how to sate your omega - khett (2024)

Chapter Text

Everyone was prepared for Yunho’s heat. The pack was ready and the company had organized everything in advance. Yunho was right on schedule, his preheat starting exactly when the calendar said it would, which meant that everything would go according to plan.

The plan, however, meant that not everyone in the pack could be there for the first day of the heat.

There wasn’t anyone to blame, really. The company had done their best, but they were still idols with jobs to do, and with upcoming comeback promotions and too many shows to count, they were busy. It was a miracle that Yunho had been allowed to actually have his heat rather than suppressing it—any later and it would have been.

More of a miracle was how the whole pack would be able to gather for the majority of this heat, with time after to bond and recuperate. Most of the time their schedules would only allow for a few members at a time to help out with a cycle, which had taken some getting used to but was now a normal fact of life. The pack was acutely aware of how lucky they were to have a company that prioritized their reproductive health and let them have their cycles whenever possible, and they were grateful. San was grateful.

He was also grateful that the plan also meant that San was the lucky chosen to be with Yunho the entire time.

The company had managed to clear his schedules alongside Yunho’s so that Yunho wouldn’t be alone for his preheat. That was more for the sake of the pack than for Yunho himself. It would be hard enough for the pack to focus with Yunho smelling so sweet and fertile, but if he was alone then too many instincts would be frazzled and no work would get done anyway.

San tried not to gloat that he would be the one to spend Yunho’s entire pre-heat with him, but he couldn’t help but preen a little bit when he saw his name next to Yunho’s on the week’s upcoming schedules. Five days of pre-heat, and San had Yunho practically all to himself.

Jongho and Mingi had noticeably sulked, but San hit them with a grin and a cheeky, them’s the breaks! and went on his merry way.

Their schedules lined up as closely as possible, each day the load getting less and less, until the day the heat actually hit. Outside of group schedules, the two omegas were practically attached at the hip at any given moment. That was perfectly fine by San. He would gladly take any opportunity to hang off of his beautiful mate.

Day three already saw them working on their less pressing activities, and San unfortunately found himself stuck preparing their English ments for their upcoming North American tour. Well, Yunho was doing most of it to be honest. San was too busy clinging to his back like a koala to really be bothered.

“Sannie,” Yunho sighed, putting down his pencil. “Are you actually going to help me or are you just going to squeeze me to death?”

San nuzzled deeper into the back of Yunho’s neck, holding onto his shoulders from behind and wrapping his legs around his waist for good measure.

“‘M helping,” he mumbled. “Can’t help it you smell so good.”

“You can smell me just fine sitting in your own seat.”


Yunho sighed again, leaning back and pressing San into the back of the couch. “You have all the time in the world to be a leech when we get home. C’mon, they at least want us to have a rough draft before we can leave.”

San huffed. “We won’t even need these for like, months. The shows don’t even start until July.”

Yunho crossed his arms, unimpressed.

Fine, ” San grumbled, detangling himself from Yunho and taking his place next to him on the couch.

“Y’know, the sooner we go home, the sooner we can work on the nest,” Yunho said conversationally. “And maybe we can order in? I’m really craving aburasoba right now…”

That snapped San into focus. He absolutely wanted to spend time building the nest and feed his mate his favorite food. That much Yunho cuddle time all to himself? San picked up his pencil and immediately started scratching away.

Yunho chuckled next to him, but dutifully returned to his own work. The silence was comfortable, broken by Yunho’s occasional inquiries of how to spell a particularly difficult word— does “necessary” have one or two c’s” —and San found that yes, he could indeed smell Yunho just fine while sitting right next to him.

When they got back home, San was more excited than Yunho. Since the entire pack was going to participate in this heat, they would have an entire dorm designated to the nest so that there’d be enough space for all eight of them. San’s had been designated as the unofficial nesting dorm, mainly because Park Seonghwa was his housemate and never let the place get as messy as everyone else’s, and because Mingi liked having his living space be considered the den.

San beelined for his room and dragged all of the nesting materials out to where Yunho waited in the living room. He unceremoniously dumped the boxes of blankets onto the floor, practically vibrating with excitement. Yunho gave him a fond smile and patted the floor next to him, a clear invitation to begin working. San let Yunho take charge, handing him various blankets for inspection and dutifully moving to where he was told, deferring to his mate’s discretion. This was just the foundation of the nest. They wouldn’t add many pack scents today, as the members would want to take extra time scenting their favorite items thoroughly so that they would be a perfect offering.

No, today the nest would be completely theirs, smelling only of Yunho’s sweet preheat and San’s enthusiastic devotion.

Eventually Yunho curled up in the center, satisfied. He didn’t even have to reach out before San was diving into his arms, cuddling as close as possible and purring loudly against Yunho’s scent gland. Yunho laughed softly but welcomed San into his embrace.

“You sure you’re not the one in pre-heat?” Yunho mumbled into his hair.

San pouted lightly. “Am I not allowed to be excited to spend time with my mate?”

Yunho kissed his ear. “You’re allowed,” he said. “But only if you get me aburasoba.”

San pulled back to stick out his tongue. “What do you take me for? I ordered before we got here. It should be here any minute.”

Yunho kissed him happily, the moment rudely interrupted by the sound of the doorbell announcing their meal a couple minutes later. Annoyed as he was at being robbed of Yunho kisses, San scrambled up to go fetch the food, nearly as excited to feed Yunho as he was to kiss him some more.

Yunho insisted they eat properly at the table, not wanting to risk spilling in their nest. San acquiesced, mixing Yunho’s noodles for him and feeding him mouthful by mouthful. Yunho let it happen with a soft smile, but after a handful of bites, his mouth set downward into a pout.

“You haven’t started eating Sannie,” he said. He picked up his own untouched chopsticks and reached for San’s bowl, stirring his noodles and feeding San instead.

San grinned and accepted the treatment. “Looking to provide, are we?” he said around a mouthful.

Yunho laughed but didn’t stop. “You can’t say sh*t and you know it. At least I have the excuse of being hormonal.”

“I’m hurt Yuyu,” San gasped dramatically, the effect somewhat ruined by Yunho shoving more noodles in his open mouth. He chewed and swallowed quickly, sticking his tongue out at his smug mate. “My desire to provide is born entirely from my love and dedication to my wonderful mates.”

Yunho rolled his eyes and fed him another bite. “Of course, and it has nothing to do with the fact that you practically have a sympathy heat when literally any of us are on our cycles.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Yunho grinned and leaned forward to lick some sauce from the corner of San’s mouth. “I’m sure you don’t.”

Yunho fed San the entire bowl before he took another bite. San waited patiently, sure to eat everything he was given and adding just a slight touch of over-the-top indulgence just to make Yunho happy. When it was San’s turn again, he fed Yunho with the same care he had been shown, unable to hide the contentment he felt from caring for his mate.

Yunho insisted on cleaning up after the meal, instructing San to go back to the nest and put a movie on so they could cuddle some more. San was more than happy to oblige. Their evening was spent together, blissfully wrapped up in each other in the safety of their nest, and San couldn’t be happier.

Eventually though, their bubble of solitude popped in the form of Seonghwa and Mingi coming home.

San looked up sharply at the sound of the front door opening, his hold on a half-asleep Yunho tightening slightly. The downside of having the nest in the living room was that there was no door to lock, but of course only their mates could get in. San smelled them before he saw them, familiar scents mixed with sweat and fatigue.

“Hello loves,” Seonghwa said softly, appearing in the entryway. “Nesting already?”

Yunho shifted in San’s arms, stifling a yawn. “Hi hyung, yeah, is that okay?”

“Of course it’s okay,” Seonghwa smiled, crouching down to be at eye level but making no moves to enter the nest. “Just as long as there are still sheets on my bed.”

“Hmm, who’s to say,” San mumbled. Honestly, he’d only stripped his mate’s beds like, three times, and everyone still teased him for it.

“Your sheets are safe hyung, I protected them with my life,” Yunho promised. “Now your comforter, on the other hand…”

“Smells good in here,” Mingi called. He entered the living room a second later, all big smiles and fluffy blonde hair that stuck up in puffs around his ball cap.

“Hi Min,” Yunho greeted, sitting up. “Yeah, we ordered takeout, sorry, there’s none left.”

“I meant you, dumbass.”

“Oh.” A beat. “Have you eaten yet?”

San hid his fond smile in Yunho’s nape. Seonghwa hid his own rather poorly behind his hand, but Yunho didn’t seem to notice.

“Yes, we ate at the company earlier, don’t worry,” Seonghwa said.

“Oh. Well, that’s good.”

“I could still eat a little something, though,” Mingi said. “Are you on the menu?”

San draped himself over Yunho’s back and gave Mingi a play snarl. “No he is not, knothead. I swear, you alphas are all the same.”

Mingi put his hands up defensively. “I was just asking!”

Yunho, bless him, had only focused on one part of the exchange.

“If you’re still hungry, I could order you something. Or make something, I mean, I’m not Youngie and I don’t know what you have in your fridge, but…” He petered out as he noticed all three of his mates wearing matching sh*t-eating grins.

“What?” he demanded, ears reddening. “You said you were hungry! Don’t tease me.”

“No one said anything!” Seonghwa laughed. “I think we can find something if my darling omega wants to feed his mates.”

Yunho, still pouting, gave a shy nod.

He ended up cutting some apple slices, hand feeding Mingi and Seonghwa the first few but ultimately flushing and making them feed themselves when they kept teasing him. San stayed glued to him the entire time, strictly to be a source of comfort and definitely not because he was jealous that his Yuyu was paying attention to someone else.

San won in the end though, because after the dishes were done and the newly arrived packmates thoroughly scented, Yunho’s yawns were getting closer and closer together. He tugged on the hem of San’s shirt and asked if they could sleep in his bed, looking so soft and small when he did it that San couldn’t resist lifting him into the air and carrying him to his room. At the last minute, arms full of flustered, sleepy omega-mate, he threw a smug grin at Mingi and Seonghwa and gave them the most self-satisfied Good night! he could manage before disappearing into his room.

And it really did feel like a win, having Yunho snuggled up safe in his bed. The nest would be slept in later, when their body heat would be enough to keep them warm through the night, so right now San enjoyed the feeling of burying under the covers and having his mate all to himself.

“Alright, let’s finish up,” Wooyoung called.

The members all sighed in relief, sagging to the floor and reaching for their water bottles. Wooyoung had been assigned to run this session, a precaution taken by the company in case Yunho’s heat had other plans. This dance practice hadn’t been particularly brutal, also in consideration of the pack, but Yunho’s scent had everyone tense and on edge—now that practice was over they could all escape to the hallways where the air was clearer.

Yunho, on the other hand, was not ready to be done.

“I’m gonna run through it a few more times,” he mumbled, securing the corner of the room for himself to keep dancing.

Hongjoong frowned. “Yunho-yah, you’ve already got it down, you should—“

“I wanna keep going,” Yunho insisted, stubbornly retrieving his earbuds.

Hongjoong exchanged a glance with San.

“Let him be hyung,” San said quietly. “Maybe he’ll tire himself out and actually sleep tonight.”

It was the last day of pre-heat, and Yunho scent was thickening by the minute, sweet and distracting and tinged with frustration. Yunho often couldn’t sleep on the tail end of his pre, too wired and restless for his mind to settle, and it made him cranky. San had spent last night using every trick in the book to get his mate to rest, but Yunho hadn’t been able to sleep until nearly four in the morning, and even then he’d tossed and turned through the whole night.

“I’ll stay here,” San reassured, reading the apprehension in his alpha’s stance.

Hongjoong sighed as he watched Yunho begin the sequence again. Half of the pack had already scurried out to their next schedules, packed as they were to make up for the week they’d be missing, but Wooyoung lingered behind the pack alpha. San took a resolute step towards the both of them, jaw set.

“I can take care of him,” he said, frowning in sudden annoyance. “I’m perfectly capable.”

“We know you are Sannie,” Wooyoung appeased. “We believe you. We just don’t know when we’ll next see you both is all. Mingi thinks it could even hit tonight, so we’re just…” He tapered off in a sigh when Yunho swore loudly across the room, restarting the sequence.

Hongjoong gently took San’s wrist, giving the inside a kiss and a little lick. “Don’t stay more than an hour. Text me when you get home, and please eat something, both of you.”

San softened, lifting his wrist to rub it along Hongjoong’s neck. “We will hyung.”

“And text us if anything happens, if he’s early, or late, or if you need something from Yunho’s room, or anything at all, okay?”

“Yes hyung, I know. I’ve got it.”

“Your omegas will be fine, no need to dote,” Wooyoung teased, smacking his lips to Hongjoong’s face messily. Hongjoong pushed him away, grumbling an unconvincing I don’t dote under his breath.

“We’ve gotta go now, but best of luck Sannie,” Wooyoung continued, bouncing over to kiss San on the cheek. “And send a video of Yuyu begging for your co*ck if you get the chance, I’ve got schedules with Mingi all day tomorrow and it’d be funny to watch.”

Wooyoung’s grin didn’t falter when Hongjoong smacked him, but the alpha’s ears were tellingly red at the idea.

San rolled his eyes but scented them lightly before they left, promising that he’d take care of everything. Once the door to the practice room had closed, he turned to Yunho with a sigh.

The taller omega was flushed and sweaty, soaking through his baggy shirt and dripping down his temples. He frowned at the practice mirror as he repeated a sequence over and over again, and though it looked perfect to San, Yunho was clearly displeased. San slid into step beside him, following along with the dance a few times before Yunho acquiesced and shared an earbud with him. It was the path of least resistance really—if San tried to stop Yunho he’d get snapped at, but if San practiced with him, then Yunho would be more likely to stop when San proclaimed he was tired. Besides, a bit more practice wouldn’t hurt.

True to his word, San called it after an hour, sitting down and playing up the ache in his legs. Yunho watched him through the mirror, panting and twitchy, looking like he might suggest they keep going.

“I’m hungry Yuyu,” San whined with his best pout. “I wanna eat and cuddle in the nest. Please? Can we?”

Yunho stared a few more seconds before deflating. “Yeah. Yeah let’s go do that,” he sighed, putting his earbuds away.

San grinned in victory. He leapt to his feet with a happy chirp and pulled Yunho into a hot, sticky embrace. After a moment of stiff hesitation, Yunho sagged against him, burying his face in San’s neck and wrapping big palms around his waist.

“You smell good,” Yunho mumbled into his shoulder.

“Not as good as you,” San said, carding through Yunho’s sweaty hair. “Though, maybe we should shower before comparing scents.”

Yunho stiffened at the mention of a shower, and San couldn’t help but laugh.

“We need to shower Yun, but we can add our nasty, sweaty practice clothes to the nest if you want?”

Yunho pulled back with a pout. “Well when you put it like that…”

San laughed again and kissed him fondly. “It’s okay, be nasty and proud Yunho-yah.”

Yunho clung to him as they left, face hardly leaving San’s neck for a moment and practically drowning him in his sweet, heavy scent. San didn’t mind in the slightest, holding Yunho’s hand during the car ride and giving little purrs at every kitten lick to his scent gland. Their driver had the windows down the entire way home.

San half carried Yunho inside, not because he couldn’t walk on his own, but because San wanted to keep feeling that soft breath against his neck. The den was empty when they walked in, so San didn’t mind stripping their clothes in the entryway and tossing them in the vague direction of the nest uncaringly. Seonghwa wasn’t there to scold them and San had a packmate to pamper.

San got Yunho into the shower, pouting until Yunho let him wash his hair for him, and when they were done he wrapped Yunho in his own bathrobe. It was definitely too short, but Mingi’s had his alpha scent on it and San was feeling a little possessive tonight. Besides, this way San could ogle the vast expanse of his mate’s long, toned legs. Yunho didn’t seem to notice.

In fact, Yunho was looking softer by the minute, all droopy eyes and pouty lips and blow dried hair poofing up. This was the part that he was most looking forward to, just hours of uninterrupted time of taking care of his lovely mate, and San couldn’t help the giddy little grin that spread across his face and traveled to the rest of his body in excited little wiggles.

San made the executive decision to sleep in the nest tonight, and he led his fluffy, freshly washed, sweet smelling omega to the living room and tucked him securely into the protective blankets. The pack scents had been added by now, a few scented hoodies and pajama bottoms from each member, surrounding them both in the pleasant haze of safety and security.

Yunho nuzzled into his bare side instantly, his general appreciation for physical touch greatly magnified at the precipice of his cycle.

“I’m tired Sannie,” he whined.

“I know.”

“But I’m not sleepy.

“That’s okay, we can just cuddle. I’ll order us something, what do you wanna eat?”

Yunho pulled away to frown at him with a shiny pout. “‘M not hungry.”

San kissed his nose. “We gotta eat something Yun.”

“But I don’t feel good, I’m cramping already.”

San cooed and drew Yunho’s face into his neck. His omega-mate smelled so frustrated, sweet scent souring at the edges like overripe fruit beginning to rot.

“I’m sorry baby,” San hummed into Yunho’s hair. “I can go get you some medicine and a heat pack if you want?”

Yunho’s arms squeezed his waist tightly. “No, just… stay here. I don’t want you to leave.”

“Okay,” San agreed, fingers smoothing down his back. “Do you want me to rub your tummy? Or I can give you my co*ck if that would help? Or my hands, whatever you need.”

Yunho sighed loudly through his nose, hot breath tickling San’s neck. “No, I’m… I’m not wet, I just feel… gross. Everything is just. Sore. And I’m so tired but I feel so—squirmy? And I know I should take something, but that would mean you leaving and I really, really don’t—I would hate it so much, please just—”

Yunho buried further into San’s neck, impossibly closer, and San felt something wet leak onto his skin.

“Oh Yun,” he murmured. “It’s okay, it’s alright.”

He gently coaxed Yunho out, smiling softly when he saw red cheeks and teary eyes pinched in a frown. He swiped away a stray tear with his thumb, unable to keep the fondness off of his face.

Yunho sniffled. “I f*cking hate pre-heat,” he grumbled. “I don’t even know why the hell I’m crying—are you laughing at me?”

“No, just admiring my lovely mate,” San smiled, undeterred.

“Your eyes are laughing.”

“Because you’re adorable.”

Yunho sniffled again, then dove into San’s chest with a half-aborted sob. San held him close, trying to comfort Yunho with his scent, but honestly everything smelled so strongly of pre-heat that San could barely smell himself. He scratched at the soft hairs on Yunho’s nape, reveling in the closeness as Yunho sniffled sweetly in his naked chest.

When he was sure moving wouldn’t distress his mate too much, San wiggled around a bit until he found his phone, which he’d left to charge at the edge of the nest. He typed away with one hand, the other still massaging Yunho’s neck lightly, entirely too delighted to text the pack group chat that they were both home safe, but that it would be best if they didn’t stop by tonight.

Yunho was right on the edge, dancing on the blurry line where pre-heat ended and heat began, and if another pack member were to come into the apartment they would either have to stay for the duration or risk distressing Yunho when they left, ruining the entire heat.

San received multiple messages back right away, a series of sad faces and hearts and pleas to take care of yourselves Sannie, and make sure to eat! and Seonghwa’s new phrase, stay safe and happy <3, something left over from Hongjoong’s early rut a few months ago. Seonghwa and Mingi would be staying in Yunho and Yeosang’s dorm for the night, and his hyung reminded him as such just in case they needed anything. He responded with little hearts to each of them and promised to update them when everything started.

In truth, the betas could probably get away with visiting right now, their scents designed to calm and far less likely to trigger anything prematurely, but San conveniently left that part out. He wanted Yunho all to himself for as long as possible.

Okay. He was feeling a lot possessive tonight.

He typed a bit more before tossing his phone aside.

“I ordered us food,” he told Yunho, kissing the top of his head. “Something light. Kimbap and soup.”

Yunho whined.

“It’ll be easy on you, I promise. You know you have to eat something Yun, and I doubt you want to be eating protein bars for any longer than necessary.”

Yunho pouted up at him, grumbling in what San decided to interpret as agreement.

“We can keep cuddling until it gets here, don’t worry.”

San shuffled down a bit, tangling their legs together and tucking Yunho back into his neck to let Yunho shyly lick at his scent gland. San giggled when the attentions got more enthusiastic, ticklish turning into dull pleasure that ended his breathy laughs in sighs—the kind of tingle that sent warmth spreading between San’s legs.

Yunho pulled back, nose twitching.

“Sannie? Are you wet?”

San smiled down at him. “Yeah, have been for a while.” He was hard too, his body reacting to the thick pheromones, but San was always a little hard when he was lying half naked with his mates. “There might be some on the towel by now if you wanna add it to the nest.”

Yunho’s pupils blew wide so fast it was almost comical. He ripped the bath towel from around San’s hips, immediately bringing it up to his nose and breathing deeply into the damp spot he found there. New objective in sight, Yunho sat up and swiped the towel between San’s cheeks to collect more slick. San yelped, surprised, and Yunho took a full five seconds to blink at him apologetically.

“Sorry, I just. Your scent.”

“I get it,” San laughed. “But maybe warn a guy before you wipe his ass for him.”

Yunho blushed sheepishly, then flitted about the nest to see where the towel would best fit. San, now entirely naked, sat up to watch him work.

“We still have our clothes from practice earlier,” San reminded. “Want those too?”

Yunho’s eyes flicked to the mess of clothes strewn about on the floor near the entryway, then back to San sitting safely in the blankets.

“...Yes,” he said cautiously. “But you can’t—I’ll get them.”

“I’ll stay right here,” San promised, giving a mock salute.

Yunho scrambled out of the nest, collecting the sweaty clothes and bundling them in his arms before hopping right back in. After a moment’s thought, he took off his bathrobe as well, now a perfect mix of both omega’s scents. He fussed at the nest, taking his time trying to decide the perfect scent placement, which San appreciated. Half of what made a nest so nice was scent placement.

But he also couldn’t help but tease his mate a little more.

“Ughh, ohhh, Yunho,” San cried, flopping back into the blankets with both hands over his heart. “Hurry, I don’t know if I can last much longer.”

Yunho spared him a glance, checking to see if there was any genuine distress, and finding none, he promptly returned to his work.

“I’m being deprived of Yunho cuddles,” San whined. “Surely this must be a fate worse than death, when will this torment end?”

Yunho rolled his eyes at him, but he tucked the last sweaty shirt into the nest walls with a satisfied hum and crawled back over to San. San opened his arms wide in invitation, purring happily.

“Whiny,” Yunho mumbled once he was safely snuggled back in San’s embrace.

“Just trying to match your energy babe,” San chirped, laughing when he received a sharp nip to his mating bite.

They held each other close, both purring contentedly and rubbing their faces and wrists all over each other, bare skin warm in the cool air. San was in complete bliss, safe in a nest that was entirely theirs, with a mate that was entirely his. What could be better, really?

“Sannie?” Yunho hummed. “Can you warm me?”

That could certainly do it. San’s purrs increased until he could feel the vibrations in his toes.

“Of course,” he said, eyes squinting with the force of his smile.

“Okay. Just—like this. Can I…?”


Yunho arranged them so San lay on top of him, their chests pressed together and necks still easily accessible. Yunho plunged two fingers into San’s hole, swallowing the little gasp with a kiss, and scissored them lightly. Yunho wasn’t really hard, but he wasn’t soft either, and blessed as he was, anyone who took him would always need a little prep.

When Yunho deemed him ready, he guided San’s willing hips to sink down onto his co*ck, the warm length of it filling him pleasantly. San slicked up more at the stretch, the combination of stimulation and the veritable cloud of pre-heat pheromones he had been soaking in all day making hot globs of slick leak onto Yunho’s hips.

But all that was an afterthought. Right now San’s focus was on how long arms wrapped securely around his body, how Yunho mouthed and teethed at his mating bite, how they were both purring so loudly San was surprised the glasses on the kitchen counter weren’t rattling.

“You taste good,” Yunho murmured into his skin.

“You can eat me if you want, I won’t complain.”

“Mmm, later. With soup and kimbap. You’re dessert.”

“How romantic,” San giggled, pressing a kiss to his temple. “Though, if you’re under me, and I’m not allowed to move, how are we supposed to get the food?”

Yunho’s purr stuttered in annoyance, his arms tightening around San’s waist as if to reaffirm that, yes, San was absolutely not allowed to leave the nest.

“That’s a problem for future us,” he grumbled.

San laughed, but how could he argue with that?

The heat hit in the morning.

When San awoke, warm and drowsy, sunlight filtered through the living room blinds and his phone read a nice, reasonable 10 a.m. He stretched languidly, arching his back and curling his hands into fists above his head.

His purring yawn was interrupted by a whine.

San sat up, awake in an instant.

Yunho lay spread eagle in the middle of the nest, eyes glassy and chest heaving with overwhelmed little pants. He was sweating already, hair sticking to his forehead in clumps, and a flush had settled across his whole body, bright red on his cheeks, his ears, his chest, his rock-hard dick.

“Omega,” San rumbled, crawling over to lick at Yunho’s swollen scent gland. “My pretty, smell so good.”

“Sannie,” Yunho whined, crying out when San bit down over his mating bite.

San bit and sucked around the area, moaning at the sweet, intoxicating scent, so strong here that San could practically taste it. He certainly tried to, mouth and teeth working diligently at Yunho’s skin as if San was actually trying to eat him.

“‘S so hot…”

San pulled back to study his mate. A line of spit connected his mouth to the darkening flesh of Yunho’s neck.

“Too hot Sannie…”

Of course. Yunho’s heat fever was always the highest at the beginning, leaving him dizzy and disoriented, too uncomfortable for anything other than scentings until he cooled down.

Purring out a few comforting subvocals, San retreated to the edge of the nest to gather some supplies that had been stocked there earlier in the week. Before he could forget, he texted the pack that the heat had started and that everything was fine before promptly tossing his phone to the side to be forgotten. He wouldn’t be needing it today. He crawled back with some water bottles, towels, a protein bar and some fever reducers, the latter not strictly necessary for every heat but helped Yunho get comfortable faster.

San helped Yunho sit up, catching Yunho’s shoulders before he could ragdoll forward and holding his face in his hands. Yunho’s eyes were bleary with unshed tears, his soft lips slack as he looked at San like he could make everything better. San’s resolve hardened. He would make everything better.

“Baby,” San cooed, pressing two tablets into Yunho’s easy mouth, “my pretty omega, I’m right here.”

After the tablets, he fed Yunho the protein bar and made sure he drank an entire bottle of water. He laid Yunho back down and gently wiped him down with a wet towel, lovingly kissing every whimper away, soothing each uncomfortable twitch with a lick to the scent glands all over his body.

San traveled downward, nosing diligently at his mate’s feverish skin, and groaned aloud when his tongue found the scent gland on Yunho’s pelvic bone, right in the crease of his hip where the little patch of pubic hair started. He abandoned the wet towel on Yunho’s stomach to lick the gland enthusiastically, breathing in lungful after lungful of that sweet scent, muskier here than by Yunho’s neck.

Yunho’s dick leaked enticingly, twitching in the air, but San would get to that later. Right now needed to suck his claim into soft skin.

San couldn’t help but be messy, drool and spit covering his chin, any more than he could help the hot slick dripping slowly between his legs.

“‘Mega,” Yunho whined. “Need you, please?”

San looked up to see Yunho propped up on his elbows watching him, and oh , didn’t his neck look a little too bare?

San shoved the towel aside and straddled Yunho’s waist, gathered those long arms above Yunho’s head with one hand, and pinned them there by his wrists. Yunho went willingly, settling into the blankets and baring his neck instinctually. San dove in at the invitation, getting right to work sucking and biting fresh marks onto his mate’s neck.

“Mine,” he purred into Yunho’s skin. “My omega, my pretty.”

Yunho nodded, submitting to San’s attentive mouth.

“Uh-huh, Sannie, Sannie…

San ground down on the soft planes of Yunho’s stomach, smearing his own slick and precum onto hot, sweaty skin. It was a bit of a strain to keep his face pressed into Yunho’s neck, but San could barely feel it. f*ck, that scent . It clouded all of San’s senses, thick like syrup in his head, sticky in every pore until all that San could think about was Yunho, Yunho, Yunho.

He ground down harder. It really wasn’t enough to cum, but he wanted, needed Yunho to feel him.

“See what you do to me?” he rumbled. “Feel how wet you make me?”

He reached back with his free hand to dip a couple fingers into his leaking hole, eyes fluttering as he pumped them a little, and brought the slick-soaked hand back up to Yunho’s mouth. Yunho sucked on the offered fingers eagerly. His eyes rolled closed at the taste, and San leaked even more.

“f*ck, Yunho…”

San let him suckle until he couldn’t take it anymore, removing his hand and replacing it with his mouth, crashing their lips together in a deep, sloppy kiss. San’s hand went to his dick, stroking it hard and fast, suddenly frantic to finish, to leave his mark all over his pretty mate so that no one would question who he belonged to.

Before long, San was moaning into Yunho’s mouth, ass grinding onto the jut of Yunho’s hip bone as he spilled white all over his hand. San let it drip, messy and pooling on Yunho’s abdomen. Slick gushed as he came, smearing his scent all over Yunho’s most potent scent glands.

San pulled back with a gasp when he finished, satisfied to see his omega mate squirming beneath him. Yunho already looked a mess, neck dark with San’s mark, watery eyes leaking down flushed cheeks, lips swollen and glistening with spit. f*ck , San could eat this man alive.

“You look so pretty baby,” San rumbled. He let go of Yunho’s wrists, giving a pleased chirp when Yunho stayed where he was, and crawled back down Yunho’s body. He paused to rub his cum and slick further into Yunho’s scent glands, paying particular attention to the already marked ones on his hips. “So pretty when you smell like me. My omega, hm?”

Yunho nodded dumbly.

“Say it.”

Yunho sniffled. “Y-yours. I’m your ‘mega.”

“That’s right.” San rewarded him with a lick up his still twitching co*ck. Yunho gasped but remained still. What a good boy. “Omega’s going to make you feel good now, okay?”

He pressed his face into Yunho’s ass, breathing in the dizzying scent straight from the source. Yunho was leaking properly at this point, his cute little hole glistening prettily, dripping more slick with each little clenching twitch. He gave that soaking wet hole an experimental lick, groaning loudly at the taste.

Yunho whimpered above him, body shuddering.

“You can touch, pretty,” San said. Yunho’s hands instantly flew to his hair, gripping San’s skull to keep him firmly in place. “Good boy. I want you to cum whenever you like, alright? I just want you to feel good.”

San got to work, eating Yunho’s ass like a man starved. He reveled in the intimacy of it, the way Yunho clenched around his probing tongue, the way those toned thighs clamped around his head, the way his hair was being tugged just the way he liked. San could truly live here, settled happily between his mate’s legs and lapping up all the sweet slick that was made just for him. The scent was intoxicating, so potent it was making him light-headed.

Well, that could also be because of the lack of oxygen. No matter. San could die here just as happily.

“‘Mega, omega, Sannie, San San San—

San hummed as Yunho’s hips ground up into his face. He knew to flatten his tongue and let Yunho ride it as his org*sm overtook him. Slick sprayed onto San’s face, sticky on his cheeks and chin, and Yunho’s thighs squeezed so tightly around his head that his vision fuzzed and San thought he might actually pass out.

Yunho went limp, releasing San’s head and trying to tug him away by his hair, but San stayed right where he was. He lapped at that shiny, open hole, entirely too content to be made to move now.

“Sannie, please,” Yunho begged. “f*ck me? I want you to f*ck me.”

San’s eyes shot open, and he blinked through the haze to sit up and fold Yunho in half, teeth bared in excitement.

“Yeah,” he panted, catching his breath. “I’ll f*ck you. I’ll f*ck you so good Yun, make you cum on my knot.”

He scrambled to get into position, his own co*ck already hard and ready, all for Yunho. He spread Yunho’s legs, pressing them up by his ears and leaning between them to kiss Yunho’s soft lips sloppily.

He pushed in with one thrust, and Yunho’s body accepted him easily.

“Yes, yes. ” Yunho’s eyes squeezed shut, clawing at San’s back. “‘Mega, want your knot so bad, give it to me.”

San felt like he was going insane. Yunho was tight and achingly hot around his co*ck, so soft and slick and perfect and his. He pounded into Yunho completely unimpeded, spurred on by the beautiful sounds his mate was making, by the marks that San had already left all over him. His claim. His mate. His, his, his.

San’s org*sm came suddenly, and he bit at Yunho’s lips as he kept f*cking him through it, pumping his mate full of his cum and claiming him once again. Yunho rewarded him with sweet moans, tongue licking at teeth as he tried to return San’s kiss.

San barely finished cumming before he pulled out, his business unfinished. He manhandled Yunho until his ass was in the air, pressing him into proper presenting position like a good omega.

“Gonna give you my knot now,” San promised.

He draped himself over Yunho’s back, teeth at his mating bite and four fingers plunging back into Yunho’s ass all at once. Yunho keened beneath him. He fisted the blankets, shuddering as he pressed his hips back onto San’s hand.

The stretch was bigger than San’s co*ck, but Yunho’s body was made for this. San fingerf*cked him ruthlessly, f*cking his own cum back inside where it belonged. And Yunho took it, writhing and pleading for more, another Sannie, I can take it, please—

So San gave it to him. Yunho cried out when San’s thumb slipped past his sopping rim, clenching down on it rhythmically in anticipation. San sat back to watch in awe.

“”Mega, knot, knot, want it—”

San pulled his hand back, soothing Yunho’s answering cry with a soft chirp, and curled his hand into a fist. He placed the bent knuckle of his forefinger at Yunho’s rim, watching as the pink muscle twitched around it, trying to suck him in.

“San please, f*ck, f*ck f*ck ahh—

San pressed in. He was careful, but he wasn’t slow—Yunho wanted a knot, and he’d get one.

San watched the way his hand disappeared into Yunho’s body, the puffy pink rim stretched wide around his wrist, squeezing him like a vice. Yunho convulsed below him, mewling as he came untouched onto the blankets. Slick gushed around San’s hand, dripping down his wrist to his forearm.

“So good,” San murmured. “Such a good omega, taking my knot so well.”

Slowly, carefully, he pressed his forehead to the middle of Yunho’s back, petting down his body with his free hand. It was the highest he could reach without accidentally hurting Yunho with his fist. Yunho shuddered, breathless, sweaty.

“Thank you,” Yunho purred into the nest. “Fill me so well, thank you.”

San glowed with pride. He could smell Yunho’s scent mellowing out, sharp desperation smoothing into contentment, still heavy with heat but not quite so demanding. The scent of his cum was a welcome muskiness in the air. He’d done that. He’d satisfied his mate and made him his.

San mouthed at sweaty skin lazily, grinning like an utter fool. This was going to be the best heat ever.

how to sate your omega - khett (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.