 poundsper farm reporting, and an increase of 12.4 per centover the production in 1889. 330,785 pounds were soldduring the year 1899.

The four counties of Virginia which produced the greatestquantity of butter on farms were, in the order named,Bedford, 727,680 pounds; Rockingham, 658,063; Augusta,633,360, and Loudoun, 628,155.


Of the 26,187 neat cattle 1 year old and over in LoudounJune 1, 1900, 14,597, or 55.7 per cent, were steers.Of this number a few only were working oxen, as thegreat majority were kept exclusively for beef.

Horses, Mules, Etc.

The number of horses reported on Loudoun farms in1900 comprised 797 colts under 1 year old; 1,048 horses1 and under 2 years, and 7,722 horses 2 years andover. The numbers not on farms were, for the threeclasses named, 22, 13, and 684, respectively.There was, therefore, a total for Loudoun County of8,406 work horses, and 1,880 too young for work, makinga grand total of 10,286 horses, of which 93 per centwere on farms and 7 per cent in barns and inclosureselsewhere.

Only two counties of Virginia, i. e., Augustaand Rockingham, reported more horses than Loudoun,and the last-named County led all in number of colts.

The total number of mules of all ages in the Countyin 1900 was 109.

Sheep, Goats, and Swine.

There were reported in Loudoun June 1, 1900, 31,092sheep, of which 15,319 were lambs under one year,15,040 ewes one year and over, and 733 rams and wethersone year and over. All but 0.2 per cent of thatnumber were on farms.

Loudoun headed the list of Virginia counties in numberof lambs under one year and ranked second in numberof ewes one year and over.

The total number of goats of all ages in Loudoun June1, 1900, was 20.

The total number of swine of all ages June 1, 1900,was 17,351, of which 15,554, or 89.6 per cent, wereon farms and 1,797, or 10.4 per cent, in barns andinclosures elsewhere.

Domestic Wool.

Tazewell headed the list of Virginia counties in 1900in both number and weight of fleeces shorn, and wasfollowed by Loudoun with a total of 15,893 fleeces,weighing, unwashed, 87,410 pounds. Almost doublethis amount in pounds was sheared in the fall of 1879and spring of 1880.

Poultry and Bees.

The total value of all the poultry raised on Loudounfarms in 1899 was $114,313, an average value per farmof $58.68.

The number of chickens three months old and over,including guinea fowls, on farms in Loudoun CountyJune 1, 1900, was 132,627; turkeys, 7,218; ducks,2,171, and geese, 1,036.

The total value of all poultry on hand, includingthe value of all young chicks unreported, as wellas that of the older fowls, was $58,276, an averageof $29.92 per farm reporting.

Shenandoah was the banner county of Virginia in eggproduction, reporting 1,159,000 dozens; Rockinghamranked second, with 1,150,500 dozens, and Loudounthird, with 771,780 dozens, the fourth highest competitor,Augusta county, lacking 60,580 dozens of this lastnumber.

Of Virginia counties at the last census Loudoun rankedthird in the number of chickens on farms, third innumber of turkeys, third in value of poultry productsin 1899, and second in value of poultry on hand June1, 1900.

There were in the County June 1, 1900, 2,225 swarmsof bees, valued at $6,428. They produced thesame year 24,970 pounds of honey and 1,110 poundsof wax.


The total and average values of Loudoun’s farmproducts of 1899, with percentages, are set forthin the following table:

Value of products:
Fed to live stock $1,018,434 00
Not fed to live stock 1,817,414 00

Total $2,835,848 00
Per cent not fed to value of farm property 16.4
Average value per farm:
Fed to live stock $523 00
Not fed to live stock 933 00

Total $1,456 00
Average value per acre:
Products fed $3 24
Products not fed 5 79
Average value per acre of improved land:
Products fed $4 04
Products not fed 7 22

Corn and Wheat.

Of the 100 counties in Virginia, Loudoun ranked thirdin corn acreage in 1899, reporting 46,248 acres, and,the same year, headed the list in the production ofcorn with 1,538,860 bushels, an excess of 350,830bushels over its nearest competitor, Fauquier county,which had planted in corn 981 more acres.

Loudoun ranked third in wheat area in 1899, Augustataking the lead in area as well as in production.The next three counties in the order of productionwere Rockingham, Shenandoah, and Loudoun, theproduct of the last-named being 447,660 bushels.The same order prevailed in 1890.

Oats, Rye, and Buckwheat.

The area reported under oats in 1900 was 765 acresand the product 13,070 bushels. In 1890, 4,504acres were planted in this crop and produced 69,380bushels. No barley was reported in 1899.

The reported area under rye in 1900 was 597 acresand the yield 5,560 bushels. The preceding censusreported 1,830 acres and a product of 13,137 bushels.

Loudoun reported but two acres of buckwheat undercultivation in 1899, as against 232 acres in 1879.The yield at the last census was only 12 bushels,and in 1879, 2,338 bushels.

Hay and Forage Crops.

The total area in clover in 1899 was 1,555 acres andthe yield 1,598 tons. Loudoun reported only 2acres planted in alfalfa or Lucern and a correspondingnumber of tons. The total area sown in milletand Hungarian grasses was 70 acres and the product86 tons. Twelve thousand four hundred and ninety-fiveacres were planted in other tame and cultivated grassesin 1899, and 11,364 tons cut therefrom. The principalgrass included under this designation is timothy.In grains cut green for hay Loudoun reported 1,342acres under cultivation in 1899 and a product of 1,503tons.

The reported acreage in forage crops in 1899 was 867and the product 2,473 tons. The principal cropsincluded under this head are corn and sorghum canecut green for forage. The production of Loudounexceeded the tonnage of every other county in theState. The report of the tonnage of the cornstalkscut where the crop had been allowed to mature forthe grain was 21,614 tons.

Miscellaneous Crops, Etc.

Four hundred and eighty-four acres planted in miscellaneouscrops in 1900 produced 33,312 bushels.

Seven hundred and twenty-nine acres were devoted tomiscellaneous vegetables (exclusive of Irish and sweetpotatoes, and onions), and the product valued at $41,136.

From the 11 acres devoted to sorghum cane, 7 tonswere sold and 789 gallons of syrup produced.

The number of square feet of land under glass usedfor agricultural purposes June 1, 1900, was 48,310.

Orchard Fruits, Etc.

The reported value of the orchard products of 1899was $51,363.

The following table shows the number of each classof orchard trees of bearing age, June 1, 1900, withproducts by bushels:

--| Number of | Number ofTrees. | trees. | bushels grown.----------------------------+-----------+----------------Apple | 83,027 | 195,406Peach and Nectarine | 22,446 | 3,900Pear | 4,983 | 2,828Cherry | 4,179 | 3,930Plum | 1,589 | 534Apricot | 117 | 30Unclassified orchard fruits | 42 | 20----------------------------+-----------+----------------re>

The farms of Loudoun produced in 1899 2,304 barrelsof cider, 388 barrels of vinegar, and 13,530 poundsof dried and evaporated fruits.

Small Fruits, Etc.

The total value of small fruits was $3,574, the numberof acres under cultivation 40, and the product 62,280quarts.

There were in Loudoun June 1, 1900, 9,742 grapevinesof bearing age. They produced in 1899, 171,921pounds of grapes, from part of which yield were made766 gallons of wine.

The number of pecan, Persian or English walnut andother nut trees of bearing age reported was 35.

Flowers, Ornamental Plants, Etc.

The total area devoted to flowers and ornamental plantsfor commercial purposes in 1899 was eight acres, theamount of sales therefrom $15,400, and the squarefeet of glass surface reported by florists’establishments 53,300. Of Virginia counties Loudounranked fourth in amount of sales and third in areaof glass surface.

The total area devoted to nursery products in 1899was 10-1/4 acres and the amount of sales therefrom$2,225.



The scarcity of efficient labor is one of the mostserious troubles with which the farmers of this Countyhave to cope. In the northern portion the laboris principally white, while in the southern part thereis a greater proportion of the negro race.

Some farmers employ men by the month, paying from$15 to $18 and board, but at a distance from centersof population this transient labor is hard to secure,and even fancy wages sometimes fail to attract a sufficientsupply. In other cases a laborer and his familyare allowed to live on the farm, and he is paid bythe day for such work as is required of him, the usualwage being 75 cents or $1, with the opportunity ofworking throughout a considerable part of the year.The laborer usually pays a small rent for his cottage,but is allowed a piece of ground free for a garden.Where the farms are small the greater part of thework is done by the farmer and his family, and thesituation is less difficult; but with the large farmsit is often impossible to secure sufficient labor,especially during harvesting.

The total and average expenditures for labor on farmsin 1899, including the value of the board furnished,was $292,150, an average of $149.97 per farm and 93cents per acre.


Commercial fertilizers are used extensively throughoutLoudoun. These consist chiefly of phosphaticfertilizers, although some nitrogenous mixtures areused. Barnyard and green manures are employedto a considerable extent. Lime is applied freelyto many of the soils. It is brought into thearea in cars, hauled from there to the farms by wagon,and thrown in small piles over the land, the usualapplication being twenty-five or thirty bushels tothe acre. It is almost always put on the landin the fall, and after becoming thoroughly slaked byair and rain, is spread over the land as evenly aspossible. Applications are made every fifth orsixth year. Where farms are situated at considerabledistances from the railroads but little lime is usedon account of the difficulty of transportation.

The total amount expended for fertilizers in 1900was $107,490, an average of $55.18 per farm and 34cents per acre and amounted to 3.8 per cent of thetotal value of the products. In 1879, only oneother county in the State, i. e., Norfolk, spent asmuch for the enrichment of its soils. The amountexpended for fertilizers in that year was $133,349.



Few of the early settlers of Loudoun enjoyed any otheradvantages of education than a few months’ attendanceat primary schools as they existed in Virginia previousto the Revolution. But these advantages had beenso well improved that nearly all of them were ableto read and write a legible hand, and had acquiredsufficient knowledge of arithmetic for the transactionof ordinary business. They were, in general,men of strong and penetrating minds and, clearly perceivingthe numerous advantages which education confers, theyearly directed their attention to the establishmentof schools. But for many years there were obstaclesin addition to those incident to all new settlements,which prevented much being done for the cause of education.The controversies in which they were involved and thewar of the Revolution employed nearly all their thoughtsand all their energies previous to the State’sadmission into the Federal Union.

Of the real efficiency of the Colonial schools ofLoudoun but little can be learned. Teachers,as a rule, were on a par with their surroundings.If they could read, write and cipher to the “singlerule of three” their educational qualificationswere deemed sufficient. They generally canvassedthe neighborhood with a subscription paper, formingthe schools themselves and furnishing the few necessarybooks. The rates were from $1 to $2.50 per scholarby the month, and lower when the schoolmaster “boardedaround.” But he was most likely to succeedin forming a school who contracted to take his payin produce.

Few schools were taught by women in Colonial timesand female teachers were still rare until a comparativelyrecent period.

The salaries of regularly appointed tutors variedaccording to the nature of the schools and the abilityof the district to meet the expense.

After the Revolution, with increasing prosperity,came a spirit of general improvement and a new interestin the cause of education.

The present condition of education in Loudoun is hopeful,public instruction being now popular with all classes.Intelligence is more generally diffused than at anyprevious period of the County’s history, andhappily, the progress of moral education has, on thewhole, fully kept pace with intellectual culture.Our boys and girls are reared in a home atmosphereof purity, of active thought, and intelligent cultivation;all their powers are keenly stimulated by local andnational prosperity and unrestricted freedom in allhonest endeavor.

With the improvement in the school system has comea better style of school-houses. The “littlered school-house on the hill” has given placeto buildings of tasteful architecture, with modernimprovements conducive to the comfort and health ofthe scholars, and the refining influences of neatsurroundings is beginning to be understood. Separateschools are maintained for colored pupils and gradedschools sustained at populous places.

With free schools, able teachers consecrated to theircalling, and fair courses of instruction; with a peoplegenerous in expenditures for educational purposes,and a cooperation of parents and teachers; with themany educational periodicals, the pedagogical books,and teachers’ institutes to broaden and stimulatethe teacher, the friends of education in Loudoun maylabor on, assured that the new century will give abundantfruitage to the work which has so marvelously prosperedin the old.

Total Receipts of School Funds for the Year EndingJuly 31, 1908. (From report of Division Superintendentof Schools.)

From State funds $13,968 92" County school tax 12,355 38" District school tax 14,640 82" All other sources 322 30" Balance on hand August 1, 1907 6,644 60
Total $47,931 97
Total expenditures 42,78858
Balance on hand August 1, 1908 $5,14339

School population, Number of Schools, Enrollmentand Attendance by Races and Districts, 1906-1907.(From report of State Superintendent of Schools.)

---------+------| School | No. of | Whole number || Population. |Schools opened.| enrolled. |Districts. +------+--------+------+--------+------+--------+Total.|White.|Colored.|White.|Colored.|White.|Colored.|----------------+------+--------+------+--------+------+----
----+------Broad Run | 748 | 228 | 19 | 4 | 538 | 131 | 669Jefferson | 619 | 216 | 15 | 4 | 446 | 196 | 642Leesburg | 381 | 143 | 9 | 3 | 358 | 107 | 465Lovettsville | 614 | 34 | 13 | 1 | 498 | 24 | 522Mercer | 628 | 482 | 15 | 7 | 467 | 277 | 744Mt. Gilead | 695 | 457 | 16 | 6 | 493 | 231 | 724Town of Leesburg| 255 | 130 | 6 | 3 | 196 | 121 | 317|------+--------+------+--------+------+--------+------Total |3,940 | 1,690 | 93 | 28 |2,996 | 1,087 |4,083----------------+------+--------+------+--------+------+----


The Church, with her faiths, her sacraments, and apart of her ministry, was an integral part of thecolonization of the County from the beginning andcontinuously. Everywhere, with the spreadingpopulation, substantial edifices for public worshipwere erected and competent provision made for themaintenance of all the decencies and proprieties ofChristian religion. The influence of these institutions,and of the faith which they embodied, was most benignand salutary. They gave to the age of the Revolutionits noble character and its deep-seated principles,the force and momentum of which have come down, withgradually decreasing power, to our own day. Butwith these institutions and with their proper effectand influence was mingled the fatal leaven of secularity.

* * * * *

All the leading denominations are represented in Loudounby churches and congregations to the extent shownby the following table of statistics, representingconditions as they existed at the close of the calendaryear 1906, and based upon the returns of individualchurch organizations so far as received by the CensusOffice, through which Bureau they were obtained forinitial publication in this work.

=+============| Total |Communicants| number of | or members.Denomination. |organizations.|------------| |Total number| |reported.-----------------------------------------+--------------+---
---------All denominations | 97 | 7,606Baptist bodies: | |Baptists-- | |Southern Baptist Convention | 11 | 1,199National Baptist Convention | |(colored) | 15 | 1,235Free Baptists | 2 | 55Primitive Baptists | 6 | 171Friends: | |Society of Friends (Orthodox) | 2 | 122Religious Society of Friends | |(Hicksite) | 3 | 278Lutheran bodies: | |General Synod of the Evangelical | |Lutheran Church in the United | |States of America | 4 | 645Methodist bodies:[17] | |Methodist Episcopal Church | 19 | 1,179Methodist Episcopal Church (South) | 21 | 1,716Colored Methodist Episcopal Church | 1 | 45Presbyterian bodies: | |Presbyterian Church in the United | |States (South) | 4 | 345Protestant Episcopal Church | 7 | 416Reformed bodies: | |Reformed Church in the United States | 1 | 140Roman Catholic Church | 1 | 60-----------------------------------------+--------------+---

[Footnote 17: Leesburg had, until a year or soago when it was razed, one of the oldest Methodistchurches in America. The building, a large stonestructure, long abandoned, with galleries around threesides, stood in the midst of an old Methodist graveyardin which are tombstones more than a century old.It was built, according to report, in 1780.

Leesburg is the oldest Methodist territory in thebounds of the Baltimore Conference in Virginia, andit was here that the first Methodist Conference heldin the State convened May 19, 1778.]



In 1742, Prince William County, a part of the stupendousCulpeper grant, was divided and the county of Fairfaxcreated and named in honor of its titled proprietor.Commencing at the confluence of the Potomac and Occoquanrivers, the line of demarcation followed the latterstream and its tributary, Bull Run, to its ultimatesource in the mountain of that name, from which pointit was continued to the summit of said mountain, pursuingthereafter a direct course to the thoroughfare inthe Blue Ridge, known as “Ashby’s Gap.”

In 1757, Fairfax was divided and the territory westof its altered boundary christened “LoudounCounty.” The new line followed the streamcalled Difficult Run, from its junction with the Potomacto its highest spring-head, and from that point wascontinued in a direct line to the northeast borderof Prince William County. This boundary was afterwardschanged and the present line between Loudoun and Fairfaxsubstituted (see “Boundaries,” page 17).

The following are excerpts from the proceedings ofthe Virginia House of Burgesses that led to the creationof Loudoun County in May, 1757. The act authorizingthe division of Fairfax and establishment of Loudounis given intact:

On April 20, 1757, a “petitionof sundry Inhabitants of Fairfax County,praying a Division of the said County, was presentedto the House and read, and referred to the Considerationof the next Session of Assembly.”
On Friday, April 22, 1757, “Mr.Charles Carter, from the Committee on Propositionsand Grievances, reported, that the Committee hadhad under their Consideration divers Propositions,from several Counties, to them referred, and hadcome to several Resolutions thereupon, which he readin in Place, and then delivered in at the Table,where the same were again twice read, and agreedto by the House, as follow:”
Resolved, That the Petitionof sundry Back-Inhabitants of the said Countyof Fairfax, praying the same may be dividedinto two distinct Counties, by a Line from theMouth up the main Branch of Difficult-Runto the Head thereof, and thence by a streightLine to the Mouth of Rocky-Run, is reasonable.”

The following Monday the bill was again presentedto the House by Charles Carter, of the Committee ofPropositions and Grievances, and Friday, April 29,1757, was ordered engrossed and read a third time.

Monday, May 2, 1757, the engrossed Bill, entitled,“An Act for dividing the county of Fairfax,”was read a third time, passed by the House, and sentto the Council for their “concurrence.”It received the assent of the governor Wednesday,June 8, 1757.

An Act for Dividing theCounty of Fairfax. (Passed May 2,

I. WHEREAS, Many inconveniences attendthe upper inhabitants of the county of Fairfax,by reason of the large extent of the said county,and their remote situation from the court-house,and the said inhabitants have petitioned thispresent general assembly that the said county may bedivided: Be it, therefore, enacted, by theLieutenant-Governor, Council, and Burgesses ofthis present General Assembly, and it is herebyenacted, by the authority of the same, That fromand after the 1st day of July next ensuing thesaid county of Fairfax be divided into two counties,that is to say: All that part thereof, lying aboveDifficult-run, which falls into Patowmack river,and by a line to be run from the head of the samerun, a straight course, to the mouth of Rockyrun, shall be one distinct county, and calledand known by the name of Loudoun: And all thatpart thereof below the said run and course, shall beone other distinct county, and retain the nameof Fairfax.
II. And for the due administrationof justice in the said county of Loudoun, afterthe same shall take place: Be it furtherenacted by the authority aforesaid, That after thefirst day of July a court for the said county ofLoudoun be constantly held by the justices thereof,upon the second Tuesday in every month, in suchmanner as by the laws of this colony is provided,and shall be by their commission directed.
III. Provided always, That nothingherein contained shall be constructed to hinderthe sheriff or collector of the said county ofFairfax, as the same now stands entire and undivided,from collecting and making distress for any publicdues, or officers fees, which shall remain unpaidby the inhabitants of the said county of Loudounat the time of its taking place; but such sheriffor collector shall have the same power to collector distrain for such dues and fees, and shallbe answerable for them in the same manner as if thisact had never been made, any law, usage, or customto the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
IV. And be it further enacted,by the authority aforesaid, That the court ofthe said county of Fairfax shall have jurisdictionof all actions and suits, both in law and equity,which shall be depending before them at the time thesaid division shall take place; and shall and maytry and determine all such actions and suits,and issue process and award execution in any suchaction or suit in the same manner as if this acthad never been made, any law, usage, or custom tothe contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
V. And be it further enacted, by theauthority aforesaid, That out of every hundredpounds of tobacco, paid in discharge of quit rents,secretary’s, clerk’s, sheriff’s,surveyor’s, or other officers fees, and soproportionably for a greater or lesser quantity,there shall be made the following abatements orallowances to the payer, that is to say:For tobacco due in the county of Fairfax ten poundsof tobacco, and for tobacco due in the countyof Loudoun twenty pounds of tobacco; and thatso much of the act of the assembly, intituled,An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, andpreventing frauds in his Majesty’s customs, asrelates to anything within the purview of thisact, shall be, and is hereby repealed and madevoid.


Loudoun County was named in honor of Lord Loudoun,a representative peer of Scotland, who, the year beforeits establishment, and during the French and Indianwar, had been appointed captain-general and governor-in-chiefof the province of Virginia, and commander-in-chiefof the British military forces in the Colonies.

His military avocations, however, prevented him fromentering upon the duties of the gubernatorial office,and it is believed that he never visited the colonyof Virginia. Dinwiddie continued in the controlof its affairs, while Loudoun turned his attentionto military matters, in which his indolence, indecision,and general inefficiency were most conspicuous anddisastrous. Franklin said of him: “Heis like little St. George on the sign-boards; alwayson horseback, but never goes forward.”

Until his early recall to England, contemporaneouswriters and brother officers mercilessly criticisedLoudoun “whom a child might outwit, or terrifywith a pop-gun.”

Hardesty’s Historical and Geographical Encyclopediacontains the following succinct account of the publicservices rendered by this noted Scotchman:

“John Campbell, son of Hugh, Earlof Loudoun, was born in 1705, and succeeded hisfather in the title in November, 1731. InJuly, 1756, he arrived in New York with the appointmentof governor-in-chief of Virginia, and also with thecommission of commander-in-chief of the British forcesin America, but, proving inefficient, returnedto England in 1757. He was made Lieutenant-Generalin 1758, and General in 1770. He died April27, 1782, and was succeeded by Norborne Berkeley,Baron de Botetourt, as governor of Virginia, in 1768.”


The permanent settlement of Loudoun began betweenthe years 1725 and 1730 while the County was yet apart of Prince William and the property of Lord Fairfax,the immigrants securing ninety-nine-year leases onthe land at the rate of two shillings sterling per100 acres. The above-noted interim saw a steadyinflux of the fine old English Cavalier[18] stock,the settlers occupying large tracts of land in theeastern and southern portions of the County or mostof the territory extending from the Potomac Riversouthward to Middleburg and from the Catoctin andBull Run mountains eastward to the eastern borderof the County. It is more to this noble and chivalricstrain than to any other that Loudoun owes her presentunrivalled social eminence.

[Footnote 18: This stock was the first to introduceand foster slavery in the County.—­Goodhart’sHistory of the Loudoun Rangers.]

John Esten Cooke’s faithful and eloquent delineationof Virginia character is peculiarly applicable tothis Cavalier element of Loudoun society. Someconception of that author’s grandiose style andintimate knowledge of his subject may be gained fromthe following passage:

“The Virginian of the presenttime has ingrained in his character the cordialinstincts and spirit of courtesy and hospitalitywhich marked his ancestors. He has the Englishpreference for the life of the country to the lifeof the city; is more at home among green fieldsand rural scenes than in streets; loves horsesand dogs, breeds of cattle, the sport of fox-hunting,wood-fires, Christmas festivities, the societyof old neighbors, political discussions, traditionsof this or that local celebrity, and to entertaineverybody to the extent of, and even beyond, hislimited means. Many of these proclivitieshave been laughed at, and the people have beencriticised as provincial and narrow-minded; but afterall it is good to love one’s native soil,and to cherish the home traditions which givecharacter to a race. Of the Virginians itmay be said that they have objected in all timesto being rubbed down to a uniformity with all the restof the world, and that they have generally retainedthe traits which characterized their ancestors.”

The northwestern part of the County, known as the“German Settlement,” a section of about125 square miles, extending from Catoctin Mountainwestward to the Short Hill Mountains and from the PotomacRiver southward to near Wheatland, was originallysettled by a sturdy and vigorous race of Germans,[19]principally from Pennsylvania, but a few from NewYork, in which two colonies they had settled on theirarrival, only a few years before, from the Palatinestates of Germany. They came to Loudoun betweenthe years 1730 and 1735,[20] about the time of theCavalier settlements.

These German settlers were a patient, God-fearingpeople, naturally rugged, and very tenacious in thepreservation of their language, religion, customsand habits. Every stage in their development hasbeen marked by a peaceable and orderly deportment—­aperfect submission to the restraints of civil authority.

[Footnote 19: The first sheep were brought tothe County by these settlers.—­Historyof the Loudoun Rangers.]

[Footnote 20: 1732 was most likely the year inwhich the earliest of these German settlers arrivedin Loudoun.]

The earliest of these German arrivals, with nativeforesight and a proper appreciation of the dangersincident to border settlement in that day of bloodyIndian atrocities, came to Loudoun in an organizedbody, embracing sixty or more families.

Many of the males were artisans of no mean ability,and plied their respective trades as conscientiouslyand assiduously as others, in the rude manner of thetimes, tilled their newly-acquired acres.

In this way, a congenial, stable, and self-sustainingcolony, founded on considerations of common safetyand economic expediency, was established amongst thesestoried hills of frontier Virginia.

Almost simultaneously with these settlements cameother emigrants from Pennsylvania and the then neighboringcolonies, among them many members of the Society ofFriends or Quakers.[21] Not a few of this faith camedirect from England and Ireland, attracted by the genialclimate, fertile soils and bountiful harvests, accountsof which had early gained wide-spread circulation.They chose homes in the central portion of the County,southwest of Waterford and west of Lessburg, thatsection being generally known as the “QuakerSettlement.”

Each summer brought them new accessions of prosperityand devout brethren to swell their numbers; and soonthey had caused the wilderness to blossom as the rose.Here they found freedom of religious and moral thought,a temperate climate, and the wholesome society ofearnest compatriots.

Then, as now, a plain, serious people, they have leftthe impress of their character—­thrifty,industrious, and conspicuously honest—­uponthe whole of the surrounding district.

[Footnote 21: The term Quaker, originally givenin reproach, has been so often used, by friend aswell as foe, that it is no longer a term of derision,but is the generally accepted designation of a memberof the Society of Friends.—­Loudoun Rangers.]

No concerted violence, it is believed, was offeredthese settlers by the Indians who seem to have accreditedthem with the same qualities of honesty, virtue, andbenevolence, by the exercise of which William Penn,the founder of the faith in Pennsylvania, had won theirlasting confidence and esteem.

The Quaker is a type with which all the world is familiarand needs no particular portrayal in this work.The Quakers of Loudoun have at all times remainedfaithful adherents of the creed, their peculiar character,manners, and tenets differing to no considerable extentfrom those of other like colonies, wherever implanted.

It is doubtful if any race has done more to stimulateand direct real progress, and to develop the vastresources of Loudoun, than that portion of our earlierpopulation known as the Scotch-Irish. Their remarkableenergy, thrift, staidness, and fixed religious viewsmade their settlements the centers of civilizationand improvement in Colonial times; that their descendantsproved sturdy props of the great cause that culminatedin the independence of the United States is a matterof history.



The earliest permanent settlements of Loudoun havingbeen separately noted in the foregoing paragraphsa generalized description of the habits, customs,and dress of these settlers, as well as their unorganizedpioneer predecessors and the steady promiscuous streamof home-seekers that poured into the County untillong after the Revolution, will now be attempted.

The early settlers, with but one class exception,had no costly tastes to gratify, no expensive habitsto indulge, and neither possessed nor cared for luxuries.Their subsistence, such as they required, cost butlittle of either time or labor. The corn fromwhich they made their bread came forth from the prolificsoil almost at the touch of their rude plows.Their cattle and hogs found abundant sustenance inthe broad pastures which, in the summer, yielded therichest grass, and in the woods where, in the fall,the ground was strewn with acorns and other like provender.

The pioneer lived roughly; the German from the Palatinatekept house like the true peasant that he was; theplanter lived somewhat more sumptuously and luxuriously;but, in nearly every case, the table was liberallysupplied. Hominy, milk, corn-bread, and smokedor jerked meats seem to have been most popular withthe humbler classes.

Ice was not stored for summer use, fruits were fewand not choice, and the vegetables limited; our ancestors,at that time, having no acquaintance with the tomato,cauliflower, egg-plant, red-pepper, okra, and certainother staple vegetables of today. The Indianshad schooled them in the preparation of succotashwith the beans grown among the corn, and they raisedmelons, squashes, and pumpkins in abundance.

Corn for bread was broken in a mortar and ground ina grater or hand-mill. Mills, in the early days,were few and far apart, some of the back-settlersbeing compelled to travel many miles for their grist.This condition gave origin to the adage “firstcome first served,” and frequently carried thelate arrivals over night and, at times, prolongedthe trip to procure a few bushels of meal three orfour days. “Band-mills,” run by horses,and small water mills, where the situation permitted,came into use to supply the demand of larger ones.The building of a good mill, it must be confessed,was hailed with greater satisfaction than the erectionof a church.

The more primitive of these peoples ate from woodentrenchers and platters; sat upon three-legged stoolsor wooden blocks; used bear’s grease in lieuof lard and butter, and cut their foods with the samesheath-knives used in disembowelling and skinning thedeer killed by their rifles. They had no moneyand their scant furniture was essentially crude, sometimesincluding a few pewter dishes and plates and spoons,but usually nothing beyond wooden bowls, trenchers,and noggins, with gourds and squashes daintily cut.The horse trough served as a wash-basin, and waterbuckets were seldom seen. The family owning aniron pot and a kitchen table were esteemed rich andextravagant, and china and crockery ware were at oncepractically unknown and uncraved. Feather-bedsand bedsteads were equally eschewed, these hardy menwho had conquered the wilderness not disdaining, whennight came, to sleep upon a dirt floor with a bear-skinfor covering.

With muscles of iron and hearts of oak, they uniteda tenderness for the weak and a capability for self-sacrificeworthy of an ideal knight of chivalry; and their indomitablewill, which recognized no obstacle as insuperable,was equalled only by their rugged integrity whichregarded dishonesty as an offense as contemptible ascowardice. For many years they dwelt beyond thepale of governmental restraint, nor did they needthe presence of either courts or constables. Crimesagainst person, property, or public order were of soinfrequent occurrence as to be practically unheardof. In moral endowments—­even if notin mental attainments—­these sturdy pioneersof Loudoun were, it must be admitted, vastly superiorto many of those who followed them when better facilitiesfor transportation rendered the County more accessible.

Society before and for many years after the Revolutionwas easy, agreeable, and somewhat refined. Travelingwas slow, difficult, and expensive. For society,the inhabitants were mainly dependent upon themselves;the ties of social life were closely drawn. Books,newspapers, and magazines were rare; men and womenread less, but talked more, and wrote longer and moreelaborate letters than now. “Cheap postagehas spoiled letter writing.” Much time wasspent in social visits; tea parties, and supper partieswere common. The gentlemen had their clubs andexclusive social gatherings, sometimes too convivialin their character, and occasionally a youth of promisefell a victim to the temptations of a mistaken hospitality.“Gaming was more common among respectable peoplethan at the present day.”


Of leisure, all classes at all times had a superabundance,and it was cheerfully devoted to mutual assistancewithout thought of recompense, except in kind.If anyone fell behind through sickness or other misfortune,his neighbors would cheerfully proffer their services,often making of the occasion a frolic and minglinglabor with amusem*nt.

On days set apart for the pulling of flax and wheat-cutting,the neighbors and their children assembled in happymood and as cheerfully applied themselves to theirgratuitous tasks. While the men were pullingthe flax or reaping and shocking the wheat, the womenat the house were preparing the harvest-noon feast.The rough table, for which the side and bottom boardsof a wagon were frequently used, was placed when practicableunder the shade of a spreading tree in the yard.The visitors contributed from their meagre store suchadditional dishes, knives, forks, and spoons as wereneeded. Around the table, seated on benches,stools, or splint-bottom chairs, with such appetitesas could only be gained from honest toil in the openfield, the company partook of the bounties set beforethem. These consisted, in addition to the never-failingcorn-bread and bacon, of bear and deer meat, turkey,or other game in season, and an abundance of vegetableswhich they called “roughness.” Thebread, styled “jonny-cake,” was bakedon journey or “jonny” boards, about twofeet long and eight inches wide. The dough wasspread over the boards which were then placed beforethe fire; after one side was browned, the cake wasreversed and the unbaked side turned toward the flames.

However strictly it might be abstained from at othertimes, a harvest without whisky was like a dance withouta fiddle. It was partaken of by all—­eachone, male and female, drinking from the bottle andpassing it to his or her nearest neighbor. Drinkingvessels were dispensed with as mere idle superfluities.

Dinner over, the company scattered, the elders withdrawingin a body and seating or stretching themselves uponthe ground.

After the filling and lighting of the inevitable pipe,conversation would become general. The news ofthe day—­not always, as may be imagined,very recent—­was commented upon, and then,as now, political questions were sagely and earnestlydiscussed. Stories, mainly of adventure, weretold; hairbreadth escapes from Indian massacre recountedand the battles of late wars fought again beneath thespreading branches of the trees. Meanwhile, theboys and girls wandered off in separate and smallergroups, singing and playing and making love much inthe manner of today.

Another amusem*nt of those days, and one that didnot fall into disfavor for many years thereafter,was what was known as “shucking bees.”To these gatherings were invited both old and young.Stacks of corn in the husk were piled upon the groundnear the crib where the golden ears were finally tobe stored. Upon the assemblage of the guests,those with proud records as corn-huskers were appointedleaders, they in turn filling the ranks of their respectiveparties by selection from the company present, thechoice going to each in rotation. The corn wasdivided into approximately equal piles, one of whichwas assigned to each party. The contest was thenbegun with much gusto and the party first shuckingits allotment declared the winner. The luckyfinder of a red ear was entitled to a kiss from thegirls.

Supper always followed this exciting contest and aftersupper came the dance. Stripped of dishes, thetables were quickly drawn aside and the room sweptby eager hands. Then came the struggle for partnersand the strife to be “first on the floor.”Usually the violin furnished the only music and thefigures most in favor were the reel and the jig, inwhich all participated with a zest and abandon unknownto the modern ballroom. “They danced allnight till broad daylight and went home with the girlsin the morning,” some on foot and some on horseback,practically the only means of getting there.

“Dreadful prodigality” does not too extravagantlydescribe the drinking habits of the people of Virginiain the latter half of the eighteenth century.They consumed an enormous quantity of liquors in proportionto their numbers, and drank indiscriminately, at allhours of the day and night. West India rum wasthe favorite drink of the people, because the cheapest,and was bought by the puncheon. Most every cellar,especially in the Cavalier settlements, had its barrelof cider, Bordeaux and sherry and Madeira wines, Frenchbrandies, delicate Holland gins, cordials, syrups,and every sort of ale and beer. Drunkenness wasso common as to excite no comment, and drinking afterdinner and at parties was always hard, prolonged, anddesperate, so that none but the most seasoned oldtopers—­the judges, squires, and parsonsof six-bottle capacity—­ever escaped withtheir sea-legs in an insurable condition.

While a large proportion of the home-seekers thathad settled in the County immediately after the Revolutionhad received a rudimentary education, and had livedamong communities which may be said to have been comparativelycultured, most of them were hardy, rough, uncultivatedback-woodsmen, accustomed only to the ways of thefrontier and camp. Many of them had served inthe war of the Revolution and all of them in the borderwars with the Indians. Though brave, hospitableand generous, they were more at ease beneath the forestbivouac than in the “living-room” of thelog-cabin, and to swing a woodman’s axe amongthe lofty trees of the primeval forest was a pursuitfar more congenial to their rough nature and activetemperament than to mingle with society in settledcommunities. Their habits and manners were plain,simple, and unostentatious. Their clothing wasgenerally made of the dressed skins of the deer, wolf,or fox, while those of the buffalo and elk suppliedthem with covering for their feet and heads.Their log-cabins were destitute of glass, nails, hinges,or locks.

Education during the early settlements received butlittle attention in Loudoun, and school-houses, alwaysof logs, were scarcely to be seen. Schools weresometimes opened at private houses or at the residenceof the teacher; but “book larnin” was consideredtoo impracticable to be of much value.

While the standard of morality, commercial as wellas social, was of a high order, few of these settlerswere members of any church. Many of them, however,had been reared in religious communities by Christianparents; had been taught to regard the Sabbath as aday of worship, and had been early impressed witha sense of the necessity of religious faith and practice.Some of the prominent citizens encouraged these viewsby occasionally holding meetings in their cabins,at which the scriptures and sometimes sermons wereread and hymns sung, but no prayers were offered.The restraining and molding influence of these earlyChristian efforts upon the habits and morals of thepeople was in every respect wholesome and beneficial.The attention of the people was arrested and turnedto the study and investigation of moral and religiousquestions, and direction was given to the contemplationof higher thoughts and the pursuit of a better life.

In the meantime, other elements were introduced whicheffected a radical change in the habits of the peoplefor both good and evil. The first settlers livedin the country, in the woods and wilds, whose “clearings”were far apart. Not one in ten of them had dweltin any town, or even visited one having as many asa thousand inhabitants. And now there came themerchant, the lawyer, the doctor, and the mechanic,who resided in the towns which began to grow and totake on new life. Most of these had enjoyed superioradvantages, so far as related to education and thatworldly wisdom which comes from experience in oldercommunities. Some of them had come from acrossthe ocean and others from the large American cities,bringing with them manners, customs, furniture, andwares, of which the like had never been seen by theoldest inhabitant.

And thus were gradually introduced the methods andappliances of a more advanced civilization. Thepioneer and his wife, hearing of these things, wouldoccasionally “go to town” to “seethe sights,” and would there discover that therewere many useful and convenient articles for the farmand kitchen which might be procured in exchange fortheir corn, bacon, eggs, honey, and hides; and althoughthe shrewd merchant was careful to exact his centper cent, the prices asked were little heeded by thepurchaser who was as ignorant of the value of thecommodities offered as he was delighted with theirnovelty and apparent usefulness.


The subject of dress is approached with reluctanceand its description diffidently essayed. Butthe task has seemed mandatory as the manners of apeople can not otherwise be fully understood.The stately, ceremonious intercourse of the sexes,the stiff and elaborate walk of Loudoun men and womenof Colonial and post-Revolutionary times is traceablealmost solely to the costuming of that period.How could ladies dance anything but the stately minuet,when their heads were veritable pyramids of pastedhair surmounted by turbans, when their jeweled stomachersand tight-laced stays held their bodies as tightlyas would a vise, when their high-heeled shoes wereas unyielding as if made of wood, and their trailsof taffeta, often as much as fifteen yards long, andgreat feathered head-dresses compelled them to turnround as slowly as strutting peaco*cks? How couldthe men, with their buckram-stiffened coat-shirts,execute any other dance, when their elaborate powderedwigs compelled them to carry their hats under theirarms, and their swords concurrently required dexterousmanagement for the avoidance of tripping and mortifyingfalls?

Children were laced in stays and made to wear chinsupports, gaps, and pads so as to give them the gracefulcarriage necessary to the wearing of all this weightof stiff and elaborate costume, which was all of apiece with the character of the assemblies and otherevening entertainments, the games of cards—­basset,loo, piquet, and whist—­with the dancing,the ceremonious public life of nearly every classof society, with even the elaborate funeral ceremonies,and the sedulousness with which “persons ofquality” thought it incumbent upon themselvesto maintain the distinctions of rank as symbolizedin costume.

The tie-wig, bob-wig, bag-wig, night-cap-wig, andriding-wig were worn by the gentleman of quality asoccasion required. At times he wore, also, asmall three-cornered co*cked hat, felt or beaver, elaboratelylaced with gold or silver galloon. If he walked,as to church or court, he carried, in addition tohis sword, a gold or ivory-headed cane, at least fivefeet long, and wore square-toed, “low-quartered”shoes with paste or silver buckles. His stockings,no matter what the material, were tightly stretched

over his calves and carefully gartered at the knee.If he rode, he wore boots instead of shoes and carrieda stout riding whip. About his neck was a whitecravat of great amplitude, with abundant hanging endsof lace. His waist-coat was made with great flapsextending nearly down to the knee and bound with goldor silver lace. His coat, of cloth or velvet,might be of any color, but was sure to be elaboratelymade, with flap-pockets, and great hanging cuffs,from beneath which appeared the gentleman’sindispensable lace ruffles. His knee-breecheswere of black satin, red plush, or blue cloth, accordingto his fancy. They were plainly made and fittedtightly, buckling at the knee. At home, a blackvelvet skull-cap sometimes usurped the place of thewig and a damask dressing-gown lined with silk supplantedthe coat, the feet being made easy in fancy moroccoslippers. Judges on the bench often wore robesof scarlet faced with black velvet in winter, and blacksilk gowns in summer.

The substantial planter and burgher dressed well butwere not so particular about their wigs, of whichthey probably owned no more than one, kept for visitingand for Sabbath use. They usually yielded tothe custom of shaving their heads, however, and worewhite linen caps under their hats. During theRevolutionary War wigs were scare and costly, linenwas almost unobtainable and the practice of shavingheads accordingly fell rapidly into desuetude.Sometimes the burgher’s hat was of wool or felt,with a low crown and broad brim, turned up and co*cked.About his neck he wore a white linen stock, fasteningwith a buckle at the back. His coat was of cloth,broad-backed, with flap-pockets, and his waist-coat,of the same stuff, extended to his knees. Hewore short breeches with brass or silver knee-buckles,red or blue garters, and rather stout, coarse leathershoes, strapped over the quarter. He wore nosword, but often carried a staff, and knew how touse it to advantage.

Mechanics, laborers and servants wore leather-breechesand aprons, sagathy coats, osnaburg shirts and hair-shagjackets, coarse shoes, and worsted or jean stockings,knit at home.

The dress of the women of these classes was shabbierstill, their costumes, for the most part, comprisingstamped cotton and white dimity gowns, coarse shift(osnaburg), country cloth, and black quilted petticoats.In the backwoods and the primitive German settlementsthe women all wore the short gowns and petticoats,also tight-fitting calico caps. In summer, whenemployed in the fields, they wore only a linen shiftand a petticoat of home-made linsey. All theirclothing, in fact, was home-made.

The ladies of quality, however, as has been intimated,dressed extravagantly, frizzed, rouged, wore trains,and acted as fashionable women have done from theimmemorial beginning of things.

The pioneers dressed universally in the hunting shirtor blouse, sometimes fringed and decorated, and perhapsthe most convenient frock ever conceived. Itfit loosely, was open in front, reached almost tothe knees, and had large sleeves, and a cape for theprotection of the shoulders in bad weather. Inthe ample bosom of this shirt the hunter carried hisbread and meat, the tow with which to wipe out thebarrel of his rifle, and other small requisites.To his belt, tied or buckled behind, he suspendedhis mittens, bullet-pouch, tomahawk, and knife andsheath. His hunting-shirt was made of dresseddeer-skin—­very uncomfortable in wet weather—­orof linsey, when it was to be had. The pioneerdressed his lower body in drawers and leathern clothleggins, and his feet in moccasins; a coon-skin capcompleting the attire.

His wife wore a linsey petticoat, home-spun and home-made,and a short gown of linsey or “callimanco,”when that material could be obtained. She woreno covering for the feet in ordinary weather, and moccasins,coarse, “country-made” shoes, or “shoe-packs”during more rigorous seasons. To complete thepicture Kercheval, the historian of the ShenandoahValley, is here quoted: “The coats and bed-gownsof the women, as well as the hunting-shirts of themen, were hung in full display on wooden pegs aroundthe walls of their cabins, so that while they answeredin some degree the purpose of paper-hangings or tapestry,they announced to the stranger as well as the neighborthe wealth or poverty of the family in the articlesof clothing.”

* * * * *

It is to be hoped that the desultory sketch furnishedabove will not be found uninteresting despite itsimperfections. Many details have been omittedor neglected, but enough has been written to illustratein a general way the qualities for which our ancestorswere most distinguished, for which their charactershave excited most comment and perhaps deserved mostpraise.

As a whole, they were a generous, large-hearted, liberal-mindedpeople, and their faults were far fewer than theirvirtues. The yeomanry, in their own rude, rough-and-readymanner, reflected the same sort of personal independenceof character and proud sense of individuality as thesocial aristocracy.


Little can be learned of Loudoun’s participationin the last great French and Indian War (1754-1763).It had its beginning three years prior to her admissioninto the sisterhood of Virginia counties, and theservices she must have rendered during that periodare, of course, accredited to Fairfax, of which countyshe was then a part. The few existing or availablerecords of the remaining six years of warfare, asof the entire period, are imperfect and unlocalizedand would baffle the most experienced and perseveringcompiler.

The only deductions that have seemed at all noteworthyare here presented:

The General Assembly of Virginia, on April 14, 1757,passed an act providing for the appointment of a committeeto direct the pay of the officers and soldiers thenin the pay of the Colony, of “the rangers formerlyemployed, and for the expense of building a fort inthe Cherokee country,” for the pay of the militiathat had “been drawn out into actual service,and also for provisions for the said soldiers, rangers,and militia....”

In the following schedule are given the names of Loudounpayees and the amount received by each:

L s. d.To Captain Nicholas Minor 1 00 00AEneas Campbell, lieutenant 7 6Francis Wilks 1 17James Willock 1 15John Owsley and William Stephens, 15s. each 1 10Robert Thomas 10John Moss, Jr. 4John Thomas, for provisions 5John Moss, for provisions 2 8William Ross, for provisions 2__ __ __7 13 2

By a later act of the same body commissioners wereempowered “to examine, state, and settle theaccounts of such pay, provisions, arms, etc.,”of the six counties from which they were appointed,“and all arrears whatsoever relating to themilitia.”

The following list of Loudoun beneficiaries, withthe amounts opposite, is reproduced in the identicalform in which it was then submitted:

L s. d.“1757. To Robert Adams, assignee of Stephen Thatcher, forhis pay, 5 12 6Do. do of Thomas Bond, for do., 4 10Thomas Gore, for a rifle gun impressed, 4 10Stephen Emorie, for dressing guns for militia, 13James Clemons, for a gun impressed, 4 101763. Captain Moss, for 60 days’ pay at 6s., 18Lieutenant Gore, for do. at 3s., 6d., 10 10”


Colonial Assemblies.—­General Assemblyof 1758-’61, Francis Lightfoot Lee and JamesHamilton; General Assembly of 1761-’65, FrancisLightfoot Lee and James Hamilton; General Assemblyof October, 1765, Francis Lightfoot Lee and JamesHamilton; General Assembly of 1766-’68, FrancisLightfoot Lee and James Hamilton; General Assemblyof May, 1769, Francis Peyton and James Hamilton; GeneralAssembly of 1769-’71, Francis Peyton and JamesHamilton (the latter vacated his seat during the sessionof May 21, 1770, to accept the office of coroner.He was succeeded by Josiah Clapham); General Assemblyof 1772-’74, Thomas Mason and Francis Peyton;General Assembly of 1775-’76, Josiah Claphamand Francis Peyton.

State Conventions.

Below will be found a compendium of Virginia conventions,with the names of the delegates returned by LoudounCounty. Few, if any, counties of Virginia havehad an abler or more influential representation inthe various State conventions. From the meetingof the first to the adjournment of the last Loudounhas been represented by fifteen of her wisest andmost prominent citizens.

Convention of 1774.—­Met August 1,1774. Adjourned August 6, 1774. Loudoundelegates: Francis Peyton and Thomas Mason.

Convention of March 20, 1775.—­Metat Richmond, Monday, March 20, 1775. AdjournedMarch 27, 1775. Loudoun delegates: FrancisPeyton and Josiah Clapham.

Convention of July 17, 1775.—­Metat Richmond, July 17, 1775. Adjourned August26, 1775. Loudoun delegates: Francis Peytonand Josiah Clapham.

Convention of December 1, 1775.—­Metat Richmond, December 1, 1775. Adjourned January20, 1776. Loudoun delegates: Francis Peytonand Josiah Clapham.

Convention of 1776.—­This conventionmet in the city of Williamsburg, on Monday, May 6,1776, and “framed the first written constitutionof a free State in the annals of the world.”Adjourned July 5, 1776. Loudoun delegates:Francis Peyton and Josiah Clapham.

Previous conventions did not frame constitutions,but they directed the affairs of the colony, and,in a measure, controlled the destinies of her people.Like the convention of 1776, they were instead revolutionarybodies.

Convention of 1788.—­This conventionmet in the State House in the city of Richmond, June2, 1788, to ratify or reject the Constitution whichhad been recommended to the States by the Federal Conventionon the 17th of September, 1787, at Philadelphia.Adjourned sine die June 27, 1788. Loudoundelegates: Stephen T. Mason and Levin Powell.

Convention of 1829-’30.—­Assembledin Richmond on the 5th day of October, 1829.Tenth District (Loudoun and Fairfax) delegates:James Monroe, Charles Fenton Mercer, William H. Fitzhugh,and Richard H. Henderson.

Convention of 1850-51.—­Met at theCapitol in the city of Richmond, on Monday, October14, 1850. Adjourned sine die, August 1,1851. District of Loudoun delegates: JohnJanney, John A. Carter, and Robert J.T. White.

Convention of 1861.—­Met February13, 1861. Adjourned sine die, December6, 1861. Loudoun delegates: John Janney andJohn A. Carter. The former was elected Presidentof the Convention. Both voted against the ordinanceof secession, April 17, 1861. Mr. Janney’sresignation as President of the Convention was tenderedon November 14, 1861.

Convention of 1864.—­(Restored Governmentof Virginia.) Met February 13, 1864. Adjournedsine die, April 11, 1864. Loudoun delegates:John J. Henshaw, James M. Downey, and E.R. Gover.

Convention of 1867-’68.—­Metat Richmond, Tuesday, December 3, 1867. AdjournedApril 17, 1868. Loudoun delegates: NorborneBerkeley and George E. Plaster.

Convention of 1901-’02.—­MetJune 12, 1901. Adjourned sine die, June26, 1902. Loudoun and Fauquier district delegates:Henry Fairfax and Albert Fletcher.


Loudoun’s Loyalty.

The story of the Revolution and the causes which ledto that great event are properly treated in a moregeneral history than this purports to be. If,in the few succeeding pages, it can be shown thatLoudoun County was most forward in resisting the arbitraryaggressions of the British government and that thevalor and patriotism she evinced during the Revolutionwas equal to that of her sister counties, who hadsuffered with her under the yoke of British oppression,then the primary object of this sketch will be accomplished.Her blood and treasure were freely dedicated to thecause of liberty, and, having once entered the Revolution,she determined to persevere in the struggle untilevery resource was exhausted.

Armed with flint-lock muskets of small bore and withlong-barreled rifles which they loaded from the muzzleby the use of the ramrod; equipped with powder horn,charges made of cane for loading, bullet molds andwadding, but bravely arrayed in home-spun of blue,and belted with cutlass and broadsword by the side,co*ckade on the hat and courage in the heart, her revolutionarysoldiers marched to the music of fife and drum intobattle for freedom against the power and might ofthe mother country.

Resolutions of Loudoun County.

In 1877, the following article appeared in a Leesburgnewspaper under the caption “Loudoun Countya Hundred Years Ago:”

“Major B. P. Nolan, grandsonof Burr Powell, has just put us in possessionof a verified copy of the proceedings of a publicmeeting held at Leesburg, Loudoun County, on the 14thof June, 1774, nearly one hundred and five years ago.It is interesting, not merely for its antiquity,but as showing the spirit of independence thatanimated the breasts of our liberty-loving countrymentwo years before the Declaration of AmericanIndependence in 1776. The original documentwas found among the papers of Col. Leven Powell,at one time member of Congress from this district,who died in 1810. His son, Burr Powell,forwarded a copy to R. H. Lee, Esq., who in 1826was about to publish a second edition of his‘Memoirs of the Life of R. H. Lee,’ ofRevolutionary fame.”

* * * * *

The proceedings or resolutions follow:


“At a meeting of the Freeholdersand other inhabitants of the County of Loudoun,in the Colony of Virginia, held at the Court-Housein Leesburg the 14th of June, 1774, F. Peyton,Esq., in the Chair, to consider the most effectualmethod to preserve the rights and liberties ofNorth America, and relieve our brethren of Boston,suffering under the most oppressive and tyrannicalAct of the British Parliament, made in the 14thyear of his present Majesty’s reign, wherebytheir Harbor is blocked up, their commerce totallyobstructed, their property rendered useless—­
Resolved, That we willalways cheerfully submit to such prerogativesas his Majesty has a right, by law, to exercise,as Sovereign of the British Dominions, and to no others.

Resolved,That it is beneath the dignity of freemen to
submit to any tax notimposed on them in the usual manner,
by representatives oftheir own choosing.

Resolved, That the Actof the British Parliament, above mentioned, isutterly repugnant to the fundamental laws of justice,in punishing persons without even the form of a trial;but a despotic exertion of unconstitutional powerdesignedly calculated to enslave a free and loyalpeople.
Resolved, That the enforcingthe execution of the said Act of Parliament bya military power, must have a necessary tendencyto raise a civil war, and that we will, with our livesand fortunes, assist and support our suffering brethren,of Boston, and every part of North America that mayfall under the immediate hand of oppression, untila redress of all our grievances shall be procured,and our common liberties established on a permanentfoundation.
Resolved, That the EastIndia Company, by exporting their tea from Englandto America, whilst subject to a tax imposed thereonby the British Parliament, have evidently designedto fix on the Americans those chains forged forthem by a venal ministry, and have thereby renderedthemselves odious and detestable throughout allAmerica. It is, therefore, the unanimousopinion of this meeting not to purchase any tea orother East India commodity whatever, importedafter the first of this Month.
Resolved, That we willhave no commercial intercourse with Great Britainuntil the above mentioned act of Parliament shallbe totally repealed, and the right of regulatingthe internal policy of North America by a BritishParliament shall be absolutely and positivelygiven up.
“Resolved, That Thompson Masonand Francis Peyton, Esqs., be appointed to representthe County at a general meeting to be held atWilliamsburg on the 1st day of August next, to takethe sense of this Colony at large on the subject ofthe preceding resolves, and that they, togetherwith Leven Powell, William Ellzey, John Thornton,George Johnston, and Samuel Levi, or any threeof them, be a committee to correspond with theseveral committees appointed for this purpose.

“Signed by—­

“John Morton,
Thomas Ray,
Thomas Drake,
William Booram,
Benj. Isaac Humphrey,
Samuel Mills,
Joshua Singleton,
Jonathan Drake,
Matthew Rust,
Barney Sims,
John Sims,
Samuel Butler,
Thomas Chinn,
Appollos Cooper,
Lina Hanconk,
John McVicker,
Simon Triplett,

John Wildey,
Joseph Bayley,
Isaac Sanders,
Thos. Williams,
John Williams,
William Finnekin,
Richard Hanson,
John Dunker,
Thomas Williams,
James Nolan,
Samuel Peugh,
William Nornail,
Thomas Luttrell,
James Brair,
Poins Awsley,
John Kendrick,
Edward O’Neal,
Francis Triplett,
Joseph Combs,
John Peyton Harrison,
Robert Combs,
Stephen Combs,
Samuel Henderson,
Benjamin Overfield,
Adam Sangster,
Bazzell Roads,
James Graydey,
Thomas Awsley,
John Reardon,
Henry Awsley,
Edward Miller,
Richard Hirst,
James Davis,
Jasper Grant.”

Revolutionary Committees.

The County Committee of Loudoun for 1774-’75was composed of the following members:

Francis Peyton,
Josias Clapham,
Thomas Lewis,
Anthony Russell,
John Thomas,
George Johnston,
Thomas Shore,
Jacob Reed,
Leven Powell,
William Smith,
Robert Jamison,
Hardage Lane,
John Lewis,
James Lane,
George Johnston,

The appended findings of this as well as a later committeeexemplify the work of these Revolutionary bodies.

“At a meetingof the Committee of Loudoun County, held at
Leesburg on Friday,May 26, 1775....

“The Committee, taking into considerationthe conduct of the Governour relative to thepowder which was, by his express orders, takensecretly out of the publick Magazine belonging tothis Colony, in the night of the twentieth ult., andcarried on board the Magdaline schooner.
Resolved, nemine contra dicente,That his Lordship, by this and other parts ofhis conduct which have lately transpired, hasnot only forfeited the confidence of the goodpeople of this Colony, but that he may be justly esteemedan enemy to America; and that as well his excuse publishedin his Proclamation of the fourth instant, as hisverbal answer to the address presented him onthat occasion by the city of Williamsburgh, areunsatisfactory and evasive, and reflect, in ouropinion, great dishonour on the General Assemblyand inhabitants of this Colony, as from the lattera suspicion may be easily deduced, that the Representativesof the people are not competent judges of theplace wherein arms and ammunition, intended for thedefense of the Colony, may be safely lodged, andthat the inhabitants (unlike other subjects)can not, in prudence, be trusted with the meansnecessary for their protection from insurrection,or even evasion; so in the former a very heavy chargeis exhibited against the best men among us, of seducingtheir fellow-subjects from their duty and allegiance;a charge, we are confident, not founded in reality,and which, we believe, is construed out of the dischargeof that duty which every good man is under, to pointout to his weaker countrymen, in the day of publicktrial, the part they should act, and explain,on constitutional principles, the nature of theirallegiance, the ground of which we ferventlypray may never be removed, whose force we desiremay never with reason be relaxed, but yet maybe subservient to considerations of superior regard.
“The Committee being informedby some of the officers who commanded the Troopsof this County that marched on the above occasion,that the reason of their marching no farther thanFredericksburgh was, their having received repeatedrequests from the Honourable Peyton Randolph,Esq., to return home, assuring them that thepeaceable citizens of Williamsburgh were underno apprehensions of danger, either in their personsor properties; that the publick treasury andrecords were perfectly safe, and that there was nonecessity for their proceeding any further; threeof the other Delegates appointed to the ContinentalCongress, the only civil power we know of inthis great struggle for liberty, being of thesame opinion.

Resolved,nemine contra dicente, That under such
circ*mstances we approvethe conduct of the said Officers
and Troops.

Resolved, nemine contra dicente,That we cordially approve the conduct of ourcountrymen, Captain Patrick Henry, and the othervolunteers of Hanover County, who marched underhim, in making reprisals on the King’s propertyfor the trespass committed as aforesaid, and thatwe are determined to hazard all the blessingsof this life rather than suffer the smallestinjury offered to their persons or estates, onthis account, to pass unrewarded with its equalpunishment.
Resolved, nemine contra dicente,That it be recommended to the Representativesof this County, as the opinion of this Committee,that they by no means agree to the reprisals,taken as aforesaid, being returned.

Ordered,That the clerk transmit immediately a copy of
the preceding resolvesto the Printers of the Virginia and
Pennsylvania gazettes,to be published.

“By order of the Committee.


In session in Loudoun, May 14, 1776:

“Richard Morlan being summonedto appear before this Committee, for speakingwords inimical to the liberties of America, andtending to discourage a Minute-man from returningto his duty; and also publickly declaring he wouldnot muster, and if fined would oppose the collectionof the fine with his gun: The charge beingproved against him, and he heard in his defense,the Committee think proper to hold the said Morlanup to the publick as an enemy to their rightsand liberties; and have ordered that this resolutionbe published in the Virginia Gazette.



Loudoun, at the time of the Revolution, was one ofthe most densely populated counties in the State.Her militia, according to the returns of 1780 and1781, numbered 1,746, which number was far in excessof that reported by any other Virginia county.

It is probable that a few Loudoun patriots servedin Captain Daniel Morgan’s celebrated “Companyof Virgina Riflemen,” thus described by a lineofficer of the Continental Army: “They areremarkably stout and hardy men; many of them exceedingsix feet in height. They are dressed in whitefrocks, or rifle shirts, and round hats. Thesem*n are remarkable for the accuracy of their aim;striking a mark with great certainty at two hundredyards distance. At a review, a company of them,while on a quick advance, fired their balls into objectsof seven inches diameter at the distance of two hundredand fifty yards. They are now stationed on ourlines, and their shot have frequently proved fatalto British officers and soldiers, who expose themselvesto view even at more than double the distance of commonmusket shot.”

The Germans of Loudoun were intensely loyal to thecause of freedom, many serving in Armand’s Legion,recruited by authority of Congress during the summerof 1777, and composed of men who could not speak English.

Quaker Non-Participation.

During the period preceding the Revolution, importantoffices had been bestowed on the Friends or Quakersof Loudoun and they exercised a decided influencein the government of the County. They, however,withdrew participation in public affairs on the approachof war; and, to the determination of the Americanpatriots to throw off the yoke of British tyranny,they opposed their principles of non-resistance, notonly refusing to perform military duty, but also topay the taxes levied on them, as on all other citizens,for the prosecution of the War of Independence.

This non-conformity to the military laws of the Statefrom conscientious motives, brought them into difficulty,as will be seen in the annexed extract from Kercheval’sHistory of the Shenandoah Valley:

“At the beginning of the war,attempts were made to compel them to bear armsand serve in the militia; but it was soon foundunavailing. They would not perform any militaryduty required of them, not even the scourge wouldcompel them to submit to discipline. Thepractice of coercion was therefore abandoned,and the legislature enacted a law to levy a tax upontheir property, to hire substitutes to perform militiaduty in their stead. This, with other taxes,bore peculiarly heavy upon them. Their personalproperty was sold under the hammer to raise thepublic demands; and before the war was over,many of them were reduced to great distress in theirpecuniary circ*mstances.
“This selling of Quakers’property afforded great opportunity for designingindividuals to make profitable speculations.They continued to refuse to pay taxes for severalyears after the war, holding it unlawful to contributetheir money towards discharging the war debt.This being at length adjusted, no part of ourcitizens pay their public demands with more punctuality(except their muster fines, which they stillrefuse to pay).”

Loudoun’s Revolutionary Hero.

John Champe, the tall and saturnine sergeant-majorof Lee’s celebrated partisan legion, was a residentof Loudoun County. Readers of Lee’s “Memoirsof the War” will recall the account of Champe’spretended desertion from the Continental armies.This perilous adventure was undertaken for the threefoldpurpose of capturing the traitor Arnold, saving thelife of the unfortunate Andre, and establishing theinnocence of General Gates, who had been charged withcomplicity in Arnold’s nefarious intrigue.His investigations secured the complete vindicationof Gates; but, failing in his other attempts, he driftedwith the Red Coats to North Carolina, where he desertedtheir ranks and rejoined the American forces underGeneral Greene.

That officer provided him with a good horse and moneyfor his journey, and sent him to General Washington.The commander-in-chief “munificently anticipatedevery desire of the sergeant, and presented him witha discharge from further service, lest he might, inthe vicissitudes of war, fall into the enemy’shands; when, if recognized, he was sure to die ona gibbet.” His connection with the armythus abruptly, though honorably, severed, with nolittle regret we are to suppose, he straightway repairedto his home near Leesburg.

In after years, when General Washington was calledby President Adams to the command of the army organizedto defend the country from French hostility, he inquiredfor Champe, with the avowed purpose of placing himat the head of a company of infantry. Lieutenant-ColonelLee, through whom the inquiry had been made, dispatcheda courier to Loudoun County in search of Champe.There he learned that the intrepid soldier and daringadventurer had removed to Kentucky, where he soonafterward died.

Some interesting anecdotes concerning Champe are relatedin a portion of Captain Cameron’s private journal,published in the British United Service Journal.Champe was assigned to his company, a part of Arnold’sBritish legion, upon his arrival in New York.

Army Recommendations.

The following list of militia officers were “recommendedby the gentlemen justices of the county Court forLoudoun County, Virginia, to the Governor for appointmentsfrom March, 1778, to December, 1782:”

[22]"March, 1778: James Whaley,Jr., second lieutenant; William Carnan, ensign;Daniel Lewis, second lieutenant; Josias Milesand Thomas King, lieutenants; Hugh Douglass, ensign;Isaac Vandevanter, lieutenant; John Dodd, ensign.May, 1778: George Summers and Charles G.Eskridge, colonels; William McClellan, RobertMcClain and John Henry, captains; Samuel Cox,major; Frans Russell, James Beavers, Scarlet Burkley,Moses Thomas, Henry Farnsworth, John Russell, GustavusElgin, John Miller, Samuel Butcher, Joshua Botts,John Williams, George Tyler, Nathaniel Adams andGeorge Mason, lieutenants; Isaac Grant, JohnThatcher, William Elliott, Richard Shore andPeter Benham, ensigns. 1778, August: ThomasMarks, William Robison, Joseph Butler and JohnLinton, lieutenants; Joseph Wildman and George Asbury,ensigns. 1778, September: Francis Russell,lieutenant, and George Shrieve, ensign. 1779,May: Joseph Wildman, lieutenant, and FrancisElgin, Jr., ensign. 1779, June 14: GeorgeKilgour, lieutenant, and Jacob Caton, ensign. 1779,July 12: John Debell, lieutenant, and WilliamHutchison, ensign. 1779, October 11: FrancisRussell, captain. 1779, November 8: JamesCleveland, captain; Thomas Millan, ensign. 1780,February 14: Thomas Williams, ensign. 1780, March:John Benham, ensign. 1780, June: WethersSmith and William Debell, second lieutenants;Francis Adams and Joel White, ensigns. 1780,August: Robert Russell, ensign. 1780, October:John Spitzfathem, first lieutenant; Thomas Thomasand Matthew Rust, second lieutenants; NicholasMinor, Jr., David Hopkins, William McGeath andSamuel Oliphant, ensigns; Charles Bennett, captain.1780, November: James Coleman, Esq., colonel;George West, lieutenant-colonel; James McLlhaney,major. 1781, February: Simon Triplett, colonel;John Alexander, lieutenant-colonel; Jacob Reed,major; John Linton, captain; William Debell andJoel White, lieutenants; Thomas Minor, ensign;Thomas Shores, captain; John Tayler and ThomasBeaty, lieutenants; John McClain, ensign. 1781, March:John McGeath, captain; Ignatius Burnes, captain; HughDouglass, first lieutenant; John Cornelison, secondlieutenant; Joseph Butler and Conn Oneale, lieutenants;John Jones, Jr., ensign; William Taylor, majorfirst battalion; James Coleman, colonel; GeorgeWest, lieutenant-colonel; Josiah Maffett, captain;John Binns, first lieutenant; Charles Binns,Jr., second lieutenant, and Joseph Hough, ensign.1781, April: Samson Trammell, captain; SpenceWiggington and Smith King, lieutenants. 1781,May: Thomas Respass, Esq., major; Hugh Douglass,Gent, captain; Thomas King, lieutenant; WilliamT. Mason, ensign; Samuel Noland, captain; AbrahamDehaven and Enoch Thomas, lieutenants; IsaacDehaven and Thomas Vince, ensigns; James McLlhaney,captain; Thomas Kennan, captain; John Bagley,first lieutenant. 1781, June: Enoch Furrand George Rust, lieutenants; Withers Berry andWilliam Hutchison (son of Benjamin), ensign.1781, September: Gustavus Elgin, captain; JohnLittleton, ensign. 1782, January: William McClellan,captain. February, 1782: William George,Timothy Hixon, and Joseph Butler, captains. 1782,March: James McLlhaney, captain; GeorgeWest, colonel; Thomas Respass, lieutenant-colonel.1782, July: Samuel Noland, major; James LewinGibbs, second lieutenant, and Giles Turley, ensign.1782, August: Enoch Thomas, captain; SamuelSmith, lieutenant; Matthias Smitley, first lieutenant;Charles Tyler and David Beaty, ensigns. 1782,December: Thomas King, captain; WilliamMason, first lieutenant, and Silas Gilbert, ensign.”

[Footnote 22: Abstract from Court Order BookG., pages 517-522.]

Court Orders and Reimbursem*nts.

Needy families of the Revolutionary soldiers of Loudounwere supplied with the necessaries of life as perthe following orders:

“1778, November9th: John Alexander to furnish Elizabeth
Welch, her husband beingin the army.

“1778, Nov. 15th: GeorgeEmrey to furnish the child of Jacob Rhodes, saidJacob being in the Continental army. WilliamDouglass to furnish Mary Rhodes, her husband beingin the army. George Summers to furnish WilliamGilmore, his son being in the army.

“1778, Dec. 14:Leven Powell to furnish Andrew Laswell.

“1779, Feb. 8th:Samuel Triplett to furnish the wife of Hugh
Henderson. JosiasClapham to furnish Ann Philips.

“1779, March 8th:Farling Ball to furnish the widow of
Joseph Collens and thewife of William Eaton. William
Stanhope to furnishAnn Barton.

“1779, April: John Lewis,Gent, to furnish the wife of Shadrack Reeder.Hardage Lane to furnish Sarah Gilmore, wife ofWilliam, whose son is in the army. William Ellzeyto furnish wife of Shadrack Reeder. JosiasClapham appointed to apply to the Treasurer for500 pounds to be placed in the hands of JohnLewis, Gent, to supply the necessaries of life forthose who have husbands or children in the Continentalarmy.

“1779, May:Farling Ball to furnish Edward McGinnis and
William Means.John Alexander to furnish Ann Bartan.
(William Stanhope tofurnish Ann Barton, July 1779.)

“1779, August:Robert Jamison to furnish Conard Shanks,
whose son is in thearmy. Jonathan Davis to furnish Mary
Stoker. PierceBayly do. wife of Joel Coleman.

“1780, March:John Tyler do. Jemima Coleman.

“1780, July:Simon Triplett to furnish Jemima Coleman, wife
of Joel, not exceedingtwo barrels of flour and 200 pounds
of Pork.

“1780, September: John Alexanderto furnish Ann Barton one barrel of corn andfifty pounds of Pork. Josias Clapham do.Catherine Henderson, widow of Adam Henderson.William Cavans to furnish Ann Richards, her husbandbeing in the army, and Isabella Collens, widowof Joseph.

“1780, November:Wm. Bronough do. Sarah Russell, wife of

“1781, April:William Owsley to supply Hannah Rice & two
children, the familyof James Rice, who died in the
Continental army.

“1781, May:Adam Vincel to supply Mary Tritipoe, wife of
Conrad, her husbandbeing in the army.

“1781, Sept.:Joseph Thomas to supply the widow of David
Hamilton (a soldierwho was killed in the Continental army).

“1782, Jan.:John Tyler, Gent, to furnish the family of
Cornelius Slacht (hebeing an 18 months’ draft).

“1782, Feb.:John Lewis, Gent, to furnish Eleanor Wilcox (a
soldier’s wife).

“1782, March:William Douglass to furnish Eleanor Wilcox,
agreeable to an orderof the last Court directed to John
Lewis, Gent, the saidLewis declining.”

“Treasurer topay sundry persons for furnishing supplies as
per their several accounts:

“1778, May 12:William Ellzey, Esq., L3 8s. 9d., on account
of wife of John Stokerand L2 10s. ditto for wife of
Shadrack Reeder.Wm. Douglass, L50 14s. 6d. as per acct.

“1778, June 9:Andrew Adam, L13 5d., for Margaret Hill

“1778, Aug. 10:Farling Ball. L4 16s. 9d. John Alexander,

“1778, Sept. 14:Leven Powell, Gent, L6 1s. William Douglass,
Gent, L47 7s. JohnTyler, L3 19s. 6d.

“1778, Sept. 15:Farling Ball, Gent, L1 17s. 6d.

“1778, Nov. 9:Andrew Adam, L16 15s.

“1778, Nov. 15:Daniel Losh, L24 6s. 9d. Geo. West, Gent, L3
10s. Farling Ball,ditto, L2.

“1778, Dec. 14:Joshua Daniel, Gent, L9 15s. John Orr, L7,

“1779, Feb. 9,Farling Ball, L18 13s. 9d. Wm. Douglass, L53
9s. 1d. Chas. Binns,L3 on acct. of widow of Hamilton.

“1779, April:John Alexander, L68 15s. Daniel Losh, L10 37s.
William Douglass, Gent,L28 16s. Andrew Adam, L17 13s. Wm.
Ellzey, L24 2s.

“1779, May:Geo. West, Gent, L42 14s.

“1779, June:Andrew Adam, L12 3s. 6d. John Orr, L43 16s.Wm.
Douglass, L18 16s.Farling Ball, Gent, L175 5s.

“1779, July:John Alexander, L18.

“1779, August:Jacob Tracey, L20 for nursing and burying
Sophia Harris, the wifeof a continental soldier.

“1779, Oct:Pierce Bayly, Gent, L10. Simon Triplett, L43,
9s. 10d. RobertJamison, L30. Jonathan Davis, L32 10s.
Farling Ball, L61 10s.6d. Wm. Douglass, Gent, L51 15s.

“1779, John Orr,Gent, L93 8s. 3d. Leven Powell, Gent, L69
10s. Wm. Stanhope,Gent, L4 4s.

“1780, Jan.:Jonathan Davis, Gent, L50. Wm. Stanhope, Gent,
L4 4s.

“1780, February:Thomas George, L206. Israel Thompson, L119
2s. George Emrey,L46 19s.

“1780, March:Hardage Lane, Gent, L83 8s.

“1780, April:Thomas George, L15. Farling Ball, Gent, L99
6s. Wm. Douglass,Gent, L69 10s.

“1780, June:John Tyler, Gent, L40. Pierce Bayly, Gent, L20.

“1780, August:John Orr, Gent, L500. Wm. Douglass, Gent,

“1780, November:Thomas George, L221. Farling Ball, L50.
George Tyler, Gent,L8. George Emrey, Gent, L163 12s.

“1781, March:John Orr, Gent, L431 16s. Wm. Cavans, L120.

“1782, Feb.:John Orr, as per acct., for furnishing Mary
Butler, a soldier’swife, with necessaries.”

Close of the Struggle.

On the 25th of November, 1783, the British army evacuatedNew York. The independence of the United Stateshad been acknowledged by the British Government andthe war was ended. During the following monthmost of the Continental troops from Loudoun returnedto their homes, many of them to spend the remainderof their days in hard-earned peace.

WAR OF 1812.

The Compelling Cause.

Following the Revolution, a number of new towns spranginto being, educational institutions multiplied, thepopulation of the County steadily increased, and thepeople were industrious, enterprising, and happy.

A second difficulty, however, soon interrupted thistranquillity, and the quarrel between the two governmentswas referred to the arbitrament of the War of 1812,fought by the United States against England for maritimeindependence.

The honor of the new republic was assailed on thehigh seas by the insistence of Great Britain of aright to search American vessels for fugitive Britishsubjects. A doctrine which America regarded asestablished by the Revolution, to wit, that a citizenof a foreign country could voluntarily surrender hisnative citizenship and swear allegiance to anothergovernment, was disputed by Great Britain, who heldthat “once an Englishman was to be an Englishmanalways.” Upon this ground American vesselswere held up on the ocean by English men-of-war andsearched to such an extent that within the eight yearsof forbearance over 6,000 men were taken from the shipsof the United States and forced into the British navy.

This audacious conduct thoroughly aroused the indignationof the American people, in which resentment it issupposed the people of Loudoun warmly concurred.Seeing that bloodshed was necessary in order to maintainthe national honor, and spurred by urgent petitions,President Madison recommended to Congress a declarationof war, which was accordingly promulgated June 18,1812.

State Archives at Leesburg.[23]

When the British were on their way from Bladensburgto Washington, in August, 1814, James Monroe, thenSecretary of State, had been for several days withGeneral Winder, reconnoitering the enemy, and watchingthe movements of both armies. Knowing the weaknessof the American forces, he believed Washington tobe in great peril. He dispatched a letter toPresident Madison, advising the removal of the officialrecords. Stephen Pleasanton, then a clerk in theState Department, made immediate preparation for theremoval of the books and papers in that department.He had linen bags hastily made and placed in themthe State archives, which were then loaded in wagonsand hauled across the chain bridge, over the Potomac,to the grist mill of Edgar Patterson, two miles aboveGeorgetown. Not feeling sure of their safetythere, he had them reloaded on wagons and conveyedto Leesburg, where they were placed in an unoccupiedbuilding,[24] the key of which was given to a recentlyordained clergyman, named Littlejohn. There theyremained until the last hostile Briton had reachedBaltimore, when they were carefully hauled back toWashington.[25] Thus we saved the precious documentsof the revolutionary war, as well as our state archives,and thus does Leesburg boast, with abstract truthfulness,that for a little more than two weeks it was the Capitalof the United States.

[Footnote 23: Anonymous.]

[Footnote 24: Perhaps the most precious of thesedocuments was the Declaration of Independence, whichit has been asserted, was deposited here.]

[Footnote 25: Mrs. A.H. Throckmorton, inan interesting narrative to which allusion is madeelsewhere in this volume, differs with the authorityhere quoted as to the disposition of these importantpapers. She says: “For one night theyremained in the court-house here (Leesburg) and werethen carried several miles out in the country to theestate of “Rockeby,” now owned by Mr. H.B.Nalle,... and securely locked within the old vaultand remained out of reach of the enemy for two weeks.”]


The duel, February 6, 1819, between Armistead T. Masonand John M. McCarty, both residents of Loudoun County,was the second “affair of honor” to besettled on the now famous field of Bladensburg.They were cousins, who became enemies during Mason’sbrief term in the United States Senate. Mason,known as “The Chief of Selma,” was a graduateof William and Mary College and the commander of acavalry regiment[26] in the war of 1812. He laterbecame brigadier general of the Virginia militia.He married and took up his residence at Selma plantation,four miles north of Leesburg. Wishing to makeit possible for the Quakers of Loudoun to contributetheir share toward the support of the army, Masonintroduced in the Senate a bill to permit, in caseof draft, the furnishing of substitutes on paymentof $500 each. For this McCarty branded him acoward, and thence sprung a succession of bitter quarrels,the real basis of which was a difference of politicalopinions. The details of both sides of the feudwere published weekly in the Leesburg “Geniusof Liberty,” and later were issued in pamphletform as campaign material.

[Footnote 26: Many of the Germans of Loudounserved in this regiment which participated in theBattle of Baltimore.]

Mason’s side was defeated. He earnestlywished to avoid a duel, but McCarty continued to provokehim, with the hope of compelling him to fight.This he finally decided to do. He left his homewithout revealing his intentions and on reaching Washingtonmade his final preparations with great deliberation.“The Chief of Selma” fell February 6,1819, his heart pierced by the ball of his antagonist.He was but 32 years of age. His body was borneto Leesburg, where it was buried in the Episcopalchurchyard, with an imposing Masonic ritual.The grief of his slaves was painful to witness.His only child became an officer in the United Statesarmy, and was mortally wounded in the battle of CerroGordo.


“Oak Hill,” the country seat of JamesMonroe, ex-President of the United States and authorof the world-famed Monroe Doctrine, is situated nearAldie, in Loudoun County, on the turnpike running southfrom Leesburg to Aldie, about nine miles from the formerand three from the latter place.

The main building, with an imposing Grecian facade,was planned by Monroe while in the presidential chair,and its construction superintended by William Benton,an Englishman, who served him in the triple capacityof steward, counselor, and friend. The dimensionsare about 50 by 90 feet; it is built of brick in amost substantial manner, and handsomely finished;has three stories (including basem*nt), a wide porticofronting south, with massive Doric columns thirtyfeet in height, and is surrounded by a grove of magnificentoaks, locusts, and poplars, covering several acres.It has been said that prior to his inauguration heoccupied a wooden dwelling of humble pretensions standingwithin a stone’s throw of its palatial progeny.Monroe’s term of office expired March 4, 1825,and soon after the inauguration of his successor heretired to “Oak Hill,” which immediatelybecame, like Monticello and Montpelier, although toa lesser degree, a center of social and politicalpilgrimages.

The financial affairs of its owner were seriouslyembarrassed from the first, and he labored in vainto obtain justice from the country he had served solong and so well, at heavy pecuniary cost and loss.His old friend, Lafayette, now once more prosperous,sent an offer of assistance with a delicacy and generositywhich did him honor. A little was done at lastby Congress, but not enough, and the day came when“Oak Hill” was offered for sale.

While residing here, the post of regent of the Universityof Virginia, which was instituted in 1826, was acceptedby Mr. Monroe as not inconsistent with his view ofthe entire retirement from public life becoming anex-President. Associated with him in the dischargeof his duties as regent, as in so many long yearsof patriotic toil, were Jefferson and Madison.

When the State of Virginia called a convention forthe revision of her constitution, Mr. Monroe consentedto become a member. He took an active interestin the affairs of his own neighborhood, dischargingthe duties of a local magistrate.

Mrs. Monroe died at “Oak Hill” on September23d, 1830, and after her departure the old man foundhis lonely farm life insupportable. He had previouslyvisited much with his daughters, and he now went tolive with Mrs. Gouverneur, in New York. He wroteto Mr. Madison, April 11, 1831:

* * * * *

“It is very distressing to me to sell my propertyin Loudoun, for besides parting with all I have inthe State, I indulged a hope, if I could retain it,that I might be able occasionally to visit it, andmeet my friends, or many of them, there. But illhealth and advanced years prescribe a course whichwe must pursue....”


The greatest social event in the history of Leesburgwas the visit of General Lafayette, August 9, 1825.The great Frenchman, accompanied by President JohnQuincy Adams, had visited ex-President Monroe at “OakHill,” from which place the august procession,headed by two troops of cavalry, made the eleven milejourney to Leesburg. Lafayette, the President,the ex-President and the chairman of the Town Council,rode in the first carriage, drawn by four white horses.On reaching Leesburg, they were greeted by six companiesof militia, among them a few old soldiers of the Revolution.At the firing of the national salute, Lafayette descendedfrom his carriage and shook hands with those veteransand heroes.

[Footnote 27: This account of General Lafayette’svisit, save for a few minor alterations and one ortwo supplementary facts, is from the pen of Mrs. A.H. Throckmorton, of this County, having formed partof an historical sketch of Leesburg contributed byher to the old Richmond Times, July 19, 1902.]

Standing on his front porch, Dr. McCabe, the town’sMayor, delivered an address of welcome to which Lafayetteresponded. Across the street at Osborne’sHotel[28] a reception was tendered him, after whichthe distinguished visitor was driven through the principalstreets of the town. On reaching the court-housesquare, then, as now, a large inclosure shaded bygiant trees, Lafayette, on alighting from the coach,kissed a tiny maiden upheld in the arms of her negronurse. The little girl was Mrs. Wildman, whoafter reaching a venerable age departed this lifein the summer of 1901.

[Footnote 28: A fine stone mansion, still standing,and the residence of the late Colonel John H. Alexander,during his lifetime one of the foremost lawyers ofthe State.]

Lafayette passed up an avenue formed on the rightby boys and girls and the young ladies of LeesburgFemale Academy, and on the left by the youths of theLeesburg Institute. The former wore white, withblue sashes, and their heads were tastefully adornedwith evergreens. They held sprigs of laurel withwhich they strewed the great guest’s pathway.The lads wore red sashes and white and black co*ckades.

One of them pronounced an address of welcome, andwas amply rewarded by a grasp of the hero’shand. As Lafayette ascended the portico of thecourt-house a little girl stepped forward, holdinga wreath of laurel, and said:

Hail Patriot, Statesman, Hero,Sage!
Hail Freedom’sfriend, hail Gallia’s son,
Whose laurels greener growin age,
Plucked by theside of Washington.

Hail, champion in a holy cause,
When hostile bandsour shores beset;
Whose valor made the oppressorpause,
Hail, holy warrior,Lafayette?

She, too, was honored by a grasp of Lafayette’shand as well as a kiss. After an oration by LudwellLee, the distinguished party returned to the hotelwhere they were entertained by a delegation of theladies of the village, while another delegation superintendedthe spreading of a banquet on court-house square.Two hundred persons participated in this banquet.The numerous toasts were remarkable for loftinessof thought and elegance of diction. PresidentAdams launched the following sentiment:

“The living records of the war of Independencelike the prophetic books of the Sibyl, increasingin value as they diminish in numbers.”

Lafayette toasted General Bolivar, “who hasfelt true patriotism, and understood true glory.”Another toast was “To the memory of Washington,fresh as the passing moment, lasting as eternity.”

It is estimated that 10,000 persons witnessed thefestivities. Lafayette, after a brief sojournat the plantation of Ludwell Lee, departed for a visitto Madison at “Montpelier,” and Jefferson,at “Monticello.”


Scarcely a generation had passed, during which thewhole country passed through several years of financialdistress, when the United States became involved ina brief successful war with Mexico, caused chieflyby the resistance of that country to the “annexationof Texas.” But it is not within the scopeof this sketch to follow the history of that foreignstruggle. It is sufficient to say that the peopleof Loudoun favored most heartily the annexation ofTexas, and responded, indirectly of course, to thesmall quota of men and money required by the Government.

The entire United States force employed in the invasionof Mexico was composed of 26,690 regulars and 56,926volunteers, not including those serving in the navy.The losses of men by death from disease and woundswere about 11,000, and the number killed in battle,about 1,500. The cost in money amounted to $150,000,000.The gain consisted of the cession of extensive territorystretching to the Pacific Ocean, several thousandmiles of valuable sea coast and an immense bound ofthe United States into international power. Inthe accomplishment of this general result Loudounsent many of her sturdiest sons, who served from theState in various bodies throughout the war.


Loudoun County in the Secession Movement.

The election of Lincoln and attendant success of theRepublican party revived the determination of theSouth to secede from the Union.

Just at this juncture the prosperity of Loudoun wasunprecedented, and the threatened dissolution wasa serious menace to her progress. General tradehad recently been greatly stimulated, and the resourcesof the County were being daily multiplied.

Following the resolute lead of the other southernStates, the legislature of Virginia, on January 14,1861, authorized a State convention to consider theadvisability of secession, and the members electedin pursuance thereof met in the capitol, at Richmond,at 12 o’clock a.m., on Wednesday, the 13th dayof the February following. They constituted whatwas perhaps the ablest body of men that ever assembledin the State, and the friends and foes of secessionwere alike represented. The delegates from Loudounwere John Janney and John A. Carter, both of whomhad represented her in the constitutional conventionof 1850,51.

Roll call was followed by the election of a permanentchairman, Mr. Janney, of Loudoun, receiving a majorityof the whole number of votes cast. Two of themembers were then designated a committee to wait uponthe president of the convention to inform him of hiselection and conduct him to his seat. Whereuponhe addressed the convention as follows:[29]

[Footnote 29: The unabridged publication in thiswork of Mr. Janney’s speech of acceptance hasseemed specially appropriate. It is the pleaof a Loudoun man for conservative action boldly putforth at a time when men’s passions were inflamedalmost beyond human credulity, and while he himselfwas the presiding officer of a body which had met todecide the destiny of the Old Dominion and whose deliberationswere to be watched with breathless interest by thepeople of both hemispheres.]

Gentlemen of the Convention:I tender you my sincere and cordial thanks forthe honor you have bestowed upon me by callingme to preside over the deliberations of the most importantconvention that has assembled in this State sincethe year 1776.
“I am without experience in theperformance of the duties to which you have assignedme, with but little knowledge of parliamentarylaw and the rules which are to govern our proceedings,and I have nothing to promise you but fidelity andimpartiality. Errors I know I shall commit, butthese will be excused by your kindness, and promptlycorrected by your wisdom.
“Gentlemen, it is now almostseventy-three years since a convention of thepeople of Virginia was assembled in this hallto ratify the Constitution of the United States, oneof the chief objects of which was to consolidate,not the Government, but the Union of the States.
“Causes which have passed, andare daily passing, into history, which will setit* seal upon them, but which I do not mean toreview, have brought the Constitution and the Unioninto imminent peril, and Virginia has come to therescue. It is what the whole country expectedof her. Her pride as well as her patriotism—­herinterest as well as her honor, called upon herwith an emphasis which she could not disregard,to save the monuments of her own glory. Her honoredson who sleeps at Mount Vernon, the political meccaof all future ages, presided over the body whichframed the Constitution; and another of her honoredsons, whose brow was adorned with a civic wreathwhich will never fade, and who now reposes inOrange county, was its principal architect, andone of its ablest expounders—­and, in theadministration of the government, five of hercitizens have been elected to the chief magistracyof the Republic.
“It can not be that a Governmentthus founded and administered can fail, withoutthe hazard of bringing reproach, either uponthe wisdom of our fathers, or upon the intelligence,patriotism, and virtue of their descendants.It is not my purpose to indicate the course whichthis body will probably pursue, or the measuresit may be proper to adopt. The opinionsof today may all be changed to-morrow. Eventsare thronging upon us, and we must deal with them asthey present themselves.
“Gentlemen, there is a flag whichfor nearly a century has been borne in triumphthrough the battle and the breeze, and whichnow floats over this capitol, on which there is a starrepresenting this ancient Commonwealth, and myearnest prayer, in which I know every memberof this body will cordially unite, is that itmay remain there forever, provided always thatit* lustre is untarnished. We demand forour own citizens perfect equality of rights with thoseof the empire States of New York, Pennsylvania,and Ohio, but we ask for nothing that we willnot cheerfully concede to those of Delaware andRhode Island.
“The amount of responsibilitywhich rests upon this body can not be exaggerated.When my constituents asked me if I would consentto serve them here if elected, I answered in the affirmative,but I did so with fear and trembling. The peopleof Virginia have, it is true, reserved to themselves,in a certain contingency, the right to review ouraction, but still the measures which we adopt may befraught with good or evil to the whole country.
“Is it too much to hope thatwe, and others who are engaged in the work ofpeace and conciliation, may so solve the problemswhich now perplex us, as to win back our sisters ofthe South, who, for what they deem sufficientcause, have wandered from their old orbits?May we not expect that our old sister, Massachusetts,will retrace her steps? Will she not followthe noble example of Rhode Island, the little Statewith a heart large enough for a whole continent?Will she not, when she remembers who it was whofirst drew his sword from the scabbard on herown soil at Cambridge, and never finally returnedit, until her liberty and independence were achieved,and whence he came, repeal her obnoxious laws,which many of her wisest and best citizens regardas a stain upon her legislative records?
“Gentlemen, this is no partyconvention. It is our duty on an occasionlike this to elevate ourselves into an atmosphere,in which party passion and prejudice can not exist—­toconduct all our deliberations with calmness and wisdom,and to maintain, with inflexible firmness, whateverposition we may find it necessary to assume.”

The proceedings were dignified, solemn, and, at times,even sad. During the entire session good feelingsprevailed to a remarkable degree. For these harmoniousrelations credit is principally due the secessionists.Very often their actions were regarded with suspicionby their opponents who, at such times, pursued a policyof obstruction when nothing was to be gained thereby.But they were given every privilege and shown everyconsideration.

On April 17, 1861, the convention, in secret session,passed the ordinance of secession by a vote of 88to 55 on condition that it should be submitted tothe people for their approval or rejection at an electionto be held the 23d of May for that purpose. Loudoun’sdelegates voted solidly against the measure.

In the convention opinions varied as to whether peaceor war would follow secession. The great majorityof the members, as of the people, believed that peacefulrelations would continue. All truly wished forpeace. A number expressed themselves as fearingwar, but this was when opposing secession. Yetin nearly all the speeches made in the conventionthere seemed to be distinguishable a feeling of fearand dread lest war should follow. However, hadwar been a certainty secession would not have beendelayed or defeated.

There was warm discussion on the question of submittingthe ordinance to the people for ratification or rejection.Many, both before and after the passage of the ordinance,favored its reference to the people in the vain hopethat the measure would in this way be frustrated.They declared that, in a matter of such vital importance,involving the lives and liberties of a whole people,the ordinance should be submitted to them for theirdiscussion, and that secession should be attemptedonly after ratification by a direct vote of the peopleon that single issue.

Affecting and exciting scenes followed the passageof the ordinance. One by one the strong membersof the minority arose and, for the sake of unity athome, surrendered the opinions of a lifetime and forgotthe prejudices of years. This was done with nofeeling of humiliation. To the last they weretreated with distinguished consideration by theiropponents.

Shortly after the convention began its deliberationsa mass meeting was held in Leesburg, where the secessionsentiment was practically unanimous, for the purposeof adopting resolutions to be sent to that importantbody recommending the immediate passage of the ordinanceof secession. The citizens were addressed byCol. J.M. Kilgore and others.

The vote in Loudoun for the ratification or rejectionof the ordinance of secession, while not close, wassomewhat spirited and marked by slight disturbancesat the polls. In practically every precinct outsidethe German and Quaker settlements a majority vote wascast in favor of secession.

No county in the State eclipsed Loudoun in devotionto the principles on which Virginia’s withdrawalfrom the Union was based, and the courage displayedby her in maintaining these principles made her theacknowledged equal of any community in the Southland.

Loudoun’s Participation in the War.

A discussion in this volume of the great Civil Warand its causes has at no time been contemplated, andvain appeals addressed to surviving Confederate soldiersand Government record keepers long ago demonstratedthe impracticability of a thorough account of the partborne by Loudoun soldiers in that grand, uneven struggleof 1861-’65. Their exact numbers even cannot be ascertained as the original enlistment recordswere either lost or destroyed and duplicates nevercompleted.

It may with truth be said that the extent of the servicerendered by Loudoun in this, as well as precedingwars, will never be fully known or adequately appreciated.However, certain it is that thousands of her sonsespoused the cause of the Confederacy, hundreds diedin its defense, and not a few, by their valor anddevotion, won enduring fame and meritorious mentionin the annals of their government.

At home or in the ranks, throughout this trying periodof civil strife, her people, with no notable exceptions,remained liberal and brave and constant, albeit theyprobably suffered more real hardships and deprivationsthan any other community of like size in the Southland.There were few Confederate troops for its defense,and the Federals held each neighborhood responsiblefor all attacks made in its vicinity, often destroyingprivate property as a punishment.

Both armies, prompted either by fancied military necessityor malice, burned or confiscated valuable forage cropsand other stores, and nearly every locality, at onetime or another, witnessed depredation, robbery, murder,arson, and rapine. Several towns were shelled,sacked, and burned, but the worst damage was done thecountry districts by raiding parties of Federals.Much of the destruction is now seen to have been unnecessaryfrom a military point of view.

Whole armies were subsisted on the products of Loudoun’sfruitful acres. Opposing forces, sometimes onlydetachments and roving bands, but quite as often battalions,regiments, brigades, and even whole divisions werenever absent from the County and the clash of swordsand fire of musketry were an ever-present clamor andone to which Loudoun ears early became accustomed.

Also, there were times when the main bodies of oneor the other of both armies were encamped wholly orin part within her limits, as in September, 1862,when the triumphant army of Lee, on the eve of thefirst Maryland campaign, was halted at Leesburg andstripped of all superfluous transportation, broken-downhorses, and wagons and batteries not supplied withgood horses being left behind;[30] again, in June,1863, when Hooker was being held in bounds with hisgreat army stretched from Manassas, near Bull Run,to Leesburg, near the Potomac; and yet again, in July,1863, when Lee’s army, falling back from Marylandafter the battle of Gettysburg, was followed by theFederal forces under General Meade, who crossed thePotomac and advanced through Loudoun.

[Footnote 30: On the 5th day of September, tothe martial strains of “Maryland, My Maryland”from every band in the army, and with his men cheeringand shouting with delight, Jackson forded the Potomacat Edwards’ Ferry (Loudoun County), where theriver was broad but shallow, near the scene of Evan’svictory over the Federals in the previous October,and where Wayne had crossed his Pennsylvania brigadein marching to the field of Yorktown, in 1781.]

General Early, after the short and bloody battle ofMonocacy, and following his invasion of Maryland anddemonstration against Washington, recrossed the Potomacat White’s Ford, July 14, 1864, and, restingnear Leesburg, on the 16th marched to the Shenandoahvalley by way of Leesburg and Purcellville, throughSnicker’s Gap of the Blue Ridge, with Jackson’sCavalry in advance.

Pitched battles and lesser engagements were foughtat Edwards’ Ferry, Balls Bluff, Snickersville(now Bluemont), Leesburg, Middleburg, Aldie, Hamilton,Waterford, Union, Ashby’s Gap, and other pointsin the County.

During Stonewall Jackson’s investment of Harper’sFerry in September, 1862, guns were put in positionon Loudoun Heights, supported by two regiments ofinfantry, and a portion of Jackson’s own immediatecommand was placed with artillery on a bluffy shoulderof that mountain.

The following military organizations were recruitedwholly or in part in Loudoun County and mustered intothe Confederate service: 8th Virginia Regiment(a part of Pickett’s famous fighting division),Loudoun Guard (Company C, 17th Virginia Regiment),Loudoun Cavalry ("Laurel Brigade"), and White’sBattalion of Cavalry (the “Comanches,”25th Virginia Battalion). Mosby’s command,the “Partisan Rangers,” also attractedseveral score of her patriotic citizenry.

The sons of Loudoun, serving in these and other organizations,bore a distinguished part on every crimsoned fieldfrom Pennsylvania to the coast of Florida.

Garnett’s Brigade, to which the 8th Virginiaregiment was attached, was led into action duringthe memorable charge on the third day of the battleof Gettysburg. The brigade moved forward in thefront line, and gained the enemy’s strongestposition, where the fighting became hand to hand andof the most desperate character. It went intoaction with 1,287 men and 140 officers, and afterthe struggle, of this number, only about 300 cameback slowly and sadly from the scene of carnage.General Garnett, himself, was shot from his horse whilenear the center of the advancing brigade, within abouttwenty-five paces of the “stone fence,”from behind which the Federals poured forth theirmurderous fire.

The Loudoun Rangers (Federal).

This volunteer organization consisted of two companiesof disaffected Virginians, all of whom were recruitedin the German settlements northwest of Leesburg.Company A, at the outset, was commanded by CaptainDaniel M. Keyes, of Lovettsville, who later resignedon account of wounds received in action. He wassucceeded by Captain Samuel C. Means, of Waterford.Company B’s commander was Captain James W. Grubb.The total enlistment of each company was 120 and 67,respectively. All the officers and privates wereof either German, Quaker, or Scotch-Irish lineage,the first-named class predominating.

The command was mustered into the Federal serviceat Lovettsville, the 20th day of June, 1862.Its historian, Briscoe Goodhart, a member of CompanyA, in his History of the Loudoun (Virginia)Rangers, has said that it “was an independentcommand, organized in obedience to a special orderof the Honorable Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War,and was at first subject to his orders only, but subsequentlymerged into the Eighth Corps, commanded at that timeby the venerable Major General John Ellis Wool....”

The “Rangers,” as the name implies, werescouts and, in this highly useful capacity, servedthe enemies of their State with shameless ardor.But, as a body, they fought few engagements and noneof a decisive nature. Their first and, perhaps,sharpest encounter happened in and around the oldBaptist Church at Waterford.

The following absolution or justification is offeredin the preface to the above-quoted work:

“As the name of their organizationindicates, they came from a State which was arrayedin arms against the authority of the NationalGovernment. No Governor, or Senator, or Memberof Congress guarded their interests; nor was anyState or local bounty held forth to them as anallurement. Their enlistment in the UnionArmy—­their country’s army—­wasthe spontaneous outgrowth of a spirit of loftypatriotism.
“As they saw their duty theywere not lacking in moral courage to performthat duty; and with no lapse of years shall weever fail to insist that the principles for whichthe Rangers contended were eternally right, andthat their opponents were eternally wrong.”

Far from being a well-ordered command with a clearlydefined modus operandi, the two companies werepoorly drilled, imperfectly accoutred, only aimlesslyand periodically active, and, moreover, were on thepoint of dissolution at the outset.

Operating, for the most part, independently and indetached parties the command offered no serious menaceto citizens or soldiery, though the latter were sometimesharassed and annoyed by them.

Mosby, who had greatly desired and often essayed theircapture, was finally given the opportunity for whichhe had eagerly waited. Learning that the Rangerswere encamped near Millville, W. Va. (Keyes’Switch, as it was then called), he dispatched CaptainBaylor with a detachment of horse to that point.

Major Scott who, in 1867, wrote Partisan Life WithMosby, has this to say of the fight which followed:“He (Baylor) took the precaution to pass inbetween Halltown (where there was a brigade of infantry)and the camp. When within fifty yards of the LoudounRangers the order to charge was given. Two ofthem were killed, four wounded, and 65 taken prisoners,together with 81 horses with their equipments.The rest of the command sought refuge in the bushes.The only loss which Baylor sustained was Frank Helm,of Warrenton, who was wounded as he charged amongthe foremost into the camp.”

The day of the capture General Stevenson, commandingat Harper’s Ferry, and under whose orders theRangers had been acting, sent the following messageto General Hanco*ck at Winchester:

Harper’s Ferry, April 6, 1865.

Mosby surprised thecamp of the Loudoun Rangers near Keyes’
Ford and cleaned themout. He made the attack about 10

John D. Stevenson,

When Major-General Hanco*ck, so distinguished in theFederal Army, heard of Baylor’s exploit he laughedheartily and exclaimed: “Well, that isthe last of the Loudoun Rangers.”

As indeed it proved to be!

Mosby’s Command in its Relationship to LoudounCounty.

From January, 1863, until the close of the war ColonelMosby’s partisan operations were mostly confinedto the counties of Loudoun and Fauquier, this rich,pastoral country affording subsistence for his commandand the Blue Ridge a haven to which to retreat whenhard pressed by the superior numbers that, from timeto time, were sent against him. Here he plannedand executed most of the daring coups that were towin for him international fame.[31] Here also his menwere dispersed and reassembled with marvelous facility—­oneof countless manifestations of his great originalgenius. “They would scatter for safety,and gather at my call like the Children of the Mist,”was what he wrote in after years. Of all his methodsthis has been the least clearly understood. Theexplanation that he has offered in his War Reminiscencescan be only partially complete; for he could not,with propriety, point to his personal magnetism anddaring as the dominant influences, though he musthave known that to an extraordinary extent they wereresponsible for this almost unparalleled devotion.“The true secret,” he says, “wasthat it was a fascinating life, and its attractionsfar more than counterbalanced its hardships and dangers.They had no camp duty to do, which, however necessary,is disgusting to soldiers of high spirit. To putthem to such routine work is pretty much like hitchinga race horse to a plow.”

[Footnote 31: In alluding to the famous “greenbackraid” (October 14, 1864), in which a party ofRangers entered a train of the Baltimore and OhioRailroad, near Kearneysville, capturing, among otherofficers, Majors Moore and Ruggles, Federal paymasters,with their funds, Lieutenant Grogan, of the Rangers,has said that the command, the next day, “metat Bloomfield, in Loudoun County, and examined intothe condition of our sub-U.S. Treasury, and findingthere a net surplus of $168,000, the same was dividedamong our stockholders ($2,000 each) and circulatedso freely in Loudoun that never afterwards was therea pie or blooded horse sold in that section for Confederatemoney.”]

Many of his followers were recruited in Loudoun County.A few before the advent of Mosby had pursued peaceablevocations; but the command consisted in the main ofmen who had seen active service in the cavalry andinfantry regiments, but tiring of the routine anddiscipline of the camp had returned to their homesin Loudoun and adjoining counties. At times hehad with him dauntless spirits who had been incapacitatedfor infantry duty by reason of wounds received inaction, some of these carrying crutches along withthem tied to their saddle bows. At another timehe enrolled several experienced fighters who had beenabsent from their regiments without leave ever sincethe first battle of Bull Run—­a period ofnearly two years.

With this promiscuous following, which at no timeexceeded one hundred men, he instituted a long unbrokenseries of successful strategems, surprises, and nightattacks, harassing the communications of the Federalarmies, confusing their plans by capturing dispatches,destroying supply trains, subjecting their outpoststo the wear and tear of a perpetual skirmish, in short,inflicting all the mischief possible for a small bodyof cavalry moving rapidly from point to point on thecommunications of an army.

He believed that by incessant attacks he could compelthe enemy either greatly to contract his lines orto reinforce them, both of which would have been ofgreat advantage to the Southern cause. By assumingthe aggressive, a rule from which he not once departed,he could force the enemy to guard a hundred points,leaving himself free to select any one of them forattack.

But the theories, purposes, and methods of this peerof partisan leaders is best explained by himself.Simply and unostentatiously, but withal convincingly,expressed, they give to the man and his deeds theunmistakable semblance of fairness and legitimacy.These, together with his masterly defense of partisanwarfare, follow in modified and disconnected form:

“The military value of a partisan’swork is not measured by the amount of propertydestroyed, or the number of men killed or captured,but by the number he keeps watching. Everysoldier withdrawn from the front to guard the rearof an army is so much taken from its fightingstrength.
“I endeavored, as far as I wasable, to diminish this aggressive power of thearmy of the Potomac, by compelling it to keepa large force on the defensive. I assailed itsrear, for there was its most vulnerable point.My men had no camps. If they had gone intocamp, they would soon have all been captured....A blow would be struck at a weak or unguardedpoint, and then a quick retreat. The alarm wouldspread through the sleeping camp, the long rollwould be beaten or the bugles would sound tohorse, there would be mounting in hot haste anda rapid pursuit. But the partisans generallygot off with their prey. Their pursuers werestriking at an invisible foe. I often sentsmall squads at night to attack and run in thepickets along a line of several miles. Ofcourse, these alarms were very annoying, forno human being knows how sweet sleep is but a soldier.I wanted to use and consume the Northern cavalryin hard work. I have often thought thattheir fierce hostility to me was more on accountof the sleep I made them lose than the numberwe killed and captured.”

* * * * *

“My purpose was to weaken thearmies invading Virginia, by harassing theirrear. As a line is only as strong as its weakestpoint, it was necessary for it to be stronger thanI was at every point, in order to resist my attacks....It is just as legitimate to fight an enemy inthe rear as in front. The only differenceis in the danger. Now, to prevent all thesethings from being done, heavy detachments must bemade to guard against them.”

* * * * *

“The line that connects an armywith its base of supplies is the heel of Achilles—­itsmost vital and vulnerable point. It is agreat achievement in war to compel an enemy to makeheavy detachments to guard it....”

* * * * *

“Having no fixed lines to guardor defined territory to hold, it was always mypolicy to elude the enemy when they came in searchof me, and carry the war into their own camps.”

* * * * *

“These operations were erraticsimply in not being in accordance with the fixedrules taught by the academies; but in all thatI did there was a unity of purpose, and a plan whichmy commanding general understood and approved.”

* * * * *

" ... while I conducted war on thetheory that the end of it is to secure peaceby the destruction of the resources of the enemy,with as small a loss as possible to my own side, thereis no authenticated act of mine which is not perfectlyin accordance with approved military usage.Grant, Sherman, and Stonewall Jackson had aboutthe same ideas that I had on the subject of war.”

Though all his engagements were reported to Stuarttill the death of that great cavalry leader, in May,1864, and afterward to General Robert E. Lee, Mosbywas allowed the freedom of untrammeled action in thesense that the operations of his command were leftto his individual discretion.

The following militant verses were published in aSouthern magazine, soon after the war, and won immediatepopularity:

Mosby at Hamilton.


Down Loudoun lanes, with swingingreins
And clash of spurand sabre,
And bugling of battle horn,
Six score and eight we rodeat morn
Six score and eight of Southernborn,
All tried in loveand labor.

Full in the sun at Hamilton,
We met the South’sinvaders;
Who, over fifteen hundredstrong,
’Mid blazing homes hadmarched along
All night, with Northern shoutand song,
To crush the rebelraiders.

Down Loudoun lanes with streamingmanes
We spurred inwild March weather;
And all along our war-scarredway
The graves of Southern heroeslay,
Our guide posts to revengethat day,
As we rode grimtogether.

Old tales still tell somemiracle
Of saints in holywriting—­
But who shall say why hundredsfled
Before the few that Mosbyled,
Unless the noblest of ourdead
Charged with usthen when fighting.

While Yankee cheers stillstunned our ears,
Of troops at Harper’sFerry,
While Sheridan led on hisHuns,
And Richmond rocked to roaringguns,
We felt the South still hadsome sons,
She would notscorn to bury.

Battle of Leesburg[32] ("Ball’s Bluff"[33]).

“After the first battle of Manassas, Col.Eppa Hunton had been ordered to reoccupy Leesburgwith his regiment, the Eighth Virginia. A littlelater Col. William Barksdale’s ThirteenthMississippi, Col. W.S. Featherstone’sSeventeenth Mississippi, a battery, and four companiesof cavalry under Col. W.H. Jenifer were sentto the same place, and these were organized into theSeventh Brigade of the Confederate Army of the Potomac,which, early in August, was put under command of Brig.-Gen.Nathan G. Evans, who had been promoted for his braveconduct July 21st. General Beauregard’sobject in locating this strong force at Leesburg wasto guard his left flank from a Federal attack by way

of several good roads that led from the fords of theupper Potomac, near that town, directly to his BullRun encampment; to watch the large Federal force thatMcClellan had located on the opposite side of thePotomac; to keep up a connection with the Confederateforce in the lower Shenandoah Valley by a good turnpikethat led from Leesburg across the Blue Ridge, andto save for his army the abundant supplies of thefertile County of Loudoun.

“On the 15th of October (1861) General Banks’division of the Federal army was located at Darnestown,Md., about fifteen miles due east from Leesburg, withdetachments at Point of Rocks, Sandy Hook, Williamsport,etc.; while the division of Brig.-Gen. C.P.Stone, composed of six companies of cavalry, threeof artillery, and the infantry brigades of Gens.W.A. Gorman and F.W. Lander and Col.E.D. Baker, was located at Poolesville, eightmiles north of east from Leesburg. The objectin this disposition of so large a force was, not onlyto guard the right of the big Federal army that GeneralMcClellan was gathering at Washington, but especiallyto cover the important approaches from the northwestto Baltimore and the Federal city, particularly thosefrom the lower Shenandoah Valley and northeasternPiedmont, Virginia.

[Footnote 32: Virginia Military History, by JedediahHotchkiss.]

[Footnote 33: Also called “Battle of Harrison’sIsland” and “Battle of Conrad’sFerry.”]

“On October 19th, McCall’s Federal divisionadvanced to Dranesville, on the road to Leesburg andabout 15 miles from that place, ’in order tocover the reconnoissance made in all directions thenext day;’ and later, Smith’s Federaldivision advanced along a parallel road to the west,acting in concert with General McCall, and pushed forwardstrong parties in the same direction and for the samepurpose. About 7 p.m. of the 19th, Stone’sadvance opened a heavy cannonade on the Confederatepositions at Fort Evans, on the Leesburg pike, andat Edwards’ Ferry, and at the same time GeneralEvans heard heavy firing in the direction of Dranesville.At midnight General Evans ordered his whole brigadeto the front, along the line of Goose Creek, 3 milessoutheast of Leesburg, where he had a line of intrenchments,to there await an expected attack from General McCall,the next morning, Sunday, October 20th, as it hadbeen reported that the Federal advance was movingin force from Dranesville toward Leesburg. Evans’scouts captured McCall’s courier bearing dispatchesto General Meade, directing him to examine the roadsleading to Leesburg. The Federal batteries keptup a deliberate fire during the day, but no assaultwas made.

“On the morning of the 20th the Federal signalofficer on Sugar Loaf Mountain, in Maryland, reported’the enemy have moved away from Leesburg.’This Banks wired to McClellan, whereupon the latterwired to Stone, at Poolesville, that a heavy reconnoissancewould be sent out that day, in all directions, fromDranesville, concluding: ’You will keepa good lookout upon Leesburg, to see if this movementhas the effect to drive them away. Perhaps aslight demonstration on your part would have the effectto move them.’ McClellan desired Stone tomake demonstrations from his picket line along thePotomac, but did not intend that he should cross theriver, in force, for the purpose of fighting.Late in the day Stone reported that he had made a feintof crossing, and at the same time had started a reconnoissancefrom Harrison’s Island toward Leesburg, whenthe enemy’s pickets retired to intrenchments.That ‘slight demonstration’ brought onthe battle of Ball’s Bluff on Monday, October21st. On the morning of the 21st, McCall retiredfrom Evan’s front to his camp at Prospect Hill,4 miles up the river from the Chain bridge. Fromhis point of observation, at the earthworks called‘Fort Evans,’ to the eastward of Leesburg,overlooking the fords at Conrad’s and Edwards’ferries and Ball’s Bluff, Evans, at 6 a.m. onthe 21st, found that the enemy of Stone’s divisionhad effected a crossing at Edwards’ Ferry andat Ball’s Bluff, 4 miles above. He promptlysent four companies from his Mississippi regimentsand two companies of cavalry, under the command ofLieutenant-Colonel W.H. Jenifer to the assistanceof Captain Duff, to hold the enemy in check untilhis plan of attack should be developed. ColonelJenifer immediately engaged the Federal advance anddrove it back toward Ball’s Bluff.

“The force that had crossed at Harrison’sIsland, about midnight of the 20th, was part of thecommand of Colonel Baker, some 300 men under Col.Charles Devens, of the Fifteenth Massachusetts.Its object was to capture a Confederate camp thathad been reported to be about a mile from the river.This force advanced to an open field surrounded bywoods, where it halted until it could be joined bya company from the Twentieth Massachusetts, whichhad been left on the bluff, on the Virginia side,to protect the Federal return. Devens, at daybreak,pushed forward with a few men to reconnoiter, and,in person, went to within sight of Leesburg.Thinking he had not been discovered Devens determinedto remain and sent back to his brigade commander, ColonelBaker, for reinforcements. The latter consultedhis division commander, General Stone, and obtainedpermission to either withdraw Devens or to send overreinforcements to him. He promptly directed Devensto hold his position and said that he would supporthim in person with the rest of his brigade. Theboats and flats that had been provided for crossingthe Potomac from the Maryland shore to Harrison’sIsland and from the latter to the Virginia shore wereentirely inadequate, and it was nearly noon beforeDevens’ regiment of 625 men was closed up onthe Virginia shore.

“Convinced at about 10 a.m. that the main Federalattack would be at Ball’s Bluff, four milesnortheast of Leesburg, Evans ordered Colonel Huntonwith the Eighth Virginia[34] to the support of ColonelJenifer, directing him to form the line of battleimmediately in the rear of Jenifer’s command,and that the combined force should then drive theenemy to the river, while he, General Evans, supportedthe right of the movement with artillery. Thismovement was made soon after noon and the opposingforces at once became hotly engaged, the Confederatesadvancing on the Federals, who held a strong positionin front of the woods. Learning, at about thistime, that an opposing force was gathering on hisleft and that he would soon be vigorously attackedby a body of infantry that appeared in that directionand by a body of dismounted cavalry that had deployedin his front, and apprehensive of being flanked, Devensretired his regiment to an open space in the woods,in front of the bluff, and prepared to receive an attack.To ascertain about reinforcements Devens went backto the bluff about 2 p.m., where he found ColonelBaker, who directed him to form his regiment on theright of the position that he proposed to occupy,while Baker placed 300 of the Twentieth Massachusettson the left and advanced in front of these his Californiaregiment, with two guns, supported by two companiesof the Fifteenth Massachusetts. At about thesame hour General Stone ferried a strong force acrossthe river at Edwards’ Ferry to make a demonstrationon Evans’ right, leaving Colonel Baker in commandat Ball’s Bluff. Stone then telegraphedto McClellan: ’There has been a sharp firingon the right of our line, and our troops appear tobe advancing there under Baker. The left, underGorman, has advanced its skirmishers nearly one mile,and, if the movement continues successful, will turnthe enemy’s right.’

[Footnote 34: The regiment in which were severalcompanies of Loudoun soldiers.]

“At about 2.30 p.m., General Evans, having theadvantage of a concealed, shorter, and inner line,seeing that the enemy was being constantly reinforced,ordered Colonel Burt, with the Eighteenth Mississippi,to attack the Federal left, while Hunton and Jeniferattacked his front, holding the attack at Edwards’Ferry in check by batteries from his intrenchments.As Colonel Burt reached his position, the enemy, concealedin a ravine, opened on him a furious fire, which compelledhim to divide his regiment and stop the flank movementthat had already begun. At about 3 p.m., Featherstone,with the Seventeenth Mississippi, was sent at a double-quickto support Burt’s movement. Evans reports:’He arrived in twenty minutes and the actionbecame general along my whole line, and was very hotand brisk for more than two hours, the enemy keepingup a constant fire with his batteries on both sidesof the river. At about 6 p.m. I saw thatmy command had driven the enemy to near the banks

of the river. I ordered my entire force to chargeand drive him into the river. The charge wasimmediately made by the whole command, and the forcesof the enemy were completely routed, and cried outfor quarter along his whole line. In this chargethe enemy was driven back at the point of the bayonet,and many were killed and wounded by this formidableweapon. In the precipitate retreat of the enemyon the bluffs of the river, many of his troops rushedinto the water and were drowned, while many others,in overloading the boats, sunk them and shared thesame fate. The rout now, about 7 o’clock,became complete, and the enemy commenced throwinghis arms into the river.... At 8 p.m. the enemysurrendered his forces at Ball’s Bluff, and theprisoners were marched to Leesburg.’

“During this action, Colonel Barksdale, withnine companies of the Thirteenth Mississippi and sixpieces of artillery, was held to oppose Stone’smovement from Edwards’ Ferry and also as a reserve.After the engagement, Evans withdrew all his brigadeto Leesburg, except Barksdale’s regiment, whichhe left in front of Edwards’ Ferry.

“Each of the combatants had about 1,700 menengaged in this action. The Confederates hadno artillery in the fight, while the Federals hadthree light guns. Shortly after the action becamegeneral, Colonel Baker, passing in front of his command,was killed by a sharpshooter, which so demoralizedthe Federals that the surviving officers conferredand decided to retreat. This was opposed by ColonelMilton Cogswell, of the Forty-second New York, whohad succeeded Colonel Baker in command. He saida retreat down the bluff and across the river wasnow impossible, and that they must cut their way throughthe Confederate right to Edwards’ Ferry.He promptly gave orders to that effect, and movedto the front, followed by the remnants of his owntwo companies and a portion of the California regiment,but not by the others. He was quickly drivenback and the whole Federal command was forced to theriver bluff in great disorder. Just then two companiesof the Forty-second New York landed on the Virginiashore. These Colonel Cogswell ordered up thebluff and deployed as skirmishers to cover the Federalretreat, while he advanced to the left with a smallparty, and was almost immediately captured. ColonelDevens escaped by swimming the river.

“On the morning of the 22nd, Colonel Barksdaleinformed General Evans that the enemy was still inforce at Edwards’ Ferry. He was orderedto carefully reconnoiter the Federal position, learnits strength and make attack. This he did, atabout 2 p.m., and drove a superior force from an intrenchedposition to the bank of the river, killing and woundingquite a number of men. At about sundown, the Federals,having been reinforced and holding rifle-pits, Barksdalewithdrew to Fort Evans, leaving two companies to watchhis front. The enemy recrossed the Potomac duringthe night. Evans reported his loss, in the thirteenhours of fight, on the 21st, as 36 killed,[35] 117wounded, and 2 missing, from a force of 1,709.Among the killed was the brave Colonel Burt.The Federal losses were returned at 49 killed, 158wounded, and 694 missing. General Evans claimedthe capture of 710 prisoners, 1,500 stands of arms,3 cannon and 1 flag.

[Footnote 35: The Confederate soldiers who fellin the battle of Ball’s Bluff are buried inUnion Cemetery, on the northern border of Leesburg.Their resting place is marked by an imposing marbleshaft, in honor of the comrades of “the lostcause,” “wherever they lie.”Many of the Union soldiers who perished at Ball’sBluff lie buried where they fell. Their mournfullittle cemetery was recently acquired by the Federalgovernment and its approaches and environs greatlyimproved. The battlefield is still one of thechief points of interest to visitors to central Loudoun.]

“Evans called on Longstreet for reinforcementswhen he reported his battle of the 21st, thinkingthat 20,000 Federals were in his front. ColonelJenkins, with the Eighteenth South Carolina cavalryand artillery was dispatched from Centreville in theafternoon of the 22d, and marched toward Leesburg,through mud and a driving rain, until midnight, whenthe infantry went into bivouac; but Captain C.M.Blackford’s cavalry and four guns of the Washingtonartillery hurried forward all night and came in sightof Leesburg about daylight of the 23d. That morning,finding his men much exhausted, General Evans orderedthree of his regiments to fall back to Carter’smill, a strong position on Goose Creek, about 7 milessouthwest from Leesburg, and join Jenkins, who hadbeen halted at that place, leaving Barksdale withhis regiment, two pieces of artillery and some cavalry,as a rear guard near Leesburg, and Hunton, with hisEighth Virginia and two pieces of artillery, on thesouth bank of Sycoline Creek, 3 miles from Leesburg,and sending his cavalry well to the front toward Alexandria.”

Munford’s Fight at Leesburg.[36]

“Having driven Pope’s army to a secureposition behind the defences of Washington, GeneralLee turned northward to the Potomac and began thefirst Maryland campaign.

“While this movement was in progress Stuartcovered the front toward Washington. He had learnedthat an irregular body of cavalry under a certainCaptain Means was harassing the citizens in the vicinityof Leesburg, and on the 2d of September (1862) hesent Colonel Munford, with the Second Virginia Cavalry,to that point. On approaching Leesburg, Munfordlearned that it was occupied by Means’ companyand that he was supported by about two hundred menunder Major Cole, of Maryland. Munford’sregiment numbered only about one hundred and sixtymen, but, approaching Leesburg by an unexpected direction,he effected a surprise, and after a heavy skirmishcompletely routed Means’ party and pursued himto Waterford, a distance of seven miles. He capturedforty-seven prisoners, and killed or wounded twenty.”

[Footnote 36: Life and Campaigns of Maj.-Gen.J. E. B. Stuart.]

Battle at Aldie.[37]

“Early on the morning of the 17th of June, 1863,Colonel Munford, with the 2d and 3rd Virginia Cavalry,moved from Upperville through Middleburg, and havingestablished his picket posts east of Aldie, crossedover to Snicker’s Gap road and proceeded withthese two regiments to procure corn at the house ofFranklin Carter, about a mile distant. He expectedto encamp that night in the vicinity of Aldie.

“Colonel Williams C. Wickham, with the 1st,4th, and 5th Virginia Cavalry, the remaining regimentsof the brigade, had moved from Piedmont through Middleburg,and was about to place his men in camp at Dover Mills,near Aldie.

“The 5th regiment, Col. Thomas L. Rosser,which arrived some little time after the 1st and 4th,was directed by Colonel Wickham to pass beyond DoverMills, and select a camp nearer Aldie. In so doingColonel Rosser encountered the enemy, who was rapidlydriving back the pickets established by Colonel Munford.

“The force of the enemy making this attack wasthe 2d cavalry division, commanded by Gen. D.M.Gregg, and accompanied by Major-General Pleasonton.General Kilpatrick’s brigade, consisting ofthe 2d New York, 1st Massachusetts, 6th Ohio, and 4thNew York regiments, supported by the 1st Maine Cavalryfrom Col. J.J. Gregg’s brigade, andby Randol’s battery, appears to have done allthe fighting. The two other brigades of GeneralGregg’s division were closed up within supportingdistance.

[Footnote 37: Life and Campaigns of Maj.-Gen.J. E. B. Stuart.]

“The arrival of Rosser’s regiment wasmost opportune. By an immediate sabre chargehe drove back the enemy’s advance upon theirmain body in the town of Aldie. Having relievedthe pressure on the pickets, Rosser stationed hissharpshooters, under Capt. R.B. Boston, onthe right of the Snickersville road, where a numberof haystacks afforded some protection, and held theremainder of his small regiment ready for their support.Colonel Munford, in the meantime, arrived in personand stationed Lieut. William Walton, of the 2dVirginia Cavalry, with the reserve picket, fifteenmen, behind a stone wall on the left of the Snickersvilleroad with orders to hold his position against any oddsuntil the 2d and 3d regiments could come to his assistance.In the meantime, and while Colonel Wickham was stationingthe 1st and 4th regiments and Breathed’s batteryto dispute any advance on the Middleburg road, Rosser,single-handed, had met and repulsed two charges whichwere made upon Captain Boston’s squadron; andbelieving that he could be maintained there with advantage,had ordered Boston to hold his position at all hazards.The result proved that this disposition was unfortunate,for during the subsequent heavy fighting Boston wasso far advanced as to be beyond the reach of supportand he and his squadron were captured.

“During all this time there was no force onthe left of the Snickersville road, except the picketposted by Munford behind the stone wall. Munford,therefore, moved Rosser’s regiment and the 4thVirginia Cavalry, with one gun from Breathed’sbattery, so as to command this road, leaving ColonelWickham with the rest of the guns and the 1st VirginiaCavalry on the Middleburg road.

“In the meantime the enemy pressed heavily onLieutenant Walton. He had repulsed two mountedcharges, but being outflanked by dismounted men, hadbeen withdrawn about fifty yards behind a house andorchard, in which position he commanded the only openingthrough which the enemy could attack. Here threedistinct charges were met and repulsed in counter-chargesby the 5th Virginia Cavalry, by the 3d squadron ofthe 4th regiment, led by Lieut. A.D. Payne,and by the 2d and 5th squadrons of the same regiment,led by Capt. W.B. Newton. These werethe only squadrons of this regiment present at thisbattle, the 1st and 4th squadrons having been detailedearly in the day to accompany General Stuart.In each of these charges the enemy had suffered severelyat the hands of Lieutenant Walton’s sharpshooters,who poured volleys into their flanks as they passedhim in advancing and retiring.

“As Walton’s party was, however, evidentlysmall, the enemy determined to dislodge him, and waspreparing a considerable force for another attack,when the 2d and 3d Virginia Cavalry reached the field.Two squadrons of sharpshooters were at once dismountedand placed on the left of the road—­thesquadron from the 2d regiment under Captains Breckinridgeand Graves, that from the 3d regiment under Capt.George D. White. Their line was advanced to thestone wall from which Lieutenant Walton had been withdrawn.Colonel Munford now felt that his position was secureagainst an attack of cavalry, and there was nothinghe more desired than that the enemy should wear himselfout against it. His flanks were secured by LittleRiver and its tributaries. The enemy must necessarilyattack his front. The road by which it was approachedwas worn, as it ascended the hill, into deep gullies,which compelled an attack in column of fours and preventedthe enemy from spreading out his front. Munford’sstrong party of sharpshooters commanded the road.They were stationed in an enclosed field, with a stonewall in their front, a post and rail fence on theirright, and another fence on their left. The fencesto the rear were thrown down, so as to give the cavalryaccess to the field. Munford felt that unlesshis cavalry failed in their duty, his dismounted menwere perfectly secure.

“The 2d Virginia Cavalry, led by Lieut.-Col.J.W. Watts, now charged the advancing enemy,who had penetrated beyond the position of the sharpshooters.The heads of the columns met in the narrow road ina hand-to-hand sabre fight. While this was inprogress, Capt. Jesse Irving threw down the fenceon the right of the road, and, bringing his squadronto the front, opened fire on the enemy’s leftflank. Capt. W.W. Tebbs executed asimilar movement on the left of the road, while thesharpshooters were all the time firing into the enemy’srear. Their attack was completely broken, andtheir leading squadron almost destroyed. Anothersupport moved up during the confusion, but was metand repulsed by Colonel Rosser. In this fightLieutenant-Colonel Watts was wounded and permanentlydisabled. The command of the 2d regiment devolvedon Major Cary Breckinridge, who moved the regimentoff to the right to reform, carrying with him Col.Louis P. De Cesnola and the colors of his regiment,the 4th New York Cavalry.

“During all this time Captain Boston, of the5th Virginia Cavalry, had been holding the haystacksfar in advance of his friends, where Colonel Rosserhad placed him with such stringent orders. Hewas beyond the reach even of a recall, but had beendoing his utmost to aid in the fight. He wasnow charged by the 6th Ohio Cavalry, under Lieutenant-ColonelWilliam Stedman; and after losing three of his officers,including his junior captain, and a third of his menkilled and wounded, he surrendered to the odds broughtagainst him.

“The Federal cavalry were determined to carrythe position if possible, and another charge was speedilyorganized. This was met by the 3d Virginia Cavalry,led by Col. T.H. Owens, who took the road,supported on his right by the 2d regiment and on hisleft by the 5th. The sabre was the weapon used,and the enemy was again driven back. ColonelMunford pronounced this the most spirited charge ofthe day. Colonel Owens, however, pressed hissuccess too far. He drove the enemy almost tothe village of Aldie, where he was charged by a freshregiment and driven back, losing many of the prisonershe had taken and some of his own men. Major HenryCarrington, of the 3d regiment, was captured at thispoint. Colonel Munford says in his report:

“’Captain Newton, having rallied his smallcommand and a good many men from other commands, wasagain ready to relieve Colonel Owens as he fell back,and by a timely charge repelled another effort to flankhim. As the enemy came up again the sharpshootersopened upon him with terrible effect from the stonewall, which they had regained, and checked him completely.I do not hesitate to say that I have never seen asmany Yankees killed in the same space of ground inany fight I have ever seen or on any battlefield inVirginia that I have been over. We held our grounduntil ordered by the major-general commanding to retire,and the Yankees had been so severely punished thatthey did not follow. The sharpshooters of the5th were mostly captured, this regiment sufferingmore than any other.’

“Colonel Munford reported the capture of 138prisoners. The number of killed and wounded isunknown. His own total loss was 119, of whichthe 5th Virginia Cavalry lost 58, mostly from CaptainBoston’s squadron.”

Duffie at Middleburg.[38]

“On this same afternoon (June 17, 1863) eventsof considerable importance occurred at Middleburg,where Stuart had established his headquarters forthe day.

“Early in the morning Col. A.N. Duffie,with the 1st Rhode Island Cavalry, had crossed theBull Run Mountain at Thoroughfare Gap. His ordersdirected him to encamp at Middleburg on the night ofthe 17th and to proceed the next day toward Noland’sFerry, extending his march to the west as far as Snickersville.These orders seem to have contemplated a somewhatextended scout by this regiment on the left flankof General Gregg’s division—­a hazardous

movement in the presence of an enterprising enemy.Colonel Duffie reached Thoroughfare Gap at 9.30 a.m.and was somewhat delayed in crossing the mountain bythe picket from Chambliss’ command. By 11o’clock, however, he was fairly on his way toMiddleburg. At 4 o’clock p.m. he struckthe pickets which Stuart had established for his ownsafety outside the town and drove them in so quicklythat Stuart and his staff were compelled to make aretreat more rapid than was consistent with dignityand comfort. Having with him no force adequateto contest the ground with Duffie’s regiment,Stuart retired toward Rector’s Cross Roads.Munford was notified of his danger, and directed towithdraw from Aldie and Robertson and Chambliss wereordered to move immediately upon Middleburg.

[Footnote 38: Life and Campaigns of Maj.-Gen.J. E. B. Stuart.]

“The only hope for Duffie’s regiment nowlay in an immediate advance upon Aldie, where he mighthave created considerable commotion by attacking therear of the 1st Virginia Cavalry on the Middleburgroad. But he did not know this and his orderswere positive, requiring him to encamp for the nightat Middleburg. He therefore made the best ofhis situation by dismounting one-half of his regimentbehind stone walls and barricades, hoping that hemight be able to hold his position until reinforcedfrom Aldie, whither he sent Capt. Frank Allento make known his situation at brigade headquarters.Captain Allen reached Aldie, after encountering manydifficulties, at 9 o’clock p.m. He saysin his report:

“’General Kilpatrick informed me thathis brigade was so worn out that he could not sendany reinforcements to Middleburg, but that he wouldreport the situation of our regiment to General Gregg.Returning, he said that General Gregg had gone tostate the facts to General Pleasonton, and directedme to remain at Aldie until he heard from GeneralPleasonton. I remained, but received no furtherorders.’”

* * * * *

“Thus Colonel Duffie was left to meet his fate.At 7 o’clock in the evening he was attackedby Robertson’s brigade. His men fought bravelyand repelled more than one charge before they weredriven from the town, retiring by the same road uponwhich they had advanced. Unfortunately for Duffiethis road was now closed by Chambliss’ brigade,which surrounded him during the night and captured,early the next morning, the greater part of thosewho had escaped from Robertson on the previous evening.Colonel Duffie himself escaped capture and reachedCentreville early in the afternoon with four of hisofficers and twenty-seven men. He reports theloss in his regiment at 20 officers and 248 men.This, however, was an exaggeration of the calamity,for other officers besides himself had taken to thewoods and succeeded in making their way back to theFederal lines, on the 18th and 19th.”

The Sacking of Loudoun.


Mosby’s unrelenting aggressiveness caused theNorthern generals much annoyance and perplexity.Consequently many ingenious traps were laid for him,but to no purpose. Into some he walked with unsuspectingboldness, though contriving to fight his way to safetyagain, and usually, in so doing, inflicting greaterloss on the enemy than would be sustained by his owncommand.

These reiterated and, at times, disastrous failureshaving demonstrated the futility of all covert attempts,General Grant, and later, General Sheridan, felt drivento the adoption of measures that were destined toentail much suffering and loss on the guiltless andnon-combatant element of Loudoun’s population.Under date of August 16, 1864, Grant despatched thefollowing arbitrary order to General Sheridan:

“If you can possibly spare adivision of cavalry, send them through LoudounCounty to destroy and carry off the crops, animals,negroes, and all men under fifty years of age capableof bearing arms. In this way you will get manyof Mosby’s men. All male citizensunder fifty can fairly be held as prisoners ofwar, and not as citizen prisoners. If notalready soldiers, they will be made so the moment therebel army gets hold of them.”

Sheridan straightway ordered all the cavalry of theEighth Illinois, then the best regiment of its kindin the Army of the Potomac, to concentrate at MuddyBranch, preparatory to beginning operations againstMosby in Loudoun County. In his orders to GeneralAuger he told that officer to exterminate as manyas he could of “Mosby’s gang.”

The command broke camp at Muddy Branch August 20,and crossed the Potomac with 650 men, the specialobject of the scout being, as stated in orders toMajor Waite, “to break up and exterminate anybands or parties of Mosby’s, White’s,or other guerillas which may be met.”

Viewed in the light of a communication from Sheridanto Halleck, dated November 26, 1864, this expeditionseems not to have been even moderately successful.In it he said: “I will soon commence workon Mosby. Heretofore I have made no attempt tobreak him up, as I would have employed ten men tohis one, and for the reason that I have made a scape-goatof him for the destruction of private rights.Now there is going to be an intense hatred of himin that portion of this Valley, which is nearly adesert. I will soon commence on Loudoun County,and let them know there is a God in Israel....”

In his determination to rid himself of his troublesomeenemy, Sheridan, the next day, issued the followingorders to Major-General Merritt, commanding the FirstCavalry Division:

“You are hereby directed to proceedto-morrow morning at 7 o’clock with thetwo brigades of your division now in camp tothe east side of the Blue Ridge via Ashby’s Gap,and operate against the guerillas in the districtof country bounded on the south by the line ofthe Manassas Gap Railroad as far east as WhitePlains, on the east by the Bull Run range, onthe west by the Shenandoah River, and on thenorth by the Potomac. This section has been thehot-bed of lawless bands, who have, from timeto time, depredated upon small parties on theline of army communications, on safeguards leftat houses, and on all small parties of our troops.Their real object is plunder and highway robbery.To clear the country of these parties that arebringing destruction upon the innocent as wellas their guilty supporters by their cowardlyacts, you will consume and destroy all forageand subsistence, burn all barns and mills andtheir contents, and drive off all stock in the regionthe boundaries of which are above described.This order must be literally executed, bearingin mind, however, that no dwellings are to beburned and that no personal violence be offeredto the citizens. The ultimate results of theguerilla system of warfare is the total destructionof all private rights in the country occupiedby such parties. This destruction may aswell commence at once, and the responsibilityof it must rest upon the authorities at Richmond,who have acknowledged the legitimacy of guerilla bands.The injury done this army by them is very slight.The injury they have indirectly inflicted uponthe people and upon the rebel army may be countedby millions. The Reserve Brigade of yourdivision will move to Snickersville on the 29th.Snickersville should be your point of concentration,and the point from which you should operate indestroying toward the Potomac. Four days’subsistence will be taken by the command.Forage can be gathered from the country through whichyou pass. You will return to your present camp,via Snicker’s Gap, on the 5th day.”

In addition to Merritt’s three brigades, ColonelStagg was ordered to send out four regiments.

[39]"The Federals separated into three parties, oneof which went along the Bloomfield road and down Loudounin the direction of the Potomac; another passed alongthe Piedmont pike to Rectortown, Salem, and aroundto Middleburg, while the main body kept along the turnpiketo Aldie, where they struck the Snickersville pike.Thus they scoured the country completely from theBlue Ridge to the Bull Run Mountains.

“From Monday afternoon, November 28th, untilFriday morning, December 2nd, they ranged throughthe beautiful Valley of Loudoun and a portion of Fauquiercounty, burning and laying waste. They robbedthe people of everything they could destroy or carryoff—­horses, cows, cattle, sheep, hogs,etc.; killing poultry, insulting women, pillaginghouses, and in many cases robbing even the poor negroes.

“They burned all the mills and factories, aswell as hay, wheat, corn, straw, and every descriptionof forage. Barns and stables, whether full orempty, were burned.

“At Mrs. Fletcher’s (a widow), where thehogs had been killed for her winter’s supplyof meat, the soldiers made a pile of rails upon whichthe hogs were placed and burned. They even wentto the Poor House and burned and destroyed the suppliesprovided for the helpless and dependent paupers.On various previous occasions, however, the Alms Househad been visited by raiding parties, so that at thistime there was but little left, but of that littlethe larger portion was taken.

[Footnote 39: Mosby’s Rangers, byJames J. Williamson.]

“Colonel Mosby did not call the command together,therefore there was no organized resistance, but Rangersmanaged to save a great deal of live stock for thefarmers by driving it off to places of safety.”

Home Life During the War.

In Loudoun, as everywhere in every age, the seriousnessof war was not fully realized until the volunteersoldiery, following a short season of feverish socialgayety, interspersed with dress parades and exhibitiondrills, had departed for their respective posts.Immediately and with one accord those left behind settledthemselves to watch and wait and work and pray forthe absent ones and the cause they had so readilychampioned.

When few slaves were owned by a family the white boys,too young for service in the army, worked with themin the fields, while the girls busied themselves withhousehold duties, though, at times, they, too, laboredin the open. In families owning no slaves theold men, cripples, women, and children were forcedto shoulder the arduous labors of the farm.

Stern necessity had leveled sexual and worldly distinctions,and manual labor was, at times, performed by all whowere in the least physically fitted for it. Allclasses early became inured to makeshifts and privations,though they managed in some unselfish manner to send,from time to time, great quantities of clothing, meats,and other supplies to the soldiers in the field andtheir wounded comrades in the army hospitals.

The intense devotion of Loudoun women to the Confederatecause was most irritating to a certain class of Federalofficers in the armies that invaded Northern Virginia.They seemed to think that through their military prowessthey had conquered entrance into Southern society,but the women repulsed them at every turn and quiteeffectually checked their presumptuous advances.

The women of all classes played and sang Confederateairs on every occasion, and, though ordered by themilitary authorities to desist, with consummate daringthey usually persisted until a guard of soldiers hadbeen detailed to enforce the order. The Federalofficers who acted in a gentlemanly manner towardthe non-combatants were accused by their rude fellowsand by ruder newspaper correspondents of being “woundround the fingers of the rebel women,” who, theywere sure, had some cherished object in view.

The women, without question, had much the harder task.The men, in active service in the field, were reasonablysure that their families were safe at home and, inthe feverish excitement of war, felt no concern forthemselves, while, on the other hand, the women livedin hourly dread of direful news from the front, and,moreover, were burdened with labors and cares moreirksome and harassing than had ever been borne bythe absent males.

The music and songs that were popular just beforeand during the war attest the vacillating temper ofthe people. Joyous airs were at first heard,these growing contemptuous and defiant as the struggleapproached, then stirring war songs and hymns of encouragement.But as sorrow followed sorrow until all were stricken;as wounds, sickness, imprisonment, and death of friendsand relatives cast an ever-lengthening shadow overthe spirits of the people; as hopes were dashed bydefeat, and the consciousness came that, perhaps, afterall the cause was losing, the iron entered into thesouls of the people. The songs became sadder,while in the churches, where the doctrines of faithand good works were earnestly propounded, little elsewas heard than the soul-comforting hymns and the militantsongs of the older churchmen. The promises were,perhaps, more emphasized and a deeply religious feelingprevailed among the home-workers for the cause.

Pierpont’s Pretentious Administration.

On December 7, 1863, the legislature of the “RestoredGovernment of Virginia” held its first meetingin the chambers of the city council at Alexandria,which municipality became the seat of a Union administrationin the Old Dominion, after Governor Pierpont’sremoval from Wheeling, W. Va., where, by unqualifiedpolitical trickery, he and his unauthorized followinghad effected the establishment of a new Union commonwealthout of the ruins of Confederate Virginia. Sixsenators were present, representing the counties ofNorfolk, Accomac, Fairfax, Alexandria, and Loudoun,and the city of Norfolk. Prince William, Northampton,Alexandria, Loudoun, and Norfolk counties wererepresented by seven delegates. J. Madison Downey,of Loudoun, was elected speaker of the house of delegates.

This tiny mouth-piece of Virginia Unionists had naturallyfew important, or even ordinary, questions of legislationto decide. The most important was a provisionfor the amendment of the State constitution with relationto its bearing on the slavery question. “Everybody,”said Governor Pierpont in his message, “loyalor disloyal, concedes that slavery in the State isdoomed. Then acting upon this concession, calla convention of loyal delegates, to alter the Stateconstitution in this particular, and declare slaveryand involuntary servitude, except for crime, to beforever abolished in the State.”

A new constitution which should supercede that of1851 and express the Union sentiments of the Potomaclegislators, was accordingly drafted. Nominationsof delegates to the constitutional convention weremade in January, 1864. By the terms of the actrelative thereto, any voter in the State who had notadhered by word or act to the Confederacy since September1, 1861, might be chosen a member of the convention;all “loyal” citizens, who had not givenaid or comfort to the Confederacy since January 1,1863, possessed the right to vote.

Elections were held January 22, 1864. Very littleinterest was manifested by the people, as was evidencedby the ridiculously small vote everywhere polled.Loudoun’s nominees, Dr. J.J. Henshaw,J. Madison Downey, and E. R. Giver, were elected bya mere handful of voters.

The convention met at Alexandria February 13, 1864,with fifteen[40] delegates present from twelve counties.Le Roy G. Edwards, of Portsmouth, was elected presidentand W.J. Cowing, secretary. A number ofradical changes in the old constitution, framed bylegitimate authority in ante-bellum days, were consummatedduring the two months’ session of this convention.

[Footnote 40: It should be noted that LoudounCounty furnished three of this number.]

The Alexandria government held sway very nearly twoyears. The legislature met for its second sessionDecember 5, 1864, and re-elected J. Madison Downey,of Loudoun County, speaker of the house of delegates.

The Pierpont government was not in itself of greatimportance. Its influence extended to only adozen counties and three cities and, “underthe shadow of bayonets, it was the rule of a few aliensin the midst of a generally hostile population.Men at the time and since have laughed at its legitimistpretenses.” It would have been summarilydismissed by the people but for the protection affordedit by the Federal armies. Thus it appears thatthe “Restored Government of Virginia”was not based upon the consent and approval of thegoverned. Yet, suited to a policy of expediencyand aggression, it was, with quivering and unseemlyeagerness, recognized as the legal government of theState by the Lincoln administration.


A significant event of the war was the issuance byPresident Lincoln of his celebrated emancipation proclamation.This highly important measure, promulgated on NewYear’s day, 1863, sounded the death-knell ofslavery, an institution that, in the South, had seemedcommercially indispensable.

The tidings spread rapidly through Loudoun producing,however, no change in the amicable relations existingbetween the white and colored races. In all sectionsof the South some apprehension was at first felt lestthe negroes be tempted by Federal rewards to insurrectionand the state militias be required to suppress outbreaks.

The people of Loudoun, of course, shared in theseearly misgivings, but here, as elsewhere, the negroes,as a whole, manifested no outward signs of disaffection.History must record to their credit and praise thatwhile actual warfare was being waged on the soil ofLoudoun they quietly awaited the final issue of thefiery struggle.

Entire communities of women and children were leftin their charge, while all able-bodied white men wereaway on the battlefield, and the trust was faithfullykept. Instances of criminal acts were so rarethat at this period none are recalled, and while thisfidelity is proof of the peaceable character of thenegro, it is also evidence for their owners that slaveryhad produced no personal hostilities between the tworaces in Loudoun County, and that the treatment ofthe negro by his owner under the law had been suchas to maintain between them personal attachment andmutual confidence. Many negroes accompanied theirowners to the seat of war, not to take part in battle,but to serve in semi-military duties without exposureto danger. Some of them marched in Maryland andPennsylvania with the armies of Lee, voluntarily returning,although they might have remained in the free Stateswithout hindrance. They are still proud of theconduct of their race in those days of anxiety andperil.

The proclamation of President Lincoln was regardedin Virginia as a strictly political war measure, designedto place the cause of war distinctly upon the solequestion of slavery for an effect to be produced uponforeign countries and with the purpose of making useof negroes as soldiers in the Federal army. Theissue of negro freedom had not been distinctly madeuntil this proclamation created it. Hithertoit had been understood that, at the furthest, the Federalauthorities would insist only on restriction of slaveryto the limits where it already existed and a gradualemancipation upon payment of the value of slaves heldat the beginning of the war. But now it was settledthat the United States proposed to enforce by armsan instantaneous emancipation without compensation.

Close of the War.

The half-clad and impoverished southern armies, afterfour years of valiant fighting, were no longer ableto withstand the superior numbers that had confrontedthem with merciless regularity in every importantconflict of the war, and, in April, 1865, the struggleceased with the complete subjugation of the Southland.

All that the States-rights supporters had prophesiedwould be accomplished if unresisted; all that theUnionists had indignantly denied to be the objectsof the war was accomplished: the South was conquered,State sovereignty repudiated, the slaves were freed,and the recognition of negro political equality forcedupon the nation.

Neighborhood strifes and animosities had been engenderedin every village and hamlet, and in nearly every householdmothers wept for the lost darlings asleep in theirunmarked graves. The women and children, hearingwith a shock of the surrender, experienced a terribledread of the incoming armies. The women had beenenthusiastic for the Confederate cause; their sacrificeshad been incalculable, and to many the disappointmentand sorrow following defeat were more bitter thandeath. The soldier had the satisfaction of havingfought in the field for his opinions and it was easierfor him to abide by the decision of arms.

But the terms of peace had scarcely been signed whenthe great popular heart of the State swelled withgenerous and magnanimous rivalry in an effort to repairthe past. The soldiers who had fought and strivenunder the successful banners of the Union came backwith no bitterness in their hearts, with no tauntson their lips. The war-worn exiles of the Southernarmy, long before formal permission had been givenby either the State or Federal Government, were summonedhome and received with open arms and affectionategreetings by both the Union and States-rights men.The people of the entire State seemed to rememberwith sorrowful pride the noble men who had died gallantlyin the ranks of either army. Over their faultswas thrown the mantle of the sweet and soothing charitiesof the soldier’s grave; and, on all sides, therewas manifested unstinted admiration for the valor withwhich they had borne the dangers and privations ofthe war.


After the Surrender.

If the era of Reconstruction which followed the tragicdrama of civil war lacked the fierce element of bloodshed,it was none the less painful and protracted.It was a gloomy period through which the people ofLoudoun, in common with other communities of the Southland,were compelled to pass, and there was no appeal andno alternative save submission.

The conditions in the South in this decade were radicallydifferent from those in the North. As a resultof the war, the markets of the South were destroyed,investments in slaves were lost, and land improvementsdeteriorated. The close of the war found the plantersbankrupt, their credit destroyed, and agriculture andall business paralyzed by lack of working capital.Vast areas of land went out of cultivation, the reportedacreage of farm land in all the Southern States wasless in 1870 than in 1860, and the total and averagevalues of land everywhere decreased.

The paroled Confederate soldier had returned to hisruined farm and set to work to save his family fromextreme want. For him the war had decided twoquestions—­the abolition of slavery, anddestruction of State sovereignty. Further thanthis he did not expect the political effects of thewar to extend. He knew that some delay wouldnecessarily attend the restoration of former relationswith the central government, but political proscriptionand humiliation were not anticipated.

No one thought of further opposition to Federal authority;the results of the war were accepted in good faith,and the people meant to abide by the decision of arms.Naturally, there were no profuse expressions of lovefor the triumphant North, but the people in generalmanifested an earnest desire to leave the past behindthem and to take their places and do their duty ascitizens of the new Union. Many persons weredisposed to attribute their defeat to the will of theAlmighty. Others believed that fate, destiny,or Providence had frowned upon the South, and thisstate of mind made them the more ready to accept asfinal the results of the war.

Such was the state of feeling in the first stage,before there was any general understanding of thenature of the questions to be solved or of the conflictingpolicies. News from the outside world filteredthrough slowly; while the whole County lay prostrate,breathless, exhausted, resting. Little interestwas evinced in public questions; the long strain hadbeen removed, and the future was a problem too bewilderingeven to be considered yet awhile. The people settleddown into a lethargy, seemingly indifferent to theevents that were crowding one upon another, and exhibitinglittle interest in government and politics.

There was a woeful lack of good money in the Countyand industry was paralyzed. The gold and silverthat remained was carefully hoarded, and for monthsnone was in circulation except in the towns. Thepeople had no faith in paper money of any descriptionand thought that greenbacks would become worthlessin the same way as had Confederate currency.All sense of values had been lost, which fact may accountfor the fabulous and fictitious prices obtaining inthe South for several years after the war, and theliberality of appropriations of the first legislaturesfollowing the surrender.

With many persons there was an almost maddening desirefor the things to which they had once been accustomed,the traders and speculators now placing them in temptingarray in the long-empty store window.

People owning hundreds of acres of land often wereas destitute as the poorest negro. The majorityof those having money to invest had bought Confederatesecurities as a patriotic duty, and in this way muchof the specie had been drawn from the County.

Nearly all the grist-mills and manufacturing establishmentshad been destroyed, mill-dams cut, ponds drained,and railroad depots, bridges, and trestles burned.All farm animals near the track of the armies hadbeen carried away or killed by the soldiers, or seizedafter the occupation by the troops. Horses, mules,cows, and other domestic animals had almost disappearedexcept in the secluded districts. Many farmershad to plough with oxen. Farm buildings had beendismantled or burned, houses ruined, fences destroyed,corn, meat, and other food products taken.

In the larger towns, where something had been savedfrom the wreck of war, the looting by Federal soldierswas shameful. Pianos, curios, pictures, curtains,and other household effects were shipped North bythe Federal officers during the early days of the occupation.Gold and silver plate and jewelry were confiscatedby the “bummers” who were with every command.Abuses of this kind became so flagrant that the Northernpapers condemned the conduct of the soldiers, and severalministers, among them Henry Ward Beecher, rebuked thepractice from the pulpit.

The best soldiers of the Federal army had demandedtheir discharge as soon as fighting was over, andhad immediately left for their homes. Those whor*mained in the service in the State were, with fewexceptions, very disorderly and kept the people interror by their robberies and outrages.

Land was almost worthless, many of the owners havingno capital, farm animals, or implements. Laborwas disorganized, and its scant product often stolenby roving negroes and other marauders. The plantersoften found themselves amid a wilderness of land withoutlaborers.

From this general gloom and despair the young peoplesoon partially recovered, and among them there wasmuch social gayety of a quiet sort. For fouryears the young men and young women had seen littleof each other, and there had been comparatively fewmarriages. Now that they were together again,these nuptials soon became more common than conditionsseem to have warranted.

This revival of spirits did not extend to the olderpeople, who were long recovering from the shock ofgrief, and strain of war, much that had made lifeworth living being lost to them forever.

Conduct of the Freedmen.

Nearly every slaveholder, returning home after thefall of the Confederacy, assembled his remaining negroesand formally notified them of their freedom, and talkedwith them concerning its entailed privileges, responsibilities,and limitations. The news had, of course, reachedthem through other channels, but they had loyallyawaited the home-coming of their masters, to whom theylooked for a confirmation of the reports. Steadyemployment at a fixed wage was offered most of them,and, except in the vicinity of the towns and armyposts, where they were exposed to alien influences,the negroes usually chose to remain at their work.

Many were satisfied with the old slavery quarterswhile others, for the taste of freedom that was afforded,established homes of their own at near-by points.There were two things which the negroes of the Southfelt must be done before they could be entirely free:They must discard their masters’ names and leavethe old plantations if only for a few days or weeks.

Among the most contented and industrious there wasmuch restlessness and neglect of work. Huntingand fishing and frolics were the order of the day.Nearly every man acquired, in some way, a dog and gunas badges of freedom. It was quite natural thatthe negroes should want a prolonged holiday for theenjoyment of their new-found freedom; and it is reallystrange that any of them worked, for there obtainedan almost universal impression—­the resultof the teachings of the negro soldiers and Freedmen’sBureau officials—­that the Government wouldsupport them in idleness. But in the remote districtsthis impression was vague. The advice of theold plantation preachers held many to their work,and these did not suffer as did their brothers whoflocked to the towns.

Neither master nor freedman knew exactly how to beginanew and it was some time before affairs emerged fromthe chaotic state into which the war had plunged them.The average planter had little or no faith in freenegro labor, yet all who were now able were willingto give it a trial. The more optimistic land-ownersbelieved that the free negro could in time be madean efficient laborer, in which case they were willingto admit that the change might prove beneficial toboth races. At first, however, no one knew justhow to work the free negro; innumerable plans weredevised, many tried, and few adopted.

The new regime differed but little from the old untilthe fall of 1865, when the Freedmen’s Bureau,aided by the negro soldiers and white emissaries,had filled the minds of the credulous ex-slaves withfalse impressions of the new and glorious conditionthat lay before them. Then, with the extensionof the Bureau and spread of the army posts, many ofthe negroes became idle, neglected the crops plantedin the spring, and moved from their old homes to thetowns or wandered aimlessly from place to place.

Upon leaving their homes the blacks collected in gangsat the cross-roads, in the villages and towns, andespecially near the military posts. To the negrothese ordinary men in blue were beings from anothersphere who had brought him freedom, a something hecould not exactly comprehend, but which, he was assured,was a delightful state.

Upon the negro women often fell the burden of supportingthe children, to which hardship were traceable thethen common crimes of foeticide and child murder.The small number of children during the decade ofReconstruction was generally remarked. Negro womenbegan to flock to the towns; how they lived no onecan tell; immorality was general among them.The conditions of Reconstruction were unfavorable tohonesty and morality among the negroes, both male andfemale.

Their marriage relations were hardly satisfactory,judged by white standards. The legislatures in1865-1866 had declared slave marriages binding.The reconstructionists denounced this as a great crueltyand repealed the laws. Marriages were then madeto date from the passage of the Reconstruction Acts.As many negro men had had several wives before thatdate they were relieved from the various penaltiesof desertion, bigamy, adultery, etc. Someseized the opportunity to desert their wives and childrenand acquire new help-meets. While much sufferingresulted from the desertion, as a rule, the negro motheralone supported the children better than did the fatherwho stayed.

Negro women accepted freedom with even greater seriousnessthan did the men, and were not always, nor easily,induced to again take up the familiar drudgery offield labor and domestic service. To approximatethe ease of their former mistresses, to wear fine clothesand go often to church were their chief ambitions.Negro women had never been as well-mannered, nor,on the whole, as good natured and cheerful as thenegro men. Both sexes, during Reconstruction,lost much of their native cheerfulness; the men nolonger went singing and shouting to their work inthe fields; some of the blacks, especially the women,became impudent and insulting in their bearing towardthe whites.

As a result of certain pernicious alien influencesthere soon developed a tendency to insolent conducton the part of the younger negro men, who seemed convincedthat civil behavior and freedom were incompatible.With some there was a disposition not to submit tothe direction of their employers, and the negro’sadvisers warned him against the “efforts ofthe white man to enslave” him. Consequently,he very often refused to enter into contracts thatcalled for any assumption of responsibility on hispart, and the few agreements to which he became aparty had first to be ratified by the Bureau.As he had no knowledge of the obligation of contracts,he usually violated them at pleasure.

The negroes, massed in the towns, lived in desertedand ruined houses or in huts built by themselves ofrefuse lumber. They were very scantily clothedand their food, often insufficient and badly cooked,if cooked at all, was obtained by begging, stealing,or upon application to the Bureau. Taking fromthe whites was not considered stealing, but was “Spilin’de Gypshuns.”

The health of the negroes was injured during the period1865-1875. In the towns the standard of livingwas low, sanitary arrangements were bad, and diseasekilled large numbers and permanently injured the negroconstitution.

Following the military occupation of the State thenegroes, young and old, were seized with an overmasteringdesire for book learning. This seeming thirstfor education was not rightly understood at the North;it was, in fact, more a desire to imitate the whitemaster and obtain formerly forbidden privileges thanany real yearning due to an understanding of the valueof education. The negro hardly knew the significanceof the bare word, but the northern people gave himcredit for an appreciation not yet altogether trueeven of whites.


No occurrences of extreme historic value mark thecareer of Loudoun since the days of Reconstruction,and the seemingly abrupt conclusion to which the readerhas now arrived is not thought incompatible with theplan of this work, which in no single instance hascontemplated the inclusion of any but the most momentousevents. Besides, existing conditions have receivedprotracted mention in the preceding descriptive andstatistical departments where appear evidences of theCounty’s present vast wealth and resources, numberlesscharms and recent marvelous development.

* * * * *

History and Comprehensive Description of Loudoun County, Virginia eBook (2024)
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