What Lurks in the Heart - Chapter 6 - AstraeaSilvers_TheNullifiedKing (2024)

Chapter Text



A week quickly passed, with the team practicing just as hard as they had been, if not harder. Everyday, Sena ended up being one of the last ones in the clubroom, and would find a reason to linger around until it was just him and Hiruma. After the first couple times of this, he couldn’t help but notice the others looking at him weirdly. At one point, Juumonji even asked him if he needed help looking for what he ‘lost.’

Sena won’t lie, he probably could have played it off better. But he was doing the best he could! He was used to hiding the fact he was a vampire, sure, but that doesn’t mean he’s a naturally good liar! It just means he can lie for survival.

As the last of their teammates leave, and Sena starts getting changed, he feels Hiruma’s presence advance on him. Glancing over his shoulder, Hiruma dives in, kissing him so vehemently that Sena felt like he was getting faint.

All Sena can think of is the warmth of Hiruma’s lips on his own, and the cold steel of the lockers against his back as the tall blonde presses him up against them. Hiruma’s tongue skims across his teeth, and Sena accidentally sighs into the kiss, a slight moan escaping with it. Weaving his fingers into the taller’s blonde hair, he feels Hiruma’s hands come up to grip his hips.

Standing there, Sena seems to lose all sense of what’s happening, and melts further into the devilish blonde’s grip. When they finally part, Sena is left gasping for air, and Hiruma just smirks down at him.

“Th-that was…” Sena mumbles, trailing off.

Hiruma lets out a low chuckle. “How ya feelin’?”

Cracking a smile, Sena giggles slightly. “I’m feeling well enough. I’m more worried about you, though. I haven’t been draining you too much, right?”

Hiruma shakes his head. “S’not a problem on my end, little bat.”

“Good. I have to be getting home, though. My mom needs my help with some stuff, seeing as she’s going to be at work for most of tomorrow…”


The next morning, Sena wakes up at almost noon, having finally felt like he got some good rest for once. Sitting up, he can’t help but think about the past week. It’s been a wild roller-coaster ride, but he feels so happy about it. He honestly can’t believe this is happening! Hiruma likes him? It’s mind-boggling to Sena. He always felt like a monster, so to have someone treat him like a person, and still like him like that? Sena felt like his entire world has shifted.

Climbing out of bed, he wanders down the hall, and peeks into his mom’s room. Looks like she left already. Walking into his kitchen, Sena picks up one of the blood packs he had sitting on the counter since last night for his breakfast.

Biting into the pouch, he grabs his bag from the couch where he left it last night, and goes back upstairs. Sitting down on his bed, he’s about to get ready to change out of his pajamas and start on his homework, when he gets startled by a knock at his window.

His head snaps to look at the closed window, blinds still down, and tosses the pouch into his trash can. I’m… on the second floor, though? Hesitantly, he walks over and pulls up the blinds. Nothing. Lifting the window, someone’s head ducks into view.


The guy grins at him.



“What are you doing here,” Sena exclaims.

Hiruma chuckles, “Wanted to come see ya, little bat.”

Sena is immediately turning a vibrant pink. “You know you could have called!”

Climbing through the window, Hiruma shuts said window behind him, before turning around, and pulling Sena close. Leaning in to kiss him, Sena turns pink, but before their lips can meet, Hiruma hears a knock at the front door. Glancing back at Sena, the brunette has a completely perplexed look on his face.

Suddenly, Sena’s eyes widen slightly, and he sighs. “Crap, that’s most likely Riku. He probably thinks I haven't fed in a while.”

“Ignore it then,” Hiruma growls.

Sena looks at him, before meekly saying, “He has a key… so I should really just answer the door.”

Hiruma frowns. He has a key?

He lets Sena go, but the anxiety and jealousy bubbling in his chest quickly breaks him down. Following after, Hiruma reaches him just as Sena starts to pull the door open, and -a little forcefully- reaches past to push the door closed again.

Sena turns, looking at him in surprise. He must be worried he’s angry, because the short brunette looks nervous.

“Just ignore him,” Hiruma says, voice almost a murmur.


Before he can say anything else, Hiruma dives in, kissing him deeply. Hungrily. Desperately. Pushing him back, he can hear Sena’s back hit the door.

On the other side of the front door, he hears Riku call out, “S-Sena? Everything alright?”

Retracting his tongue from Sena’s mouth, he leans down, and starts kissing his neck, sucking and nibbling at the tender skin.

Sena calls back, out of breath and desperately trying not to moan, “Yeah! I- I just need a second-”

Stopping from his mission to leave hickeys all over his neck, Hiruma moves back to Sena’s lips, cutting him off with another kiss. Muttering quietly, Hiruma says, “Get him outta here.”

Sena stares into his eyes for a few seconds, before regaining his words, and calling back, “R-Riku? I’m, uh, not feeling well right now. I’m going to go lay down, so I’ll see you later?”

“Uh… okay? Sure, Sena. I’ll see you later. Let me know if you need anything,” the guy responds. Hiruma listens as the white-haired bastard walks off.

Smirking down at the brunette, he moves back in, and while kissing Sena’s jaw, mumbles, “Good.”

Wrapping his hands around Sena’s slim waist, he lifts him up, and Sena loops his legs around Hiruma’s hips. Shifting his grip to support his short partner, Hiruma nuzzles back into his neck, grazing his teeth against the sensitive skin. Sena whimpers in his hold, and Hiruma makes his way back up the stairs and into Sena’s room. Passing through the doorway, he lowers Sena back onto his own feet, and closes the door, flipping the lock.

Pulling Sena back in, he starts in on his mission to mark his neck, slowly pushing Sena back and towards the bed. The shorter man’s fingers wind into Hiruma’s hair, grip loose, but desperately needing to hold onto something.

Sena’s legs hit the back of the bed, so Hiruma reaches down, grabbing him by the thighs, and yanks his legs out from under him. Sena is sent backwards onto the bed with a squeak of surprise. Hiruma takes no time to follow after, pinning him down. Nibbling at his neck again, he trails his hands down Sena’s body, sending shivers up the short man’s spine. Sliding his palms across Sena’s thighs, Hiruma moves to work at the button to his partner’s pants.

Sena’s whines and gasping whimpers are leaving Hiruma dangerously close to crumbling. Pulling the brunette’s pants down, past the bulge in his boxers and past his well toned thighs, Hiruma tosses them aside. Hiruma just as quickly gets to work pulling off the shorter man’s t-shirt, with Sena all too happy to oblige.

His tiny lover’s hands come up, grabbing him by the hem of his jeans, and yanks him closer again. “Hiruma~,” Sena says, his voice sultry, and almost taunting. “You’re not going to make me ask, are you?”

Hiruma chuckles, “Not this time, little bat.”

Grabbing the collar of his shirt, Hiruma heaves it off over his head. His pants follow soon enough, dropped to the ground in an instant. Sena’s fingers entwine in his hair again, and Hiruma dips in, kissing him, before trailing down his jaw, his neck, down to his chest. Sena gasps as he takes one of his pert nipples in his mouth, sucking at it. Teasing at one with his mouth, he uses his hand to work away at the other.

Sena’s breathing becomes laboured, and his grip tightens in his hair. Giving a flick of his tongue across the nipple, Hiruma glances at Sena. He’s gone incredibly pink, and his chest rises and falls as he heaves for breath. Skimming a finger across Sena’s jaw, he trails his nails across the younger man’s chest, before reaching his boxers. There’s a wet spot where his tip is leaking precum, and Hiruma experimentally presses his finger against it, granting him a strangled moan from his lover.

Hiruma grins, and dips his fingers under the hem of Sena’s boxers, tugging them down and off. Hooking his hands under Sena’s knees, he brings his legs up and apart. The brunette looks up at him, his eyes gleaming with want, and whimpers a little.

Pulling a small bottle out of the pocket of his pants lying on the floor, Hiruma pops off the cap to the lube. Sena lifts his head, spots the bottle in his hand, and drops his head back down with a chuckle.

“Do you always carry that around, or…?” He asks breathlessly.

Hiruma chuckles, but doesn’t respond, instead moving back in and kissing him again. He spreads the lube across his fingers, warming it up, before dipping one of his fingers into the small pink hole waiting for him. Sena gasps against his lips, and Hiruma whispers reassurances to him in between kisses. Sliding in another finger, and then another, he works away at the tight muscle below him, until it’s been sufficiently prepared.

Pulling away, Hiruma removes his fingers -much to Sena’s whine of disappointment- and tugs off his own boxers. Leaning in, he whispers into Sena’s ear.

“Turn over.”

Sena nods weakly, but rolls onto his hands and knees. Hiruma kneels on the mattress, and aligns himself. Pushing in slowly, Sena gasps, a moan leaving his lips with it. Rocking his hips, Hiruma gently eases himself in. Meanwhile, Sena is breathing through it, whimpers and small moans leaving him.

“Relax,” Hiruma tells him. “Just breathe through it.”

Sena nods, and soon enough, he’s relaxed enough for Hiruma to fully sheathe himself inside. As he bottoms out, Sena groans. Hiruma doesn’t wait long to up his pace after the first few thrusts. He begins to slam into his small lover, who moans and pants, his arms shaking while trying to hold him up.

Changing his position slightly, Hiruma thrusts in again, and Sena cries out in a pleasured moan, his arms giving out from under him. Found it. Hiruma grins as he slides back, before slamming into Sena again, hitting his prostate once more. Sena lets out a shouting moan again, before momentarily burying his face in the sheets. The young man’s hands ball into fists, and as Hiruma continues to hit that sweet spot, Sena reaches out, desperately searching for something to hold onto. Hiruma picks up his pace, and all Sena can do is grip the sheets tightly as his mewling becomes near-constant.

Hiruma is just barely holding himself together, but he’s hurtling towards his limit. Leaning in, he starts kissing up Sena’s shoulder blade, until he reaches just below his neck. Hiruma may not be a vampire, but those fanged teeth aren’t just for show. He sinks his teeth into the back of Sena’s shoulder, and that seems to send the small man over the edge.

Sena cries out, back arching, and c*ms, splattering white all across the sheets. As Hiruma continues to slam into him from behind, Sena’s moans spur him on. He can see the overwhelmed and pleasured tears streaking Sena’s cheeks.

“Just hold on a little longer,” Hiruma whispers, kissing the back of his jaw.

Sena nods weakly, and Hiruma continues abusing the younger’s hole, until the brunette starts twitching and fluttering around him as he gets tighter. Hiruma only bottoms out once more, before he moans, and paints Sena’s insides white. Sena gasps, twitching and panting, and all either can do is stay there like that for a moment.

Pulling out, Sena just about collapses onto the bed, and Hiruma just sits there, catching his breath, and watching as the white he poured into him slowly leaks out. Sena lays there, breathing heavily and panting. Hiruma traces his fingers down Sena’s back, which earns him a slight shiver from his little vampire lover.

Before Hiruma can say anything, he hears the door downstairs open, and a woman calls out ‘I’m home!’

sh*t. Hiruma practically throws his clothes on in record time. He turns back to Sena, pulling the blanket over him, and kissing his cheek.

Whispering in his ear, Hiruma says, “Gotta run.”

Sena nods slightly as Hiruma turns back around, opens the window, and f*cking jumps out onto the overhang.

What Lurks in the Heart - Chapter 6 - AstraeaSilvers_TheNullifiedKing (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.