The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CUVtlAND HAIN MAI" Saturday april ij ml 3 CLASSIIED INDEX To order a Classified Ad phone MA 1 4500 27 Mt 29 knd iniermeni Mcmui lai KVASNIiK DOROTHY 29 In Memoriam Walter Koch Walter Koch 29 5 BUSINESS SERVICE 26 5 HELPS Ads DANIELS a LI See 8 Better uneral Monday 6 lowers Living SECTION A 8 Cemetery Lots a arc' sis 5 fc SALE MISCELLANEOUS 28 RATES AND OTHER INORMATION ft 30c OR THE BEST VALUES AND INEST BUYS HARD THE PLAIN DEALER WANT AD COLUMNS 3 6c CATCH ALL EYES i CALL MAIN 1 4500 Barter and Swap 5 1TANTOMO IRISH Help Wanted Male COMPLETE laundry and dry cleaning 20 Anna Mrs Emmett Travis ar'VAIMl MARV IKIIV Accountant CL 1 0115 ask for Rd nv Charles Maynard in AUDITOR for Pick Carter Hotel Grace in Branch Ten'unal or business lrhn Ji ore in 1691 auditing aept meat in a large hotel chain See Mr Griffin Pick Carter Hotel (Continued In Neil Column) 27c 36c 34e 46c 3C 7 3 Sun 58c 7 3 59e 7 5c con Cab Bridge 10:30 Cath Drilv 24c consecutive Insertions or more consecutive Insertions or two Insertions BARBER: A guaranteed $70 pro prietor colored Thomas A Jones 28 Walnut St Youngstown BAKER: Semi retired: part time: tor private club Box 32520 Plain Dealer Sun 34c BOOK Store attendant: school Seml retired man to work 5 hours daily Monday through riday Past experi ence as typist required Box 3620 Plain Dealer Mary McGreevy Madeline Ga la dear GO Daily 38c Agnes or IU ntf KHlflWtMfl MM RM MMt AiS Ml cMumcATtM ne 10 WILLIAM husband nf Minimum charge 2 lines? Count 31 letters and spaces per line labout 5 words) Box number counts 23 spaces 40c 51c Marjorie and i Kock at Hie rank Clevc hiffii llmant I yx iincim nir riunua efficiency method and public relations lg7 st petPlsburx 31 la College rrad Best of reference Will i JOE ERDELAC THE RAMBLER MAN 16515 LORAIN COOK: ull time Art for Sam Et press Grille 1 423 21 PR 1 0S1S flervlcea Satuiday Calvary Lutheran 3 AUTO BODY PAINTER: Exp ref erences Apply 14705 Saranac Rd TO HANDLE MOTEL BOOKKEEPING at Keyser a William Thoma 1 11 riends may RIDAY BLANCHE Of Cleveland mother of Gordon and Major A riday and grandmother riends may call at Davis uneral Horne 4154 Clark Ave Willoughby 1 where services will be held Saturday al 2 3j me 8806 Euclid Ave 12 NOON SATURDAY Monday April 17 at 2:30 HK 1JK1B (Nee West) beloved wife of the Ute Earl mother of Earl and Rob ert Uddin of umpunu Beach i Mildred Amenta Lois Byrne Ruth ZeiASko sister of Emily Wimseit Ardys Slagle Howard and Alfred ru numotier and $r't krMiimotri er 8t Pompano Beach la riends may call at Thomas yuneial Home 12alJ Ave Sciviua balui cUy ApiU 15 al 2 wlak uneral Home 6701 tensing Ave jet vires a tn Monday April 17 at St Catherine's Church Jnteunenl cemetery BODY SHOP OREMAN Auto body man to act as foreman along with repairs Contact Mr Hall BE 4 2077 Williams ord no EK NITIIAM On April 13 at Monterey Calif: formerly of Cleveland husband of Came nee Blacks: dear brother of Mrs Minnie Haber and Mrs Ann SrhwarU Interment In Mon terey Calif mother oi sister Louie late Auto Body Combination Must be A salary or commission 7391 Pearl Rd BE 4 6712 15 Personals Business Helices (Continued rom PrecedinffColumn) Breham riends Corrigan's uneral Ave at Moth SATURDAY) Monday April 17 Ansels Church at interment Holy Cross Albert Mar aud Alma at the Home 163 Avon tear SAT VAN loading lor lorida Can take part load Sparks Storage YE 2 3312 Garfield Blvd and ATER 2 SUN tnd place ot services Manlrdal Bernadette (nre NlhlUS JOHN Laie residence 16926 Chatfield Ave beloved husband of the late Lillie nee lmencej dear la ttici of Edward and Dr Juhn and grandfather brother of tne Ute Joseph Bertha etieiman ana Aauienne iecclvecl at Home Lorain St (ATER 7 uneral mass Our Lady of a in Cemetery Dally Sun 24C nVHhl I I A II AHI I A Him 4 iuiu and Beverly Ln u( Sum and Ltmnua Bureau emale Bureau Male iolaiidi giand tnk uncle away 5157 Heights Sunset Memorial' 1 1 ft till 1 1 lb niuv Building und A1 ION PATRICK Beloved husband of Anne fne Gal la hen: sun of the late Martin and Anne mee O'Malkyi brother of Btidet O'Malley Marv of California Bernard Anne Gal lagher of currane County Mayo LeUnd the late Martin Con and Catherine CalUgan: suddenly April 2 0 al Vallejo Calif late residence 1318 Gist St riends may rail at Wm Chambers uneral Home 4420 Rocky River Dr Requiem ma Church omit Howers CUSTODIAN couplt Part rent paid 1563 93 references MU 8K 1 8053 Recent college graduate for general accounting dept of financial institution Oppor WllHam George of Corinna residence 1294 0 ASSISTANT SERVICE STATION MAN AGER: To manage a shift must be a top salesman Good pay paid vacation and Ute insurance Phone for inter view SH 1 2070 call at Geo Lang Hme 95th at Services Saturday 23O ALL OTHLR CLASSIICATIONS: rcr Line consecutive insertions or more consecutive Insertions or two Insertions ACCOUNTING exp mandatory: 2 girl Industrial experience knowledge of job cost and Model 3100 preferred but not necessary West Side resident salary Box244 i5Plaln Dealer Atrllne Cargo Representative Experienced airline cargo or relative field energetic ambitious voung man age 28 to 35 Box 32420 Plain Dealer nf Sister KO I'H JONI rillNE iNee Lang) 79 wife of the late Joiiii mother of Airs Lu cille Merryman and Noinun RMh grardnuther and great grand mother sister of Mrs Alma HMrllcb Martin and erdinand Wednesday in Denison ruems may Co unoral Lorain Avp April 15 at CUSTODIAN: Handy reliable couple? part Ume for suite East flox 19012 Plain Dealer colored 3 room and utilities 10 wife modem brklu OL 1 4413 of Anna fnee late Hugo and Mrs EUh Snn Kurfls Walter Brlckner William Miller ACCORDION teachers Opportunity High salary vacation with pay full or part time See Mr Wilkins at Master Music Co 2997 25 1 to 5 Week In lorida $125 u' Includes 11 Cadillac transportation to and from lorida (2) lodging at our home in St Petersburg plus home cooked meals there (3 different tour each day to important cities and points write rionoa lours joox rank Mrs SAGHV JOHN Beloved husband of Martina (nee Buts) dear father of Mrs Marilyn Krueger Mrs Barbara Ratcliff hirlcy Jack Janle Wayne and Rcbei sun of Anna Post and grandfather residence 12821 precher Ave riends may call at the Schuster PARMA uneral Hume 591)4 Ridgp Rd ROM 2 5 AND 7 10 SATURDAY AM) SUNDAY where services will be held Monday April 17 at 1:30 Interment Sunset Memorial Original designs Hours io 4 i 1 2 pm phone 781 2319 iUAt'16 VYMt ax tAfhlon? 1 1 1 a mi imu SCHWARTZ lIfTA PavM away Wednesday April 12 in Burbank t'alif beloved moth er of Mrs Ruth Gould of Cali fornia and Bernard of Cleveland: grandmother nt three a liter of Little Margolis of California neral services were held riday April 14 In Butbank amily in mourning at 825 University Ave Burbank Calif Auto Body ender Men Al! small Jobs no wrecks experience Top salary commission Apply in per son 22290 Lakeland Blvd Bov man passed away riday 54 1 riends received 2 4 BARBER: The Union Club of Cleve land has opening for 1 well qualified man: steady year'round employment Salary commission and employe bene fits Call Mr Bobo MA 1 4 2 30 JiUithi (hurh iLnrHiu and west Bivdi at 12 noon in terment St Mary Cemetery (Jlm a ted alls beluvid hui dear step aotj Mini 7 Rldrecrest Dr iM'loved hue Ine (Szeenc) fra no TREATMENT BY APPOINTMENT 101 11 Euclid Ave SW 1 3775 20 Help Mele(Continiiednm Preceding Col am n) ASSISTANT MANAGER qT RESERV7W TION CLERK with Hotel or Motel ex perience needed with executive ability in area of Erie Pa Wonderful oppor tunity for right person All replies held confidential Write Box 26321 Plain Dealer giving resume of experience reference etc TA 1 ciivrv vl iill 11 I I C3 i Hl iJ lj? 3 Sl NI)AY We Will Buy Your Photo Equipment I IHjnrti' TV BttiAK riiuru wria rn i iovj mother needing help write Salvation Army Hospital 13m 1 Tc rbenson Dr nr Phon IV 6 4 loo books Af Atwater ME 1 7272 WEDDING ring and engagement rlna Lst April 10 East Side Reward A 1 0414 Biirtrp nd Swap Mdiirntional I lowers Cemetery Lots Monuments Personals BusIncM Noticrs Repairs and Service ASSISTANT Mgr theater East Side part time weekends and some eves write brief resume including present Job and hours now employed Box 26721 Plain Dealer in Gcmi'iciy in 25 25 25 La Belle's Chapeau Original designs Hours 8 10 Am hi VliUi Intei nl COIL ENGINEER Experienced with design and manufac tunnir of coll for txj n( tc moto and generator State education rerlence nd aalary dealred Box 1701 Plain Dealer 29 29 Pj Inh great grand Norin HARLOW MARY BMoved a iter Victor and Milinn Harlow mid Mabel achulz riends may call at Ixrce A Wells EUCLID AVE runerai Herv'ues in MIKE 3468 Tuttle Ave beloved husband oi veronica mec laiau): father of Anne Roman Michael and Edward and grandfather: brother of John Sherman riends received ROM 2 5 AND 7 10 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY at the Scerba uneral Home 13430 MadUon Ave Services Mmdny at Calvin United Presby terian Church 2051 Quail Ave at 1:30 Pnrlzv Plv0r Hr Rpnufnm Saturday April 15 St Coi a riease AMATEUR aong writer would like tn associate with lyric 2 6651 5 OTWCK BAR 11904 Detrmt rL Sat Sal Veth Trio Best tn Jazz SCHINDLER III LIAN iNee Cebula) beloved wife of the late James dear mother of ran Spar Dorothy Rauschkolb and Helen Matnrws and ganunwtn er sixter of Barbara Grundles and the Ute John Crbula late resi dence 5815 Charles Ave i foi mcriy of 1716 Cypres Avei riends may rail at the Schuster uneral Home 5901 Ridge Rd 2 5 AND 7 10 hA'iURDAY AND SUNDAY neral ma Monday April 17 at 9 30 a at St Leo'a Church Interment Holy Cross Cemetery Late renldenre Booth RuMaell hnl at Ualhfi: Hhfr nf Nanrv fHhef of Leah and Laura Di uib son of icderkh and the Ute Anna biulher of Peter riends if rived at uneral Home 1ireln Ava at MBlh fit UNTIL 12 NjON SATURDAY Al'fil iP Mr Church 1 2H26 nfarriit'nl be mad to Ml A LAZZO TASQUALE Beloved husudm of Athahne (nee Padulai dear lather of Mrs An toinette Cugan Mrs an Canell llere Marine Ruty rl and grand falber RIENDS RECEIVED 2 5 AND 7 10 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY al the Maher uneral Home 12119 Woodland Ave neral Monday St Marian ChUich at 9:30 a Arrangements by a Mario A loritto GITS to the Heart und in memory of your friends relatives or assoclatesiMANURE horse and oow 50c bu will be gratefully acknowledged by for 5 yds delivered JA 6 3853 ilEtnn I I IDOJ i ioii i ioifu 28 2929 29 27 701 THE SATELLITES: 4 or 5 plree dance band tor parlies dances or weddings JA 6 8126 $10 CASH PAID To RH Negative Blood Donors CLEVELAND BIOLOGICALS West St Clair Ma 1 5477 GANSCIIOW rldglfh Beloved husband of Minnie fnee Grundmann) father of Mrs Mar jorie and Mrs Elaine 4Mc Quale grandfather 1621 Rydal mourit Rd riends may call at the Wm Abel Sons Co Ymeral Home 1 5333 Euclid Ave near Shaw where servkes will be held Saturday April 15 al 2:30 in MART of me late red formerly mother nt and Leroy anil great Mrs Lydia Klstemaker UNDAYiSUITCASE lost from chartered bus: 7 15 Rhekwell Reward fur return cf Aonl 17 at 815 Colgate University notebooks and text IV AhtPlor Kft 17T7 oi liui wv BENT ROOMS AND BOARD HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS CHILDREN BO4RDD LOST AND OUND rer Line 7 3 (DI KM Age 3 4: of Mentor beloved hus band of Alma dear lather of Robert and Elizabeth Bodnar brother of Dol Williams tude Morton and the late Charles giandfalher April 13 The fimlly will receive Dtcnds 7 9 SATURDAY 2 4 AND 7 9 SUNDAY at the Brunner uneral Hrnne 8466 Mentor Ave (Route 20 M' ntor Services 2 Monday at Mentor Metho dist Church Interment Mentor Cemetery i4'i io you piy i payments ea and pay us $100 TU 4 7815 SUNSET Memorial Park 4 graves' unimproved $60 each financing availableSIfl 122 5 RONT lots Sunset Memorial action 2 Worth $950 Will sell lor $750 Call A only SU 1 3579 COLLECTION MANAGER Experienced man to take complete charge of collection dept of the Con tinental Rank Apply In person Roons 400 Stouffer Bldg 1373 Euclid Ave AUTO parts man: Experienced to manage parts business section Cleveland Box 19112 Plain Dealer GE1CI 4 IRI NE ROSE Nee Toth) formerly of Elyria Io7 14 Langton Ave Garfield Heights dr ttily beloved wife of John dearest mother of Renee Darin beloved grandmother of Victor Jr Dale and Laura Ann: sisicr of Mrs EllzaU'ih Springow akl of Lorain Mrs Julia Wilbert nf Elyria Louis Toth of Detroit Mich and John Toth Los Angelos Calif riends received at Golubskl GARIELD uneral Home corner or Tunny Rd DAY Time later been a months was (2 lire de 25 28 and fiand Ute yrafdiue 3553 annly will receive at th Pa robe uneral 5279 Slate Rd I'arma 6 SATURDAY uneral Homes EST 1880 Blood Donors CASH PAID OPEN ALL DAY SAT Cleveland Biologicals 701 West St Clair MA 1 5477 SIS'OS JOUS Ase 72 ot 1 112 34th St: frlrnd ot May Morsan uneral Monday 0 a at the uneral tlomr 4701 Superior Ave Servlets St John's CttlhMral '3O latci mrnt Calvary Cemtiery' Hill Rd I 1957 inl nnwr Kosaiy Snap 1)r Chevrolet LA 4 4 9 12 (LANDSCAPE work lor laying ot tile in bathroom Hl 2 4342 Prefer single man 25 50 Married man will be con sidered Good working conditions good salary full charge of Heloved wile nt ot Maria i 5LGloln and ni su inyu i ail A I mother: re ldenre win land Ave The famllv win ieeclr friends 7 9 SATURDAY 2 4 AND 7 9 SUNDAY at the uneral Hme 16105 De troit where aervlcrs will be hed Munday April 17 at 13q HnErz MARV INee bmiih) LMoved wife of the late August mother of Raymond of Detroit Mich Harry Edlih Kolar Edward and Rose Aitchlson luster of James John Peter Ed ward and Harty Smith and grand mother late residence 5523 Mor gan 8t Maple Heights amily will receive friends SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ROM 2 5 AND 7 10 at the rank Mc i Ginty uneral Home 8112 Supe rior Ave uneral service Monday April 17 Si Wenceslas Church Miple Heights at 9:30 a in terment Calvary Cemetery A6II1E THOMA!) Hvlovnj hiibHiitht of Kslly fne Mo Im taihrr of John a My Ann Luh'li lew Rutn slin ky Savage AU lria IUhIu rry and Linda other ef Melvin Of Plot Ida loie laaidrnce 3910 Vuw budge Ave rirmJtf may call al liBuy's funeral Hume 72tni De troH Ave 7 lo HAEURDAY 2 5 AND 7 1O SUNDAY Munday Apsil 17 I 1 rt '4 rt iNGiitr HAitnr Beloved husband of Josephine fnee Jasiei'H Ulher or mis Hoc kwood ana grandlalhrr of wtjtui Biui riarrv call SUNDAY 3 5 Si lirown utward uneral Home 17022 Chagrin Blvd where services will le held Munday al 13d rn Burial Ijike View Cemetery Ben nell SUarer aervke 3 5 AND (RAWORD AGNS (Nee PropsU: residence 157 South Point Dr Avon Lake Moved wife of Edward mother of Lucille Anderson Mary Louise Jones and Bsiy llaynal Bister of Lillian Waltz and Joseph A J'mpsl: grandmother and gieat grandtnolhcr riends may call the Burmeister unrJ Home 163 Avon Belden Rd Avon Lake from 2 TO I AND 7 TO 9 SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY whnr servlrej will be held Monday April 17 at 3 CURMAN MARIE A Beloved wife of Robert Et mnthr of Roger and Gayle Bronson: trandmolher of four sister of Day and Roger Perklnpaugh April 14 yc sldenre 2300 BellfM Rd ('leveland The family will Twelve friends 7 9:30 SAT TTUAY 2 5 AND 7 9:30 SUNDAY at The Edwards uneral Home 131 15 Euclid Ave where ee' will be held Monday April 17 at 1:30 ni HARDING BERTHA Wife of the late beloved mother inii nfham: menon Ave runds may call al iie Daniels uneral Home 580O Detroit Ave from where services will be held Saturday April 15 at al alvaiy church Eurild at 79th St Munday 17 at 2 The family Irtts that in Heu of flowers rlhulliitK niav he made In vary PicsLyteilaij Church Youth program or the A World bervee program CLERK TYPIST General office Intoan To 75 5 7 29 29 29 29 Lodge Notices LAKEWOOD (f I LU 2643 Knight1! of Co I Brother KnlghU: You are requested to nu'ct st Gnrrav Bros neral Home 14 133 Detroit ill Ku ii I A nr i I I a 4 A for ihc recitation of the Hny Rosary fur nur depart'd brother Wil liam Broxham RANK A KREJCI TY PUTIIU BEDORD CHAPTER NO 383 Eastern Star service for our late tMother and nasi patron tlme nights: muvt Im? hL nl nice perann tflxil 71 51 hour to atart Harvard Lee area Call 9 1 Chief Koch was bom in Bay Village The old family home Js at 31315 Walker Road next to his present home He was son of Henry and Marie Brauer Koch or many years lie was a member of St Paid Lutheran Church in Westlake in later years he had been a member ol Bctliesda on thc Bay Evangcl leal Lutheran Church His wife survives him riends may call at the Burmeister funeral home Avon Lake Services will be at 1 pm Monday in Bcthcsda on the Bay Church 23607 Wolf Road Bay Burial will be in Lakewood Park Cemetery HECK I ire nf 75 11 Lawn Ave Mrs Esther Maier Heckel grandmother andmotber sister uf Haeberie Mrs Anna and red Smith Thursday eve rt ng riends may call al the ('k) Lang Cu uneral Hom 95th and Lorain Ave ATER 7 SATURDAY AND 2 5 AND 7 I1 SUNDAY where services will bp bell Munday April 17 at 1:30 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunities MILLER BARBARA (BECHTOLD) CR 34jt) 95ib St bcioved vnfe of Peter devoted mol her of Lail Bechtold Mrs Elizabeth Hess graudmontr and great giandmoth passed away Thursday Apul 3 riends may Call aL the Hed Grosse uneral home 3308 25th St near Sackett Ave where atrvices will be held Saturday April 15 at 2 Rev George Gautr oHlciaUng 31 Auto Parts Repairs Tires 35 Mobllo Trailers 35 Trucks Trailers Parts 35 Wanted Autos Trucks 30 Autos Trucks for Rent or I ease 30Motorcycles Bicycles 30 AUTO PARTS ASSISTANT Large East Side GM dealership needs a young aggressive parts man with GM experience Lkal working conditions Good starting salary plus benefits Al! replies confidential Write full details first letter Box 1 7 79 Plain Dealer Dratlj Nntlrru Hurelvittl Until MlduDhl ur Nl aL Day's lam Dialer JONES RUSSELL lorixtx of Distinction 51 1006 Euclid Accounts Welcome ii MA 1 8545 With top notch closers liberal draw opportunity to make big money TranJ Hom CneAV1 ASSEMBLER Experienced grad some tech nical skills required Good manual dexterity a must Are 21 40 Call Mi xrnrMAr rnr mm Informal Ion STHVART WALTIR Husband of Kull) (Colville) father cf Marian Johnston of Chats worth Calit and Nancy Slewatt: iandfathcr of David Donate! ana Carol Johnston: brother of Mrs Hotel White April 13 riend may call al the alrhlll Home of Millard Smi As Raper Co alrhlll at ast Blvd 2 5 SUNDAY uneral services Ave Audi 15 Personals Business Notices THEATRICAL Amateur or professional talent Vocal instrumental dance and novelty acts wantid for lorthcumlng shows TIARA ENTERPRISES Room 10U9 lrtelty BIcU MA 1 9212 YOUNG BUSINESSMAN ln Europe mid May Experienced In all phases ot in a icons personnel within 100 miles or Cleveland (Rika beyond thia area elven upon reouest PArinvt irsw rn wiuc Per Line consecutive insertions or more consecutive Insertions or two Insertions GOLD CHARI IS i ResltU'Hte tompano Beach husband of the late Ann brother of Julius At Anna Esther CukL Mrs Murtha and Mrs Sara Singer uf Pomnanv Beach la Servlets at Berkowitz Kumin Inc Memorial Chapel Taylor Rd Cleveland j'eignis nine later ramnv residence nf Mr and Mrs Cisco 3627 Blanche Rd land Height Employment Employment Employment emale Instruction Male Instruction Help Wanted emale Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Salesmen Help Saleswomen Position Wanted emale Position Wanted Male te st and Mrs Mlrlan Schreger Iovine grandfather: dear brother of Mrs Rebecca Schor Phillip (deceased) and David (deceased) Services at Berkowitz Kumin Inc Memorial Chapel 1985 South Tajlor Rd Cleveland Heights Sunday April 16 at 2 ni amily at the residence of Mr and Mrs Leo Schregor 1836 Lee Bd Cleve land Heights IWmcii STEVE Age 69 Beloved husband of Eliza beth (nee Petrus) dear father of Mrg Thomas (Elizabeth) Clark Mrs Albert (Margaret) Luca Steve and Mrs Leonard (Irene) Wisniew ski: father in law of Wanda grand father nt 13 Ute residence 16605 Lntua Dr riends lecehed at the Rlcfo uneral 17504 Har xard Ave wheie services wlH te held Monday at 8:30 a and St Elizabeth's Church at 9 a V)RK AW 4 Anna York wife of the Rnv: mother of Mrs Eleanor Clark ami Mra Adeline Dines slater of Hamlin Wilson Mrs Mvrtl? York and Mrs Clara McDonald and eramJmother riend mav call at Lorre A Well EUCLID AVE nrl Ave MJIIAK MIKE Beloved husband cf Stella (MarekR lather of Margaret Jlibter Ruth Gulls Michael Jr and teloved grandfather: brother ot Ann Skor ko and Sedlak both of lor ida Catherine Slraub nf Califor nia passed away suddenly Anrll 13 late residence 3158 VV 58lh St riends may call at Schuster uneral Home 5300 Denison Ave ROM 3 AN) it SATURDAY AND SUNDAY neral Monday April 17 at Boniface Church at a interment Calvary Cemetery TIIH LA HiiiN SAMI April IS! 1358 Darling Skipper vou wdlGr always live lu our Mimory Aunt Loulsi Jones OR RENT Rent Housekeeping (West) Rent Offices Dek Room Rent Rooms Board (East) Rent Rooms Board (West) Rent Suburban Property Rent Summer Cottages Share Apartments Houses To Lease APPROVED DRIVING SCHOOL SA1H WAY SU 1 1144 INCOME TAX SERVICE Individual or buslne's $3OLD furniture and household junk removed veteran pick up ON 1 3220 PATIO stone in clor $2995? Domestic Cement Co AN 10511 "neoTsIgns OR ANY RAV2250 INCOME TAX 1 Va 3JT income iax service: io f'ice opportunity for advance DEADLINES Want ads for the Morning Plain Dealer received until 5:00 pm dallv or the Sunday Plain Dealer or all 8:30 riday HEIMIMAV ISAB1 LIE Beloved wife of i atii of Bruce Rover dauttr oi ttiure trow man ana NCGM redrlence Ledford AND 7 9 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY al (he Donald JOhn snn uneral Home 521 Broadway Bedford Service at Bedford As sembly of God Church 14 Eten wood Ave Monday April 17 interment Va Tuesday at 11 VLsi uni Hours saiukdav 7 10 SUNDAY 4 AND 7 10 al Joaeph flehuhr LYNDHURST ijheial Home 52 14 ms i i iu rvu rfl'i i HU MoND RD wliete ervi ea will hod Monday April 17 al Mrs Mrs nossed renklrnep riends may rail at the 11 Busch A Son uneral Home 4334 PMr Wil HOM 7111 SATURDAY 2 5 AND 7 10 SUNDAY where rcrvlces will tei held Monday April 17 at 26 26 26 26 26 25 26 KACKOW CHARLES (EASY) Beloved huswiid of the late Annance Prahst): father ot Robert brother of John the late Herman Ida ILmmel red Chris and Al passed away Thursday late rest 1 dcnce 4276 21st St riends received at Gustav Ruesch sons uneral Home 3111 Broadview Rd Sendees Saluiday April 15 at 9:30 a tn KASriR ANDKI or 4403 YorkORr Ave Parma dear lather of Michael Maty Gtr Inw Katherine Ward Elsie Bernes Theodore Kosiuk and grandfather dear brother ot Katherine Zent kovitch riends may call at the Rusynyk inch uneral Hamp 44rri Broadway Rd SATURDAY AND SUNDAY where held Monday and at St uneral Directors OR RENT Rent Apartments (East) Rent Apartments (West) Rent Garages Storage Business Places for Rent hililren Boarded Homes for Aged Convalescent Nursing 29 Houses for Rent (East) 28 Houses for Rent (West) 2829 Kent actory Warehouse Site Rent I arms Want to Rent Rent I' urnished Apartments (East) A Ilent urnished Apartments (West) Rent urnished houses (East) Rent urnished Houses (West) Rent Halls and Studios Rent Housekeeping (East) STONE AVII ROHI KT Agr 18 ot Udi passed away nday teloved son of Robert and Maty and yrandsuit of Ellen Smith of Lodi uneral aervicea will be held at 1:30 in Monday in the Parker uneral Ibmr In Lodi where friends may call SUNDAY ATERNOON AND EVENING SYVIH JOHN La residence 6725 Hoimer Ave beloved husband of Sophie nice Lewandow cRar utier ot John and Helen YUpa blotter of Sophie ietrzyk Brouislawa rteckf) Genevieve BugaJ and Anna Hwtecii tall in iolaiidu giand fathr i aeven brither ln law of suan bwtecn ATER 7 Hie Walkowlak McCAKIV JOHN (LOUS) Laie teaidence 33ul 9Ut St bdljved huiband of Anna (nee Lin den) devoii lathr ot Rjymuid Violet Mercer Haruld and Ralph giandfaihtr and gu al grandiaitier Thuraday The family will rtieiVt irunajj Hum Juneial masx Saturday April 15 ni CHEMIST Control laboratory eoll'j radua with ch mlstry major Recent rrauate preferred Salary Box 8788 Puritaa Park Station Cleveland 35 Ohio AUTOMOBILES Airplanes Parts Service 35 Saie Used Aiitininldlcs 31 to 34 Sale Used Sports and Imported Cars Sports and Import Cars Parts Ac cessories Service handle clients above or lelated fields Bex 9 073 Plain Dealer CARSDELIVERED Anywhere in USA BONDED DRIVERS AA Delivery PR 1 5721 CABINETMAKER ML woodworker for production be t0 MUP na run CANVASSER SIDING HOME IMPROVEMENTS A ALUMINUM SIDING CORP 8923 CARNEGIE CAVSS(M' Mill I I Ml lUIBlltT BelovM husband Ellen (Con me) dear lamer o( Ijinee Mark Todd and Scott: of Edith and the late Chailo brothert Edith Bock and Marv U'J haelfrr late residence 328 Pros pect St B'rea: passed away riday riends may call at the Baker uneral Hume Berea SATtirnAY 7 AND SUNDAY 21 AND 7 9 where services will be held Mon dor April 17 at 1 30 Servlrea ly Albert Baesel Post No Pt American Iejlon Sunday at 7:30 DEATH NOTICES: 8 lines daily $2 50' Sunday 82 80 excMa mm UniCr tCCet! Resident 19301 Nottingham Rd beloved wife of the laie Martin: James a Mary Braud tun Pa I 01 ruvnrtin 3 jusepnme viacn: grandmother and great grandmoth er: sister of Margaiet lanigan (Poughkeepsie Y) and Cath erine Campbelk The family will receive fiiendx 1 10 SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY at the Kenneth A Holton uneral Home 19309 Nottingham Rd Services St Paul 200th St iuuuudy at you OI HST1R IMRY ot Htmnmnd Ind beloved hus band of MHzi father ot Jlinnle! loving non rf Sarah Gold man of Lo AngelM dear brother of Mnt Best Turner Mri Gertrude Shubb and Cnald ah of Jts Amreiei sti 1 Al nf Gables Services at Rerknwltz Kumirh Inc Memorial Chapel 1985 South Taylor RL Cleveland Hdghtx Sunday April 16 8l 11 a rn Interment Mount Olive Cemetery amily will receive friends at the residence nf Mr and Mrs Schecler 4162 Sull more Rd ATER 7 ROM 2 TO 10 services will be Anrll 17 at 8 Thcndoslux Cathedral 733 Slaik weamer Ave at a Parastas Sunday 7:30 BABY photographers proof passers: home portrait exo Youngstown area Have car Reliable sober man Can earn over $5000 yr salary Rollins Studio 2915 Market St Youngstown Sterling 2 0442 any time 27 2728 29 29 29 at the fruitrns ubrul 9811 DenliMl Ave The he I lay 1923 as a volun madc one of two firemen in 3929 the former chief of the department William Sutcliffe died in 194S Mr Koch was named chief on Jan 1 3919 He had that post until his death iNre Kit'MiUflkyi suddenly April 3 i late residence 712 Marceiline Ct Cu)4hoga heights beloved wife oi Juni ph ckr mother of EihMbrih Miigart i Juaeph and Dbiutny daughter of Michael and Soplue rum iwy bistei uf Ruih Lvhe (Cdihuii Codi)i Vlumia Howard (Stow (f Loi' tta Micniel and Kalin yn daughter In law of Marie Kvawmit riends IWIM MAntAHLT iNee Ttuemaiu beloved wife of Ed wiid IL ied i mutlier of Etiwuid Nelson and Mu iciyi Huriue sister of (be late Geotge residence J33I4 Caine Ave rlemia may catt 1 i bonus uneral Hume 12512 Mii Ave 7 I' flATURDAY wheie servkcs will be held Monday April 17 at 1 Blue Print Shop Man All around man experienced machine operator and delivery man Call 8:30 30w YE 2 6 22 8 BODY fender repair man 50 50 basis Apply In person Quality Auto Service 2190 71 Ask for Mr Wilson after 4 WlN'CtniL IHI) A Bvlovtd brother uf Edith and Intte Dunlap deard Howaid Pelton passed Thursday late residence A iirikUIJ riends call at the Johnson uneral Home 521 Broadway where service will be held Monday April 17 1961 at Mrs Eugene Krest Mrs Eugene Krest who was baptized in iS81 in St Mary on the Iats 1he first Zatholic Church in Cleveland died Thursday in Lakeside Hospital She was born here 83 years ago daughter of Dominic and Jane Cameron Murray Loth her parents were of early families here Mrs Krest was the widow nf Eugene Krest a policeman who died in the middle 1920s 25 years she was a clerk in the old Stern Co department store here She had been retired since 1935 Surviving her are two sons Eugene A and James Krest Her lining was at 1988 81th Street Services will be at 9:30 a Monday in St Agnes Catholic Church Euclid Ave nue and 81st Street Lu ria! will tie in Calvary Ceme tery ri nds may call at the Wells funeral home 8800 Eu clid Avenue 1 LBINGMT JAM EM UOI I Lai icaidi'uct JoOlH Hilliard Rd Kui ay hlvrr ar of Rosalie Deay William IL Thunina Hch Barschow John Robert Maur Kmeu A and Carol Becker auA Hu lai? William and fUie Hoban Krlenda lecelvcd at Cor ruaii'a uiirtal Hume Lora Ave at 14 rh bt ATER 3 SATURDAY uneral mass Mun day Aptil 17 St Christopher Church 10 a dalerment Cal vaiy Cemelciy HERB EAIKLTT Residence 1705 voted hustand nf ODcai beloved lather nt borettslHAVE YOU an Excess hair audrcc: erandtather or Itichari Erc literature or consultation Lillian audreJ brother ot NmI and'0 Seeba BCT ttt Hippodrome Raymond Webb ot Mingo Junction Annex TO 161 Kalhenne arnsworth nf tLADY driving to Miami will take 1 3 motirg Va and Gay Bolan ofiwomen or couple Leaving about April Erlangpr Ky will receive 16 CL 2 2669 8M4A 4 1 CJ ill aAlUBIMX at me jxmiis Orlando neral Home 29550 Euclid Ae and after Monday at the Stritller utvral Home McKees port Pa uneral mass Tuesday a at St Pctcr'a Church McKeesport Pa mother ol (Monror Laj Mariln erinc Perslng Thomas chard Joaeohine Dr Van Valkenburg Dr Horace Van Valkenburg a practicing dentist here mine than a half century wilt lie buried in Evergreen Hill Como tery in Chagrin alls after services at 1:30 pm Monday 'in the Johnson funeral home 521 Broadway Bedford He died yesterday in Bedford Municipal Hospital at the age 77 The family home is at 52 Wandle Avenue in Bedford Dr Van Valkenburg was aformer president of the Clcvc land Dental Society and a fel low of the Internationa! College of Dentists He also was a for mer member ot the Ohio State Dental Examining Board and of numerous professional groups Bom in Bussell Township he was a descendant of Revolu Jionary War families He was a graduate of Chagrin alls High School and of Western Reserve University and its den ial school He retired about two years ago Dr Van Valkenburg was a member of Heights Christian Church Active in the Masonic Order he was a member of Babco*ck Txidge Chagrin alls Chapter Lake Erie Consistoryalso of Al Koran Shrine and of (he Shrine Luncheon Club He was a past patron of Bedford Chapter of the Eastern Star Mrs Emmett Travis long active in groups iden tified with the Masonic Order died yesterday in her home 91G Cranbrook Drive Highland Heights She was the widow of Em mett II Travis a steel roller in several mills in northern Ohio including Republic Steel Corp He dird in 1949 while they were in San Diego Calif Mrs Travis was horn 77 years ago in Kughnntown Pa and was educated in the Washington schools She was married in 1902 in Steubenville Her ite husband was act ive in the Masonic Order and she was a member of these organizations identi fied with it Ann Rutledge Lodge of the Eastern Star a of the Nile Ladies Oriental Shrine and the Order of Amaranth Mrs Travis attended irst Church of Christ Scientist of Ljndhurst Surviving her is a daugh ter Mrs Betsy' Ruthcn berg two grandchildren a brother and a sister riends may call at the Melbourne funeral home 12737 Euclid Avenue East Cleveland Services will be there at 2 pm Monday Burial will be In Acacia Park Cemetery ffLARiHI Beloved daue hlcr of Mr and Mrs A Wasner: formerly ot Nor Udlk residence 1970 2bth St riends may call at Klanke neral Pariors 12629 Detroit Ave LBKPwoou runBi mass i Catholic Church Ave Saturday April 15 st a Interment St Paul's olio Cemetery Norwalk WAGMR CLEM A Dearly beloved husband of I nee McGrawi: dear father Clem and George and grand lather ot eight Tuesday late re kience 19G20 Hilliard Rd riends received at the Nickels uneral Home 1400 Madison Ave Serv ices Saturday April 15 St Chris topher Church at 10 a Juter ineni uaivary cmeieiy WALLACK ISUORE Husband of the late Jennie loved father of Dr Joseph tlMMlwnv HOWARD Beloved brother ot CImwIi Ar rnsem*nt pendlnv Burr neral Horne Cltkrdon unerkl nonce later NOTICES Death Notices I uneral Directors In Memoriam Lodge Notices Lost and ound Rewards Nathah ryer i Nathan ryer former Cleve lander and nationally known concert pianist and teacher diet! Thursday in Montereyfcalif which hud been his home nearly 20 years i Mr ryer was born here 75 years ago nnd received hismusical education in EuropeWhile there he met Ernest Bloch first director of 1he Cleveland Institute of Music He became an early member of the institute's faculty teach ing piano He also headed the piano department of the Clevc 'Janct Music School Settlement In 1929 he married Louise tBlack daughter of the late Louis Black early clothing manufacturer here Surviving him besides his wife arc a step daughter Mrs Betty Mayers a step son Will iam Sincere and two sisters Mrs Minnie Haber and Mrs Anna Schwartz uneral services will be in Monterey ADJUSTMENT ERRORS II 1J the responsibility ot the Advertiser to check the comrtrM or each Insertion ot an advertisem*nt ln corrK'B Ul1 Dealer no responsibility tor the repetition of rmeo sT'nU ordered for mort lhn Inse'rff'X LSnrf bakni8 hazk kahuhink La3e ivaI'Hiiic uuu nalham Ave lUriihg daudhur ot luiula nnd Anna letrnui deareal ltcr of Ulywti John Iiomtid Kenneth Jaiiivs a nd fa ug 1 1 1 1 nt Mi and Ml fcdAiiid Barm of Gulllpuhtf iiijid icitlved at Co J'Uitei a JLine hrain Ave and J'lKih st (ROM 3 TO 5 MAlURhAY ONLYt uneral aeiv he biiihljv April 16 Victory Cbuith MtuteivHle at 2 ni Inienneut Mercerville 0 BRAMAN LENA BetoVvtl wilt of Iiadorc (deceased) devuiid luuthtr ol bain Mra Mary fthbetultlii Mi'I Libby OrluH and Mia teiihn GroMnwi dear siaier of hlanlry Altaliiiler of Delimit Abe AlUhUlrr uf i 'll I shu i gh llbuy Kline Mrs Mary lmtr of iami Heath and Nathan AlUhiter loving giandmotiier and givat giaudniulLer Servim al Ikrku wltz Kumln Inc Memorial Chapel 11J65 iiouih Taylor Rd Cleveland Heights £imday April Id at 1 in hueimeni Wanenavllle Cemetery amily will jecelve tnenda at the residence of Mr and Mia Jlyinah Orioff X36UJ Cedar Rd UltOSlIIShKY IOIJNE (Net Welgaihb realdence 7715 Launnr Ave wife of the iaie Ed WHid moi ter 4 Emma Maicvslak and Iho hie KrnnK shier of Mane Youmc and Jnseph Welaaud: Krand muther ot Dona lea Shaftr riendx iccidved al the David I Jone uneral Home OJih and Mtes Ate ATER 6 SATUR DAY where aeivicea will ba held Monday April 17 al 2 BRUXIIAM Belovt'd trite Polaki brolter of Mrs Paul Mt'La nd iiiUgh (Giace iesi rtrnte 2237 Adeline Ave Thura (iay April 13 1961 rjenda mav ull MTURDAY ANU SUNDAY 2 5 AND 7 1 at MGur ray Brog Lakewood Horn 14 133 Ave bunmal mass Mon day April 17 Si Church at 10 a Inieimrtii Calvary Ometery retired member nf the Lak'wwud 'olice Dept Lakewood Council ot and Chiton oal of American Legion CAMPBELL MARY Wife of 1 he late Robert gister of Aknei Rureii (SuoHnnd) cousin of Isabell Vlrkers and fclste Knight April 13: residence 13413 hi bourne Rd East Cleveland The family will reeive frlenda at The Edwards uneral Horne 13115 Eu clid Av? where services will be held alurdav April 15 at 1 ni Infeiment Ann Arbor Mich omit floweia CONNORS HARRY Beloved husband of the lai? Ron? Anna (nee Shannon): father of William brolher if Charlei of Toledo passed away riday April 14 late residence 2700 Hiuukpark Rd riends may call at the if Rusch de Sun uneral H' mo 334 pearl Rd POM 2 5 AND 7 in SUNDAY AND MONDAY where services win be held Tuesday April 18 at 1:30 ni CUOPUl ARME SR Beloved husband of Leak dear father of William Elsie Hume Arnie Jr and James and grandfather brother oi Clair Toler Ezra Cooper and Mildred Stock dale 4 away at New Port Jtlchey la riends may tall Af TKR 12 NOON SATURDAY al the Donaid Johnson uneral nie 521 Broadway Bed rd where Reryjrrs will be held Monday April 17 1061 at 3 INANCIAL Personal Loans (Licensed) Personal Jxians (Banks) Diamonds Jewelry Money Wanted 1TICIXT expert in on tax sen ice 0 11'1 "m5n 3 AST Cleveland Savings oledees srv ersi make nder 044 (Continued in Neal Column) omit sympathy send flowers! i Beloved jiu dhund gon of ihe brother Mrs Hilda Eiirl Ruth Miller and George away riday Add! i I Ji'4 it 1 1 WANTED TO RENT Want actory Warehouse Want urnished Houses Want to Rent Apartments Want to Rent Houses ki urn sins rnxA 54 years 1122 Rolling Meadows Rd Akron April 14 wife of Ewin mother of Mrs Robert Byrne red ut Akron three grand children sister c( Mrs Eda Schnske Arthur Aachcmryer of Cleveland Servlceg 1 Mon day at Grace Lutheran Church Aknn Rev A Wismar ot ficatinff Interment Lutheran Ceme tery Cleveland riends mav call1 the Billow Memorial Chapel 23(1 Street at alls Ae Cuyahoga alls 7 SATURDAY 2 4 AND 7 9 SUNDAY Con tributions may be nude to ntuiutKiii iHimonai runa oi Lutheran Church Auctions 30 Boats Marine Supplies 30 Clothing urs Repairs 29 Dogs Bets Supplies 30 Horses Stock arm Tools 29 Machinery Tools Motors 29 Pianos Musical Instruments 29 Sale Diamonds Jewelry 29 Sale Household Goods 30 Sale Miscellaneous 35 3g Store and Office ixtures 30 Typewriters Office Machines 29 Wanted Old Gold Diamonds 30 Wanted Miscellaneous 30 KOCI MMir (Opaieai Igt 73 of 1 2 1 1 Norwood Rd wne vf jdhk mu her ot Kfaij nd llnwy upalk Maty Kronur kiii bkmja jut liinne Veter and Ann nuhs imhdlD0Uii and givAL gDindinutn hunrui Miduy Uju a tu at iha Zak buneiai Home 6ul6 fct 4 iair av nerviCMa vnuirii xu a I rw Ah 4e day 3 Kfllsr JliblK (iUlCbl) 1 inc lai? LugGjtf mother of MerrecV a itenaudi Chariea Hleu4d) A and Jamr aiaicr xnc uecvaMd amy hrvry inn nee penuon and Lu DRto te'lhouikG rit rite may call at Loire A Welle EuULID AVE huiicirtl Home boon Euclid Ave Smicri M'diday April 17 al H3 nt Agneg church 7 um bt and Euclid Ave frlende Horn? AkT i It SUNDAY ROM 2 5 AND 7 10 uneral aervlcca imday April 17 al 1:30 Memorials may te given tu the American Cancer und Dratli Natters SLANY JOHN SR BehiVuj BUauand Of ZUite Antai father of Olga Wltaon John Cimtlea Dr Widi tm Slany i waaningtoti iij jmiirr 41 i I I i IIUIMMRY moiMTOl PARAKEET Inst Yrllow band nn font (Srt Wnw! Ot 771S Jefferies 'msn rer Ac wife of tle late Anthony I beloved mother of Nicholas Trcd RING lost: March 29 yellow cold anaiy and Rose Mane Herz andtedding band withf Diamond shaoe granomoiner aitder of Jennie Diimwio in oana riease return Ke Cuiinl and the laic Lucy TaieJwardV 0754 Angie Dad trio and Dominic oren kAi Jensen pin set with moon zo The lamhy wl'l reve fnendstone bst dowutown ea reward at the Kubu bon uneral vv 1 3770 Home 3271 55tb St AT PAY I 1U 1Q 2 TO 5 AND uneral Monuay a bervicea Church at 9 30 VAm kirk Dear brotiter of Verna Barnhardt and the late Russell uncle of Mar cella Barnhardt suddenly late residence 9629 Lake Ave The family will receive friends RGM 2 4 AND 7 10 SATUR DAY AND SUNDAY al Th? Mon real uneral Home 15132 44 KU ciM Ae at Shaw where services will be conducted Monday April 17 at 2 VAN VALKENBURG DR HORACE Beloved husband 01 Blanche fa ther of Jonn of Miami la and rother of Mrs A Lewis of Columbus Ga passed away Thurs day late residence 52 Wandie Ae Bcdfuid riends received 2 4 AND 7 9 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY at the Donald Johnson uneral Home 521 broad wav Bedford where Eastern Siar and ministerial services will be' hnlrl Xhndav Anril 17 1)kl tl DH SOTO 2 door hardtop beau viHvrnvin avtdvv craw vi full power In exchange V1IAN rONIO ANTONY (TONi iTT)fnr rq or irp outboard motor Beloved husband ot Thelen dear sit 9 3714 ouiookra motor cit lather ci Nick a Loi usL rn Ann and grandfather dear brother Break drum lath for 1938 of Mrs Carrie Capasso Mrs Jeuel LaSalle transmission Will buy or cx DlClcco Pat (deceased) Dominic' change OL 1 6212 (deceased) riends received 7 basem*nt kitchen SUNDAY AND MONDAY at bathroom carpenter work for boat and the A Vltantonlo Son motor 14' or over SV 5 7615 xioiiir i in i a uneral Tuesday Holy vuuicii i jju a VITT 1ONY See AN I BON notice WAGNER CLARA ML6 12 lhe Geo Lang Co UNERAL HOME 65 AT IllPAlN AT 1 TT IE ZIEHM co: 1333 EUCLID GL 1 5722 CORRECTIONS AND CANCELLATIONS or Before 8 rldy or Before 5 Sunday wwn 9her Before 5:30 pm preceding day When canceling an ad a cancellation number will ba liven No allowance on claims canceled without number WU Charles Maynard a Balti more Ohio Bailroad icle graph operator for 50 years died yesterday at his home 128 South Street Chardon He was 92 He was the oldest operator In jioint of service on the Akron division of the when he retired in 1937 He had been with the railroad since August of 1888 He left the railroad only once to serve with the US Army as a telegrapher in World War Mr Maynard was born in Bambden Geauga County on May 22 ISOS Surviving are two sons Jack chief of the Chardon fire de partment and Malcolm a Char don post office official and a brother Willard of Olmsted alls Services will be at 2 pm to day In the KItondaro funeral home In Chardon Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery Paines vlllt Walter Koch for 1he last 11 years chief of the Bay Vil lage fire department died late Thursday in Lakewood Hos pital where he had patient for about two following surgery He He joined partment in Acer He was active duty burg al the Donald Jikbiuun Tunrint MtiJi 521 Broaday Bedford Monday it 1:30 NORA REYNOLDS WxM MAUDE 7 ARE ALEPPO TKMPlK NO 45 iMiKhkii of the Nile LatLck McNia 01 How Prinrew nIW'W Youngstown VSw patted away Saturday v4 April 8 196 1 DOROTHY VRlNOTT Queen JlnAnrr "4711 I KC Auto Used Car Salesman 25 30 yrs of age experience pre ferred salary and commission: excel lent selection of cars Your customer's guaranteed satisfaction vacation pay Insurance and hospitalization benefits can 2(1 27 riends received SATURDAY at uneral Home biOl Lamuu Ave lime of eiv lees later TIMA bOHIH Wife ut the rank mother of Edward Majenak Mary lJavoff of Garretuville Betty Julia Ticl man Sophie shorf Anna Poppon of Tucson Arlz Elizabeth Magda ne and Victoria Smith gruno and jreat grandmuther' hrcnas lewivcd at the DuUincjiy Boswell Jones Mortuary 1361314 LOTS Sunset Memorial Park Cost Luclld Ave at orest Hills BlvdiJ'llS you piy 17 payments $11 ea SATURDAY A SUNDAY 3 3 AND 7 9 Service on Mun day al 9 at Holy amily Church Interment Calvaiy Ceme tciy TRAVIS RA( HI ANN tillia I i a irrrfl I TT fried bl UC U( lllC 40 (c l( vui wv vt Mu Betsy Ruihenwu wjTilA VEji: allots excellent xranilmotnrr o( (all Ann and Kuytton reasonabfe PE 1 5983 Wayne ituthruberg sister of Geoue Long and Wray Christman Ti tost and ound Rewards land Heights riends may call at Received Until Midnight has Melbourne Sons 1273 7 ur Next Day's Plain Deaer Euclid Ave SATURDAY AND SUN 'DOG lost: Terrier black isMtc: DAY ROM 9 A UNTIL Lakewood Reward AC 1 5703 him a SATU rwrf wtth' La? ANDASUNDAy' serv Eray yellow liai and lace: he to beSMonX April ReWard! '( a 2 I ourr' Lane av oio 26262626 Lair residence 374 1 133rd St beloved husband of the laif ran ccs (I'atai dear faiher of Her bert Viola Volna and Mildred Comlsh grandfather and great grandfather brother of Henry Ix)Uha retenen and EdKh Giuob riends received at neral Home Lorain Ave at 148th St where services will be conducted April 15 ly steel? Lodge No 621 and A at 11 a Inter ment Sunset Memorial Park service Eat work hand finishing finest dry cleaning Reasonable Prompt ptek up and delivery 6 8 Iri) I ON and after this date I will not be responsible for debts contracted by anyone other than myself Stephen A Murany 10102 Roschin Clevelandi ADVERTISING ART Roueh layout? and finished art tor businesses wishing free lance advertis ing art ACJL 3516 ESQUIRE DETECTIVE AGENCY' All kinds of investigations Employe r'lnfUa and nhnt rrtf I An Gftll CH 1 0554 llunity for advancement sal COLSON MASSAGE SALON ary insurance and pension benefits lease send resume Box 8421 Plain Dealer Deutl Nntlrru heBriW CLAHENrr residence i i aiwin is ii leu rrk' Kund nf rf Mav llrlliiw nf Adrian riends rerlvr1 at neial lUme Lorain Ave at 1 Iflth St wher aerviri will te held Saturday April 15 al 1:30 Inlsimf'ni flunut Meinorui rats Cetneleiy KDflL Al 1 1 (Chief Hiy pCpt residence 31329 Walker Rd Bay Village: beloved husband rf teleM uraiuvi vi cunina tm and Ida Ktun Shiley riends may uneral Avnn Rrllen 1:1 ROM 2 4 AND 70 URDAY AND SUNDAY AND UN TIL 1 1 A MONDAY mniributmne may be made to the building fund of the Bethesda on the Bay Evangelical Lutheran Church Services at Bethesda rn the Bay Evangelical Lutheran Church Hay Village on Munday at 1 tn neral ll mr asns Euclid'' Ac Service Saturday April 15 al 9 ni Hdp Malt bookstoremanage sxrsss X' £5 sharing or part ownership snd full resume Box 23811 Plain dSw Business opportunity with mirket SK 1 8009 TE 1 1313 1'EWHR DI114 loved sister Dan and and Ebzabelh ot Ireland lA(e resi dence 13621 Grovewuod Ave The laniHy will receive friends SATUR DAY 7 10 AND SUNDAY 2 5 AND 7 10 at the NEW Lihoii Murphy uneral Home 13201 Eudld Ave uneral mass Monday 9:30 a at St Church 15317 Eurild Ave 15331 llrild A LI lUQU uul vQl4 12737 Euclid Ave GA 1 1857 SNAUrY RANCES re lAiyln bjinvfl wife Of Beh dear mother of Jtilly Ann iniwan of flan Calif ami Janiit Rowltllf of Columbua grand mother of alx: patwri away April 13 late residence 24226 Russell ltd 7 9 SATURDAY AND SUN DAY at lhe fcaxtnn uneral me 13216 Detroit Ave uneral maas al St Church 525 Dover Rd Hay Village Monday April 17 at 10 a I IN Mil HA living wift ol Walter mother'A of Mrs Ijji Prilrv tt aim gi iuiumouicr oi three aunt of Mrs Gwendolyn Lrewington of New York City Thursday April 13 1961 ter home was al noo 142nd St Kriendi may call at i'has Mel bourne Ar Boni 12737 Euclid Ave ROM A TILL 10 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY (am ily win receive (rlente ROM 2 4 AND 7 9 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY where aervlcca will be conducted Monday April 17 at II a ni Interment al Scotti Cem etery Huron Ohio TEAMSTERS 107: Vote tor Dan ro 1 7622 eiss bunaay ueicgaie ru uic aiwuu Conference New wardrote shop relaxed have WAY ASHION PARTY WI 1 6424 MAKE your home or bar a shoupla ur murals and paintings contact GH Schill erS HJ 0 0 4 CHURCH URNITURE OR SALE Pews Altar Lecturncn Pulpit etc Call ME 1 4120 trcm 9:30 4:20 MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HEART UND Loan Manager Leading Cleveland inance Company offers an excellent opooctunlty to a man experienced In small and discount loan operations Starting salary $7200 plus a realistic bonus arrangement ringe benefits IE retirement plan insurance etc This is a permanent position In Cleveland and candidate with not be subjected to transfer out of Cleveland Phone for Mr A April Mr A Schaffer TO 1 7350 Ohio Loan Discount Co CANVASSERS or home Improv Wwti' d'Al tor rlrht man weekly draw C'' 9 to 12: 1V I 3T8A CANVASSER Siding Roo fin Re modeling Cad 8:30 10:30 yg 3934g canvassers part tlmr evenlniu35 per wit salary MU 1 3838 ExPerlmcrlflnl5hman CHE ul1 known auburban restaurant West B32820Sur CHEMICAL ENGINEER to 35 years of age: for company manu nilV 2'n ne dlver rLdu Les nclud chemical analyses ment ddn9 Als0 to Gas Atmospheres Inc 3855 150 Cleveland 11 CHEMICAL SALE ROUTE KS! established territory available 5110 week guarantee and conunlMion car necessary ma 1 6194 Bay's ire Chief Dies '9 29 2929 Jit 1 1 iitiT lOJIW a zM for all Real Estate.

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2013 cuts. In December 2012, members of the Newspaper Guild reported that The Plain Dealer management had told them that, after the January 2013 expiration of a no-layoff provision in the union's contract, it planned to eliminate about one-third of the newspaper's staff and cut 58 of 168 union positions.

Why is Cleveland's newspaper called The Plain Dealer? ›

Its name was probably inspired by a former Jacksonian paper published in New York. Among its early staff members was CHAS. FARRAR BROWNE, who created the character "Artemus Ward." In the years leading up to the CIVIL WAR, the Plain Dealer was the local Democratic organ in a Republican city and region.

Where is the Cleveland Plain Dealer located? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

One of those that submitted a bid was Industrial Commercial Properties/Cleveland Superior, LLC, which now owns the former Plain Dealer building.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

How often is The Plain Dealer printed? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

What did Cleveland used to be called? ›

Cleveland was founded in 1796, the result of a Connecticut Land Company survey of a 3.3-million-acres on the shores of Lake Erie that it would originally call, “The Western Reserve.” Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836.

What is Cleveland best known for? ›

Cleveland's quirky, unparalleled culture

One of the most iconic landmarks in Cleveland is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This legendary museum pays homage to the legends of rock and roll with its extensive collection of artifacts, interactive exhibits and live performances.

What is the cost of the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

Does Cleveland still have the flats? ›

The Flats have come back to life thanks to a multi-million-dollar makeover to both its east and west banks. This waterfront neighborhood now features restaurants, bars, shops and a boardwalk with complementary green space.

Where do Blue Angels take off from in Cleveland? ›

The 2024 Cleveland National Air Show at Burke Lakefront Airport will be headlined by the return of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. The air show, as usual, will be held on Labor Day weekend (Aug. 31 and Sept. 1-2) next year.

What is the history of the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The Cleveland Plain Dealer was founded as a weekly newspaper on January 7, 1842 by Joseph Gray. By 1845 it had transitioned to an evening daily. Joseph Gray died in 1862, and his paper was controlled by a series of editors until Liberty Holden purchased the paper in 1885.

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

circulation department, you have access to The Plain Dealer e-edition via any of The Plain Dealer apps and via the desktop browser version using the same username and password on up to three devices.

How do I cancel Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

Your payment is non-refundable, and your access will continue until the end of your current subscription. To cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer, please visit You may also call 216-999-6000.

What happened to the Cleveland press? ›

Citing the depressed economy and consequent losses in advertising, however, Cole announced the paper's closing on 17 June 1982, and the final edition appeared that afternoon. The former Press plant was demolished to make room for the North Point office complex. View image at Cleveland Memory.

Why did Cleveland decline? ›

Much of the decline of Cleveland has to do with the deindustrialization of the city. As businesses chose to relocate to other, warmer climates, or simply went out of business because they could not compete or they were obsolete, Cleveland, for whatever reason, was unable to address those issues effectively.

How much is a Sunday Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.