The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE' SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: RIDAY OCTOBER191923 year TEPE INED $100 NORTH ADAMS ABANDONED (LAB CLAIMED Du ria) Have street the LEE INCREASE IN Colonial Coin Gold Dinner Sets bulge ot arley for on Onota tr GREAT BARRINGTON Xi Special eature Raccoon Coats i or the Coming Games HINSDALE urniture of Character' riday: A Sale of Drop Leaf MOTOR AGENTS hall Tea Wagons a hams HOUSATONIC (As Illustrated) company alter id yeais ox uumo was given a surprise at the home of crashed through the fence down the it I I Tr vvzsivtT ir rn 1CC1T cr cmvmm 1 J1 HEADQUARTERS OR 10 LENOX DALTON OURTH LOOR URNITURE SECTION of of Velkel of this MESSAGE TO BUSINESS MEN the car sustained a broken headlight and bent mudguard Mr and Mrs Gillette and Mrs Sauer have left by automobile for Rochester to visit with their children there Motors Make loor Space Productive Warren Electrical Contractor Bennington Vt Isbell Electric Co North Adams MISS SCHOOL TO KEPT ON SAME SITE Louis oerster 270 Bridge St (New Location) 1 A BALCONY THIRD LOOR eaturing a set of J8 pieces for six people at $1775 Directors 1710 Washington St Boston S71 Broo St Providence I system of made ef the I5th i reaujusi ment of rates which will mean quite Lenox Oct 18 Raymond Dunn of Greenwich Ct has bought from Mr and Airs John McDermott their house and land on airview street Air parents Deputy Sheriff and Airs Tjmothy Dunn are to occupy the house Grace church in Lenox Dale will cents No Texas com Arthur Haff Electrical Contractor Adams a splendid Christ mas gift suggestion Mahogany or Walnut finish Rubber tired artillery wheels Glass Serving Tray Educational Society And the Church Press CHARLES HALLEE Two Bodies in Joint Annual Meeting Elect Officers and Hear Reports Secretary Sheldon Presents Plan or the Church work has Inspector cost is A GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT As quaint as if it had been taken from a Ccntury ohl Coiner cupboard is this dainty American Semi Por celain open stock pattern Dinner Set in a very grace ful shape decorated with coin gold band juiytnew uou larma the John Alden Spoor estate I iLT aim iiiiihiiig it tv a chain of country clubs lo various sections of the United While Mr Spoor declined to Richardson a six op the estate he said he would have such an organization A transfer of the property Hinsdale Oct The Delphian society met today at the home of Mrs II Smith The next meeting will be held bn November 1 at the home of Mrs A Pierce Sr who will lead the meeting Airs Hattie Chamberlain a former resident of this town is spending a week at the Robinson farm James of Pittsfield formerly of this town is negotiating for the purchase of the Sea grave place on Maple street now the property of Wil liam Morgan The Burns Carmel orchestra will furnish the music at Seminary Becket on Saturday night Mountain Electric Supplies Co Jobbers Electrical Supplies Pittsfield Mass Telephone 1818 Housatonic Oct 18 A large Cole sedan skidded in the sand near the home of Robert White yesterday and Vincent Pecoraro 33 of 286 Water street was found guilty on a charge of vagrancy The case was continued until tomorrow for disposition Louise Pesca 23 of 5 Vineland ave nue East Longmeadow in whose house the raid was conducted was or oered defaulted when she failed to ap pear yesterday afternoon It was brought out in the course of the trial that Agents Davis ami Horton obtained evidence of possession and selling over the head of Chief of Po lice A Letendre in spite of the fact that Horton was under age Neither Horton nor Davis appeared to testify yesterdav The prosecution was con ducted by State Detective David Manning PL A JOINT MEET! Horace ifield third vice president Miss Mary Carney secretary Miss Delphlne Godbeau assistant secretary Mrs rank Malley treasurer Mrs Choquette assistant treasurer Although the artesian pumps are now in operation here about 15 hours out of every 21 the town is in no danger of a water famine according to 'Al Bourne Adams fire district superintendent Mr Bourne said to day that the brooks leading into the Cheshire harbor reservoir are nearly dried up but that the level of water in the reservoir is being kept up to normal by the use of the pumps Southern Berkshire Power and Electric Co Great Barrington Parrish Mgr Stockbridge Chas Hall Mgr Lenox Newton Mgr Avery chs pel in hnVft a mated that there rrv throiU publishing editorial policy and referred to Dr Sydney A Weston who now holds that office in terms of the highest praise as had Dr Sheldon Mr Crockett then compared the present financial status of the society with its former condition when it had a deficit of $65000 A deficit of $30 000 still remains but there is every indication that this will soon be re moved and a start begun on a sinking fund But to insure the continued prosperity of the society the church i throughout the country must support It Dr rank Sheldon secretary of the Congregational Educational so ciety then addressed the meeting on the Church Rev Dr rank Address Qn the Church one problem'of the church is can sire dare she will she be Chris With this striking statement Dr rank Al Sheldon began his re port today to the Congregational Edu cation society at its annual meet ing program of the education he went on to say to do primarily with the task of the church becoming Christian We stress curriculum organization method equipment but always aS means as aids to Christian personality in its impact upon growing youth We know the strategic importance of work with plastic imitative impressionable moldable youth but we also know that religious education does not g6 for ward In a vacuum It is a social pro cess It takes place in a real world We know that every place where our youth rub elbows with other youth or with adults they are being educated that persons and personal influences are supremely important that re ligious education Is not a matter of an hour on Sunday the influence and teaching of which may be nullified by attitudes and atmospheres in home play school social business political racial and national life through the week And because we know that Christian ideas and Ideals taught on Sunday must be worked out in groups and personal relationships in all walks of life during the seven day week we 1 must now insist not only upon the I strategic opportunity in work with youth but we must equally insist upon such work with adults through pulpit and through study groups we will bring home to them with irresist ible force the fact that they can and they must be different The program of the education society has to do with training our own people in Christian life in Christian service and for Christian leadership it has to do with the church becoming Christian is nuttinff nrimarv emphasis leadership That means deeper Chris tian experiences issuing in a new and more contagious passion for the king dom of God Our program seeks to help the minister in his task of de veloping this local leadership and in a program of religious education which 1 literally faces up to the whole of life Study courses training courses or ganization equipment new methods have a vital place out iney ate to facilitate the work of Chris tian leaders By a department of missionary education which seeks to develop the kind of Christians who care and who share and who know the opportunities and needs in mission fields Today there is no reason for any church be ing without such a program if it de sires one "(3) By a department of social edu cation and adult work Unexpressed Christianity is useless Christianity which stops at the ftoor of the count ing house is content to leave the ma jor portion of our world pagan It can never build a kingdom of God We need a new faith in the ethics of Jesus By a student and young peo department which seeks to hold and make vitally Christian our youth during those years when so many of them are lost to the church and the service of any cheap for quack program all needs Touring Car Deserted While Afire Had Been Stolen North Adams Oct The Cadillac touring car that was abandoned by two strangers the night of September 30 on Union street and which has since been awaiting a claimant has been identified as a stolen car the property of IL Lappan of 230 State street Schenectady Word was received by the local police today that Lappan will come to the city tomor row to claim his car The men who brought it to this city September 30 were seen by Patrolman Howard Gay trying to put out a fire that started under the hood Gay started to go to their assistance but the men fled and have not since been seen in North Adams AUTO CASE DROPPED affirmed the historical fact that Con gregationalism has always placed its chief reliance upon Christian nurture in recruiting souls He stated that the value of Retrained faculty of 75000 Sunday school teachers could not be overestimated He mentioned the great influence for spiritual education that student pastors possess and re gretted the fact that few young men of first rate ability are offering them selves for the ministry Dr Horace Holton of Brockton closed the meeting with prayer and Dr Brown declared it adjourned until next flunk line management with whom New England interests are necessarily Also it was very suggestive to hear Henry Atwili chairman of the Massachusetts department of public utilities tell how years ago the pro moters of the Hoosac tunnel declared the tunnel would make Boston the greatest port on the coast and how the Legislature at the time of the Boston Albany lease were greatly influenced by the claim of New York Central that 4 hey would make the port of Boston a rival of New Yoik and then how we now are assured that if the New York Central gets the Maine Central it will make Portland a very great port It was distinctly also a high light when rank Davis of the Maritime association of Boston Chamber of Commerce submitted the documents to substantiate his evidence as to the exertions he had to make and the begging he had to do to induce trunk lines to send grain for export through the port of Boston inally it was suggestive that in the testimony of Philip Dexter dis senting Massachusetts member of the Storrow committee who favors the trunk lines we find these statements: 1 trunk line consolidation it Is a valid objection that the management could destroy necessary privileges en 1 joyed by the merchants and manu iacturers of New England Also: should consider it very objectionable to any trunk lino planfif it closed any gateway now open to plendid public water fire up Main street cemetery Mrs Van Deu sen lived in Dalton at one time The school children in the three brick buildings will resume payments tomorrow in the school banking sys tem which has been in vogue for several years or the best costume at the mas querade party by the ahola class of the Methodist church a suitable prize will "be given The party will be held Thursday night The summer home of Mr and Mrs Roland Burbank of Main street has been closed for the winter They will spend the winter in South America The ruins of the Hosburgh combina tion house and store still remain in in the cellar and the wood around the outside not burned The clean up has not been ordered yet The con tents of the cellar were overturned by the investigating crew Robert Morris clerk of courts celebrated his 77th birthday yestciday by being at work at the comity court house All those who went to the courthouse stepped into his office to wish him the returns of the day Mr Morris has been clerk of courts nioie than 50 years rection The defendant appealed and being unable to furnish bonds she was committed Michael Stackpole of Williams street was charged with vio lation of the liquor laws and his case was continued for hearing Philo Snow proprietor of Dark View hotel Belchertown was charged with viola tion of the liquor laws and his case was continued Officers raided the hotel last night and found four gal lons of whisky Carl A Yomigloff of Worcester was charged with larceny of $1 from John Lucier of and the case was continued for in vestigation Members of' the Williamstown ish and Game Protective association dis tributed eight cans of adult trout in local streams yesterday The trout weighed from one halt to three quar ters of a pound each A special entertainment program has' been arranged for a Rally Day service to be held at the Corners church Sunday by the Baptist Sunday school SttveraL vocal selections are sched uled to be rendered by radio from the Springfield Westinghouse station to morrow night by Mrs George Howes of Williamstown who is well known throughout Western Massachusetts as a contralto singer Rev Harold Gould pastor of the White Oaks church and Mrs Gould and their son are in Springfield to attend sessions of the national coun cil of Congregational churches Serv ices at the church Sunday morning will be conducted by Spencer of Briggsville while the usual evening service will be omitted The Williamstown ish and Game Protective association today issued a warning against versons entering the woods with firearms in their posses sion and also against the careless use of matches in the woods while the present droiigth continues The committee on remodeling the city hall has decided to renew the Stucco on the outside of the building Tile Laurel Park Chautauqlia asso ciation has adopted resolutions in honor of tlielate Rev Dr Ken nedy who was for 11 years a director of the association The resolutions were drawn up by Rev Dr John Watts Rev Albert Watson and Walter Hadley The students of agricultur al school are to erect a barn at the school and a permit for tne been issued by Building Rocheleau The estimated $3000 William Pepe 22 of 38 Lombard street pleaded guilty to a charge of keeping and selling intoxicating liquor unlawfully in East Longmeadow on the night of the 4th in district court yesterday and was fined $100 and given a suspended sentence of two months in the house of correction Mrs Blanche Costello 22 alias Nora Brownell another victim of the raid pleaded guilty to being a lewd person and was sentenced to the Sherborn reformatory The sentence was sus pended on condition that Mrs Costello keep out of the state for two years Mrs Costello and her husband were taken into custody by state police and taken back to Newark by New Jersey state police to face a charge defaulting on bail to the amount $1000 in robbery case WOMAN AILS TO APPEAR this to be done? (1) By upon NOTICE HIGHER INSURANCE RATES Reclassification Announced By Insurance Underwriters Great Barrington Oct IS The lo cal insurance agents have received notice of a reclassification of fire in surance rates in this town taking ef fect the 15th The rate changes include the entire town and in the business section the rates will be higher The new rates have been compiled as the result of an investigation and inspec tion by the New England Insurance exchange The inspectors spent some time here about a year ago and have based their report on the condition of the buildings wiring contents and cellars Practically all of the busi ness blocks have been given a higher rating One of the newer blocks is classified with a higher rate on ac count of the wiring which is consid ered poor If it had not been for the new fire apparatus the rates would have been placed still higher or several years the town has not suffered a serious loss in the business section from fire Practically all of the fire loss has been sustained out side the village yet tlie business blocks of the town are considered a risk when most of them are of mod ern construction Death of rances Taylor isnccs Taylor 63 wife of Nor manTaylor died at her home in Al ford early this morning Airs Taylor was born in West Stockbridge the daughter of John and Mary (Johnson) Maxwell She is survived by her hus band and two sisters Mrs Margaret Loftus and Airs Dingman of Glendale The funeral will be held at the home at 2 Saturday afternoon Rev Alorse will of fleieate Burial will be in the Vil lage cemetery in West Stockbridge The funeral of Mrs Alice Millard wife of Royal Millard was held this afternoon at the Baptist church in North Egremont and the burial was in Riverside cemetery' The setvices were carried out by the pastor Rev AIcHale i To Sell Quarry Property for Taxes William Boice tax collector for the town of Egremont finds that it is impossible to collect the faxes due from the Berkshire Stone Products corporation and therefore he has ad vertised tnen piQiitrcy aua v'l the afternoon of November 12 at the town hall in South Egremont The amount due the town with interest is now figured at $20566 Aliss Alabel Lown who has com pleted her duties with the telephone after 12 vpars of service iXo Ml vuit cv Air and Airs William Graham on Cot bank narrowly missing several trees tace street Wednesday night by The occupants Acaped uninjured and about 50 friends The party was a complete surprise and was given in honor of her approaching marriage to Elmer Shook of Sheffield The wed ding will take place November Lown received a number handsome and appropriate gifts the kingdom We prescription All such are medicines We a No one program will meet But we have suggestions and helps for all churches which care seriously7 to develop local leaders to draw ourt the resources of the young people themselves In making their own program and to enlist their splendid energies in service We are gathering them in week end groups and in summer conferences in district association and state conference ral lies for intensive work and to give them a new sense of the church and their opportunity for service in it There are as many students from Con gregational homes in three Aliddle West universities as there are in all cur Congregational colleges outside of New England Those colleges have over $15000000 in property7 and equipment over $15000000 of endow ment over $1500000 annual budget and they half as much as they should have But for as many stu dents in three universities we tlie national society state conferences and local churches together were able to spend the magnificent sum of $9a00 Seventy three per cent of the names in Who represent college and university graduates At least half the important positions of leadership in the United States are held by col lege and university graduates Yet but 2 per cent of the people go through college or university There they are leaders of tomorrow in law medicine journalism agriculture en gineering business and religion and we for lack of funds play with tlie opportunity Through national secretaries and through our field work depart ment with its district secretaries we attempt to bring this program to the offices are at the service of leaders and service than we can render A7 should have additional Then after referring to the drag of a debt of $40000 upon the work of the society Dr Sheldon said: cannot go on increasing the deficit Unless our income is increased decidedly by next June we must cut the work Just where we do not know but cut it we must when we should increase it The task you have assigned to this society is fundamental to the larger life and service of our churches and it is even more fundamental to the continued vigor and aggressive ness of all our missionary societies At the North Congregational church next Alonday evening the 22d there will be a general discussion in the re ligious education section on some of the following questions: Can We Do for a Nation of Law Break We Be Christians and Thus Abolish War Through Good Can We Do to Be Ibn of Racial Prejudice and Secure Religious Scientists and Scientific Religious Can Do for Semi Pagan Church Develop a Church That Takes World Service Seriously Enlist the Enthusiasm and En ergy of Our Young Young Men of Ability Avoid Ihe Ministry Says Dr Brown Dr Charles Brown president of both societies concluded the series of speeches with a summary of their pro gram and needs He emphasized the value of missionary education and re The Congregational Educational and the Congregational Publishing socie ties held their joint annual meeting yesterday morning with Dr Charles Brown dean of the Yale Divinity school and president of the two or ganizations in the chair The first business was the election of officers Dr Robert Gammon of Chicago chairman of the nomination commit tee reported the following nomina tions of interlocking boards of officers and the persons named were elected bv acclamation: President Rev Dr Charles Brown vice president Rev Dr William Horace Day recording secretary Rev Dr rank AL Sheldon general secretary Rev Dr rank Al Sheldon (on nomination of board) treasurer Arthur Crockett Directors (term expiring in 1929) A Crock ett Afassachusetts Rev Everett Kent Massachusetts Rev Ashley Leavitt Alassachusetts Rev Judson Cross Massachusett Judge Alfred Coit Connecticut (on nomination of exten sion boards) Prof Smith Massa chusetts Edwin A Stockin Alassa chusetts Rev A Petty Connecti cut term expiring in 1925 Rev' Dr Davies Illinois to con firm ad interim election to succeed Davidson: Airs Anne Borrows Seelye Alassachusetts to succeed A Norton resigned: term expiring in 1927 Rev A Bailey Rhode Island to confirm ad interim election cor porate members at Iarge term expir ing in 1929 Rev Dr Charles Brown Connecticut Rev Charles Bond Massachusetts Rev Dr Eaton Massachusetts Rev Horace Holton Massachusetts Prof A Meigle Connecticut Rev Dr William Horace Day Connecticut The meeting devoted tne remainder of its time to a series of which outlined the purpose of the two societies and explained the work being done by each Prof Welgle Explains Scope of Each Prof Luther A Weigle of the Yale Divinity school and chairman of the committee on publications began the addresses with a speech on ine Congregational Publishing Society Its Educational Ideals and Literature The society is designed he said pri marily to furnish literature to Con gregational churches It is not a eral publishing house that is it does not exist for commercial ends It will not accept for publication every man uscript offered to it that will sell but will accept some manuscripts that it knows will not make money The spirit of the society is evan gelical Prof Weigle emphasized It is not fundamentalist nor it is liberal in tlie sense of those who believe that the ethics of Jesus is are sufficient for religious life It believes that the gos pels are important also Historical Interpretation of Scriptures The society does not hesitate to em ploy the results of constructive schol arship therefore its publications are based upon the historical method of interpreting the Scriptures The material embodied in its publi cations are based on tested experience The results of this editorial policy ahAwn Jn npw nublica ell UUll tv MV tions from the Pilgrim press The first of these is designed for adult classes and will be a new series for adult class discussion on such subjects as ellowship and Industry ellowship and the am "Christian ellowship and Race and ellowship and International The press purposes to publish Jan uary 1 1921 a new adult Bible class monthly which will be the old quarter ly made into a monthly and improved Upon the same date it will begin the I publication of a uniform lesson quar tcrly ot tne group uuiiunu oumv which will provide a simple type of graded lessons for Sunday schools which cannot employ the usual graded lessons The press also proposes to develop material which can be used for week day religious education and which will be intergraded w7ith the Sunday school work The textbooks for the primary and junior departments have already been printed Treasurer Report Arthur Crokett of Boston treas urer of publishing society then spoke on the of the organizations He outlined the diffi culties which had beset the society previously in securing a business man ager who combined the necessary bus iness qualities ivith sympathy for the Talk Over That Motor Problem with the Nearest I Motor Dealer IBeekins Packard IBheat MEnciiM'iw: of A ir bi i on its mw 8 PITTSIELD Dies "Adams Oct 18 Mrs Anna town died late last night at the home of her daughter Mrs August Ho msn of 138 North Summer street She was born in Germany and for 31 years made her home here Only Alts nonnMraU rank Hanlon was elected nresident of the Adams Woman club at the annual meeting of that orga John second vice president murder The Rotarv club had Cecil Harns of tlie Chicago club as its guest at luncheon at the Wendell hotel today Irving Harvey talked on The new concrete state highway In Ikinesboro is to be opened Saturday for traffic along its full length with the exceptions of a 5U fuot stretch Where a giant elm was removed William Hagyard has sold a lo on Spndina Parkway to Clarence Bousquet of 379 South street TRUNK LINES AND BOSTON Important Points at Recent Hearing On Consolidation rom the Boston News Bureau William Chandler of the New England Traffic league was on the alert day after day at the Interstate Commerce commission's hearing with questions relating to the short haul the common practice of railroads hen once they command a territory the differential routes to the West and the like He told in his own testimony ot the sidetrack contract of Boston Albany for firms located on the Grand Junction line here in Boston and how the trunk line shuts the shipper up under that contract to shipments over its roau uiuhc as to identity of the firm whose con tract he read into the record Air Chandler simply stated the name aft er a single protest and said the contract was in force that very morning and the room was very still just at that time Two representative New England business men intimated that if in order to save control ot her roads New England's industries must find a way to mret an advance of freight rates it might perhaps be done Ply mouth Cordage company was one of these a typical New England enter prise a century old and in stern com petition with International Harvesterit Chicago The other was Charles Jones of New England Shoe and Leather exchange who said: whet management has been strengthened and all possible economies have been realized it is then found necessary to increase rates and charges to provide adequate income we believe such changes should be arranged by New England management working solely in the interests of New England ship pers and security holders ami not by 92 96 STATE ST A tiTt rEfrEt rEt'tfit ra i77fi7trl DOCTORS TESTIY OR "AND AGAINST MERCER i Jury Case Against Physician May Reach Jury This Aft i erpoon I'iitsficld Oct Dr rank Stafford of North Adams' was on the itnna in direct examination tor defendant in the jury case ot James Carey against Dr William Mercer of this city wlien Judge William A Burns adjourned superior court this afternoon Dr Charles Richardson of this city was a defense witness earlier in the day ormer Dist Atty Joseph 15 Ely ot Westfield opened for and Dr Ayers Merrill vvh8 "took an ray of the injured leg of tfie plaintiff was called by him to testify The case may reach the jury tomorrow afternoon SPOOR PROPERTY MAY BECOME COUNTRY CLUB 11 kV 1 I UMLK UI nUDUUUHig IU Ki'ted Sunday ou'nda i Will Be Laid This allMsfield Oct The work bt re Hng Alias Allra fashion school for young women onHes road will be started Sunday new building will be located ontically the same site as ti for school which was burne eb 17 last While Alias Hall couldbe located tonight for a statementk understood only the foundations be built this fall by the WilliamGreen company of New York and superstructure which it is said VrLs 9 1 1 1 1 I 4 lit CUI cl rlU ije or nricK viu buhicu vuhj in tne spring so mui uiuiumha Whch will brrnbsoiuteiy nreprooi may be ready for occupancy for the com mencement of fall term in October MJss Hall will be located at the Curtis hotel at Lenox during the school year afiie also has leased for October the Harley Procter villa on AValkcr street Lenox where classes Are held Over 80 students are en rolijd this year The Lenox Chamber of Commerce has made every effort to induce Aliss Hall to locate permanent ly tn that town The property she owns on Holmes road in this city formerly Meadow farm the countrystato ot the late Col Walter Cutting of New York is regarded as ideal for a private school Great Outdoors Association i Negotiating or Blythc wood arms on Onota 'I Lake l't Pittsfield Oct William rich nrdson an official of the Great Out doors association has been in Pittsfield ortinfr nuvujtu kA 11 rn the west shore ot Onota lake with 1 nf hnvtn? 4 IIV kUCUi part or cated in states give JSIr tinn on like ito iecure it unlikely this fall Sheep Killing Dogs Shot Daniel Cadwell of South Moun tain a end telephoned to the nolice this morning that a pair ot savage dogs had killed one ot his sheep Inspector Shepardson and Officer Naughton hastened down in an automobile with gunand shot both dogs aulkner Reported In Canada 1 cmer Mayor George aulkner A Service for AD People Xwionblr chrise Wpunme nnorminMfnrnta If deslrffl GRAHAM CORP uneral 3 7 Howard 8U SprlnKticJd Main 8t Wnreenter refiner Card should lie ort Chamber of Commerce to Aleet With Luncheon An arrangement has been made with the Rotary Kiwanis Exchange and Lions clubs of this city in ac cordance with which a combined luncheon between the Chamber of Commerce and one of these clubs wilt be held each month throughout the winter The Chamber will furnish the speaker and entertainment fea tures for every one of the meetings The Rotary club will join the Chamber in the first of this series on riday the 26th at the Hotel Kim bAll George Chandler compensa tion commissioner of Connecticut will speak on Chamber of Commerce and its Relation to the Community HONOR 77TJL B1UTUDA Dalton Oct 18 Contractor David Dwyer has work well advanced on the new concrete bridge on North street and a distance south of the lintstone farm He expects to have the new bridge readvrfor use in December IU6 ouuy VI Allo xi sen who died in Springfield was I hold a harvest home dinner tn the brought here today for burial in the church parlors Wednesday night iMuifciTirt' WILLIAMSTOWN Severance Assessor Resigns Williamstown Oct 18 rederick Severance has resigned aif a member of th6 local board of assessors after a service of six years it was announc ed todav His resignation after a period ot' faithful and capable service is due to ill health He was appoint ed to the board in 1917 to fill the va cancy caused by the resignation of Harvey Cole who left to enter the employ of the Williamstown Savings bank Air present term would not expiYe until ebruary 192 but it is believed that no successor will be appointed at present as the work of the board for the present year is practically completed and the vacancy could continue until the an nual town meeting in ebruary Should an appointment be made now it will be by joint vote of the three members of tlie board of selectmen and the remaining two members of the board ot assessors District Court Cases Mrs Alary Truskowski of Williams street was given a jail sentence in the district court today on charges ot violation of the liquor laws This waS the second conviction of this defend ant on similar charges On a charge of keeping liquor for sale Airs Trus kowski was fined $100 and sentenced to one month in the house of correc tion and on a charge maintaining a liquor nuisance she was sentenced I to two months in the house cor The small power user often pays greater rental per foot than hia larger brother there fore space saving Motors and Control should be used to secure the greatest profit from every square foot available Your local Motor dealer can help you plan to obtain the best economies in rented or owned floor space If you do not know him write or phone General Electric Company Third National Bank Bldg Springfield Mass Telephone JUver 7000 The Guarantee of Excellence on Good Electrical Charlemont Woman to Made Restitution for Accident North Adams Oct A case against Aland Van Alstyne of Carle mont charging that she left thejseene of an accident without making her self known was nol prossed in the district court this morning after it had been stated that she had made restitution to all who had suffered damage in the accident North Adams people who believe in the observance of the Sabbath on Sat urday are to have an opportunity to worship according to their belief Verkins of South Lancaster who recently was graduated from the theo logical school of the Atlantic Union college announced today that he will be here for some time and will conduct services on Saturdays at 136 North street Richard Brown yesterday found Tiirt tr xt ATTC three daisies and one butttercup wnne INbUKANCE KAI bo walking in field near East rllCVl A UVCWV7 a violet in Bownal Vt The Standard Oil company today announced a reduction of three cents a gallon in the wholesale price of gas oline the new price being 15 cents a gallon ollowing the announce ment retail dealers served by the company cut their prices and are now selling gasoline at 18 and 19 cents a gallon The Go gas company re duced the price of gasoline at its sta tion to 18 cents from 21 cut was announced by the pany Air and Airs erry AL many years well known residents ot this city have sold their home on Bryant street to Leon Rosenberg and will move to Williamstown to make their home vith their son Carl The new city scales for which the city council appropriated $3000 have been installed and are ready for use but Alayor Greer has not yet ap pointed a weigher to succeed Charles AIcQuillen who recently resigned A Durant touring car owned and operated by Root of Springfield was badly damaged this morning when it skidded into a ditch on the road to Briggsville Mr Root received slight cuts on one hand but was not seri ously injured DIED Tn this city 17th Avery 70 widow Of Marlow I neral services at Howard street rtday at in Oak Grove cemetery CASEY Tn this cify ISth Ellen Casey widow ot Casey of 371 Walnut street uneral at the undertaking parlors of Sampson Son Saturday nt 81" a in Solemn requiem hicli mass following at the Church of the Holy amily at 9 a riends invited At Holyoke 17th Mrs Melissa rench 01 widow of Arthur rench unoral at residence of her son Arthur lench 110 Lincoln street riday at 2 KILLGREM In this city Anna Killgrem OJ wife of Oscar Klllerem or 12" Pine street uneral services from Wash funeral chapel riday at 200 nt MINOTT At Hartford hospital 18th ils liam Henry Minott 01 ot 81 Cambridge street Springfield Mass uneral services at funeral parlors 18 Winthroo street Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Burial In Oak Grove cemetery OSBORNE At West Springfield 18th Jen nie 72 widow of George Osborne of 32 Westfield street uneral at home atz urday at 2 Burial in Agawam Mast ITjOHEY In this city 18th Catharina Tuohey widow of Patrick uneral at the undertaking parlors of Sampson Sot Saturday at 8 a Requiem high mass following at the Cathedral at 815 ni riends (invited WOOD In this city 17th Mabel Wood 36 wife of Harvey Wood uneral services at Graham's chapel 37 39 Howard street ri day at 330 Burial in Oak Grove cem etery New Sys teni Took Effect the 15 th Advance on Com mercial Properly Lee Oct ISVl'he Denn insurance ratejrhas been feetive in Lde beginning This system will' mean a little increase in property used for eommereitfl purposes and also an crease of rates on some of the res idences in the case ot some in par ticularly hazardous 'locations there will be a stiff percentage of increase Notice was given three years ago that tire protection arrangements were not up to standard and unless they were made so there would be a late in crease witli the result that those who gave the warning got only abuse for their forethought It is possible to bring a lower rate bv putting in a standard fire alarm apparatUR companies auu tiivvn hiiK a SI wiich ig not however piuip to the required standards of the in surance companies SIMON DEAD ails Toz Survive Operation or Ap pendecltls amous Horse Trainer Lee Oct IS Simon Curran1 5 died at the House of Alercy early this morning during or immediately fol lowing nn operation for acute op pendecitis lie was laxen iu 1 o'clock and taken to Pittsfield as soon as possible and his death was announced at 6 Air Curraii was born in Lee Hla early 1 tie was spent as a horse trainer on Eltzur Highlawn stock farm and he had the handling of some ot the famous fast horses in the days the tarm was noted Later he con ducted a meat market in Lee for some years and more recently has been employed on the Girard oster place in Lenox He married Miss Alary itzgerald of Great Barnng ion He leaves his widow and one daughter Airs George Alullahey of Philadelphia uneral arrangements will be announced later The firemen will meet at the Cen tral five house Alonday evening to a rpmrdinir attencl nlUKti 1 I 0118 IX ing the Halloween celebration at Pittsfield The Lee grange gave a PlaV Hot at Grange hall tonight foi the benefit of the grange fhe caot included several who did praiseworthy Acting Airs Heebner Harry Hastings Ruth Markham Lillian Johnson Aleck Walker and Joseph Pomerantz The presentation was so well enjoyeAthat the grangers urged the club to present further theatrical vy tho nuMIe good supply atm Ml VvGk aHniRvll TO tliciw i hca tb iinusuaiiy dry weather continues over an unex PtThe railroad company has been filV nrnlor the Steadman railroad bridge stone to permit the stream underrunning tlie Tut land owners near are afiaid that the result will be the flooding of their nmnertv during high water The term schedule for the Lee 194 has been an schools for 192 3 1J in tprm Sep nouticed as follows all term tember 4 to December 20 16 weeks winter term January 2 to ebruary21 eight weeks spring term Alarch 2 to April 25 eight weeks summer trm Al'ty 5 to June 21 eight weeks The hoffilays will be: Thanksgiving and riday following Good I iiday April 18 Memorial day Alay o0 who disappeared from his Pittsfield home several months ago is said to be in the lumber business just over the border in Canada He was in Toronto for a while Owen Wister the novelist of Phila delphia who has a country place at Saundcrstown underwent a minor operation today at the House ot Alercy hospital Dr Brace Pad dock was surgeon Air Wister has been" the guest ot Aliss Emily Tucker man the Qld Place in Stockbridge a ar An nounced These engagements are announced: Aliss Elizabeth Wood daughter of Air and Airs inest Wood of 107 Wen dell avenue to Alan AV Burke ot New Britain Ct son ot Mrs Charles Burke of 10 Pollock a venue mid late Judge Burke of this city Miss Elizabeth A lynti daughter of Mr and Airs William lynn of 23 High street to James Galnan of 15 Summit avenue Aliss Leonora Rockwell owner of Breezy Knoll inn on the south shore ot Pontoosuc lake and Aliss Lillian Becker have taken an apartment at Elmwood Court for the winter The following to keep their cottages on the mth shore open this winter: Air and Airs rank Read Air ami Airs Andrew Olsen Air and Airs It Van Deusen Air ami Airs William rasier and Alts Hagn The Wednesday Morning club will meet Alonday at 11 to hear Capt Wil liam Yale American military observ er with the forces in Palestine under Gen Allenby speak on in A Special meeting of the irst Bap tist church has been called for the 21th at 739 to act on the proiiosed sale of the llartlett a venue parsonage property7 red Tglro of Ghent thi? afternoon filed at the registry of deeds an attachment for $2500 in action of tort against Dwight Hopkins of Stockbridge Arthur and Louise Sylvia Des roches of this city have sold to Hor ace and Margaret A Kogers Providence I a dwelling on Os wald avenue for $1500 The Berkshire Automol ile New "blowout" committee has elected the following chairmen of sub committees: Reception Edward Bridgman music and entertainment William Shepard donations Russell Hotter: tickets Rupert Knox Printing 11 Bridgman and Clar ence Biladeau arrangements com mittee Louis A Merchant William Castle and James Pevanny An ef fort is being made to secure a trip to Bermuda as vne of the donations rank Creamer of Peru is to be auctioneer for the sale of three pack ages the contents of hich are to re main secret The will be held at the Wendell hotel January 7 Grand Chief Ranger 11 Sheridan of Warren is to be tlie principal speaker at the annual oresters memorial service at Union Square thrater Sunday afternoon at 3 District Deputy James Punder son of the 16th Masonic district is to make his annual visitation to Alystlc lodge of Masons Wednesday' night Tlie five 33rd degree Masons in the district will be in his suite They are: Congressman Allen TreadwayJudge Walter Sanford of Great llarrirgton Harlan II Ballard AV ill lam I'etherbrklge and William IL atrows of this city Mr Punderson also has invited Edward Meekins of Nrrth Adams the only other 3orJ degree Alason in Berkshire to attend Chief Justice Walter Ilall superior court has directed Clerk ol Courts Irving Gamwell to issuo at once a call for 100 jurors for a special sitting of court to open Novembt 5 to try Durante Jcred 1 RS I 3 i fi fee I Reg $29 Value JI 1 5 i Motors HO.

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.