Kentucky Advocate from Danville, Kentucky (2024)

Tuesday, July 12, 1938 Jul arjorie! le Harla guests herset: ving for tr. and re Satur trip of Sagatau tering re AI "GAI SUN WI 'LIFI PRA SOCIETY Miss Mary Elizabeth Creech will come from Lexington today to spend a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Creech.

Tea at Country Sara Marguerite Jackson is entertaining this afternoon with a tea at the Danville Country Club honoring her Miss Betty Jackson of ter, a bride- elect. Bridge for Miss StithMiss Harriett Smith and Miss Mary Elizabeth Creech are issuing invitations for a bridge party in honor of Miss Frances Stith whose marriage to Mr. Walter Powell will be an event of next month. The party will be held at the home of Miss Smith. Visiting in TennesseeMrs.

John Van Winkle, Misses Ruth and Josephine Van Winkle are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bryant at their home in Roberta, Tennessee. Virginia GuestsMasters Charles and John McDowell of Lexington, are the guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Charles R.

McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson of Louisville were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.

Scott Glore, Jr. Miss Lillian Wise will leave Thursday for Ft. Benning, for a visit with her uncle. Lovely Supper PartyMiss Mary Hester Glore entertained with a supper party in the lovely garden of her home on Maple avenue for her cousin, Miss Peggy Thompson of Louisville. The guests included: Miss Thompson, Misses Forrina Cook, Jayne Erskine Harlan, Anna Clark Rogers, Doris Tipton, Elizabeth Leming, Jessie Allen, Anne Stratton Lee, Fay Bright, Florence Streuber, Frances Caldwell, Doris Jean Frankel, Mary Hume, Geneva Rankin, and Lucy Ann Freeman.

State TONITE RAINER YOUNG DOUGLAS IN "TOY WIFE" Wednesday- Thursday PAUL MUNI IN "BORDER TOWN" Plus 2nd Hit FRED MacMURRAY IN "FXCLUSIVE" Entertained With SupperScott Glore, III, entertained with a supper party Monday evening in the garden of his home on Maple Avenue for his cousin, William Crawford, of ville. The guests were: William Crawford, Otis Healey, of California; Clifton Rodes, Buddy Bright, Bobby Colson, John Wyatt, Jimmie Hughes, Milton Hunt, Bobby Baldwin, Norris Armstrong, Landon Birckhead. Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer of New York City, are the guests of her parer's, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Salter at their home on Broadway. Mrs. T. P.

Welsh who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Stuart Price Hemphill and Dr. Hemphill left today for her home in Nicholasville. Dr. and Mrs.

S. H. Long, Ira Long and Mr. Stanley Lach-4 man have returned to Chattanooga after visiting Mrs. E.

H. Kahn and Mr. Harold Kahn. Miss Lucy Alcorn, Mrs. Hill Spaulding and Miss Ann Spaulding were in Danville yesterday.

Lawn Fete Planned For July 14th The Ladies of the Altar Socie- ty of the Catholic Church will have their Annual Lawn Fete on the Church Grounds, July 14. Your presence is respectfully requested. 2 283 Mr. Kays HIThe many friends of Mr. O.

A. Kays will regret to learn that he is ill at the Danville and Boyle County Hospital, Mrs. Malcolm Simpson has return to her home in Louisville after spending a few days with Miss Sue McDowell and Col. Nicholas McDowell, Dr. Neely returned to his home in Indianapolis after spending part of his vacation with his sister, Mrs.

L. L. Claunch and family. May-PhillipsMr. and Mrs.

S. H. May announce the marriage of their daughter, Juanita, to Mr. Guy Thomas Phillips, the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Ansel Phillips. The marriage took place at Harrodsburg Saturday afternoon July 2nd with Judge Charles T. Corn, County Judge, officiating. The rittenc*nts were: the groom's father, Mr. Ansel Phillips and Miss Cecil Logue.

The young couple will make their home at the groom's farm on the Perryville road. Miss Lillian Bosley and Mr. Harold Walker were in Lexington yesterday. Vacationing in FloridaDr. end Mrs.

William Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. James Langan and daughter, Caroline are spending several weeks in Florida. OOL OMFY TONITE ENTUCKY 9 P. M.

$125 3 DAYS STARTING WED. Screen LORETTA YOUNG FOR --4 MEN AND LOVE--MONEY A PRAYER" AND tricking his Plundering in love his at greatGolden he Gary at fell port. with A OF CAST TECHNICOLOR COOPER? THE ADVENTURES OF 1 Marco Polo Miss Jane Fant, Miss Boon Nichols and Mr. Jimmie Hewlett will spend Wednesday in Louisville. NOTED FORMEH CITIZEN(Continued from Page One) after making a great success.

He also spoke of the Mock family, who used to be leaders in making what is known as Old Mock Whiskey, one of the State's most noted brands, SO good in fact, Chat the name is still used. After he returned from the army, he was made a Guager in the Old Lexington under Col. R. M. Kelley, Colleotor and he said that he had to give a 000 bond and that his bondsmen were Dr.

A. S. Dr. Downton, George W. Welsh, and Tom Barbee.

When he left for Kansas he had his father bake a fine cake for each of his bondsmen and he gave it to them as a parting gift- a real appreciation. When he left Danville in 1872 he took up a quarter section of land in Kansas and after getting things to running good on that he joined his brother, the late Edward Wallace Hoch, in editing and publishing the Marion (Kansas) Record. It was while he and his brother were publishing this paper that the brother Edward Wallis Hoch, "Wally" a as he was affectionately known in Danville, was commandered Toy Republican party and elected Govemor of Kansas. This same Governor learned the printing and publishing business right here in Danville under the council" ship of James R. Marrs, the founder of the Advocate( June 20, 1865).

Twenty-nine years ago, our pleasant visitor left Kansas for "California, locating at Pasadena, where he has since lived in that (land of flowers, plus climate and amid happy scenes, and lovely surroundings, a life of ease, if you please. Mr. Hoch is now in his ninetyfifth year, as stated above- please page E. P. Faulconer, and 1 let him know that there is one genMeman just as young as he and enjoying life just like he does.

Each member of the 75th encampment was provided, as stated above, with a handsome badge by the Government, with name engraved and all that, and all that these badges were in the main for identification but for Mr. Hoch, it was not necessary, for he has been places, still gets around and rides a bicycle like a boy and needs no direction finder. Mr. Hoch is visiting Mrs. LouGray, a kinswman, on North Third Street and is enjoying himself like a youngster of 16 summers.

This is the first time Mr. Hoch has been in Danville for fourteen years. On June 15th, just past, the University of Kansas unveiled a handsome tablet in the E. W. Hoch Auditorium and the building was dedicated to his memory.

This was a very fine thing for the University to have done, remery: tering a man who had done SO much in his life for the institution. DANVILLE MAN'S FATHER IS DEAD W. M. Zanone Dies At Home In Stanford After Long Illness Wesley Marshall Zanone, 84 years cld, died at the hoine of his daughter, 1'rs. George O.

Spoonamore, on Portman avenue at 6 o'clock Sunday morning. While he had been in feeble health for two years, a stroke suffered some ten days ago, brought about the end. Mr. Zanone came he from Lancaster when his wife died some two and a half years ago, and had made his home with his daughter and family since. For 42 years he was engineer for the Lancaster Milling Co.

He. was married to Miss Allah Dean Traylor, of this county, on Sept. 26, 1882, and the following children are the fruit of the union: Mrs. Spoonamore, above mentioned Mrs. Edward Hayes, Louisville, Charlie Zanone, Lancaster, Dean Zanone, Danville.

He. was a member of the Christian Church of Lancaster; was an Odd Fellow and a member of the Order of Maccabees. After praver at the Spoonamore home Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the remains were taken to the Lancaster Cemetery, where short services were held by Revs. Kingsbury, Lancaster, and F. B.

Jones, the latter pastor of the Stanford Methodist Church, -Interior Journal HERE and THERE PRESIDENT GOVERNOR CHANDLER gave Kentucky, farmers fine highways and rural roads. ROOSEVELT Said: ALBEN BARKLEY voted to charge Kentucky farmers "Governor Chandler is my Good a higher rate of interest on farm loans. (July 22, Friend." 1937.) "Governor Chandler has been a good GOVERNOR CHANDLER reduced Kentucky farm land governor." taxes from 30c to 5c. "I have no doubt but that GOVERNOR ALBEN BARKLEY voted to give Austria, Belgium, CHANDLER WOULD MAKE A GOOD. Czechoslovakia, a moratorium on the payment of SENATOR FROM KENTUCKY." their war debts to the United Sates HER--In all of his trips to Washington, BERT HOOVER asked him to the same time -Happy' Chandler has never returned to BARKLEY VOTED AGAINST an amendment to Kentucky empty handed." grant farmers of Kentucky and the United States a In three speeches in Kentucky, Presione year moratorium on their debts to Federal Land dent Roosevelt rightfully took credit for Banks.

(December 22, 1931.) all 1deral Jeris? favorable to KenGOVERNOR CHANDLER gave Kentucky a low farm tucky farmers, Kentucky labor, business. truck license, high school per capita, free textbooks, Kentucky needy and W.P.A, new hospitals, etc. NOT ONCE DID. HE SAY THAT ALBEN BARKLEY voted against interest rate to ALBEN BARKLEY WAS RESPONSIBLE refinance farm mortgages. (Frazier-Lehpke Bill, FOR ANY OF THESE THINGS.

Because June 20, 1937.) Barkley was NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF THEM. SUPPORT A. B. (Happy) CHANDLER For U.S. SENATE A MAN OF ABILITY ACTION ACHIEVEMENT YOUTH TOLD TO LEAVE TOWN Another Fined In Mercer Wanted for Robbery In Boyle County Harrodsburg, July 12- County.

Judge Charles T. Corn Monday gave Charles Walker, 19, until Tuesday to get out of Harrodsburg and return to his home in Louisville with the admonition that if he returns to this city he will be re-arrested and given the "heaviest penalty possible" for being drunk in a public place. Tom Berry, 19, Walker's companion, was fined $100 and costs on a charge of driving while drunk and will be taken to Danville to. be tried on a charge of highway robbery. Berry is charged with the car of E.

P. Yates of cer County off the road just across the Mercer line in Boyle county on the Harrodsburg-Danville road Saturday night and forcing Yates, whose family was with him, to hand over $8. In Berry's car were Walker, another youth named Harlow, Sallie Ann Taylor and Mary Gilpin, both 17. Harlow, who was not drunk, left the car at the scene of the alleged holdup and returned to Harrodsburg. He was not fined.

Judge Corn lectured the girls and their parents severely in court and ordered Police Chief R. Robards to hereafter pick up all girls found loitering on streets. BARKLEY AT PARIS TODAY (Continued trom Page One) me a place." "Nobody offered the Governor a post; Barkley said. "The President looked Governor Chandler In the face after the Governor made his proposition and said, 'Governor, that is the most indecent proposition that has been made to me since I became Mr. Barkley continued.

"Last winters efforts were not the first Governor Chandler made to trade himself into the Senate. He tried in 1936 to dictate to the people of the State who would become Senator. But Senator Logan won over the Governor's candidate." Turbelency Today Reported On Four Different Fronts (By the Associated Press) Riots in Northern Ireland and 'fresh violence in Palestine added to world disorders today, a survey of the zones of turbelence revealed. Scores were killed and wounded by air bombs in China and in Spain. In China, soldiers of the Central Government, attempting to check the invading Japanese from Kiukiang, destroyed water front properties, including Standard Oil Company of New York property, despite objections of United States Ambassador Nelson Johnson.

Most of the foreigners were re- CHARMING DANVILLE GIRL TO MARRY Miss Jane Shelby, lovely daughter )this city and one cf this section's Sidney Warfield Clay, the son of and Mrs. Clay, of Frankfort, Ky. been announced. It will be a moved from the danger zone. In Spain, the Insurgent's drive toward Valencia was slowed down by the Loyalist Government resistance, but the Insurgents.

re: ported they were in sight of Sagunto, key point on the Valencia road. The Spanish government gave the Non-Intervention mittee new worires by dispatching to the British Foreign Office charges that Premier Mussolini of Italy had no intention of carrying out his part of the bargain to withdraw foreign soldiers from Spain in his agreement with Great Britain. Sheik, Al Hatis, a High Moslem holy man, was shot down in a Palestine inter-racial outbreak between Jews and Arabs today. Irish disorders occured on the 248th anniversary of the Battle. of the Boyne when police fought a crowd attemtping to remove Orange arches erected for the celebration.

4-H CLUB CAMP IS OPENED 250 Boys and Girls from Ten Counties, Including Boyle Are Attending Crab Orchard, July--Approximately 250 boys and girls, ranging in age from ten to eighteen years, members of the district 4-H Club, comprising the counties of Lincoln, Pulaski, Wayne, Garrard, Boyle, Jessamine, Mercer, Russell, Casey and Clinton, will- converge on beautiful Crab Orchard Springs Hotel at Crab Orchard, Monday, for their annual encampment. Club members who a''end carn are a select group from each of the above. named counties and signifies that each bov and girl is carrying an outlined 4-H Club, projeot such as live stock, poultry, tobacco, corn, sewing, cookine. and poch has his or her project up to date. The camp is in charge of State Club Field Agent M.

S. Garside who is assisted by 28 men and women Club leaders, 10 county agents, 4 Home Demonstration agents and a group of extension workers from the University of Kentucky Experimental station. A varied but carefully planned program, combining both recreational and educational work, is so arranged for the five days of the encampment that the interest of each of the boy and girl enrollees will be held throughout the week. Special night programs on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, conducted by campers, are open to the public. Parents of the Club members are especially invited to attend.

The beautiful grounds of the Crab Orchard Springs Hotel offer an ideal spot for the 4-H club encampment, and adequate accommodations for the parents and friends of the Club members mav be had at the world famous hotel. Security Tobacco and Vegetable Poison, 4 Lbs. for 65 CentsFARMERS SUPPLY CO. LIFE TERM GIVEN TO KENTUCKIAN Man Convicted Of Slaying Wife and Paramour In Arizona Phoenix, Arizona, July 12 (P) Archibald K. Francis, fifty-threeyear-old Kentucky farmer, was sentenced to life imprisonment Monday for having killed -Louis Tripoli, 30, Works Progress Administration clerk in a jealous rage.

Francis also killed his wife, Stella, 49. at whose rooming house Tripoli lived. He said anc'her roomer told him Mrs. Francis and Tripoli had an affair during his absence in Kentucky. Although he protested against the jury's verdict when convicted of first-degree murder a week ago, Francis accepted his sentence without comment.

No appeal will be taken. BARKLEY FOLLOWERS TO VISIT FRANKFORT A number of Senator Alben W. Barkley's followers in Boyle county are planning to motor to Frankfort tomorrow night a hear the Majority Leader deliver an address in the interest of his campaign at the Diamond Ball Ground at 7:30 o'clock. For the day-at-homes there will be A state wide radio hook-up. See These Copies OLD ENGLISH CROWN -and- MARQUISE RINGS On Display In Our Window.

For Sheer Beauty and unparalelled distinction they defy duplication. They. are made of 14-Karat yellow antique gold and every one is a masterpiece. They are being offered by the manufacturer at great discount Don't Miss Seeing This Window Display KAHN'S of Mrs. Dena' Shelby Diehl, of most popular girls is to marry the Chief Justice William Rogers The wedding date has not as yet Central Kentucky social event..

Kentucky Advocate from Danville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.