Migrant Crime Horror Shows and Biden Cheap Fakes (2024)

Last week Fox News featured several stories that involved undocumented immigrants allegedly committing horrific crimes against women while the network completely ignored a Supreme Court ruling that will help protect victims of domestic violence.

The Supreme Court ruling involved upholding a law that removes gun rights from domestic violence abusers. The optics of a conservative court restricting gun rights from American citizens didn’t meld well with the narrative of invading criminals hellbent on raping and killing women, so Fox News just didn’t mention it.

When Fox News wasn’t trying to terrify its audience about criminal migrants it recycled the same deceptively cropped media clips of Joe Biden to make him look old and feeble.

The network also promoted Donald J. Trump as a savior who would solve all the nation’s problems with a few executive orders and some secret deals he couldn’t reveal the specifics of until he was elected.

Anyone watching Fox News exclusively last week would have missed out on stories about statewide marijuana pardons in Maryland, extreme flooding in China and updates to the Israel-Hamas war and the war in Ukraine.

Shows I covered on Fox:

  • Fox & Friends

  • The Five

  • Hannity

The Battle of the Polls

On Thursday Fox & Friends opened its first hour with a mention that Biden was slightly leading Trump by two points in the latest national Fox News poll.

“As Fox News polls show it's neck and neck with Biden and Trump, but within the margin of error, exclamation point,” said Brian Kilmeade.

Biden’s slight lead was mentioned a few times throughout the hour. It wasn’t discussed on “The Five.”

Sean Hannity decided to ignore the Fox News poll. He opened “Hannity,” with a poll from swing states.

“But we begin tonight with a brand new swing state poll from Emerson College. Take a look at your screen. Arizona Donald Trump is up by four in Georgia. Donald Trump is also up by four. In Wisconsin, Trump is up by three. These polls show a shift in the race for the first time this year. This is big in Nevada. Trump is up by three again in Pennsylvania is up by two. Michigan is up by one. And in the traditionally very, very blue state of Minnesota, Trump and Biden are tied 45/45.”

Hannity seemed determined to stick to the narrative that Trump was assured a win in November regardless of what his own network’s polling might show.

Only Undocumented Immigrants Commit Crimes on Fox

Starting on Monday Fox News featured a story about Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, who was brutally murdered allegedly by an undocumented immigrant in Maryland while out hiking.

Although she was killed back in August 2023 the suspect in her murder was just apprehended in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

On Monday, on “The Five,” Martha MacCallum started an extended segment about the crime.

“So tough story. Another shocking migrant crime shaking the nation. Tulsa police arresting an illegal immigrant who entered the country under Biden's watch and charging him with the horrific and brutal murder of a Maryland mom of five children. Rachel Morin, we now know, was raped, attacked and killed while she was hiking on a popular route that she had hiked on her whole life in Maryland last August . . .So here we go again Judge - Kate Steinle, Laken Riley, and now Rachel Morin, who should be alive today if we had a system that worked.”

Kate Steinle was killed by an undocumented immigrant in 2015 in San Franciso, California. Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the man charged with killing her, was ultimately acquitted of murder and involuntary manslaughter charges, as well as assault with a deadly weapon.

His defense attorney argued her death was accidental and the jury convicted him of felony gun charges.

Donald J. Trump championed her case and called the verdict, “a travesty of justice.”

Laken Riley was a 22-year-old nursing student who was killed by an undocumented immigrant while out for a jog at the University of Georgia on February 22, 2024.

Fox News and other right-wing media outlets featured Riley’s murder prominently for weeks. President Biden was criticized for mispronouncing her name during his State of the Union Address.

The next day on “The Five,” Sandra Smith started a segment with another crime allegedly committed by a migrant.

“But critics argue it's ill timed amid America's surge in migrant violence, brand new video of police perp walking a suspect and Ecuadorian migrant who is charged with the rape, sexual abuse and kidnaping of a 13-year-old girl here in New York City.”

Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, a 25-year-old Ecuadorian migrant who entered the U.S. illegally in June 2021, was picked up after people in the neighborhood where the crime occurred recognized him from a photo and video released by law enforcement, according to the police department.

On Wednesday on “The Five,” Judge Jeanine Pirro also brought up the case involving Inga-Landi.

“The media is downplaying horrific migrant crimes, like the illegal immigrant monster who raped a 13-year-old girl and in New York City Park,” said Pirro as the face of the alleged attacker took up half of the screen.

The next morning on “Fox & Friends,” Steve Doocy brought up another crime.

“This morning, another absolutely tragic consequence of our current immigration laws,” said Doocy.

“Yep, two Venezuelan nationals who cross the border illegally are now charged with the murder. The murder of a 12-year-old Texas girl,” said Brian Kilmeade.

“My goodness. They say she was abducted, strangled and killed,” said Ainsley Earhardt.

On Friday on “Hannity,” Sean Hannity brought up the same crime while including a new one.

“Oh, what a week. This has been so sad in so many ways. The deadly consequences of Joe Biden's border crisis are being felt all across the country. Two illegals arrested for the brutal murder of a 12-year-old girl in Texas. One of which was released into the U.S. just weeks prior after illegally crossing into this country. Meanwhile, five illegals in Missouri, hundreds of miles from the border, charged with the kidnaping of a 14-year-old girl that apparently they wanted to traffic.”

All these crimes are horrifying but I doubt Fox News would have featured them as prominently if the alleged attackers weren’t undocumented immigrants.

Attacks like these are quite rare as most crime victims know their attackers regardless of gender. Undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than American citizens.

Migration at the southern border has actually decreased and crime across the United States has also dramatically declined since a peak during the pandemic but a Fox viewer would most likely think both have increased based on how the network covers crime and the border crisis.

In a country with a population of 330 million it doesn’t take much to find absolutely terrifying crime stories even though according to the Uniform Crime Report the murder rate fell by 26.4%, reported rapes decreased by 25.7%, robberies fell by 17.8%, aggravated assault fell by 12.5%, and the overall violent crime rate went down by 15.2%, in the first three months of 2024 compared to the same period last year.

According to data collected by the FBI approximately three women are murdered every day in the United States. Most of their stories don’t make national news much less a featured segment repeated on the highest rated cable news channel.

On the shows I covered no one on Fox News mentioned that the Supreme Court upheld a ban on access to firearms for domestic abusers last week. Eight of the nine justices voted to reject a challenge toSection 922(g)(8)of the Violence Against Women Act.

As Fox News hosts claimed to care about the safety of women the network ignored a landmark case that will help keep firearms out of the hands of people who abuse their partners.

According to data by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the case of female murder and manslaughter victims 76% of women or girls are killed by someone they know and 34% were killed by an intimate partner. By comparison, only about 12% of women or girls were killed by a stranger.

It’s difficult for the Biden campaign to navigate stories about Americans brutalized by undocumented immigrants. Even though migrants are less likely to commit crimes these women wouldn’t have been murdered and raped if these men were not in this country.

There’s also no guarantee that these men wouldn’t have gotten into the country if Trump was president. Despite his many lies about his record on the border during his administration he never came close to completely staving off illegal border crossings.

Border crossings dramatically increased in 2019 only to drop off due to the pandemic.

Ainsley Earhardt Brings up a Migrant Crime Story that was Debunked.

On Friday, on “Fox & Friends,” Ainsley Earhardt brought up a story about an alleged migrant criminal who was cleared of any wrongdoing.

“The illegals are behind bars for a second. They come out, they flip off the cameras after they beat up cops.”

In late January a group of migrants were caught on camera briefly punching and kicking two NYPD police officers in Times Square.

Two days after the attack Jhoan Boada, a 22-year-old migrant was photographed flipping his middle finger to photographers as he walked out of a police station after he was arrested and released without bail.

Fox News featured this image for weeks and Donald J. Trump even included an image of Boada brandishing this obscene gesture in one of his campaign ads titled, “Joe Biden’s middle finger.

On March 1, Jhoan Boada was cleared of any wrongdoing by the prosecutor. Boada was mistaken for another man, Marcelino Estee, who was ultimately charged and held on $15,000 cash bail.

Boada’s case was widely reported on in local media outlets. Somehow Earhardt either didn’t know he was cleared of any criminal charges or just didn’t care.

Biden Walks Like an Old Man - Trump Talks about Electrocution and Sharks

On Friday on “The Five,” Jesse Watters opened the first segment with a clip of President Biden walking across tarmac towards Marine One.

“Fake alert. We just got another one of those unedited videos of the president acting like himself that drives the white House insane. Joe Biden seen shuffling at the speed of an elderly man with a poor memory as he gingerly makes his way across the tarmac to Camp David. Right now, he's holed up for the next several days with nothing else on his schedule except to cram like crazy for the CNN presidential debate. A lot is riding on the big guy.”

A couple of weeks ago Trump held a rally in Vegas where he rambled on about sharks when his teleprompters stopped working.

“So, there's a shark ten yards away from the boat, ten yards or here, do I get electrocuted? If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery. The boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I will tell you, he didn't know the answer. He said, you know, nobody's ever asked me that question. I said, I think it's a good question. I think there's a lot of electric current coming through that water. But you know what I'd do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I'll take electrocution every single time. I'm not getting near the shore. So we could end that. We're going to end it for boats,” said Trump.

Which is more alarming a man in his early 80’s walking with a stiff gate or one in his late 70’s blathering on about sharks during a campaign event?

Ari Fleischer has some Questions for Joe Biden

On Tuesday while a guest on “Hannity,” former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer proposed some questions for Joe Biden.

“Sean I'm shocked this debate is even happening. I really am stunned that the white House staff wants Joe Biden to appear on stage, speaking extemporaneously. No teleprompter, no assistance from anybody for an hour and a half. Even if he's sitting, it's just a surprise. So the pressure on Joe Biden to not flub, to not engage in some of those verbal mistakes that we have all seen or to forget something if I'm the anchor or if I'm Jake Tapper or Dana Bash, the moderators, here's what I do.

I would pick up the Hur report and I'd say, he said, that you don't remember the years you were vice president. Mr. president, what year were you vice president put it to him. Make Joe Biden answer the facts, address the questions. There were reports that he didn't remember the year Beau Biden died. Ask the president what year did your son die?

This is what journalists do based on government information that's hard hitting and factual. They press the politician in power. They should press Joe Biden, the American people. But white House is saying these are cheap fakes. The man is in great health. He can outrun the staff, put it to the test.”

It’s safe to say most Americans are not concerned with questions about the year President Biden’s son died of cancer.

I also doubt Donald J. Trump could answer basic questions about his own grandchildren or even identify the state of Missouri on an unmarked map of the United States.

Newt Gingrich Doesn’t Seem to Know Much About Donald J. Trump

On Monday, former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, had some predictions about Trump’s performance in the upcoming presidential debate.

“He (Biden) will be aggressive. He'll be jacked up and he'll go like crazy. And I just hope that Trump can stay very calm, very Reagan-like. Let Biden be a fool and just endure it and not counterattack. I will tell you, it's very simple. They're going to go with one strategy to piss off Donald Trump. He doesn't have to take the bait for sure.”

His comment made me wonder if the former Speaker had any idea who Donald J. Trump was.

A Fox “Data Expert” Doesn’t Seem to Know Much About Inflation or Wages

On Friday on “Fox & Friends,” Lili Gil Valletta, CEO of CulturIntel a market research tech-firm, was invited on to discuss how inflation is affecting the Hispanic community.

“Well, one thing to note is Hispanic households tend to be larger. We have on average 2 to 3 kids. So that inflation impact that we were just hearing about. When food inflation has risen a whopping 25% or more since 2020. You feel it in your pocket. So, I think beyond politics, beyond personality, it's going to be about the pockets of American families. But you put on top of that, Ainsley, the fact that individual incomes and wages are declining, that the inflation is outpacing the ability for people to just live and for women to be able to provide for their families.”

Valletta is entitled to her opinion about the economy, but she said a couple of things that were factually incorrect.

According to several sources including the Economic Policy Institute wages have outpaced inflation for the past 12 months. Incomes are also not declining as Valletta stated.

How Fox and PBS Reported on Louisiana Ten Commandments Mandate

Last week Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry signed a law passed by the Republican dominated state legislature that would require a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” in all public classrooms, from kindergarten to state-funded universities.

Fox News handled the story quite differently than the PBS NewsHour. On Thursday on “Fox & Friends,” the cast discussed the new law.

“What's interesting about this particular case is Texas, South Carolina and Utah or recently tried to pass similar things but didn't have the same kind of particulars in it and they did not pass the legislature. This passed the legislature,” said Steve Doocy.

“The interesting thing in Texas is, you know, it may not be in legislation, but some of the school districts we have the Ten Commandments we're in, and it means on display in the school. In the school. it's just part of the tradition. And no one fought it because it's just this is part of. Right. A lot of the stuff that happens in the South,” said Lawrence Jones.

“What, what commandment are they against? Right. You know, I mean, like like which one don't you like, which one would make your life worse if we adhere to it?” said Brian Kilmeade.

“Well, it's good for the I mean, I don't know how many students in high school are really going to sit there and read them if they see them on, on the wall. But it's a great reminder of our foundations of American history and, just good Christian values,” said Ainsley Earhardt.

The same night on the News Hour PBS invited Charles Haynes of Freedom Forum, an nonprofit dedicated to protecting the first amendment, to examine the ramifications of the new law.

“That side says this. The Establishment Clause is why we have peace in this country. We have so many religious differences, and yet we have managed to negotiate. Some lived together, peaceful coexistence, mainly because we've kept the government out of the religion, business. And what happens when the government has the power, like they're asking in Louisiana to promote a religious message in every classroom. They call it a history message. But the Ten Commandments is, as the court said in 1980, read it. It's definitely a religious message,” said Haynes.

“One of the co-sponsors of the legislation said that the Ten Commandments, in her view, she views it as a historical document. And she says this might not work in California or New York, but in Louisiana, it does,” said Geoff Bennett, co-anchor of PBS New Hour.

Well, it's popular, but but the you know, the First Amendment isn't a popularity contest. It's meant to protect the conscience of every individual. And if there are only ten people in Louisiana who don't want the Ten Commandments promoted, they have a right under the First Amendment to make their case. I think they they might win. Still, even a conservative court is going to think long and hard about wiping away barriers to government promoting religion to young kids. I mean, that just seems unthinkable,” said Haynes.

Fox News might need a refresher on what’s in the First Amendment,

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Stories Fox News Ignored

Every week I compare the hours I’ve watched on Fox News to five hours of the PBS NewsHour. The following list are stories that PBS covered that Fox News did not.

  • Updates in the war in Ukraine

    • The U.S. said it would redirect missiles that were meant for other U.S. allies to be sent for air defense to Ukraine. National security spokesman John Kirby said the U.S. had taken the “difficult but necessary decision to reprioritize near-term planned deliveries of foreign military sales to other countries.”

    • Russia said it shot down 114 Ukrainian drones during an attack where Ukraine claims it hit oil refineries and a drone launch site in southern Russia.

    • The European Union has officially set a date to begin membership talks for Ukraine and Moldova. Negotiations will begin on Tuesday in Luxembourg, but the full process could take years or even decades.

    • President Putin said Russia would prioritize military production, including its nuclear program.

  • Updates in the Israel-Hamas War

    • Armenia became the latest country to officially recognize Palestinian statehood despite opposition from Israel. Roughly three-quarters of the 193 U.N. member nations have done so.

    • Israel’s military announced that it would pause fighting throughout daytime hours along a 7 mile route in southern Gaza to free up a backlog of humanitarian aid deliveries.

  • Climate disasters

    • State media in China is reporting that at least 47 people have died amid catastrophic flooding and landslides in the south of the country. A week of downpours has walloped Guangdong Province. One area saw more than 14 inches of rain in just a single day.

  • A record 23 NATO countries will hit their military spending targets this year. Member countries have increased their military funding since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.

  • The Governor of Maryland signed an executive order that will issue 175,000 pardons for marijuana related convictions. The pardons include more than 150,000 misdemeanor convictions for simple possession of cannabis and more than 18,000 misdemeanor convictions for use or possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia.

  • A new birth control method for men entered phase 2 trials. The Nesterone/testosterone combo gel was applied once daily to the shoulder blades of 222 men between the ages of 18 and 50 was found to reduce sperm count without affecting libido.

  • Three federal lawsuits in Republican states were filed last Monday to challenge the Biden administration’s proposed changes to Title IX that would expand protections to LGBTQ+ students and add new safeguards for victims of sexual assault.

  • More than 1,300 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extreme high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom.

  • The U.S. said famine has likely descended in Sudan and warned attacks in the capital of the North Darfur region must stop. El Fasher was home to more than 800,000 internally displaced before it came under siege by rebel paramilitaries.

  • An investigation by High Country News found some land grant universities have long profited from land essentially taken from Native American tribes and leased to industries like oil and gas. Roughly 10.7 million acres were taken from nearly 250 tribes.

  • Families of some of the people who died in two Boeing 737 Max crashes are asking federal officials to fine Boeing $24.8 billion and move quickly to prosecute the company on a criminal charge that was set aside three years ago.

  • A Russian court sentenced an American soldier to three years and nine months in prison for stealing and making threats of murder. Staff Sgt. Gordon Black, 34, entered Russia to see his girlfriend and was arrested last month after she accused him of stealing from her.

  • PBS produced a segment that explored how Muslims in India have suffered under the Modi administration.

  • The U.S. paused safety inspections for avocados and mangos from a top-producing Mexican state after a security incident involving U.S. Department of Agriculture staff.

  • A Nevada judge dismissed a case against six Republicans in a scheme that included false electors that would have falsely declared Donald J. Trump as the winner of the 2020 election in that state. The judge ruled that Las Vegas was the wrong venue for the case. Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford said his office will take up the case with the state Supreme Court.

  • A Russian-American woman’s trial for treason began in Russia after she allegedly donated $50 to an Ukraine charity. She was arrested in Russia while visiting family in February.

  • PBS included a segment about how Donald J. Trump might lie about the outcome of the 2024 election as he did in 2020. Right-wing media outlets, including Fox News, are already showing signs that they would support Trump’s false claims. In this segment, PBS featured a clip that Decoding Fox News posted on social media that went viral last week where Greg Gutfeld promoted the idea regardless of the outcome Americans won’t believe the results of the 2020 election.

  • The Washington Post is again looking for a top editor after Robert Winnett, the British journalist set to take the position, withdrew over ethics concerns. It comes after a year marked by staff cuts, a high-profile resignation and mounting red ink.

  • As stated, earlier Fox News did not report on a SCOTUS decision that involved upholding a law that removes gun rights from domestic violence abusers.

By The Numbers

Migrant Crime Horror Shows and Biden Cheap Fakes (1)
Migrant Crime Horror Shows and Biden Cheap Fakes (2)
Migrant Crime Horror Shows and Biden Cheap Fakes (3)

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Migrant Crime Horror Shows and Biden Cheap Fakes (2024)
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