yunho enthousiast @pinkchampagne2 - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

sharing is caring | smut (rewritten)

important author's note : if any of you came from my old blog (well same user, but i accidentally, stupidly deleted everything), you would know that this was my most popular fic. now, i've re-written it and made it much better than before. i hope you'll all like this! :) i'm also changing up my templates a bit :0

pairing : (gamer)boyfriend!san x fem/afab reader (reader is specified to be jongho's age) ft. the rest of the members

smut : daddy kink, humiliation (but you're a masoch*st so you like it), penetrative sex, san's PACKING, dom/sub dynamics, consensual exhibitionism (through video call), sex on a gamer chair, heavy degradation, edging, multiple org*sms, biting, spit/cum play, creampie, manhandling, use of hitachi 'magic wand' vibrator, PURE FILTH.

summary : you two were freaky enough as is, but add to that by having sex on san's gaming chair and having all seven of his friends watch him pound your c*nt. ♡ 5.43k words

smut under the cut, minors do not interact

Cold. You felt cold, all except for your backside. Pressed against your boyfriend, his thighs spreading yours open, warm in his tight embrace. Your hands were clutching the arms of his gaming chair, the constant cool air of the room making your legs shiver, and what was in between feeling sensitive, seeing that you wore nothing else under your skirt.

"Darling, it's a little rude to not greet our guests, right?" San purred into your ear, both of his hands playing with the ends of your terribly short skirt, threatening to expose what was underneath.

His lips hit the shell if your ear, the tip of his tongue licking your soft skin to tease your already timid nature.

"I'm sorry." you quickly apologized, your wavering eyes trying to look confidently towards the monitor. But, you couldn't help but stare at his keyboard and repeatedly blink as you spoke, "Hi."

You weren't usually this shy in front of San's best friends, primarily since you've known some of them for years, but any girl in your position, literally and figuratively, would feel exactly how you felt.

The fact you were wearing a tight-fitted shirt, a skirt that San loved f*cking you in, no bra or underwear to be seen, and were sprawled out on San's lap—you had every right to feel sinfully aroused.

"Good girl," he responded with confidence laced into his voice, now one of his hands caressing up and down your bare thigh like he was petting you, "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

"No," you said quietly again, biting your bottom lip in nervousness. God, you wanted this, you agreed to this, but you couldn't help but feel timid during the actual occasion.

"Chin up, sweetheart. Let the boys see your pretty face."

"I—I can't." you admitted. San knew, and you knew he knew, that you were overwhelmed in the best way possible. You were visibly hot and bothered, and he could swear that you were already beginning to leak on his pants.

"Yes, you can. Come on, sweetie. They're all so, so eager to see how you look right now." his hand now tightened around your thigh as if to tell you 'don't be a brat,' and you understood well enough to obey.

Again, and with no answer this time, you didn't do as told. However, it was much too early for you to get punished, right? San would let this one slide, right? Wrong.

Suddenly, you felt a hand grip your jaw, forcing you to look up to the screen. Your eyes widened, your breath stopped, cheeks slightly squished by your boyfriend's fingers as you made eye contact with every one of the boys. And every one of them had a sh*t-eating smirk on their faces as they looked at you.

"God, baby." San spoke in faux disappointment, "You were being such a good girl today, and now when it's the main event, you choose to be a brat? Are you asking to get punished?"

"No!" you interjected, turning your head just enough to look San in the eyes.

"No, what?" he raised both his eyebrows, taunting you through the strands of hair covering a bit of his face.

"No, daddy." you added, not believing yourself for forgetting to say that.

"Awe," San pouted his lips and furrowed his eyebrows to mock you, now grazing your cheek with the same fingers that gripped it just seconds ago, "So cute of you to assume that you decide when you get punished."

You breathed in, looking back at the screen with the push of his hand. You could somewhat see the appearance being shot by the webcam at the bottom left of the screen, showing both you and San clearly on display. You could see and feel how San was beginning to slightly touch your core, inching closer with every move, exposing more of you to the other seven men.

Soon enough, they would all be able to see how wet you were getting.

"Who's idea was it to have the Hitachi on-hand again?" San spoke, talking to his friends this time.

"Mine." Wooyoung replied, slightly raising his hand with pride as he pursed his lips in a smile. You weren't surprised by the slightest that it was his idea, knowing damn well from San that a lot of the sex advice he got was from Wooyoung.

"Thank you, Wooyoung." San started, "Now, because you thought of it, why don't you speak to my baby and tell her about what kind of punishment she'll be getting."

"I would love to." the grin still on his face. You could hear him roll forward with the chair he was sitting on, now laying his chin on one of his hands as he spoke to you, "Hi Y/N."

"H—hi." you greeted back, learning that it was better for you to speak than not speak at all.

"You look very, very pretty tonight, cutie." Wooyoung complimented, liking the doe-eyed look on your face, "Can I ask you something first before I tell you your punishment?"

"Sure." you nodded.

"Are you actually looking forward to having us watch you get f*cked by Sannie?"

His question left you somewhat surprised, seeing that you had agreed to do this months ago and multiple times since then, to assure that everything was consensual. But it seemed that now it was actually happening; they all, including San, wanted to make sure that you enjoyed this.

In a way, it was a sweet gesture hidden in desire.

"Yes," you answered with only one word first. But before Wooyoung could speak again, you took in their consideration and realized you needed to be more vocal, "Yes. Very much so. I like this."

Your answer seemed to please them all, the atmosphere going from still to much more relaxed, much more sexual than before.

"I'm glad." Wooyoung paused before visibly checking you out once again, maybe for his own measures, "So, first, grab the Hitachi from the table before I give you any other commands."

"O—okay." you confirmed that you heard him, San also helping you lean forward to grab the vibrator from the table. "And then?"

"Patience, Y/N." his comment made you feel a little sheepish, having shown how eager you were. "Can I have San spread your legs a little wider so that we can see everything?"

You were, again, taken aback by the question but appreciated that he asked regardless. You nodded and said 'yes' once again, allowing yourself to melt more into San's body. Your hand gripped the Hitachi wand to not drop it, as your boyfriend adjusted his legs to spread yours more since he was under you.

Because of the movement, you were now on full display. Your aching puss* was now visible to the rest of the guys. There was no room for you to be shy anymore, not like before. The guys also felt the vulnerability you were experiencing, seeing that they were about to watch their friend's girlfriend get f*cked.

"My, my~" another voice was now speaking, which you could easily recognize as Seonghwa's. "San was right. You look exceptional when you're turned on."

"Sannie.." you whined, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked back at him. You felt like punching him in the face for talking about you that way, but you couldn't necessarily deny that you found it hot.

However, the punching agenda was still considered when he smiled and said a meaningless 'oops, sorry.'

"He's not wrong, Y/N." Wooyoung said, "Now since you still need to get punished, set the wand on high."

"High?" you asked, not sure if you were hearing him right. The night had just started, and he immediately already wanted you to use the vibrator on high?

"Yes, place it against your tit* first. They seem a little neglected, don't you think?" Wooyoung co*cked his head to the side, making himself seem like the usual playful person you normally knew.

You expected that he would've made San do it for you, but having you do it to yourself while you're propped on your boyfriend like a display piece for a public audience felt humiliating.

Then again, this was supposed to be your punishment. And a little humiliation never scared you off.

With your dominant hand, you pressed it first against your clothed, right nipple. Your body reacted with a slight jolt, shaken by the sudden contact with the sex toy.

Undeniably so, the buds on your tit* were already rather hardened because of how fitting the shirt was and the cold air, but having the vibrator touch you was a much more pleasurable sensation.

"A—ah~” you let out a small moan, but it was loud enough for the guys to catch.

"Move on to the other." you heard Yunho speak this time. You did as told and tried to subside your reaction following his words. Of course, it failed since they all could tell from your shut eyes and quivering figure that you were enjoying this.

"Good, you're already turning into the obedient slu*t I usually know." San commented, stimulating you further by kneading your breasts with both his hands.

"Now that you know what to expect," Wooyoung continued on, "Put it on your cl*t and keep it there until we tell you to stop."

This time, you used both hands to clutch the toy, inching it closer to your bare core that was tingling with excitement. The buzzing sound of the vibrator was intimidating, but that wasn't what you were afraid of. What they would decide for you to do with it was what scared you.

The second the silicone hit your puss*, you clenched around nothing and threw your head back against San's shoulder. An evident wail spilled past your lips, the pleasure of the vibrations immediately affecting your physical being.

"Feels good, baby?" San asked, knowing the obvious answer while still kneading your tit*.

"Yes—sh*t." you swore, pressing the head of the wand more onto your cl*t. Usually, you would start with the lowest setting and gradually move to the highest to peak your org*sm, but having it immediately on high was a new feeling you had never experienced before.

Even San never set it instantly on high when he controlled it. Perhaps your boyfriend’s deviant cruelty wasn’t the worst, compared to what his friends seemed to have up their sleeves.

"You look so hot, Y/N." you could hear Jongho say this time, the one person you knew the longest out of the eight guys.

And for some reason, that made an evidently loud whimper come out of your throat, kneading and giving more friction between your cl*t and the vibrator.

Really, Jongho was the one to thank for your relationship. If he hadn't called San to pick him up that night, you wouldn't have met him. Perhaps sooner or later, since you were a good friend to Jongho. Though sooner was better than later.

You couldn't forget the look in San's eyes when he held out his hand for you to shake, the attractive beam that was his smile you adored, Jongho introducing him as 'Choi San,' his favorite (and only) Hyung from Namhae.

Frankly, you were stunned when San told you that Jongho was up for his crazy idea to have his friends watch him f*ck you.

Unbeknownst to you, the reason why San wanted to do this wasn't that he tried to feed some fantasy he'd always had, but it was because of his bruised pride when his friends claimed that you seemed too “vanilla” to be able to follow his proclaimed, outwardly “kinky” self.

You weren't exactly "innocent" either, but you seemed like a saint compared to San and his sexual history. It was laughable, really, but not when you're already spilling sexual arousal all over your boyfriend's clothed crotch from the pleasure of the vibrator.

"You're such a f*cking whor*, already dripping onto daddy from just a few minutes of having your pretty c*nt pleased." San taunted, now moving on from your breasts to hold open your faltering legs.

"I—It feels good." you conceded, "Feels really, really good daddy.”

"Glad to hear it, baby." Wooyoung co*ckily articulated, "You'll have to say when you're close, okay?"

"Okay." slightly breathless from the moans you had been letting out.

San could feel your back arching off his upper body, your nostrils letting out loud sighs from trying to reduce the volume of your laments, your hair slightly tickling his skin that wasn't covered by his shirt.

Your boyfriend always found you beautiful, whether when you were washing dishes with him and your hair was pinned up while your hands were covered with the thick pink rubber gloves.

Or whether it was when you dressed up for a date and you had makeup on that took almost an hour for you to do (which San knew took you a long time since you always put music on, and your 'jam sessions' always made it take longer).

But when you were under him in missionary, or even on top of him riding his co*ck, the expression you had contorted by bliss was his absolute favorite. He didn't care if your mascara smeared or if your hair clung to your forehead—he actually found it to make you look more beautiful as he f*cked you raw, stretching your hole every time.

San was snapped back to reality from being mesmerized by your simple being when you stuttered out in the tone of voice he recognized all too well, "I'm close!"

"You wanna cum, angel?" Wooyoung asked, enjoying how you were writhing, and San had to physically keep you in place.

"Yes, yes, yes. Please~" you begged, the constant high setting making you lose your mind.

It was as if you could feel every nerve in your body reacting to the toy, making your mind feel hazy from the sensations. You let out a squeal when San put one of his hands atop yours, pushing the Hitachi further onto your cl*t, making you gasp aloud.

You could feel your wanton hole continuing to release your wet arousal, surely leaving a small stan on San’s crotch by now. A part of you felt embarrassed—humiliated from the way your body was subconsciously reacting, but that was the exact point of this punishment.

"Good..." he trailed, "Then, stop."

"Wha—what?" you asked, feeling genuinely high from the rapture.

"Stop." he repeated, now more stern than the first time. "Lift the wand off your puss*, turn it off, and set it down."

“Come on, sweetheart. Do as your told.” San tutted, despite pulling the vibrator out of your hands and turning it off, setting it back down on the table where it was before. Like he was ridiculing you.

You gulped, feeling more prone to the air conditioning’s breeze seeing that you were much more wet than before. Your now gleaming puss* was presented to the screen, your quivering eyes able to see its shine through the self-view because of the light reflecting off the drenching amount you had subconsciously produced.

“Your punishment’s not done yet, doll.” Yeosang piped up, his small grin showing the little canines he had. You always thought that he had pretty teeth, but seeing them this way reminded you that he wasn’t here as your friend today, but as another dominant.

“What … what else do I have to do?” you hesitatingly asked, twiddling with the ends of your shirt as San still kept your legs in place, spread upon like they all wanted.

“Hmm, it’s less about what you have to do, but rather more towards what you have to take.” Seonghwa quipped, the oldest man biting his tongue before continuing to speak again, “Right, Sannie?”

“That’s right~” your boyfriend cooed, placing his chin on your shoulder before laying a devastatingly sweet kiss on your neck, “Mingi, why don’t you do the honors of telling us what happens next?”

“My pleasure,” the man’s deep timbre evidently different than the rest, perhaps raising goosebumps on your skin from how attractive he sounded. Just like Wooyoung, he greeted you first, “Hello, pretty girl.”

“H—hi.” you responded, eyes locked on Mingi’s section of the screen, “Hi, Mingi.”

“Are you ready?” he waited for you to nod, which you did, “Great. So, what’s going to happen now is San’s going to finger that sinfully wet hole you call your c*nt…”

His degrading comment making you clench around nothing, liking how his voice sounded as he continued to speak,

“But again, you won’t cum. You will not cum, and if you manage to obey our orders until your punishment is done, only then will San f*ck that preciously tight hole of yours. Understood?”

“Will I get to cum then?” your question filled with actual concern, edging being your least favorite punishment to take.

“Of course. It’s only fair.”

You hated men sometimes, especially when they were so co*cky about sex. However, you couldn’t give a solid argument when they were all already making you awfully flustered.

As you pursed your lips at Mingi’s words, absorbing the situation, San’s hot breath hit your ear once again. You could feel his lips moving from how close he was, soft and supple, juxtaposing the filth produced by his conscience.

“Keep that in mind, princess.” he chuckled, starting to circle your swollen cl*t from the vibrator, making you hitch, “Daddy and his friends are only going to let you cum if you can hold in your org*sm.”

“I… I can do it.” you didn’t know if you were telling yourself that or San, either way it was to reassure yourself that you could, in fact, do it.

“Okay~” without warning, at the end of the ‘okay’, he easily slipped two fingers into your previously empty puss*.

Using his ring and middle finger, San slowly began to teasingly move in and out of you, pleased by the whimpers coming out of your throat.

“You hear that?”

“H—hear what?” you cluelessly asked, not understanding what San was referencing to.


Just as he said that, he repeatedly, and not so gently, moved his fingers in a come-hither motion, your special spot having been found easier than usual because of the vibrator use from before.

“Oh my—f*ck.” you mewled, now understanding what he meant as your eyes slightly rolled back from the sudden bliss.

The squelching of your wet puss* was music to his ears, and to the seven other men eagerly watching, being one of his favorite sounds to hear whenever he fingered you. To say the least, Choi San was the closest thing you knew to a sexual deviant—an incubus.

“Don’t cum.” he commanded through gritted teeth.

“What a pretty puss*~” without looking, since you were too busy not being able to control your body’s trembling, you knew Hongjoong was the one making the compliment.

“It is, isn’t it?” San replied for you, his palm now being used to grind against your cl*t while still finger-f*cking you, “And it’s all f*cking mine. Who does this c*nt belong to again, darling? I think you need to remind daddy.”

Little sh*t, you thought. If only this co*cky asshole wasn’t such a good boyfriend who was the best sex you’ve ever had.

“Yours daddy!” you gasped out, unfortunately writhing as you badly needed to snap the knot in your abdomen, “A—all yours.”

“Don’t cum, sweetheart~” he reminded you once again, this time in a sing-songy tone that made you tense your jaw. “Ask nicely to daddy’s friends if you want me to stop. Or else I won’t stop at all and you’ll have to hold in your carnal desires.”

Swallowing the courage down your throat, you knew that would sound f*cked out, but what did it matter anymore? Your org*sm and getting to have your boyfriend’s co*ck in you mattered more.

After all, you were Choi San’s personal slu*t.

“Pl—lease. I can’t handle thi—is anymore,” some of your words were elongated from a choked moan you tried to keep down, “Please, please I can’t handle daddy’s fingers any—any more. Can’t hold it in—ah—I’ll cum.”

“Awe, dollface, you can’t even get proper words out,” Seonghwa spoke, taunting you, “You really can’t take it anymore, huh? Can’t wait to get f*cked stupid by your daddy?”

“Yes! Yes, f*ck yes~” your pride now completely out the window.

“I think we should let her have Sannie now, don’t you all agree?” Wooyoung now asked, gleaming when the rest on screen nodded or simply smirked, “Alright, the agreement’s in your favor, angel.”

Purposefully slow, San pulled his fingers out of your puss*, making you squeeze around nothing at the sudden emptiness. You watched as he showed off his glistening hand to you and the screen, separating the two fingers that were just in you, causing you to see your own arousal stretch as it had coated his hand.

“Open.” San was referencing your mouth, which you understood immediately, seeing that you two had done something like this more than once.

Surrounding his fingers with your luscious lips, your sucking to get every drop off him was obnoxiously hot, making San smile as he silently thought ‘that’s my girl’.

As per usual, you kept the cum on your tongue. Turning your head slightly, one of your hands cupped San’s jaw as you batted your eyes, your mascara-painted lashes complimenting the faux innocence in them.

You stuck your tongue out, only a little bit, just enough for San to still be able to kiss you while sucking on it. As if collecting every bit, when he was done, he licked his lips and whispered to you,

“Always so sweet for me.”

A whispered, but still hearable “holy sh*t” came out of Jongho’s mouth, his eager eyes watching you both, amazed at the sheer raw and sexual connection that was being shown by the web cam.

“You want daddy’s co*ck, princess?” San asked once again, beginning to slightly buck up his hips, crotch still clothed and damp from your arousal.

“Yes, daddy.”

“Unzip me.” talking about his still zipped pants, which you quickly scrambled to smoothly undo with one hand, “Good girl, you can have it.”

With the same hand, you took his dick out, pleased by the bit of pre-cum that was clearly coating his tip, assuring you more, even with how agonizingly hard he already was, that San was having just as good of a time.

He was fully supporting your body, your other hand clutching onto one of the chair’s arms just incase. You took his hardened member and first rubbed against it, slicking it with your own cum like you were marking your rightful territory.

And after just a few pleasurable hits on your cl*t, you finally pulled back just enough to let the tip come in first, slowly, but in such a needy manner, sinking down San’s co*ck like you were dependent on it.

Like your puss* was molded and shaped for just his co*ck.

You let out a sigh of satisfaction, feeling like you were getting the fill you needed since the start. San was stretching you open just enough to make the pain melt with pleasure, feeling good like it usually did.

“Stay right there for a second, darling.”

And before you could register what San meant by that, your shirt was getting pulled over your tit*, rolled up to your chest to reveal the rest of your body.

“God, those must be nice to play with, huh San?” Yunho half-jokingly remarked, enjoying the sight of your bare breasts, visibly scanning your body as his friend’s co*ck was filling you to the brim.

“Oh, surely they’re the best.” San spoke as if you weren’t there, “Absolutely love f*cking myself between them. You should let me do that more often, Y/N.”

“San.” you slightly scolded, clearly distracted by the co*ck inside you. You were a tad worn out from the denied org*sms, but having your boyfriend at least start to f*ck you was sure as hell making you stay aware.

This was what you wanted from the start. Ever since the first denial.

“Okay, darling. Give daddy a minute.”

You could feel San move his grip elsewhere, shifting his hands to the back of your knees, bending your legs towards your body.

From the new angle, you could his hips pushing rougher than before, co*ck reaching deeper, and you couldn’t help but gasp at the change.

“sh*t.” you swore, the profanity serving as a sign that you were liking the feeling, your own hands moving to your tit* to hold them.

“You’re squeezing awfully tight around me, sweetheart. Missed daddy’s co*ck that much?” the co*cky tone oozing out of San’s lips, but it wasn’t like he was wrong anyway.

Not wanting any more delay, surely only wanting to have him pound you mindless, the words flowed out of your mouth like a mantra for all eight of the men;

“Missed daddy’s co*ck so, so much. Can’t wait for you to f*ck me stupid, until the only things I can think about are daddy and his friends watching me desperately cum.”

“Goddamn, you don’t even talk this dirty with just the two of us.” San spat, liking this new attitude of yours, “My girlfriend’s that much of a whor* to only get like this when daddy’s friends are around, huh?”

“Mhm~” you teased back, pushing on whatever inches were left exposed of San’s co*ck into your puss*, lips pouted as you spoke to taunt him, “After all, isn’t that what daddy likes about me?”

“You know exactly what to say to rile me up, baby.” he admitted, holding you tighter, “You better hope you can walk tomorrow, slu*t.”

And before you could register his words, San’s hips acted for him, having his body go absolutely feral, bucking into you with his co*ck like it was the first time he ever had a feel of your puss*.

Quicker than expected, your mind grew blank, taking in the man’s pounding like you wanted, only thinking of the moments of when his co*ck was out of you, and when it came back in to hit your g-spot.

In and out.

In and out.

In and out.

Deliciously devouring every inch of your hole, hitting just the edge of your cervix, and satisfyingly filling your walls.

The chair was creaking, making sounds just as much as the two of you were. Surely, the neighbors might complain again tomorrow, but you could blame it on one of your very aggressive sessions of ‘gameplay’.

“How the f*ck is your c*nt still so tight from the millions of times I’ve f*cked you before, huh? Is your excitement to have my friends—sh*t,” cutting himself off from the pleasure, “To have my friends watch you making you do this?”

“Y—yes, m’such a c*mslu*t.” you moaned, playing with the buds on your tit*, adding to the intensity, “I like that daddy’s friends are watching me—f*ck I wanna cum so bad.”

“You wanna cum?”

“So bad~” you whimpered, voice an octave higher from how it usually was.

“Grab the Hitachi.”

You did as told, leaning forward to take the toy from the table, where San had previously placed it.

“Turn it on high.”

“A—again?” you asked, clutching the object tightly, just a few centimeters away from your sopping c*nt.

“What? Nervous we won’t let you cum again, sweetheart?” Hongjoong teased, making you slightly scoff.

“No. You promised I could.” your interjection putting a smirk on all of their faces.

“We didn’t say if you were allowed to stop cumming once you start though, princess.” San added, beginning to relentlessly f*ck into you again, “Come on, put it on high and play with your cl*t while daddy f*cks you.”

You nervously, still doing as told, switched the setting to high, the excessively loud and strong buzzing noise taking over your ears, paired with your boyfriend’s animalistic thrusting that was hard to concentrate with.

Already in a bliss, the second you placed the vibrator on you, you squeezed around San, causing him to chuckle and let out a swear from his own pleasure.

You were already close to cumming before, and it seemed that they all knew this would bring you even closer.

Your eyebrows knitted together, eyes unfocused from the sensations, tit* and legs shaking from the overwhelming feelings. Though you didn’t notice, drool was beginning to make its way past the corner of your lips as your mind could only focus on the rhythmic bucking of San’s hips and the constant vibrations.

“You’re so pretty like that, baby.” Jongho complimented, “All f*cked out and you haven’t even cum yet.”

“I—I want to!” you replied, implying your desire for your release.

“If you want to cum, you better say thank you to Jongho for calling you pretty. Don’t be rude, brat. I taught you better.”

“Holy sh—sh*t.” the words you spoke barely even sounding right at this point, slurred from the pure bliss of sex you were feeling, “Tha—ank you!”

“Good girl,” San managed to say, somewhat still keeping his composure. Surely, he was absolutely enjoying every inch of your puss*, getting wetter and tighter the closer you were to cumming, “God, you’re just getting closer and closer, aren’t you?”

“Please, can I cum? Please, please, plea—“

His command cut you off, but you were pleased by it. Finally taking in your pleads to consideration, after mocking and teasing you this whole time, San’s smiled with darkened eyes as he spoke directly into your ear,


Barely gripping the Hitachi, your entire composure slipped when your toes curled, chest trembling as you clenched your jaw, a silent scream wanting to escape as your release took over your body.

However, as the wave of pleasure washed over your body, it took you only a few seconds to realize that San wasn’t stopping. That the wave you were feeling was only going to go over you a few more times until he wanted to stop.

San didn’t cum with you.

You were already starting to feel like you were in overdrive, having been denied org*sms and finally given one, the fact that he wasn’t stopping was making you more f*cked out than you had anticipated.

And just as you were about to drop the Hitachi, your boyfriend sternly demanded from you once again,

“Drop that, and I won’t cum inside you.”

How dare he deny you of your favorite part? But that was exactly what he wanted you to think. What he wanted you to be motivated by to keep taking him, keeping that vibrator on you as well.

“T—too much. Too much.” you repeated, the nerves of your cl*t almost painfully reacting to the vibrator still being on you, even after your org*sm. You were swelling around San’s co*ck, your body not having even gotten over your first high.

“If it’s too much, say your safe word then, slu*t.” he taunted, knowing damn well you wouldn’t.

Knowing damn well, deep down, you were enjoying this so much you didn’t want the night to end.

“Fu—uck~” you mewled, almost like a cat in heat, drunk on his co*ck.

“Daddy’s gonna cum, yeah? You want that?” you nodded at his words, “Of course you f*cking want that. You want me to fill you to the brim, don’t you baby?”

“f*ck yes, yes!” you had to admit, adoring the feeling of whenever San came inside you, his cum painting the walls of your c*nt like it was meant only for that.

“That’s right, that’s my good f*cking angel.” he grunted, his thrusts getting a bit sloppy, but not weakening by any means, “Holy sh*t.”

With the last swear passing his lips, and a gasp coming out of yours, you both came at the same time, San even biting your shoulder (in the same place he usually did) as he released inside you.

Both of you took deep breaths, San’s a bit shakier than yours as you turned the Hitachi off, his hands now carefully letting your legs down. He pulled your skirt and shirt down for you, covering your bare body with the clothes again, as if it helped in any way (it did, you appreciated the gesture).

This time, you could see that the two of you almost looked normal in the personal camera view, as if a girlfriend was just sitting on a boyfriend’s lap, perhaps slightly sweaty.

In a post-coital tone of voice, co*ck still in you as if he had something up, he rolled the chair forward to come near the screen as he said;

“Sorry boys, seems like round two’s gonna happen offline.”

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.