The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

THE PORT HURON TIMES HERALD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1945 FACE TEN ToL oo TTnntor'c laway at all bear and comna lamazoo resident the cubo. Then he in the Porcupine--- Vl Pants Coftl 9 AllleS hunting deer killed a 170-pound buck UQjSft Yamash*ta's Aide Attempts To Shift Blame To Others i Mountains when he stumbled into Dista.nC6 From Ctimp a en arousing a bear and her two Lawton. Nov. 22 Charles First the cubs came tumbling inC The monoplane in vpnrincc a C-n ficers were "so busy" they simply had to depend on the reports of 1 staff officers such as Lt. Col.

Saburo Ishikawa. But didn't some of the prisoners starve to death? i Muto's reply was that so did i Japanese soldiers, adding he be-j lieved "the rate in the army was even higher, due to shortages." The trial was recessed at noon, for a Thanksgiving day half holiday. It will reconvene Friday morning. i out. follmvpri hv rjcininpfr at full snppH As ttt speed but minus his pants.

The in 1912 was reported tffclal0 Doninger, Lawton. lost his trousers in an encounter with a female bear. But he figured he was lucky to get cot mother tear was right alter him. seou.OOu. This included Tl-ri inaor ti i rn an4 c'nnt ovnori t- OQf pines was In its death throes? the General was a-sked.

Muto replied that the various divisions, while coming under ama-sh*ta at times, actually worked through various field staff general and field armies. In direct examination, he had said most orders came direct from Tokyo. And who had responsibility of civil affairs a field where atrocities were rampant after Field Marshal Count Hisaichi Terauchi pulled up stakes0 Muto acknowledged that ama-sh*ta was the successor but insisted the "Tiger of Malaya" actually administered through Ambassador Murata who held a parallel posi- tl0Vhat about the horrible deaths in prisoner of war camps? December Bride-Elect Holiday Dinners All In The Family nnnnison. Utah. Nov.

22 Two automobiles came together with a Manila. N'ov. 22 AP Blame for the rape of Manila and thousands of Japanese atrocities in the Philippines became a will-o'-the-wisp in the cross-examination testimony today of Lt. Gen. Akira Muto in defense of his former boss, Lt.

Gen. Tomoyuki*ta. The man who was Yamash*ta's chief of staff sought at "The Tiger's war crimes trial to shift the blame away from his chief to superiors, subordinate commanders and colleagues. Who commanded the Japanese divisions whose men raped, tortured and killed, particularly when Nippon's war machine in the Philip resounding crash. The drivers waited momentarily until the shock 'wore off and then got out to see who had struck whom.

More shocking than the impact was the I fat that the drivers were brothers i Muto said ne nearu 1 say many times he was "anxious I about the care and handling of I prisoners of war." But General MacArthur's divisions returned to the Philippines at Leyte in Octo-! ber, 1944. and after that the of Deward Jensen was driving nia brother-in-law's car ana tsoya jen-Isen was driving their father's auto. GIVE HIM TOOLS ClCW I lYsl 17-Pc. Socket Set (Continued from Page Eiht) E. Campbell's home.

Reason the Schaefer family isn't together for dinner is romantic indirectly; sterns Mrs. Shand's housekeeper, a faithful Thanksgiving dinner-cook for some 30 years, left to be married this fall and hasn't been replaced. Mrs. Shand wasn't up to traveling to Port Huron, so Carol and her mother are over there for a few-days. The Walter Peaco*cks are in Detroit to see the Lions play football this afternoon and 'are having dinner there after the game.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Slater drove down to Grosse He for a gala dinner at Dr.

and Mrs. M. Miller's home. Dr. and Mrs.

Reuben A. Wagner, Gratiot avenue, are on their way to a family gathering in the home of his sisters, the Misses Elizabeth and Julia Wagner, Ann Arbor; they'll stop for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess. Detroit, who will be guests at the dinner too.

First Lieutenant Helen Johndro, US Army Nurses Corps, who arrived from overseas duty recently, is spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blessed. Court street, and their lamily.

Out at the Leo E. Wetzel home nn WaiHhim rfrive. Eleanor Wet B3.f at Scars hidings Craftsman quality. Marl of "Super-Tuff steel that Chimney Sweep Effectively destroys soot in flue S1.00 will assure years of satisfactory sevice. All packed in strong steel box.

MISS CAD WELL Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cadwell, Gris-wold street, announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Evelyn to Frank L. Scriver, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank L. Scriver, Gris-wold street. The wedding will be an event of Dec. 20. 'C5E321iS Buck Saw 10c up $1.65 29c up 10c up $3.75 up SPEED WRENCH Drive FLEX HANDLE Drive FILES PLIERS CHISELS SCREW DRIVER BREAST DRILL PUNCHES Mrs.

Thomas H. Robinson, Ontario street. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevenson, Seventh street, are having an especially joyous Thanksgiving this year because their son-in-law, Sgt.

Walter Piper, who has just arrived in the States after 28 months overseas, and his wife, Joyce will be their honor guests. Mrs. Frank Piper. Alpena, Sergeant Piper's mother, Private Harold Haan, Sel-fridge Field, and Mrs. Winifred Smith and her daughters Joann and Phyllis will also be guests.

Mrs. Nelson Morash and daughter Marie will be hostesses at Thanksgiving dinner in their home nn Ratlins strppt Guests will Cuts both up and down strokes. $2.49 zel is dressed in civilian clothes today for her first holiday at home In three vears; she's still Lieutenant Wetzel of the ANC, but is on terminal leave. Mr. and Mrs.

Howard D. Crull, their son Tim and daughter Nancy are the Wetzels' dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P.

Allen, Tenth avenue, are still catching their breath after the romantic excitement of their daughter Alma Nicol's wedding to Lt. Commander Edward M. Morelli Tuesday, and their dinner is for family only, including Mrs. Allen's mother, Mrs. Azilda Bourbonnais, who is ninety-five years old.

The Morellis met in Casablanca, where they were stationed early in the African campaign, have been engaged ever since and are on their way to New York where they will live. Rev. and Mrs. John Wells Rahill, Mr. and Mrs.

William H. Davis, the Misses Winifred and Frances Partridge and Ruth Rose Partridge will dine together in the Chateau late Ar tfy.hfl Custom Made AT CHEo KITCHEN ENSEMBLES as low 1 I 7 A include Mrs. Morash's daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H.

Smith, their daughter Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jury and their two children, Maurice i and Joan. i Chisel Set $398 Beveled blades, Mrs. Morton S.

Robertson and Bette Jean will entertain Mrs. Wil Hack Saw forged from PR Dunlap Hammer 16-oz. head with a select hickory handle. $1.19 liam Robertson, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Gallerno and their daughters Mary Ellen and Barbara Jean Pnint for dinner today. quality steel. this afternoon. Diners-outers today include Dr. and Mrs.

H. E. Myron and son Harry, who are in Ann Arbor for Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Mrs. Robertson's son.

Flight Of ficer Bill liooenson is nome irum Les Vegas, Nev. IWr -mo Mrs Gerhardt G. Vogel. William J. Miller.

They'll stay over for the Ohio-Michigan game Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. E. W.

Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. Seeley Mosher LA Pofr-inia farnl and Oehrie and Joanne 'Nelson are at Windclift (fl) M- MVU makes chaninf I blades or nod- OPEN MONDAY 9:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P.

M. TUESDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.

SATURDAY 9:00 A. M. TO 6:00 P. M. are among the dozens ot local loot- ball fans who have those hard-to- tion easier and their home at Point Lookout, au Gres, today, Mrs.

Vogel took along tho familv turkev. stuffed and get tickets for the Ohio game. quicker. The Merediths daughter, Mrs. Edward L.

Gillow will leave Port ready for the oven, plus all the trimmings lor a lnanxsgiving dinner. They drove up there Wed- Huron Monday to fly to Midland, joining First Lieutenant Gil- finds what lie want nesday ana win De gone uii ouii-day night. At the Elliott home, Huron avenue, dinner will include and Mrs. Myron W. Mills, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Currie, Mrs. Emmaline Elliott, Mrs. Hally Elliott and her son James just home after his military service and Miss Margaret Elliott. Club Meetings Fidelis club met with Mrs.

James Riley, White street, Tuesday even- iner for ffamps and lunch, served WVUL Today's kitchen is a place for work and jolly social gatherings. To make that work easier and your kitchen more inviting, seloct thi modern ensemble. The wood sectional cabinets are custom fitted. You can finish them in your favorite color and cover the counter with lineoleum. Bring in your floor plan and measurements today.

Hare a modern kitchen on Sears Easy Payment Plan. See Actual Kitchen Ensemble in Our Building Materials Dept. at Or, Individual Units for Any Size or Shape Kitchen at Sears Savings at small tables with Thanksgiving appointments. jvirs. nenry jx.

ror-tor Mrc TlaviH Thnmnson. Mrs. 4-UNIT WOOD FREIGHT TRAIf Alfred Grahl and Mrs. Leroy Welch $1 n) (o)(o) CORNER CABINET low there The W. W.

Ottaways are hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Walker for dinner today. The Walkers are in process of moving from their SI.

Clair home to an apartment on Military street for the winter. Transfer from Miami, Fla to Seattle, fell happily into the holiday season for Richard Ramsey who's a co-pilot on one of the bis airlines. He and Mrs. Ramsey, consequently, are here for dinner today with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

N. L. Ramsey; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsey are home from Olivet College, too, making up a quorum around the festive board.

Mrs. Joseph Gibson, Lincoln avenue, went over to Ann Arbor for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson for a family dinner there today. Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas G. Tre-leaven, Gratiot avenue, drove to Bay City to her parents' home Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.

Atkin. At the Elwyn G. Miller home, Tenth avenue. Mr. and Mrs.

George A. Millett, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Quail and daughter Dorothy will dine in mid-afternoon.

The L. W. Schwabs are proud as can be over a recent promotion to Lt. Commander for her brother, Herbert J. Spey, USNR.

He's here for dinner with them today with Mrs. Spey and their son Jack. Other guests are Mr. and Mrs. John Spey, Gus Thum, Walter Bacon.

St. Clair; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartley, Dr. and Mrs.

E. A. Zimmer and Terry Zimmer, Dr. and Mrs F. J.

Schwab, Wallaceburg, Ont. Captain and Mrs. George R. Manuel, Howard street, have their daughter Eleanor and her classmate at Ford Hospital, Detroit, Jo-Ann Price of Lake City. Mich.

Mrs. won prizes. Mrs. Ace Ferris, Military street, will be hostess for dinner Dec. 18.

Merrymakers club met Tuesday with Mrs. Albert Wiegand, White street. Mrs. Thomas Smalldon and Mrs. Harry Gardocki won prizes in games.

Walnuts trimmed with paper turkeys marked places for dessert. The club will celebrate Mrs. Kota's birthday Dec. 5 with dinner in a restaurant. 95 32 Junior engineeri art mighty proud to run thi train.

Varnished wood locomotive, tender, el-boose and lumber car with metal couplers. Belter come early for this. Mil We knew you wanted exactly this cabinet so we designed It specially for this sale. No excuse now for you to hide your lovely china and books when this cabinet is to show them off. Natural Ponderosa Tine finish it to blend with your furnishings.

nr. j. Are the FLOORS In Your House SAGGING? Julia Manuel Williamson and Mart J. Handley as guests. Mr.

and Mrs. W. A. Reichart and his mother, Mrs. E.

Reia Reichart, Ann Arbor, and C. H. Oakman, of Detroit, arrived Wednesday to spend the day with Plans Holiday Ceremony ROLL ROOFING $9 39 J5t 90 lbs. CHILD'S DOLL STICK HORSE CLIMBING MONKEY Engagement To Be Wed Mr. and Mrs.

Edmund Paquette, Marine City, announce the engagement of their daughter Marguerite to Reuben Zobl, also of Marine City. Miss Paquette is a graduate of Holy Cross High school. The wedding will take place in January. Social Events Entertains Club Mrs. H.

L. Wright. Military street, was hostess to Child Culture club members Tuesday1 evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. Leo Zimmer.

Mrs. Earl Martineau and Mrs. Doyle Hempton. Mrs. Wright served lunch at table trimmed with late fall flowers.

The club will meet with Mrs. William Harrison, Fourteenth street, Dec. 4. Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley J. Henry, formerly of Eighth street, left Tuesday for Albuquerque, N. where they will live. President Spends Quiet Thanksgiving Washington, Nov. 22 President Truman spends a quiet Thanksgiving in the White House today.

He planned tentatively to go to church with his family this morning, then return to the executive mansion for a traditional turkey dinner. In the evening the President's daughter, Margaret, will entertain a group of young friends at the opera which opens here tonight. The Trumans were joined for the holiday by Mrs. Truman's mother, Mrs. Frank Wallace, and the first lady's brother.

David Wallace, his wife and their two sons. White House offices were closed today and the President scheduled no official engagements. JACK POSTS i Sg45 I No finer roll roofing made for homes, garages and barns. Genuine Vermont STUFFED CLOWN WOOD TOYS 9Sc 69c 4 INSTALL STORM SASH HOW! Adjustable for Any Basem*nt! Replace Old Wooden Posts! Brings Sagging Floor to Level! Installed Easily and Quickly! Sagging and squeaking floors, cracked walls and sticking doers result from weak center supports. Cor STUFFED ANIMALS ELSIE THE COW JACK'S PONY FIREMAN LADDER Wagon And Block Set 1 rect this now) $2.28 $2.48 $2.13 2-6'x4-7" $2.31 $2.32 $2.75 $2.42 2-8'x4 11" $2.67 $2.31 $3.33 Other Sizes Also Available 1 W9 No youngster's life Is complete without blocks.

This fs really a 28 blocks In brilliantly colored wagon. TVioto br Personality Studio MISS MEYER Daniel L. Meyer, Beard street, announces the engagement of his daughter Betty Jean to Bill Davidson, son of Roy Davidson. Croswell. The wedding will be an event of i late December.


The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.