The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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HAMPSHIRE COUNTY GRAsnr Continued rom rage 111 a basket lunch enjoyed The circles as sembled again at 130 o'clock short praise service was held Mrs Anderson of Amherst offered prayer and members of the Granby society sang Mrs Abbot of India a missionary of the Methodist board talked about different phases of child life in India in a most interesting manner After the taking of Hie offering and a song the meeting closed This was the anniversary of the Light Hearers ENIELD The next meeting of the Quabbin club will be held to morrow afternoon at the Lome of Mrs II II Barlow with the fol lowing program: Roll call favorite poem of Longfellow's and paper "Indian education" Mrs annie Downing sketch song and legend" Mrs t'hiekering reading "Drama of Hia watha' Mrs Kimball critic Mrs Barlow Miss Arline Barlow of Westfield normal School spent Sunday at her home Mr and Mrs Clarence Chamberlain have returned from an automobile trip to Worcester Mrs Marston of Portland Me is a guest in the home of Mr and Mrs II Stevens Mrs Marston is a cousin of Mrs Miss annie Powers visited friends in North Brookfield last week and attended the dedication of the liarwood monument AMHERST COfXEGE Her John Stone 1891 of Chicago occupied the pulpit in the college church yesterday morning and also addressed the Christian association meeting last evening The assistant manager of the heavy team will be elected in chapel to morrow morning from the following com petitors: II Cobb II Littlejohn and IT Wadhams 1913 The third iin dergraduate member of the board of col lege organizations will be chosen at the same time from the following nominees: Brock Colton and Wells 1912 RANKLIN COUNTY SHELBURNE ALLS IRE PATROL GIVES ALARM irst orest ire Discovered ly New Lookout The fire patrol station recently estab lished as one of a system throughout the state on Mt Massaemet proved its worth riday afternoon when Nelson Wood ward the lookout discovered lire on the Thayer lot just above the old cream ery the Buckland side Mr "Woodward immediately notified Kendrick who lives near the lot by telephone Mr Ken drick hurried to the spot and assisted by others who were at work not far distant on the tunnel for dam No 4 extinguished the fire The fire had secured a good start and was making rapid progress toward a barn used as a storehouse The land is the propertv of George Merrill who feels verv grateful toward Mr "Woodward for his' prompt work in notifying those near at hand for no one can tell how much more would have burned before it might have been discovered by someone else It is supposed to have been started by some one carelessly dropping a match or cigaret uneral of Airs Hulilnh ellows The funeral of Huldah Submit ellows widow of Robert ellows was held at the home of her daughter Mrs rank 1 "Wood at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon The service was conducted by Rev Brett pastor of the Methodist church assisted by Rev Snmuel Walker The service was simple and brief The burial was in Arms cemetery and the bearers were the four grandsons The ladies' aid society of the Baptist church will hold a reception to the babiesf the church and parish in their vestry Wednesday evening from 5 to 6 At 5 o'clock a supper will be served to be fol lowed by a short entertainment given by the children Mr and Mrs Turner of Blackinton visited friends in town several days last week II Chandler was at Colrain riday evening to assist tho new orchestra which js Vicing organized by Mrs Priscilla Alden Pike Mr Chandler sang two selections and played the rench horn with the or chestra Albert Adler for the past year employed in Bosworth's photographic studio has taken the position of photographer for the Power construction company Mr and Mrs Henry Hocomb have de cided to move from the Holloway farm in Sbirkshire where they have lived for the past year and will occupy the west tenement in the house owned by Richard Schack on Cross street Ralph Heyward of Manchester spent Sunday with friends in town body of young daughter of Mr and Mrs A Johnson of Amherst was brought to Shelburne alls Saturday even ing by AV A Johnson Son The burial service was held yesterday at Arms ceme tery Work is progressing rapidly on the lay ing of the eight inch water main on Main etrect for the new water system The pipe has already been laid in a time from the corner of Bridge and Main Ktreets to a point opposite the Congrega tional church a distance of about a quar ter of a mile LETDEN The church harvest supper of Thursday night was a gratifying success Over 75 sat down to supper The entertainment included a piano soln by Mrs Hooper song Rose Dufour recitation AVinnifred oster piano solo Miss "Whriier and a lecture inmor and pathos of a minister's life" by Rev AV Cassidy Dr Robert Severance of Staten Island was called home this week on ac count of the serious illness' of his mother Mrs Severance The schools wore all closed riday on account of a convention for ranklin comity teachers held in Greenfield Mrs A Hynes of Carbondale Ill and AA' Nims of Montague are guests of Budington Mr and Mrs AV Black held a bee" rida evening Chicken pie supper was served NA II DSTOX Julia Slate 75 wife of Alanson Hale died yesterday morning at her home In Bernardstom Airs Hale was a native of Bernardston and had spent her entire life in the town She is survived by her husband one daughter Mrs Walter Nichols of Greenfield and one son Her bert Hale of Colrain The funeral will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 at her home BUCKLAND Miss Etta Sherwin of Bayfield AVIs is guest of Mrs Sarah Maynard Mrs Avery who wont to Sioux alls last August for a visit returner! home last week rank Kcach has bought the AVoodard house at the Center A A Smith of Whitingham has bought of diaries Clark his farm on the Ashtield road Mr Smith expects to take possession about the middle of November Hearken ye cries the Syracuse (N Y) Herald This country has '7f70 postmistresses One out of every 20 green houses run by a woman Two women have licenses to run taxicabs in Chicago Six towns in Colorado have women treas urers and one xvoman in that state owns a copper mine RANKLIN COUNTY GREENIELD Postal Card Shower in Honor of S2d Birthday Mrs Susan Embury who is at pres ent making her home with her son Charles Embury of Boston was remembered yes terday by friends and members of Syl van Rebekah lodge with a fKistal card shower The occasion was her 82d birth day During her life in Greenfield up to two years ago when she went to Boston Mrs Embury was a woman of unusual activity ami wide interests She was an officer of Svlvau lotice for during which time she seldom meeting The affairs of the Christian tempcram union and She was many yea missed the Meth odist church also benefited by her inter est and attention At the present time she is in feeble health and her friends in Greenfield hoped to encourage her by the remembrance of her birthday Siu in ias luNtiiution in Bnilding The ranklin savings institution will open up for business this morning in its new building The books and property of Hie bank were moved into the new building on Saturday The first oppor tunity which the public has had to exam ine the interior of the bank will come this morning and will undoubtedly be taken advantage of by many Junior Vice Division Commander La ward Emerson of Springfield assisted by Emery assistant division or ganizer of Easthanipton and Charles II Moran Jr chief district aid of Hol yoke organized a camp of Sons of Vet erans AVednesday night The camp will be known as the Col AV Hopkins camp The following officers were elected: Commander George Moore senior vice commander II Martin junior vice commander AA' Brown camp coun cil II Brown red arley and George Toxvn'send The camp has a charter list of 3(1 names among which are a number of the represntative business men of the town The camp xvill be mustered in the 27th by Assistant Division Organizer Emery of Easthampton and suite The appointive offices will be announced later After the meeting refreshments were served by the local post lans are under way for an elaborate fair to be held under the auspices and for the benefit of the Knights of Colum bus The fair will be held on the 13th 14th and 15th of November in AVashing ton hall and will be given the name of Posters bearing the single word and the dates have been distributed in the windows about the street and are exciting curiosity among those who are not aware of their significance It is hoped by the committee in charge of the fair that Mayor itzgerald of Boston will attend the fair on the 15th as he has al ready promised to do if other engagements will permit The committee in charge of the affair are James chairman Thomas Lawler John Brady Dunnigan and William Gorey AVilford Sherman of Montague City was found guilty of being a stubborn child bv reason of disorderly conduct on a street car by the district court Saturday morn in and was sentenced to the state reform school at Shirley Sherman had been be fore the court before on the complaint or his mother and had promised to behave himself but his recent conduct has not leen such as to indicate that he was not to do well unless piaceu uuuvl vuo likely The class in the study of Dutch art under Miss Washburn will start to day at the girls' chib The teachers' chib have engaged Judge Ben Lindsey of Denver Col to deliver a lecture on November 13 The lecture will be given in the high school hall A noonday luncheon of the ooara ot trade will be held at 123Q to day at the Devens hotel Arcana chapter osder of the Eastern Star will be inspected this evening by Mrs Iva Brown grand matron and Mfas Edith Avery grand marshal of the grand chapter Beside the inspection there will be an exemplication of the work The young club will hold an open house to morrow it being the opening of the season at the club An invitation is extended to the people of the town to in spect the building and the club quar ters during the day TURNERS ALLS TT BLESSING THE CHIMES AT ST CATHOLIC CHURCH Ceremony Performed by Mgr John Madden Vicar General of the Diocese The blessing of the new chime bells re cently bought for St Ann's church took place yesterday with impressive cere monies' Rt Rev Mgr John Madden of Holyoke vicar general of the diocese and pastor of St Jerome's church of Holyoke the largest English speaking parish in Massachusetts was in charge of the cere monies owing to the absence of Bishop Thomas Beaven of Springfield who was unable to be present A solemn high mass was celebrated at 10 clock in the morning by Mgr Madden assisted by the various Roman Catholic clergymen of the county and the different societies connect ed xvi'th the parish The choir under the direction of hilip Allard choristei and Mrs A Daigneault organist rendered Bat tarn's mass in fiat There was a violin accompaniment In the afternoon the dif ferent rench Catholic societies the union of St John the Baptist the Catholic order b'orcstcTs and the St John tho Baptist societies met at their respective halls and marched to the church in a body where they were joined by the different wom societies connected with the church and they went inside in a body and oc cupied seats that hadbeen especially re served for them The sponsors for the chimes who num bered 75 occupied seats at the front of the church vespers in flat were rendered by the choir with violin accompaniment A sermon explaining the nature of bells and reason why: bells are rung in church towers and history of their origin was given by Rev Rodier rector of St Raphael's church of AVill iamstown The address of welcome on behalf of St Ann's parish was given by Rev Casev pastor of the church who thanked the various societies for their assistance in raising the fund and all of the people in general He also thanked the visiting clergymen for their assistance in the ceremonies and hoped the present parishioners would live to enjoy the ring ing of the chimes for many years to come and that their posterity could point to the helis in later years as a proof of the ene ositv of the good people of St Ann's and their friends of all nationalities in town The ceremony of blessing the bells then took place Mgr Madden being assisted by the various clergymen after which there was nil address to the monsignor by the children of the parochial school under the direction of the Sister of St The children also rendered a choral selec tion The benediction of the blessed sac rament then took place for which the choir rendered special music The exor cises closed by the ringing of "the eliimesp first by the sponsors and then by the whole congregation as they filed: out of the church each one having the privilege of ringing the bolls The people of the par ish arc especially proud of the fact that they are the first in the county tohavc a chime of bells and they have been en thusiastic in their help for raising funds to purchase them The sponsors for the bells were the fol Mr and Mrs Belloniare Mr and Mrs Godin Mr and Mrs Martineau Mr mid Mrs Air and Mrs AVilliam Heaumier Dr nd Mrs Charron Mr and Mrs A Daigneau It Mr mid Miss Daigneault Mr amt Airs 1 Descoteaux Mr and Mrs 'J Equi Mr and Mrs Jacobus Mr and Mrs Lachappelle Mr and Mrs Joseph Lapalme THE SPRING IELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: MONDAY OCTUBEK 16 1911 Air and Mrs Ph Lambert Mr and Mis A Martel Mr and Mrs A Martineau Mr and Airs I Paul Air and Mrs 1 Perinet Mr Airs Girard Mr and Mrs Klvest Mi ami Airs Air and Aliss Gir ard Air and Mrs A Beaubien Mr and Airs1 Lapointe Mr and Airs Gullbcault Air and Airs I Beaumier Air and Airs bur premnit Mrnnd Mrs llirest Mr ami Al'S II Beaumier Mr nd Mrs Ducharme Air and Airs Des Hosiers Air and Mrs Morinville Mr nnd Airs laframbolse Mr mid Airs Codaret Air and Airs Hame lin Air ami Airs If Brousseau Air and Airs William arren Judge and Airs Leary Air and Airs Cassidy Air and Airs Met ar tliv All and Airs Thomas Dr and Airs AleGillieuddy Mr mid Mrs 1 Cote Mr and Mrs Dube Air and Airs I Courte manche Air and Airs A Dube Air mid Airs George Air mid Airs A Nadeau Air and Airs 1 Cadrnn The first 20 families of the above named are givers of $20 each and the follow ing societies gave offerings or entertain ments Senior' league of the Sacred Heart society St John Baptist i'nion St John Baptists Catholic oresters jun ior league Of the Sacred Heart Ladies of St Anu children of Mary St Cecilia's so ciety promoters of the Sacred Heart chil dren of the Immaculate Conception em ployes of the Montague rod shop dramatic society of the young men The largest bell weighs 1S30 pounds and is named Vox Dei It bears the following inscrip tion Daniel Beaven bishop of Springfield and Mr arren Onr benefactor These three bells were bought Li v' Bf'' MGR JOHN MADDEN by the good parishioners of St Anu's par ish and Avere blessed on October 15 1911 by Kt Rev Algr Aladden G' li as delegate of the Rt Rev Bishop Dr Rodier rector of St Will iamstown preached the sermon The com mittee who rajsed funds for the bells are: Rev Casey Elie Bellemare Godin and Martineau" The other two bells xveigh 970 and 570 pounds and bear the names of the'men's and women's societies of the parish to getber xyith their respective presidents The name of the second bell is Heart of Jesus John Baptist Ami in honor of all the men's societies and the smallest bell is called Ann Alary Cecilia in honor of all the women's societies St church was built 27 years ago by the pastor Rev Edmond Perrault now of Worcester Previous to building the church the society had a place of worship in the basem*nt of Clapp's block on the avenue Air Perrault was succeeded aft er a few years by Rev 'Allard xvho built the parochial school Id years ago Rev Air Allard served for" 14 years and vvas succeeded four years ago by Rev Ed mond Gratop who served two years and was succeeded at the cud of that time by the present pastor Rev Casey xv ho came from Worcester xvbere he had been assistant to both Rev Air Allard and Rex Mr Graton nt" St church The church is now practically free from debt and much of its success has been due to the generosity of Bernard arren now of Philadelphia xvho formerly lived nt Alontagne City and xvas always a liberal contributor arid also to the good financial management of all of its pastors Since the coining of Rev Air Casey the church school and parochial residences have been given a thorough overhauling and general renovating Rev Air Casey has greatly endeared himself to the people of the parish and the townspeople 'in gen eral since coming and is very popular xvith all classes He is an indefatigable work er and his enthusiasm has been communi cated to his parishioners who cheerfully render him all the assistance in their poxv er Several all of a high class have been run off under his direc tion The young people are especially fond of him and with the older ones make a fine and enthusiastic parish' Algr Aladden who officiated at cere monfes was formerly a curate at St church under the late Rev Quaille Aliss Helen Collins daughter of Airs Catherine Collins of the American house was given a surprise party riday night by a parly of young friends to the num ber of 75 who came in unexpectedly In the course of the evening she was present ed with a beautiful gold bracelet There were vocal and instrumental selections and games and a lunch was served to the guests by Airs Collins I Miss Catherine Murphy daughter of Air and Airs Daniel Alurphy who was oper ated upon at the arren hospital for ap pendicitis has returned to her home rrfuch improved in health The ladies' industrial society of the Baptist church will meet xvith Mrs Hen ry Holton of ourth street Wednesday afternoon Ex State President John Rogers of the AJassachusets Hibernians has been the guest of County President John JI O'Connell riday night in company with Air O'Connell he visited division 4 of South Deerfield and addressed those present at the meeting Aliss Ruby I Haskins daughter of Air and Airs Eugene Haskins and Harry Escott son of Airs James Pooley were married Saturday at Ibeir home on the avenue in Cote's block by Rev Rob inson of the Baptist church TIica were unattended The groom is employed in the Rogers Lunt Bowion factory at Green field and the bride has lived at home with her parents They are keeping house in their tenement in Cote's block Aliss Christine Schnhle night operator at the telephone exchange is visiting rel atives and friends at Highlands Doris Baseom rural free delivery car rier between Turners alls anil Gill xvill start to day on his two vacation Air Baseom plans to move from his farm nt actory Hollow into one of the cottages he owns at Riverside William Hoelle the 1 1 yea rs old son of Mr and Airs Christian Hoelle who has been ill with dipththeria at his home on Third street has recovered and the quar antine has been taken off the premises The next opportunity for registration xvill come 'AVednesday night when the registrars of voters will be in session at the selectmen's rooms in the Hotel Grand Trunk from 730 until 9 o'clock OliAAUE ters will be held with Athenian temple in Knights of Pythias hall to morrow after noon at 3 o'clock A banquet will be served and there will be an inspection at 730 Alillers River grange held a young peo dance Satti rthiv' evening with music by the Ideal oreheslra Ice cream were served and a social'time took place The first number in dhe Orange lecture course will take place this evening in the t'oiigregniional church xvhen the Boston octet will give a concert The annual concert and ball of Athenian lodge Knights of Pythias xvill take placethe last riday in ebruary The com inittee is coiniMiscd of rank Smith1'liarlcs Severance and Alex Witty GILL Air and Airs Dorilla Paul of Washing ton who were married at Nyack October 1 have been spending a xveek with Air Paul' parents Air and Airs Peter The following notice ap peared in a paper recently: pretty and quiet wedding was solemnized on Sunday October 1 at high noon at the home of Mrs Carolyn Morris Nyack when her daughter Aliss Edna Morris was united in marriage to Dorilla Paul by Rev ranklin Babbitt rector of Grace Episcopal church The bride was beautifully attired in a white embroidered robe and carried a shower boquet of white roses and lilies of the valley She was attended by her sister' Alias Carolyn Alorris of Aloiint Verjion Arthur Strahan of Washington acted ns best man (inly immediate relatives xvere present Air and Airs Paul left on an early train for an extended trip through the eastern states After their return they will reside at Washington Airs Henry (J Severance has been spending a week with relatives in Bos ton There was no public observance of Columbus day in Gill BERKSHIRE COUNTY ADAMS A'ew Baililiiug fnr Greyloclc Beat Another large building is'to be added at Greylock Rest sanitarium on East street It will be erected on the northwest corner and will conform to he other buildings The sanitarium Ims been a very successful institution from its start Thspast sum mer there were not accommodation enough for all who applied: Alex indlay the great golfer who has charge of sporting goods department in I'hiludelphih is the guest of Plunkett He played Saturday on the golf links it orest park with Air Plunkett and the latter's two sons Air indlay laid out the orest park course AA" Tower republican candidate for senator from the third Berkshire district has been meeting the voters of Adams The latter town is strong for John Alack democratic candidate George Sayles Gr md army post have issued many invitations for the annual inspection to be held in Grand army hall to night Members of North Adams and Pittsfield posts will be present A social will follow the inspection The women of St' Alark's church will serve their annual New England dinner in the parish house Wednesday There has been a large demand for the tickets and it is expected there ill be a record attendance at the dinner at noon and also at the harvest supper to be served at o'clock The association of the Troy district Alethodist conference will hold their fall meeting at Trinity Alethodist church on AVednestJay Howard Ken nedy of Troy N' will preside and Bishop John Hamilton who wilt lie present will in the Alethodist church in North Admns in the evening The rkshird sfrerit rail way has a force of'inen at work1 dn Columbia street put ting the track in Air and Airs Bpyer of Kansas City AIo are the guests' of relatives in Adams Airs Boyer is a native of Adams but left 20 years ago She says she notes with pride the steady progress of Adams STOCKBRIDGE Lenox Hotel Clerk Injured Alfred AV Jdwry night clerk at Hotel Aspinwall Ienox 'Nvas riding his bicycle down the hill on Pine street in Stockbridge yesterday morning at 9 when the wheel struck a stone throwing the rider Air Lowry was stunned and Dr Alillcr was called xvho advised that he be taken to the hospital The injured man was carried to the House of Alercy in Pittsfield in automobile Air and Airs A Kimball left Satur day for a visit in Hartford and Boston A number of business men and others in Stockbridge invested several hundred dollars in the Columbian Sterling company publishers of the Columbian and Hampton ulagazines xvhieh has just gone into the hands of a receiver A 0 Van Rensselaer is to spend the coming winter in Lanesboro instead of re maining in Stockbridge as usual William Lawless is visiting his brother Edward in New York A qiiarter mile running track has been surveyed on Recreation park by Survevor Charles A Bidwell The work of building it will be completed this fall Dr Charles AIcBurney finds it neecssary to employ a watchman on his estate to protect it from fern pickers and others who steal fruit flowers and ferns and trap and kill game and song birds in season and out of season He has given the watchman a rather free rein in regard to the moans which he may choose to em ploy to put down this invasion Louis Primack has gone to the House of Alercy for treatment His face is badly swollen from blood poisoning John Swann the seven yea rs old son of Airs John Butler Swann was taken to New York yesterday accompanied by his nurse for treatment at St Ihke's hospi tal Lieut Charles of Norfolk is visiting his uncle Daniel enn south egremont "oster Raught xvife and three chil dren have come from Chatham NAY for his health They have taken apartments on the second floor of the house xvhere the Judds live All but three or four of the summer peo ple have left the village The question of public water is still be ing agitated a meeting of all interested is planned for next week Aliss Clara Tracy of Bancroft is visit inc at the parsonage Airs ClanCy re turned 'home from New York on riday The recent heavy wind blew off many apples yet there is much good fruit in Uns region SPECIAL NOTICES Keep Your Skiu Clear No other emollients do so much for pimples' blackheads red rough and oily skin itching scaly scalps dry thin and falling hair chapped hands and shapeless nails as onrral of Denison Chnae The funeral of Denison Chase was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his late home on South Main street There was a largo attendance of townspeople and friends from different parts of the Rix' A Card'ill of the Tjid versalist church in which Air Denison was one of the largest contributors and active workers for many years officiated There were man' floral pieces Burial was in Central cemetery The district convention of Pythian Sis Cuticura Soap And Cuticura Ointment They do even more for skin tortured dis figured infants and children Although Cuttetifa Soap and Ointment are sold by' drtiggists and dealers everywhere a liberal sample of each with 32 page booklet on the care and treatment of skin and hair will lie sent post free on application to Dept 6N BERKSHIRE COUNTY PITTSIELD Aldermen to Meet To nlglit There will be a regular meeting of the board of aidermen this evening xvhen hearings will be held on the petition of the Pittsfield electric company for a num ber of pole locations The committee on ordinances will report recommending the adoption of ordinances providing for in spection of fire stops in buildings giving the chief of the fire department authority to eausd the arrest of property owners who refuse to remove combustible material from their premises and to provide for a committee on public property The report giving the petitions for an ordinance to regulate hawkers and peddlers of fruit and vegetables leave to withdraw will lie presented The highway committee will present a report recommending that Har vard and Livingston streets and Stratford avenue bo laid out as city ways Alost of the other matters to be acted'upon will be of routine character Ask Trial in insurance Case Mark Couch of North Adams one of the lawyers for the defendants in the case of Lee against the Prudential life insur ance company has filed a motion for a new trial on two grounds The first is that the verdict is against the law and the evidence and the second is because the attorney was permitted to and did in summing up before the jury argue and comment on many things as tacts which 'were not in evidence to the prejudice of he defendant The case was tried last week and the jury after being out a few minutes returned a verdict of $1885 for the plaintiff this being the face of a life insurance policy and interest It is the second jury that has returned a similar verdict The case has been pend ing a number of years and has been be fore the supreme court twice Ant if ubcrculosls Society in Need of Kelp The Pittsfield antituberculosis associa tion which is doing a good xvork in caring for a number of persons affiieted with tu berculosis is in need of additional funds to continue the work and has sent out a circular letter of appeal Each member of the association is urged to secure at least five new members at $1 a year thus spreading interest in the work Names and addresses of new members with the mem bership fee should be sent to Dr Henry Colt acting treasurer Berkshire life build ing or to Edson Bonney Pittsfield nation al bank The meeting which the Sarsfield society planned to hold in Eagles' hall yesterday afternoon was postponed on account of Congressman James A Hamilton of New Jersey who was to be the speaker of the meeting being unable to be present AA'ord was received yesterday that he bad been taken ill and would be unable to reach Pittsfield An effort xvill be made to se cure him for a later date Congressman Hamilton was among those who xvere op posed to the arbitration treaty between the United States and Great Britain The Sarsfield society throughout the country used its influence to bring about the defeat of this bill The favorable weather of yesterday morning brought out a large number of automobile tourists from all of the nearby states and the streets were filled xvith ma chines during the early part of the after noon During the lunch hour at the on dell hotel there was a line of automobiles that extended from the corner of South and streets to the Campbell property on South street The garages xvere filled and there were many machines on the grounds at the Alaplexvood hotel Hie democratic city committee has leased rooms on the third fluor of the Ryan block on North street where it will open headquarters to day The rooms will be open every afternoon and evening from now until election day Kirk Brown with his repertoire com pany opens a week's engagement at the Cohmial theater this evening rank Dutton of 81 Housatonic street lias announced the engagement of his daughter Miss lorence Colt Dutton to Harry Da Brigham No date for the wooding has been set 1 he series of baseball games which Al fred errv arranged between the Jersey City team and a picked team composed of local and league players xvas not a financial success On Thursday txvo games were played and the attendance xvas less that 1 0(1(1 riday a few xvent to AA ahconah park so no game xvas played Saturday as only a small crowd turned out A meeting for Italians was held at the Young Alon's Christian association yester day afternoon at 3 o'clock xvhen an ad dress xvas given by Senor Paolo A'bbiate on Columbus A musical program was carried out in connection with theTneet ing Laxvyer filed in the superior court Saturday a petition to have the in junction granted by the court to prevent the sale of the Alorewood lake ice company property at auction dissolved on the ground that the reasons given in the equity petition xvere not in accordance xvith the facts It is probable that Judge McLaugh lin xvill arrange to give a bearing to the parties in interest xvithin a few clays There xvill be a meeting of the committee on elections and returns of the board of Berkshire Continued on Page 141 SPECIAL NOTICES Crawford Plummer Co 4 0 2 A I STREET and Outer Apparel $1 875 $25 Among the recent arrivals are beautiful Suits of chiffon broad cloths rough diagonals tweeds novelties mannish mixtures and serges There is a great variety of styles plain tailored and fancy trimmed effects Garments that attain a degree of quality not found in the average suits priced at $j1875 and $2500 Norfolk Suits $1475 Made of tan and gray mixtures Also navy diagonals Coats lined with guaranteed satin Skirts front and back Chiffon Waists $295 In coronation green and navy Taffeta and Messaline Waists which come in high neck long or short sleeves Tailored or fancy styles in a great variety to select from Smart Dresses $975 Special attention is directed to our showing of Messaline Taffeta Serge and Panama Dresses They come in all the light and dark shades a great variety of styles for street afternoon and evening wear Wonderful Saving Opportunities In all and Winter Coats We are now displaying another shipment of our great Coat purchase They are the balance qf an enormous purchase made by the four Crawford Plummer stores The collection of models will meet every requirement i These are but an instance of what' we have to offer you Mixture Coats $1000 They come in tans and grays with shawl pointed and round sailor collars in four distinct styles In both and sizes A very complete line at the $10 00 Stylish Coats $1375 There is a tremendous range in our coats at the above price Materials are rough mixtures heavy serge coats lined throughout and the fashionable polo coats in all colors The best coat values you ever saw at $1375 Broadcloth Polo and Motor Coats $1675 You will recognize these as ideal coats for cold weather wear Chiffon Broadcloths lined throughout with guaranteed satins reversible coats with long shawl collars side button effects and belted coats double faced polo cloth coats in browns tans grays blues etc In a broad range of styles and size assortments SPECIAL NOTICES DETECTIVES Murphy Walker GENERAL INSURANCE 555 and 556 uller Bldg The Man who neglects his insur ance may HAVE MONEY TO BURN The wise man insures whether he has money or not Better see us regarding your insurance XEXV' ENGLAND DETECTIVE AND SE AN CHET SERVICE BUREAU POSITIVE EVIDENCE SECURED WHERE IT 1A 1STS ROOM 427 31 ELM ST TEL 40JS JOHN HICKEY PRINCIPAL REAL ESTATE Real Estate Agentt WANTED ULVJ unuuKi'tuiiop Up facilities arm propel nnlck results CAMPBELL KEENEY CO Your property for Sale or Exchange ninba I )L ilOtf'I and nud GSS MAIN ST HARTORD: CT The a A BALL co BUILDING AND REAL ESTATE J46V4 State Sr Springfield Mass Houses Built null Sola on Easy Terms SETH II BARLOW Rear Estate and Eire Ins Caring for property a specialty Cor Spring and Worthington streets REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE MORTGAGES EdwJ URP ESTAB 1892 H'McKNTGIlT ItenL Estate Office Rooms 1 and 2 13714 State street Tel rn granger 432 main street 1 Real Estate Loan and Business Agency Property cared for and rented Reni Estate and Insnr anee Justice of the Peace and Notary Public liooin 4 332 Main st WM II Real Estate and Eire Insuiance Houses built nnl land for stte 25 Elm street HARRY WEBSTER care of rea" estil Renting of houses and collecting rents a specialty Real Estate sold on commission Loans negotiated Office 23 Elin st REAL ESTATE In Springfield RIVERVIEW STREET 10 room cottage electricity gas furnace heat two fireplaces parquetry floors ine condition Lot (50x133 $700000 OREST PARK ACREAGE Ten acres adjoining orest Park on pro posed extension $100000 per acre MULBERRY STREET Lot 210x115 11 rooms reception hall 2 baths 2 lavatories Nicely finished and a fine house Price right 87 Mulberry st Lot 75x230 12 rootn house Make us an offer G0LDTHWA1TE HUBBARD 707 and 70S MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING Tel 3800 3S01 WESTORD AVENUE Two family residence 14 large rooms mod ern open fireplaces new and up to date The supply on this street is limited Owner away says sell at once ONLY $4009 for a modern 2 famiiy house good street There Is a reason for this low price Own business requires him to locate In an other citv Time is precious on this GEO: LAMPSON 310 Main St Whitney Bldg Tel 4348 LOANS on residential and business prop erty personal security building lots Box 881 City 2 7 5 0 BARGAIN OR A WISE MAN 214 story 8 room all modern house in elegant repair Lot 40x248 feet: 4th house from car line large beu house and yard blackberry bushes etc $250 down buys if A 275 Main st A7IEL exchange real estate in the vicinity Of Boston valued at $W00 paying over for property in the vicinity nf Spring field Impilre of owner If THOMSON Mittineague Mass 2 fanuly house or farm in ex it change for good variety corner store Address IT Republican Office In Other Places ARM OR SALE In South Hadley Center the college town Good nine room house good barn eighty two acres of land seven cows three horses farm ing tools splendid fruit orchard thirty acres consist of pasture land fifty two acres' tillage land '1'his place is offered for $5000 JOHN WOODS CO REALTY TRUST COMPANY HOLYOKE MASS INE OLD ESTATE OR SALE THE ORMER XV ATSON ESTATE 43 ACRES situated almost in the center of the beautiful old city of Northampton Mass It nas been a residence estate lor '0 years Lo cation superb foi view high healthful ami largely covered with a most beautiful grove of oaks ehestnuis and other trees: three trolly lines pass this property sewers wa ter gas and electric lights A magnificent property In the very heart of the unrivaled Connecticut Vnlley Write REDERICK JAGER Northampton Mas REAL ESTATE In Other Plncca APPLE LAND An Exceptionally ine Tract Near the Center of the State OR SALE BY BROWN Amherst Mass Country Property GOULD CO 351 MAIN ST SPRINGIELD MAS3 Have TWO fine propositions in the Country Hotel line SPECIAL NOTICES Going Out of Town? or Vacation or Business THEe REPUBLICAN OLLOW YOU All the News of Home Dally 1(1 cents a week TO cent a moat li Daily nrid Sunday 20 cents a week S3 cents a month Address ma be changed as often ns desired A city subscriber may have the paper changed to an out of town nil dress but the order must be' given tor a definite period.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.