Upright Meaning Guide
Six of Wands Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Success, victory, winning, having the advantage, triumph, achievement, praise, acclaim, awards, recognition, applause, goodwill, fame, celebrity, fans, well-wishers, supporters, crowds, being in the spotlight, riding high, being a leader, stability, strength, confidence, self-esteem, pride, sharing your victories, campaign trail
General Meaning and Interpretation(Upright)
In a general context, the Six of Wands represents success, victory, winning, triumph, achievement and having the advantage. It also signifies praise, acclaim, awards, recognition, applause and goodwill. It is a Minor Arcana card of fame, celebrity, fans, well-wishers, supporters, crowds and being in the spotlight. It indicates that someone is being a leader, riding high, confident and proud with high self-esteem. It is a card of strength and stability and can also represent successful campaigns and winning battles.
Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Six of Wands is a great omen indicating success, stability, strength and sharing your success. You and your partner should be riding high and achieving your goals together. You will be very supportive of each other, sharing your victories and proud of your relationship. If you are single, the Six of Wands indicates that your dream partner is about to enter your life. This person will be confident, successful and will put you on a pedestal.
Money & Career(Upright)
In a career Tarot spread, the Six of Wands represents success and victory so it is a very good omen. You may have won a promotion or new job or successfully completed a project producing great results. If you are in business, this card would see you achieving a great level of success. This Minor Arcana card also indicates that you have shown great drive, enthusiasm and leadership to achieve your victory. Enjoy the moment, but don’t let it go to your head! In a financial Tarot reading, the Six of Wands represents financial success so you should find your finances are on the up when it appears in your Tarot spread. You have worked hard and now you are reaping the rewards!
Health (Upright)
In a health Tarot reading, the Six of Wands can indicate good health or victory over a disease or success in battling an illness so it is a very good omen to receive if you have been ill. It can also represent a successful return to sports after an injury.
In a spiritual context, the Six of Wands sees people looking to you for guidance. Assist those that you can help as you have the leadership qualities required in abundance. Make sure you still make time for your own ongoing spiritual journey. Don’t let the attention go to your head.
Reversed Meaning Guide
Six of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Failure, lack of achievement/recognition/ support/ confidence/ endurance, losing, disadvantage, disgrace, being hunted, ill-will, mob/ pack mentality, treachery, disloyalty, disappointment, broken promises, being a follower, weakness, fame hungry, diva, arrogant, egotistical, pride before a fall, unsuccessful campaign
General meaning and interpretation(Reversed)
In a general context, the Six of Wands reversed represents losing, failure, lack of achievement, recognition, endurance, confidence or support. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of mob or pack mentality, being a follower or being hunted. It indicates that someone is being arrogant, egotistical, fame hungry or a diva and that pride comes before a fall. The Six of Wands reversed signifies disadvantage, disgrace, disloyalty, treachery and broken promises. It can also represent ill-will, disappointment, instability, weakness and unsuccessful campaigns and losing battles.
Love & Relationships(Reversed)
In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Six of Wands reversed is not a great omen as it can indicate failure, disloyalty and instability. You relationship may lack the qualities needed to endure the difficult times. This Minor Arcana card when reversed can represent broken promises and disappointment. It suggests that you and your partner are not being very supportive of each other’s dreams, ambitions or goals and are not sharing your victories. Over inflated egos or arrogance may be at the root of the issue and one or both of you may be engaging in diva like behaviour leading to ill-will between you. If you are single, the Six of Wands reversed can indicate that you may be lacking in self-esteem which is hampering your efforts to meet someone you can have a relationship with. Alternatively, it can indicate that you are acting like a diva and this is putting off potential partners.
Money & Career(Reversed)
In a career Tarot spread, the Six of Wands reversed can represent lack of success or defeat so it is not a very good omen to get. You may have lost out on a promotion or new job or produced poor results on a work project or target. If you are in business, this card would find you unable to achieve the level of success that you were aiming for and missing the mark by some distance. This Minor Arcana card can also indicate that you are lacking the drive, effort, enthusiasm or leadership skills to achieve your goals. You need to realise that any change that needs to happen to turn this situation around starts with you. Be a leader not a follower! In a financial Tarot reading, the Six of Wands reversed represents lack of financial success or losses so you may find your finances are taking a hit when it appears in your Tarot spread. You may not have achieved your financial targets or have lost out on your investments. You need to assess the situation and take immediate action to bring your finances back into balance.
Health (Reversed)
In a health Tarot reading, the Six of Wands reversed can indicate poor health or a relapse of an illness or disease or success that you had been given the all clear on. It can also represent a disappointing return to sports or fitness after an injury or an injury caused by a fall.
Spirituality (Reversed)
In a spiritual context, the Six of Wands reversed indicates that you may be following crowd a bit when it comes to your spiritual development and just going along with others for the sake of fitting in. Your spiritual path is uniquely yours so you need to decide your own course. Blindly following the crowd is a cop out.