The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Selma PAPER IN SELMA PRINTING Fourth Every man a MA ALAB 3 Reeves Every Electric man DISPATCHES BY FULL LEASED SELMA, ALABAMA. FRIDAY OCTOBER 4, 1918. INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE. NEW AMERICAN DRIVE BETWEEN RHEIMS AND ARGONNE AMER. TAKE MONT BLANC AFTER HARD FIGHTING French Ship Is Sunk With 48 Of Its Crew Missing Washington, Oct.

members of the crew of the merchant ship Herman Frasch sunk in collision with the U. S. Gearge C. Henry, are missing, the -Navy Department announced this afternoon. The collision occured at You Agreed to Buy W.

S. S. Are you making your promise good? Reeves Electric Plumbing Co VOL. XXVIII FIVE CENTS. miles southeast of Cape Sable.

The Frasch went to the bottom in seven minutes. Forty members of her LONDON NEWS SOURCES GERMANY WILL London, Oct. Press Association understands that there is no doubt that Turkey has notified Germany of her intentions to make a seperate peace with the allies and there are also signs that Persia is taking, sides against the Ottoman Empire, the Daily News stated today. There are suggestions LOCAL FIGHTING GIVES ADVANTAGE TO THE BRITISH 4,000 German Prisoners Taken In Fighting North Of St. Quentin Thursday which resulted to the advantage of London, Oct.

4-Local fighting the British, flamed up on the southern outskirts of Cambrai during the night, the War Office announced today. The British also had the best of in fighting southwest of Beaurevoir, where Australians smashed the Fonsomme-Beaurevoir line in hard fighting yesterday. Four thousand German prisoners were taken in the fighting north of St. Quentin on Thursday, The germans made strong counter attacks in an effort to recapture Gouy, Le Catelet and Sequehart, but all were beaten off. All of the high ground northeast of Sequehart, (where the British made a successful attack on an eight mile front on Thursday) is now firmly held by the British.

At Le Catelet and Gouy, where the Germans counter attacked, crossing of the Scheldt Canal were forced by English and Irish battalians yesterday. The new British line is now less than seven miles from the great German base at Lille. Fresh progress has been made by the British northest of Epinoy and north of the Scarpe and the railway of Lens has been reached. Questionnaires 'Are 'All Mailed Out The local draft board has finished the mailing out of all questionnaires to registrants from 19 to 37 years of age, and every one within this limit should have his questionnaire by this time, unless some person has been overlooked on the lists. The board requests any person who "is within the stated ages, and has not received his quetionnaire to call and get it at once.

41 BALLOONS DOWNED. west the Verun, Oct. With the American Army Northenemy balloons have been shot down by one of the American pursuit groups of airmen since September 12. crew were picked up by the Henry, which stood by throughout the night rescuing the survivors. A great hole was strove in the Henry's bow.

The Navy Department announced it wag above the water line and the vessel wag able to proceed to port. The date of the collision was not given in the Department announcement. BELIEVE SOON BE ALL ALONE that Austria-Hungary will break with Germany and the possibility exists that Hungary may act alone. Signs for a break-up of the German alliance are very encouraging. The Press Association is understood to be very close to official sources of information.

The THE ONLY Turned Out. During Past Week, Making Total 1,694 1.840.000 U. S. SOLDIERS ARE NOW OVERSEAS (234 DeHaviland Planes Washigton. Oct.

are now 1,840,000 American soldiers overseas, members of the House Mili tary Affairs Committee were informed today at their customary Friday conference at the War Department. They were also told that 234 De Haviland planes were out during the past week, bringing the total production up to 1,694, while the production of Liberty motors now totals 8.216. Americans Capture Mont Blank Along With Other Points Washington, Oct. troops fightino with the French have driven back the enemy and have taken Mont. Black and other positions in General Pershings reports in his communique for yesterday made public yesterday.

Between the Moselle and the Forest of Argonne" the communique added, "we carried out the usual artillery and patrol activity, taking a number of And Americans. Paris, French, -American and French troops that are attacking in the Champagne district have enlarged their gains northwest of Blanc in, the sector of Medeah Farm the war office announced today. During the night the French made a further advance in the St. Quentin district and north and northwest of Rheims. The bridgehead position on the Aisne Canal North of Rheims has been improved.

Constantly Taking Ground, With the American Army Northwest of Verdun, Oct. American troops in the Argonne Forest are constantly advancing night and day but progress is necessarily slow owing to the difficult ternain. Additional German machine gun nests, strong points and trench systems are captured every day. While the advance of the Americans measures maintained but la few and never yards, it given is always up. The Americans are making their way steadily northward through dense wood and thickets which favor the Boches' rear guard defenses.

The Americans are not hurrying but are using scouts to work around the German positions and outflanking them. Thus the machine guns are being reduced one by one. PERSIA SUFFERS EPIDEMIC. Washington, Oct. is an epidemic of Spanish Influenza in Teheran, Persia and quinine is selling for $125 a pound, the State Department was informed today.

THE WEATHER. Alabama: Fair tonight and not much change in temperature. Mabel Normand in BACK TO THE WOODS Academy Today The Academy presents today Mabel Norman( in her newest Goldwyn attraction "Back to the Woods." The sprightly Mabel, however, the burden of the comedy-drama on her shoulders, aided of course, by such players as Herbert Rawlinson her leading man. Never before has she been the only feminine member of a cast, and she thoroughly enjoys the novelty. "Not that I want to mobolize the attention of an audience" she says, but it is rather nice not to have to consider what another girl wears.

and whether my clothes will conflict with hers. You would be surprised really, know how much thought I have to give to the question of contrast when there are other feminine members of the cast. The way we do our hair must be different, and down to the smallest detail the star must be a foil the other women in the company. "But that's all done away with in "Back to the Woods" odd as it is, I am the solitary girl in the case, and, as I am only human, it was very enI joyable. A Journal promise Co SELMA HAS GONE OVER THE TOP 4TH LOAN DRIVE County Allotment.

Is Still Short Judging From Latest Estimates Obtained Selma has gone over the top in the Fourth Liberty Loan by $23,850. The city, quota was was $415,850. of the city committees under the chairmanship Albert Meyer las been remarkable. but the goal for the county is not yet reached, and the count on the final returr from the county not yet been completed. Yesterday's count in the county showed total of $250,000 but more subscriptions in today will swell that amount, The combined total of the the county is estimated way over 000 short, and the work must still go on without a let-up, until the entire quota for.

Dallas county is either reached exceeded. Mrs. L. H. reports the following subscriptions, to the 4th Liberty Loan through the Woman Committee.

First Ward. $18,000 2nd Ward. $18,000 Third Ward $18,000 Fourth and Fifth wards not heard, from at 1:30 p. Pleasant Hill over the top, subscribed nearly $4,000. Valley Creek.

$3,000 Brown's $3,100 $1,200 Other beats have not reported but news is that fine reports are coming a little later. Mrs. Baker the enthusiasm of the women of says Dallas county is marvelous. SMALL CAPTURES MADE BY SHERIFF Sheriff Norman Stanfill captured a still last night that was operated. by three negroes, and the men are now in the county jail.

They were caught across the river in the Sardis neighborhood. Another negro, H. B. Foster as been lodged in jail for robbing a house, being caught in the act by Sheriff Stanfill, This is the second offense of this negro lately, he having recently served a sentence in this county. It has been the history of War Bonds of all solvent nations, to enhance in values after hostilities and U.S.

Bonds are going to "get there," so Patriotism will pay from all angles. BUY 4TH LIBERTY BONDS. MEYER ELKAN Liberty Loan. buyer first and then a salesman. Plumbing Co WIRE NEWS SERVICE GERMANY TRIES TO STRAIGHTEN OUT HER LINES Believed She Will Be Compelled To Surrender Half Of Belgium At Once THEN TAKE STAND FOR WINTER MONTHS And Endeavor To Hold Unbroken Front And Maneuver For Peace Terms Washington, Oct.

Germany is retreating to a line extendalmost straight from Antwerp to Metz and will be forced to surrender more than half of Belgium, was the belief, of military experts here today. declared that sole hope of Germany now was she would be able to prevent a military trophe until cold weather came to rescue. Then, in prepared positions, with their front materially endeavor to maintain an unbroken shortened, the Germany army, would front while the diplomats resumed their maneuvers in an endeavor to get peace terms that would suit them Such a movement, army men say, might furnish German troops that could be soared to strengthen the Austrian morale and possibly assist in a movement in the Balkans Winter Little Relief. However, there is a growing belief here that winter will afford little relief to the Germans. The united allied armies, striking with mathematical precision, can be expected to continue their pressure in any and all weathers.

And it is by no means sure that Germany will be able to withdraw her armies and war materials if that is her intention. The Balkians and British are striking trip-hammer blows. at various sections of the Americans and French Americans from that section the way into The vaunted Hindenburg Lorraine, been shattered completely and there was every indication today that evacuation had begun what may prove the greatest retreat of the entire war. Continued on page 2 AMERICANS ENGAGE IN NEW ATTACK IN CHAMPAGNE SECTOR Advanced Considerable Distance With Attack Still Progressing Today With the American Army in Champagne, Oct. Driving forward behind a rolling barrage delivered a smashing attack in the Champagne district today, storming the formidable German defensive work on Mont Blanc and capturing Medeah Farm.

The Americans advanced a considable distance along the main Somme Pp Attigny highway last last reports were maintaining steady progress. The Americans co-optrated with General Gouraud's army west of the forest and their first big attack in this zone was entirely successful, All of the objetives were carried by the Americans in the first rush. The assault, which centered stride the highway running due north from Somme Py through sparse wood. At the same time strong pressure was directed westward towards St. Etienne (three miles.

west of the Soome Py Attigny highway) near which Mont Blane is located on the top of a knoll amidst heavy woods. Krupp guns were thickly emplaced there but many of them were knocked out by the American bombardment. As the attack progressed, it swervContinued on Page 2. AVIATORS DROP FOODS With the American Army west of Verdun, Oct. aviators for the first time are dropping supplies, and food to some of the advanced American positions.

Enemy artillery combined with bad roads have made it difficult to send up food to the artillery where the men have hastily constructed positions in shell holes. DURAZZO. NAVAL BASE DESTROYED BY WAR SHIPS American Destroyers Reported To Have Taken Part In Attack On Austrian Base London, Oct. sub. marine chasers destroyed two U.

boats during the allied attacks on the Austrian Naval Base at Durazzo, it has now been established beyond all I doubt, said an official statement issued here today. Rome, Oct. depots of war supplies were wiped out by the fire of allied warships when the Austrian naval base at Durazzo, Albania, was destroyed on Wednesday it was learned here today. The harbor fortifications were levelled. An Austrian destroyer, a transport and light craft were sunk.

The allied torpedo boats were protected by aviators. The base was completely destroyed." Two Austrian submarines, an Austrian torpedo boat and a steamer were sunk. A hospital ship that was lying in the harbor was not damaged. One allied cruiser was slightly damaged. allied fleet had to through mine fields before it could get into Durazzo Harbor.

Washington, Oct. -Navy Depart ment officials were highly pleased today over the part which the American destroyers are reported to have taken in the attack on Wednesday in which the Austrian naval base at Durazzo, on the Albanian coast in the Adriatic were destroyed. Italian, British and American destroyers and torpedo craft are reported to have defied the mine fields and entered the harbor, destroying all craft therein after allowing a hospital ship to leave The attack was protected by Italian and British cruisers and by seaplanfar no official report has reached here, as it would first have to go to Vice-Admiral Sims at London. This success was of the utmost importance. Durazzo has been used by the Austro-German submarines operating in the Mediterranean as a base while the German and Austrian destroyers and fast light cruisers also have been concentrated there With Durazzo destroyed as a naval base, transport through the Mediterranean will be comparatively safe from now on and it become necessary to send reinforcements to Salonika, or in the event of Turkey quitting the war, through the Dardanelles into the Black Sea, to aid Rumania.

the submarine menace will have been rendered almost negligible. BRITISH BOAT SUNK. London. Oct. British torpedo boat has been sunk in a collision with a merchant vessel.

the Admiralty announced. Fifty three men are missing. Encouraging News Slows Drive 50 Per Cent Washington, Oct. slowing up of Liberty Loan subscriptions, due probably to the encouraging news from abroad, has put the country 50 per cent behind on the Fourth Liberty Loan, the Treasury Department announced today. The total amount of subscriptions reported by 11 of the 12 Federal Reserve Districts today was $727, 383,950, the Treasury reported.

This means that $315,000,000 in Bond purchases must be made throughout the country daily during the remainder of the campaign if the $6,000,000,000 is to be raised. All Federal Reserve Banks have 'reported their totals of subscriptions except the Kansas City Bank, which has not yet opened its selling campaign. One encouraging feature of the reports in hand is that the bonds of the Fourth Loan are being more widely distributed than those of any previous issue. Industrial subscriptions to the Fourth Loan will be more numerous than has been hoped for. British Drive In 5 Different Directions Now 010 ,26 CO.

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1008 London, Oct. 4. (4:10 P. -M.) -The British on the Flanders front are now only six miles from Lille. The Germans may be forced to evacuate the city, though it is considered improbable that this will be done immediately.

The Germans are having the greatest difficulty in making up the losses in artillery that they have suffered in the allied drive. London, Oct. 4. (5:10 P. -A new allied attack was launched against the Germans in Flanders this morning, following a heavy drumfire, according to a despatch from Amsterdam this afternoon.

Rome, Oct. Italian advance in Albania continues over the whole front," the Italian War Office announced today. "Our troops have crossed the sem*ni River, occupied Berat and areadvancing in the direction of El With the allies smashing the Germans and Austrians by land and sea, the Americans have started another drive upon a new front in the Champagne sector between Rheims and the Argonne forest. Attacking in conjunction with Gen. Gouraud's French army, the Americans plunged northward along the Somme-Py-Attingny highway, capturing the great German position on Mont Blanc which dominating the surrounding country.

An advance of several miles was made in a northerly and northwesterly direction and the progress still continues. Meadeah Farm Taken. In addition to the fortified mountain the Americans captured a strong German position on Medeah Farm, three miles north of Somme Py, carrying all their objectives in the first rush. Americans are now driving northward on both sides of the Argonne Forest nearly all of which is in American possession after being in German hands for four years. Pouring through the great gap in the Hindenburg Line on Cambrai St.

Quentin front, the British have reached Fresnoy Le Grand according to unofficial advices. British Are Advancing. The British have advanced in five different zones in Flanders and Picardy since yesterday noon, overcoming powerful German counter tacks. The new British line in Flanders is now only slightly more than six miles from the important German base at Lille. Four thousand additional German prisoners were taken by Field Marshal Haig's army north of St.

Quentin on Thursday. The French have advanced all along the line, notably in the region north of Rheims and in Champagne. Austrian Base Destroyed. The operations on land are rivalled in importance by the blow which an Allied fleet (including American vessels) struck at Austria's power in Adriatic. The Austrian Naval at Durazzo, on Alabanian coast.

was completely desalong with the Austrian fleet in the Harbor. This is believed to be forerunner of an attack against the Austro-Hungarian Naval base at Cattaro, 95 miles up the Adriatic coast from Durazzo. is possible that the Allied fleet hag been sent in to open the way for the invasion of Austria, now that Bulgaria is out of the way and entente troops can drive against the exposed Southern side of Austria through the Balkans. In the meantime British warships are keeping German positions on the Belgian coast under continual bombardment. When the Belgians and British began their big attack one week ago today a big fleet co-operated, keeping the Belgian coast under violent gun fire.

MANY CARLOADS OF FINE STOCK ARE COMING IN Many carloads of fine blooded cattle from Texas are being brought into Dallas county by prosperous farmers who realize the advantage of securing the fine blooded registered stock, and who are building up the livestock industry of the community and making Dallas county famous. Sevenal carloads of this fine cattle recently been brought into the county for breeding purposes by Eugene Kendrick, Brice Moore, Emmet Houston, Dunaway Lambert C. W. Jones, all prosperous plantation owners of Dallas county. Dawson of Selma, will have a carload in during the next few days.

and other farmers of the county are preparing to stock their farms with blooded stock, realizing the necessity of this industry, and the great advantage of the prosperous stockraiser. "I want a man like you, ALLIES This expression was from a society girl, OFFICIAL bored by her surroundings, to her father, WAR a -made lumber king, and REVIEW MABEL NORMAND WENT 'BACK TO THE WOODS" Where men were different and where women, by their usefulness to those about them, earned the love of real men. Her determination to shun worthless men of society, these idle sons of the rich, caused her to go, and she found -you can see him at the ACADEMY TODAY.

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)
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