The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

THE PORT HURON TIMES HERALD THURSDAY. JUNE 6. 1540. PACE EICHT Chub octeJui cLfhcL Cool Summer Smartnesj Nuptials Read In Candlelight New Matron Is Honored Aany Play In Golf Matches fJ. U1' in these NEW At a candlelight ceremony Wed-1 Forty members of the Women's nesiay at 8:30 p.m.

in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoskin. 1030 Water street, Miss Ruth M.

Hoskin became the bride Mrs. Robert Arnett, the former Norma VanWagoner. a May bride, was honored Wednesday evening at a miscellaneous shower and party given by Mrs. Clifford Badley. 25th street.

She was presented with a variety of nice gifts. Bingo was the diversion of the party with prizes being won by-Mrs. Albert Butlin. Mrs. Jack Eisenhauer.

Miss Marion Spielburg. Miss Alice Ortquist. Miss Bernice Jennings, Miss Florence Walker. Miss Eldora Butlin. Miss Frances Golf association, Port Huron Golf club, participated in matches play-', ed at a weekly meeting Wednesday morning.

Winners for the best score on blind holes were Miss Margaret Elliott for 18-hole play-I ers and Mrs. John A Anderson for nine-hole players, i After the matches, members went to the Holland Cabin dining room, i Gratiot avenue, for luncheon. After FROCKS 1 of Gerald J. Reichle, son of John Rsichle, Marine City. Rev.

E. W. McClintock read the service in the presence of 75 relatives and I friends. The vows were spoken before an arch of lilacs surrounded i mime ctnnHarH candelabra and Schwitzer. Miss Ella Wilson lul, a baskets of pink honeysuckle, purple and white lilacs and lilies or tne I valley.

$C95 luncheon, the afternoon's bridge game was played at Mrs. Fred Cowan's home. Gratiot avenue. Mrs. George Marx, Mrs.

George Waters and Mrs. W. A. MacArthur won high scores. Next Wednesday, a gallery breakfast to be held at 9 a.

m. at the Holland Cabin dining room has been planned. After breakfast. Miss Eleanor Ortquist. White tapers in crystal candlesticks flanked the bouquet of spring flowers that decorated the table where refreshments were served buffet style.

Miss Eldora Butlin, Flint, was a guest from away. The bride's wedding gown of white taffeta was fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, a shirred bodice, short puffed sleeves and flared skirt. Her finger-tip length 1 fol 1 frr.m a u.TPlth Of white Fetes I- Tfl ICiCj Strawberry I Shortcake Is Served Straw shnrtcake was the riesxert served at the party Miss Bsie Yates gave Wednesday evening at Black River Country club honoring Miss Dorothy Riggs. bride-elect. Bouquets of tulips and lilacs decorated the club rooms and the small tables where guests were seated for dessert.

A highlight of the party was the reading of the guests fortunes from tea leaves. Eride and 50-50 were played with prizes oir.g to Mrs. Charles Meno. St. Clair.

Miss Helen O'Xeefe and Miss Juanita Short. A miscellaneous shower was held for the bride-elect. Saturday. Mrs. Gordon Rowe will entertain Miss Riegs at tea at the home of her mother.

Mrs. W. T. Wilson, Military street. Miss Rigs will become the bride of James Meno, St.

Clair. June 22. Study Club Ends Season Program plans for next year were discussed by members of the Junior Child Study club at their final meeting of the season Wednesday at Mrs. Frank Hensel's home. Lakeside drive.

Mrs. F. Reed, president, presided at the meeting. Glowing ivory tapers in blue candlesticks flanked the bouquet of lilies of the valley and forget-me-nots that centered the table where refreshments were served. Mrs.

Harry Young and Mrs. Eugene Dimick were assisting hostesses. The club will meet again Sept. 4 8t the home of Mrs. Fred Sturges.

Sturges street. Mrs. Gerald Brown and Mrs. Sturges MacQueen will be assisting hostesses. D-JKV roses.

She carried an arm bouquet I Ul I 0 wijite carnations, sweet peas and I members will follow the players participating in the spring cham-I pionship matches. Cards will be played in the afternoon. Break-i fast reservations may be made at the dining room Miss Parker valley lilies tied with white satin ribbons. Miss Anna Marie Hoskin, sister tvQ ViriHo wVr a-tfx-! maid of Bruncheoners Elect Heads urwe-eieci Virginia rarer honor was attired in a pale blue honor guest at a party given Tiies- brocaded marquisette g0wn over day evening by Mrs. Uiftoid John- Twwa Reichle son, Mrs.

Virgil Steinmeyer. Mrs. t-ffeta- Robert Fitzgibbon and Mrs. Gordon Marine City, sister of the groom. Draper at the Johnson home.

Sev- who was the bridesmaid, wore a enth street. The honor guest was yellow net gown over satin. Each presented with a lovely gift from i carried bouquets oi pin ana wnne Summer long delights! Cool and fresh and eas3'-to-vear dresses destined to be your favorites all through summer. Styles as right in the office as they are on your own veranda dresses vou'll live in her hostess. evening's I Floyd Reichle.

Marine City, bro- the High in 1 by bridge game were won I Juniors'- 13 Misses'- I mill Stanley Burrows. Mrs. William Minguske and Mrs. Alice Appel. Clusters of bright tulips decorated the small tables where refreshments were served.

Miss Parker will become the bride of Harry Pickard, June 27. Mrs. William Johnson was elected president of the Bruncheon club at a meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. James Robertson, Twentieth street. Other officers chosen were: Secretary-treasurer, Mrs.

Burr Stevens, and reporter, Mrs. Henry Holth. Instead of hiking, members spent Wednesday morning aiding Mrs. Robertson in her garden. A delicious fish dinner was served at roon.

Pretty arrangements of garden flowers decorated the dinner table and the rooms of the home. Mrs. Frank Treleaven will the club June 12 at her cottage near Lakeport. i. To Wed Wilbur Davidson Sketch Dim-nut Sh Other Summer Dresses $3.95 and up ower tor Recent Bride alii.

of the groom was bestman, and Ira Hoskin. brother of the bride, was the other attendant Before the ceremony, the Misses Helen. Vivian and Marian Hol-comb sang Promise Me." Miss Vivian Holcomb sang "Because" accompanied by Miss Helen Holcomb who also played the wedding march from "Lohengrin" as the bridal party approached the altar. After the ceremony, a reception was held in the home. Refreshments were served buffet style from a lace covered table centered with a tiered wedding cake topped with a diminutive bride and groom.

Tall white tapers in silver holiers the cake. Guests from Marine City, Yale, Cass City. Detroit. St. Petersburg.

and Algonac attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Reichle will make their home in Marine City. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY PAGE 10 lon fraternity.

Mr. Davidson will enter law school at the university this summer. He is a graduate of Port Huron High school and a member of Lambda Sigma fraternity. He is the grandson of Mrs. W.

F. Davidson and Henry T. Smith. Miss Johnson is a graduate of Wahpeton Junior college. The couple will arrive in Port Huron Friday to spend several days visiting Mr.

Davidson's parents before returning to Ann Arbor for commencement exercises, June 14. The engagement of Miss Harriet Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Meyer Johnson.

Wahpeton, N. and Wilbur Seymour Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O.

Covington, Military street, was announced Friday evening at a dinner at the Alpha Chi Omega sorority house, Ann Arbor. The wedding date has not been set. Both Miss ohnson and Mr. Davidson are members of the 1940 graduating class of the University of Michigan. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority and he is a member of Delta Kappa 1'psi- Friday and Saturday 2 Days Only! lace trimmed rayon crepe CAMISOLE A miscellaneous shower honoring Mrs.

George Kienle, the former Betty Fitzgerald, a May bride, was given Wednesday evening in Edge-water Inn by Mrs. Harley May and Mrs. Jack Harmon. Guests played bingo during the evening with prizes going to Mrs. Eugene Schwartz.

Mrs. Carl Ka-panka and Mrs. Grant Frrzier. Pink and white floral and candle arrangements decorated the long table where luncheon was served. The new matron received lovely gifts.

Mrs. Frazier, aunt of Mrs. Kienle, will entertain at a party for her Saturday evening in her home on Griswold street. Wedding Cake Adorns Table SLIPS Saturday Bride Is Entertained Here's amazing way to Relieve 'Regular' Pains Mrs. I.

C. Lawson wrlt'M was undernourished, had CTamp'ieadaches and back ache, associated iriik my monthly periods. I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for a u-hile, gained strength, and was greatly relieved oj these pains." FOR over 70 years, countless thousands of women, who suffered functional monthly pains, have taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription over a period of time and have been overjoyed to find that this famous remedy has helped them ward oS such monthly discomforts.

Most amazing, this scientific remedy, formulated by a practicing physician, is guaranteed to contain no harmful drugs no narcotics. In a scientific way, it improves nutritional assimilation; helps build you up and so increases your resistance and fortifies you against functional pain. Lessens nervousness during this trying period. Don't suffer one unnecessary moment from such monthly discomfort. Get Dr.

Pierce's Favorite Prescription from your druggist. Discover how wonderfully it acts to relieve you of 'Regular" pains. 89 This delectable v3 A tiered wedding cake flanked by low bowls of sweet peas and snapdragons was the centerpiece on the table where luncheon was served at the party Mrs. Alex Falk and Miss Beatrice Laudeman gave Wednesday evening in the Barker dining room honoring bride-elect F.leanor Borowski. Tall white tapers in silver candelabra lighted the table.

Before luncheon was served a game of 50-50 was played with honors going to Miss Borowski, Miss Gretta Gray and Miss Virginia Wilson, Mrs. Russell Farrington received the traveling prize. Miss Borowski was presented with a bed spread and a pair of boudoir lamps from hostesses and their guests. Tuesday evening. Miss Margaret Kuschel, Stone street, entertained at a miscellaneous shower for the bride-elect.

Prizes in games were won by Miss Marie Barkowskl and Mrs. Ira Christy. Refreshments were served. The bride-elect was presented with many gifts. Miss Borowski will become the bride of Louis Kuschel at a ceremony Saturday at 8 a.m.

in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church. Miss Bonnell Enfield, who will become the bride of Morris Howell at a ceremony at 7 p. m. Saturday at First Methodist church, was entertained Wednesday evening at a party given by Mrs.

Cecil Mayer, Seventeenth avenue. She was presented with gifts of linen from the hostess and guests. Mrs. Gilbert McCallum. Mrs.

John Taylor and Mrs. Leo Kearney won prizes in 50-50. Apple blossoms were used to decorate the table where refreshments were served and also the rooms of the home. Mrs. Doris Kiley poured and Mrs.

Edward Purkiss assisted in the dining room. ii 1 1 ii 1 1 fit Social Calendar Today Port Huron Review, No. 1, W. B. meets.

Officers and members of Port Huron circle, No. 371, Daughters of Isabella, degree team meet at 7 p.m. Miss Elizabeth Sturges entertains for Miss Helen Burr. Clubs are entertained by Mrs. Marion Schatzline, Mrs.

Louis Jahn. Mrs. Charles Hall, Mrs. James H. Curtis, Mrs.

Enos Papineau, Mrs. Harold Hency, Miss Marie Mainguy and Miss Frieda Scheffler. Irid-y Mrs. Maxine Jones entertains for Miss Jeanne LeTourneau. Mr, and Mrs.

J. H. Phillips, Lapeer court, have open house. Mrs. William Steiner entertains for Miss Eileen McClin-tock.

Mrs. Louise Myron and Mrs. Carrie Flynn entertain for Miss Elizabeth Geick. Miss Helen Lazurka entertains for Miss Helen Gorinac. Women's auxiliary to the Marine Engineers Beneficial association.

No. 43, meets at 2:30 p. m. in the club rcoms. Piano pupils of Mrs.

Fred Limberg and elocution pupils of Mrs. Robert Millne presented in recital at 8 p.m. in St. John's Evangelical church. T.

E. T. club of the W. B. A.

meets. Clubs are entertained by Mrs. William Reid, Mrs. Anna Ming-her, Mrs. C.

F. Seifen, Mrs. Grace Gougeon, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patterson and Mr.

and Mrs. Gordon Bartlett. camisole slip, bewki? with bands of lovc'ybj and satin ribbon You'll want severs! this amazing price! Sizes 32 to 40. ALL WORK GUARANTEED I 1 ASXA hoever you are, wherever you are-Get out in the summer sun! Get out to points both near and far Relax! Re-live! Have fun! Whatever your plans, whatever you do In lands both high and low, Plan Xow to attend the Orttenburger TRAVEL SHOW! Travel Movies Miniature Models Travel Bureau Service Fashion Show-Continuous June 17 Thru June 21 Recital Friday Piano pupils of Mrs. Fred Limberg will be presented in recital Friday at 8 p.m.

at St. John's Evangelical church. Elocution pupils of Mrs. Robert Millne will assist. Barber and Beauty Shop IlSnUihfltii Kenular S3.

00 Non-Ammonia AU (til I'uBhl'o Permanent $00 Complete Nationally Known $7.50 Machineless Permanent KODAK FILMS 6 or 8 EXPOSURE DEVELOPED PRINTED Put Them In The SUN to BROWN! SHAIN STUDIO (Over Peck's) Complete Fbooe 68t 1023 C.riswold St. SBrlnK Ad. Free Enlargement with roll Matrimonial Zimmer-Moss Of Interest to local residents Is the wedding of Miss Dorothy M. Moss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Moss, Eldon, and John P. Zimmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer, West Water street, which took place Saturday at the home of the bride's aunt, Miss Josephine Simpson. North La-Salle street, Chicago.

Rev. Russell Youngstrom solemnized the service. The bride wore orchids with her poudre blue chiffon gown. Both Mr. and Mrs.

Zimmer have been students at the Moody Bible institute, Chicago. They plan to make their home in Chicago and continue their studies at the Institute in the Fall. vine won prizes in 500. Mrs. Root will entertain the club June 19, at her home on Minne street.

ANNIVERSARY SALE Play Suits Gay little suits with Cfl' matching bonnets, some suspender styles, and a 0 smart model with matching parasol. Swim Suits Patin lastex. wool anS shirred sharkskins. Aleo JUNE 7th to JUNE 17th 929 Military Street on sales of $1.00 or over i0 (q IT separate lastex and wool DARK HATS grouped at 50c S1.00 $1.50 $1.95 trunks, 59c up. Sun Suits 1 "if -7 A miscellaneous shower honoring Miss Beulah Jefferson, whose marriage to Francis Alexander will be an event of June 20, was a feature of a meeting of the T.

M. T. club Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Roy Rowe, Tenth street. She was presenter' with an abundance of lovely gifts.

Mrs. George Eisenhauer, Miss Margaret McVety and Mrs. LaVern Sanderson won honors in games. Strawberry shortcake was the dessert served at small tables which was covered with dainty lace cloths and centered with bouquets of purple and white lilacs. Mrs.

Austin Smith was a guest. Members planned a wiener roast for June 19. ann's Specialty Shop Club Meetings Purple iri and lilacs were the flowers used to decorate the rooms of Mrs. Eugene Cowley's home, harkikln. pique.

sheers In prints and pastel colors. Applique, embroidery and lace trims. mm 506 Ol'AY ST. White street, Wednesday evening Flarc-away when she was hostess to members of the We Eight club. The lace covered table where members were seated for dessert was decorated We are Celebrating Our rt Slack Sets Striped and pastel tf also navy and red sailor types.

In and outers and loafer models. erets with lilies of the valley and tall tapers in crystal holders. I Mrs. William Root, Mrs. i Peter Mainguy and Mrs.

Emma De- 71 1 95 Sailor Suits Clever In pique rr A QQ sharkskin in I gU blue and also I white with blue trim. For girls or boys. 1 if ''V Pansies floated in a low bowl to center the table where refreshments were served to members of the N. B. C.

club at a meeting Wednesday at Miss Melda Atkins' home, Washington avenue. Floating pansy candles lighted the center arrangement. Tall tapers flanked the bowl. Miss Margaret Phail was a guest. Prizes in bridge and court whist were won by Mrs.

William Sharp and Mrs. George DragnefT. Mrs. Lloyd Rutkofske, Cedar street, will entertain the club June 26. Beach Capes I Piques Belting Ribbons Felts Straws $1 included at No Extra Cost With Each STUDENT ENROLLMENT We offer, in addition to mtr complete equipment, to Hiipply tjuaker Hosiery as often a you them, durine training a pair of Knnn Jettlek shoes, room and hoard proided for out-of-town students for sliuht sen ices after school hours 2 freshly laundered uniforms every week.

This Offer Made Possible Because are the oldest and most surce-fn beauty school in Fort Huron. Hundreds of our tcruduate- are now the best operator in this territory. Kiuht now we hae over 200 students in our 'jraiirh the stie preparing for a lifetime career in heajiv culture under experienced pradtnte teachers. Investigate now is the time to enroll oti may start classes anytime between now and fall! Candlewlclt chenille In al! white and white with 1 1 i colored trim. Ccloi-.

1 1 F. Navy, Black and Brown WHITE HATS For Summer Chic $1.00 upto $2.95 Beautiful straws, felts and linens for all occasions. Headsizes 22 to 24. All Summer Flowers Reduced to 25c Opened White Knit Turbans 69c Washable White "Pearl Swirl" Hand Bags, all with dark linings $1.00 PARRA MILLINERY 'Millinery Exclusively 334 Huron Ave. Fx.

Slacks We Invite Inspection manner for street si I e-r eciufunahle to wear and most Spuns. twills, fleri-1ms and a others with sU and leather belts. Payments Arranged To Suit Your Needs Mrs. Lillian Robowtham. Mrs.

Ina Anglebrandt and Miss Mary Rock won prizes in 50-50 at a meeting of the Square Circle club Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Rock, Forest street. Spring appointments were used to decorate the long luncheon table. Next Wednesday. Mrs.

Pearl Howey, Forest street, will entertain the club. 16 Sizes 2 to HUGHES iCHOOL BEAUTY CULTURE 222-224 HI' EON AVE. 506' 2 Grand River Ave. Over Cunningham's Drug Store ADDITIONAL SOCIETY PAGE 10.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.