The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 14 1917 13 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY (c*nt i mil front Ini lftli inn at tli i hurch social IToI Che noweth will explain the process ami ei? those I esent a sample of the ilillercnt proilnets tniiile I etcii and is portinllv occupied The ond floor is uuoi pieil by a dinin' "in and kitchen and the custom of vitg noon meals for the utHcers of mill will be taken up T'e hijth school class of has it a Christmas packet to rank a member who is in service i I rance ui the state tntird will stive a i at the Nott hampton armoiy I noun an xeninn ol Thanks 1 da iirp I'ormr at Cottaitc and) ir' ts is heimr rounded off tm nt curb will be put in Thet the corner property John A nave it( town strip of land nut this improvement I iastlrimpton athletic club will 'Iw basketball in at the town! inkjp vine i veninu by a Wi st field a 1 11 lei ic club WARE 2013 IS SUBSCRIBED Vntk by Workers in Bed tangle Drive EASTH AMPTON DISCUSS TROLLY ARES Board of Trade avors Increase but Will Protest Against Any Service Reduction The 1 oard of trade met in the lower If wn li i i veninu with a fair attnln S' ri'Hil minor matters rod im hiding a protest 'iii' it concerning the board a I I a ri cctit issue of onef tl papi is Tlie matter of ii 1 file to be asked for I thampum street railwaywas brought up by President ll irn 'lt and he gave a report fic the trnns i 'h committee that covered sink ground that was covered at the oard of trade meeting in Northamp ton Monday evening There was a general disposition to acc tt the statement th it rm ini cease was necessary and the pros al of the board rns voted There will however be a strong prop sc of the first i1 of Young stt in in Wai i i had I no 1 Ma I wt th '21 7 I I i M17 1 Miix 1 (I 7D All IV 'll i i i I mm I all i tttuit 1 IT i Li 1 I i i 1 1 1 I i i i I 1 1 1 I I i i 4 4 1 car I that tL 1 Vi nt 1 Dr 1m th A i i' t'crc lnHr iii'Hl Nintt 1 I 1 1 i I XU I I 1 1 i 1 i ip jol lilc Vi Lil i i i 1 liquor 1 Uli I Ik 11 ustndv SinnhiV I i 1 1 1 1 1: A 1 I mJ 1 i i raj I Mito 1m si Mu sons itet 17 i i Mi i 1 1 1 ti Nter Charles i J4p is pi i len Rubrt i wi nii'inr Philip i i 1 ii Tbt rl Milk i i'i ii I'li I I tudip rnard ul i assi nn uef IJridkiiiiar hol I a it Lt srannxiiir schovl pii pil under Hon of Misx A LLL ILuvvy 1 inuxir ir iiblw srluHUI viiJiLita Dav in the i ruiM itinds to nav for th 1 in Tnti i niatdKH I tur children and auiirst any mov to curtail the scv ip eitht bx discontinuing the Past or by nil hourly instead nt i Ii Other eonvos nns such as a ticket and choo! children's tic et at a rate less th regular fare will be ask 'd uc Th matter changing th inic of Alt Turn Junction io 1 inipton Junction has been referr? I ti pest office department as there i poxt oHic at the Junction BELCHERTOWN ZIJ INTERESTING MEETING Historical Society Learns Tlany Important acts The meermg of the historical soci ety in tlie library on Jloiiday evening wis one of tlr most interesting in the history of tin sovii The program in cl aigo i Mr II Mbs Ik Spinier md A I' was varied and Tl were piano solos Mrs Hah of rln all 11 solo by Miss Louise Allen loadings wire giv a bi Mrs Isey Mt Ward Miss King and A 1 Ik cdv ll I' a Hartl tt in response to in num" id an article on Itev Mr Port' a i former pastor if the Co i grep itionai vhuieli Mrs Kendall a1 gav bits of aicii nt history and among oth thi'ies brought out the lai't that 'ir silk hat made in th States is made 1 lelehertown Airs Willrim I Io nod un irl pan title of one of tile liridgmin elaa to tie soli ty Mrs tiuini lli' brought loops ii The liepubhian or long agood Myron Ward an old tarm eorc ook but the "st uni'iiie nr I Wr a pie made bv Vi edge 'iil in t'u whin pies were us 1) la aiaud ontnnicii lie JIjsm1 Marian and Hne Hardweil "iii mti a ehini silk wedding gov st of the early Sils Miss Steb bms "Spoons dated rears back I "a relit family The president Willard Stebbins read as the closing ovri'i on the houses of pertsn uitl 11 Chief among the of mb rist was tankai i bv Mrs Spencer this tankard of tin first ommunirm used in ilolland it 11 I ir fnj gave the history of the no me Turkey hill etion if Hi 'rln nid it was new to most ol his hearer and of interest to all Hcriert Cm gar a si'Ieetimi onAMi ur iniestca would think of us" Itepri I lli nves from Palmer will be present at the It' I Triangle meeting also given tile bth iakt The cantata will the ball it new Souiti i 'A i i Mile ar is com il ii in trie den I I con 1 reserie i i V' arc received I la th a dep art nt i r' duty iu a' "I "1: ijl T' ei bi TU' rii of Ware I si Thinsiiav me fit will a i I utter the at i ip mi er i an 'f i 1 Army van held 1 1 nd Army ball wih of Grigg post I icrtown the inspecting I I 'Iiiblieau vestfi'dav forward ildier bio's in rance 117 pack ieh were received at the ck Co store the receiving for puri'i ls which the people I sent to rance Mblt'iil Uei Gleason's arencll It'V b' (iliisiui gave his lite is' as a purl of morning service i Rt Mr Git isi was bom hi la'em part of tiie stat" attend I I working his uy through i school in New Hampshire mhe college ill IK'S i'i tile Cl liege chib I ire in i 1 si il i a 1 1 eailine reel uirs i enlisted 1 1 cob to I held etnmunity hall tomor sm ri ii i 1 1 in pi Buy aiiily 1 rum M' Tri weeks ngo when i Neilson spoke on Mr Hoovers appeal fo sugar saving lie said it was un thmkal that th' people i the Piiir i Stall should not make the sacrifice 1 of them i Monday morning he a niiMinieeil that th unthinkable has ppen and ilrir the appeal is I' mad for tin elimination of aiiily entir la acco no with this ap a pledge as been circulated among the students promising to ab stain irom the purchase of candy made flora iihiti' sugar until tin sliidiUge lias i provided ior Tlie following stu'leits took pari in tin pies' tatu of pbv Terne bv the German club on Monday ev umgr Iesa of Josephine 1 of Vaniiiuver Aiarioii of 1 rdianapolis Ind Barbara Iii coin New Haven Ct Arina Kottinke 1 of Mi riden Ct I l''oll'insby 'lb ot Exeter II Mir iam EM it 'Is of I Marion then II 'Is of Pawtucket it 1 L''Ui Muli' t' of St Mitin A Mil EKS Draft Statistics Compiled and or warded of the Wilderness Alt two XI'S WI called lorn id I At Iw ne py! a ry d'parttn'Ut 1 i ib 1 mi'dreme I 1 i rec years ip a a i i hool A 1 ti i i 1 a call to mr a While the uiani 'll flood or uri I his impish a I ite there in th 7" med a call to Nor il i church was uia 'Im a 1 ministry of lb years i who I tale vent to Neeuliam whei the i wore without a church "diiei this place a i 1 it Ch bn md the trembrT rtiip lars' nr i' ced After being re in us jc i esigned and South Amtp ii March 1sb i leaves las wo and will make home with his son Dr Edward of unset women no "ii riday evening 4 for the Itisl Cross In the Mi Harriett of Vortl spoke upon her trip through I ml of 10 Bed Cross workers nvass the place this Week to to monthly support of thisi A i iin) of five men will canvass to vi ip this week for turds to iv on the Young i liristt fi ci I on work among th sc rb'r 'HESTEKUlIIi Chenoweth of the Massachu setts agricultural college will d' iuit: st ate at the home of Bev An rson in Chesterfield fo dav the man aeture of pple nutter apple sirup Hi The making of apple butt'C especially is being revived in many localities in order to make etter i of cull apples and enlarge the vinter I lld'T i'cr' itiry of local board of division announced last eveninu that the compiling ot statistics con I ci rnmg all men i ecistered in the di I visum including all aliens between ar ot and '11 hare been complet 'd ami warded to the oili' it of the I i rijvost marshal general Washington This immense amount of work was completed within three days after i r' iipt oi the orders ami four days lu'pre the expiration of the time al lutii il to the work Th repot of the Amherst visiting muse Miss Huth It Holton fur the month of October is as follows: Num 1 er of paying eas' It: number of i lipuymg cases number of niod i al eases 1 1 number of surgical number ot baby feeding cases I number of prenatal cases 2 tuber cular patients looked up and reported to proper authority I'd total num ber of visits made 1 i2 total cash tak 71 and £1 1 1 3 88 A fi8 IC i ch make cram in powclcr form or imants irvalidsaidgrowing children cure nutrition upbuilding the whole bod Invigorates nursing mothers anJ thdave lore nutritious than tea coffee 7tc mstanty prepared Requires no cookin YUtUH os YOU Same Price Real late ii'iid supply Anyone interested is rMi tin Uy urixctl to call at Mr AnGor suu'b during tho day and in thu evui loho Mnriz Rea estate insiirauce MajoiiIc Block Mass NEW ENGLAND AAIRS RANKLIN COUNTY GREENIELD CONNECTICUT SOMERS NEGUS IS INDICTED WINDSOR LOCKS TRAIN HITS AUTO MAN HURT THREE COUNTS LARCENY WILL RUN ANYHOW rom before Saturday labor ALIENS INSIDE ZONES? Threaten Writ of Mandamus The by a train Two other new indictments were re Greeniield for and entering They BOTH SIDES WIN VEKIHCT 1:1 1111 1 111 1 11 1 1 i 1 111:111111:1 1:1 1 1 1:11:1 lira 1 irairi 1 iwii 11 1 1:1 1 1 1 11 11 11111 11 11 iimm i 111111111 in ti i rini 11 1 11 11 ni i 11 1 11 11 'S oill Nothin stumps them Alferf Steiger Comjmng to hi iihiue in th November Sale oi Handkerchiefs in the easo of John Bi dnarski of leer 10(1 cannot be INES SCOTT NEARING to hand embroid in plain and beautiful piditkal economy to $150 Tlir plain in THOMPSONVILLE of agrancy 11 A mbroidered Plain Linen mth D' i rlield i Linens 50t Ibdvol with colored ine cotton initialed Handkerchief tuv in ootwear on the road Specials in Crashes and Towels Date Olli PilloW Gases Silver Cloth Slippers irom corn ancv Linens the 5 who cannot account nine Mrs Warehouse Point John Cook of What is the Marshal Says Many Violate Government a move of num imported silver cloth hand turn soles snug fitting throat All Linen Handkerchiefs initials jury Ap llini Sherman Thomp where Mr rom there home and Mr airburg TIL wife and son initial handker chiefs of pure linen Rev cotton handker chiefs plain and fancy Domestic scarfs ami centers 75C Genuine Cluny scurfs and centers S29S lions aut''nibilv Pure linen guest towels Cotton huck towels fill while adjusting window shade nt the Norton machine shop yesterday afternoon and fractured a rib York Mr MJ Rob These are the same quality as last year and a truly excep tional value Store of Specialty Shops thn i'l nelit erdiet against the plaintiffs in niorial hall grounds where the roll lias been set up there will be a short parade by the Co of the Connecticut and one against Charles Klein of North Amherst for breaking and eu plaintiff party to vy ap in Pink Ihite hl 1 1 A 1 sociaf Gr Knmbts uf Columbus bought elsewhere Ernest uller has gone in com pany wit 11 icev sen to Little Rock Ari Thompson 'lias rice fields Air Miller will return Thompson will go to where he will visit his over Thanksgiving Edward and vey both of Somers Glastonbury Bath terday morning at her 'home Church street of heart trouble with which she had been troubled for a year past Mrs McKenna was born in Tnlleroan Kilkenny county Ire METHUDIS'I MlNlSl'EKS MEET nt individual yesterday afternoon The plain tiff seeks to recover SIM from th" defendants for fertilizer which he sold them in lllUl The ndants claim of Middletown Ct were returned at the superior court yesterday The ac vignt and ltailroul str 12 tins niornmg The automvbil' came Leverett on July li on was not in the courtroom Klein pleaded not Pure linen crash toweling Glass lowels each 19 the property 1 lari irs for the plaintiff Tolland mata sonville: Rev and Mrs Harvey Dorr of Thompsonville and Thomas Tyrie of Hazardville DEMO GE AIS IN WARD 5 liefciiilnnt Was Damage defendants in the rederick A Da Continuing our clearance in preparation for moving we offer additional values daily Hand made of the finest satin A smart design on a long vamp last high arch and dainty Louis heel ANIMAL fats butter lard suet have been used for years in cooking because the housewife could find nothing better Administrator Hoover says it is necessary to save these fats United States Men Here War Rule Reports that luting the law dresses or employment mit from the federal to the announcement Initials 25c for of and practically last prices Mary liar XVOrA ninrrifti riday the 9th by Rev Sherman Thompson Bartholomew Preli Suffers Broken Rib While Driving Over Cross ing Bartholomew Preli proprietor of a grocery store on Grove street while driving his auto truck over the cross ing at the south part of the town yes terday was struck by lice every evening this week from to to receive returns from the various teams of Man Cook of II Van Rev and Tite of Thompson of Tbomp tomobil Walsh machine with him besides Smith ami Cannon iriro Lloyd Ellison Antonio Riani and Harold Ils all of South Deeriu ld They shaken up tin Hemstitched cotton hand kerchiefs ISPztfto 19c many years but which has been aban doned the past twu years It is planned to secure permission of the army authorities to allow as many Oi young men in the service to return home to spend the holidays and incidentally to attend the ball The proceeds will be used for Red Cross purposes Chairman Mark Bushnell of the Young Christian association campaign committee requests that subscribers to the campaign fun i desiring to make their payment by check forward same to Judge uurKe wno is treasurer ot the mittee on or duct and was lined The d' mocra's are going to put aber of the Oaks hotel into the city campaign for aiderman from ward 7 in spite of everything Grand Jury Returns Bill in Su perior Court Alleging Lar ceny of by Street Superintendent of the central held this evening in at which George president fancy linen embroidered patterns tlie cas of William ninst Millii Stro Pmith Dt eriiilil Men ili'iii't llo pital al Hol? "Iw Timothy 1 The first meeting of the newly or ganized together and dis club was held last evening in the chapel of the irst Presbyte rian church and more than 100 mem bers were present Dr Curtiss Geei of the Hartford theological seminar? gave an address on the close of a world Previous to the meet ing the club enjoyed a supper served bv the aid society of the church At the meeting next Tues day evening Rev Burford Parry of Springfield will speak on the subiec: Georg" and the Judge Burke has been ap pointed treasurer of the Red Trinngl? campaign committee and he has ar ranged to be at the town clerk's ot lo ld responsible for the in that she had nothing to Th fertilizer order The enemy aliens are vio changing their ad a per authorities led yesterday ly Marshal Leyden that hereafter all changes should he reported to him or the per son will be prosecuted under the enemy alien act The law which went into effect June provides that no enemy alien should reside be em ployed pass into or through any re stricted area ur within a half mile of a government arsenal navy yard etc or any manufacturing plant mployed in turning out products for the army or navy without a permit ormer Professor Pleads Disorderly Conduct Charge Duluth A meeting union will lie Emmet hall Mordecai of New Haven of the state federation of labor and James Manee of Hartford an oili cer of the cigar union will address the members The members of all organized bodies in Thomp on vil are invited to attend the mvet All lincni hemstitched cases $250 pair Scalloped all linen cases $250 pair Embroidered cotton cases $100 pair Thanksgiving Sale of ine Linens Republicans Stand Pat But Hedge a Triile Silver Grev Black over Rev A pap on Germany' Studley of Manchester ifternoon session was devoted principal to brief after dinner talks by the members on various subjects Rev Mr Dorr was toastma er of the meeting Rev and children Mrs James Hendsey Michael McKenna Michael of I of be held to from ehuri where requiem high mass will bo celebrated and the burial will be in St cemetery The plans for the dedication of the roll of honor night are being completed by the committee from the Holy Name society The ad dress will be given by William Mulligan an attorni of Thompson red Negii i removed as super intendent of streets in Groenfield at meeting of the board of se lectmen was yesterday indicted by the grand jury in a bill returned at superior court on three counts of lar ceny from the town of Greenfield The counts in the bill allege larceny1 sums aggregating 'itl Mr Negus pure linen bought over a year ago hundreds of patterns 25d Save the animal use turn Nelli i im one corner eaturing the ianious handkerehieL which nd iujiiii' to bend an 1 il Cannon of the same unm i will be held at council this evening attend inay give any Dcciiles Encl I tor a gift of some suit that will be ac ceptnblo t'i the soldiers Such gifts as tobacco in all terms cattily tooth paste and other articles of that na (Juarterly bes ion for Northern Cun necticut Association Is Dehl The quarterly meeting of the neighborhood Methodist association of northern Connecticut was held in Thompsonville yesterday The morning session was held at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage on Pearl street and the pastor Rev Har Small lots oj High Grade ers from stock we hr re placed on tables to sell at $195 and $295 ine hand work on pure linen 75c and 85c values Mrs Mary White's Death Mrs (Galvin) White aged SO died at her home on Center street yes terday morning from pneumonia which followed an ailment of the liver which she had been troubled with for some time Mrs White was an old resident of the town She was born in county Ire in August 1513 and came to America G3 years ago She lived for a long time in Lee and came to Windsor Locks IB years ago Iler husband John White died many years ago She leaves three children Mary Thomas and Daniel all of "Windsor Locks Her funeral will held at St church to morrow morning at 9 where requiem high mass will be celebrated and the burial will be in St Mary's cemetery Hrs Ellen McKenna Dies Mrs Ellen (McMahon) McKenna mittee declared yesterday that ev Chairman Richard I lemiess of the transaction 'pear for the plaintiff and William A I Davenport for th defendant loyd cred hand kerchiefs of Hain linens I Ij and inch hems 19c to 75f Death of Mrs Mary Townsun Mrs Mary (Smith) Townson wife of Jeremiah Townson died at her home on Oak avenue yesterday morning at 105 after a few Mrs Jownson had al ways naci goon Health and the an nouncement of her sudden death comes as a shock to her numerous friends in Thompsonville and surrounding places She preparing the noon rnea1 tvhen she collapsed and when Mr Townson returned at noon he found her lying prostrate on the floor Dr John Bridge was the first to arrive at the house and he was later assist ed by Dr Thomas Alcorn Thev diagnosed the cause of her death pressure of blood on the brain caus ing a hemorrhage Mrs Totvnson a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Smith and was born in Thompsonville ebruary IB 1S51 During her early life she had con ducted a millinery store in her Main street business block Iler only sur viving relative is her husband who is an overseer in the plant of the Bige low Hartford carpet corporation The funeral will be held at the home on Dak avenue to morrow afternoon ar and will be private The service will be conducted bv Rev rancis Dell pastor of the irs1 Presbyteri church and burial will be in Thompsonville ccmeterv riends are asked to omit floral tributes Plan Military Ball The Red Cross organization is plan ning to hold a military ball in Casino hall on Monday evening December 111 to take the place of the annual New ball hold by the firemen for the noon ex press and escaped with a broken rib Mr Preli was on the return trip from Hartford tvith a load of provisions The engine struck the car a glanc ing and threw Preli out on the opposite side and down the bank toward the river The machine yvas smashed The train was from New bound to Springfield and Boston Preli was attended by Dr insun Bliss A Price of was killed two weeks ago on the same spot there" and pl ms to ship to night's gifts in one package to be distributed upon delivery John Kiley rank Donovan and Edward Powers are the committee in charge flatiy yesterday They care not that the board of aldermen acting upon advice from tlie city solicitor just fin ished Seating Clinton Cowls re publican in that coveted ward 7 chair to finish out the remaining year of Smnnel it not that the city An exceptionally large and varL stock ol popular priced bandker cliicls is offered here tabling by Rev Thomas vrie pastor of the Idethodist church Hazard ville The business session was pre tend Margaret all Locks The funerat will morrow morning at Hl Mrs II II Critchlow I lev and Mrs Dele mater of llockanum: Rev Stud ley of Manchester Rev I' Phramer ot Rev and Mrs 5V Chester: President Rev Tolland: Rev and Airs All Linen Jlent titched Handker chiefs 10c women Hundreds dozens of foreign domestic make at tormnii Judd uno iiiat" The injured men wt re la hospital and ntt tidt by Hand It is rot thought tin not field to be irtj will lie in the running name on the illot will be made to git damns to tlie name Some republicans stick with tne cit? administration and hold that Mr ilectimi Monday night was bgal itiul definitely settles the question but Janies Walls was nominated on stickers in that party's caucus last night that in case Air nas represented by William A Daven port and the reading of the jndii nient waived He pleaded not guilty to the indictment lie was held under bonds of which were cn in cash paid out for sup plies A successful and tvell uttemled sup per was held last evening by the benevolent society of the irst church in the church dining room Mrs Thompson was In charge and was assisted on the committee by Mrs red Sloan Airs William Macarty Aliss annie Strickland Mrs Julia Trott Mrs Edwards Mrs flid Airs Ellery Strickland Airs Page Airs George Allen Imported cotton and linen handkerchiefs with beauti i'ul colored borders 35? and W'Gihl bo mac to force a ca i )tlil: 1 9 iut the riirminy yet Air aber is be a candidate if the city eb rk re front of street ear which wic going down the iccht bt et hilL 1 he cal struck the automobile in the side i ne au Williaiu vldh1 making an alleged nntivarpfeeh at iLilnth Alinn xva ar raimnd in police eourt late yester day pleaded Ltiilty to disorderly con Display Dav Mazola a pure oil And the housewife congratulates herself that she has at last found something better than the old cooking mediums Mazola the pure vegetable oil (produced from corn) for shortening deep frying saute ing and salad dressings Mazola reaches cooking heat long before it smokes cooks food more quickly and at the same time more thoroughly This does away with sogginess and greasiness makes fried foods easy to digest And Mazola can be used over ana over again because it does not transmit taste or odor from one food to another! I That is what makes it so wonderfully economical Get Mazola from your grocei in pint quart half gallon or gallon tins tnev are even more economical than the bottlesz If after a fair trial you are not satisfied nvith Mazola return to your grocer and he will refund your money Write today for our free Mazola Book of Recipes US NTATI HA STKEET BOSTON fcH SALAD COOKING ONE PINT NEW ENGEANb REELING RES AHEN A CAHOON 131 STATE Corn Products Refining Company 17 Batterv Place New York MOO I Im I ms as R3 1 MS 8 pM E9 vuv JLa LAs Lace Curtains of Every Kind With cold upon us he armth 1 ami homines which curtains give to the home make them appreciated Here are omc excellent valu 50 pairs of marquisette curtains in white and cream with edging and insertion $400 value $29S pair 100 pairs of marquisette curtains in white cream or arabian with Cluny edging $200 pair A limited number of Nottingham? in ecruE only 75C pair Quaker lace curtains in 10 exquisite pat 2 terns in white or arabian $49S pair Madras curtains in cream only pr igured Madras A wide variety of patterns in cream or white specially good quality at 40C and 50C yard rT'Cr 1 1 i 4 I I I I a 1 ffv Ij I 7 OL N'i 0 ii Bi I Lz I 6 ii ii ii iiiiniiniji in 1 1 1111:11:1111 ii iiii 1 1 iitii 1 1111 111 1 ri in 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 ini ii 1 iti i 1 i i riwiiMi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 111 1 1 1 I I I i.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.